Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 75 The Hive Lord of the Worm Series

The beast giant has thousands of brainless giants as backup, and as the underworld possesses the entire underworld, it naturally has terrifying power that is unimaginable in this world.

And these beings with unlimited imagination limited by power, that is, the weak humans in this world, saw at this moment a long and big monster, spraying out a large area from its bloody mouth covered with insect thorns. of mysterious unknown liquid.

But soon, as these mysterious and unknown liquids fell from the sky like rain, falling extremely densely on countless giants, an even more terrifying and incredible scene appeared. This seemed to be the most dangerous virus in biology.

When thousands of giants came into contact with these mysterious liquids, the surface of these giants' bodies were the first to fester, and then the fester spread directly throughout their bodies. It seemed that all the cells of the giants that organized life activities were in contact with the monster. When the liquid is sprayed, terrible fission begins.

At the same time, as the huge bodies of countless giants continued to decay, the speed, power and entire dilapidated bodies of these giants weakened, because the people on the high walls of Shiganshina noticed that as long as the bodies of the giants were decaying, they would soon His body became extremely fragile, like a piece of tofu that could be easily crushed.

But these brainless giants seem to have no awareness of pain. Even if their bodies continue to rot and fall, they still struggle to move forward.

"How is this possible?"

At this moment, the beast giant Jike can no longer remain calm. His backhand was easily solved like this? How can it be destructive if we move forward like this?

"damn it!"

It seemed that it was at this moment that he truly realized that the opponent in front of him was very powerful, and that the black substance that spread to most of his arms might also be harmful to him that he could not imagine, and might really lead to the death of Jike!

So I saw the 16-meter giant beast, tearing off this thick and powerful arm on the spot, and began to escape desperately.

"Go, take this guy back to the Hive Mind!"

Mingze casually removed the black cells from the opponent's severed arm. Without even looking at the arm full of flesh and blood, he threw it into the pit and directly issued the command to dominate the worm hive lord.

The Worm Series' Hive Lord retreated into the soil on the spot. When it emerged again a few seconds later, this lord-level bug had already appeared thousands of meters away. A few seconds later, the Hive Lord Appearing in front of the beast giant, swaying with a body several hundred meters long, opening its bloody mouth full of insect stings, it suddenly attacked the running beast giant.

"Oh my god, the extremely powerful beast giant was... eaten by one bite?" Someone on the high wall of Xiganshina screamed at this moment.

The Hive Lord of the Worm series was so terrifying that after swallowing the beast giant in one bite, he quickly retreated into the soil and returned to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

"Forget it, it's time to clean up the final battlefield!"

At this time, Ming looked at Allen over there. It seemed that the power of awakening was not squeezed out by the thirty-meter-tall female giant. It was really that the thirty-meter-tall female giant looked useless and was completely different from Lieyan. The giant is not a hierarchical level of giant.

Finally, I meditated and thought, that’s right!

Although this female giant Dana Fritz has royal blood, she is just a brainless giant injected with drugs. Because she has royal blood, she is stronger than ordinary brainless giants. Of course, this kind of power is just a pure expression. Above her height of thirty meters.

"By the way, there is also an armored giant!"

Suddenly, Ming remembered that in the original battlefield of the super giant, the armored giant Reiner was still there, dumbfounded. It seemed that he was completely shocked.

You must know that when the beast giant dealt with the indestructible armored giant and the sixty-meter-tall super giant, it was completely in crushing mode, just like dealing with two children, but at this moment it was easily defeated by a several hundred meters long giant. The strange creature swallowed it in one gulp and showed no resistance at all.

And this armored giant had just faced the pain of losing a good friend, and saw his superior beast giant being devoured in one bite. Even if he was as powerful as them, he had become nothing more than food today. It can be imagined that this The psychological shadow caused to them is not small.

However, Ming still walked up to the armored giant and looked at the armored giant who had lost all thoughts of fighting. If the opponent suddenly resisted, Ming would break the opponent's proud bones with one punch.

Maybe this armored giant really doesn't want to resist and is self-aware.

So Ming just lifted the armored giant up high and threw it in the direction of the flame giant. Ming wanted the protagonist of this plane to know that his partner had hidden something from him.

The armored giant that was thrown out from the sky successfully attracted the attention of the flaming giant in the first place. After all, as the protagonist of this plane, even if he goes berserk and turns into a burning flaming giant, even if his so-called sanity is on the verge of being completely lost. , but as long as there is any trace left that allows them to make correct judgments and analyses, this is the enemy that cannibalize their humanity.

"hold head high!"

Allen, who had already torn the thirty-meter female giant into pieces, roared angrily. He jumped into the air and punched the armored giant on the spot.

But what surprised Ming was that this guy actually resisted Allen. After receiving a punch from Allen, he fell to the ground and punched Allen directly.

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

Seeing this, Ming couldn't help but clap his hands in his heart. It seemed that only the power of the Armored Giant could successfully squeeze out Allen, completely awakening Allen, releasing golden lightning, turning it into coordinates, allowing more aimless gains. All the giants gathered here.

At this time, the people above Shiganshina looked very nervous as they watched the battle between the Armored Titan and Allen, because the Armored Titan was obviously much stronger than Allen, and both in terms of strength and defense, it was more important than the Armored Titan. The giant is terrifying.

After just a few rounds of fighting, one of Allen's giant hands had been broken off, and there were several huge blood holes on his body. The body around the blood holes was a mess of flesh and blood.

"Eren, you have to hold on!" Mikasa, who always wanted to be involved in the battle, looked very angry when facing the Armored Titan, but after seeing Eren's injury, her quiet face was full of anxiety with pain.

Finally, when the Armored Titan was forcibly hugged by Allen, Mikasa felt that the opportunity had come, so she used Allen's huge body as a leverage point, activated the three-dimensional mobile device on her body, and quickly circled around the Armored Titan. Behind the neck, he raised the two steel knives in his hands and cut hard.

"Kacha! Jump!"

However, the armored giant forcibly broke away from the control of the Eren giant and protected the back of his neck with one hand. When the steel knife in Mikasa's hand was struck, sparks flew out and one was broken into several sections.

At the same time, at the next moment, the armored giant's hand grabbed Mikasa, just like pinching a small insect. Mikasa was completely controlled by the armored giant for a moment, and after this guy grabbed Mikasa, he turned around and ran away. , trying to get away from Allen quickly.

But the giant Allen, who is still conscious, sees his childhood sweetheart being arrested, and his life may be in danger at any time. How can he let the armored giant go? He chased him on the spot.

"Chase, no matter how far you run, you can't get around my king's Zerg vision." Ming Ze flew into the sky and took control of the situation, "Maybe it's time to let the thousand-meter-large whale appear in the human vision!"

ps: I will finish the Giant Plane in a few more chapters. Let’s just write about the interstellar world this time. To be honest, the anime plane is too limited to my imagination and not fun at all. Let’s go to the interstellar Pegasus Starry Sky!

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