Rebirth Interstellar Counterattack

Vol 2 Chapter 128: Sneak attack

"I brought it." One person took a bow and arrow from his shoulder, and by the way, took out an arrow from the arrow basket behind and placed it on Lou Zixi's outstretched hand.

"Thank you." Lou Zixi skillfully took the arrow, pulled the string, and shot it out with one arrow.

Charlie Alger felt the sound of breaking through the air behind him, his teeth buckled, and his running speed was faster. However, his speed was not as fast as the arrow that had been injected with aura from Louzixi.

"WOC, how did the Louzixi monster do it!" Charlie Alger cursed. He looked back and saw the arrow that was getting closer and closer to him. Unable to turn around and walk around to a tent beside him. Rear.

"Damn it!" Who knows, there are already a lot of people behind the tent. When they see Charlie Alger coming, they come over in a swarm to try to catch him.

The boy closest to Charlie Alger hit him with a punch, Charlie Alger saw it, held the dagger in his hand, raised his arm to block the punch, and then stroked the boy’s neck with the hand holding the dagger. , The boy was sent out by the simulation simulator.

Others didn't give Charlie Alger time to rest at all. When he killed the first boy, a boy in the distance took the opportunity to raise his laser gun, intending to shoot a headshot.

However, if Charlie Alger was selected as Xie Yunfei’s guard, he would definitely not agree to be shot. Charlie Alger turned his head aside in time, and the egg only left a “wound” on his cheek. Because of inertia, the egg finally fell on the ground not far from Charlie Alger.

Charlie Alger frustrated, while resisting the attacks from the people below with his hands from time to time, and at the same time paying attention to whether anyone gave him a shot while he was not paying attention, as long as he was careless, he would be counted and let him secretly. Grieved.

Soon, Charlie Alger's body has become colorful and very embarrassed. He knows that as the time he stays is stronger, the number of enemies will increase, and the possibility of him surviving will be smaller, Charlie? Alger gritted his teeth and planned to take a gamble. He took out a tear gas canister from his pocket, and threw the tear gas canister while others were busy fighting himself.

Because he was afraid that Lou Zixi would discover his purpose, when he came, Charlie Alger only brought some small things, like guns, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed now.

"Everyone, be careful, he is going to throw a bomb!" A person noticed Charlie Alger's movements and reminded him.

However, it was too late, the tear gas bomb had exploded on the ground, and the gray smoke filled the air.

Afterwards, everyone's tears flowed down uncontrollably.

"Woe, this **** threw tear gas cans!" One person cursed while raising his hand to wipe his tears.

"Stop scolding, he's going to run away!"

"I want to chase it too, but my tears can't stop, my eyes hurt, I can't see clearly!"


While everyone was cursing, Charlie Alger dropped some eye drops into his eyes. The eye drops are specifically used to relieve the effect of tear gas, but the eye drops can only slow down, but can’t cure them completely. So, Charlie Alger still She was crying, but she shed less than others. Charlie Alger wiped his face, then he walked around them and ran to the gate of Louzixi Base. Of course, it would be better if he didn't shed tears while walking.

It is said that the gate of the base is actually only made of trees and stones. Compared with the gate of the base on the border planet, this is true.

It's very rudimentary.

The story of Charlie Alger has been passed down, and everyone knows that he is the enemy. Therefore, when he saw Charlie Alger approaching the door, the guards at the door took up their weapons and looked at Charlie Alger alertly.

Because of the effect of tear gas, Charlie Alger could only face the guard while wiping his tears. However, Charlie Alger didn't know that the action of wiping his tears had already reduced his aura to the lowest level, but it was not unprofitable. At least the guards saw him crying so sadly, and he felt a little pity for him.

"Charlie Alger!" During this period, Lou Zixi and others also rushed here.

With the addition of Lou Zixi and others, Charlie Alger was surrounded again.

"Oh, you are quite fast." Charlie Alger said compliments, but in his heart he hated Louzixi's fast movements, and he was only a little too close to escape! When Lou Zixi came, the possibility of him running away was really not high!

"That's natural."

"Oh, you are so anxious to arrest me, isn't it because you are curious about the reason our captain did it. Let me tell you, how about you let me go?" Charlie Alger said very well.

"I don't need it." Lou Zixi finished speaking, raising his hand with an arrow.

"Cut!" Charlie Alger glanced bitterly at Lou Zixi, moved aside, and escaped the arrow.

Then he took the opportunity to run to Louzixi and kicked the bow and arrow in Louzixi's hand. Louzixi's accuracy is very high, and the range is farther than the others. Charlie Alger intends to remove this threat first.

