Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Don't mess with 2 stunners

On the surface, Coco Coco Lee is the oldest of the group of playmates, already nineteen.


   But in fact, she is the most immature one.


   There used to be so-called pride and her chaotic marriage theory, but after being beaten back to the fool circle by Qi Lei, this eldest sister has not even left the last disguise.


   If you compare her with Cai Wei, then Xiao Wen is definitely Cai Wei's other extreme.


   Viagra is too clear to live, and it is a bit lame to understand.


   For example, Viagra once liked Xu Xiaoqian and thought that was his life partner. Therefore, he can pass Qi Lei a cigarette calmly.


   However, after being destroyed by Qi Lei, he can hardly see any period of confusion, which means that he has calibrated the trajectory of his life immediately and will not worry about Xu Xiaoqian's problems.


   For another example, after listening to Qi Lei and the others sing "Dream Pursuing the Heart" in the radio room, after seeing the fascinating young man mad, Viagra changed from an "old cadre" to a sloppy boy in just one night.


   This kind of adjustment ability, this kind of fierceness, is beyond the reach of ordinary people. It's not that Viagra is fickle, but it just confirms the terrible thing about this guy.


   Cocoon Lee is just the opposite.


   If Viagra is sober in the world, then Li Hanhan is rarely confused.


  I am confused anytime, and I can do anything but nothing.


   Once you have spotted one thing, it is difficult for you to pull her out of inertia. It seems to be single-minded, but in fact there is no direction.


   is simple, so simple that there is almost no self.


   However, Qi Lei, as a person who came by, could actually see Li Cowen's mind, and he also understood why Cao Xiaoxi was so angry that day.


   However, he can only assume that he hasn’t seen it, or doesn’t know, because he knows the feelings of young people too well.


   That kind of emotion is ignorant and unreasonable. It may be because of a dream, a sentence, a look in an eye, or an inadvertent touch that you will fall in love with a person, and will not add points for how good Qi Lei is.


   is like the beginning of Xu Qian and Qi Lei, just because of the phrase "Auntie" in the examination room.


   Then he swore that it was forever, but in fact, it was just the age of hormone surge, an impulse that couldn't be more ordinary.


   is not to say impure, not serious. On the contrary, it is too pure and too serious.


   is so pure that there is no sophistication or dirty thought, even if it is just looking at it from a distance, thinking silently.


   But, because of this, as long as it is handed over to the time, maybe in a certain morning, everything will be normal again.


  Yes, this world is so fucking, beautiful things, either have a short lifespan, or only exist in novels and movies.


   There are not many lucky people in reality, so many people look forward to it.


   And like Li Wenwen's character, if Qi Lei treats Cai Wei, even Li Lin, in a straightforward way, it will be a kind of harm to her.


   will make her feel very embarrassed, and then curl herself up in inertia, unable to get out for a long time.


   It's better to go with the flow, wait until you go to university, thousands of miles away, and gradually calm down as time goes by.


   may suddenly realize, no longer entangled and depressed, just like countless ignorant boys and girls of this age.


   Actually, there are really very few people who have given up because of dog-blood refusal such as "We can't be", "We are not suitable", "I don't like you".


  Although the truth tells us, if you don’t like it, you should make it clear.


   But, how can there be so many black and white truths in real life? The vast majority of youth impulses are gradually smoothed out by time.


   Because of this, almost everyone has regrets in their youth.


   A certain girl I like can't confess...I forgot.


   only had a layer of window paper with the girl, but couldn't go back accidentally.


   That summer, in that classroom, under that ray of sunshine...that immature smiley face that was memorable for a lifetime.


   Have you ever thought about it? This is life, a life that is **** and inescapable.


   At this time, Coco Lee's legs are close together, her waist is straight, two hands are holding a form to cover her long hair without dandruff, her facial features are serious and restrained, and her eyes are full of surprise and fear.


   It's a bit like a little cat who has done something wrong, with his eyes rounded, but with an innocent look. Jiang Yao and Cao Xiaoxiao who looked aside looked faceless.


   And Qi Lei squatted in front of him and her, calm, and tried not to look directly into Coco Li's eyes, "These two schools take the exam first, and it’s not too late to come back and work hard."


   Seeing that Coco Coco Lee was still in a daze, she nodded and shook her head again.


Qi Lei of   nong also decreased in IQ, staring at his eyes: "Please explain to me, what do you mean?"


   I really don’t understand!


   Coco Lee also stared at her eyes and smiled, "It doesn't mean much!"


   Qi Lei, "It's boring, you nodded and shook your head?"


   Coco Lee rolled her eyes, "I don't know, I just want to nod and shake my head. Can't it?"


   Qi Lei, "Li Hanhan, can you be more serious? We have checked you for three days!"


   Coco Lee was startled, "Is there anyone else?"


   Qi Lei, "Your focus is very strange!"




   "Will you take the test?"


"let me see."


   "Sister, it seems like I beg you?"


"Is not it?"




   Coco Lee smirked again, "Then I will consider it."


   "Okay." Qi Lei, "Go back, please!"


   "Hmm!" Cocoon Lee stood up and left.


