Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 71: School exam failed (4K)

I don’t know why, the older you are, the less interested you are.


   When I was in elementary school, the happiest part of the year was the sports meeting because I could eat delicious food.


   At that time, the economy was scarce. Even if the family was rich, they were not rich, and there was never a time to manage snacks.


   Brother three have a little money in his hands. No one is a squandering child, but he is reluctant to spend it if he has money.


   I eat ice packs and figs between classes, and a "roll candy" after school (maltose is rolled up with two small bamboo sticks, like a bang candy). Occasionally buying a bag of Melisol, three people divided into New Year.


   However, the sports meet is different, so which is the sports meet? That's a snack meeting!


   One person carries a big bag to school, it's all delicious.


   was wiped out before noon, and then waited for Qi Guodong to send them another wave.


   More importantly, this day is the most willing to spend money. The rows of small vendors outside the school gate are simply a collection of children.


  All kinds of toys and barbecues, anyway, in that era of scarcity, they are particularly abundant.


   You can hold a lamb skewers in your left hand, and hold a water gun in your right hand, arrogantly greet the envied eyes of your friends.


   Anyway, the cool is over.


   went to junior high school, the third uncle went to the soldier, no one came to deliver ammunition.


   Also, the times have changed. You no longer carry a bag of snacks to school, as long as you bring money.


In front of the gate of    middle school, there are no vendors selling childish toys, anyway, it just lacks a little taste.


   However, there is something cool.


   For example, Wu Xiaojian, in his words, can sit next to a girl he likes with a face.


   Yes, the ambiguity of junior high school students is that simple. Even Wu Xiaojian, who claims to be an "veteran", just wants to sit together.


   And Tang Xiaoyi can visit Lu Xiaoshuai and the others one by one, standing on the table waving the red flag.


   As for high school, Qi Lei doesn't know!


   I have never held a sports meeting because of my previous life in a vocational high school, but I heard Tang Yi go back and show off to him, saying that their class hid boys and girls in the classroom, hugged and kissed me.


   didn't know if it was true or not, anyway, I was quite envious at the time.


   But, it is really his turn to participate in this sports meeting, but Qi Lei is a bit tired of it, it is really too much trouble!


  Wang Dong has the taste of changing the banner of the king of the city. He, the sports committee, can finally play a role and forcibly arrange projects for the fourteenth class.


   In his words, friendship is first and competition is second.


   And this... is just the beginning.


   High school is not like elementary and junior high schools, where the head teacher is like a babysitter and does it by himself.


   It’s sixteen or seventeen, who cares about you all these things? All things are organized by the class cadres, and Liu Zhuofu is completely a throwaway.


   just threw a sentence, "Study can't be better than others. If you open a sports meeting, you must get the spiritual civilization award and the total score of the academic year. Give me back? Otherwise, what can you really do?"


   "嚓!" Everyone cursed secretly, "Who is running?"


   I can see the essence of Lao Liu thoroughly. He doesn't hurt when he stands up and speaks.


   But, there is no way, who will let him have the final say in this class? Everyone has to move with a word of him.


   Count down, there are still a lot of things!


   Do you have to practice walking the square? Long and sprint, and shot put long jump, at least have to practice, right?


   When I arrived at Qi Lei, the squad leader, I had to buy clothes.


   Yes, sportswear!


  I don’t know if there will be this habit in future generations. Anyway, there must be a sense of ritual in this era.


   Athletes participating in various events have to dress uniformly, and a set of more than ten dollars of pants and vests have to be purchased. This has to be purchased by the squad leader.


   Then, it’s a square dress, and you have to wear the same clothes during the review.


  This is actually not difficult. The second middle school originally had school uniforms. The blue and white school uniforms from the rotten streets in the 1980s and 1990s were earthy and ugly.


   Moreover, considering the three years of junior high school and the suspected three years of high school, when the school uniforms were distributed, the current size was not considered at all, but the future size was estimated.


   So, the crotch can reach the knee, and the top can be used as a dress.


   can be worn from the first grade to the third grade, the most hated costume by boys and girls was born.


   Moreover, the different levels of obedience in each grade can be seen from the school uniform.


   All students in the first and second semesters wear uniforms; by the third semester, the first half of the semester is still obedient, but in the second half of the semester, after graduation, almost no one wears them.


   As for the first year of high school, the bottom of the box is pressed when it is sent out, and it will not be taken out until the sports meeting and large-scale events.


   Sometimes, the sports meeting will not go out. After all, the school is in blue and white uniforms, which is not monotonous.