Lou Zixi's eyes were awkward, and he hit the leg with a bow and arrow as a weapon.

Lou Zixi injected some spiritual energy into the bow and arrow, and the pain in Charlie Alger's leg was like a hammer hit in the leg.

"Ah!" Charlie Alger clutched his legs and sat on the ground embarrassedly. Although there is no real injury or death in the battlefield created by the simulation simulator, the pain is a lot.

"Die!" Lou Zixi raised his hand, threw an arrow, and pulled the string. Charlie Alger suffered a leg injury, and the place where he fell was very close to Lou Zixi, so there was no chance to escape.

When the arrow hit Charlie Alger, Charlie Alger suddenly glowed, then turned into a little light and disappeared.

"Okay, the enemy is resolved, but in the next period of time, you must be more vigilant, because our enemy may become two teams." Lou Zixi said solemnly.

Charlie Alger was Xie Yunfei's escort, and he was considered Xie Yunfei's confidant. Today, when he came to ask Louzixi's offensive plan, he wanted to kill Louzixi, which definitely meant Xie Yunfei's meaning. Xie Yunfei is declaring war on him. Fortunately, Lou Zixi didn't really believe in Xie Yunfei from the very beginning, and he was still wary of Charlie Alger, otherwise he might be counted. However, Lou Zixi was very curious, what benefit Lou Zichen gave Xie Yunfei, let Xie Yunfei put down his previous prejudices, and form an alliance with him.

"Yes! Captain!"

"Well, everyone is gone, what to do and what to do." After speaking, Lou Zixi returned the bow and arrow in his hand to the owner of the bow and arrow, "Return this to you."

"No need to pay it back, your ability is better than mine, this bow and arrow can only play its best role in your hand." The man waved his hand, not asking.

"Well, thank you then."

"You're welcome."

However, when Louzixi returned to his tent, this bow and arrow suddenly broke into two halves and fell from Louzixi's hand. After all, bows and arrows are just ordinary bows and arrows. They can’t bear the aura of Louzixi at all. They haven’t been broken before. It’s just the reason why Louzixi has been hanging with aura. Now that there is no one here, Louzixi has collected the aura, bows and arrows. Naturally broke.

"Your archery skills are so good. When I find a suitable bow and arrow, I will buy it for you." Lou Zixie disgusted the broken bow and arrow.



"En. However, Xie Yunfei is no longer in alliance with us, what are you going to do?"

"Let’s make a move for the first time. It is impossible for them to take us down in a short time." Lou Zixi squinted, his eyes gleaming, "I am very curious, what kind of thing Lou Zichen used to make Xie Yunfei and Xiu Stir were both heartbroken, and they both agreed to form an ally with him?"

"If there is no accident, they are all the heirs of the generals by default. Relatively speaking, we can say that they are'outsiders'. Would Lou Zichen use this to get them to agree?"

"Although there is a reason for this, it is definitely not the main reason." Lou Zixi frowned and said to himself, "What is the reason?"

On the ninth day of entering the simulated battlefield, everyone had less food and water. Everyone could guess that the last war was coming, and that there would be no end to death.

At three o'clock in the morning on the ninth day, this was the time when the guards were the most tired and sleepy. Two groups of men and horses gradually approached the base of Louzixi from two sides.

Xie Yunfei smiled satisfied looking at the base without a trace of light. He made a gesture to the person behind, and then a few students walked out behind him, surreptitiously approaching the guard at the door from the side, wiping their throats before they even noticed.

Upon seeing this, Xie Yunfei took the lead and slowly approached the base.

The person who killed the guard before stood cautiously at the door, looking around, to prevent any undead enemies from coming over.

After Xie Yunfei entered the base, those few people followed behind.

Xie Yunfei made a few gestures to the people behind, and everyone behind him was divided into three teams in an orderly manner. One team went to the right, one went to the left, and the other was still there. When Xie Yun flew forward, he left. They just followed.

Soon after they left, another team came. This time, the leader was Xiu Stir. As for Lou Zichen, he was responsible for guarding their base.

Different from the team led by Xie Yunfei, Xiu Stel’s team was originally divided into two teams. The two teams went in two different directions when they entered the door, while Xiu Stel went alone. Xie Yunfei walked in the same direction.

Xie Yunfei and Xiu? Steer's goal is Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie.

According to information, Lou Zixi and Lou Zixie have always lived together, and as the captain, their tent must be in the middle.

Xie Yunfei and Xiu? Steer walked towards the tent in the middle without squinting.

However, what awaited them was not the two sleeping in embrace, nor was it a trap.

□The author's gossip:

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