Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 32 The Three Spiritual Skills of the Sea of ​​Spirits

"Damn Queen Tianjiang!"

Ming stood outside his Zerg base and looked up at the swarm of locusts in the sky. They were too arrogant. They were so dense that they blocked all light and almost affected the construction work of the workers. He really wanted to use the power of the cannon bugs to bombard them. scattered.

However, fortunately, the Insects possess the genes of lighting bugs, and there are plenty of bugs that can illuminate.

So the next day passed like this.

On the tenth day.

The underground Zerg said they also wanted to form a tacit alliance with the Locust clan, and actually mobilized an army of millions of bugs to directly demonstrate and guard the area where the primitive forest and the desert of death meet.

"Surely these guys can't hold themselves back anymore?"

Ming knew that the Black Queen would not miss this opportunity. She also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to occupy the primitive forest and get a share of the pie. After all, the resources here were limited and there were not many left.

"Well... just wait for me!"

Ming did not use any armed force to teach the underground Zerg a lesson, because currently there are no insects with armed capabilities that can directly threaten the opponent.

Although the cannonworm is a long-range attack, its range is not far. Stronger genetic evolution is needed here. Perhaps then it can be launched directly like a positioning missile. The so-called distance can be completely ignored.

Thirteen days later.

Something unexpected happened again.

On this day, the supreme ruler of the locust tribe actually led her entire locust tribe, hundreds of millions of locust units, to descend directly over the Death Desert.

The scene was very terrifying. Watching all these sudden changes from afar, it felt like a black hole that could not repair itself appeared somewhere in the sky, and was still devouring the void in all directions.

And there are countless stone peaks falling from the sky, which were carried by countless locusts from the sea of ​​stone forest to the ground of the Death Desert, and foundations were built directly on the desert to park the tall stone peaks!

"It seems that the Sea of ​​Stone Forest has completely collapsed, and Queen Tianjiang has to temporarily invade a piece of land as a continuing supply?"

"But damn the underground Zerg. This Black Queen is also stupid. She actually lined up a million Zerg soldiers to intimidate me at this time? Didn't she successfully deliver a delicious meal to her supposed ally? Hmph!"

What Ming You saw was that the millions of underground bugs had no time to escape. They seemed to be controlled by a powerful spiritual force in Ming Ming. Anyway, before they could escape, they were captured by countless locusts.

"It seems that Queen Tianjiang is really a terrifying existence. I just don't know what kind of insect it is?"

Regarding Queen Tianjiang's mental control, Ming was horrified by this. He was also glad that the fox bought time for him. Otherwise, if they really faced each other, Queen Tianjiang would probably completely crush the spirit of his more than 200,000 insects. Instead, she would Take control by force.

"But I have one last day before I can completely control my Zerg. Any Zerg that tries to control me through the king's spirit will be crushed back by me."

In Ming's heart, he is completely confident that the system is the strongest. You must know that he has the strongest evolutionary system!

Moreover, the sea of ​​​​spirits that foresees has three spiritual skills, namely link, domineering, and vision. The literal meaning of these has made him think of many incredible powers.

"Great Immortal Pluto, the new insect unit has been successfully hatched and is ready for use at any time!"

At this moment, a hatchling insect responsible for the incubation of the Hades crawled outside the base and reported to Hades.

These are all things that Ming had previously ordered to report to him, because the new units of the new insect species will be new units of the invisible insect species.

"No need to feed?"

"Great Immortal Pluto, we have the power of the Zerg's superior carpet. The larvae receive the blessing of the power of the carpet during the entire hatching process. Therefore, the entire incubation process has been reduced by half, and the feeding period has also been reduced by half."

"I see……"

Ming suddenly remembered that he should let the insects transfer the purple carpet outside and spread it comprehensively in the underground base, but he didn't expect it to play such a role in hatching!

It seems that the hatching of insect eggs will increase rapidly, and in less than a few days, advanced mutant insects with humanoid bugs will also be hatched!

Then Ming came to the lair of the new army and saw about a thousand invisible bugs, all of which still had wings, and among the thousand, there was a golden bug species that looked extremely powerful!

Here is the [Invisible Bug]: one meter high, three meters long, red, with a lizard head, a big mouth, and long teeth. It can kill a bug of the same size in one bite, and its body is a combination of an ant and a lizard. However, lizards have more genetic bodies, which is probably necessary for more perfect invisibility!

"Very well, I am your supreme ruler - the Immortal Pluto."

"You are very special. From now on you will be a general and an assassin!"

Ming looked at the group of invisible bugs, especially one of the golden bugs. Obviously, this golden bug seemed to be much smarter than the other bugs, but tomorrow he would be able to possess the sea of ​​spirit, and no matter how smart the bug was, he would Completely controlled by him!

So just by making a bug a general, he has no worries about the consequences!

"As you command!"

At fourteen days.

On this day, Tian Ming finally opened the strongest evolution system again.

[System]: "Please host to make a choice!"

1. The ability to evolve the prototype of the main brain...

Second, evolve the sea of ​​spirit, master spiritual skills, link, domineering, and vision.

3. Evolving Cell Armor, Note: It can be upgraded...

"I choose the Sea of ​​Spirits!!" Ming Hao did not hesitate, waiting for this moment to come!

[System]; "The spiritual sea has been opened for the host and successfully implanted!"

"Is this a spiritual skill? It looks so powerful!"

Ming immediately felt that he was in a very wonderful sublimation. It felt like before there was no sea of ​​spirit, he was just an empty shell. But now that he has the sea of ​​spirit, it is like the body has a real body. His soul directly dominates the sky, and the entire underground kingdom is always present in his mind. In short, it becomes particularly fulfilling!

"So these are the three major spiritual skills?"

At this moment Ming also completely digested this information, or this power!

[Spirit Skill Link]: You can forcibly link insects with lower mental power than yourself, thereby forcibly controlling their single thoughts, and imprinting your own mental imprint on their minds.

Moreover, they can transfer all their rare spirits into their own spiritual sea to strengthen their spiritual power. (Note: If the spirit is completely transferred, the bug will completely become a puppet!)

[Spirit Skill: Dominance]: You can use your own mental power to release a powerful aura for mental pressure, which can reduce some of the combat power of the pressure target for a short time. There is no limit to the pressure target, and everything can be a target!

[Spirit Skill Vision]: Through your own spiritual power, you can arbitrarily link insects with your own spiritual imprint. As long as they are in the same plane, all the vision of the insects is your own vision.

"Hmph! Then I will receive the spiritual transfer of my Zerg race now."

At this moment, Ming couldn't help but start to control the power of mental skills, looking forward to the pleasure of being able to control the thoughts and spirits of hundreds of thousands of insects at once!

ps: Thank you everyone for your recommendation votes and rewards!

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