Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 76 Great Turmoil

All of Ming's plans and arrangements were only made after the garrison on the high wall of Shiganshina took action, and then the whales of the Leviathan series and the Leviathan snakes following the whales gradually descended on the battlefield from above.

You must know that the Zerg tribe used the Kunpeng gene that possesses the color of the mythical beast, and combined it with the genetic hatching technology mastered by the Zerg tribe, to obtain the Leviathan series of whales, one of the most powerful species in the Zerg tribe.

This kind of insectoid creature is a very terrifying existence.

As far as the current whale is concerned, it not only has a huge body of thousands of meters, but also has an extremely terrifying devouring power. When its huge mouth of several hundred meters opens, an area of ​​several thousand meters will be covered by it. Within the scope of its devouring, brainless giants and humans like these now appear in its devouring scope, and they can only become objects of being devoured. They have no ability to resist this terrifying power!

And the ability of the Underworld General Leviathan Whale has long been designated as the whale's water-absorbing move.

Of course, the humans in this world are still unaware of the arrival of all this.

Especially in Shiganshina, even after today's news was spread back to the depths of the city, countless poor and hopeful people unanimously believed in their hearts that the appearance of these unknown bugs and creatures might not become a reality yet. Their original enemies, they were like saviors, helping them stop the threat from the giants in a very timely manner.

It is precisely because of their self-comforting thoughts that they all believe that those ferocious and inhuman giants are the direct enemies of these mysterious creatures.

"Captain Levi, we have lost the target of the Eren Titan and the Armored Titan..." Most of the people in the garrison and the survey corps who dared to walk down the high wall were no longer afraid of the threat of the giants. Riding horses and running on the battlefield, even as the survey corps responsible for investigating the front line in advance, there were already several teams of people relaying back the news from the front line.

"Please continue to move forward quickly!" However, Levi, known as the strongest soldier, remained extremely calm and did not completely give up the purpose of this operation because of the temporary loss of the target.

Although the soldier commander didn't know whether the monsters and mysterious creatures in front of him always wanted to help them, he understood that this was the only chance to bring back important companions.

However, not long after, a terrifying thunder suddenly burst out in front of them, raging across most of the world. At the same time, it caused the storms in the world to surge, and the most terrifying factor directly filled the air. It seemed that this was the darkest, most terrifying thing. The prelude to the most terrifying scene.

Because these terrible factors have become shadows blessing on countless human souls.

The people from the garrison regiment and the investigation team noticed that these golden light spots flying all over the sky seemed to be pulling and attracting more giants. They didn’t know where these giants came from, but they all attacked crazily in this world. Come!

The ground beneath the feet was shaking violently like an earthquake due to the running of the giants, which made the galloping horses suddenly roar and dare not move forward, and also made the humans feel infinite fear and fear.

"Is this the power of coordinates? The power to summon and control countless giants?"

And Ming, who was engraved in the sky a thousand meters high, stepped on the void, closed his eyes tightly, and through the vision of the insects that had already invaded any corner of the world, he could clearly see the sudden great turmoil and violence in this continental world, and countless Giants wake up from their slumber, and there are even countless giants emerging from the shallow sea. The common goal of these giants is to rush towards this plane of pig-footed Allen as fast as possible.

"It's a very good situation. I, the king, should let the hungry bugs fully participate in it. If there is chaos, start chaos completely, so that the world of this plane will die out faster!" This is what Ming is thinking at this moment, this is what he wants to do Seeing that, he has been planning to make all of this happen faster, and he will be destroyed faster.

"The humans and giants here don't care whether they live or die. I don't care about anything. What the Insects should do is to seize food and resources, destroy and destroy more places they pass by!

So countless bugs used the bug sea tactics and bug tide tactics to start gnawing and destroying crazily in every corner of the world. At the same time, there were countless resources and food, which were transported by the bugs in long queues. Return to the Hive Mind aircraft carrier.

And on the battlefield where Ming was personally sitting, a thousand-meter-large Leviathan whale arrived, as well as thousands of Leviathan snakes.

"It's over, what happened just now?" The soldiers of the garrison and investigation team who were on the battlefield saw a group of terrifying creatures suddenly appear in the turbulent sky.

Then it was an invincible monster, with a huge body of a thousand meters, slowly swimming out of the dark clouds. Behind it were countless monsters that were somewhat similar to it, but these guys were only a few hundred meters away. It's so huge that it can't be compared with a thousand-meter monster.

"What are these monsters doing here? Will they attack us too?" Someone said with a trembling voice, really afraid that these mysterious monsters would attack them.

"I don't know, the monster that helped us has disappeared without a trace!" Someone looked at the sky hurriedly and found that the monster that was still there before had disappeared!

"Commander, what should we do? Should we retreat to the high wall immediately?" Immediately afterwards, some people wanted to withdraw from this terrifying battlefield. Seeing the huge monsters in the sky, they couldn't help but think of death and them. wave.

"Some of you will go back to the high wall first, and those who are willing to stay will follow me to the front line to save people!" The soldier commander with dark circles felt that everything before had confused his control and obscured his understanding of these mysterious creatures. Know.

Even at this moment, Levi seemed to realize clearly that these mysterious creatures are scary after all, and they are alternative beings. Whether they hurt humans or not is not up to them. Everything before them was just them. The comfort of self-righteousness.

But soon, these hundreds of people separated into two groups. One group returned to Gaocheng, and the other group continued to advance with the soldier commander.


However, when the dozens of people led by the soldier commander continued to move forward, they did not move forward for long when a huge monster broke out from under their feet, opened its huge mouth, and devoured more than a dozen people on the spot!

"Ah! Captain, it's the monster that ate the giant beast in one bite!" Some people managed to escape temporarily with the help of their three-dimensional mobile devices, but after seeing the monster attacking them clearly, they were completely disheartened!

"You run away, I will try my best to buy you time!" Captain Levi finally knew that the targets of these creatures were not only giants, but also humans.

However, seeing that his companions came to follow him, but were threatened by monsters, he felt guilty in his heart, so he could only use the three-dimensional mobile device directly, using the body of the monster in front of him as a leverage point, and kept moving Use your own life to cut the monster's body.

"Come on! I really can't help you this time!"

But Levi suddenly burst into tears and waved. After being cut with countless knives, he knew what it meant to be powerless. The knife in his hand could deal with all kinds of giants, but it could not hurt the giant thing in front of him. Everything he did was powerless resistance. !

"Soldier commander..."

As for all the encounters on the human side, Ming didn't want to pay attention, but came to the battlefield above Allen's giant, preparing to accept the power of the coordinates after Allen's awakening, as well as the power of several other giants!

ps: Today I will end this plane and go to the interstellar world. I don’t know if the upcoming settings for my Tyranid series of bugs are good or not, and I don’t know if you will like them, but I can only write the Hades bugs according to my settings. The production and hatching of Tyranid series bugs!

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