Rebirth in the Primordial Insects

Chapter 9 Meeting love at the corner

The Stone Forest Sea is in the other half of the Primitive Forest, and the Primitive Forest area is independent in the middle of this world.

Ming received the news from the underground Zerg that the Stone Forest Sea was extremely unusual. It had been listed as an S-level dangerous place by the Black Queen of the underground Zerg.

Because her mortal enemy, Queen Tianjiang, rules a huge clan of locusts here.

"But I am not afraid!!"

Mingze led his insect army around the edge of the primitive forest to the other half, at a height that was shuttled through the clouds.

After a day and a night passed like this.

The next morning, when the sun's rays passed through the thick white clouds, they reflected dazzling sparkling light below.

Ming looked down at this moment and saw that there was a huge primitive lake below, like a mirror. The lake was so big that the ends on both sides could not be seen. The shoreline of the lake was at least a thousand miles away.

And now this lake seems like a huge dividing line, perfectly dividing the primitive forest and the sea of ​​​​stone forest.

"Follow me and come down!"

At this time, Ming led the army of insects and landed on the outskirts of the primitive forest. He did not directly lead the army of insects across the huge lake from high altitude and dived into the sea of ​​stone forest on the other side.

Because doing this is very dangerous, and it is easy to be caught by the giant locusts on the countless stone pillars and strange peaks.

You must know that the sea of ​​​​stone forests is composed of countless stone peaks, each of which is extremely tall. There are even some strange peaks that tower directly into the sky, and their tops are not visible.

It is easy to imagine why the locust tribe is the king of the sky. They must be entrenched on the strange peaks and dig holes and build nests in the entire stone peak. The sky is their dominant place.

Therefore, if you continue to take the empty road, it will be difficult to move forward. It will easily attract the attention of the locusts on the countless peaks of one and two peaks, and they will immediately launch a crushing attack and gnaw on them.

"Quickly cut down a batch of giant wood materials, leaving some branches on them, but remove the excess buds and leaves!"

"As you command!"

These fire ant special forces are much more flexible in mind, and their hands and feet have been completely sharpened, which is equivalent to extremely sharp knives. Their bodies are two meters high and three meters long, which makes them quite powerful. Now let them cut down a There is no problem at all with the huge wood materials!

In addition, the team spirit of the ant race is very strong. It took less than half an hour to process a batch of giant wood materials. There were about more than a hundred logs. The shortest ones were tens of meters long and several meters thick in diameter. It was completely Can be used in water!

"Put it all in the lake!"

"As you command!"

"Puff..." Countless giant trees were carried into the lake.

"Let's sneak across with this king!"

Ming took the lead to give them a demonstration, grabbing onto a floating log, and then thousands of fire ant special forces quickly followed suit, all landing on some giant floating logs.

Seeing this, Ming asked them to raise their extra arms and legs, slide them deep into the water with all their strength, like strange sailors floating on the water, and began to accelerate forward, in case they were exposed to the water for a long time, which might also attract enemies. The attention of the reconnaissance bugs is even attacked by monsters in the lake.

At this time, the giant tree moved very quickly in the water. In a short while, they crossed five miles of water and directly arrived at the shoreline of the Stone Forest Sea.

"Quick, everyone sneak to the shore and hide!" Ming immediately gave the order.

Thousands of bugs were seen crawling into the land one after another, crowding the ground densely. This seemed like an invader that could destroy everything, but in the locust's base camp, this power of bugs could be completely ignored.

Then Ming Ye quickly got close to the ground and looked at the vast appearance of the sea of ​​​​stone forest. He wanted to say something about this, entering the stone forest was as deep as the sea, and the broken holes were so scary.

The sea of ​​​​stone forest in front of us is very large and very strange. About a hundred meters away, there is a strange peak reaching the sky. There are dense caves on each tall and strange peak. The inside is dark, and there seem to be many giant insects inside. entrenched.

The ground was a bit unsightly, it was all dilapidated like an old ruin, and densely packed skeletons could be seen everywhere.

It's hard for me to imagine how this primitive goblin, a pangolin, could be in a place like this? However, according to the information obtained from the underground Zerg clan, there is a group of mountain beasts with absolute defense living here. Even the crazy locust clan cannot break their absolute defense.

"Divide into hundreds of teams, spread out from beneath the ground, and capture everything hidden in the soil!"

"As you command!"

Countless ants begin to dig holes in place and soon disappear into the soil. Then they will demonstrate another talent of ants, a powerful sense of cold and heat. This ability allows them to travel through the dark underground. Large-scale sensing of the presence of life forms nearby.

If you feel the hot and cold effects in the soil, then it must be the existence of life forms, and they will be the targets of their capture.

The reason why Ming arranged it this way was to find the genetic species he needed better, faster and more safely, and this arrangement was also not easy to be discovered by locusts flying in the sky.

Soon Ming also quickly dug a hole in place and entered the ground, and continued to dig holes underground.

After about a few miles of progress, the entire ground suddenly began to shake twice, as if some large-scale collapse had occurred on the surface. Ming thought it might be the collapse of tall stone peaks. After all, the locusts outside were so terrifying that they didn't even have a roof to provide them with shelter. Shi Feng didn't let go, it was riddled with holes, and now it is possible that it suddenly collapsed!

Then Ming continued to move forward without paying attention, nor did he plan to dig a hole upwards to take a look at the situation outside. Instead, he expected to find a pangolin, and then find a way to successfully capture it, and quickly take it home to extract genes to strengthen it. The physical toughness of the next batch of Cannon Troopers.


But after a while, the ground shook violently and horribly several times, and several more stone peaks seemed to have collapsed.

"This is a little weird!"

Ming began to feel that this matter was not that simple! So much collapsed in just a short time? If the number of collapses is like this, I am afraid that no matter how many strange peaks there are outside, they will all collapse!

"Forget it, let's dig a hole upward... and see what the situation is."

Soon after Ming dug his way to the ground, a head carefully popped up. The head rotated 360 degrees several times, indicating that the mid-air outside was filled with giant locusts. They were like self-destructing bombers, attacking several patches of ground. Shoot concentratedly.

Goodbye. The countless locusts that fell on the ground piled up and were already tens of meters high. They seemed to have discovered something, or maybe they were angry about something.

But they successfully aroused Ming's curiosity.

Why are the locust collective release points at the bottom of the collapse of each strange peak? Can they still use their own flesh and blood to build a new stone peak?

Since when did the Locusts have this ability?

Ming went deep underground again with curiosity, and kept digging holes towards the bottom of the stone peak nearest to him, wanting to see what was going on.


When he was about to get away from the bottom of a stone peak, Ming suddenly felt a heat of life at the bottom of the collapsed stone peak. It should not be that countless locusts had drilled down.

Because the locusts cannot burrow into the ground, and based on the shape of the heat effect emitted from the bottom, there should be a very huge creature underneath!

"I want to see what kind of thing dares to destroy the Sea of ​​Stone Forest like this!"

However, soon, when Ming used a sharp hexagon to pierce the last barrier of the soil layer.

Can he say that he met love around the corner?

It turns out that the culprit that caused all this is the target he was looking for this time - the primitive pangolin. However, this pangolin is a bit domineering and powerful!

ps: Please vote... vote... collect... collect... let me make a new book list! Let me achieve something! I really don’t want to rush into the streets anymore. Can you give me more support? Thank you! Here’s to saluting you all!

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