Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 73: You have to cry if you lose

The eighth class started the matter first.


   As soon as the opening ceremony is over, all competitions begin. There is no major event at first, they are all preliminaries for sprint events.


  Wang Dong has absolute dominance in 100 and 200. Although Qi Xuefeng is not as good as Wang Dong, it is not bad. Both of them easily entered the 100-meter eight-man final.


   There are two in the eight-player finals in a class, which is already very good.


   But, after the 400m preliminaries, a moth came out.


  Qi Xuefeng, Qi Lei and Zhou Zhizhou participated in the 400 meters in Class 14.


   Originally, Wang Dong's words on this project were basically stable, but everyone can only report three items except for the collective project. Wang Dong reported himself 100, 200 and long jump, and abandoned 400 meters.


   Otherwise, there is really no one in the long jump.


   Therefore, the main force of 400 meters is Qi Xuefeng.


   Zhou Zhizhou is a player with good explosive power and good endurance.


   And Qi Lei... it's almost meaningless, it belongs to the level of endurance, but almost explosive.


   Logically speaking, the 1500 meters and 5000 meters up from 800 meters will test endurance even more. Only with Reviver's advantage can it be reflected, and ranking should be no problem. 400 meters is a bit reluctant, but it still needs a bit of explosive power.


   However, Wang Wangdong considered that Wu Ning should be able to stand alone for 5000 meters, and Wu Xiaojian has the strength of the top three.


   While the 400-meter Qi Xuefeng was originally unstable, Zhou Zhizhou was a bit unsettled in the preliminaries. Qi Lei could barely try it. The odds of entering the finals were lower than Zhou Zhizhou.


   After Qi Lei shouted "Men and women 400m athletes, please go to the registration office to prepare" on the rostrum, and temporarily handed over the rostrum to Cocoon Lee.


   ran back to the classroom by himself, changed into tank tops and pants, and pinned the number "11401", and then went to register with Qi Xuefeng and Zhou Zhizhou to warm up.


   At this time, Zhou Xiaosan's still holding English books and nibbling there. In his eyes, what sports meets and not sports meets, is it the second important thing to maintain?


   As a result, the three of them just arrived at the registration office, and Zhan Xiaotian, who was in the eighth class, and another boy also came to sign up.


   Looking at the configuration of Class 14, Wang Dong actually didn't participate in the 400 meters. "Where is Wang Dong? Isn't it enough to report?" His words were full of sourness.


   If you face Wang Dong, their class will have no temper. It's a pity that there is only one Wang Dong in Class 14.


   and Zhan Xiaotian happened to have a junior high school classmate from Qi Lei. He couldn't be clearer, Qi Lei was a bit reluctant to run 400 meters.


   Moreover, Qi Lei sparks with lightning is something after high school, generally do not understand the details, Qi Lei has a natural fear.


   But, junior high school students are different, who doesn’t know who? Qi Lei junior high school is very stretched.


   So, when the big guys are fighting, they dare to talk.


   joking for a long time, half mocking, "Stone, is there no one in your class? Why did you send you out?"


   He thought that Qi Lei would definitely come out only for the three projects of 800, 1500, and 5000.


   Qi Lei frowned, why is he so aggressive?


   grinned, "Run and play! Make up the number, let's make a little bit later."


   is just a polite sentence. As a result, Zhan Xiaotian joked, "Can't let it! I heard that you are the strongest class 14, then Bibi!"


   Qi Lei: "......"


   Before Qi Lei could respond, Class One also came over.


  Wang Xueliang led the team, and when he saw Qi Lei, "Hey, the strongest class 14! What's the matter? Is it necessary to get the strongest one in high school for the Games? Otherwise, I'm sorry for this title!"


   Immediately, the men and women of the classes who came to the registration office all looked over, their eyes a little provocative.


   It’s nothing to do, I want to stimulate class 14.




   Qi Lei and Qi Xuefeng became serious at once, what are they doing? Challenge?


   Even Zhou Zhizhou drooped down the English book, frowned and looked at the group of people.


