"Tony, what's wrong with you? It looks weird?" Heidi asked with concern.

"Just look at this letter!" Tangning said as she handed the letter to Heidi.

Heidi took a look and said in surprise: "Huh? This is a letter from the Royal Museum of Amsterdam to you, but why did they ask you to take the painting to Amsterdam? They obviously sent Mr. Haines here. Is it?"

"The answer is very simple, because they didn't know there was Mr. Haines!" Tangning replied in a deep voice.

"I don't know there is Mr. Haines? What does this mean?" Heidi asked in confusion.

"That is to say, Mr. Haines is actually a liar! Now I finally understand what I thought was wrong at the time. How could such a large institution as the Royal Museum of Amsterdam send people all the way to it just after hearing some rumors. New Orleans will come to verify, if this is the case, then they don't have to do anything else every year!" Tangning analyzed.

Heidi couldn't help exclaiming when she heard Tangning say this, "What?! Mr. Haines is a liar? That's impossible, right? If he's here to deceive this painting, then he should say it's a liar. A fake painting!"

Tangning nodded in agreement, "That's right, it doesn't do him any good to be identified as a real painting! Then why would he do this?"

But then he thought of another possibility, stood up and said, "Oops, there is another possibility!"

But before he could reach the door, the maid Mila stumbled in and said breathlessly, "The master is not good, the painting and the painting are lost!"

"Which painting is lost?" Tangning asked quickly, but at the same time she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Just, the painting you bought at the cafe!" Mila explained.

"**k!" Tangning couldn't help but scolded. As expected, she would come for whatever she was afraid of. Then she quickly ran to the study. Sure enough, there was a picture of Rembrandt's "The Oath of the Batavians" hanging on the wall. The place was empty, and it was obviously stolen!

After calming down, Tangning hurriedly ordered, "Rob, send someone to call the police immediately, er, just find the former Sheriff Klein! Then send someone to find that **** Haines, this matter. He must have done it! In addition, when I finish writing the reply letter to the Royal Museum of Amsterdam, send it to me as soon as possible! Finally, let the guy in charge of patrol last night give twenty lashes, and then come back to the study to see me!" After he finished speaking, he sat down Start writing.

After Tangning finished writing the reply letter to the Royal Museum of Amsterdam, the butler Rob approached and whispered to Tangning, "Master, Charlie also disappeared for no apparent reason this morning, and according to Adrian's confession, he was on patrol last night. When he was seduced by Charlie's into the woods, there was a job omission, so it's very likely that Charlie's is the accomplice of the thief!"

"Damn it! How could such a thing happen? It seems that I am usually too kind to the people below!" Tangning said bitterly. To be honest, he didn't care about the hundreds or thousands of dollars, but the fact was that It's so embarrassing!

"Master, this, this is an individual phenomenon after all." Rob advised dryly.

Fortunately, at this time, Sheriff Klein came. As soon as they met, he frowned and said to Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, why is it because of your oil painting?"

"Mr. Sheriff, this isn't a problem with the oil painting, nor is it my problem, it's a problem with some people's greed!" Tangning defended.

Sheriff Klein shrugged and said, "Okay, let's not talk about these philosophical questions! Mr. Tangning, when I came in just now, I saw one of your black slaves being whipped. Is it related to this matter? "

Tangning nodded and replied, "That's right, because he missed his post last night, he gave the thief a chance!" Then he repeated what he had just learned.

Sheriff Klein nodded in agreement and said, "Well, if you say that, it's very likely that it has something to do with this Haines and Charlie. By the way, have your people found Haines?"

Tangning shook her head and replied, "Tim hasn't come back yet, but I don't think it's very likely!"

"Okay, then I'll send someone to investigate! However, according to the procedure, I have to investigate first. Mr. Tangning, what you just said can only be used as a reference, unless you can produce conclusive evidence!" Sheriff Klein Strictly said.

Tangning nodded and replied, "Of course, I'm just guessing. All conclusions are based on your investigation, please!"

Facts have proved that Tangning's speculation is basically correct, but they haven't found any traces of Haines and Charlie's, but one thing is certain, Haines' name is definitely not his real name, at least the name he used in the hotel. It was Malibu~www.readwn.com~ and the name used on the ship that came from Holland to New Orleans was Madoff. The reason why I was able to find this was thanks to Downing's skill in depicting murderers, although he was not special in this regard. I understand, but fortunately he has seen the two suspects, so it is relatively easy to draw.

Just as Tangning was racking her brains about how to help the police catch the two thieves, Liwen was in the office sighing. Although he was feeling the same thing, if Tangning knew what he was feeling, she would definitely be right there on the spot. fury.

I saw the letter saying to his confidant Picauer: "Hey, it's a pity that such a wonderful and constantly reversing story can't be written, otherwise it will definitely be a big sale!"

"Editor-in-chief, why don't we find a newbie to write? When Mr. Downing asks, he will say he has left New Orleans!" Picauer suggested.

The letter hesitated for a while, then shook his head and replied: "It's useless, this kind of trick is useless to Tony, even if the writer is a newcomer, but after all, it was published in our "City Newspaper, so Tony is sure He will hold grudges against me, but offending him for such a thing is not worth it!"

"But Mr. Tangning's creations are not stable!" Picauer said.

"Of course I know Tony is not stable, but as long as he writes it, it will sell well, and he can attract many excellent authors, such as Heidi, such as Melina, and he is also a member of the old family. , so there is no need to do this kind of thing for a few issues of sales!" the article explained.

ps: Sweeping the list today, when I see a book, I won't say the title, after all, it's a rant. Judging from the title of the book, I thought it was a beekeeper, but it was a bright spot at the time. I thought this entry point was good, but when I clicked in, I found that it had nothing to do with beekeeping...

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