Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Talk to the women's gangster

Zhan Xiaotian really doesn't feel good.


   Although their eighth class is indeed very strong, they can only guarantee that one person in each project can get a high score.


   But there are a bunch of five, six, seven or eight in Class 14, which can’t hold up the crowd!


   In addition to the long-distance running event, Tang Yi from the seventh class was dying again, and the fourteenth class got 15 points. How good is this?


   And Tang Yi is still aggrieved over there, what's so special, I let the two grandsons shake it up! !


   The last item in the afternoon is 1500 meters. Tang Yi has learned how to behave. I don't believe what you say, I have to do these two bastards!


   But when the gun rang, Tang Yi was dumbfounded again.


   Another person next to him alluded out, he thought it was Wu Ning! At first glance, it was Qi Lei.


   Qi Lei started rushing at full speed.


   Tang Yi understood at a glance, you two are playing in turns, right?


   immediately slayed out without hesitating, and competed with Qi Lei, and said nothing could be left behind.


   So, the first lap of 1500 meters made the brothers run like a 100-meter sprint.


   just punch!


   After a lap, Qi Lei finally slowed down, unable to move.


   panting heavily, staring at Tang Yi, who goes hand in hand: "You're chasing a fart!"


   Tang Yi stared, panting, "I...I am so happy!"


   "You run! You run again! I see you run another?"


  Small, do you still play routines with me?


   Qi Lei is a sense of powerlessness seen through, "Trust you!"


   had to pace normally and ran with Tang Yi.


   The large troops behind don't need to look at them, they are all gone.


   To be honest, this 1,500-meter run is definitely the most uncomfortable one of the brothers.


   Qi Lei didn't talk about martial arts, so he rushed up to bring Tang Yi's speed up, and the rhythm became chaotic. The more tired he went back, the breathlessness became uneven.


   A total of five rounds, after running three laps, Tang Yi didn't feel very good, his hands and feet were soft, and there was no energy at all. It would be nice to be able to cross the line at this speed, and I would definitely not have the energy to sprint in the last lap.


   "Fuck!" Tang Yi was mad, "Stone, why are you doing things that are unfavorable to others?"


   As a result, Qi Lei smiled and glanced back, "Really?"


   Tang Xiaoyi suddenly felt something wrong, and turned his head subconsciously.


Hold! I saw that Wu Xiaojian didn't know when he had been killed out of the large army, and now he was less than ten meters away from them. And the speed is not slow, getting closer and closer.


   I want to speed up subconsciously, not to let Wu Ning pass,'s really boring.


   can only watch Wu Xiaojian helplessly, getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer, and when there is one lap left, he easily overtakes them.


   The moment he got wrong, the grandson smiled at Tang Xiaoyi, "Hey~~, hurry up and run!"


   Tang Yi: "……"


   Tang Yi's whole person is not good.


   In the end, Wu Ning was the first, Tang Xiaoyi was second, and Qi Lei was third.


   Tang Yi is going crazy, "I didn't take you to play like this!!"


   "Oh!" Wu Ning, who was completely relieved, was paralyzed on the ground, "It's really not working! Tomorrow's 5000 I won't be able to run, let you win, can't it work?"


   Qi Lei also shook his hand, "I can't do it anymore! You run, and we can't run anymore."


   Tang Yi, "I pooh!"


   took a spit of dry saliva, "I believe you two big-headed ghosts!"


   These two grandsons are both heartbroken. They don't speak martial arts.


   Here, Yang Xiao, Cheng Lele, and Xu Xiaoqian have already come to pick up the people. They shouted far away, "Good job!"


   Class 7 also came over there, and upon hearing it, "Crazy!!!"




   "Did you release the water?"


   Tang Yi: "……"




  The first day of the Games was completely over. Class 14 temporarily ranked first and Class 8 was second.


   If there is no accident, the eighth class will not be easy to chase tomorrow. After all, the finale will be tomorrow.


   The 100-meter, 200-meter finals, and 5000 meters, including 4*100, 4*200, and the fourteenth class are not weak. It is very likely that there will be a scene where the fourteenth class is playing and crying.


