049: The black daughter-in-law all miscarried, and Su Chen was transferred to prison for special care (please)

"What the hell is going on today, why are there so many pregnant women who have miscarried!"

In the hospital, the obstetrician-gynecologist was so busy that in just one night, there were no less than ten pregnant women in the hospital.

Either premature birth or miscarriage.

Some fetuses have even been formed, and they have inexplicably miscarried

Even pregnant women are in danger of life...

Hospital doctors and nurses have been busy for a long time, barely saving the lives of these pregnant women.

Xiaomei opened her eyes and found that she was already in the hospital.

The doctor next to him packed up his things and looked at him: "Awake? What's wrong with you, you're all four months pregnant, how can you still be so stimulated, fortunately it was delivered in time, otherwise you would have died..."

"But even if you save it, you won't be able to get pregnant in the future, mourning..."


Xiaomei's mind was very messy, and she recalled the events of yesterday's evening.

Seeing his boyfriend lying in a pool of blood.

Tears flowed again.


Finally, someone woke up and wanted to ask what had happened to make so many pregnant women miscarry at the same time.

It's a big deal.

There can be no delay.

Before the doctor could speak, the nurse next to him patted the doctor's shoulder.

The two went out.

"What's wrong?"

The nurse took him next door to the operating room, where there were many stillbirths.

When ordinary people see this scene, they are afraid that they will be scared to death, but as obstetricians and gynecologists, they have seen more, so it doesn't matter.

However, when the doctor saw it, he was still surprised.

"These kids, they're all black?"

It's not a black child, it's all a molded child, it's all black.

What this means, think about it.

"Hey, these women are giving birth to foreigners???

The doctor was also blindfolded.

"That's not right, since they all decided to give birth to foreigners, how come they all miscarried..."

"Frightened, or maybe the baby and his father ran away???"

"It's really a poor woman, but she also deserves it, foreigners can leave at any time, you still believe these people, don't you deserve it..."

Less than half an hour.

In the Little Red Book, there are many videos of women lying crying in obstetrics and gynecology.

Xiaomei even recorded her experience and posted it on the Internet.

"I myself am a very happy woman, my husband is a black man, he is hardworking and brave, we have a good life, we all decided to get married next year, and the result was all because of Su Chen, he ruined my future!"

"I strongly disagree with Su Chen coming back! I will never forgive him..."

This incident in the Little Red Book has aroused the sympathy of many people.

[940 I also disagree, Su Chen is a perverted murderer, how can I let him come back. ] 】

[What a crime, you are not alone, I heard that there are many pregnant women miscarriages in every place today, all because of Su Chen..."

[How many children did he let without their fathers, damn it!! 】

[Resolutely resist Su Chen's return, if he returns, I will change my nationality!! 】


This kind of remark in the Little Red Book also caused a lot of reverse.

It's okay if it's just enclosure, but some people post these comments and videos on the video platform outside, and try to arouse others to resist together.

But people outside are not used to them.

[What do you say?] Su Chen killed your husband, if I understand correctly, does it mean that your husband was in prison at that time, so how do you get married next year? Going to get married in prison? 】

[Good guy, just forget about looking for a black man, but the result is still a criminal, look at the software platform, reasonable. ] 】

[Can you brains be beautiful yourself, don't send it out, this will make foreign countries think that our IQ is very low...]

[Then I can thank Su Chen, those women who miscarried or were born prematurely in this world, all brothers have to take a look, lest they become a takeover man and don't know..."

【Groove!! Brother, don't say, the woman I went on a blind date the day before yesterday, really went to the hospital today, and asked me to sign for him, sign his grandmother's leg, I should really thank Su Chen..."


Those brains of Little Red Book couldn't face the tactics of the sea of people outside, and they were quickly scolded back.


Because of these videos, everyone also understands that the women who are hospitalized today for premature birth or miscarriage have been with black people for a long time.

Many brothers had palpitations and almost became black receivers.

Toothbrush hitting a teacup?

That's horrible.

The popularity of this miscarriage entry is even more climbing.

Many people thanked Su Chen below.

This scene also shocked countless melon-eating people, and those women who had abortions in the hospital, as well as women crying in Little Red Book, were remembered by everyone, and they would find their daughters-in-law in the future to avoid encountering this person.

