048: Su Chen wants to transfer to prison, and the police threaten Zhang Wei and Bingbing (please)

That being said, Zhang Wei also understood how difficult it would be to bring Su Chen back.

What happened today.

Through cameras on both sides, it spread all over the world.

The scene of the slaughter in the prison today was clearly seen by all the people of the Eagle Sauce Country.

Plus those black demagogues.

Whether Su Chen can survive to get out of prison is a question.

There was such a big incident in the prison, and the police outside quickly surrounded the entire prison.

A group of policemen, wearing explosion-proof suits, stormed into the office.

Pistols are pointed at them.

Especially Su Chen.

Zhang Wei raised his hands and kept shouting: "I am a Huaxia lawyer, she is a Huaxia reporter, we are here to pick up people, we have no weapons in our hands!! "

Bingbing also raised his hands.

But the police ignored this and rushed over and kicked them to their knees, intending to put their knees against the back of their necks.

It's like treating that black man.

"You guys open me." Su Chen frowned and said coldly.

One word.

The policemen present trembled, even if they wore this thick explosion-proof suit, they still felt that Su Chen could tear them apart with one move.

The policeman, who was still arrogant just now, was motionless and moved at this moment.

Snap! ~

During the stalemate stage, a white police officer rushed in with a group of people.

People looking at the office.

Shaking his fingers twice, a group of people tied Su Chen up with a rope.

"If you want your friend to comfort you back, cooperate honestly, otherwise you should understand our means..."

The words of the white policeman made Su Chen not resist.

The surrounding police easily trapped him with a rope.

And with special tools, the rope was locked so that Su Chen could not escape.

Su Chen used force.

Not only was the rope not stretched, but it even shrunk closer and closer.

The white policeman saw it and laughed: "Don't struggle, this rope is made of nanomaterials, the more you struggle, the tighter it shrinks, don't blame me for not reminding you, I was doing experiments at that time, there was a black ... One man was tied alive by a rope..."

"If there is a black man, there is a black man, and there is a person..."

Su Chen did not continue to break free, but looked at him: "Now you can let them go." "

Seeing that Su Chen was really tied, the white policeman gave a look, and the surrounding policemen retreated one after another.

They have a lot of confidence in this rope.

"Take him away..."

"Wait, why are you taking him away!" Zhang Wei got up from the ground, the soil on his pants was not filmed, and immediately rushed up to inquire.

The white policeman chuckled, walked over to the black judge, took out the document in his hand, and pulled another one from his arms.

"Su Chen, a citizen of Huaxia, deliberately killed people in the country of Eagle Sauce, knew the law and violated the law in prison, slaughtered lives, mutilated living beings, and committed crimes superimposed, and is now sentenced to 2,500 years in prison..."

"According to the law, we are going to transfer him to a safer prison and let him die of old age in it..."

[Wait, how much??? 2,500 years??? 】

[My mother is dropping! I thought it was high for more than a hundred years, but there are still more than two thousand years? 】

[Groove! ] Isn't this life imprisonment? Why is it so nice. 】


When PDD heard this time, he directly scared out of the pig barking.

"Two thousand five hundred years, I drop a mother, if Su Chen can live that long, it must be an old immortal!"

"Just say how good the death penalty is... Or forget it, as long as people do not die, they have a chance to come back alive, and if they are sentenced to death, then it is really gone. "

Although PDD didn't know how Su Chen dodged the bullet just now, he knew that the execution was more than just shooting.

And the punishment of medicine ...


On a terrifying point, waterboarding is not for nothing.

According to Eagle Sauce Country's faceless attitude, he would definitely use the most terrifying punishment for Su Chen.

Thinking about it this way, 2,500 years is no less.

Zhou Shuyi scolded at the computer.

"What's going on with this dog, Su Chen is obviously fighting back in self-defense, why throw all the pots to him!"

"This group of bastards, it's because we are bullied."

"If I want to say, Su Chen shouldn't be arrested honestly and resist directly!" Kill this group of guys, escape directly, we are waiting for you to come back in Huaxia........"

"Two years and five hundred years, this sentence, I think the probability is that I will not live that long."

Da Sima spoke in a deep voice into the microphone.

"Although I don't agree with Su Chen's behavior, I also understand it, and it can be seen from this that the people of the Eagle Sauce Country don't take him seriously at all, even if they show such terrifying strength, they are just threatening the lives of their friends to make him submit..."

