Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Zhou Tao joins

"Rebirth is like flowing years (

The atmosphere is a bit weird.

Zhou Tao thought Qi Lei wouldn't play with her, and the more Qi Lei covered it up, the more she wanted to know what kind of business it was.

And Qi Lei really doesn't want Zhou Tao to get in the car, on the contrary, their only shortcoming now is the sales stall.

It's a joke that a bunch of little kids who don't have the same hair want to deduct money from the old fried dough sticks that have been in the society for many years.

Even if the advertisement is hit, it is in place everywhere, but it still doesn't look real.

Again, there are only two things Qi Lei can do now:

First, make a good start for Three Stones, creative and advertising, so that this business can see profitability.

And the second thing is that he didn't make this business personally, he was not so versatile.

The second thing is to find a suitable person who can do things in every position.

Therefore, Qi Lei needed Zhou Tao very much, and even had the desire to pull her in.

However, I'm really afraid that she will open her mouth. Like before, a pair of socks can range from one piece of eight to one piece of five, and then from one piece of five to one piece of two...



Seven hairs!

Again, this old lady is a bit greedy.

That would be boring. Firstly, Qi Lei didn't have the American time to spend with her; secondly, this time it was not like the previous two times. It didn't matter if you made a small mess, it didn't matter if you lost or took advantage. This time it was true.

If Zhou Tao can join in, it will not be a problem for Three Stones. She is likely to be one of the team for Qi Lei's future career development, and it may take a long time to get along.

It is impossible for Qi Lei to let her remain in the position of a partner and influence her decision-making.

"There is no real partnership this time."

Temporarily put away his mind, Qi Lei turned back into a kid, embarrassed, "This time several of us did it together, and we have all done it, and the money has been spent."

"Have you seen the advertisement of Provincial Taiwan? How can I explain to the partner if you come in at this time!"

"So..." grinned, "Don't ask too much, and blame me when the time comes."


When Zhou Tao saw it, she rolled her eyes and pretended! You continue to pretend!

She never saw Qi Lei as a kid, and he was not a kid either.

Besides, who do you seduce? Still complaining?

It's okay if you say so, what are you complaining about? If your business doesn't make money, why do I complain about you?

It means that Qi Lei is revealing a piece of information to her intentionally or unintentionally, that is—this business is profitable!

This on the contrary made Zhou Tao feel at ease, indicating that Qi Lei had not completely sealed the opening.

Well, it is Qi Lei's real intention that the mouth is not completely sealed!

The reason why the atmosphere is weird at this time is that in addition to the three people present having their own minds, the key is actually that they understand each other and all know what the other's mind is.

This is a negotiation, who can't hold his breath first. Whoever puts his intention on the table first, then whoever loses the initiative will naturally become more passive when talking about prices later.

In short, Zhou Tao became sober and decided that this was a good business.

No, this is not as simple as a good business!

Zhou Taoxin said, just because Qi Lei has a ghostly temperament, if he doesn't make a lot of money, can he go to save Taiwan and advertise? It's not money for young and old!

Will he go to battle in person and run to Harbin to toss?

The business that was tens of thousands of dollars a month ago, he just threw it to Zhao Wei without asking. Why are you so active this time?

Zhou Tao quickly gathered all kinds of information in her heart, and she also judged how big the deal was.

Xin said, it is estimated that this vote can not earn more than one hundred thousand? It has to be more than one hundred thousand per person, otherwise Qi Lei would not be so caring.

Thinking more about how to make Qi Lei speak first.

Don't blame Zhou Tao for calculating, business is business, Qi Lei needs her, that is her high-priced capital, there is nothing to say.

To put it simply, the current situation is that Qi Lei has a new way, and there is a demand for her. But it has already started, and Qi Lei doesn't want to give her too much.

This is the calculation of the mall.

Thinking of this, Zhou Tao had a different mood and conflict.

I even thought of Qi Lei’s first time in her store, and doing Tai Chi back and forth like this. He was not like a sixteen-year-old child at all, and was older than the "a liar" she encountered in business. Youtiao didn't let it go too far.

But it's still that way, which makes people uncomfortable.

He sighed leisurely, suddenly his face changed, and put away the sad state.

Zhou Tao didn't want to go around with Qi Lei anymore and decided to change the way.

A bit serious, "I don't want to play with you anymore. If I lose, let's just make a price!"

Qi Lei was startled, and Xu Xiaoqian was also startled.

However, Qi Lei suddenly smiled after a brief astonishment, and Zhou Tao's words surprised him.

"Sister, I don't want to calculate with you. But, I'm still young, so I have to guard against it."