   Therefore, every class has to spend some time occasionally, for example, go to the experimental middle school to borrow. Their school uniform style is the same as the second middle school, except that they are red and white.


   can also borrow from the third middle school, they are green and white.


  If you can't borrow it, it's easy to handle. Who doesn't have a white shirt these years?


   trousers follow the popular colors of the year, with trousers and uniform white rubber shoes.


   Qi Lei remembered that in the first year of his junior year, dark red trousers were popular throughout Shangbei. So that year, in addition to the "school uniform" square, the most was white shirts with red pants.


   The second grade is also red pants.


   It was the third year of the junior high school that I changed to gray pants.


   If anyone in any class has something to do with the fire brigade or the Seongnan Garrison, they can borrow camouflage or summer uniforms, then it’s a good idea. Basically, they have shaken hands with the Spiritual Civilization Award.


   Of course, it’s not absolute. It depends on whether there are cruel classes. A handful of plastic flowers are waved when they pass the rostrum.


   From the perspective of later generations, these may be a bit silly.


   However, in this era, white rubber shoes, plastic flowers, and white shirts are the three magic weapons necessary for the student era, and they are widely used.


   Qi Lei couldn't be more simple in the athlete's pant vest. He didn't charge any clothing fees up, and it was useless for him to go on a horse.


   called Zhou Tao and asked her to send Feng Qiang to the underground city to shop for two styles of sportswear, one for boys and girls, which is cheap and affordable.


   Qi Lei also specifically instructed, "Don't be too inferior in quality." This will save trouble next year.


   As a result, Feng Qiang really took it seriously, and bought more than forty sets for more than 30 yuan.


The wholesale price of    Underground City is more than 30, at least 50 or 60 yuan at Shangbei's retail price.


   Bring it back to Qi Lei and take a look, hey, don't you know how to save me money? I am very poor now!


   Then there are phalanx and phalanx costumes, this is a bit troublesome.


   There is one week before the sports meeting. Except for the third year of high school, the last class in the afternoon is basically suspended. Each class will be organized by the monitor and the sports committee to hold the Buddha's feet on the playground temporarily.


   In the words of Uncle Benshan, if you are ill and not ill, take two steps and at least be uniform.


   While looking at the positive and joyous appearance of the group of young and junior high school students on the playground, they were meticulously trained and meticulous. The big brothers and sisters of Class 14 only felt that they were old.


   Fang Bing stood at the door of the class, curling his mouth to look at the big sun, "Is there anything special to practice?"


   Dong Weicheng also mixed in and said: "How white the girls in our class are, this is going to be tanned, how do you look at it?"


Ding! Huh! !


   Two percent of them were blown up by the girls. It's really awkward!


   But then again, for high school students, I really don’t want to go outside to bask.


   Not only was Class 14 reluctant to move, Class One was also wandering in the shade. Although the class in the main building came out, they were not in good spirits.


   It's been past mid-May, and the weather is starting to get hot, and I don't want to suffer.


  Wang Dong was unwilling to organize this mess. He sat in the room, and the wind blew, reading books and making papers. Isn't he fragrant?


However, Lao Liu said, "The weekly mobile red flag can't reach our fourteenth class. Tell yourself, have you seen what the little red flag looks like? If you don't hang the red flag for me in a sports meeting, it's justified. ?"


  Lao Liu has given a death order and must bring back the flag!


   "What's the matter?" Wang Dong was also very sorry, "Let's go, all have snacks, and we will come back after half a class."


   To be honest, Wangdong from Class 14 should be the one who has changed the most.


   Otherwise, he wouldn't make such a big joke when it comes to reporting sports events.


   Now, the former three middle school bully is more human.


   was a little coaxing, "Let's go, let's go, go early!"


   Everyone was dejected, "Oh, the sports committee is also easy, let's save face!"


   Wang Dong, "I thank you guys!"


   talked, and led everyone away reluctantly.


   But Qi Lei didn't move on his seat, and said, "All come back to study! I'll take care of this."


   Everyone rushed to the door, immediately startled, Dong Weicheng "You do it? How do you do it!?"


   Then Le Diandian, whistling back, "give it, give it to the mother-in-law... as a gift?"


   With the short-sightedness of 20% of the children, he could see so far, and Xu Xiaoqian's mother forced the fourteenth class of spiritual divine writings forcibly.


   Qi Lei glared at him speechlessly, too lazy to grind his lips, and said to the class: "Don't worry, anyway, I won't let you bask in the sun, and I just need to get the award back!"




