Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 56 The Behemoth Insect’s Real God of War


At this moment, someone among the dozens of super strong men suddenly killed the countless immortal cultivators in front of them.

This was an old monster who had dried up to the point where only skin and bones were left in his body. With one move, he sucked away all the blood of hundreds of people. In the blink of an eye, those hundreds of immortal cultivators turned into withered bones on the spot.

But at this time, his blood energy was getting stronger and stronger, and he returned to his middle-aged appearance in a few breaths, and even his white hair turned into jet black hair.

"The thousand-year ghost king, he is the thousand-year ghost king!"

Someone yelled in horror. He had just almost died in the hands of this old immortal, so he remembered that this old monster might be the strongest among this group of super strong people, because he had lived the longest and had already lived. The old immortal who has not died for more than a thousand years.

So many people looked at the old immortal, and then couldn't help but retreat hundreds of meters. Only then did they finally remember that it was said that this man was a super ruthless person, and even the Blood Claw Killer Demon King had been defeated by him. he.

Hundreds of years ago, there were rumors that he slaughtered a million-person mortal city and used the bones in the city to create a gloomy cemetery for himself. This cemetery still exists today, but I didn't expect that hundreds of years later. , this old guy is not dead yet.

But at this moment, the mist-shrouded Hive Mind aircraft carrier seemed to spray out thousands of biological tentacles. These tentacles were simply and roughly inserted into the ground of this world and began to absorb the power of this world!

"What's going on? What is this?"

At this time, countless immortal cultivators were frightened by this incredible scene, because they felt something was wrong, as if the mist kingdom floating in the air was like a living whole.

But how is this possible? Does this kind of monster still exist in this world?

So in order to verify, someone slashed a tentacle of the creature closest to him with a sword. Unexpectedly, although it broke into two sections, it bifurcated into two tentacles in an instant and suddenly attacked him.

"Ah!! Help!!"

The man didn't expect the tentacles to be so powerful. They would wrap around him in the blink of an eye before launching another attack, and then suddenly bite the back of his neck. Immediately, he felt like he couldn't lift any strength in his body, as if his own spiritual power It seemed to be completely imprisoned and resolved.


Countless immortal cultivators saw this scene with their own eyes and were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweat and did not dare to touch these tentacles inserted into the ground.

However, there are also cultivators with high levels of cultivation and courage who seem not to be afraid of these strange tentacles. They insist on using various magic weapons in their hands to launch devastating attacks on thousands of tentacles.

However, these biological tentacles seem to have the function of infinite rebirth. Even if they are destroyed into debris, they will grow directly like roots after landing on the ground, and they will quickly extend in all directions like terrifying vines.

This time these biological tentacles did not launch any attack on them, they seemed to be simply growing and invading!

At this time, these immortal cultivators finally discovered that it was indeed difficult to destroy these tentacle-like things, so they gave up the choice of destruction for the time being, and instead paid full attention to the mist kingdom in the sky.

Because the dozens of super strong men who suddenly appeared before have already flown into the mist kingdom.

These powerful men were extremely fast, as if they had the ability to travel through the void, so they quickly disappeared into the realm of mist.

And when the millions of immortal cultivators behind them were about to follow, dozens of super strong men who entered suddenly retreated.

"What's going on? Is there a big danger inside?"

The people behind him had to stop for a moment, not understanding what just happened inside? And what exactly have these superpowers experienced or felt?

Because there were originally more than twenty people in this group of superpowers, but now one person suddenly disappeared. In other words, who was killed when they entered the realm of mist?

"Hmph, you go in!"

But when they were thinking about it, they saw that the dozens of super strong men who had returned unanimously ordered thousands of immortal cultivators, including hundreds of Nascent Soul cultivators. They asked these thousands of people to come back at this moment. Enter the misty kingdom in the sky, otherwise they will kill you together.


And this group of immortal cultivators dare not resist, because many of them are old and immortal and are the ancestors of the ten major immortal sects. If they are all dead, they would rather choose to enter the mist kingdom, and maybe they can win one. What an incredible opportunity.

Soon, these thousands of people flew madly towards the Hive Mind aircraft carrier. As soon as they entered, they were unlucky enough to encounter the Behemoth Insect.

"Huh? Be careful, everyone, these monsters that look like cows and sheep walking upright are a bit weird, they may be one of the guardians here!" One of the Nascent Soul peak masters, who seemed to intend to become the leader of this group, reminded them on the spot.

Of course, there is no need to remind this guy. Everyone knows that these monsters are very weird. They seem to have never been creatures in this world. They have an upright body shape that is a combination of cattle and sheep, but their strong muscles all over their bodies are like metal. The iron rods were inserted through it, seeming to have terrifying explosive power.

"What? Why so many?"

But then the scalps of this group of people went numb. They originally thought there were only a few hundred, but they didn't expect that there were thousands of them in a blink of an eye, like a huge monster army.

And they also realized that there might be more such monsters in places invisible to the eyes, but the yellow and smelly mist inside completely affected their consciousness.

"Hmph, don't be afraid, everyone. I have a great killing formation. As long as you listen to my arrangements, even those who ascend to become immortals will not be able to escape the threat of the killing formation!" At the critical moment, someone came up with such a terrifying weapon as the great killing formation. means.

"Big Killing Formation? These are real Behemoth Insects with spiritual power. Not only do they have terrifying explosive power, they also ignore fifty percent of the enemy's defense!"

At this time, in the central country of the Hive Will aircraft carrier, Ming controls everything, and these are newly hatched Behemoth insects. They currently need to continuously devour them before they can move towards the real Behemoth beast.

If that time comes, their psychic attacks can directly ignore 80% of the enemy's defense, and they will become the real gods of war on land. At the same time, they are one of the three major insect gods on land together with the sickle mantis god of death and the thunder beast god of destruction.

However, this group of immortal cultivators did not know what these monsters were. They each offered their magic weapons as the eyes of the mass killing array.

Soon, under the joint auspices of thousands of them, a terrifying energy burst out on the surface of the Hive Will aircraft carrier. This invisible terrifying force covered a ten-mile radius. It seemed that as long as all outside life entered, it would be destroyed. He will be cut into pieces with a thousand cuts, and there will be no chance of escape.

"Covered by Zerg Creep!"

In the underworld in the central kingdom, he dominates the will of the worm hive, mobilizes the power of the worm carpet, prepares to bless the Behemoth worms, and then forces his way in to devour countless humans!

ps: I quickly coded a chapter in the car, but I couldn’t code it well, so let’s do this for now!

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