   And the happiest one is not class fourteen, but class seven and class eleven.


   They didn’t take part in the betting and they just watched the show. If they don’t want to see the spectacle tomorrow, I am looking forward to it!


   There is no self-study in the evening, and the whole school is closed.


   Brother three, and a few girls, gather in the habitual Sanshi Internet cafe.


   Zhang Nan has been on a business trip and has been to Harbin for several days. I heard that he went to make money.


   While Xu Wenliang has gone to the countryside, the central research team of the pilot agricultural county has come down again, and Xu Wenliang wants to accompany him.


   So, Xu Xiaoqian can not go home tonight.


   Everyone is so tired today that even Yang Xiao ran three preliminaries and one final.


   Qi Lei asked Wang Cheng to order something from the barbecue restaurant next door and took it to the private room.


   After dinner, I didn't play games and surfed the Internet. I leaned back on the sofa, closed my eyes to rest, and had a chat without a word. There was no movement in less than ten minutes, and I fell asleep.


   Qi Lei sat in his exclusive position in the corner. He was going to stare at Yan Ling doing homework, but Xu Xiaoqian leaned on the armrest beside Qi Lei, "I'm coming, you take a rest!"


   Qi Lei smiled and nodded, but did not refuse.


   leaned comfortably on the sofa chair in a daze, just like that, Xu Xiaoqian sat on the armrest to counsel Yan Ling, and at the same time separated Qi Lei with her back.


   In that little world, Qi Lei can stay alone and not be disturbed.


   In fact, Qi Lei is not in a daze, but looking at the two messages on qq thinking about things.


One is from the head of Ning, "Boss, the website has been visited a lot recently. The Billboard has attracted a group of authors from outside sites and also brought some readers. The technical department is clamoring to add a server. I mean, yes. Slowly, you come to make up your mind."


   "Also, when will you come to Shanghai? Don't take summer vacation, you have to deal with many things now."




   Another one, no, two.


   Xiaoma brother sent: "Stone, I have time to chat, no joke!"


   The time of this one is midnight yesterday, and the next one is two hours ago.


   Just one sentence: "We can't hold it anymore!"




  Ning stationmaster means Qi Lei knows.


   There is still a considerable amount of negative traffic under the banyan tree, just to join in the fun, not to read at all. Not only is it worthless, it also makes the website miserable.


   What he meant was to cool down this part of the traffic naturally, and then consider adding or subtracting servers after the website visits stabilized.


   Including the reason why he is going to Shanghai now, Qi Lei can also guess.


   Banyan Tree is now spending money on writers, so that many online writers on other forums and websites see the income, and they all move to the banyan tree.


   Stationmaster Ning thinks this is an opportunity, and wants to take the opportunity to sign a few well-known names, but he is not in charge of this matter.


   Speaking from the bottom of my heart, Station Master Ning is still more responsible and normal thinking.


   Not to mention the issue of signing writers, just the issue of adding or subtracting servers, the Ning webmaster took a lot of thought.


   In the final analysis, it is the problem of traffic.


   For this era, traffic is very important, but not so important.


   The current website, regardless of whether it is a literary website, a professional website, or a portal website, the biggest problem is not traffic and content. The biggest problem is cost control.


   After all, this is an age when Internet thinking is not yet sound.


   Now that I am a website, I don't have as many routines as later generations. Even if I am a vibrato player, I can speak out a bunch of profit models in a straightforward manner.


   The current website is not directly profitable, it is a capital game.


   is really like a farce performed by a group of lunatics, just like what is said and performed in "Big Wrist".


   What do website operators rely on to make money?


   E-commerce? Eyeball economy? Link to the terminal industry?


   These all have not appeared yet, relying on the capital game.


   spend hundreds of thousands, can't wait for hundreds of thousands to make a webpage, and you have to invite top web designers to typesetting exquisite western style.


   Then there is traffic.


  In this age of scarce content, as long as your brain is alive, your creativity is better than others, or you have enough money and capital to pay, there is no reason why you can’t get hot, and you don’t worry about traffic.


   Netease, Sina, Penguin, Tom, Tianya, Banyan Tree, Maopu, all are like this.


