Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Self-destruct

Li Chunyan's commentary will only make people and the world aware of some potential things.

For example, Yingjiang's "good intentions" and "the stupidity of Ou Meng's family" cannot change the upcoming tragedy.

And "The Love of Belgrade" by [Neurotic Children], although it uses the disguise of literature to give a warning to this time and space.

But after all, it's still a fiction written in a novel by an influential writer, and it can't determine the direction of history.

Therefore, Qi Lei has to keep doing things, let [the crazy child] do things, and let Brother Xiao Ma help hype novels.

The purpose of all this is to elicit this "public Zhi" group.

Although there is no such term in this era, this group of people always exists, and it is the time when they are so rampant and popular in the world.

You know, I was still very poor at this time, and in the parlance at the time, it was still called a "Third World" country.

Traditional culture is weak, and Western thoughts have occupied the high ground with the opening of the economy. Regardless of materiality or culture, we all seem to be dwarfs.

In this era, it is possible to shout loudly about the "inferior nature" of the Chinese people, to devalue the ancestral culture, and to feel superior if you can go abroad and circle around.

At that time, Yingjiang was not only the police and lighthouse of the world, it was also the future of mankind!


You said that eagle sauce fried our embassy, ​​then you are looking for death! Without eagle sauce command, countless eagle dogs have to jump out when jumping high.

Moreover, these are not mortals.

Like this aunt who took the lead in firing the gun, a writer and editor-in-chief of a well-known domestic magazine, her level can only be considered acceptable.

Not only is he in control of the pen, but also has countless fans, absolutely leading the trend of public opinion.

If they speak, then Qi Lei is half the battle.

Because it is impossible not to be noticed.

I have to say that the aunt's writing style is really top-notch. A manuscript that is not too long. Standing on the commanding heights of morality and writer's responsibility, I will criticize [the crazy child].

In the meantime, I also praised the system, international status and kindness of Yingjiang sauce without a trace, so that the viewers share the same hatred, and those who see it share the same experience.

The final conclusion is even more convincing.

"The harmonious coexistence of eagle and rabbits is hard-won. The majority of netizens and ordinary people must always be vigilant, maintain this peace, and don't let people with ulterior motives destroy it."

As soon as this article was published, it immediately attracted countless echoes and applause.

However, after reading it, Qi Lei deliberately ran to the portal site, registered the ID of [Neuropathyer], and left a message.

"Auntie, you are digressing! Isn't it the writer's responsibility of the times? How do you feel like you are paid by Eagle Sauce?"

puff! ! The aunt was in front of the computer and almost didn't spray a mouthful of old blood.


However, Qi Lei's ridicule could not suppress any opposition.

The aunt was just the beginning, and then it became more lively.

Professors, well-known lawyers, returned scholars, and various writers and editors from a certain school have also jumped out one after another, almost all of them have the same argument as the aunt.

The whole network is full of one-sided remarks, criticizing the crazy child, criticizing him for making up in the novel, and slandering Yingjiang.

Qi Lei is happy to see this.!

Write down all these aunts, uncles, professors, and lawyers in small books.

The Migou and Jing Ri elements these days are not vigilant for later generations. After all, the big environment is like this, and a madness is over.

You are like a later generation, it is all scattered work, very vigilant, and more disguised.

Now, haha! Without disguising it?

Quante will write it down for you.

At this time, Qi Lei has basically completed the task, leaving only one dispensable last step.

Moreover, it is better not to have that last step.

However, two incidents that happened suddenly disrupted Qi Lei's pace.

The first is that the authors under the banyan tree can't stand it anymore.

Although they don't want to see [Neurotic Child], this grandson is really sick.

However, this kind of argument on the whole network makes them look down on it even more.

Novel! Literature! Shouldn't it be like this? Isn't it to be full of imagination? It's just a plot setting!

If you criticize and criticize from a literary point of view, there is nothing to say. The level of the aunt is indeed higher than that of the mentally ill.

But, raise the plot in the novel to a political level? Is that the fault of [the neurotic child]? Or are you outrageously wrong?

It should be said that the young literary and artistic people of this era are really not given for nothing. They have ideals and ambitions; they have persistence and limitations.

