The planes on the Chinese side were almost smoking. The large-scale delivery of the Iron Dome and large amounts of cash went directly into China's accounts.

The perfect performance of the Iron Dome was also widely publicized by Europe. They now need this news to boost the domestic economy. Affected by this news, the stock markets of European countries stopped falling and began to rise as soon as they opened. Not only did the stocks begin to rise, but the exchange rates of various currencies also began to rise, including the euro.

Such news made the United States very unhappy. After receiving this news, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was also helpless. However, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia could not blame China, after all, China had given them so many things. They also knew that China had its own strategic considerations.

If it weren't for China, they would have been blown up long ago. If it weren't for China, how could they have attacked Europe and shot down so many NATO fighters?

The European battlefield became confusing, and no one knew what to do next.

But at this moment, in China, Xu Huasheng was very happy. The reason was very simple, because the capital controlled by Xu Huasheng had been withdrawn from Europe.

All the money was put in the bag. After a lot of trouble in Europe, Xu Huasheng alone made more than 600 billion US dollars, which is an unprecedented huge amount of money.

Not to mention in this era, even if it is pushed back 30 years, it is still an unimaginable huge amount of money.

Adding the money earned in Asian countries, Xu Huasheng mobilized 200 billion US dollars this time, and earned almost 700 billion US dollars.

This terrifying amount of money did not make Xu Huasheng's wallet bulge, but directly exploded. Now Xu Huasheng has so much money in his hands that he doesn't know how to spend it.

"Spend the money, buy the bottom in Southeast Asian countries, focusing on Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia..."

Xu Huasheng directly issued an order.

There are already a lot of investments in China, and the Kosovo War has caused European capital to flee. Now trillions of US dollars of hot money have fled from Europe, of which about 300 billion US dollars have entered China.

In addition to hot money, there are also a large number of European manufacturing companies preparing to come to China. The reason why the manufacturing industry does not choose the United States is that the hollowing out of the American manufacturing industry is serious. Moreover, the workers are difficult to serve and the industrial chain is not perfect.

The manufacturing industry is really difficult to start. There is a bloody example in recent years. A few years ago, Xu Huasheng announced that he would invest 100 billion US dollars in the United States to build a chip factory.

As a result, a lot of money has been spent, and the factory has not been built yet. The reason is very simple. There are too many troubles. After a few years, the factory is still just a framework. Crazy environmental protection organizations in the United States often go to march and demonstrate to make trouble.

This chip factory has been tossed for several years, and even the factory building has not been built yet. The US government is also powerless to do this. If possible, they would like to put this group of environmental protection organization personnel in prison and kill them.

It's too fucking dragging, so now the investment in the chip factory has stopped there and there is no way to continue. In response to this, Xu Huasheng often stated that he would continue to promote the construction of the chip factory.

In fact, what the United States does not know is that this group of environmental protection organizations are all people Xu Huasheng found with his own money. Investment, ghosts go to the United States to invest in chip factories.

Xu Huasheng used his high-profile investment to be a negative example. Although Xu Huasheng lost a lot of money, it also indirectly hit the business environment in the United States.

The most insidious thing is that the news about Xu Huasheng's chip factory has often appeared on the Internet in the past few years, and often caused some things to be reported by major media around the world.

Especially the money Xu Huasheng lost, some reports said it lost hundreds of billions, some reported it lost tens of billions, anyway, there are reports of how much. But no matter how much money he lost, there is a conclusion in the end that Xu Huasheng, a global business genius, has suffered a big loss in the United States and has been cheated by the United States.

Such things are popular with many netizens in other countries. They are very willing to see Xu Huasheng, a business genius, fall.

But the US government is so angry that it wants to curse. Damn it, if you know it's like this, you would never let Xu Huasheng come to the United States to invest. This is simply destroying the business environment in the United States.

So now, the business environment of the manufacturing industry in the United States has become stinky. Everyone knows that if you want to do finance, go to the United States, it's awesome there.

But if you want to engage in manufacturing, go to China. China has a good manufacturing environment, a complete industrial chain, better infrastructure, lower wages for workers than in the United States, and better quality products than in the United States.

Now Europe is bombed, and many infrastructures have suffered heavy losses.

Especially in the power sector, in the first wave of drone attacks, almost all power plants in Europe were attacked. Many power plants even hadThere are serious failures, some repairs will take several years, and some power plants may even announce that they may need to be rebuilt.

In this case, the European manufacturing industry naturally has to find a way to solve the problem quickly. China has become their best choice. Because no matter what product, you can find a foundry in China.

Even Airbus's large aircraft can be easily manufactured in China, not to mention other cars and home appliances. As long as you are willing to pay the foundry fee, your product will soon be produced in a Chinese factory.

The same brand, just a different place of origin.

In the end, these European companies may find that the overall cost of producing their products in China is lower than in Europe. This is a new world.

The United States took away Europe's hot money, but China took away Europe's manufacturing industry. Hot money will make the stock market rise, make finance look better, and increase the wealth of many wealthy people.

However, the manufacturing industry will greatly increase employment. Although it seems that it does not make as much as the United States now, in the long run, this benefit is very great.

Xu Huasheng gave an order, and the investment fund in his hand began to act. Now the whole of Asia is a good opportunity to buy at the bottom, and there are many high-quality assets.

Whoever starts early can grab more good things. Now Western capital has poured into Europe and caused trouble in Europe, which has weakened the Asian financial crisis a lot.

Xu Huasheng's capital began to take action. They chose high-quality assets related to people's livelihood. Power companies, communication companies, water companies, gas companies, etc. At the same time, there are a large number of high-quality fixed assets, shopping malls, office buildings, etc.

These things are very cheap now. After the financial crisis is over, the value of these things will definitely continue to grow with the recovery of the economy. At the same time, by controlling these companies, Xu Huasheng's control over these countries will increase significantly.

After controlling a certain amount of assets, Xu Huasheng's words can affect the direction of these countries. This is the real power of the chaebol.

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