Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 90: The group named [Future]

   While Xu Wenliang and his wife were enjoying a rare reunion, Qi Lei and the others also embarked on their way back to the city.

   This trip is very hilarious, but still has some meaning, Tang Xiaoyi even screamed, "Or let's come back on holiday!"

   Everyone agreed, but Qi Lei smiled, "There is plenty of vacation time, so you can go a little farther."

   After finishing speaking, he turned back to the stationmaster Ning and said: "On July 16 you can organize the core writers and employees of the website to go out to gather and relax. It is regarded as a welfare. Where to go, let them discuss by themselves."

   Stationmaster Ning naturally agreed, "Of course it's good!"

   Back in Shangbei, Xu Xiaoqian wanted to rush home to accompany her parents to dinner, while Yan Ling, Tang Yi, and Wu Ning went home to sleep.

   Qi Lei accompanied the stationmaster Ning to the Sanshi Internet Cafe and talked about things in the standard room on the second floor.

   Actually, the stationmaster Ning also knows what Qi Lei wants to talk about. It's been several days since I have been in the Northeast. I didn't do business at all, either eating or playing.

   So, without waiting for Qi Lei to speak, "Do you want to move the banyan tree to Harbin?" He stared, "Don't tell me to move to Shangbei, Harbin can accept it, Shangbei is a bit..."

   Qi Lei was startled, "Can you accept it?"

   Stationmaster Ning spread his hands, "Is there anything unacceptable? First, you are the boss; second, Harbin is actually pretty good."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Well, he thought it was such a difficult question!

   Actually, Qi Lei thinks too much. He is in the Northeast, and he has seen the decline of the later Northeast. Subconsciously, he thinks that moving the website over may be wronged by Ning and the moderator.

   But that's not the case at all.

   The city of Harbin is still very good now, at least the stationmaster Ning has a good impression of it, and it is very cultural.


  Ning stationmaster smiled and said: "The main reason is that you still have to go to school, which is more convenient. If you are in Shanghai or Shenzhen, it will be difficult to find you for anything temporarily."

   Qi Lei also nodded in agreement, "This is really the main reason! Otherwise, two years! Two years later, I will move you back to the capital."

   Stationmaster Ning shook his head, "Let’s talk about it then! Moving around, it’s not enough trouble!"

   He visited the new site of Songhuajiang Avenue of the Three Stone Company. To be honest, he liked it a little bit.

   No way, writers, some literary temperament is inevitable, the architectural style there, and the historical atmosphere, are quite fascinating.

   Thinking about being able to work in this place every day from now on, it's good.

   "But, there is a little bit!" Stationmaster Ning changed the conversation, "I can persuade some website employees to move over, but I can't guarantee that everyone agrees to this decision."

   Qi Lei frowned and muttered, "Well, I will give you 10% of the management stock under the banyan tree, and I will buy you a house and car in Harbin."

   "Other management, as long as they are willing to come over, the current salary is increased by 30%, housing is provided, and cars are allocated within one year."

   "Ordinary employees, salary increase by 20%, provide dormitory."

   "In addition, I will give you 10% of the employee incentive shares."

  Ning stationmaster: "……"

   This big wealth is different!

   raised his eyebrows, "If you want to say that..." he prolonged his accent: "Then it's much easier, and fools won't come!"

   Qi Lei smiled, "Lao Ning, believe me, the future of online reading must be vast, and it can be done as a career."


   Stationmaster Ning returned to Shanghai the next day, without asking Qi Lei to send it.

   Three days later, the Rongshuxia website also issued two official announcements.

   One is: the top 20 writers in the first issue of the original list, the website will organize a writers gathering exchange meeting on July 16th for a week. The location is not limited, everyone discusses and decides together.

  The website is responsible for all expenses, which is considered as a fringe benefit of the top ranking.

   The second article is: From the beginning of June to the end of June, in addition to the original Billboard will remain in operation, under the banyan tree will suspend all other site activities and version updates.

   In early July, the new version of the website, as well as the brand-new writer benefits will be officially launched.

   The first piece of news is fortunate to say that many writers can't make it into the top 20, and they are only envious.

   But the second article., the new version of the website, and writer benefits? This is a bit interesting.