   The fourteenth class shouted, turned around and ran back.


  What is the leader of the class?


   is just one sentence, no matter whether it is true or not, believe it before saying it.


   As for how to get Qi Lei...?


   How simple is it? As a rebirth, you can't let 99 years of thinking imprison you.


   If someone walks in a neat phalanx, should I also use the phalanx? No need at all!


   There are a lot of cos costumes in the warehouse of Three Stones, including Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Doraemon, Nobita, Garfield, etc., there are many.


   is still Qi Lei's idea, specially looking for a clothing factory to customize, to create momentum for the opening of the new Internet cafe and to activate the atmosphere.


   When every Internet cafe opens, Sanshi Company will deliver the clothes, and the Internet cafe will sell its own shop assistants and hire temporary workers to cos various cartoon characters.


   When the time comes, I will stop at the door of the Internet cafe. The common people these years have only seen big-headed dolls. How can they ever see such a colorful battle?


   is very eye-catching, and the momentum is also very good.


   Just in time, Feng Qiang and the athlete's clothing were sent over.


   At that time, dress up the fourteenth class, a group of cartoons cospaly walk around the playground, who will walk with you?


   At this time Qi Lei didn't say anything, Wu Xiaojian still couldn't remember this matter.


   immediately turned his eyes and turned to Yang Xiao and said, "Xiao'er, you have to play a sign at that time, and walk in the forefront of our class! That set of sailor moon..."


   Yang Xiao blushed immediately, "Go!"


   Wu Xiaojian, "Don't!" His eyes drifted to Yang Xiao's two long legs, "Ordinary people don't have the same effect as you!"


   Yang Xiaogang was about to scold, but Qi Lei floated out from behind, "Wu Xiaojian's opinions are still very constructive."


   Yang Xiao: "......"


  Xu Xiaoqian: "......"


   Cheng Lele: "!!!"


   The boys don’t have a good thing, "What are you pretending to be in your mind?"


   However, Qi Lei lowered his head to do the question, and said without hesitation, "Big white legs!"


   After finishing speaking, he raised his head and exchanged glances with Wu Ning.


   Truth, right?








   In this way, other classes are exposed to the sun and practice hard outside, and Class 14 is steadfastly studying in the room, so don't be too comfortable.


   Old Liu was observing secretly in the office class, but after looking for a long time, he did not find the shadow of his class.


   Is it strange in my heart, how about people? Take my words as fart?


   pretend to bend and go back to the class to take a look.


   It turned out to be good, these little boys are staying in the house, not in a hurry.


   Old Liu couldn't hold back, "Why don't you go out and practice?"


   Qi Lei told Lao Liu his thoughts and said that he could borrow cartoon costumes.


   Old Liu, it seems not bad! It's relatively new and brilliant!


   sternly nodded pretending to be reluctant, "Well then..."


   "But..." The wind changed, "The other classes are basking in the sun. You are studying on your own. You have a lot more study time than others! This month's monthly exam will not jump two more? Is it fair?"


   "Why do you have to get me the sixth grade of the school year for this month's monthly exam?"


   Last month, the average grade of class 14 was eighth.


   slapped his face, "That’s it! Give me snacks, I can’t get the test, don’t blame me for taking care of you!"






   The whole class rolled their eyes and cursed in their hearts, you can be an individual! ?


   As soon as Old Liu left, Qi Lei was almost buried.


   "It's you, what do you think?"




   "嚓! I actually really want to go outside and basking."




   "This is definitely a collusion between the team leader and Lao Liu. I was fooled! I was fooled!!!"




   Qi Lei: "......"


   What is old Liu improper, has a fart relationship with me?




  Lao Liu’s intimidation, everyone didn’t have any tricks, they were squeezed to death.


   Actually, don’t look at the old Liu Kaishu often secretly, there is no good word, but it’s really very important. Class 14 still listens to old Liu.


   At least who is good to you, everyone is not stupid, everyone can tell.


   But now, in addition to preparing for the sports meet, I also have to take into account the monthly exams, and the day is simply impossible.


   But Qi Lei didn't know. As a punishment for his patriotism, abandoning his studies, and abandoning his friends for two months, the trouble was far more than that.


   Cai Wei came when he was studying at night.


   called Qi Lei out, "Come with me!"


   Qi Lei frowned and realized that things were not that simple.


   The two of them were walking on the dark campus corridor, Qi Lei couldn't hold back, "Viagra, what's the matter...Shall we talk about it in a crowded place?"


   Caiwei flickered, turned his head and stared, "What do you mean?"