   With traffic, you don’t need to find money, money will come to you.


  The cost of several hundred thousand, at least one zero for the first round of financing, the big fire website can add two zeros, and it has to be US dollars.


   After getting the money, continue to burn the money and continue to smash the fire.


   can't come out, I'm sorry, leave the scene.


   came out, the second round of financing, you can add a zero.


  In this cycle, the people in front earn money from the people behind. It's a bit like cx.. on-line and off-line.


   Investors know that the website has so many users and such a large amount of traffic, it will definitely be able to realize it.


   But, how to realize it?


   At present, there are only two: one is financing, and the other is going public.


   These years, the ultimate goal of a website is to go public.


   As for the website itself...


   In the age of the Internet, there are no other methods except these two. There is no template, and everyone is looking for it.


   instead, I found an advertising revenue.


   This is why there are so many portals in this era, and there are endless forums with unique characteristics.


   But there is only one reason for penguins.


   Portal sites can have advertising revenue, but Penguin does not.


   Until two years later, the domestic Internet giants still insisted that Pony's penguin was worthless, and whoever voted for it had a brainstorm.


  Similarly, under the banyan tree, there is also a problem that cannot be realized. The writers who write on it are all for nothing, and the readers are all for nothing.


   In addition, the initial positioning was to build the purest literary website in the country, which made Banyan Tree, even if the traffic volume is high, dare not rush to accept advertisements.


  The problem is here. At present, before the boss can find the next home without financing, this is a bottomless pit of pure burning paper, and cost saving is really the number one priority.


   Not only under the banyan tree, all websites, except those with strong capital and wealth behind them, are saving costs.


   Look at Brother Xiao Ma, he has been forced to the point of being a female gangster.


  The question now before Qi Lei is, do you want to add a server? Do you want to burn money too?


   Is it important to save costs, or it is more important to retain these seemingly useless negative traffic.


   After pondering for a long time, Qi Lei didn't rush back to the stationmaster Ning's words, because he had to solve another problem first before he could set the direction for the banyan tree.


   That question is... I put my eyes on the message of Brother Xiao Ma.




  What can I talk about? It's nothing more than money.


   The user growth rate of Brother Xiao Ma is too fast, the money is burned out, and I am worried that there is nowhere to find money!


   Then Qi Lei is of course the best choice.




  Furthermore, the appearance of Qi Lei caused some deviations in the thinking of Brother Xiao Ma and his previous life.


   In the time and space of the previous life, when Penguin was founded, what Xiao Ma actually wanted to do was to sell it.


   That's right! Qi Lei didn't know these things in his previous life, but he had a lot of contact with Xiao Ma in this life, so he talked about it when there was nothing to do, and learned a lot of things that he didn't know in his previous life.


   For example, the purpose of Xiao Ma's oicq is to bid for an online software of a state-owned company in Guangdong Province.


After    was done, I asked for 500,000 yuan.


   But even if it's so cheap, people don't want it. There is no other way but to operate it by itself.


   And even after the software is online, Xiao Ma wants to sell it as soon as possible, even if it is 1.8 million yuan, he and his friends will continue to develop the pager supporting program with the money.


   If this is to use the eyes of later generations, plus a classic spit of the queen of cross talk:


   "Isn't this stupid?"


   This is the reality. The current limitations make Xiao Ma pay more attention to the pager program, thinking that this thing can make a lot of money.


   As for oicq, let alone now, two years later, Xiao Ma doesn't know how this thing can make money.


   However, the appearance of Qi Lei changed Xiao Ma's mind.


   Since the incident of the women's clothing boss and Qi Lei caught fire, Qi Lei's cognition from later generations cannot be reflected in the chat process, and the subtle influence has greatly inspired Xiao Ma.


   In addition to the previous hype, Penguin has been drenched in a lot of light, and its development is a little bit faster than in the previous life.


   This makes Brother Xiao Ma no longer want to sell software, and wants to make it by himself.


   But the problem is coming, lack of money!


   Qi Lei used to ask people if he wants to invest, so it became the situation now, Xiao Ma was cheeky, chasing debts.