   Not only ordinary authors are particularly curious, but even Annie, Li Fanfan and others are also curious, and they have sent messages to the stationmaster Ning.

   "What's the matter? When I went to the Northeast, how come I suddenly became generous?"


   "Cun Ning, let me tell you, what benefits does the new boss give?"

   In this regard, the stationmaster Ning just smiled slightly, and missed a little bit of wind.

   "In fact, it's nothing, anyway, it's just making money, it's not a big deal!"

   These words made everyone's heart more itchy.

   Is it a big deal to make money? Weird yin and yang?

   Annie is jealous, "Cun Ning, tell me a little bit more, otherwise you will look good when you meet next month!"

  Ning webmaster, "Let's put it this way, the next step for the website is to set up a copyright operation department."

   Annie jealous: "!!!!!!?"

  Ning stationmaster, "Don't doubt, it's already in preparation, what the big boss means."

   Annie, "Yes, this new boss has something!"

   Ning stationmaster, "That's quite something!"

   Annie, "Hurry up, what about the new boss? Isn't he peculiarly rich? Isn't he handsome?"

  Ning stationmaster: "……"

   What do you say, the new boss is only seventeen?

   held back for a long time, "I'll see you next month, I will definitely surprise you!"

   Annie turned black, shocked?

   immediately started brainstorming, combining various aspects of information.

   was shocked... or from the northeast... wouldn't it be a terrifying northeast man?

   Plus, the name of the new boss is: [Nine Million Girl Dreams]...

   Is that a terrifying, narcissistic Northeast man?

   Then..., even the villager Ning had to be silent, obviously he was very jealous of this new boss!

   So, Anne jealous has a very accurate judgment: this new boss is a terrifying, vicious, and extremely narcissistic Northeast man!

   So, a rumor about a new boss quietly spread among the writers.

   This is a terrifying, vicious, and extremely narcissistic Northeast rough guy! !

   So he cares, and slowly spread to the site under the banyan tree.

   This is a terrifying-looking, wicked, extremely narcissistic, rich, rich, and brainless Northeast rough guy!

   So almost...

   As the hottest site at the moment, it took only a short time, and the whole network knew a secret.

That is:

  The behind-the-scenes boss under the banyan tree——【Nine Billion Girls Dream】is a...

   Of course Brother Xiao Ma sees such news, the whole person is not good.

   [Little Ma]: Stone, you can’t really...what does it have to do with the husband of Ningcun?

   [Little Rock]: Get out! ! Roll as far as your thoughts are! I'm in a bad mood, I don't have time to be poor with you! !

   [Little Ma]: Hahahahaha! !

   [Little Ma]: Your website organizes tours, take me? Let me see if you look terrifying, fierce, extremely narcissistic, rich in money, brainless Northeast rough guy, and have an unspeakable close relationship with the husband of Ningcun.

【small stone】:……

   [Little Ma]: Hahahahaha! !

   Qi Lei was wondering, who came out of this? The misunderstanding is too deep, right?

   looked at Xu Xiaoqian next to him, "Am I like what I said on the Internet?"

   As a result, not only Xu Xiaoqian, but also a group of onlookers from friends.

  Xu Xiaoqian looked at Qi Lei’s facial features, “I don’t say everything on the Internet, right? At least on the issue of Station Master Ning, it hasn’t been verified yet.”

   Qi Lei: "……"

   Yang Xiao said: "In fact, it's okay, except for the viciousness, netizens' comments are still very pertinent."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Tang Yi, "Stone, I haven't understood very much, what does this 900 million girl dream mean? China has only one billion people. Where did you get the 900 million?"

   This question, Qi Lei can answer Tang Xiaoyi.

   had a serious face, "As of 1999, the total population of the world was 6 billion, of which young people under 20 accounted for 27.4%, or 1.644 billion. Among them, women accounted for 49.1%, which is exactly 900 million."





   Everyone looked at Qi Lei dumbfounded, Tang Yi said, "Fuck, the structure is smaller!"

   But Wu Ning frowned for a long time, "Isn't that right? Isn't this 800 million? Where does the 900 million come from?"

   Qi Lei spread his hands, "So..."

"Say what?"

   Qi Lei: "Meng!"


   Everyone shook their hands together, all with their faces full of contempt. If you say something special, you still know how to say ha!

