"Achan, what do you think is the way forward for us?"

After returning to his residence, Kagame looked at Achan and couldn't help asking.

Achan is Kagame's special assistant, in fact, he is also a military advisor. Achan came into contact with Kagame three years ago. In the past three years, Achan has given Kagame a lot of ideas and also helped Kagame to get a lot of resources.

Achan is also a Rwandan and used to be a businessman.

"General, I think we need a dictator in Rwanda."

Achan looked at Kagame, which made Kagame stunned.

"General, we in Rwanda cannot stand the turmoil. We must have an iron-fisted leader and a strong government to make Rwanda truly peaceful. The empty democratic system of Europe and the United States does not suit us. The multi-party system is inherently divisive. Western countries adopt the multi-party system because the big capital and big chaebols behind them are the real control of their countries, and we in Rwanda do not have these capital chaebols. If we adopt the multi-party system, there will be differences, just like the Westerners divide us Rwandans into Hutu and Tutsi. If there is no such artificial separation, this genocide will not happen."

Achan's words made Kagame take a deep breath.

"Do you mean we should learn from the Soviet Union?"

Kagame asked again, and Achan nodded.

"General, look at the small countries in the world now. All the countries where dictators are in power are doing very well. Libya, Uganda, Iran, Iraq, etc., at least their countries are peaceful. On the contrary, countries with a multi-party system have various situations. This shows that the multi-party system is not suitable for us. General, you are only 37 years old this year. Rwanda should be led by you and managed by the Patriotic Front. Only in this way can Rwanda be truly stable. Only when it is truly stable can we seek development and make Rwanda stronger..."

Acan's words made Kagame silent.


Kagame seemed to have something to say, just looking at Acan in embarrassment.

"General, this is all for the good of the Rwandan people. Some things are inconvenient for you, leave it to me..."

Acan's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Kagame looked at Acan and finally nodded.

"Don't make a big fuss, pay attention to the impact..."

Kagame seemed to say these words with all his strength. There are gains and losses. In recent years, Achan has had a great influence on Kagame. His appearance has made Kagame more decisive and more iron-blooded.

When the night comes, the whole of Rwanda is shrouded in darkness.

The power system in Kigali fails, which plunges the entire capital into darkness.

In a building in Kigali, Baste Bizimungu is resting. Baste Bizimungu has great power in the Patriotic Front. Although Kagame is the party leader, Baste Bizimungu obviously has greater influence.

At the same time, Baste Bizimungu also has a considerable reputation in Rwanda. Now that the Patriotic Front has defeated the Hutu government, it is discussing the establishment of an interim government.

And there is a great call for Baste Bizimungu to be elected president. If everything goes well, Baste Bizimungu will become the next president of Rwanda.

In the dark night, several shadows slowly approached Baste's small building, and the soldiers on duty outside the small building did not notice the approaching shadows.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

In the dark night, several specially made crossbow arrows directly hit the soldiers on duty. The poison on the crossbow arrows made these soldiers unable to shout, and their bodies just trembled a few times and fell down.

Several shadows entered the small building, and the door of Pasteur's room was slowly opened.


Buster, who was sleeping, suddenly woke up and reached out to grab the pistol under the pillow, but the next moment several crossbow arrows flew over.

Buster trembled a few times, his eyes full of unwillingness and shock.

After confirming that Buster was dead, several group photos directly took out several small bottles and poured the gasoline in them directly into the room.

A few minutes later, the whole small building was on fire.

In the next few days, a series of events occurred in Rwanda, some people were assassinated, some people had car accidents, and some people's homes caught fire.

A bloody cleansing was launched, and at the same time, the Patriotic Front also started internal reforms.

The situation in Rwanda has become strange, and many countries are also paying attention to the situation in Rwanda.

In China, in a secret base, an old man looked at the intelligence sent back from Rwanda and laughed.

"Reply 0317, the organization has known the situation, let him pay attention to his own safety,..."

The old man said directly, and the intelligence personnel immediately replied to the message.Rwanda, Achan's face was full of smiles after receiving the news. Achan is a party member, a special party member.

But Achan is really a Rwandan, and he sincerely hopes that his country will be good. Although it was the organization's task to remove Kagame, Achan knew that the organization had no ill intentions.

This time, Huaxia saved so many people in Rwanda. These 300,000 lives cannot be erased by anyone.

The international situation was in turmoil. On July 26, 1994, Rwanda, which had experienced three months of genocide, announced the establishment of a new government.

But after the announcement of this news, it shocked the world.

The new Rwandan government announced that the Republic of Rwanda was officially established, the Patriotic Front was the only ruling party in Rwanda, and Kagame, the party leader, became the first leader of the Republic of Rwanda.

Rwanda's military forces became the Rwandan People's Army. The Republic of Rwanda also announced that the racial division system would be abolished, and all Rwandans would no longer be divided by race. Whether you are Tutsi, Hutu, or other races in the future, you are all Rwandans.

The Republic of Rwanda also announced that some illegal assets would be confiscated, and all land, minerals and other resources in the country would be nationalized. The land in the country would be redistributed, and the relevant persons responsible for the genocide would be pursued and tried, all privileges of foreign institutions in Rwanda would be cancelled, and foreign troops in Rwanda would be expelled, etc.

A series of news made Western countries confused, especially France.

Damn, what's going on? In just a few months, Rwanda has become a socialist country. No one expected that a socialist country would appear in Africa a few years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This is terrible.

But at this moment, no country has the face to blame Rwanda.

Especially Western countries, their inaction in the genocide has made them lose the qualifications to be moral bitches.

Now they are not qualified to point fingers at Rwanda. At the same time, they dare not interfere in Rwanda's affairs. In three months, nearly 700,000 people were massacred in Rwanda. Now that the situation has finally stabilized, Kagame is now the god of the Rwandan people. Whoever blames Kagame at this time will be the common enemy of the Rwandan people.

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