   In the past few days, I can often see Xiao Ma's messages, and Qi Lei just doesn't have time to talk to him.


   But today, Qi Lei has to think about this issue.


   Depending on the situation, Xiao Ma really can't hold it anymore.


   You should know that oicq is not the same as a website. The website only needs one main server and several cache servers are enough. Even if it is a popular website, the number of people online at the same time is limited, and there is almost no interaction, simply reading data.


   As for Brother Xiao Ma, not only does he need to operate servers and cache servers, he also has to interact with servers and hosting servers. The usage and website are not at the same level.


   The cost of renting a server is huge.


   And the more users there are, the larger the usage, which is as big as it is.


   If you don’t have money to rent a server, it’s done and completely paralyzed.


   So Xiao Ma was anxious, and Qi Lei had to pay attention.


   It stands to reason that there is nothing to consider about this matter. Can Brother Xiao Ma give us shares?


   It's the same as picking up money.


   But, Qi Lei is really hesitating, do you want to invest money for Brother Xiao Ma?


   Now Lei Qi mainly considers two directions:


  First, Qi Lei actually has no money now.


   Okay, I'm really out of money.


   Three Stones Company has just started after all. Although its ability to attract money is amazing, so far, the one or two hundred Internet cafes under the first batch of contracts have started to open one after another, and some funds have been recovered.


   Some time ago, there were about 7 million on the book.


   The money seems to be a lot, but the ability that can't stand Lei Qi's prodigal is also top-notch!


   Nan Guanghong's system laboratory has landed, and Qi Lei's first fund has also been paid to Nan Lao.


   did not directly give one year, only half a year, 2.5 million.


   paid another 3 million to buy under the banyan tree, and also gave the writer fund of 500,000 to the stationmaster Ning.


   That 6 million is gone!


   Then, the daily working capital of Sanshi Company, the cost of renting the server under the banyan tree, and the salary and expenses on both sides are another large sum, right? It is necessary to reserve 1 million for emergency.


   Where did the money come from Brother Xiao Ma?




  Second, even if you find a way to get money, is it an appropriate choice to invest in Penguins now?


   Qi Lei faintly felt that it is not the best time to cast the penguin now.


   I asked Brother Xiao Ma if he wanted to invest. It was a spoof, and he was playing with Brother Xiao Ma.


   Or maybe I’m not familiar with Xiao Ma, I don’t lose if I make a real investment.


   But things are different now. The two have become familiar with each other, which is another matter.


   When it comes to getting money, there are actually many issues to consider.


   First of all, if Reviver invests in Penguin, it must not be for short-term gains, but for long-term strategic considerations.


   If you want to make quick money, now you sell the banyan tree and start ten times. There is no way faster than this.


   And now, there are a lot of potential stock websites like under the banyan tree.


   Tianya, Maopu, even Jack Ma’s Ali can fall a hand, why bother to make trouble with Xiao Ma?


   Then, if it is a long-term strategic consideration... it is even more prudent.


   It’s not that, now you invest 1 million to buy Penguin and let Brother Xiao Ma work for you, or how many shares you occupy, when the market value of Penguin is trillion, you can divide it into hundreds of billions.


   This is superficial arithmetic, but it's not that simple in reality.


   seems to have two options:


  First, buy the penguin.


  Second, vote for shares.


   Let me talk about buying the penguin first.


   This is nonsense!


   We need to figure out whether Penguin made the Internet empire of later generations, or Brother Xiao Ma and his team made that empire.


   Don't look at Brother Xiao Ma who is in the second grade right now, and the stains of the women's gangster will never be wiped out for a lifetime. However, one must not ignore his own abilities and functions.


   Can a penguin without my little horse become the scale of future generations? not necessarily.


   Even if I leave Brother Xiao Ma at Penguin and let him work for Qi Lei, it is still a question whether the team that has lost the decision-making ability and sense of belonging can create the penguin in the future.


  Qq does have its advantages, but in 1999, it was not irreplaceable.


   At this time, the domestic instant messaging software is not just Penguin, there are several, and each has its own strengths. The icq, which has gained a dominant position abroad, is also attacking the domestic market.