   Qi Lei took an exaggerated step backwards, "I'm afraid the moon will be dark and the wind will be high, your new and old hatred..."


   "I'll go to your uncle!"


   Brother Chuan was not polite at all, and he sprayed directly, completely losing his image in front of Qi Lei.


  Because he found out, you can't reason with Qi Lei, otherwise you will suffer a loss and ruin the Three Views.


   Qi Lei smiled, "How tired is Viagra studying? I'll help you adjust the adjustments. Why do you curse?"


   Caiwei shook his head weakly, without any tricks.


   replied: "Let's scream, at least two months, what can you do?"


   Okay, I’m very energetic. I thought that after leaving the second middle school, the nickname Viagra would be thrown away. At this time, I had completely given up resistance.


   Qi Lei said solemnly: "I'll talk about the student union after the college entrance examination. But after the radio station has been explained tonight, I can be laid off, and you will have to go to the sports meeting."


   These things, Zhang Nan, Lao Liu, and Cai Wei all talked to Qi Lei last semester.


   Zhang Nan and Qi Lei were talking about the student union. After Cai Wei graduated and Qi Lei took over, Qi Lei was still training.


   Not to mention the radio station. As soon as Cai Wei left, he lacked a male broadcaster. It was Qi Lei.


   Qi Lei did not refuse to this.


   After all, Viagra will take the college entrance examination in two months. You can't let him sit on the podium, accompanied by the sports march, holding his voice and using the broadcasting accent:


   "Now coming to us is-High School 14th Class..."


   "The sky is blue and the sea is clean, the sun is like fire!"


   "Athletes from Class 14 are full of spirits and spirits..."


   What a delay in studying!


   The two came to the radio station on the fourth floor and saw someone already waiting in the radio room.


   Qi Lei knows, the sophomore in high school, named Jiang Yao, the female announcer of the radio station.


  Meeting Qi Lei, Jiang Yao greeted generously, "Little Stone, I'll say you will be mine sooner or later, right?"


   Jiang Yao and Qi Lei met during the chorus last year. As a string show, Jiang Yao was a solo singer, and Qi Lei accompany her.


   Everyone who has participated in a chorus competition knows that there are actually two curtains on the stage, one at the forefront of the stage, blocking the whole stage tightly.


   There are also two curtains, which are divided into two in the middle of the stage.


During the    chorus competition, it takes time for more than one hundred people to take the stage and pose on the chorus stage. At this time, the second curtain is drawn, and the chorus is in the back half of the stage and is not seen by the audience.


   And the first half of the stage will have a series of shows, to buy time for the second act. After all, it will take a few minutes, and the audience can't wait.


   Generally, the shows are different from school to school. The second middle school is Jiang Yao's solo.


   This eldest sister has learned Bel Canto. This year, she sang "My Sun", which is so old, but Lei Lei and the others have been tortured enough.


   After all, using the electro-acoustic band to accompany me with the sun is nothing short of torture. It's much harder than accompaniment to the chorus.


   also met Jiang Yao at that time, not too familiar, nor unfamiliar.


   At this time, Qi Lei smiled at Jiang Yao's ridicule, I'm afraid of you?


   "Then your opponent should be better, otherwise you will be against you!"


   Jiang Yao listened and laughed, "You should have come a long time ago, Viagra thief is boring, and it would be boring to work with him!"


   Caiwei glared when he heard it, "Especially I haven't left yet!"


   Jiang Yao, "It's not too late for you to leave now!"


   Viagra: "..."


   Viagra, shut up, Jiang Yao belongs to the kind of girls who can and dare to say.


   worked with Jiang Yao for more than a year, in fact, Viagra has never taken advantage of it.


   I was too lazy to grind with her, and briefly explained to Qi Lei how to use the equipment in this room, as well as the daily work.


   In fact, there is no need to explain it. Jiang Yao took it with him. The main thing is that the sports meeting is going to be on stage.


   But obviously there is no need to worry about this. Qi Lei's face is thicker than the city wall. What's he afraid of? Not to mention reading according to the manuscript, even if there is no manuscript, he can give me two hours of fooling around.


   After explaining the work, Viagra did not rush away, and sat in the broadcasting room and chatted for a while.


   From the first year of high school, Cai Wei has been in charge of the broadcasting room. Although most of the time, he just put aside exercises and accompaniment between classes, and he didn't have too many opportunities to speak.


   But, after all, I have stayed for three years, and now I have handed it over, and I feel a little bit reluctant.

   Viagra, this person is still emotional.