No one wants to pay for a woman who has been favored by a goblin.

Who knows if you will get AIDS...

After all......

AIDS itself is spread by these foreigners, which is really impossible to prevent...

The ambassador of Eagle Sauce Country to Huaxia (Bibe) was quite troubled by comments on the Internet.

I thought that Su Chen's murder would make his reputation plummet, thus re-raising the reputation of the Eagle Sauce Country, but Su Chen's reputation not only did not fall.

It's even rising.

And their reputation also dropped to freezing point because of several actions of the white policeman.

"What a group of fools, even if they look down on Su Chen, they are insulting him after they are arrested!"

"That's a live broadcast!"

"The number of people in the whole process is more than a thousand, and a little brain will not choose to do it at this time."

He was really tired.

If he sat in that position, he would definitely not send such a white man over, which is really a discredit for his country.

Watching more and more people swear online.

He took his notebook and went back to his bedroom.

The windows here were reinforced and he didn't want to be smashed by bricks anymore.

Florida Penitentiary.

The early warning takes people to clean up the bodies below.

Various organs remained outside, flies flew on them, they endured the stench, loaded the corpses and internal organs of these people and threw them on the carts that disposed of the corpses.

Old John was thrown on it.


The car pulled the body to a mass grave, opened the back pocket, and dumped all the body in.

The bodies collided with each other and fell into a huge pit of about five meters.

Old John was woken up and looked at the strange environment, and people were numb.

"Where is this?"

"What about Su Chen?"

"No, what about prison???

Without waiting for Old John to react, the top had already begun to fill in the soil.

He hurried, climbed out of the pit, hid behind a nearby stone, and watched as the pit was filled.

That's what I understood.

The people of their prison are dead.

"How did you die, shot by prison guards?"

"Or was it killed by Su Chen?"

Old John didn't have time to think about it, this was an opportunity, a chance to become a free body!

Stealing a piece of clothing from the surrounding village, he fled the place with his body.

He is going to Huaxia.

Which place full of food to go...

Su Chen was pressed into the car by the white policeman and came all the way to the heliport.

Take him to the helicopter again.

Seeing this, Su Chen knew that the place he was going to next was definitely not simple.

The white policeman wore a headset and said a place name to the driver, then looked back at Su Chen and found that he was looking around curiously.

"Don't look, wait for the island, there is time to watch."

Su Chen ignored him.

"You kid, after killing more than a hundred people, are you really not afraid of a death sentence?"

"Although the death penalty has not appeared in our place, it does not mean that it will not be used against an outsider like you, do you understand?"

Su Chen chuckled.

He really despised the death penalty of the Eagle Sauce Country. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Or rather, he really believed that this place, for the sake of so-called human rights, there would be no death penalty.

Although he killed more than a hundred people, these people were all prisoners, and many of them were even prisoners who committed the most heinous crimes.

The families of those victims should thank him.

To know.

The prototype of the ogre Hannibal, Bundy, this guy is a real demon in the front and back of the car, killed hundreds of girls in five years, and was finally found and reported and arrested in prison.

Because of the unique modus operandi, he was sentenced to only fifteen years in prison...

This is not outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that this guy's deeds have been exposed and deserve to be spurned by the world, but in this place of Eagle Sauce Country, some young people still adore him.

He even used the place where he killed people as an Internet celebrity check-in place, and people went to worship every day.

And this ogre believed in Jesus in prison.

The priest felt that he was repenting from the bottom of his heart and even wrote to the prison asking for a reduction in his sentence.

Just such a magical country, Su Chen did not believe that these bastards would open the mouth not to sentence him to death, just to judge him once.

Seeing that Su Chen still didn't speak.

White police officers felt their authority was being provoked.

With a sinister smile, he felt something from his arms and threw it hard.

A long black stick appeared in his hand.

The white policeman held it against Su Chen's chin: "Boy, you have to understand your current identity, a prisoner, you don't really think that after killing so many people, you can still be taken away by a lawyer." "

"The beauty you think, the place I want to take you to, there are a lot of guys like you locked up in it, some of them are even rich and enemy, and I haven't seen anyone who can take them out, you are a broken student, don't have such naïve thoughts."

Su Chen was still silent.

The white policeman was not satisfied and smashed Su Chen with a throwing stick.

duang! ~

duang! ~

The shock of the metal collision made him almost unable to hold the throwing stick.

