Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 127: attack

In the next few days, Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie had been on high alert to prevent Xiu Stir from coming to sneak attack.

Fortunately, during this period of time, Xiu Stir was very quiet, and when Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie breathed a sigh of relief, they became more alert. Lou Zixi guessed that Xiu Stir hadn't started, perhaps because he hadn't brought the love gu, or that the love gu hadn't been fully produced yet.

After all, it is difficult to make love gu, and it takes a long time.

Louzixi once read the method of making Gu worms from books. It is said that when raising Gu, a large urn needs to be buried in a large pit specially dug in the center of the main hall. The urn should be buried in the same way as the soil . When choosing a urn, it is best to have a big mouth and a lower abdomen. The smaller the mouth, the less you can see what is inside, so that people can fear and fear them, and it is easier to attract insects with a small mouth.

The buried urn was opened on May 5th, and the twelve species of reptiles caught in the field that day were put into it. They were all poisonous reptiles, such as frogs, earthworms, lizards, centipedes, and greens. Caterpillars and so on. To catch these reptiles and raise Gu, you must catch them and put them in the urn on May 5th. From this day on, you must pray every day for a year.

The prayer is divided into two times, one prayer before getting up in the morning, and another prayer after falling asleep at night, all without interruption.

The reptiles in the urn, due to suffocation and suffocation, will bite each other and fight each other. This is a complete test of poison. In the dead, there is only one left. This is because it has eaten all the other reptiles, so it gathers all the poisons in one body, and its shape and color have also changed. Long reptiles like centipedes and snakes will form dragon-like reptiles. Shaped dragon gu.

It takes at least one year for the Gu to take shape. After one year, move the urn to a room that is not ventilated and light-tight, and feed it with pork, chicken, and rice every day. For three or four years, the Gu is more than ten feet long. .

Love Gu is more troublesome than other Gu. Because people who have fallen in love with the gu will have love for the person who is under the gu, so during the period of raising the gu, you need to feed the Gu worm's own blood once every seven days. Don't have too much blood. One or two drops each time is enough.

The real method of making Gu poison has been lost. What Lou Zixi saw is only legend, but the legend must have something to do with the real method of production. In any case, it will take a long time for Xiu Stell to make Gu poison. .

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie will never be less vigilant against Xiu?

In this way, everyone spent a few days quietly, and Lou Zichen finally couldn't stand it.

On this day, about three hundred people came from the cave where Lou Zichen lived. They looked a little embarrassed. There were still some traces of painted eggs on their bodies, and their lips looked very dry and they were all skinned.

"What are you doing here?" Xiu Stir, Xie Yunfei, and Lou Zixi stood at the forefront, standing face to face with more than 300 people who came, both of them were on guard.

"Surrender!" One of the three hundred people walked out, and that person stood at the forefront, looking at the three as the captain without flinching.

"Surrender? Why?"

"Because Lou Zichen swallowed our food and water privately, and he still didn't allow us to leave, so we must stay." Said this, the man put his gaze on Louzixi, "Lou Zichentai He believed in this person, he thought that this person would help us, however, since the separation that day, there has been no news from this person. We persuaded Lou Zichen to give up, however, he said that Lou Zixi was his brother, and he believed His brother, he refuses to leave! Louzixi! Tell me why you clearly agreed with us

Form an alliance, but then fall into the arms of our enemies? "

"Yes, I agreed to be in an alliance with Lou Zichen, but you can ask your captain how he treats his alliance. At the time of the alliance, I said, as long as he does the team I am sorry. I will dissolve the alliance with him!" Lou Zixi sneered. "He gave me the wrong message, telling me that Xie Yunfei took his team to a distant place, but didn't want them to have never left! If Xie Yunfei didn't want to kill us, we would have been wiped out! Let you meet What would you do in such a situation?"

Lou Zixi understood Lou Zichen's routines. When Lou Zichen hadn't sent any information to Lou Zichen for so many days, and had no actions, Lou Zichen had already guessed that Lou Zixi and Xie Yunfei were in alliance. So Lou Zichen made the next move. Lou Zixi didn’t know if Lou Zichen really swallowed his teammates’ food and water, or if these people surrendered sincerely, anyway. , These people came to try to expose Louzixi, let Xie Yunfei and others know that Louzixi is not a good partner, let Xie Yunfei be wary of Louzixi, and even break the alliance between Xie Yunfei and Louzixi.

