All the enemy insects were wiped out under the attack of Ming's smoke and artillery fire. Not a single insect could successfully escape the pursuit.

At this moment, the bugs are scattered around, busy cleaning the battlefield, and carrying the corpses of enemy bugs back to the underground kingdom to store them as delicious food and valuable resources.

"You anger her and she will soon descend on your territory!"

Suddenly, the king of beasts, the fox, appeared in front of Ming out of thin air. Her whole body was filled with coldness. She seemed to be different from before. This time, it was as if she had been charged with energy and could erupt in terror at any time!

"So what if I come? I am already the immortal Pluto!"

"But you look a lot stronger. Are you afraid of her?" Ming couldn't help but asked tentatively.

"Tch!" The fox glanced sideways at the bug in front of him.

"I am simply gathering the power of freezing all things, and I simply want all enemies to lose their lives in absolute stillness. Do you think I will be afraid of you, the insect family?"

"What? Fox, please don't mess around. Even my Zerg clan can't afford to do this. You said this yourself!"

For some reason, Ming felt like he was thinking of something terrible at this moment. This fox must have wanted to mobilize the true power of all beasts. In order to drive away the invasion of countless enemy insects, he began to ignore the losses of his Ming insect tribe!

To put it bluntly, he didn't believe he could repel Queen Tianjiang's invasion.

"At this moment and that moment, you just saw that Queen Tianjiang's will came from the sea of ​​​​stone forest. Although your insects are very strong, I don't think your spiritual power is as strong as hers. She arrived What if all your bugs are under control to deal with you?”

Fox seems to be very aware of the Zerg abilities that Ming Xian currently controls. Although she now recognizes Ming's strength, she does not recognize the Zerg spirit at all. What's more, she remembers that Queen Tianjiang is particularly good at confusing bugs and mentally controlling bugs. , once used this to forcefully control all the beasts under her control.

"Spiritual power?" After thinking about it, the fox was quite right. It was all his fault that he couldn't forcefully control his bugs, which would easily allow other bug kings to counter-control them.

" will take some time for me to develop the spiritual power of the Zerg."

" long will it take? One year? Or ten years?" The fox immediately grinned and sneered, showing a few white teeth.

According to her understanding, the spiritual improvement of the Zerg takes a long time to continuously evolve, and it does not mean that evolution can be successful. After all, the bugs who can become the king of the Zerg are one of hundreds of millions of qualified ones.

"Humph, but I only need half a month at most!"

"What? Are you sure you are serious? Isn't it a bit frivolous?"

The fox was surprised by this. The words of the bug in front of her almost made her laugh, but looking at him, he seemed to be serious about what he said...huh?

And she still understood why all of this was possible.

"Not serious? How can I joke about such a thing?"

Ming was speechless, thinking that I was cheating, what could I do?

To be honest, I just have to wait for the service time limit of the turtle grandson in the system to be lifted, and then I can directly start evolution, choose the sea of ​​spirit, and have three spiritual skills.

"Okay, you can do it! I will trust you again. If you reduce the power of freezing everything by half, it shouldn't have a great impact on your Zerg race, right?"

The fox suddenly took a look at the bugs moving on the purple ground. They seemed to be obviously very fast and resilient, and their life was very strong because of this. I think the existence of that thing should be able to offset the direct impact caused by myself!

"I hope so, and it's for the best!"

Ming looked at the carpet of his own Zerg race. Now the carpet is constantly expanding, which is becoming more and more beneficial to the bugs.

But now that the fox has said this, I think she should be able to control the power to reduce the damage to her Zerg, and she will not forcefully damage his carpet.

"In this way, I will help you buy fifteen days. If you still fail to repel the invasion of the Queen of Heaven, I will use my own method to end it all myself! Although it will cause losses to you Zerg, at least You can live."

Fox's words were full of good intentions. After all, the number of Ming's bugs was less than 200,000 bugs. How could they really deal with Queen Tianjiang who had hundreds of millions of bugs?

"Fox, just wait and see!"

Fox: "..." Without saying anything, he disappeared out of thin air on the spot. Ming only felt a cold air coming over his face, and he felt chilly!

Now Ming still doesn't know what specific means the fox will use to help him gain fifteen days, but without the power of terror, it is impossible to prevent the arrival of a huge insect race, and it is still as terrifying as the insect king himself coming. .

But you can only believe...

So Ming then returned to the base, and his Zerg continued to operate normally. The construction of the Zerg outside continued, and the internal incubation was going on all the time.

This time, Ming will hatch a batch of bugs with special abilities, that is, advanced mutants, within half a month. He hopes to use the genes of chameleons to hatch a batch of bugs that can become invisible, specifically to carry out his assassination orders and kill enemies for him. Some of the top leaders among the worms.

The two human monks he killed today will be put into the new third-level incubation pool to extract genes, hoping to hatch a batch of humanoid bugs that will then become powerful alien bugs.

Moreover, Ming believes that the hatched humanoid bugs will be very smart, so that they can help him lead some bugs and go out to perform various tasks!

Ming felt that this should be what the Zerg would do next.

And all he had to do was wait patiently.

When Ming woke up the next day, he saw the changes in the primitive forest.

Overnight, the entire forest, including his empty space, was filled with layers of white cold air.

And it is very cold, because the temperature is at least 20 degrees below zero.

If the bugs working outside today do not recover on the purple carpet, they will soon be frozen in place and unable to move.

"Looks like the fox is already starting!"

Ming knew that this was probably the fox's method. It might not be able to successfully prevent the coming of the Queen from the Sky, but it should be able to stop her army.

And this might as well be a deterrent, to tell the other party that if you come in, you will accept the freezing of all things from her, the king of beasts.

After all, Queen Tianjiang didn't know that this was the King of Beasts' way of buying herself time, and she would definitely consider it a warning.

If it succeeds, then it just depends on whether the fox can persist for fifteen days. After all, such a large-scale energy consumption is very terrifying!

As for the cold fog in the primitive forest, it naturally attracted the attention of the underground Zerg tribe and the sky locust tribe. They had invaded the primitive forest many times and knew how terrifying the cold fog was and how powerful the King of Beasts was. , otherwise they would have turned the only forest in this world into a bare wasteland.

At this time, in the sea of ​​​​stone forests, the stone peak lair where the Queen of Heaven lived was hidden in the clouds.

Although the land below is constantly collapsing, the entire ground is also very unstable. Cracks appear from time to time, and it may fall apart at any time, completely collapse and be submerged by the water of the Giant Mirror Lake.

But the stone peak where Queen Tianjiang lives shows no signs of collapse. Countless locusts and moths are holding this giant peak up in the void, and they can move the stone peak to wherever the Queen wants to go at any time. !

"Hmph, the King of Beasts is helping that lowly insect? Go and surround the entire primitive forest!"

In the clouds, the Queen from Heaven suddenly issued a command of her will.

As a result, tens of millions of insects flew over the primitive forest, directly covering an area of ​​the sky, causing the primitive forest to sink into darkness during the day!

ps: Thank you everyone for your votes and rewards, I am very grateful.

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