"Fak! So hard!! "

Even if he knew Su Chen's combat strength, he really smashed the stick on his body to know how powerful this guy really was.

Train your muscles like metal.

Is this something that humans can do?

The white policeman sneered: "You are proud, go to the place, there are times when you cry..."

Throw the stick out and fall into the waves of the sea.

Less than half an hour.

An ancient castle appeared in front.

The size of this castle occupies the entire island, only in front of the gate, leaving a place for a helicopter to land.

Helicopter landing.

The white policeman pulled Su Chen to the door.

Inside the gate, a tall, thin white man came out and greeted him with a smile.

"Corey, why are you today, do you want to go in and have a cup of tea..."

"Not just a cup of tea, are all the things I want ready?"

"Ready, but..."

The white thin tall man looked at Su Chen, who was tightly bound in his hand, and smiled and patted it a few times: "I have prepared more than thirty people, all of them are good hands, are you sure that such a thin monkey can hold it?" "

"This guy has more than a hundred lives in his hands, it's better to die..."

Corey said without caring.

The thin and tall prison guard was stunned for a moment, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

The hand that grabbed Su Chen also tightened a lot.

Follow them into the prison, which is different from the dilapidated and dilapidated imagined, but very well decorated.

And it's also dry.

The lights in the hallways are also bright.

Su Chen was not immediately taken into the cell, but pulled to a separate room and put a fasting mask on his head.

This thing was originally for the mentally ill to prevent them from rioting and hurting people.

Over here.

Just to make Su Chen unable to move his hands for a while, let alone his mouth.

Then he used a long chain to lock Su Chen here, and the length was only enough for Su Chen to walk to the door and unable to go out.

The white policeman knocked Su Chen's face with a throwing stick, and said with a gloomy look: "This iron chain is also made of special alloy, even an elephant can lock it, you can't break free, someone will be here to accompany you in a while, don't be scared away ~~~"

"Okay Corey, let's go to the office for tea."

"Is there any surveillance, I want to see how this kid is beaten..."

The voices of the two became farther and farther away, and Su Chen symbolically broke free.

It's tied very tightly.

And this thing seems to be conscious, slowly shrinking in with his swing.

"This thing is quite sturdy."

Corey and the tall, skinny guard took the key and opened the doors of several surrounding prisons.

"The innermost house, the guy who is tied, any of you can kill him, I will give you a five-year reduction in sentence, if you want to go, you can try..."

The two left this sentence and dangled and left.

The people inside the cell saw them leave.

They all got up.

These people had shaved heads, wore black and white prison uniforms, their hands and leg cuffs were opened, and they followed the guide to the door of Su Chen's room.

Push open the door and take a look.

In the deepest part of the room sat a man with a thin figure, tied by a rope, wearing a tight mask, and a chain around his neck.

"Hahaha, I thought it was a powerful big guy, but I didn't expect it to be a skinny monkey..."

"This is Asian? I didn't expect that Asians could still be locked up here, he wouldn't be cheating with a woman of a big man..."

"The figure is quite good, if there is no such task, it is not bad to raise him as a woman ~~~"

"What else to say, go on!"


Several people came to Su Chen with a smile and glanced down.

Definitely an Asian American, and not bad-looking.

"What a skinny monkey, do you know that your life can bring us a five-year commutation, you should feel honored..."

【Dunlop Tobias】

[Crimes: intentional homicide, arson, intentional injury...]

[Sentencing: 350 years]

【Hardy Egbert】

[Crimes: intentional homicide, rape, enticing a young girl...]

[Sentencing: 289 years]

【Emerson Achill】

[Crimes: intentional homicide, rape of men, abduction of women and children...]

[Sentencing: 296 years]

【Dewey Joseph】

[Crimes: intentional homicide, illegal detention, drug trafficking, abetment...]

[Sentencing: 356 years]


[Crimes: intentional homicide, coercion of others to engage in prostitution, abduction of underage men for prostitution...]

[Sentencing: 350 years]

At a glance, the people here, both in terms of charges and sentences, are much more than that public prison.

The ruthless aura on the body is also much stronger.

These people have seen blood, and I don't know how many times this kind of thing has been done.

Today I am ready to reduce my sentence again....

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