Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 29 The enemy has ten seconds to enter the defense line

Rouran, whose white clothes were stained red by blood, looked at a black insect hand on her chest and couldn't believe that all this was real.

It was clear that this insect had kindly saved her before, but why was it ruthlessly killing her at this moment?


But Rouran screamed in pain again, because Ming pulled his hand out of her heart!

"Hmph! Ignorant humans dare to touch this king's bottom line at will!"

Ming looked at the beating heart in his hand and really wanted to crush it and turn it into a rain of blood.

But he didn't do this. Instead, he ordered the bug to return the heart to the underground kingdom, and immediately used the purple carpet to pupate and preserve it, waiting to make good use of this human heart in the future!

"Damn it, you killed my junior sister?"

Suddenly, an embarrassed figure with disheveled hair rushed over to Xiang Ming, holding a crimson sword in his hand.


Ming stood still and laughed, what a weak body? What a reluctant pace? What a chaotic and trembling voice?

"It's time for you to give up. You and she must stay here completely. This is your life!"

Ming's words are very plain, but they have a kind of bewitching and comforting power. It's like saying that you should stop and have a good rest when you are tired and have no strength. Why are you so persistent?


As expected by Ming, the embarrassed man seemed to have exhausted all his energy. After his words, the other party seemed to be unable to move forward in this non-fighting tone and knelt down directly. Beside a corpse, he knelt in front of Ming.

"Why?" the man asked helplessly, hammering his head.

"Why? It's impossible for your other companions to leave this world alive. How can I let you leave alone? This kind of unkind and unjust approach is the last thing you humans like to accept, right? So even if you are a We met by chance, and I also want to help you leave a lasting legacy!"

In fact, Ming couldn't figure it out in his heart. The other party was so disrespectful, and he thought there was a big fight here. Unexpectedly, only two self-righteous cultivators came, and the others actually went to the sea of ​​​​stone forest to kill countless insects.

But the locusts on the other side of the Stone Forest Sea are already flying all over the sky and have entered a high alert state. Millions and tens of millions of insects have awakened because of the continuous collapse of the Stone Forest Sea.

You say it’s not good for these stupid humans to die here, but they must die in the sea of ​​​​stone forests? At least I can leave a whole body for each of them here!

So in order to meet this group of immortal cultivators, Ming Zai mobilized a large number of bugs with weapon abilities, such as cannon bugs, smoke bugs, fire-breathing bugs, and even advanced mutants that can float in the air - giant bubbles. Pickle bugs can transport bugs on land for airborne landing.

Moreover, these bugs were all hatched from the third-level incubation pool. They just finished the feeding period, and they were armed today. Do you want to give them more face?

Who would have thought that only two immortal cultivators would come in the end? Do you think this will make the insect angry?

Now Ming really wants to slap him in the face and say, I pick up your girl all because of you! Not giving face, right? Do you look down on the strength of this king’s Zerg clan? You're awesome, aren't you? Then what……?


At this time, a heartbreaking scream came out of the man's mouth.

It was Ming who ordered a few insects to cut off his hand and hamstrings, completely losing his chance to resist.

"just kill me!"

The man is no longer as charming as he was when he first arrived, and has completely lost his belief in living, because there is no chance to live. Rather than being crushed to death, it is better to die quickly. Besides, no one will come to save him. , I’m afraid they are all almost dead!

"Senior brother...senior brother!"


There is hope now!

Just when he completely lost the confidence and courage to live, he actually heard his junior brothers calling him.

A small flame of hope ignited in his heart again.

"Ah... Junior Brother, hurry up, Senior Brother is here!!" At this moment, he almost cried and shouted. It turns out that his senior brothers and sisters are still alive, must they be here to save him now?

"Senior brother, save us!"

Unexpectedly, the next moment, there was a cry for help from behind that was even more frightening than him.

Man: "..." My heart is completely broken, why are you still teasing yourself like this? Forget it or die!

"Huh? Just rest in peace. How could there be so many accidents that could keep you alive?"

Mingshi couldn't help but laugh completely at this moment.

What a sad person? They are just a group of people in distress who cannot save themselves, but God has tricked them into relying on this when they die.

Immediately afterwards...

"The entire army is listening to the order. The enemy is expected to arrive at the base defense line in ten seconds. Prepare to attack with all your strength!"

"As you command!"

"Swish!! Puff!!"

Countless insects, densely packed and red, suddenly crawled out, suddenly occupied the sky, and all headed towards the outside of the Zerg wall that had not yet been completely built.

Now these bugs are the insect army prepared and arranged by Ming in advance in order to meet the invasion of the locust clan.

The number of bugs is about 150,000, which is also the number that other bugs can produce now. Although the number of bugs is not very large at present, each one is one or more better than the bugs of other bugs. .

Especially the mutated ability bugs and mutated weapon bugs are even more powerful. Their existence is enough to form a force that can destroy the world.

Without further ado, Ming will direct the insects to fight and fire.

So Ming disappeared on the spot and first came to several immortal cultivators asking for help.

And now they are in a state of complete collapse, because they learned that their senior brother was also cold, and the last straw of hope was gone, so there was no hope of living, and they could only choose to be paralyzed on the ground and wait for the inevitable death.

But, who knows what they experienced in the Stone Forest Sea, it’s just ridiculous!

"Tch...everyone deserves to die!"

Ming directly took action and killed the three embarrassed cultivators instantly, because they should never have escaped from the sea of ​​​​stone forest and attracted countless locust armies to his territory in advance!

"Buzz buzz!!"

Soon, as Ru Ming had expected and judged, the locust army really appeared in the sky above his territory within ten seconds!

Their arrival directly darkened a large area of ​​the sky, as if the void where they were was being eaten away. It was completely dark without any light!

"Tsk, tsk, you came just in time. This king's Zerg needs to be baptized with your blood so that it can snowball bigger and bigger on the battlefield!"

Ming saw that there were quite a few locusts, more than 200,000 of them. Each one was huge, with wings spread out to about one meter and two. However, he was not afraid at all. Now all the female locusts in the base have evolved. It has become the mother body of the royal insect, and its egg-laying ability can already meet the snowballing model and the supply needs of insect soldiers on the battlefield!

Among the locusts in the sky, there are naturally commander-level bugs, commanding more than 200,000 bugs.

Because when they noticed more than 100,000 bugs appearing in their sight, they immediately stopped, as if measuring the opponent's combat power.

But they can't measure anything. They only felt that the opponent's number was twice as small as theirs, so they directly launched a crazy attack, intending to start a Zerg war and devour everything.

"The bedbugs obeyed the command and released smoke and odor on a large scale!"

Mingze immediately ordered the combat method, first take away the enemy's vision!

ps: Thank you all book friends for your rewards and recommendation votes. The author would like to thank you all. This week’s new book is being promoted. I hope that book friends who are interested in reading the book will support it a lot. Votes, rewards, and comments will be directly related to the results of the test. Authors with good results will of course be motivated to write better articles. thank you……

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