"Mr. Xu, how much is the technology transfer fee for this J-7S?"

In the room, Colonel Ka asked directly. I thought he was an old man, but he turned out to be a ruthless person.

The most important thing is that the price is cheap, and the cost of use is relatively low. It can also train pilots, and it can be matched with more advanced aircraft during combat. This is a great deal.

"Mr. Colonel, the patent of this aircraft is packed away for one billion US dollars. We will send technicians to teach you, of course, you have to pay for the technicians' wages. At the same time, our price for the production line is not high. In order to express our friendship, we can even give you the engine production line. You only need to import raw materials from China. The performance of this engine is still very good. Even if you develop your own domestic fighter jets in the future, you can use this engine..."

As soon as Xu Huasheng said this, Colonel Ka laughed happily.

Aircraft engines are high-end manufacturing.

Although the raw materials need to be imported from China, it is also a huge gain to learn how to process them.

The most important thing is to manufacture the engine by yourself, so as to avoid being strangled. Even if the relationship with China is not good in the future, we can still produce engines by ourselves. It is nothing more than importing more raw materials in the early stage.

In fact, Colonel Ka also wants to produce radars and some electronic equipment, but China will obviously not give them these things. After all, radars and electronic equipment are high-end products.

Although the radar on the J-7S is still a machine-scanning radar, the detection distance is very far. For China, this radar is obsolete, but in the global market, this radar is definitely excellent.

Although the J-7S is a second-generation fighter, if the J-7S is equipped with China's fourth-generation air-to-air missiles, it can really play the pig and eat the tiger to kill the third-generation fighters such as F15 or Mirage 2000.

In modern air combat, the performance of air-to-air missiles is becoming more and more important. Whoever has a powerful air-to-air missile will have a higher chance of winning. After all, the future will be beyond-visual-range strikes. The two aircraft will not meet at all, and they will start launching air-to-air missiles from dozens or even hundreds of kilometers apart.

In this combat mode, the maneuverability of the aircraft is no longer so important. Unless you are a stealth fighter, the enemy can't find you, but you can find him, which can form a real technological generation gap.

Colonel Ka returned with a full load and left with satisfaction.

And this time, Colonel Ka took away a lot of things.

There are also economic and military things. With these cooperation, Libya's comprehensive strength will be further improved.

At the same time, the relationship between Libya and China has entered a strategic partnership, and the bond between each other is deeper.

Colonel Ka's visit to China has attracted great attention, but just a few days after Colonel Ka's visit to China, all the focus of the world has once again focused on Rwanda, the crying country.

On July 9, 1994, the Patriotic Front led by Kagame and the Ugandan troops took over the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, and completely defeated the Hutu government.

A large number of people who participated in the genocide fled Rwanda. With the Patriotic Front taking over Kigali, the genocide in Rwanda officially stopped.

In the suburbs of Kigali, the industrial park invested by Huaxia, Kagame came.

In the past few months, Kagame has seen too many tragedies in his country. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as corpses everywhere.

At the same time, Kagame also saw the hypocrisy of this world. European and American countries that often fight human rights have not shown any kindness at all.

Not only are they not kind, they are also supporting the executioners of the Hutu people behind the scenes. Although they have taken Kigali now, many leaders who participated in the genocide have left.

In the past few months, the United Nations has been useless. It has not stopped the genocide at all. It only symbolically sent peacekeeping forces.

And France, which has a great influence in Rwanda, has only symbolically established a relief point.

Kagame has hatred for France in his heart, because he learned from intelligence that France played a very disgraceful role in this genocide.

But Kagame knows that he can't do anything about these things now.

"General, we're here..."

The car stopped at the gate of Huaxia Industrial Park, and Kagame's special assistant Acan whispered.


Kagame and his party got off the car and walked directly to the industrial park.

Seeing that it was Kagame, the security personnel of the industrial park let them pass directly.

Kagame and his party walked into the park. When they entered the park, Kagame saw endless tents, which were neatly arranged and looked spectacular.

Many people live here, and some children are running happily on this road with smiles on their faces."Hello, Mr. Kagame. I am the person in charge of the park. My name is Zhou Bing..."

Zhou Bing is a middle-aged man in his forties and is now the person in charge of this park.

"Mr. Zhou, on behalf of all of us in Rwanda, I would like to express my gratitude to you and China..."

Seeing Zhou Bing, Kagame said immediately.

Yes, thank you, really thank you. Because in this massacre, China has truly fulfilled its responsibility as a great power.

The Red Cross of China has saved many people. More than 50,000 refugees have been rescued at the rescue point of the Red Cross of China.

This is just the Red Cross of China. In this industrial park, the Huaxia Industrial Park has withstood the pressure and accepted more than 250,000 refugees.

In other words, this time China rescued about 300,000 Tutsis. If China had not taken action, these people would most likely have been massacred.

Three hundred thousand lives, this is the real responsibility of a great power. And in the past three months, China's planes have been constantly coming to airdrop supplies.

Kagame saw all of this, and all Rwandans remembered it.

Especially for those who were rescued, they knew how they lived in the park. Except that they could not leave the park at will, they could eat enough here, and there were Chinese people to treat them. They did not have to worry about being killed, and they even lived better than before.

Some people often did not have enough to eat before, but since entering the industrial park, they had no problem eating enough. Chinese people kept bringing in food.

Kagame's arrival made everyone in the park very happy. Kagame was their hero. Now that Kagame had defeated the Hutu government, they finally did not have to be afraid anymore.

After inspecting the entire industrial park, Kagame's expression became more solemn.

Now that the Hutu government has been defeated, the key point is how Rwanda should move forward. How to stabilize Rwanda, how to develop Rwanda, and how to prevent such tragedies from happening again in Rwanda are the key points that Kagame should consider.

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