"This kind of shameless look really makes people want to vomit, it is impossible for me to go to Eagle Sauce Country in the future, even if there are any LOL events to be carried out over there, I will not be able to pass."

"Audience friends, who of you wants to go to the Eagle Sauce Country, I also advise you to think twice before acting, don't regret being caught, you know, you don't have the strength like Su Chen, what kind of thing is inside, think about it yourself."

Gazi heard two thousand five hundred years and opened his first words.

"Family, I want to ask, why did they take so long?"

"In these two thousand five hundred years, in the country of Eagle Sauce, it is not considered the person who has been sentenced to the longest sentence."

Gazi was really confused.

I heard before that the sentence of Eagle Sauce can reach hundreds of years, and even the former president, after stepping down, was investigated, and the multiple charges added up, there were 136 years.

But what is this concept in two years, five hundred years.

From the solar calendar to the present, it is only more than 2,000 years.

With a history of 5,000 years in China, Su Chen has to sit in prison for half of the time?

Atlantis didn't hold on to him.

[It takes so long because the Eagle Sauce Country does not have the death penalty, and can only superimpose life imprisonment indefinitely. ] 】

[2,500 years is indeed a lot, but not the most, I remember a news that a female fraudster in it defrauded 200 million US dollars, and finally had to sit for 140,000 years..."

【What?】 What?? What??? My eyes are a little flowered, 140,000 years??? 】

[Lying in the groove, I got up and down, and I saw that I was going to be in prison for 140,000 years...]

[My mother is dropping! I went to check it, this is still true, another guy who has been locked up for more than a thousand years, because he forced little girls and brutally killed them, and his life imprisonment was infinitely superimposed..."

[Wow, I feel that the prison system of Eagle Sauce Country is curious...]

[Suddenly worried about Su Chen, although the combat effectiveness is so strong, if you want to transfer the prison, it must be much more terrifying than now, will he be bullied inside..."

Before, they all felt that Su Chen's physique must be the object of bullying in prison.

But now...

They really can't tell.

But everyone knows that there are many kinds of prisons, and the real violent criminals are in those well-guarded prisons, if Su Chen is really locked up with them.

If they are beaten by such a group again, what the consequences will be, they do not know.

Compared to Huaxia's side, everyone was worried about Su Chen, and the audience of Eagle Sauce Country on the other side was much angrier.

[Devil! Why didn't such a demon kill directly! 】

[Such people should go to hell!! 】

【Dad!!】 My dad is in there, he's dead now, I'm going to kill this guy!! 】

【Su Chen!! You killed my son, and I am not at odds with you!! 】


The host of Eagle Sauce Country said the scene with added oil and vinegar.

After reading the verdict, the white policeman asked, "Su Chen, do you want to come with us?" "

"Do I have a choice?" Su Chen asked.

"Of course, you can choose to actively follow us, and passively follow us..."

The white policeman gave an order. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The surrounding police took out guns from their bags and aimed them at Zhang Wei and Bingbing.

They just wanted to threaten Su Chen with the lives of these two people.

"Don't face..."

Su Chen secretly scolded and looked at this policeman: "If you threaten like this, you are not afraid that one day, I will come out of prison to settle accounts with you?" "

"Hahaha, what? Come out of prison, I see that you have never had a chance to come out of it in your life, the place I want to take you to, but not such a public broken prison in Florida, but the safest, most terrifying, and highest mortality rate prison in the world, the most terrifying criminals in all countries in the world are inside, you can live in it..."

The white policeman was very proud and laughed up to the sky.

Seeing the killing intent in Su Chen's eyes, he even asked the host to point the camera at Su Chen: "I see you have something you want to say to me, you say, I will listen to it with the broad masses of the people." "

Su Chen's eyes narrowed, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You people are waiting for me, the day I leave the prison is the day you are unlucky..."

Indifferent eyes...

Calm tone...

Making everyone present shudder, sweat hairs instantly stood upside down, and a chill rushed from the soles of the feet to the heavenly spirit cover.

It was as if he had been pinned to death.

"Quick... Fast...... Hurry up and take him away for me!! "

The white policeman, who had just been invincible, was extremely embarrassed at the moment.

Let them quickly take Su Chen away.


The warden came to Su Chen's side and said with a smile: "Su Chen, don't be so arrogant in the next prison, lest you be killed by the people inside before you come out." "

"Don't worry, I still have to come out to collect interest, I can't die."

Su Chen showed a touch of white teeth.

