Rebirth in America: Great Slave Owner

Vol 2 Chapter 134: Embarrassed

Liwen chuckled and replied, "I remember, but Tony, this is unnecessary. Do you think of yourself as a savior? Even if your "Crazy Oil Painting" is published normally, what's the use?"

"Of course it works, otherwise, no one would spend so much money for you to change the ending!" Tangning replied loudly.

"Well, even if you are right, but now that this issue has been sent out, what else can I do?" The letter asked rhetorically.

"It's very simple, just send out Melissa's version tomorrow!" Tangning replied casually.

Laiwen refused without hesitation: "No, I have already received the money from others!"

"Just go back to him!" Tangning replied casually.

Liwen snorted coldly, "You said it simply!"

"It was originally a simple matter, but you made it so complicated!" Tangning retorted.

Laiwen stared at Tangning for a long time, and then said in a slow tone, "Tony, I admit that I did something wrong in this matter. I didn't discuss it with you in advance, but it's already like this, can you just tolerate me once?"

Now that Liwen's tone had slowed down, it was naturally inconvenient for Tangning to continue shouting at him, so she followed in a soft voice, "It's not that I don't want to tolerate Liwen, it's a matter of principle, I can't just watch it. These liars lie!"

"But they didn't deceive you, why are you meddling?" Laiwen advised.

"You didn't deceive me, but we must have a sense of social responsibility, right?" Tangning said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words "social responsibility", Liwen laughed dumbly and said, "Tony, you really think of yourself as a savior..."

But in the middle of the sentence, he suddenly reacted: "Oh, I understand! Tony, you are doing this for your own election, right? Oh, if you say that, it's really my fault this time!"

Hearing Li Wen's words, Tangning was a bit dumbfounded. When he wrote this "Crazy Oil Painting", he really didn't think that it would help him in his election for parliament. But Li Wen's thoughts weren't all bad, at least were able......

At this time, the letter said: "But Tony is really hard to change things now. Otherwise, I will put you two campaign advertisements and wait until the end of this matter, and you will post a message to denounce it, will you?"

"In this way, you will be worthy of the sponsor, er, the one who gave you the money?" Tangning sarcastically asked.

Laiwen replied disapprovingly: "Of course, he is here to make money, not to gain fame. I don't want to delay him to make money!"

Tangning thought about it for a while, and based on his understanding of the text, it was estimated that the result would not be much better if he continued arguing with him, so she nodded reluctantly and replied, "Okay. On you, no matter what I say, you are unwilling to publish Melissa's follow-up, otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain to Melissa and Deanna!"

Liwen nodded without hesitation and replied, "No problem, I'll be the bad guy, I promise not to affect your glorious image in front of them, Tony!"

"Okay, then I'll just slam the door and leave!" After speaking, Tangning walked to the door, opened it, slammed it down, and left angrily.

Upon seeing this, Melissa and Deanna hurried up and asked, "Teacher, Mr. Tangning, how are you guys talking?"

Tangning replied angrily, "This damned letter, he changed our novel because he received money from those liars, and no matter what I said, he wouldn't send out the original plot. , really **** me off!"

"I said that he couldn't change the plot of the novel for no reason. It turned out to be the money from the liar!" Melissa suddenly realized.

And Deanna was even more angry: "How can this editor-in-chief be like this? Isn't he, he is helping those liars to cheat money! Teacher, what should we do now? Call the police?"

Tangning waved her hand and said, "It's no use calling the police because we don't have any evidence right now."

"Then what should I do? Is it just watching these liars deceive people?" Diana asked anxiously.

Tangning thought for a while, then replied, "Well, since the letter doesn't want to be changed, I'll go find his father, Uncle Milo!"

Hearing Tangning's words, Diana's eyes lit up, "Yes, he can't ignore his father!" But Melissa snorted softly.

In fact, Tangning didn't know if Uncle Milo could help, but in order to maintain a splendid image in front of the two women, she had to do something, but in order not to be harassed, she said to the two women, "That Uncle Milo doesn't like to quarrel, so Go back first, and I'll tell him myself!"

"Okay Teacher Tangning, I'll leave it to you!" Diana bowed to Tangning.

Although she had agreed to the two girls to come to see Uncle Milo, to be honest, Tangning just wanted to make a move, she should be chatting with the old man. The old man was very happy to see Tangning, "Tony, why are you here?"

"Uncle Milo, it's been a long time since I saw you, so I came to see you!" Tangning replied with a smile.

After chatting for a while, the old man suddenly asked Tangning, "Tony, what do you think of the current "City News"?"

"Very good!" Tangning replied casually.

"It's pretty good. The sales volume is much higher. Xiaolaiwen is a lot better than me in this regard." Garrison sighed, but then the conversation changed and he said, "But why do I hear several people say that now The City News is different than it used to be, Tony, what do you think?"

Tangning pondered for a while, then replied, "Well, everyone's style is different, so the "City News" led by Liwen is not the same as you were before. It's actually normal, don't you think?"

"Is it normal to change your novel?" Garrison asked Tangning with narrowed eyes.

"Uncle Milo, you already know about this?" Tangning was surprised, because in his eyes, Uncle Milo had already retired and didn't care about the newspaper office!

"Isn't it normal that I know about the "City News"?" Garrison asked rhetorically.

Tangning was immediately stopped by this, but Garrison asked again, "Tony, you're not just here to visit Uncle Milo, are you? Do you want me to teach you a lesson for Xiaolaiwen? "

Although Tangning did say this to the outside world before she came here, but in fact he didn't think so in his heart, how could he answer this?

PS: Actually, I didn’t really like to read entertainment articles, but because I was reviewing “The Road to the Master of Cultivation” during this period of time, and then I casually watched “Chicago 1990” by the same author, and now I start watching “Senior Superstar”. To get into the pit...

"First Clan"

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