As a result, hundreds of thousands of Leviathan snakes and hundreds of millions of insects that can swim in the water followed behind the Leviathan snakes and began to enter the sea of ​​stars through the space passage and began to hunt. All life in the sea and all mineral resources on the seabed.

Then, Ming ordered hundreds of millions of cannonworms to hide in the clouds above the sea. If gods and enemies appeared, they would carry out artistic bombings. There were even mantis sword bugs. Ming also arranged them above the Sea of ​​Stars. Crush the enemy immediately and harvest their heads.

Because the mantis has long been thirsty for its sword, and they also dream of one day becoming the real death mantis, so they must fight countless times and be bloodthirsty.

In this way, after General Ming had deployed the battle in the Sea of ​​Stars, he came to the injured Hive Will ship alone, and walked to an advanced incubation room, where a large vessel was placed. Several mixed medicinal solutions are stored, and a Zerg creature is soaked in the medicinal solution. "

"Heaven comes, wake up from your deep sleep!" At this time, Ming called the insect creature in the vessel to wake up through his spirit.


Soon, countless cracks appeared on the large vessel, green liquid liquid continued to leak out, and the sleeping insect creature inside slowly opened its colorful eyes.

In fact, this is a colorful butterfly that looks very dreamy, but she was once the enemy of Ming, the queen from the sky of the locust tribe, and finally surrendered to the powerful Ming. Now she is a member of the Ming insect tribe, but after that , she has been sleeping and evolving, because Ming once promised her to make her stronger.

"Immortal Pluto!" But Tianxiang quickly realized the problem and changed his words: "No, you are a great master. What are your orders?"

Tianxiang here retains her own consciousness and Zerg spiritual thoughts, because Mingyi did not completely control her from the beginning, and did not even think about turning her into a mechanical puppet, but just imprinted it on her mind. His spiritual imprint, if Tianxiang has the intention of rebellion, will be destroyed by the spiritual imprint.

"Yeah! But this time I wake you up from your slumber and evolve, so that you can trap a group of insects. They are the hibernating people in this world and have evolved themselves into human form. But I believe in you Hua Meng. The ability to corrode." As Ming then transmitted the information about the insect kingdom in this world to Tianliang's mind through his spiritual will.

"Yes, my great master, as long as they are bugs, my ability to trap them is their most terrifying fear. Please feel free to leave them to me to execute!" After receiving the information, Tianxiang immediately assured Ming.

"Very good. As for your evolution, I have been preparing for you. One day I will make you a powerful Void Emperor Butterfly. At that time, you only need to flap your wings and the surrounding void will shatter. ..." Ming said lightly, and at the same time, Ming has always been very concerned about the evolution of heaven. After all, the colorful butterfly in front of him has the potential to evolve into the Void Emperor Butterfly. It is a good embryo that can become stronger. For the Ming Zerg tribe, It is said that it will be a big killer again.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Tianxiang was very grateful to Ming in his heart, because Ming had always abided by his promise and did not turn her into a puppet. She was still the Tianxiang before, but she was no longer the king. But for Tianxiang, this was also It's nothing, after all, being able to have her own ideology is already very satisfying for her.

"Yeah, but now you follow me first. You can't pass the curved realm in the Sea of ​​Stars yet."


As a result, Ming was followed by a colorful butterfly more than ten meters in size, but when Ming exited the Hive Will aircraft carrier, Ming summoned thousands of invisible bugs and followed him in an invisible state.

In this way, Ming appeared above the sea of ​​star movement through the space channel.


At this time, I saw insect creatures everywhere on the sea surface of the Sea of ​​Stars. Some of them were chasing countless scale demons on the sea. Facing such a huge number of insect creatures, the scale demons were basically unable to pulse. There is no way to resist, but to keep running away.

However, the scale monsters are indeed very fast in the water. In one moment, they become countless bugs chasing them in the water. However, the Behemoth bugs are much more violent. They launch psychic attacks on the scale monsters. When the force came into contact with the water, it exploded, so there was chaos on and in the sea for a while.

And as the King of Behemoth, Bug controlled the Pulse Beast King Kong to emit the roar of the Pulse Technique, producing a powerful Pulse Technique sound wave power, which caused continuous bombings on the sea surface where it passed, and hit the ground thousands of feet high. layers of water waves.

And it seems that the pulse sound wave has super terrifying penetration and lethality, because a large number of sea creatures died under the pulse sound wave. Of course, the pulse beast King Kong is alone on a sea surface and does not threaten the insects of the Hades.

"Now, I see Hai Wenxiang and Yuan Lang, they should come to save the Scale Demon Clan!" At this time, Ming was thinking about what would happen next.

Because Ming also wants to use this method to lure Hai Wenxiang and get her pulse beast, and then see if her pulse beast also has the breath of the void beast. If the same is the case, then Ming will prepare to remove the pulse beast in advance. In the space world, he will capture all the pulse beasts, because maybe there will be a huge surprise left for him from the Insect Tribe.

Moreover, Ming now needs the Qujing No. 1 in the hands of Captain Yuanlang. This ship is made of special materials and can pass through the warping space of the Sea of ​​Stars to reach the Sacred Beast Kingdom and the Insect Kingdom. This way Ming can easily You can drive Qujing No. 1 to catch the little guy Manji in Wowo Township, and Tiansheng can take advantage of this to go to the Insect Kingdom to trap those insect people.

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