   Penguin can dominate the whole family, it is because Xiao Ma first solved the software problem, and then solved the financing problem. It depends on money and strength, as well as the overall quality and hard work of the team, to fight bit by bit.


   It may not be enough to change a person, and one factor may not be enough to make a penguin.


   Since it can't be bought, can it be invested in Xiaoma now?

   is not a good idea either!


   If you change someone else, or another project, such as the one in Hangzhou, Qi Lei will not hesitate, and if you have money, don't make a bastard!


   But, Brother Xiao Ma...


   I have helped Qi Lei a lot in the past two months, regardless of the exchange of interests or whatever, at least the two have a good chat and get along well, and they are already friends.


   Qi Lei didn't want to hurt him.


   Even if he just made him take some risks because of the butterfly wings, it might not be too risky.


   But it’s not necessary. If you want to earn money and find others, why bother to cheat your friends?






   If... Qi Lei is now well-funded, with 2 million out, according to the current situation, he can get about 30% of the shares.


   This should be a friendly price, and it is also because Qi Lei started earlier.


   But this equity ratio does not mean that it can be obtained for more than ten or twenty years.


   There are also the second round of financing, the third round of financing, listing, and a series of dilution and realization of equity, which is an inevitable process. After a few rounds, 30% may be left with 20 or even 10%.


   10%, if it’s not for making money, what does Qi Lei do with it?


   And this equity of Qi Lei, if held all the time, without diluting it, would be a burden for Penguin.


   Xiao Ma will not be able to take out more shares in exchange for more funds in future financing.


   Whether it can last until it goes public or before it becomes profitable is a big question.


   Even if it can, when the financing ratio becomes smaller, it is still a question whether it can develop and grow in accordance with the trajectory of later generations.


   This is inevitable, and it is likely to change the development trajectory of penguins.


   Just like before, Qi Lei's role in the n Alliance event is the same, he is just a small butterfly, flapping its wings, changing the trajectory of time and space.


   Investment at this time is also a butterfly's little wings, and the impact is basically negative.


   This is like, even if you buy the newly established Al for hundreds of thousands, you are unlikely to become the next dad.


   Human factors are also complicated by other factors.


   In short, you can use prophecy to make money, but you have to pay attention to timing.


   The best time is when Sun goes to find Jack Ma, you cut a Hu. In that case, Al will not be out of track, and you will also have money.


   Similarly, it does not affect the general direction, but also maximizes the profit. The time to vote for the penguin is not now.


   Of course, you can also cast a wave in the first round, and then continue to spend money until Penguin goes public in 2004, even if Penguin becomes profitable in 2002.


   But how much money does that get!


  In the original history, Xiao Ma took the first round of financing of 4 million U.S. dollars, which is 30 million RMB, which was burned out in just over a year.


  In the second round, it raised 32 million U.S. dollars, more than 2 billion RMB, plus the profitability from 2002, and it lasted until 2004 to go public.


   How can Qi Lei have so much money to squander him?


   No matter how much money the Three Stone Company makes, it won’t be able to make that much.


   Even if he earns it, Qi Lei can't smash it all on Brother Xiao Ma, he still has a lot to do.


   Of course, it’s the same sentence. Now investing money will definitely only make money and not lose money. There is nothing to say. It's the question of whether you can earn as much as future generations imagine.


   Qi Lei is not having trouble with money.


   But the scorer, because he affected Xiao Ma, it would not be beautiful.




   In addition to the above two objective factors, Qi Lei does not want to make the penguin's trajectory too far from the original. In fact, there is another reason, which is the main reason why Qi Lei does not want to invest now.


   He wants to play a big ticket with Xiao Ma.


   After pondering for a long time, Qi Lei sent a message to Brother Xiao Ma.


"Are you there?"


   Xiao Ma is almost back in seconds. He lives in the company now and is very motivated.


   "Yes! You can come here!"


   Qi Lei, "Let me ask you a question first, are you really unable to find financing?"


   Brother Xiao Ma was startled for a long time, "What do you mean?"