   This kind of stranger!


   Qi Xuefeng licked his lips subconsciously, and Zhou Zhizhou's mouth also tucked a smile that seemed like nothing.


   Actually, he didn't really take it seriously. Although Liu Zhuofu asked them to rush forward, everyone knows his level, and he won a spiritual civilization award!


  Lao Liu is an insatiable master. He really takes the first place in athletics?


   However, the biggest inverse scale of Class 14 is: You can't arouse him!


   Even though the bad things that went wrong in the last semester have passed and slapped their faces, for the fourteenth class, they have already formed a conditioned reflex.


   "What to do?" Qi Xuefeng asked Qi Lei for the first time.


   And Qi Lei didn't rush to answer, thinking about something quickly.


   Finally, he smiled at Zhan Xiaotian, "I really want to step on us? It's not necessary, right?"


   Zhan Xiaotian thought Qi Lei was stunned when he heard it, "What? The big characters at the door of your class are farts? The strongest class 14! What about the face?"


   "Oh!" Qi Lei sighed, "Then...Bibi!"


   Zhan Xiaotian raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to take the move.


   pretended to be calm, "Then Bibi chant, anyway, idle is also idle. But don't cry if you lose!"


   "Don't!" Qi Lei still smiled brightly, "That's so boring? It's got to be a little bit lucky. If you lose, you have to cry, how about it?"


   Zhan Xiaotian: "......"


  , he saw Qi Lei scan all the first-year classes present, "It's set, take Class 14 as the front sight, and the one behind our class, Quante will cry for me! It's a grandson who doesn't cry! I dare not pick it up?"








   Everyone is a little dazed, is this guy playing so big?


   If you lose, you have to cry, then there will be fun, and you will die!


   Tang Xiaoyi happened to be there at the seventh class. Hearing this, his eyes rolled and he screamed, "No play in Class Seven!"


  The people in their class are kind of weird, "Why don't you play? How exciting!"


   was stared back by Tang Yi, "You know the fart!"


   Li Weibing from Class 11 over there usually has a good relationship with Qi Lei. When he was beaten, Class 14 rushed out to rescue him, so Class 11 naturally had a good relationship with Class 14.


   When Qi Lei was called on the board, Tang Yi also withdrew, so what else do we mix with?


   Li Weibing also yelled, "My class doesn't count, I'll be a judge for you!"


   In this way, the sports meeting just started, except for the seventh and eleventh classes, the rest was pinched up.


   Qi Lei walked up to Zhan Xiaotian at this time, and said in a low voice, "Cry and be handsome then."


   After finishing speaking, go to the teacher at the registration office, "Teacher, trouble you, cross out 11401, I will not participate in this project."


   turned around and said to Qi Xuefeng: "The first four!"


   Qi Xuefeng's eyes are all red, "The first two!"


   Qi Lei did not respond, the first four are reliable, the first two are a bit nonsense.


   turned his head to Zhou Zhizhou, "Enter the final."


   Zhou Zhizhou, "Okay! I will try."


   "Yeah." Replied, Qi Lei walked back, and did not participate in 400 meters.


   In this way, he only has 800 and 1500 left, and he can run 5000.




   Return to the corner of the playground, the position of Class 14 and sit on the table.


   Everyone raised their eyebrows, isn't the leader of the class right?


   Fang Bing came over, "What's wrong?"


   Qi Lei bit his lower lip, his eyes straightened a little, "Damn it, I've met a challenger."


   Fang Bing stared, "Who?"


   Qi Lei, "All school year!"


   "Huh?" This time the whole class is refreshed.


  Listening to Qi Lei's explanation of the cause and effect, Dong Weicheng sighed immediately, "Ah! Isn't this a bunch of fools?"


  The team leader is the best at digging pits. Those silly forks jumped in and buried themselves without knowing it?


   Whoever is behind the 14th class has to cry...No matter how scumbag the 14th class is, it’s not the last one!


   In other words, there must be someone crying with Class Fourteen anyway.