  Jiang Yao don't look at what she says, in fact, she is a little bit reluctant to give up Viagra. After all, there is Viagra, she is basically a hand-off shopkeeper, and she doesn't care about anything.


   But now that Qi Lei is here, her task is heavy.


   "Viagra, how about you repeat the course for another year, I kinda don't want you to leave!"


   Caiwei: "......"


   In the meantime, Qi Lei remembered something, "Where is Coco Lee? Why didn't she come?"


   Cocoon Lee wants to take a test for broadcast host. After the school knows about this, it will naturally create a little opportunity for her. So from the beginning of school, Coco Lee was also a member of the broadcasting station.


   In fact, in the two months since the beginning of school, Coco Lee has been responsible for the broadcasting of female voices.


   Jiang Yao took her as a kind of exercise.


  At this time, Qi Lei asked this question, Jiang Yao was rather strange, "Didn't you say that you have a good relationship with Coco Li? You don't know?"


   Qi Lei looked blank, "What should I know?"


  He hasn't been in school during this time, and he hasn't paid much attention to Li Hanhan's affairs.


   Caiwei: "Coco Lee just finished taking the school exam, and only came back this afternoon, so he asked for leave."


   "Ask for leave?" Qi Lei frowned. Hearing Jiang Yao's tone, he faintly felt wrong, "What's the matter?"


   Jiang Yao flatly said, "The test...not ideal."


   Qi Lei listened, his heart sank, it's impossible, isn't it? Coco Lee did not spare any effort.


   After preparing for such a long time from the New Year to now, Qi Lei always thinks she is fine.


   It was Cai Wei and it was a pity that he said: "Li Cowen is actually quite good. The main reason is that he chose the wrong one, but there is hope for any change of school."


   Qi Lei, "Which school did she choose?"


   Caiwei, "Beijing."


   I poof! ! ! Qi Lei spewed out old blood.


   cursed in my heart, Li Hanhan, Li Hanhan, you are a real cow!


   I'm speechless right away, so it's so strange that I can pass the test!


   Beiguang is the best journalism university in China, and the broadcasting and hosting major is also recognized as the hardest to pass.


   It can be said that it is not at the same level as other schools, and it has a taste of Qingbei in the school exam.


   Admissions are extremely demanding, and there is no need to worry about the source of students. It is almost impossible to perform on the spot.


   Actually, Coco Lee is really a little bit overwhelmed this time.


   She was originally big-hearted, naturally optimistic, and straightforward, but this time she became optimistic.


   She thinks Qi Lei praised her so well, because of the good conditions, good psychological quality, and not bad talent, why not take the Beiguang exam?


   As long as the ranking is high, 450 points will be able to go to Beijing and Guangzhou!


   Now she has about 450 in cultural classes. As long as the school exam ranks in the top few, isn't that stable?


   But she didn't realize that Beiguang's school exam was completely different from what she thought.


   I was dumbfounded as soon as I arrived at the test site. There were hundreds of students who reported to Beiguang from Longjiang Province.


   Even if the conditions are good, she is no better than those candidates who have been preparing for a year, even from the first year of high school!


   In the end, I didn't pass the exam, but the ranking was not high, it was middle!


   But this school exam ranking, coupled with her level of cultural courses, basically nothing.


   What’s more terrible is that students who have taken the third year of high school exams should know that the general school exams for special majors start at the beginning of the year, and it’s late in May.


   She only applied for a Beiguang school exam, and this one couldn't make it up, and there was almost no chance. After May, the school exams for almost all schools are over.


  Jiang Yao, "According to her current ranking, it is possible to enter Beijing and Guangzhou with a cultural class of 520 or more."


   "When I came back in the afternoon, I saw her and I was not in a good mood. Originally, she wanted her to partner with you in the sports meeting, but she refused, saying that she didn't want to take the broadcast host, and then asked for leave to go home."


   Qi Lei's brain hurts a bit, and I said, I told her several times, don't report to Beiguang, why don't you listen!


   came out of the radio station and went down to the third floor. Qi Lei didn't continue to go down, so Cai Wei returned to class and called Cao Xiaoxi out.


   The two were in the corridor, "Big sister, why don't you stare at me? What about Beijing? She has a big heart, and you don't care too much?"


   Qi Lei not only said this to Coco Li at home, but also later when Cao Xiaoxi and Yu Yangyang were present.


   I saw that Cao Xiaoxi was not in high spirits, and the look in Qi Lei's eyes was a bit unkind, and he stopped talking.