It may be a little out of place in reality, but under the banyan tree is their last private plot, still retaining innocence.

If it weren't for this, Han Datong would not keep that anger even when he grew up.

Ning Da's moderator will not give the title of the best work of that era to only one "Wukong Biography" in the memories after "Wulin Wai Zhuan" became famous.

Li Xunhuan and the ruffian Cai will not abandon their long-established IDs and become themselves.

Anyway, [Neuropathyer] is the author under the banyan tree. Can't be scolded like this for an unwarranted charge?

As a result, Ning Moderator was the first to help.

I rushed out of the banyan tree and started to use my ID to speak out for the neurotic children on major portal websites and forums.

At the beginning, it was still weak, unable to attract any storms, and even more so that the majority of netizens could not even talk back.

I can't talk back, it's too much.

Moderator Ning didn't have Qi Lei's shameless energy, and he couldn't stand it anymore.

To be honest, at this time, the moderator of Ning had just experienced a stock market failure and had nowhere to turn to Zhu William.

So I wrote two short stories, and the response was good in the Rongshuxia station, but they were limited to this. It hasn't reached the point where it will flourish in two or three years, and its reputation will overwhelm traditional writers.

A little fan, but only under the banyan tree.

Out of the banyan tree, who knows who you are? Dare to speak for a neurotic child? Who do you scold without scolding?

Gradually, he couldn't hold it back, and the cursed moderator Ning was a little suspicious of life.

However, not only Ning moderators who had the same idea, Li Fanfan, Annie Jifu and others joined afterwards.

Including Cai Wuming, a young man from Bay Bay, was full of energy and blood, and ended up personally.

Cai Wuming is not really nameless, that's the nickname Qi Lei gave when he was unpleasant.

In fact, in today's online literature circle, Cai Wuming is the top spot. His "First Time" is too popular and has countless fans.

This made a large number of old users under the banyan tree and Cai Wuming's book fans no longer silent, interpreting the problem from a literary perspective, and joining the battle group.

Suddenly, the whole network was bloody.

On one side is traditional literature and celebrities as representatives, and on the other side is a team of cutting-edge literature and Internet second-rate writers.

Both sides have their own support. Although the power of the Internet writers group is still not enough, it can be supported by being crushed and beaten, at least the scene is better.

Fighting against each other has become a confrontation between traditional literature and online literature.

Moreover, this kind of quarrel lasted for half a month.

Unconsciously, time has entered May.

At this time, the situation of the N Alliance has completely out of control, and the air operations of the B Convention have reached the bombing of whatever they want, and large-scale use of depleted uranium bombs and cluster bombs, such inhumane and destructive weapons.

The war seems to have entered a stalemate, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

The European capital market has completely collapsed, and investors have lost confidence in Europe as a whole and are looking for a catharsis to leave.

The domestic scolding war against other people's wars is still an invisible quarrel.

This makes Qi Lei speechless.

Huh! Mr. Ningcun, what are you doing so righteously? I am embarrassed to cheat you.

Moreover, their participation has made the situation more and more chaotic, instead of highlighting the problem?

This makes Qi Lei even more uncertain, whether he should go down as originally planned.


The second incident completely left Qi Lei confused.

Li Chunyan has been a special guest on CCTV for more than a month.

She has also heard about the recently hyped "Love in Belgrade" and knows a little about the controversial plot in the novel.

Moreover, after all, the work I am doing now has an inseparable relationship with Belgrade, and I deliberately went to read the novel under the banyan tree.

Well, let's not talk about the reasonableness and unreasonableness of the compilation, the author alone is very awkward.

He is a eunuch!

Is this being scolded? What a bastard!

As for the Eagle Soup Embassy, ​​Li Chunyan didn't think much about it, it was impossible.


However, on May 3, the script of the column team was intriguing.

On this day, Lao Qin came and informed Li Chunyan, "Tomorrow's program, release all the manuscripts you haven't reported!"

Speaking of this, Lao Qin still smiled, "How's it going? Is it suffocated?"