Qi Lei also told the truth. He really doesn't like the fragmentation and distortion of shopping malls. He can't wait for his father to be on guard at all times, not to mention his partners and friends.

Strictly speaking, Qi Lei definitely cannot be a qualified businessman, and his personality cannot be cruel to everyone. There are also the weaknesses of people in temperament, but they are passive and defensive in accordance with the laws of adults.

Zhou Tao's straightforwardness can be regarded as just right in his arms, and it is also in line with his idea of ​​looking for a partner. After knowing this eldest sister for so long, I finally got an appetite.

At this time, Zhou Tao looked directly at Qi Lei, "I didn't think of you as a kid anymore. Don't talk nonsense, take me to play or not, give me a good word!"

Qi Lei didn't even think about it: "Bring it! And it's very much needed!"

This time it was Zhou Tao's turn to froze. She didn't expect Qi Lei to be so direct. She was already ready to suffer. He chuckled, "Isn't it something really special, why didn't you find me?"

Qi Lei, "Forgot, really."

Zhou Tao: "..."

This reason... I want to punch someone.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

Qi Lei, "I just need you to take over the sale of this stall!"

Zhou Tao was suddenly a little proud, "Then you make a price, I will listen."

Qi Lei frowned, "I think about it." Then he fell into thought.

At this time, Xu Qian stood up and said, "Then I will pour a glass of water for Sister Xiaotao."

He went downstairs while talking, but didn't come up for a long time. Because Xu Qian knew that she wouldn't be needed anymore.

Qi Lei pondered for a long time, "In this case, let me offer you two prices!"

Zhou Tao, "Say."

Qi Lei, "20% profit commission, signed the contract, the contract period is two years. However, if you are not enough, the three in your store must also come and help."

Zhou Tao frowned, "This price...not high!"

Qi Lei shook his head, "It's very high! You have more than any of us."

Qi Lei also got serious, "To tell the truth, in only these two days, we have more than one hundred prospective customers. However, whether we can sign the franchise contract, we have no idea, and we almost have no idea."

"Give you 20%, just to value this, you are more convincing than me."

Zhou Tao: "..."

After pondering for a while, "Talk about the second kind."

Qi Lei, "2% of the management stocks, you only need to come by yourself."

Zhou Tao frowned even more, to be precise, she almost ran away. What's more, the previous words are open and bright, and they really deduct search for me.

"Only 2%? Are you insulting me?" He groaned, "At least 20%! Are you still not satisfied with 80%?"

But Qi Lei smiled bitterly, "How can I have 80%? Sister, I didn't lie to you, it's really money from a few people in partnership."

"In addition to the three you know Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Zhao Wei, there are two other girls who also paid."

"And I have to consider for the future. At least the four of our brothers must have absolute voting rights. There are not many that can be released."

"Or, I'll give one more point, 3%"

Zhou Tao thought for a while, Qi Lei's words were a bit too informative, and she pondered for a moment: "Don't talk nonsense, 18%!"

Qi Lei, "Don't talk nonsense, I will give you up to 3%!"

Zhou Tao: "17% of the head office, right?"

Qi Lei, "4%! This is our greatest sincerity!"

Zhou Tao: "15%, at least 15%! It's impossible to be less, you are also called sincerity?"






Zhou Tao is a little crazy, 4% is too little, right?

"Sister, you can choose to take a 20% profit commission."

Zhou Tao stared, you think I'm stupid?

As soon as the contract period expires, this kid has nothing to do with my old lady. When the time comes, it will be impossible to imagine such an open and frank conversation now.

Zhou Tao is still sober, signing a contract to get 20%, she is just a part-time job, never even want to enter Qi Lei's inner circle. Perhaps only this time is the opportunity to talk about holding shares.

This also means that next time you talk to Qi Lei, you still don't have to bend around and can be honest with you.

However, Zhou Tao was a little bit dumbfounded, "No, how much money can you earn from a broken company? A 4% price is also embarrassing? You let my old lady drink northwest wind?"

"That's right!" Zhou Tao became more and more frantic as she said, "Your advertisement still does not charge franchise fees or management fees for half a year, so you can play for half a year for nothing? You have to let my old lady accompany you to play for half a year!?"

"How much initial fee do you have to miss in the past six months? Have you ever thought about it? At that time, the Internet cafe market in Harbin will be digested by you. Where else can you find someone to join?"

"Just like that, are you willing to give 4%? Add more, and add more sister to accompany you crazy!"

I saw Qi Lei expressionless, "It's really a lot, I'll settle an account for you too!"

"Don't say too much, before the Spring Festival, based on the current potential customer traffic, coupled with your ability, it is not difficult to negotiate 50 orders among so many potential customers, right?"

