Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 119: Tangning, I'm going to kill you!

"Honey, let's go separately, otherwise the target is too obvious! Look at the police with our portraits in their hands!" Underwood, also known as "Haines", a fake staff member of the Royal Museum of Amsterdam, pointed to the station The policeman holding a portrait at the entrance said to Charlie who was beside him.

In fact, Underwood didn't have any good intentions when he said this, because he found that his own portrait was not very similar, and Charlie's was very accurate. In fact, this is also normal, because relatively speaking, Tangning has a negative relationship with Charlie's. Silk is very familiar, and can also find other servants at any time to ask her facial features and confirm it, and Underwood has only seen it once in total, so he is not impressed.

Therefore, if they walked separately, Underwood would easily get in with a little makeup, but Charlie would not be able to. Moreover, if the two walked together, then Underwood would be discovered at the same time as Charlie was discovered. .

But Charlie strongly disagreed, shaking her head frantically and rejecting: "No, if you weren't by my side, I would be nervous and easier to find!"

Underwood persuaded for a while, but when he found that he couldn't persuade him, he became ruthless in his heart, and then said to Charlie, "Well, dear, let's go back and discuss it first, come up with a good solution, and then come back!"

Seeing that Underwood agreed not to separate, Charlie nodded in relief and replied, "Okay!"

The two were living in an abandoned church on the outskirts of the city. As soon as they entered the church, Underwood pushed Charlie on the bed. Although Charlie felt that it was not the time to be intimate, she fell under the enthusiasm of Underwood. .

Just as Charlie was kneeling and enjoying the impact of Underwood, she suddenly felt his big hand grabbing her neck. This was a common game between the two, so Charlie didn't take it seriously, but soon she He found that Underwood's big hand cuffs were getting tighter and tighter. Although he was enjoying it, he was almost out of breath, so he pleaded: "My dear, loosen it up a little, I'm going to be out of breath!"

Unexpectedly, Underwood seemed to have not heard it, and continued to exert force with his big hand. At this time, a bad thought flashed in Charlie's heart, and she opened her eyes and said in disbelief: "You, you want to kill, kill me... …”

Before Charlie's finished speaking, she fell to the ground as soon as her body softened. Underwood breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, but he did not expect that as soon as the tense nerves relaxed, another tense place also relaxed. .....

Underwood, who entered the time of the sage, looked at the woman under him, then looked at the hands that had just killed a life, and roared wisely, "Tony Downing, it was you, it was you who made me kill Charlie. Si, I'm going to kill you to avenge Charlie's!" Adding an imaginary enemy can ease the guilt in my heart...

After tidying up hastily, Underwood came to the station. It turned out that his guess was correct. Since the portrait itself was not particularly accurate, after he put on a simple make-up, the police at the entrance of the station did not notice him at all. , very smoothly mixed on the train.

But after the train started, Underwood looked out the window and said silently in his heart, "Tony Downing, I will definitely come back! I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Two days later, the police found Charlie's body. After contacting Tangning and several maids who knew Charlie's well, Tangning asked Sheriff Crane, "Mr. Sheriff, can I ask Charlie's? How did you die?"

Sheriff Klein thought for a moment, and then replied: "Based on the situation at the scene, we speculate that Miss Charlie should have died in an abandoned church in the suburbs where she and Haines hid, and it is this Haines who most likely killed her. Because we found that when she was strangled to death, there was almost no sign of resistance, which shows that the murderer was a person she trusted very much, and the only person who could make her trust at this time was Haines. one person.

In addition, according to the posture of the deceased, the posture of lying down, and the clothing situation when the deceased was found, there is a high probability that the deceased was having **** with the opposite **** when he was killed. In this case, the person's defense is the lowest, no matter male or female! "

"This Haines is really cruel. Not only did he steal pictures, but he also murdered!" Tangning said bitterly.

"Yes, this is also the most murderous and cunning criminal I have encountered this year!" Sheriff Klein echoed.

Then he dragged Tangning aside and said in a low voice, "Mr. Tangning, although our police will still try our best to arrest Haines, please be prepared for the fact that Haines has probably escaped from New Orleans now. , otherwise it is impossible that he has not been caught yet, and the purpose of his killing Charlie should be to facilitate escape, after all, you said before that Haines's portrait is not guaranteed to be accurate!"

"I can't do anything about it, after all, I've only seen him once!" Tangning replied with a bitter I can understand, but please understand us too! "

"Understand, understand!"

After returning home, Tangning gathered the servants together and reprimanded them, "Did you see it? You colluded with outsiders without authorization, like Charlie's. After being used by others, they were strangled to death. Don't trust the words of men outside! And you, Adrian, do you think this would have happened if you didn't miss out on patrol? Should these twenty whips hit you?!"

"Master, I was wrong! Please hit me with twenty more whips!" Adrian knelt down and replied.

Tangning waved her hand and said, "Forget it, I will ask you if you dare to miss your post in the future?"

Adrian shook his head repeatedly and replied, "Don't dare, definitely don't!"

A month later, Downing received a letter from the Amsterdam Royal Museum, saying that Underwood, also known as "Haines", had brought the paintings stolen from him to the museum and planned to sell them at a high price. Fortunately, he received his own. The letter did not let him succeed, but unfortunately, although he kept the painting, Underwood found an opportunity to escape.

Seeing Underwood fleeing again, Tangning couldn't help frowning. Fortunately, there was good news. Although the painting was obtained from the thief, Underwood, the Royal Museum of Amsterdam still sent the money to Tangning in France. on the bank account.

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Naifan", "Zhongwucheng", "Wandering the Wind and Clouds", "Heroic Li", "Undead Natural Disaster 20", "Summoner 1 Nine Dragons Emperor", "E Road Wandering 023", "Red Eyes" The support of Jinpeng", "You Haha" and the strong support of "20190522132449730"!

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