"The manuscript about the euro situation and future expectations is ready to be broadcast. I also want to thank reporter Li for his dedication, which gave us a lot of time and space."

Li Chunyan was naturally happy, "Really? Great!"

Old Qin smiled, "There is one more thing."

"You say!"

"Do you know that topic that is popular on the Internet, about that novel?"

Li Chunyan nodded, "I understand a little bit."

"You can also mention it when you are doing a show. The keynote... is based on denial."

Li Chunyan: "Denial? How to deny?"

Old Qin still smiled, "It's blunt, this is folk speculation, it's a bridge in the novel, and it's not enough to explain the problem."

"You can even speak directly to the international community, which does not represent our point of view!"

Li Chunyan: "..."

This time Lao Qin didn't explain, but said, "Just do it."



Do it!


After the new episode of the program was broadcast, it was undoubtedly another thunder.

The northeastern reporter once again spoke out loudly, and this time it was all dry stuff.

Both the European motives and the pessimistic predictions of the future are like a blockbuster.

First, it caused a huge response abroad.

The Yingjiang media immediately attacked and even made solemn representations.

But while criticizing, the media is also revealing a message: Eagle sauce is the best place for capital.

Well, a pure **** has to set up an archway.

As for the domestic hot debate about bombing the embassy, ​​Yingjiang will naturally not speak. The rabbits have expressed their views themselves, what else do I say?

Of course, President Huaxin took a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that the rabbit would have such a speculation, which should not be.

As for what the hawks who oppose President Huaxin and I are walking too close, no one knows.

It is said that the president and the military are separated at least on the issue of rabbits. This is clearly reflected in the memoirs of President Huaxin in later generations.

This is the direct cause of that tragedy.

When Europa's investors learned of the judgment from the East, they finally realized that they were enlightened.

No longer have any illusions, and even some free media and investors have chanted desperate remarks, "This is no longer a good choice for investors."

Some investors can't wait to search for investment targets all over the world and escape this place of right and wrong.

The first choice, of course, is North America.

And more discerning investors are not so anxious that they are watching.

The Mifang media has thrown an olive branch to capital and has already shown a signal.

That is: Yingjiang is likely to formulate a favorable policy of receiving capital to attract them to join.

However, for an investment market, formulating policies is not so easy, it takes time.

Otherwise, the media will not be allowed to speak out first to stabilize investors.

The olive branch of the media is a secret sign, a secret sign that allows them to stay on the sidelines.

This is of course a good thing for investors. Don't worry, you can wait patiently.

This also interprets a truth from the side: capital has no conscience, and they can abandon their motherland at any time.

As for the rabbit country, the argument about Eagle sauce bombing the embassy. Europe doesn't care at all, that's your business.


Secondly, the domestic situation is just the opposite of that abroad.

No one cares about the euro. What they care about is that the official TV station has set the tone for "Belgrade Love".

It's just nonsense! !

The Mi Dogs, headed by the aunt, were jubilant, thinking that this was a victory without any suspense.

The authors under the banyan tree were extremely disappointed and weakened.

This has caused a large number of unidentified people who eat melons to flood into the banyan tree. Not only are they crazy, but also writers such as Ning moderator, Li Fanfan, and Cai Wuming have been affected and abused.

However, the writers lost their voices collectively, and there is no way to refute it.

The banyan tree was completely messed up.

William Zhu looked at the website that had changed beyond recognition, and his heart was ashamed. It was even more speechless to Ning Moderator and others who still didn't know how to repent.

Finally, he sent a station letter to [Nine Billion Girls Dream], "You really intend to take over? You can talk about it."

In response, Qi Lei only returned him a phone number and a sentence, "3 million, come to Harbin, valid within three days."

After all, Zhu William is a businessman, and he wants to run when the situation is bad. This is normal.

Again, capital is ruthless.

Under the banyan tree and the private space of internet writers, he can no longer take care of it.

And Qi Lei would not be polite with him, business is business.

Moreover, he doesn't care much about this now, do you like to sell it or not!

Qi Lei is now a little confused by Li Chunyan's show, and now he really can't understand it.


Talking about this topic on CCTV shows that someone has noticed the possibility of bombing the embassy and analyzed the situation in depth, otherwise there will be no public conclusions.