   In the end, he just insisted, "I have already applied for the report, and the exam is over. What should I do? What use are you talking about nonsense?"


   "Besides, you don't know why she reported to Beiguang?"


   Qi Lei said heartily, where do I know where to go? He hasn't been in school for the past two months.


   However, there is one thing that Cao Xiaoxi said is right. There is a fart to complain here, so I have to quickly remedy it.


   U-turn and leave.


   But it was Cao Xiaoxi who didn't know why he left, and thought that this guy would just leave it alone, "Aren't you going to persuade? Minwen is pretty bad now."


   but didn't want to, Qi Lei followed her tone and said, "I have finished the exam, what should I do? What's the use of persuading?"


   An angry Cao Xiaoxi stomped straight, and started yelling when he was standing in the corridor, "Lei Qi! You are a bastard!"


   It was so strange that people from all classes of high school came out to see it. What happened to Cao Xiaoxi? Let Qi Lei be bullied?




   After two self-study sessions, Cao Xiaoxi didn't mind, and ran with Yu Yangyang to find Coco Li.


   was downstairs at Coco Coco Lee’s house, called her, and soon I saw her coming downstairs in a small pajamas.


   Even if it is covered by darkness, the two good sisters can tell at a glance that she has cried and her eyes are swollen.


   The three of them put on a few exercise books, sat on the steps in front of the Quanyechang, and stared at the deserted street in a daze.


   After a long time, Yu Yangyang said, "Look at the opening point. If you don't get a good exam, you won't get a good exam. It's no problem for you to get a good grade. If you are angry, you may have hope for one.


   There are more than 440 mock exams. In Longjiang Province, this score can be picked almost at random in the second school.


   Coco Lee barely squeezed out a smile, "You can't look at it? It's pretty open!"


   The two glared at her contemptuously, but they didn't speak.


   was silent for a while, but Cao Xiaoxi really couldn't hold back, "You **** Qi Lei!"


   Coco Lee was startled, "What are you scolding him for? It's none of his business, it's because I didn't do well in the exam."


   She thought Cao Xiaoxi was to blame Qi Lei for encouraging her to take the school exam.


   But this is not what Cao Xiaoxi scolded, "This grandson, just came to ask me, why did you report to Beiguang?"


   "What's so special, why didn't he know about reporting to Beiguang? Why am I so unbelieving?"


   "My old lady bit him, and she turned around and left. Fuck! What!"




   Cao Xiaoxi has always been a very well-behaved image, but today she is a little out of control.


   glared at Coco Li, "You are too, silly, you don't want to talk about you!"


Coco Lee was scolded with no momentum, but still mumbled, "What do you say he did? He made the school exams. I didn't do well in the exams. He must be guilty in his heart. Are you not giving him trouble? "


   Cao Xiaoxi: "......"


   almost suffocated, speechless is right.


  For a long time, "Li Hanhan! He gave you this name, that's true! I don't understand, what are you tossing about here!?"


   "Either just go ahead and **** people over! Or just hide away and save trouble."


   "What the **** are you doing? It's not like you at all!"


   Cocoon Lee was also anxious when he heard it, "Don't talk nonsense! Two people are good, I don't mean that!"


   "Really not?"


   "Really not!"


   "Then what are you doing without taking Beiguang examinations?"


   Cocoon Lee was embarrassed, "I...I like it! Besides, I am indeed a host! Why not test the best?"


   Cao Xiaoxi stared, "What about now? Are you stupid? What should I do?"


   Cocoon Lee, "Then I don't take the exam, what can I do? Yangyang didn't say it, I have enough points to go to a normal school." Squeezed out a smirk, "Sister, it's not that there is no way out."


   Cao Xiaoxi calmed down, "Then where are you going to take the test?"


   Coco Lee, "Second foreign language..."


   Cao Xiaoxi: "!!!"


   "Ah!!!" he tightened his body and let out a long howl.


   Cao Xiaoxi is about to explode, she's so angry, she's still stiff in this mouth! ?


   Others don't know why it is a second foreign language, and only Cao Xiaoxi and Yu Yangyang know the reason.


  Because there is a wall separating Beijing Second Foreign Language Institute and Beiguang.


   "How do you like it!"


   Cao Xiaoxi is mad, and he has never seen such a disappointed one.


   Just leave it alone, stand up and leave without looking back.


   It was Coco Lee who awkwardly forced Yu Yangyang in a low voice, "This girl...has taken gunpowder? How good is a foreigner!"


  Yu Yangyang: "..." also shook his head speechlessly.


   However, she was not as excited as Cao Xiaoxi.