   Qi Lei, "It's meaningless, it's just that we both said a few words of the truth. Are you looking for me because you can't find financing, or for other reasons."


   sent it over, and immediately added another one, "If you are really out of money, can't hold on, and can't find a person to pay, then I will give you a little bit, and let's talk about it first."


   "But if it is for other reasons, we must have a good chat."


   Little Ma: "……"


After a while, Brother Xiao Ma came back, "To be honest, there are difficulties, but they are not exhausted. You know, my family still has something to do with it. If I can’t stand it anymore, I can find it. money."




   Brother Xiao Ma is very serious, he is not the shrewd businessman in later generations, and he is also a young man.


  Here at Qi Lei, after more than two months of contact, it feels a bit similar.


   Rather than talking about business, Xiao Ma prefers to treat Qi Lei as a friend.


   So, if Qi Lei speaks the truth, then speak the truth, there is nothing to hide.


   said sincerely: "But instead of looking for someone else, I would rather cooperate with you."


   Qi Lei, "tell the reason."


   Brother Xiao Ma, "First, you have the resources, whether it is under the banyan tree, or even if you join an Internet cafe, it can drain traffic. I don't deny that."


   "Secondly, I can talk to you quite well. Instead of finding an uncle who pays for me and my brothers, it is better to find another brother, don't you think?"


   Qi Lei suddenly smiled when he saw this sentence.


   let out a suffocating breath, and subconsciously pressed his forehead against Xu Xiaoqian's back.


   Xu Qian just stiffened, glanced at the computer screen, and then continued to talk to Yan Ling, while pulling out a hand, gently pressing Qi Lei's scalp.


   Qi Lei enjoyed, satisfied, and replied to Xiao Ma, "This sentence, brother...It's so comfortable!!"


   Xiao Ma returned in seconds, "Right? What are you waiting for? I need your firepower!"


   Qi Lei came, but he didn't anger Brother Xiao Ma, "support you ass!"


   "Brother, go home and think of a way, I won't vote anymore."


   Brother Xiao Ma almost vomited blood, "Huh? Huh!? Don't!"


   Do you want to be so ruthless? Don’t you just have a good chat?


   Qi Lei, "Don't bluff first, listen to me."


   Brother Xiaoma, "Say a fart! It's called a brother on the surface, and I don't have any money if I ask for it. Hey, you don't want to play like this!"


   Qi Lei, "Then can't you listen?"


   Xiaoma Ge: "Say! The reason is not sufficient, Harbin City is looking for a real person to fight with you!"


   Qi Lei, "I have an idea, the road is a bit wild, listen to it."


   Xiao Ma: "???"


   Qi Lei, "Let's join hands now, it's too early."


   Xiao Ma: "How do you tell?"


Qi Lei, "Let’s put it this way, my future direction is to join the Internet cafe as the main body. Soon, we will spread the stall outside Longjiang Province, grab the management system, and the high ground of the Internet cafe consumer market. I can You can also make less money by handing over the business in other places, but the management software and brand must be mine. I have the final say on what to install on the computer."


   Xiao Ma: "Drooling..."


   Qi Lei, "In addition to Internet cafes, I will also continue under the banyan tree, try to establish a gathering place for new literature users, and slowly move in the direction of paid reading and copyright."


   Xiao Ma: "This is a bit difficult, right? Piracy is too rampant."


   Qi Lei, "It's man-made, I think it's feasible."


   Xiao Ma, "What about then?"


Qi Lei, "To tell you the truth, I also have a national-level system R&D team led by Nan Guanghong. It is expected that results will be produced in two to three years. After that, we will take the route of open source, and it is likely to pass a little relationship, first in the government equipment Hard assembly."


   Little Ma, "!!!"


   Brother Xiao Ma's chin fell off, "System? Nan Guanghong!? Imagine that Nan Guanghong?"


   Fuck! Is there any zf relationship?


   Xiaoma brother, "You, you, you, why don't you go to heaven! Don't say it, I'm messing with you!!"


   Qi Lei, "Listen to me!"


   "What's more, I will ask Three Stones to publish a search website here, and try to grab the business of the portal website."


   Xiao Ma: "What search website?"