   But, before he got off the rostrum, he suddenly turned back again, changed his attitude, and rushed to Jiang Yao with a bluster.


   "Yaoyao, you should rest, I will host the sports meeting!"


   While talking, he snatched Jiang Yao's opening ceremony manuscript and turned around and ran away. In the meantime, he waved his hand and shouted, "Wait for a while, I'll be back soon!"




  Jiang Yao was suspicious for a long time, "Li Coco was originally not smart, but now he is even more silly..."


   looked at Qi Lei: "Then is she taking the test or not?"


   Qi Lei gave her a sideways glance, "You are not smart either!"


   Jiang Yao's face was stern, "Who is it?"


   Qi Lei, "If she doesn't take the exam, she will host some sports meeting! Sister, the brain is a good thing, but it's a pity..."


   Jiang Yao, "What a pity?"


   Qi Lei stopped talking about life and death, Jiang Yao was furious, "Broken child! There is no Viagra at all to worry about."


   Qi Lei smiled, but didn't speak.




   On the other side, Cao Xiaoxi caught up with Li Wenwen, looked back at the rostrum, and said bitterly, "That kid has a conscience!"


   "Hey!" Coco Lee smiled, "What nonsense, the stones have said it, it is they who help together, it is they who have a conscience!"


   Cao Xiaoxi frowned and shook her head, "I really don't understand you!"


   Cocoon Lee, "It's not that you don't understand me, but you think about it every day? I just didn't do well in the school exam, you just want to go elsewhere."


   "Little fairy, you are more and more like an eight-woman! People Stone and Xu Xiaoqian are very good, don't make trouble for them."


   Cao Xiaoxi: "..." Why did you go around and become an old lady instead?


   "Fine, I don’t care, okay?"


   Then, Cao Xiaoxi also asked the question Jiang Yao asked, "Then are you taking the test?"


   To Cao Xiaoxi, Coco Li was unambiguous, so he tore off the two application forms and said, "No test!"


   Cao Xiaoxi was a little dazed, completely speechless, "Isn't that still the same? Blame me for being too mindful? You are determined to test the second foreigner, right?"


   but didn't want to, Coco Lee suddenly became serious, "The second foreigner will not take the exam."


   Cao Xiaoxi's eyes lit up, "Really not taking the test?"


   Coco Lee, "I really won't take the exam."


   "That's right, sister supports you!"


   Coco Lee raised her eyebrows and smiled, and she became the silly big sister again.


   just walked to the door of the main building, screamed, "Study hard! Up every day!" How stupid it is to be.


   Within five minutes, Sister Coco Lee rushed out of the main building again. This time her hair was **** and turned into a ball, and she felt a lot more energetic.


   bounced on the ground, "I'm coming! Yaoyao, go play!"

  得~~ She was resurrected with full blood.






   The dress rehearsal is actually quite simple. Each class walks in a circle, and then arranges the positions in the middle of the playground. Just make some adjustments in the middle.


   On the rostrum, it is men and women who read the manuscript, just don't make mistakes.


   Each class does not need to dress, just walk neatly in the usual square array.


   Oh, yes, there are slogans passing by the rostrum, which are basically a set of phrases, "Develop sports and strengthen the people's system; friendship first, competition second."


   At this time, I can see the training results of each class.


   only talk about the words of the first year of high school, the most tidy, the loudest slogans, are the seventh and the first class.


  The most stretched one, of course, is Class 14!


   I haven't practiced for a day. If he doesn't stretch, who will stretch? Moreover, there is not even a slogan.


  The other classes are square and tidy. Except for Yang Xiaoer, who is holding his hands in front and playing cards, the other classes are more serious. The others are completely herding sheep. If you don’t line up horizontally, you don’t line up vertically, just like visiting the vegetable market.


   looked at the other Ban Zhizhi, "Is this a peculiar way to give up treatment? Isn't it too serious?"


When    was in line, the people in Class 7 had a taste: "I’m very bullish in Class 14, so I don’t care about the sports meeting?"


   is next to the eight classes, and said: "Can you not be a cow? From the penultimate to the eighth class of the school year, I heard that people will rush to the top five this semester!"


   is also strange. Ordinarily, there is no one who is lazy in the first and fourteen classes of high school, and they are all chasing up desperately.


   In an inappropriate way to use later generations, this is involution!


   But, even if you fight so hard, Class 14 can always squeeze forward and get one place at a time.


   is so evil.


   At this time, the discussion of Class 14 has gone off the track.


   Some people care about grades, "I heard that their class's study plan and time are arranged by the monitor? Is there a trick in it?"




   "Hehe, net nonsense! Would you let our class monitor arrange one to try? I'll have sap for self-study next night."




   "Really, his class listens to Qi Lei."




   Other people are discussing other things. For example, Zhan Xiaotian from Class 8 said, "Wang Dong is the only one who specializes in sports in his class?"


   "That's interesting. We have a snack in our class, let me stare at the ravages of Class 14!"


   After listening to the seventh class, "Count us!"


   Tenth Class Sports Committee, "There are still us!"