  Knowing that this silly mind never turns around, people can't persuade you for certain things, so just follow her, "It's very good, let's go on... Keep it."


   It’s a pity that it’s too esoteric, and Coco Lee didn’t even hear the words in foreign words, “Is that right? I just like that school. My mother has the foresight, right?”


   After talking with Yu Yangyang, I'm still roaring at Cao Xiaoxi there!


   "Oh, Cao Xiaoxi, don't go and talk nonsense to Shitou, he must be uncomfortable too! Besides, let Xu Qian know that I should be misunderstanding, how can I meet people!"


   "Have you heard? Little fairy!"


   Cao Xiaoxi paused, turned her head, pointed at the rise and fall of Li Cowen's chest, and squeezed a sentence from between his teeth, "Li, Han, Han! You are so helpless!"


   As a result, Coco Lee stuck her tongue out, "Slightly~~~ I want you to care!"






the other side. Qi Lei went to the Internet cafe after evening self-study.


   Everyone has been used to it a long time ago, and thought he would have to spend the night again according to the inertia of the previous two months.


   can only say, it's hopeless.


   went home separately, but no one followed.


   In fact, Qi Lei really almost went all night. He checked all the schools in China, including foreign countries, that have broadcasting and hosting majors.


  Because these years, many schools do not even have an official website, and some websites do not have school exam information, so you can only find the phone.


   At noon the next day, Qi Lei came to the Internet cafe again, and according to the phone number copied last night, he called one by one to consult.


   It’s just that the situation is not optimistic.


   As I said before, school exams for special majors start at the beginning of the year, and some are even arranged before the New Year.


   It's mid-May now, and all the exams are over. In other words, even if Coco Lee chose the school again, he missed the school exam time.


   Even if you have time, you may not arrange test centers in Longjiang Province.


   Qi Lei has been busy for two noon, and still has nothing to do.


   However, Qi Lei still didn't give up. After all, Cocoon Li is responsible for this matter, and he can't ignore it.


   During this period, Tang Yi came back.


   Like the previous life, I really went to smash the glass.


   Qi Lei had to talk to him about this.


   "This, this...Are there any gains?"


   Tang Xiaoyi ate his mouth full of oil while grilling braised pork, and responded, "Yes!"


   Qi Lei's eyes lit up, "What's the harvest?"


   Tang Yi, "The thief is so cool!"


  嚓! The bright eyes dimmed, and my heart sank, and my hand was slowly stretched out to the phone, "Just... nothing else?"


   Tang Yi didn't know what to say, frowned and paused, "Other? Does it count when I know a few college students?"


   Qi Lei's face has been completely pulled down, and he said to his heart, I'd better call Dad Tang, if you shouldn't save it, you can't save it!


   is Tang Xiaoyi over there, "Oh, by the way, I have to study hard!"


   Qi Lei stopped, his hand stopped on the phone, "How do you tell?"


   Tang Yi, "Our country is too weak, and it’s not a problem to keep people bullying! I want to get into a good university and do something business."


   Qi Lei's eyes lit up again, "Really?" tentatively, "Study hard to make progress every day, it might not help me?"


   Tang Xiaoyi stopped eating and shook his head solemnly, "If you don't do it, I won't do it. If you don't do it, you will never get better!"


   Qi Lei was excited, "Then really have to study hard?"


   Tang Yi, "Hmm!"


   Qi Lei, "Where are you going to take the test?"


   Tang Yi, "Beijing Polytechnic!"


  Hu... Qi Lei let out a sigh of relief.


   Before I sucked it back, I saw Tang Xiaoyi grating his teeth and raised his eyebrows, "A senior sister said, waiting for me to see you in Beijing Polytechnic."


   "Hey, from the south, it's gentle!"


Hold! ! Qi Lei almost vomited blood. Why haven't I heard of this in my previous life?


   But, fortunately, Tang Yi really wants to learn, so there is no need to find three fathers to repeat history.


   patted Tang Xiaoyi on the shoulder, "You saved your life!"


   Tang Xiaoyi didn’t understand, "What do you mean?"


   "It's okay, let's eat! You have suffered a lot outside, right?"


  Poor baby, she is also a daring master!






   The 16th is the day before the sports meeting.


   The Second Middle School has entered the "festival mode" ahead of schedule, and the rostrum has set up a shed.


   The runway of the big playground, as well as the various venues are re-lined with lime mortar, and a circle of colored flags around the main runway is also inserted, and the ceremony is full.