But what does this conclusion mean?

Is it important? Still not paying attention?

Sitting in the box of the Internet cafe, I thought about the cause and effect, all the factors from the beginning, and thought about it all night.

Early the next morning, I still didn't think clearly.

So, he is now facing a serious problem, should he continue?

Psychologically speaking, the official has concluded that the wisest choice is to stop immediately, there is nothing to do with him.

However, Qi Lei was not sure, and couldn't be reconciled.

What if you don't pay attention to it? What if history repeats itself? Then all his previous efforts were in vain?

It doesn't matter whether you work hard or not, but those few lives just watched him pass away?

Throughout the whole night, Qi Lei looked at the messy box, looked at the one-meter-high paper materials, looked at the rice dogs he copied on the small notebooks, and looked at the computer almost as if he was swiping the screen. ...

He is not reconciled! Not reconciled! !

The final decision: still have to take a risk.

In the morning, Qi Lei made a phone call.

A few busy sounds, an old man's question came, "Who?"

Qi Lei: "Second grandfather, I am Little Stone, the thing I told you before,..."


That morning.

Qi Lei landed on the ID of [Nine Billion Girls Dream] and posted a post under the banyan tree, the source of all disputes.

[My opinion on current politics aside from literature-a relatively convincing conclusion. 】

Post body:

Let me introduce myself first. I come from a red family. All three grandpas came from the war years.

Anyone who served as a soldier in the Southern Military Region in the 1970s and 1980s should have known a name-Tang Zhanshan, that was my second grandfather. I understand everything I understand, so I won’t say more.

In short, because my father’s generation basically served as a soldier, afterwards those who went into politics, went into business and went into business. It's quite insightful.

I just want to say one thing about the story of the crazy child's novel. I specifically asked the second grandfather about this matter.

In the words of his old man, it is not a fancy, although the possibility is not great, but there is definitely!

Listen to my analysis for you.

First of all, [the neurotic child] has certain political opinions. At least the motive of this incident, as he described it, is inseparable. There is indeed something wrong with President Huaxin and the military.

From the perspective of a third-generation red and a second-rich, with a slightly showy and ostentatious tone, Qi Lei stated a reliable message he had obtained from the old Red Army.

He eloquently wrote a long post.

Click to send, Qi Lei knows that if the public Zhi's hype cannot be taken seriously, then this post will have to be taken seriously.

Tang Zhanshan, Tang Yi's grandfather, was once the commander of a large military region in the south and the rank of general.

The general's grandson jumped out, so people have to look at it.

Originally, Qi Lei didn't need this step, it was enough to have Migou to open the way.

However, it doesn't work anymore.

Moreover, as soon as this post is posted, it is equivalent to selling which is equivalent to blew up.

The only thing that can be steadfast is that he is ready for self-destruction.

However, how did Qi Lei know that he did not blew himself up, he blew up a lot of people to death.

At the same time as his post was posted, in a corner of the capital, Lao Qin and his colleagues were monitoring the public opinion trends of the Rongshuxia websites, including the main websites of the entire network.

"Try to control the trend of public opinion and don't expand the topic anymore."

However, when Qi Lei's post came out, Lao Qin's expression that had always been as steady as Mount Tai also changed instantly, and his eyelids could not stop beating.

"Which second generation ancestor of Tang's hometown is this 900 million girl dream!? Check it out for me!"

"Quickly, notify the website, delete the post!"

Then, Lao Qin and the others discovered a shocking secret...

All died violently, without self-confidence!




I stayed up until four o'clock in the morning, originally I wanted to send out the latter together and put together a super chapter.


As a result, there are too many things to explain, all the mysteries are revealed in this paragraph, and I haven't finished writing 10,000 words.

Secondly, the body can't stand it anymore, and it doesn't feel right to write it.

When I wake up, change the structure again, no matter how much is left, the afternoon chapter will be sent out.

To be honest, I don't want to break either. You urge, I am also anxious.

But there is no way, I am not an eagle, and there is only one eagle.

Old readers know how bad Cangshan's body is. This is already my limit.

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