   "No loss!" Fang Bing came to a conclusion.


   heard Qi Lei said: "But, I want them all to cry for me! What should I do?"


   Everyone: "..." What else can I do? Fight it!


   Over there, Hao Tong didn't use Qi Lei's instructions, and took off his pants. There were sports shorts inside.


"I go!"


   There are only two people in the 400 meters, and there is still one difference, and Hao Tong only reported the high jump and shot.


   Over there, Yang Xiao just got down from the 100-meter preliminaries and has not yet sat down, "Oh!" he sighed, "I'll make up a few more, turn around and go to the 400-meter registration office."




   On the other side, Zhan Xiaotian's reflection arc is a bit long, and it took a long time to recall.


   "Wrong? Did Qi Lei fool you?"


   Why do they have to cry after platooning them? Isn't this really hateful?


   Think about it, if the final ranking of Class 14 is the second to last, then the last one will have to cry.


   First to last, don’t you hate them?


  What's special, you bet, step on Class 14, what will bring us to do?


   This is so uncomfortable!


   In the end, Zhan Xiaotian could only comfort himself, and even cheer up his classmates, “It’s okay, whoever cries at Aite, and I didn’t let them join in, as long as our class stays first!”


Zhan Xiaotian is still confident about this. The eight classes are all livestock. Except for the 100m, 200m and long jump, Wang Dong's absolute dominance. In other projects, everyone in his class can rank first, or at least compete for the top three. .


   Absolutely stable.


   What are you afraid of? If you die, you don’t want to die, and you’re done.


   The fact is true. In the 400-meter preliminaries, Zhan Xiaotian easily reached the finals.


   Under the shocking cheers of boys and girls in Class 8, Zhan Xiaotian crossed the line with a lead of more than 20 meters and easily won the first place.


   The second is from Class 9, and the third is Qi Xuefeng from Class 14, and this is already the number two in Class 14, so it's not to be afraid.


   Looking at the other seven who entered the finals, none of them can play. Zhan Xiaotian returned to the camp like a hero.


   sat on the table, took the wet towel from the girl, and asked the classmates around him proudly, "How does this thing score?"


Classmates, "The first three have individual rewards, and the first eight points are counted as the collective score. The first 8 points, the second 7 points, and so on, the eighth is 1 point.


   Double the group project, 16 points for the first class set and 2 points for the eighth. "


   "Oh." Zhan Xiaotian understood, "That means, our class is now eighth?"




   "Class 14 is only 6 points now, right?"


   Classmate, "No, 9 points in class 14."


  噗! ! Zhan Xiaotian sprayed, staring at his eyes, "Where did the 9 points come from?"


   Classmate, "That's right! I'm staring at their class, Qi Xuefeng is third, 6 points; Zhou Zhizhou is seventh, 2 points; there is also Hao Tong, the last one, 1 point!"


   Zhan Xiaotian: "..." I faintly felt something was wrong.




boom! ! There was another gunshot, and the women's 400m race in the first year of high school.


   Zhan Xiaotian's thoughts were instantly overwhelmed by the shaking of the sky.


   Zhan Xiaotian stared, and saw Yang Xiao, Zhao Xuetong, and Cheng Lele from Class Fourteen, six big white legs shot out like a stream of light.


   Although it is not the fastest, it is definitely the most conspicuous. It is Yang Xiao's two big white legs, which is dazzling.


   In the end, Class 9 is the first and Class 8 is the second.


   Class 14 Yang Xiao ranked 5th, Zhao Xuetong ranked 6th, and Cheng Lele ranked 7th. This was due to the accidental fall of a girl in the top 4 competition class. Unfortunately, 8th.


   Zhan Xiaotian: "..." Something is wrong.


  The less sensible classmate next to him, "Now our class and Class 9 have 15 points, tied for second place. Class 14 has 18 points, first!"


   "Fuck!" Zhan Xiaotian wants to scold his mother, what's the situation?


