Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 99 The ability of Pulse Beast King Kong

"Could it be that the giant void beast has also come to the Yuanyang realm? But how come this pulse beast has the aura of the giant void beast on its body?" Ming speculated in many aspects in his heart, "Could it be that the pulse beast swallowed the injured void pulse beast? ?”

But Ming felt that his conjecture was ridiculous. How could a mere vein beast swallow a huge void beast that was thousands of miles away? Even if the void beast that collided with his Hive Will ship only had a breath left, and unfortunately fell into the unknown pulse beast space, it could not be devoured by the so-called pulse beast. After all, the huge void beast thousands of miles away was in the galaxy. It is already one of the most terrifying creatures, how could it die so easily?

"Let's first see what abilities this Pulse Beast King Kong has?"

But next, Ming temporarily put aside why this pulse beast has the aura of the void beast, but couldn't wait to know the pulse beast ability of King Behemoth, because every pulse beast in this world controls Some special power.

For example, Yuan Lang of the scale demon clan of the Holy Sea Kingdom is not only the captain of the Qujing No. 1 ship, but also the admiral of the coalition forces and the commander of the Whirlpool Island Theater of the Holy Alliance Army. This scale demon woman has an independent veined beast - Xiu Show, but this pulse beast is not from Yuanlang, but a love token given to her by a pirate brother.

But this little Pulse Beast has super strong constellation sensing ability, and can even achieve long-distance positioning. If the Pulse Beast Xiuxiu controls the Pulse Art Cannon, no enemy can escape the attack of the cannon controlled by it.

Another example is the Pulse Beast of the Scale Demon Hai Wenxiang. It is a beast-shaped Pulse Beast. It is very large and full of crimson dreams. It is like a crimson flame, but when it takes off, it looks more like A blood-colored sea butterfly, and this pulse beast controls the ability of the pulse technique light ball and the pulse technique crystal cone.

In front of us, the Pulse Beast King Kong summoned by King Behemoth is obviously a beast-type Pulse Beast, and King Behemoth has not disappeared into the Pulse Beast King Kong's body. It can be determined that the Pulse Beast King Kong is an independent type. Pulse Beast can fight with King Behemoth at the same time.

"Yes, my great master!" King Behemoth replied, and then directly ordered the Pulse Beast King Kong to show its own abilities through the close connection between the soul and the Pulse Beast.


I saw the more than 20-meter-tall black King Kong. It suddenly opened its closed eyes. It was a pair of terrifying scarlet eyes. At the same time, its huge mouth suddenly opened and roared, revealing two huge black horns at the top and bottom. The teeth look like something with the face of a devil.

"It turned out to be a sonic pulse attack?" Ming felt King Kong's ability from this terrifying roar. It was like the lion's roar in Xingye Kung Fu, attacking the enemy with powerful sound waves.

"Yes, my great master, King Kong's pulse roar ability can actually be stronger, but I'm afraid that it will hurt us if it is used at full strength!" At this time, the Behemoth Insect looked at Ming with great respect and said, it also I feel that this is the power given to it by the great Lord.

"Well done. If the Pulse Roar attacks with full power, it will indeed hurt the lives of the Insect Tribe!" Ming nodded and was very optimistic about King Behemoth. Unexpectedly, the Insect Tribe still has many bugs with high IQs. And the consciousness of the bugs, of course, this was also his foresight, not to deprive the bugs of all their spirit and reduce them to biological puppets.

"Okay, now take your Pulse Beast to the Sea of ​​Moving Stars and strike fear into the gods of this world and the countless races on earth!" Now, Ming wants to use the Pulse Beast to attract the attention of more creatures in this world, so that Only then will there be a steady stream of food and resources, delivered autonomously from all directions to the giant mouth of the Insects, so that he does not have to run around. After all, there are many places where there are dangers in space, such as the Curved Realm, the Curved Realm, and the Illusion Realm. Such a dangerous place.

"Yes, my great master, this profession is really suitable for me and my men!"

So after receiving the order, King Behemoth took his subordinates and the Pulse Beast King Kong behind him, and went to the Sea of ​​Stars first. In order to complete the master's order, they frantically carried out endless destruction.

"This time, we are going to capture all the lives in the world and use their blood and flesh to repair the Hive Will ship that we rely on for survival. Only when the Hive Will ship can be repaired can we fight back to the galaxy. Go kill all the giant beasts in the void!" Ze Ming started a new order, "However, in front of us, if we want to control the Sea of ​​Star Movement first, we must kill the scale demon soul, the capital of the scale demon clan. "

At the same time, Ming knows that the scale demon clan is hiding under the sea, but this time he will send the Leviathan snakes of the Hades clan to sail to the seabed in hundreds of thousands, and they will also be accompanied by hundreds of millions of water insects, such as lobsters and scorpions. Although shrimps and insects like these are not very powerful on land, they are huge in number, and as long as they are in water, their attack damage will be greatly improved.

As for the Leviathan Whale, because it is too large, it is currently unable to pass through the narrow space passage. Only after the Hive Will ship is repaired and can be bombarded with super laser cannons in the void can it fight for the Hades.

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