China's big show shocked the whole world. Such a large air force formation flew to European countries, which was unprecedented.

But at this moment, the United States remained silent, European countries remained silent, and China also remained silent. They did not report this matter, but just carried it out silently.

Each has its own ideas. The United States did not report it because it could seriously hit the hegemony of the United States.

Europe did not report it because Europe felt embarrassed about it. China did not report it because China did not want to be too high-profile. Low-key wealth is the hard truth. Now is not the time for China to be high-profile.

The Iron Dome system was quickly transported from the transport plane and then urgently pulled to the deployment position for deployment.

It is also very simple to deploy. Just put the launcher directly on the open ground and turn on the radar. After discovering the flying target, the system will automatically search and track it automatically, without too much manual intervention.

However, since it is China's equipment, it naturally has China's backdoor. These devices will automatically connect to China's Thousand-Handed Guanyin system as long as they are turned on.

The Thousand-Handed Guanyin system can directly take over the operation of these weapons, and a large amount of data will be directly transmitted to China via satellite.

European countries may have guessed about this matter. But there is no way to stop it now. Compared with this kind of thing, shooting down the suicide drone is what they want now.

In Germany, when the sky was slightly bright, 20 sets of Iron Dome were all supported.

20 sets of Iron Dome formed a huge air defense belt, and Berlin paid special attention to it. At dawn, another wave of drones from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia came.

According to the radar, there are about 3,000 drones coming this time. Obviously, there may not be many survivors in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and it is impossible to fly directly over 20,000 like the first day.

The sound that made the Germans feel terrified came again, and the flying motorcycle cluster broke into Germany again. However, as soon as it entered Germany, the Iron Dome system began to show its power.

One anti-aircraft missile after another was launched, and one drone after another was blown up in the air.

What surprised the German military was that none of these missiles missed. For every missile launched, a drone was shot down. The hit rate was 100%. This performance was too awesome.

If the German military knew the reason behind it, they would definitely curse.

The reason why it hit 100% was very simple. The guidance system used by this flying motorcycle was all from China. China naturally knew the traces of these flying motorcycles. What's more, these flying motorcycles were all controlled by Guanyin.

Even if the missiles may have deviations, it doesn't matter. If the missiles can't hit the planes, the planes can hit the missiles. What's the big deal?

It's too easy to cheat by using your own missiles to hit your own planes.

One drone after another was blown up, and the Germans breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the drones turned into fireworks in the air.

Iron Dome is still awesome. As long as there are enough Iron Domes, Germany will be safe. Although a missile costs $100,000, it is also painful, but it is much cheaper than other air defense missiles. For example, the Patriot missile of the United States costs millions of dollars.

But if they knew the cost of this flying motorcycle, Germany would probably be upset. The cost of this flying motorcycle is less than 1,000 US dollars.

Using a missile worth 100,000 US dollars to attack a flying motorcycle worth 1,000 US dollars, even the United States can't bear it for a long time, it's too expensive.

One drone after another was shot down, and 20 sets of Iron Dome systems performed perfectly. In the end, only a few flying motorcycles hit the target.

It's not that the Iron Dome can't hit, but there are no missiles in the Iron Dome. There is no way, the number of Iron Domes is still too small. Although you can continue to load missiles, after you finish a wave, when you load missiles again, the motorcycle will have flown far away.

The situation encountered by other countries is similar, and the performance of the Iron Dome can be described as perfect. This situation also shocked European countries. Their military experts are eager to dismantle the Iron Dome and study it carefully at this moment.

The same is true for the United States. They now want to take away a set of Iron Dome for research. Although this thing is not very effective against high-speed targets, it can intercept low-speed targets.

This thing can even be installed on warships to intercept low-speed drones. If the US warships were equipped with these things last time in Myanmar, maybe the aircraft carrier battle group would not have been seriously injured.

But the most envious one is Israel. When Israel learned about the performance of the Iron Dome, it showed great interest and directly contacted China to express its desire to purchase the Iron Dome system.

Israel is often attacked by rocket launchers, artillery, etc.missiles and other things.

Moreover, Israel has a small territory. If it buys some Iron Domes, it can completely cover its territory.

China naturally did not refuse Israel's purchase request.

Anyway, the technical content of this thing is not very high. If China does not sell it, with the research and development capabilities of Europe and the United States, it will soon be able to successfully imitate it. The reason why the Iron Dome can perform perfectly now is entirely because the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system and drones are made by China.

The Iron Dome showed its power, and the drone tactics of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia failed. This matter was quickly reported by major European media.

Not only that, major European media also began to ask soul-searching questions.

"When will Europe be able to achieve military independence?"

"Painful lessons, European military independence is imminent, otherwise Europe will completely decline..."

"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has awakened Europe, and Europe must unite for military independence..."

"A drone has caused Europe to fall. Can Europe still rise?"

Countless media have asked soul-searching questions, and there are even more such news on the Internet. All the media propaganda is actually similar, that is, to tell the European people that Europe must be militarily independent, and the EU must be militarily independent.

The driving force behind this is naturally the European countries, especially France and Germany. This time they suffered heavy losses and were directly cut by the United States. The euro also suffered heavy losses, directly falling by half relative to the high, and there are so many short orders thrown out. This time Europe was directly bleeding and suffered heavy losses.

This time they were cheated by the United States. Although European countries swallowed their teeth, it does not mean that European countries feel comfortable.

The boss of the United States is not a human being. He caught his younger brother and cheated him to death. How can there be such a boss.

It's like being in society. You are the boss, always thinking about making money from the pocket of the younger brother. The younger brother spent money to marry a beautiful wife. The betrothal gift was paid, the banquet was held, and when entering the bridal chamber, your boss pushed the younger brother aside and lived with the bride. What kind of boss is this? Facing such a boss, the younger brother will definitely kill him once he has the opportunity.

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