Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Monthly summary and July update preview

"Rebirth is like flowing years (

Less than 370,000 characters were updated in June, 27 days after being on the shelves, the orders increased by nearly 4,000.

As of now, the city classification monthly ticket list is fifth, and the new book monthly ticket list is second, with a total of 9,500 votes. I don't know if it can break 10,000...

At present, the new book monthly pass is chasing very tightly, and it is still unclear which number is in the end, and it is most likely to be the second.

For the time being, let's think about next month by second.

To be honest, since Sanjiang was on the shelves, the new book recommendation has not yet been completed. Cangshan knew that the subsequent results would improve, but he did not expect the improvement to be so great.

In short, just two words!

The bosses are awesome! The bosses are awesome! The bosses scared me to death.

As early as five years ago, when writing the first book, Cangshan told the bandits and bandits that it was not how good Cangshan wrote, it was you who made me.

It's the same today. "The Fleeing Years" has the great support of everyone. Cangshan is panicked and has no intention of repaying it, so he can only explode to cheer up the bosses.

Updates in June averaged 10,000 for the first day.

It may not be too much to other authors, but to Cangshan it is not too much to fight forever.

next month.....

Hold! What can I do next month! ?

Cangshan threw his brain into the toilet when sending out the single chapter of "Li Guner"...

I didn't think much about it at all, I just wanted to give myself a little incentive. The promised suicide condition was that the new book monthly ticket list rushed to the third place, and it was 15,000 on July. This number should be achieved.

Then his brain heated up, and the stick that rushed to the second was also stood up.

At that time, I never thought I could get to the second place, it was just bragging and not afraid of choking!

I never thought that you are simply inferior to animals. Where do you get so many monthly tickets? I'm a little dazed to vote these days.

It's really second...

Then every day is 20000....


To be honest, it's still useful to force yourself. For example, before writing "The Passing Years", I never thought about taking Ri Geng 4D as the norm. Those are all dream-like numbers, and they actually persisted.

Everyone doesn’t know that Cangshan’s code is different from others. I’m going to finish writing the first draft and describe the general context of the plot and the basis of the characters’ dialogue.

Then after a while, I will consider the theme and conflict points from the overall situation, and add things to it. Generally, you have to change it about twice before the final version you see. Just let me post it as soon as I finish writing it. It's almost like a detailed outline.

The benefits of this are obvious. The quantity is available and the quality is guaranteed. After all, it has to be changed twice.

The disadvantage is that it is very energy intensive and slow to write.

Cangshan sat from ten in the morning to three in the morning. When it was slow, it could not reach 10,000, and when it was fast, it was only 20,000.

In the five-year record of the codeword software, the highest score in a single day is 20,569 words, and only once.

So twenty thousand for me...

Kind of scary.

A few days ago, I suddenly realized this problem. I was really scared. After blowing the cowhide, it was really second, but how can I correct it?

That's why I said at the beginning of the chapter not to vote.

However, it's not quite right after another thought...

It should be no problem if the daily change is 15 thousand. Then how do I know that I can't change 20000?

Since the cowhide has blown out, you can force yourself to death!

Besides.... This is so much ahead, if someone catches up, it would be a joke.

It's done! Isn’t it 20,000? Let me try....

So in July, three shifts every day.

The time is around nine o'clock in the morning, around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and possibly a little later, after ten o'clock, or 12 o'clock in the morning of the next day.

The number of words per shift is increased to 6 to 7,000. This time, no one should scold short and weak, "explosive changes" deceive people, right?

But, say it in advance, if it's a difference of one or two thousand, or someday you really can't keep your eyes on it, take it easy before you go on the road, don't spray...

Forgive me, Cang really tried his best.

Actually, you don't need to tease, Cangshan has already locked himself in the little black room.

I haven't been out of the house for half a month, so I basically get up and sit in front of the computer until the latter half of the night.

In order not to be distracted, all the distracting software on Douyin, Games, Douyu, and iQiyi on the mobile phone is I am afraid that reading too many book reviews will affect my thinking, even the starting point app and writers. The assistant also unloaded.

There are four things every day: code, eat, squat, and sleep.

If it's less than 20,000, it's not that I'm lazy, maybe it's really not moving.

Ok, deal!

I'm only eighteen years old. How can I be worthy of fleeting years if I don't fight for it?

The goal in July is to update 600,000 characters, let's wait and see!

Then, look forward to August?

Continue to stand up the stick...

Not to mention fictitious, the upward momentum of "Floating Years" is not bad, the starting point is a bit low, but the growth momentum is very good. As long as I work harder, I can still make a little achievement. So, it's also for yourself...fight.

If you continue to support you in July, Cangshan will not let you down in August!

Set three small goals:

1. This monthly pass is the fifth in the city classification, and it remains the fifth in July. (Don’t ask for a rise, just keep it.)

2. At present, the back-end orders are all 6,500, and the orders are over 10,000 at the end of the month. (This month has risen by nearly 4,000. Will 3500 be better next month?)

Third, there are currently 23 leaders and 40 alliances at the end of the month.

Three goals are achieved, one is achieved, and the minimum guarantee day will be 15,000 words in August.

Achieve two and continue to update 20,000 daily.


Buns! It's July after twelve o'clock!

There will be a watch at twelve, and a watch at four tomorrow will help?

Try it for a month, won’t it cost 20,000? I can!


In short, July needs your support even more, and everyone needs to pull Cangshan.

I won’t say anything extra, go to the codeword!

Everyone, remember to give Cangshan the guaranteed monthly pass.



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