Looking directly at Zhou Tao, "Sister Tao, if you can't talk about 50 orders, then I have misunderstood you, and this 4% will be lost."

Zhou Tao: "..."

Who are you running on? Besides, what is the value of 4% of your handbag company?

In no rush to refute, clarify the situation first, "How many prospective customers do you have now?"

Qi Lei, "I have answered thousands of calls, Xu Qian and his others are stupid, and the two briefing sessions tomorrow also attracted more than a hundred people."

After listening to Zhou Tao, there is nothing to say, there are indeed a lot, 50 orders, it is possible!

"Okay, just use 50 bills, you go on!"

Qi Lei, "Calculated by joining 50 Internet cafes, each with an average size of 70 machines is 3,500 computers."

Zhou Tao nodded, "What then?

Qi Lei: "Our agreement with our customers is to purchase equipment centrally, and 30% of the price difference will be used as the company's operating costs and fundraising."

Zhou Tao: "It's only 30%? You want to divide them evenly, right?"

In Zhou Tao's view, it is reasonable for the company to keep half of the money saved by centralized procurement at prices that customers can't get. There must be people willing, after all, they still can't save this money themselves!

Qi Lei said: "30% is a lot."

"A computer, I use centralized procurement to be 100 yuan cheaper than the official market price, the company draws 30, 1000 cheaper, and 300!"

"The mainstream model of Internet bar in the market is 8200, and the normal market price is 6500."

"We have calculated it. A trip to Zhongguancun, the capital city, can cost 700 yuan cheaper. Excluding freight costs, it may save 600 yuan."

"A machine draws 200, is that still less?"

Zhou Tao: "..."

One set 200...3500 sets! ? 700,000?

Zhou Tao thought about it several times, always thinking that she had added an extra zero.


Qi Lei hasn't finished saying, "In addition to the equipment commission, there is also the usage fee for the Internet cafe management software. The upgrade and maintenance fee for a machine is 10 yuan a month. You can calculate it yourself. How much is a year."

"On the decoration, the 50 stores cost an average of 50,000 yuan for the most simple decoration. The decoration company gave me a 10% discount, and I offered 5%, and the remaining 5% was given to customers."

"If you do the math, how much is this?"

"This is not counting the subsequent initial fee, management fee, beverages and daily consumables."

"Furthermore, when you only negotiated 50 orders, and it was only half a month before the New Year."

"Stop!!" Zhou Tao couldn't listen anymore.

Tengdi stood up, staring at his eyes, "It's settled, 4%, it's done!"

Zhou Tao was frightened by her mom.

She guessed that Qi Lei's business must be a big business, but even if she let her imagination go, she guessed a revenue of more than 100,000 yuan, and she never dreamed of making money like this.

Qi Lei is not a person!

Zhou Tao stared at her eyes: "A word is a deal!"

Qi Lei: "A word is a deal!"

But after speaking, Zhou Tao felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly thought, 嚓! 20%! 20% profit commission! I have a bag in my head, why did I choose the second option?

"I regret it, can I choose the 20% commission?"

Qi Lei smiled, "Yes, you have the choice this time."

Zhou Tao was stunned for a moment, and groaned for a moment, "Forget it, 4% is 4%!"

Zhou Tao left, saying that he would not come first in the afternoon.

After Xiao Tao Jie left, Qi Lei and Xu Qian habitually high-five to celebrate.

Although Xu Qian didn't help this time, looking at Qi Lei's feeling, he should be very satisfied with the confrontation with Zhou Tao this time.

Or in other words, the two people finally turned from rivals in business to partners.

However, Xu Qian is also worried, "Can she really negotiate 50 orders before the Spring Festival?"

After all, Xu Qian is not as calm as Qi Lei, she is really anxious.

It's been two days, just asking, there is no result at all, can you not rush people?

Regarding this, Qi Lei didn't say anything.

He didn't know if he could talk about 50 orders. After all, Zhou Tao was also the first time he entered the industry, so he had to look at Zhou Tao's ability.

It should be.... Not a big problem, right?

The two days did not reach a conclusion, mainly because they lacked experience and did not use customers.

After changing Zhou Tao, if she can't carry this stall, it can only be said that Qi Lei has misunderstood the person.

At that time, friends belong to friends, and business belongs to business.

If it doesn't work, I can only ask the three dads for help.

And that 4% is also harmless.

In fact, Qi Lei is more concerned about his pulling the wrong person into the team than 4%.

That's what Qi Lei didn't want to see.

Looking at Zhou Tao's back, I can only say, I hope she can show some ability to break the current deadlock and don't let everyone down!


On the other side, Zhou Tao left Sanshi Company and thought about the way.