This smile made the warden's body chill, and he took a deep sip of his cigar and said, "When the villa here is developed, I will leave one for you." "

"Thank you, I will definitely have the opportunity to stay."

No longer giving Su Chen a chance to speak, the policeman in an explosion-proof suit pushed Su Chen to leave.

Zhang Wei shouted at the white policeman: "Don't be proud, I will sue you for using private business, and this judge wants to shoot my client, you can't run away from these things!" "

White police officers waved their hands casually.

"Whatever you want, I and he are not a system, just after the death of the algorithm official, it has little to do with me..."

Zhang Wei: "..."

The live broadcast on the side of Eagle Sauce Country is closed.

But the impact of this incident is far from stopping.

Many blacks were frightened by Su Chen's words, and they demanded that the official change Su Chen's sentence from 2,500 years to death and execute him immediately.

There were even people marching out.

Especially the black couple who framed Su Chen in prison, they are the initiators of this activity, and they are very afraid of Su Chen being released from prison.

Once he is released from prison, the first person to take revenge will definitely be them.

This threat must be stifled in the cradle.

Not only the black people at the bottom, but even the top discussed this matter.

White working meeting room.

"That Huaxia kid's influence is too vicious, he must be killed, kill the chicken and warn the monkey..."

"I think it's okay, such a person staying in prison is also a scourge, it's better to kill."

"I also agree, you also saw, when the chimpanzee shot and was killed by a stone, but that Huaxia man didn't do anything at all, in a few years, he may really walk out of prison..."

There were nine people sitting around, and most of them agreed to execute Su Chen.

More than a hundred people in a prison were slaughtered by Su Chen alone.

Such images make them terrified.

If Su Chen was released, the consequences would be unimaginable.

They discussed enthusiastically, and someone next to them mocked: "What do you mean?" Does it mean that the body can block thermal weapons? Have you been sitting in the office for a long time, and your brain is rusty..."

"That's it, one by one, whimsical, but anyone who has been to the army and gone to the battlefield will not have such a ridiculous idea..."

"2,500 years I think it can, and the next prison is still Angolan prison, which is a prison built on an uninhabited island, surrounded by man-eating sharks, and there are wolves in the prison, and the Chinese boy is not scared to pee his pants, and he wants to escape?" Dreaming! "

"You also don't want to think about whether other people who betrayed life imprisonment should also be killed as soon as the death penalty is opened, and how many of your relatives there are, I don't need to talk more..."

"Yes, this opening can't be opened, otherwise it won't be closed in the future..."

The people meeting were simply divided into two camps.

Both sides disagreed.

But when the people in front heard the last sentence, none of them spoke.

Why can they sit here.

How many unseen things are behind him.

Whether these things are enjoyed in prison or in heaven depends on the standard of this punishment.

If the death penalty of the Chinese kid opens the door and they are removed from power by political opponents, who can guarantee (good promise) that they are not the next executioner.

Sit high.

Everyone is afraid of death.

"What about the black people marching down there..."

"Let them make trouble by themselves, anyway, it doesn't involve our interests, how long do you want to make trouble..."

The president hit the nail on the head.

This death penalty must not be opened...

Huaxia's side, after Su Chen left.

The live broadcast is also turned off.

It was half past five in the morning, and the night had passed, but they were still unsatisfied.

And not sleepy at all.

PDD was a little afraid: "Su Chen is so powerful, he shouldn't be killed in a new place..."

Zhou Shuyi shouted to the camera: "Su Chen, if you can come back from prison, and the old lady sends it to you, you must come back alive!! "

Da Sima: "Two thousand five hundred years, Lawyer Zhang needs to come on, he must save Su Chen." "

At the same time, the anchors who watched Su Chen's live broadcast on the Internet spoke on V one after another.

Some netizens woke up without knowing what happened.

As soon as I opened V, the hot search Su Chen on it brushed the screen.

[Eagle sauce country Su Chen was bullied, really shameful...]

[Su Chen punched a little friend, the strength is terrifying..."

[Su Chen couldn't enter the knife and gun, and killed the black justice with a snap of his fingers...]

[The police of Eagle Sauce Country did not want to face, and even threatened Su Chen with lawyers and hosts...]

[Su Chen's ghost back, how to exercise, the military god has something to say...]

【.............. Then]

The top ten hot searches were basically all occupied by Su Chen.

Through these entries, the live broadcast screen that was still recorded by people, those people also knew what a terrifying guy Su Chen was.

Also this morning, the hospital suddenly received many patients.

Most of their symptoms are the same.


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