   Qi Lei, "It's a complete list of websites. It sorts out the addresses of popular websites in various categories that are currently popular and puts them on one page to facilitate Internet cafe users to surf the Internet."


   The news was posted, and there was no movement on Brother Xiao Ma for a long time.


   But in fact, Shenzhen is not so peaceful.


   Brother Xiao Ma’s office exploded, Brother Xiao Ma was almost crazy, and the brothers who started the business together thought what happened to him!


   After a long time, Qi Lei popped out a message:


   "Oh fuck! This idea is absolutely amazing!! Then you will not be short of traffic!!!"


   Xiaoma brother's mind is also turning fast, searching the website...This is not only for Internet cafes, but once it comes out, it can be said to be a must for the Internet, and everyone can use it.


  I immediately thought of something, "You can link to another search engine! Which portal can do you better?"


   Qi Lei, "Not only do I have a search engine, I have to develop a browser by myself, and after I have sufficient funds, I will find a way to enter the game industry."


   "This is the direction of Three Stone's development in the next few years."


   Brother Xiao Ma replied, "Don't tell me, take me away! The more you talk, the more I feel that we are a perfect match!"


   Qi Lei, "It's a perfect match! You and any Internet company are a perfect match, and so am I."


   "But, don't you think that if we are together now, wouldn't it be great?"


   Xiao Ma: "???"


   Qi Lei, "If you join the three-stone system now, you will become a vassal."


"The two of us are bound to influence each other. Think about it, this is inevitable. Your oicq must be adjusted to suit the experience of reading and Internet cafe users, and you may slowly become the exclusive property of reading users and Internet cafe users in the future. Communication software."


   Xiao Ma, "Is this bad? How good!"


   Qi Lei, "No, I'm trapped."


   Little Ma, "..."


   Qi Lei knows how big Ma's world is, "Ma, we are friends, I don't want to imprison you in my career."


   "I hope that in the future, we will be great partners together, not who is who's subordinates or vassals."


   Qi Lei said very sincerely, he was not crazy enough to harvest Brother Xiao Ma.


   Instead of having one more subordinate, he also hopes to have one more comrade in arms.


   continued, "To be honest, doing business is only part of my pursuit."


   Xiao Ma, "Then what do you want to do? Write a novel?"


   Qi Lei: "I have experienced some things recently, and the touch is a bit big, so I want to do something other than making money, something meaningful."


   "If the two of us get together now, I can make you profitable immediately, and I can also make Penguins grow explosively. But we are stuck here."


   Xiao Ma: "I don't understand, why are you sleepy? Where are you stuck? I think the prospects are very good?"


   Qi Lei, "A system, with drainage communication software, master portals, books, games, IE behemoths, run through all channels, and have a clear idea of ​​profitability!"


Qi Lei: "First, this is to teach others for free. When Internet companies couldn't find a profit mechanism, such a template came out. Which capital predator do you think our little arms and legs can do? "


   Little Ma: "……"


"Do you believe it or not? This year we will be together. Next year, Internet y, search h, and even foreign capital will have to rush in with big money. Not to mention whether we can fight, even if we fight, it must be quite tragic. "


   "This is a three-year-old kid walking at night holding gold ingots!"


   Xiao Ma Gehan has come down, "It makes sense!"


   Qi Lei, "Second, the goal of such an omni-channel Internet company is too big. Even if we convince all the domestic imitators, the family is dominant, then you say, can we still go out?"


   Xiao Ma, "Go out? Where to go?"


   Qi Lei, "You don't know where to go? Don't you want to?"


   Xiao Ma faintly guessed something, but...


   At this time, Qi Lei’s message suddenly popped up on the screen: "You are imitating icq, don’t you want to step on icq one day? Don’t you want the world to use your communication software?"


   Guru~, Brother Xiao Ma swallowed his saliva and his throat rolled.


   To be honest, I never thought about it!


   He thought about it before, making money, realizing money, and leaving.


   But now, I really think so!


   My oicq, if I kill the icq, will my life be complete?


   Okay, Brother Xiao Ma is a bit smaller.


   I saw Qi Lei’s news continue to pop out, "I think too! I think there are markets for our systems in foreign countries, and I want to earn foreigners’ money so that they can rely on us."