   Alas, don’t look at what you’re playing in Class 14, in fact, in the school year, it’s still unwelcome.


   I despised them last semester, but Class 14 counterattacked.


   And I really hate this semester, because of class 14, how many crimes did other classes suffer?


  A winter vacation, almost all reimbursement was in the hands of Class 14.


   Moreover, it was written on the wall of his class, "The Strongest Class Fourteen"!


   "I will make you the strongest!" Zhan Xiaotian stared coldly at the group of sheep-herders in Class 14.


   I dare not say anything else in Class 8. Sports is still a bit strong.


   In the words of the main building, Class 8 is all simple-minded and well-developed.


   Of course, there are seven classes.


   The seventh class is even worse, with a simple mind and underdeveloped limbs. Anyway, he was smashed by a drunk fist and couldn't stand up at all.


   It is not too much to talk about Class 14 in other classes. This is the effect of Zhang Nan Yao. The more you pinch, the better, the more you pinch, the more motivated you are.


   It’s just that the sloppy state of Class Fourteen can’t even stand by Cocoon Lee.


   Borrowing the gap between reading the manuscript, "What's the matter with your class?"


   Qi Lei smiled mysteriously, "Play something special."


   was not the only one who was confused, but even the instructor who was on the stage "supervisor" was full of suspicious eyes. Afterwards, he called Lao Liu to have a good talk.


   In short, from the current point of view, the spiritual civilization award for the first year of high school is not for the seventh class, but the first class.


   As the first class of the school year, and the last two classes, class one is quite generous. "Oh, it's not easy to return to the seventh class. Why don't we let it go?"


   Class 7 wanted to eat these dog days and cursed one by one, "The West Schoolhouse doesn't have a good thing!"


   The two most annoying classes in the whole school year are there.


   But, there is no way, the people have crazy capital.


   The seventh class has no face to quarrel with others, so they can only run on the fourteenth class.


   "Your class is going very well, we will keep it tomorrow!"


   And the total score of the competition should be eight classes.


   Let’s put it this way, although there are no sports students in Class 8, their class can form a high school basketball team with half a football team.


   Driven by Zhan Xiaotian, they all love sports.


   For the ridicule and hostility of other classes, the old coins in class 14 didn't bother to pay attention to them.


   I was immune long ago.


   In the words of the leader of the class, I just like the way you can't understand me and can't get rid of me.


   also the Spiritual Civilization Award, do you also deserve it?


  Is the number one in the competition? No way, blow your uncle's blow!


   So, the next day, Class 14 started to slap her face, and the whole school was dumbfounded!


   I said before that each class tried their best in order to make the clothing look good.


   Let’s take the first year of high school as an example. The uniforms of the First, Second, Third Middle School and the Experimental Middle School are collected, and there are two white shirt squares.


   The first class is more bullish, borrowing summer uniforms from the Chengnan Garrison.


   It's a pity that Class 7 is still better. Tang Xiaoyi, who has been absent from work for several days, wants to please Drunk Master, so don't hit him. This time he used Rich Dad's buff aura.


  Tang Chenggang ordered a set of suits for the sales department, sales department, and factory management of the factory last year. They are available in both men's and women's styles.


   As a result, Tang Xiaoyi came over.


   Qiban Qingyishui's suit and tie, regardless of the size or fit, they walk together quite neatly anyway.


The seventh class of    was excited, "This time it's steady!"


   Tang Yi smiled bitterly, his heart said, steady? Steady second? You wait for the spectacle in Class 14!


   As expected, everyone was dumbfounded when they came out of Class 14.


   "Oh fuck! Is it so fucking?"


   Class 14 is a cartoon book, even Arale has it.


   Especially the one holding the sign of Class 14... "It's really white!"


Even Coco Coco Lee on the podium stared at Class 14 from a distance, still complaining, "Cut! I can do with Xiao'er's clothes!" Straighten his legs, "I have big white legs too!" "


   Qi Lei had just one idea, stay away from her! It's easier to worry if you're a little melancholy.


   I haven't seen the old principal Dong, and the director of the teaching department, frowned and looked over? This item is simply coming to the eye.


   There is basically no suspense at the opening ceremony. UU reading www.uukā class 14 played too much, and I gave up my first year of high school anyway.


   It’s no wonder that people walk like herding sheep. This kind of dress is a violation if they walk neatly.


   Anyway, the other classes of the Spiritual Civilization Award are out of play, and I can only work on the ranking of the competition.


   But then again, do you really want to step on Class 14?


   It is true that except for Wang Dong in Class 14, there is indeed a lack of such top athletes, and no one else is a master.


   But, how can it be so easy to step on Class Fourteen?


   If these scumbags have no other skills, there is one characteristic that has been honed.


That is:


   Don't do it! Do it forever!


   is really fatal!


  Don't run on me either, Class 14 who slaps the face is best at it.


   During the two-day sports meeting, the other thirteen classes finally knew why the fourteenth class had been improving.


  Because of this class, one end is counted as the other, so they are all two stunners!


   And this sports meeting, not only the other classes in the first grade, but also the second and third grades also reached a consensus:


  Don't mess with those gangsters, you can't play with them!





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