Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 30: One insect punch and his head exploded

Smoke, hundreds of yellow smoke "puff" sprayed out from behind the smoke bug's butt, like hundreds of smoke bombs thrown on the spot and nearby, covering a large area in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the enemy insects rushing in front were directly involved in the yellow smelly mist. Their lineup began to become chaotic, and they seemed to have completely lost their way forward!

The bugs in front were dizzy in the yellow smoke and couldn't get out, and the bugs pressing up from behind also rushed into it. So for a while, countless locusts broke out of the air and folded their wings and fell, like raindrops. Keep falling to the ground.

And once these predators who are good at flying in the air fall to the ground, it means death is approaching, because their combat power will be reduced by at least half.

What's more, there are countless insect soldiers arranged by Ming below, waiting for them to fall, and then give them a fatal final blow.

"Humph, but the fun has just begun!"

When Ming saw this scene, he felt that these bugs should not irritate his hand very much. It seemed that the person giving orders among these bugs was not very smart, his IQ was not at all online, and he should be a 250-level existence.

Then the next step will be much easier.


Ming took advantage of this and initiated the command again. At this time, more than 1,200 weapon cannon bugs all opened their mouths and began to mobilize energy cannonballs from the cannon sacs under their abdomens.

"Boom boom!!!"

Three seconds later, 1,200 flame cannonballs were fired into the yellow smoke. The scene was extremely fireworks, like the core of the planet exploding, and the terrifying energy circle swept directly around the void.

Even from afar, one can feel the space vibrating and the space falling into dead silence.

But this was all within his expectations.

Because every energy shell emitted by the cannonworm itself, the explosive power released is probably comparable to the power of grenades used by humans in previous lives.

What's more, this batch of new cannonworms is already an enhanced version. When each energy cannonball explodes, it is like a highly compressed fireball. It will not only explode, but also burn into a sea of ​​​​fire.

As a result, more than 200,000 enemy insects were seen in this explosion, and nearly 100,000 were directly lost. Countless bugs were blown to pieces, countless bugs were charred into carbon, and countless bugs crashed.

"Now... who can stop this king from the era of Hades?" Ming rushed up to the sky and shouted at the sky.

But now those enemy insects are almost all defeated soldiers and no longer pose any threat. As long as the remaining enemy insects are subjected to another round of bombing, the entire army will be annihilated without letting the insect soldiers rush in to fight.


"Boom boom boom!!"

So after three seconds of cooling and three seconds of firing time, the cannonworm launched another round of artillery fire attack.

The last thing you can imagine?

They are just some primitive bugs, and they do not have absolute power or large numbers. They have always relied on the most primitive attack methods. How can they compete with these powerful weapon bugs like you and me?

Moreover, today’s enhanced version of the weapon cannon bugs are already super durable and can be used many times!

However, cannonballs can only be fired three times in a day, and the energy they store in the body will be exhausted. If you want to re-arm, you need to re-store energy before you can continue to fire energy cannons, that is, eat resources and food. Come add!

"Huh? So you are their superior?"

Under the attack of the second round of artillery fire, the enemy insects had completely lost their combat effectiveness. The only group of living locusts began to swarm around and protect an insect to escape, but unfortunately, Ming saw it.

It was a locust with two heads.

"I can't let you go back to report!"

The battle has just ended, and today's cannon bugs have used up the number of launches. Ming must rest for a day or two to allow the weapon bugs to store up their strength before they can fire cannonballs again.

So Ming rushed forward and used his brute strength to blast and tear apart countless bugs. Naturally, the two-headed locust that gave the order died miserably.

But suddenly, everything seemed to be planned.

At this time, a huge locust shot towards him from a forest below, as fast as a rocket launcher.

Moreover, the insect had already opened its huge mouth several meters wide and wanted to swallow him in one bite.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities! It's you, a bug!"

Ming felt that he recognized this insect. To be honest, this giant insect was ten meters high and fifteen meters long. It was a giant locust insect of the locust tribe.

In the last battle, this insect showed super strong impact ability, extremely fast speed of four cicada wings, and also had a huge insect mouth full of fangs. Overall, its combat power was extremely powerful. Probably a guardian of the Locust Clan.

However, all this is no longer scary to him now. The Titan can completely crush this insect if it is tripled.

"Titan triple!"

So Ming directly tripled the size of the Titan, tripled its overall combat power, and his body size and height increased directly from the original 1.8 meters to 5.4 meters.

"What a powerful force!"

Feeling his sudden strength, Mingshi held back his roar.

"This is full of the feeling of a volcanic eruption, why do you still need to avoid it?"

So Ming had no intention of dodging, and directly clenched his fist in the air, mobilizing the pure power in his body.

"I'm going to blow your head off with this punch!"

Ming Xian disappeared at the same place, obviously faster than the opponent. He rushed forward and punched the giant locust on the head.

"Bang!!!" There was a loud noise!

Before Ming had the insect body of the Titan, he could blast out a thousand kilograms of power with a punch or a kick. Now, with three times the strength of the Titan, a punch can blast more than three thousand kilograms of force.

Can you imagine the consequences of this bang?

So Mingdang punched half of the insect's head, and the entire body was blasted into the soil below!

Although this giant locust insect is extremely huge, it is still a primitive insect insect. It has always been undergoing low-level flesh and blood evolution. How can it be eaten?

"Yo? Is your vitality so tenacious?"

But the insect refused to die and lost half of its head. It even managed to crawl up from the soil. It even raised half of its head and looked at Ming in the air in a weird way!

"How dare you, a lowly insect, kill the guardian of this queen?"

But suddenly, unexpectedly, this giant locust worm said something that was not meant for this worm, as if it was forcibly cheating!

"Inferior? This king is inferior to your whole family!"

In fact, Zai Ming was very surprised by this, because this ability is so incredible. He really couldn't imagine that the Zerg could actually do this. You must know that the mouth of this bug was smashed by him. Normal mental control cannot allow this kind of behavior. Insects have the ability to talk, right?

"Who are you? This is my Immortal Pluto's territory. Your bugs came here and aroused my anger. They deserve to be killed!" Pluto's majesty persists. Although the other party is mysterious and must be very powerful, the other party does not say anything about him. We can also guess the supreme ruler of the Locust tribe - Queen Tianjiang.

"Immortal Pluto? This queen has never heard that there is a king of the Zerg tribe! And the controller of this fast area should be the king of beasts of the beast tribe. Was she killed by you? No, you are too weak, you simply No match for her!"

"Haha... It doesn't matter. I think you will soon know that there is an immortal Pluto among the Zerg, and you will also soon know whether this king is weak or not!" Ming went to the outbreak in a calm manner. Anyway, this Zerg war was completely avoided. No, it doesn’t matter if you come early or late!

"Hmph... This queen will be here soon. Although you are a little inferior, you are still delicious. Just wait and tremble!"

ps: I’m too embarrassed to ask for recommendation votes today. I don’t know why, but I’m so absent-minded today that I feel like I don’t feel anything about what I wrote! Just one update today, I'm going to go to bed early and adjust my state. Thank you for your support.

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