   There are no classes in the school in the afternoon, and there is a rehearsal for the opening ceremony.


   Qi Lei and Jiang Yao got the draft of the opening ceremony yesterday.


   At noon, Qi Lei came out of the Internet cafe and ran into Cao Xiaoxi as soon as he entered the school.


   "It just so happens, you help me call Coco Coco Lee to the rostrum, and I have something to tell her."


   Cao Xiaoxi is not pleasing to Qi Lei now, "Why? Minwen is not free!"


   Qi Lei is speechless, I didn't mess with you again, why?


   However, Qi Lei did apologize about Li Cowen's matter: "Can you please? Cao Damei?"


   Cao Xiaoxi: "..." It's really skinless and faceless.


   Back on the third floor, Cao Xiaoxi pondered for a long time, and finally ran to the sixth shift and called Coco Lee.


   "Stone asked you to go to the podium, are you going?"


   Cocoon Lee had already walked up the stairs without replying, and she turned around and asked, "He didn't say anything?"


   Cao Xiaoxi was mad, and chased after him, "He asked you to go, so you go? Would you be a little prosperous!?"


   Cocoon Lee trot downstairs and responded with a smirk: "There must be something wrong with the stone, you go faster!"


   Cao Xiaoxi: "......"


   Two girls trot to the podium.


   But Qi Lei saw Coco Coco Lee trotting here from a distance, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said to her heart, Coco Coco Lee is this image!


   with disheveled hair, big t-shirts, big shoes off, no longer the exquisiteness of the past, and has changed back to the sloppy appearance of a freshman in high school.


   This elder sister not only puts her mind on her face, but also embodies the heartless brilliance all over her body.


   approached, built a pergola with his palm, and looked up at Qi Lei.


   "There is something to say! There is fart! What's the matter with my mother?"


   Qi Lei grinned and beckoned to her, "Let's talk about it!"




   Cocoon Lee took off Huanhuan, did not take the steps at all, took two steps back and jumped, almost didn't fall.


   Qi Lei pulled her a hand before going up.


   "Hee hee." As soon as he went up, he quickly let go of Qi Lei's hand, "Should take advantage of my old lady!"


   then greeted Jiang Yao on the stage, and then found a chair with crossed legs to sit down.


   "Say it!"


   Qi Lei looked at her speechlessly, and suddenly he said, "I didn't pass the exam, it's very uncomfortable, right?"


   Coco Lee was stunned, and then floated his gaze to the big playground, "What are you talking about? Is the elder sister a person who cares? It's a big deal to change school, how big is it?"


   Qi Lei, "Do you think about where to change?"


   Cocoon Lee still doesn't matter, "Let's talk about it then, go wherever you want!"


   Qi Lei, "Install! Continue to install!"


   Coco Lee, "You know what a fart! I didn't pretend...really."


   Qi Lei looked at her chicken coop-like head, and shook her head speechlessly, "Then can you wash your head first? If you have dandruff on your head, you can see the word from a long distance-decadence!"


   Coco Lee hugged his head reflexively, "Is there? are talking nonsense, I have never had dandruff!"


   Qi Lei didn't want to entangle her with this issue, so he pulled out two forms from the manuscript of the opening speech.


Squatting in front of Coco Li, put a form on her knee, "This is Chuanyin's school exam application. Under normal circumstances, they don't come to Longjiang to recruit students. This year is a special case. Not many people know about it. May 24th, the test site. In Heida."


   Coco Lee's brain suddenly became empty, still holding his head, covering up the dandruff that he didn't know if he had it or not.


   looked at Qi Lei in a daze, letting the form lie on his lap.


   I saw Qi Lei hand over another with it. "


   "Oh!" Coco Li subconsciously clamped his leg.


   "Can you use your hands?"




   finally let go of his head, grabbed the form, and...covered it on top of his head.


   "With my hands..."


   Qi Lei: "......"


   "The second is the application form of Zhejiang Zhuan, June 2nd, the test site is at Harbin Normal University."


   "This is also the last school to broadcast and host school exams this year. I asked, they have a lot of enrollment places in the three provinces this year, and the focus is on the Harbin area."


   "Although it is not easy to take the test, it can be used as an alternative. If the Chuan Yin test is not ideal, you can try it."


   "You..." Coco Lee smirked, "Where did you find it? Hey, hey."






   even posted this morning.


   I've been scolded so badly for the previous plot these days, so I'm not embarrassed to ask for votes...


   Cheeky and beg for a wave!


   If you have a ticket for support, it’s not impossible to give a reward if you don’t have a ticket.




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