   He never thought that this is the same as academic performance. In the school year's big list, except for Xu Xiaoqian, Qi Lei and Zhou Zhizhou have entered the top five, and the rest of Class 14 can't even make the top 50.


   However, a good tiger can't stand a pack of wolves. As I said before, the upper limit of Class 14 may not be high, but the lower limit is very high.


   These grandsons are just in line, almost... well.


   Actually, if Wang Dong, who was the last one in class 14, was placed in another class, he might be able to fall behind dozens of people.


   The sports meeting is the same thing.


   Wang Dong may be the top one in Class 14. The rest, except for Wu Ning and Qi Lei in super long distance races, it is difficult to get into the top four in other events.


   But, you can't hold them to be serious!


   is like four hundred meters. The eighth class reported two people, and the other one still hopes to enter the finals, but he is not sure. The rest is too lazy to make up the numbers.


   And unfortunately, only Zhan Xiaotian made the finals alone.


   Although he can get the first place, there are so many people in Class 14!


   There are eight people in the final of a project. They are like a fate. Not only are they fully reported, but they are also in the finals.


   How can I play this?


   However, Zhan Xiaotian is still comforting himself. This is only temporary. The fourteenth class of this project just happens to have some strength, and it will be fine later!






   In fact, it is true.


   In the morning game, except for the 400m final, the fourteenth class took the long jump. Wang Dong scored 8 points, and the rest was nothing.


   is like a shot put or a high jump, there is really no one to find.


   As it approached noon, the eighth, ninth, and thirteenth classes caught up.


   The total score of class 14 is still the first: 26 points,


   The second is the eighth class: 25 points.


   Class 9 and Class 13: 23 points.


   Zhan Xiaotian cheered up their animals like chicken blood, "They dried them in the afternoon and gave me blood wash!!!"


   As a result, the first session in the afternoon was 800 meters for men and women.


   On the girl's side, Class 14 is really incapable, and Xu Xiaoqian is all on it.


  , holding back his breath, ran eighth and scored 1 point.


   There was only Qi Lei in the men's team, and there were two more to make up. But Wu Ning had to go, and Fang Bing had to go.


   Originally Qi Lei didn't want Wu Ning to come on, "Can it work?"


  Wu Xiaojianyun was light and clear, "It's okay."


   He has another 1,500 meters in the afternoon and another 5,000 meters tomorrow. The task is quite heavy.


   "But, let's think of something!" Looking at a figure not far away, "You have to get him down."


   "This way!" Wu Xiaojian made an idea, "My stamina is not as good as you are, you save some strength, and you will charge 5000 tomorrow. This afternoon, I will run away!"


   Qi Lei, "Okay!"


   also looked at the figure in the distance, this is a rival!


   He and Wu Xiaojian didn't want to do anything, they couldn't do this grandson.


   Tang Xiaoyi over there...


   "Ahie! Who is talking about me?"






   In the long-distance running project, regardless of 5000 meters, 800 meters and 1500 meters are actually just a matter of pace. Most people can stick to it, depending on whether they can reasonably distribute their physical strength.


   is like 800 meters. If you don’t care about it, running crazy is a speed, pressing your own limit, you have to leave stamina for 1500 meters and 5000 meters tomorrow, which is another speed.


   A runner who can run is easy and not slow. But if you run blindly, you will suffer.


   I rushed up when I came up, exhausted my energy, and finished after one lap. It was all suffering behind, and I felt that I would never get to the head.


   The stamina of the three little brothers has been trained since childhood, and the three dads are brutal.


   There is a low mountain in the north of Shangbei City. Every morning, three dads ride their bicycles to their sons.


   They were riding in front, chatting, blowing the wind, it was beautiful. The three younger brothers are tired behind, like a bastard.


   From elementary school, one back and forth every day.


   Until I was in junior high school, the three dads couldn't move... well, the three elder brothers ran faster and faster. From the beginning, the three of them chased after them, and then the three dads chased after them.


   is also at an age, and his physical strength is not as good as before. Seeing that it is not working, Wu Lianshan waved his hand.


