Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 55 Arrives in the world of human race

Along with the Hive Will aircraft carrier, with the power of the origin of the world as the driving force, it began to continuously break away from the earth and float to high altitudes, casting a huge shadow directly between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, when it rose to a certain height, I saw countless biological pipes suddenly extending from the huge Hive Will aircraft structure thousands of miles away. They were like terrifying biological straws, directly inserted deeply into the world. Under the ground, the power of the earth is rapidly being absorbed.

Because at this moment, everything on the earth, except for the Zerg, is rapidly drying up and withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ground is even cracking and turning black.

Immediately afterwards, there were countless terrifying biological tubes, which continued to extend freely and headed towards the giant mirror lake. Soon, all the water in the giant mirror lake was sucked up. It seemed that there was something in this huge insect nest will navigation structure. With an unimaginable interior space.

"What is this?"

At this time, in the sky above the primitive forest, the fox stepped on the void. She saw this shocking and incredible scene with her own eyes, and she began to wonder if she was dreaming.

"This is the power of my king!"

Suddenly, Ming flashed out from the Hive Mind aircraft carrier. When he looked at the fox with a shocked face, he returned the ice box to her.

The fox, on the other hand, swallowed the ice box in one gulp and remained silent for a long time.

"I never thought the Zerg could be so powerful."

"No, the Zerg race has become stronger because of the existence of this King!" Ming corrected, "My King's Zerg Race will not be weaker than the power of humans and demons. What is shown now is just my iceberg. A corner."

"How is it? Do you feel trembling? Have you ever thought about following me?"

"Your ability to bewitch me is not yet effective on me. I only hope that you can keep your word and fulfill your promise." The fox said coldly. At this moment, she realized that the insect in front of her was indeed becoming more dangerous. Now it has begun Get her attention again.

"Haha, that's how it is. It won't be too late to wait until this king destroys this world." Ming laughed disapprovingly. If he didn't submit to him, he would die along with the world.

"Yes? But you don't know how long this world has life." The fox seemed to find Ming's arrogance ridiculous. What kind of world destruction? It’s simply delusional!

"Hmph! You may not believe it when I tell you. I never care about how many lives there are in this world. Anyway, no matter how many lives there are, they can't compete with my Zerg tribe."

Ming is very powerful and domineering at the moment, because he not only has the confidence to be the aircraft carrier of the Zerg Will, but also controls the method of refining the Zerg spiritual power. Even a few days ago, he refined the Zerg spiritual power. Incorporated into the Hive Will, psychic bugs with powerful killing weapons are now being mass-produced and hatched in the Hive Will aircraft carrier.

Of course, as a fox from the demon clan, how can he understand the true power of the Zerg clan? What is the power of Zerg genes?

So the fox laughed a little confused and warned:

"Well... when you get to the human race, you should destroy the source of the ten directions formation first. Then, for the sake of mutual benefit between you and me, I can also take action to save you from danger, and even reserve a place for you as a whole for the Insect Race. "

"Haha... That's all I have to say to you today!" Ming didn't care about what the fox said. He just looked at the world and saw that the power of the earth had been almost absorbed.

"Well, I will keep your original forest for you. You still have a chance!" At this time, Ming Ye ignored the fox and flew directly back to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

But the fox was still watching. She actually understood what Ming meant. Maybe she still had a chance to submit to him?

"Oh, what a ridiculous insect!"

After a while, the fox finally couldn't help but talk to himself, and then disappeared directly into the primitive forest without caring about the huge continent floating in the sky.

Five days later, within the Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

"Finally? Then let's destroy it!"

Ming conveyed the will of domination to the Hive Will aircraft carrier, because at this time, the destructive power of the Hive Will aircraft carrier was completely ready.


So at the next moment, a huge sound rang out in this side of the world, and above the Hive Will aircraft carrier, there was a beam of infinite destructive light like a laser cannon, which was fired directly into the gap in the void of this side of the world.

For a time, the rules of the heaven and earth here were completely destroyed. In the blink of an eye, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the void was constantly breaking and disappearing like a darkened mirror.

And Ming's Hive Will aircraft carrier carried the entire Ming Zerg tribe and began to stride towards the outside world of Fangtian.

Its speed is not fast, but it is not slow either. Every time it moves a small distance, it seems to be a distance of thousands of miles. In fact, it is extremely huge in itself, with a country of thousands of miles in radius.

At this time, the King of Beasts who was in the primitive forest was awakened again. She hurriedly rose to the sky and looked at the scene in front of her.

"How is it possible? He actually crushed all the rules of this sealed world?" She even saw Ming Zheng casting his gaze at her on top of this behemoth, with a smile on his face.

But just such a smile, the fox felt a little nervous about it, and a little scary.

"What on earth is he... going to do to me...?"

In the end, the fox couldn't figure it out at all, and it turned out that this sealed world had reappeared. No matter what, she would enter her final slumber and turn this place into an absolutely forbidden place, prohibiting everything in the outside world from disturbing and threatening her.

So as the Hive Will continued to move away, this world seemed to keep returning to the wider world of the human race, and the primitive forest began to turn into a dead place, becoming absolutely frozen from the inside out.

Soon, seemingly in the blink of an eye, the huge Hive Mind aircraft carrier was shrouded in a fog that could isolate the consciousness. It seemed to fall from the sky and appeared out of thin air in the sky of the human race.

At this moment, countless immortal cultivators were frightened. They all cast doubtful and shocked looks. It was because the huge thing in the sky was too obvious and mysterious.

"What's this?"

"Is it the mysterious country of mist?"

"Is it a floating land?"

"Is it the path to immortality left by our ancestors?"

As countless cultivators opened their imaginations and supplemented their imaginations, they even flew quickly towards the huge continent in the sky, wanting to go up and find out.

"Explode!! Explode!!"

But suddenly, countless terrifying masters rose into the sky from cemeteries, deep mountains, canyons, and they invariably blocked the world between the ten directions, blocking the entry of countless immortal cultivators.


Each of them let out a terrifying roar, and even erupted with terrifying blood energy that swept through the world in all directions, forcibly repelling countless immortal cultivators.


Someone who was knocked back recognized one of them and couldn't help but scream.

"This...oh my god!! He is the murderous devil who has disappeared for five hundred years!"

"What? The Blood Claw Killer? But... isn't it rumored that he has ascended to the upper world?"

Following this, countless people will suddenly appear in front of their lives and deeds, and even dig up all the things they have done.

At this moment, countless people became frightened. It turned out that these people were absolute masters who were only one step away from ascending to the upper world. They were truly strong men with the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

"What should we do? Join forces to kill them, or stop here?"

Then groups of people transmitted messages to each other. They were very anxious because they believed that there must be unimaginable treasures in that misty country, and there might even be a secret to becoming an immortal in one step!

It is said...

ps: Sorry, I’ll make up for it in a few days. I’m really busy these days and don’t have time to type. And the author didn’t save the manuscript, which is so embarrassing... Thank you for your support.

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