Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 133: troubled

"Tony, I regret letting you write that book for me!" Maxi suddenly said to Tangning while the two were drinking.

"What's wrong? Do you think my writing is bad?" Tangning asked with a smile.

Maxi waved his hand quickly and said, "That's not true, and on the contrary, it's because you wrote so well, Tony, that it caused me trouble!"

"The trouble? What trouble?" Tangning asked in confusion.

"Maybe it's because you write so well, Tony, or because some people think my experience is very interesting, so after your "Soldiers Returning from the Dead" Tony published, people often come to my house to talk to me about me The experience of losing my memory, especially a doctor named Dave, can see that he really wants to understand what happened to my memory loss and recovery of memory, but I really don't want to understand it now, in short, I'm about to be killed. He's so annoying!" Maxey complained.

After hearing that this was the case, Tangning burst into laughter, "Paul, from my point of view, you should be considered a celebrity!"

"But the problem is that I don't want to be such a celebrity! What I want most now is that no one bothers me!" Maxi replied with a wry smile.

Tangning advised, "Actually, Paul, you don't need to worry too much. After a while, no one will bother you anymore." Then she added, "Uh, it's hard to say about that Doctor Dave. Well, after all, he is not joining in the fun, but wants to do medical research."

"Well, helping the doctor is a good thing!" Maxi said helplessly, and then changed the subject and asked, "By the way, Tony, how are your campaign preparations?"

"It's alright, I've been busy with this other than writing your "Soldiers Who Come Back From the Dead" recently!" Tangning replied casually.

"Can you choose?" Maxi asked.

Tangning shook her head and replied, "I don't know about this, after all we are just a small party!"

As soon as he got home after returning from Maxie's house, Heidi came to him and said, "Diana has been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Dianna? Why is she here? Shouldn't she be looking after her coffee shop at this time?" Tangning asked in surprise.

Heidi shook her head and replied, "I don't know that, but it doesn't seem like a good thing from her expression!"

"Okay, I'll go ask." Tangning replied casually.

In the living room, Diana asked Tangning with a sullen face, "Teacher, why did you write this?" As she spoke, she handed over a copy of the "City Newspaper".

Tangning casually took it over and saw that it was "Crazy Oil Painting", then answered inexplicably, "What did I write?"

"See for yourself!" Diana said coldly.

Tangning watched patiently, but she was immediately confused, because the "Crazy Oil Painting" serialized in the newspaper was completely inconsistent with her outline. Her original design was to expose the scam. No wonder Deanna was so angry.

So Tangning immediately replied, "I'm sorry Diana, I don't know what happened, because I've been too busy recently, so I only wrote the beginning of this "Crazy Oil Painting", and then The outline was given to a friend who wrote it, but the plot of this issue is completely inconsistent with my outline, let's go, let's ask Melissa what the **** is going on!"

Hearing Tangning's words, Diana's expression softened a little, and then she followed Tangning to Melissa's house in a carriage, but she was not at home. It was said that she was going to the newspaper office. It happened that Tangning was also going to the newspaper office. After all, the plot had to be changed. through the newspaper.

When they arrived at the newspaper office, Tangning was surprised to find that Melissa was arguing with Liwen, and the content of the quarrel was also related to this issue of "Crazy Oil Painting", so she heard Melissa ask, "Editor, why is this issue of "Crazy Oil Painting"? "Is the content different from what I gave you?"

"You don't need to worry about this, didn't I pay you all the royalties!" Liwen replied with a cold face.

"I didn't write novels entirely for the royalties, but also to expose this scam. Besides, have you thought about Mr. Tangning when you did this..."

Before Melissa could finish her sentence, Tangning spoke loudly, "That's right, what the **** is going on here?"

Only at this time did the two quarreling realize that Tangning and Diana had walked in. Melissa quickly explained to Tangning, "Mr. Tangning, today's issue of "Crazy Oil Painting" was not written by me, I completely followed your outline. written."

"I know Melissa, this has nothing to do with you!" Tangning reassured, then looked directly at the letter without saying a word.

Seeing Tangning like this, Liwen helplessly stood up and said, "Tony, can I talk to you alone?"

Tangning thought about it for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Okay." Then she turned to the two of them and said, "Melissa and Diana, go out and wait for me!"

After the two of them went Tangning asked Laiwen, "Laiwen, you can talk about it now!"

Liwen poured a cup of coffee for Tangning, and then said softly, "Tony, actually, I planned to talk to you yesterday, but I didn't expect that there were too many things in the past two days, and I didn't have time for a while."

"Then tell me now!" Tangning said solemnly.

Liwen nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, yes, I'm not going to tell you now, in fact, this matter is very simple, someone paid a lot of money to ask to revise the ending of "Crazy Oil Painting", I Knowing that Tony has been busy lately, you must have no time, so I asked Sloan to write a paragraph."

"Who gave you the money?" Tangning asked with a frown.

"Don't worry about this Tony, but don't worry, I have already prepared your share for you!" He took out a stack of money from the drawer and handed it over.

Tangning glanced at it and found that there were hundreds of dollars in it, but she didn't take it. Instead, she asked, "Lianwen, you changed the ending of "Crazy Oil Painting" for the money?"

"Sun and Moon"

Laiwen replied disapprovingly: "Yes, I did the math, these money can be made much more than the normal plot, so why don't you let the money you have?"

"But have you forgotten what my purpose in writing this "Crazy Oil Painting" was?" Tangning asked while suppressing her anger.

PS: I went to Longkong today to find out that Canghai actually used a trumpet to open a book "I Want to Quit Jianghu at the Beginning" at the starting point, but unfortunately it has been blocked...

In fact, I am not surprised by this ending. After all, it is too dangerous to write Hong Kong Hedao at the starting point. What makes me depressed is that I know it too late. In fact, I really like Cang Hai's "Rebirth to Stand Out", and I have also written a semi-doujinshi. arts.

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