   Generally speaking, because of training since he was a child, he has few rivals in long-distance running.


   In elementary school, the three people also entered the school team, representing a primary school. The cross-country races that start each year are basically the top three.


   Logically speaking, although young people don’t run often after middle school, the young people’s stamina is still abundant, plus the total playing time, the state has always been there.


   But even so, Wu Xiaojian and Qi Lei didn't dare to say that they won first place.


   After all, Tang Yi is still in Class 7!


   Moreover, among the three brothers, Tang Yi not only has the best physical strength, but also has the best speed and endurance.


   Under normal circumstances, Qi Lei and Wu Ning can't beat Tang Yi.


   There is no preliminaries in the 800m, all contestants start running with the same gun, and bends are allowed.


Before    ran away, Tang Yi came over specially, "Fuck! It seems to have a cold."


   After that, he didn’t take it seriously, and the thief said: "Don’t let you guys, my class is the only one with hope!"


   The seventh class is really miserable, and the points are currently ranked third from the bottom.


   Regarding this, Wu Xiaojian and Qi Lei looked at each other and smiled, "Then you take first place, we both save our energy!"


   Tang Yi was startled, "What do you mean?"


   Wu Xiaojian is extremely contemptuous, "Why don't you say that you don't have a brain? Especially there are 1500 and 5000 behind, you fight it, we let you take the first place!"


   Tang Xiaoyi thought, that's right, if this is all your physical strength, how can you fix it?


   "Then let's keep some!"


   He has thought about it, what kind of speed these two, he will do what kind of speed, wait for the last half of the lap, anyway, they can't fight Lao Tzu.


   As soon as the gun rang, Tang Xiaoyi felt that a shadow around him had shot out as if running for a hundred meters.


   looked at it, it was Wu Ning! !


   "Fuck! Don't you keep it away? What are you doing?"


   Just about to speed up to chase, Qi Lei said from the side, "He doesn't run 1500 and 5000, so why not fight?"


   "嚓! So what does he say to save strength!?"


   Tang Xiaoyi cursed, but after all, he did not accelerate.


   "Let you go back!"


   Following Qi Lei's constant speed to find the rhythm, he slowly picked up the speed, leaving the large group behind.


   As for Wu Xiaojian, this guy is half a circle ahead, it's not worth chasing him.


   Give him first, what can I do?


The runway of    Second Middle School is 330 meters, and 800 meters is about two and a half laps. It is said that it is not short or long.


   When the last half of the lap was left, Tang Yi began to accelerate slowly. First, Wu Xiaojian took it, and second, he was still certain. After all, Qi Lei was the worst of the three brothers.


   However, Tang Xiaoyi was careless again. He just started to adjust his breathing and speed up his pace. Qi Lei suddenly bent over and lowered his center of gravity. This was a sign of a sharp acceleration.


   "Eh, eh!?"


   Tang Yi is going crazy, "I didn't take you to play like this!!"


  I can't see it These two grandchildren are yin him.


   What a pity, it's late!


   Qi Lei is not much worse than him. If you grab the speed, it will be difficult to chase him.


   In the end, only... Amidst the violent cheers of the fourteenth class and the regretful sighs of the seventeenth class, the third with hatred.


   At the end, Tang Xiaoyi propped his knees and panted for breath, wanting to cry!


   "Old coin! Are you two still human?"


   Wu Ning and Qi Lei also supported their knees, laughing wickedly.


   At this time, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao jumped to the finish line to pick up people.


   Looking at the hapless Tang Yi, he didn't forget to make up the knife, Yang Xiao, "Look at this, thanks!"


   All those who came to pick up the people from the seventh class were startled, "Thank you? Madman, don't you know how to release the water?"


   "I will let you go!"


   Tang Yi succumbed to death, pointed at Qi Lei and Wu Ning, "You two are waiting, see you at 1500!"


   Over there, Zhan Xiaotian is going crazy.


   One first in class 14, one second, 15 points! !


   "How do you feel... tragedy!?"






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