Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 8: Genetic recombination is needed to strengthen the cannonworm after its mysterious death.

Ming then went to the lair where the cannon bugs gathered for food and accommodation, in order to make some emergency arrangements for the cannon bugs in advance before the fortress on the ground was completed.

For example: in an unexpected situation, they can be dispatched without receiving orders from their superiors and launch the first battle to protect the entire base.

Speaking of which, bugs with huge abilities such as cannon bugs have a very high status in today's race. They are also the highest unit of arms except the Hades and Mother Insects. Only Hades and Mother Insects can dispatch them. .

There are also cannon bugs that have very high Zerg units. They have other bugs to feed and drink every day, and there is a lot of food and resources allocated to them.

But something is strange at this moment!

The nest where the cannonworm eats and lives is already crowded with countless bugs, and every bug is very restless and seems to be greatly stimulated.

"what happened?"

Countless bugs suddenly became quiet, and separated to both sides in a fearful manner, clearing a road with respect.

In front of the avenue, Ming could clearly see all the red cannon bugs lying motionless on the ground, seemingly not noticing his arrival.

Ming knew that something might have happened!

Ming crawled over quickly with nervousness and doubts in his heart. When he saw it close at hand, what was incredible was that the cannonworms collectively stopped beating and were all dead!

why is that?

What's going on?

Do the bugs also have an April Fool's Day...or a fake death day?

"What happened?"

Ming is very angry now. The Zerg have a silly April Fool's Day and a fake death day.

The surrounding bugs felt the pressure of Pluto's consciousness and shrank their necks in fear, but they were so bold that no bug came forward to report, and it seemed that the collective death of the cannon bugs affected their thinking and judgment. Ming's obedience was questioned.

It probably means, why should we listen to you? Such a big thing should be reported to the Queen of Insects first!

The next moment, a few giant worker insects were indeed leaving here to report to the mother insect, completely ignoring Ming's questions.

"When I come back, I need to know immediately what happened here?"

Ming directly activated the Titan insect body in the fourth gear mode, and his size instantly increased, his will instantly increased, and his whole appearance became highly terrifying.

If this lair hadn't been only over four meters high, he would have directly turned on the tenth gear to deter the bugs who ignored his words.

I really have no idea at all. Doesn’t he have the right to handle and know about important matters?

The few giant workers who wanted to leave at this time were intimidated on the spot, and their terrifying will overwhelmed their last line of defense.


"Honorable Pluto, a bizarre thing just happened here. The cannon bug bosses who were tearing flesh and blood suddenly died collectively one by one!"

"Bizarre thing? Death while tearing flesh and blood?"

"Yes, they were enjoying a delicious breakfast of coyote flesh and blood!"

After listening to it, I realized that this thing is really weird!

It can't be food poisoning, right? He also ate the wolf meat and had no food problems at all.

Ming could only check every cannonworm, and suddenly he noticed something. Why do every cannon bug have some strange scars on its body?

"Did they fight each other?"


Then this is strange!

But where did the scars on their bodies come from?

No, these scars seem to be spreading from the body to the outside!

In order to find the real reason, Ming directly raised his sharp blade, like a knife on the operating table, and easily cut open the belly of a cannonworm.

The intestines in the stomach of this bug were melted to the point of being mutilated and bloody, and even disgusting. It seemed that it had been destroyed by something, and the condition continued to worsen.

The cannon capsule inside the bug that generates the energy of the artillery fire was also torn apart and destroyed.

At this moment, Ming seemed to have discovered some reason...

Could it be that the self-destruct mode is turned on? should be the sequelae of killing a thousand enemies and damaging eight hundred, maybe it would be easier to convince yourself!

In order to verify this reasonable and most likely idea, Ming cut open the bodies of several more cannon bugs!

The problems they present are similar.

After verifying this, Ming thought carefully and even made various assumptions, and he felt that he had found the key to the problem.

"Although bugs have extraordinary abilities, they do not have the corresponding body structure and strength!"

Ming suddenly realized.

Yes, the power of artillery fire is indeed very powerful! But after all, they are still the physical bodies of primitive bugs. Even if they can emit artillery fire, the damage to themselves will be greater!

Artillery bugs can withstand the high temperature generated during the firing process, but they cannot fully withstand all the harm brought to them by the artillery fire from the generation to the launch process, causing serious internal injuries in their bodies.

Once the cannon bag cools down, it will start to produce energy for the next shot, but their internal injuries cannot be recovered in time, so the body will not be able to withstand the formation of this energy again, and in the end it can only continue to deteriorate. , leading them to their final death.

What accelerates their death is food. Eating food can quickly replenish energy and accelerate the conversion into cannon energy in the cannon sac.

"Hey! The cannon bug that I thought could be used infinitely has become a failure at this moment and has become a one-time use item!"

"Okay, you move these corpses to the incubation base, and let the bugs in the incubation base properly decompose them into the incubation pool!"

"As you command!"

Then Ming turned around and left unhappily with a touch of sadness.

When he returned to his palace, Ming thought for a long time. The incubation technology of the Zerg genetic DNA that he controlled from the system should not be used to its extreme, or its true effect!

What is gene decomposition? What is gene combination? There seems to be no limit on the number of decompositions and combinations.

"Yes, I have to hatch a real cannonworm!"

Ming refuses to admit defeat! Failure is success, he decided to solve this problem immediately, otherwise the cannonworm can only be used once and then explode, which is too resource-intensive.

"If they don't have a powerful physical body, I will give them a powerful physical body with genes, and even improve them in all aspects."

Ming decided to set out now to find a genetic species with strong physical body and defense, and at the same time, he also wanted to fuse them with a genetic species that could launch attacks from a distance.

When leaving, he took a thousand red ant special forces with him as the army for this mission, and quickly left the underground base.

The target is the sea of ​​​​stone forests. If I remember correctly, the genetic species he needs are found there. They come from the primitive pangolin clan with absolute defense!

As for the safety of his base here, the fire-breathing insects can guard it until he comes back. Moreover, as long as the bugs guard the hole connecting the base to the ground, nothing can break through the fire-breathing insect's defense, so why bother with his base going down to How many kilometers deep?

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