   "But, after you think about it, can you go out?"


   "The goal is too big. Not only do Internet companies have to guard against you out of China, but the national level also doesn't allow you or me to do anything!"


   Little Ma: "……"


   Brother Xiao Ma seems to understand a little bit. After a long time, "What are you going to do?"


   Qi Lei, "Develop quietly, don't shoot guns! Split them up and put them together when necessary."


   This is a vision of Qi Lei, I don't know if it can be realized, but you can try it in this direction.


   You must know that the world has changed. This time and space is no longer the time when the domestic Internet industry was backward in the previous life. It will take more than ten years to go out.


   At that time, it was not a good time. Wx went to sea, D sound went to sea, Al went to sea, and was surrounded by all kinds of besieged.


  Because the country was already strong at that time, coupled with the trade war and a certain mirror gate, the vigilance of cyber security awareness increased sharply.


Under the influence of factors such as   , the advanced Internet products in the country cannot be exported at all, and there are many difficulties.


   is at most jokes, jokes, foreigners have no knowledge, no online shopping, no rich domestic video content, let alone Chinese traditional culture.


   But doesn’t it mean that it’s difficult for us to get out?


   It is very difficult for Chinese Internet companies to do anything other than ring the bell at Yingjiang's house.


   But at this time, it's not like this at all. Now that European capital is living in the country, the Internet industry will definitely change due to the emergence of Reviver.


   Although there is resistance at this time, there is still a chance.


  Going out is not only about products going out, but also as simple as making foreigners' small money. It is cultural going out, and it is also new media going out.


What can    do?


do not know! Maybe nothing can be done. The West does not allow the penetration of Eastern culture.


   may be able to do...


   Having said that, Brother Xiao Ma finally understood a little bit.


   "What do you mean is that we should take our own paths and break out from different directions, and then we will complement each other?"


   "Finally...coming together!"


   Qi Lei, "Yes, not right!"


   "You gather your instant messaging users, I do infrastructure construction, and also use other means to accumulate, slowly look at the timing!"


   "For example, if you need a portal website, then I will give you the full list of URLs when the time comes."


   "When your user base is large enough and you are in urgent need of profitability, I will link reading to the game port."


   "Afterwards, I will dismantle the Three Stone Company first, and clean up the system and sensitive departments. Let's take advantage of the opportunity to do something big!"


   I don’t know if the Internet bubble of Eagle Sauce will burst tomorrow. If it will burst, it is an opportunity.


   Little Ma, "It's interesting!"


   Qi Lei, "Your goal now is to burn money and make the penguin bigger! By the way, accumulate experience and explore foreign markets."


   Xiao Ma, "Yes! But..."


   Okay, I don’t have any money, I’ll burn it!


   Qi Lei, "I know, so I just asked you if I can find the money."


   "If I can, I don't care, you first support it with external force."


   "If there is no money, I will deliver ammunition to you."


   Little Ma, "..."


   Xiao Ma groaned for a long time, "I will go home tomorrow to find a way!"


   Another half day Brother Xiaoma suddenly sent another message.


   "Stone, I thought about it, is it a bit erratic for the two of us? Should we make money first, and then think about these things when we have money?"


   Qi Lei also pondered for a long time.


   "First, time does not wait for me!"


   "Secondly, some people...have a meager salary and do something much bigger than ours. I don't want to just watch, I want to help."


   Brother Xiaoma, "Hey, what have you been through? Why is it so scary?"


   Qi Lei, "I want to say, but...can't say."


   Little Ma: "……"


   Qi Lei, "Anyway, women's clothing boss! Give me a pleasant remark, dare you to come along with me?"


   Xiao Ma: "!!!"


   blurted out, "The pretty girl Qiqi is not me, don't talk nonsense!"






Million words....


   The main reason is that if the two chapters are separated, it would be too uncomfortable. The first five thousand words have no plot, and they are all foreshadowing.


   So let's post it together. It just so happens that Cangshan hasn't been out of the house for more than a month, so I went to the supermarket to prepare some ammunition.


   It won’t change in the afternoon...

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