However, Lou Zichen missed a few points. First, Xie Yunfei and Lou Zixi knew on the first day that Lou Zixi was tricked by Lou Zichen. Second, from the very beginning, Xie Yunfei and Lou Zixi knew Zixi’s alliance is not that strong. After all, there is no eternal alliance or enemy in this world. If it weren’t for the common enemy of Lou Zichen, in fact, Xie Yunfei and Lou Zixi would have been the first to fight.

"But..." The man opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but his face flushed red from it.

"Well, let's stop arguing. Since we have a common enemy, we should unite instead of quarreling." Xie Yunfei walked between the two and made a round.

"Hmph, for the sake of Young Master Xie's face, I reluctantly and Lou Zixi temporarily put down the previous grudges and ally with him." The man snorted proudly.

"Okay, what about Louzixi?"

"As long as he doesn't do things that endanger the team, I will continue to ally with him."

"That's good. Everyone will be in an alliance in the future. We won't mention the previous things for the time being." Xie Yunfei patted Louzixi and the man on the shoulders, and then took them back to the cave one by one.

With the help of that person, that is, Wang Qiran, Lou Zixi and others have a clearer understanding of Lou Zichen.

It happened that everyone had been here for four or five days, and Lou Zixi and others launched an attack on the more than 400 people in Lou Zichen.

Although a few of them have formed an alliance, to be honest, there are not a few who truly believe in each other.

Therefore, when attacking Lou Zichen, three teams took turns.

Nevertheless, something happened—Wang Qiran rebelled, or it should be said that Wang Qiran is actually a spy impossibility. When Wang Qiran told Lou Zichen and others about Lou Zichen, he was actually talking about the two The team's information told Lou Zichen. It was Lou Zichen that Wang Qiran really obeyed.

These, Lou Zixi and Xie Yunfei have already discussed.

Therefore, when Wang Qiran rebelled, they were still prepared.

However, the deaths and injuries this time are still a bit big. Originally it was estimated that there were only more than two hundred deaths, but now there are three hundred deaths.


"Lou Zichen is much more cunning than we thought. He knew that our two teams didn't know each other very well, so he started from this point and let the deaths of our two teams rise by half." Xie Yunfei looked bad. Said.

"Yes, this is something we ignored before." Lou Zixi didn't expect that Lou Zichen was more difficult than his phenomenon, this time he was careless.

"Well, so, next we have to deepen our understanding of each other."

"I don't agree with this. Lou Zichen will never give us time so that we can get to know each other." Lou Zixi frowned and did not agree with Xie Yunfei's words.

"You are right." Xie Yunfei rubbed his forehead with a headache, "It seems that we will have to fight each other next.


As if to prove Lou Zixi's words, the team led by Lou Zichen seemed to have taken the stimulant of the Earth period, attacking the two teams recklessly, and did not give Lou Zixi and Xie Yunfei time to rest.

"Captain Lou, our Captain asked me to ask you what to do next?" A teenager who often followed Xie Yunfei walked to the tent where Louzi Creek was staying and asked. The young man’s name was Charlie Alger, and it was said that he was specially arranged to protect Xie Yunfei. Xiu Stel originally had one, but he was rejected by Xiu Stel.

Because of the war, they no longer lived in the caves, but moved to open spaces for easy travel.

"I intend to let Lou Zixie and Cui Shaoyu lead people to stay behind. I will take others to attack Lou Zichen's headquarters. As long as Lou Zichen is'killed', the rest will not be a problem."

Compared with Lou Zichen's team, the biggest advantage of Louzixi is the large number of people. Louzixi can completely separate people.

"Our captain didn't think so." Charlie Alger lowered his head, making the corners of his sinister lips invisible. "Then what does he think."

"His thoughts are completely different from yours. He wants to kill the captain first, not Lou Zichen, but..." Charlie Alger suddenly raised his head and dropped a dagger from the sleeve of his clothes. After being caught by him, the target Lou Zixi's neck was inserted in the past!

"Ah, captain, be careful!" everyone who stayed in the Louzixi tent and discussed strategy with Louzixi exclaimed.

"Huh!" Lou Zixi snorted coldly, and suddenly squatted down, causing Charlie Alger to pounce, and then swept towards Charlie Alger's leg with his right leg.

"Damn it!" Charlie Alger knew that he was unsuccessful once, and it would be very difficult to kill Louzixi again. He cursed, gritted his teeth, and could only retreat. Then, everyone didn't react. At that time, open the tent and run.

"Who has a bow and arrow?" Lou Zixi stretched his hand back.

"I brought it." One person took a bow and arrow from his shoulder, and by the way, took out an arrow from the arrow basket behind and placed it on Lou Zixi's outstretched hand.

□The author's gossip:

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