First of all, Zhou Tao is not an ordinary peddler. From the age of fifteen, she has been the pillar of the family. From working as a small worker in a foreign road, doing odd jobs, to setting up a street stall, and step by step to today.

She is willing to endure hardship, has courage, has a brain, and has a vision.

When she saw Qi Lei, she thought of herself back then. I also dealt with those old merchants cautiously, and I did everything I could, just to cut down some more prices.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have met Qi Lei for a few days, and she would credit him with thousands of goods.

And without that goods matchmaking, Qi Lei would not have cooperated with her twice in succession, let her taste the sweetness.

Therefore, instead of saying that she is aiming for a profit this time, it is better to say that she is aiming at Qi Lei.

Sanshi Company is not selling socks. If you sell socks with cleverness and luck, then this time, it is not cleverness and luck that can be explained. It can only show that Qi Lei is really capable.

Zhou Tao has completely recognized this, and this is the most important way to make money that Zhou Tao grasped.

What company are you staring at? Just stare at people.

Therefore, Zhou Tao will give up the 20% and ask for the 4%.

She figured out that the cooperation this time will build a good relationship with Qi Lei, from a business friend to a trustworthy partner, is she still worried about not making money in the future?

Zhou Tao believes that this is just like what was written in a movie called "Stock Crazy" a few years ago, Shanghai Tan's stock market is full of lunatics.

Those who chased high and followed the shots were anxious to jump off the building in the end. What really makes money is to target those potential stocks and hold them tightly from the beginning.

Qi Lei is the potential stock, she has to hold on tight.

Well, although the motivation is not pure, it is still a calculation.

But as a mortal, isn't that true? The market is also a way of survival.

She is not Qi Lei, she has a good father, a good brother, and a good brain. She can only work like this.

So, along the way, Zhou Tao made a decision, a bold decision.

I'm fighting this time, let's see if 4% is giving too much or giving less!

Back in the store, Zhou Tao called Zhang Li and Liu Yuan, the two shop assistants, and asked Zhang Li to call Feng Qiang who was in charge of the warehouse.

These three were from the time she was engaged in wholesale business in Xiadi to the present, and they came and went, and came and went, and the three remaining capable men in the big waves washed away the sand.

The two girls take care of the business in the shop. Even though she has been running outside in the second half of this year, the shop is still in order.

Feng Qiang, who is in charge of the warehouse, has been working with her since she started doing wholesale, and the warehouse has always assured her.

At this time, the three people came to see Zhou Tao and saw that her expression was not right, "Sister, what's wrong?"

Zhou Tao smiled, "It's nothing, let me tell you something."

"Sister, you said."

"Our wholesale shop, sister doesn't plan to do it anymore, it's boring."

As soon as these words came out, the three of you look at me and I look at you, but there are not many surprises.

In fact, from the summer when the little boy came to the store, and then Zhao Wei came over, everyone gradually felt that Xiao Tao's mind began to live up, and she didn't care much about the store. There is even a hunch that closing the store may be sooner or later.

Zhang Li barely squeezed out a smile at this time, "Sister, shut it down! You are a big money earner, UU reading"

Closing the shop means that they are all unemployed.

Although it is not difficult to find another shop selling socks in the underground city, it is not difficult to continue, but, after all, it is starting from scratch, and the salary is not necessarily higher than that of Zhou Tao. Everyone is inevitably a little confused.

"Sister..." Zhang Li finally said, "You don't need to worry about us, it's not difficult to find a job in the dungeon."

Feng Qiang also said: "Actually, I have a fellow who lives in Area C. I have told me several times that his boss is missing a treasury and wants me to pass. This time is just right!"

When Zhou Tao heard it, what was it?

He grabbed a dozen socks and threw them on Feng Qiang's face, "Little bastard, my old lady hurts you for nothing, right? Dare to hook up with outsiders!?"

Feng Qiang happily said, "Isn't this just right!"

Zhou Tao stared, "Let your fellow go to death!"

Scanning the three people, "I said I closed the store, and said I want to let you go?"

The three of them were startled, "Sister, what do you... mean?"

But seeing Zhou Tao's face eased, she seriously said, "Sister doesn't want to sell socks for a lifetime. Do you still want to work in this dungeon for a lifetime? We all have to go outside and look far."

"You all know that kid Qi Lei? Weizi is his person. Now they have opened a company that can make a lot of money, and has a brighter future than our business."

"I'm thinking about it. The shop will be transferred out and let's go there together. If you do it well, you will make a lot more money there than selling socks!"




The three of them didn't slow down after listening for a long time, and finally Zhang Li suffocated one sentence, "Sister, did you make him foolish this time?"

In the past, we lost socks and prices. Why did we even get into the shop this time?


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