   After the laughter, Qi Lei got serious, "Doing business, what is the function of this group? Go back to class after the test."

   The term is over in one month!

   The friends immediately went back to the computer and started tinkering on OICQ's test client.

  On the desktop of Qi Lei, it is the group function that Xiao Ma has just released.

   There are currently only seven people in the group.

   After testing for a while, Qi Lei felt it was almost done, and sent a message to Brother Xiao Ma.

   [Little Rock]: I think it's okay, let's go online officially!

   [Little Horse Brother]: Really? I said that our product is fine, it's leveraged!

   Qi Lei didn't bother to talk to him, and sent emails to Sanshu, Zhou Tao, Zhao Na, Zhang Jian, Nan Lao, Uncle Geng, and the stationmaster Ning to Penguin's test client.

   After a while, except Zhou Tao who was not in the company, several other people installed the client and sent question marks to Qi Lei.

   Then, Qi Lei pulled them into the group one by one.

The name of the    group is-[Future]


   First it was Zhao Na. When I entered the group, I looked at the screen name. Except for Brother Xiao Ma, who was not familiar with her, the rest were her own.

【small stone】…

  【Little madman】...


  【Xiao Qian】...

  【Xiao Xiao Xiao】...

  【Small two-dimensional】...

  【Little Horse】...

   are all juniors? Zhao Na smiled and changed her screen name...

  【Little Nana】...

   We are all juniors, how neat?

   Then Zhou Tao, coming in and Zhao Na are in the same process, look so neat...

  【Little Peach Sister】...

   Then, it was Zhang Jian.

   Well, it's a bit of a change in Zhang Jian.

   Zhang Jian also has to follow the trend!

  【Xiao Jianjian】……


   Everyone squirted, and the group suddenly became lively.

   Qi Lei, "Brother Zhang, don't! I made up a man named Xiao Jianjian from Xie Ding Polytechnic by myself, I can't bear to look directly at him!"

   Everyone, every word you say to me, you are always complaining about Zhang Jian.

   But Zhang Jian doesn't care about that much, "What's wrong? I'm happy!"

   suddenly felt that this group of functions is a bit interesting, lively!

   As a result, Zhang Jian's topic hasn't passed yet, and the stationmaster Ning has joined the group. one look……

   immediately change the name——【Xiaoningzi】




   This name is very **** temperament!

   Everyone was about to complain, but the stationmaster Ning also found that the name was a bit ambiguous, and immediately changed it.

  【Little Village Man】

   Everyone took a look, "Well, Mrs. Ningcun, you have been completely dominated by the neurotic, have you acquiesced in it?"

   [Small village husband], "It's good, I like it a little bit? Because of this name, I decided to see a neurotic boy hammer him with two fists."

   Just as he was talking, Qi Guodong has also joined the group. The process is still the same. At first glance, everyone is so neat...great!

   also changed his screen name to...

  【Your third uncle】.




   Not only is the formation messed up, but also a bit of a lack of morality in martial arts, right?

   took advantage of everyone, including Brother Xiao Ma, and stationmaster Ning.

   It's a pity, before Qi Guodong started to be arrogant, Uncle Geng came in.

   I took a look and changed my name-[little old man].


   [little old man]: Guodong, you are getting worse and worse!

   [Your third uncle]: Uncle Geng, I was playing around with the children, you just don’t see it.

   [little old man]: Ha ha, come to my internet cafe after get off work? Let's talk.

   [Your third uncle]: No, I can't drink you!

   [little old man]: Counsel! It's not as good as Nazi has a wine gall.

   Now, Uncle Geng's life is pretty good, I imagine the agent hires someone to stare at.

   I went to the Internet cafe every day and had a private room. I went online when I was fine, and became the "Master of Trend".

   From time to time, I still use Three Stone Company as my own home. They are also familiar with Qi Guodong and Zhao Na, and they often drink with him.

   It's a pity, Qi Guodong doesn't drink well.

   Everyone was chatting without a word, Qi Guodong also assumed the posture of the elders from time to time, and taught the three younger brothers to study hard and feel full of accomplishment.

   As for the nickname of "Your Third Uncle", Geng Da said it was useless, so he just didn't change it.

   Finally, Nan Lao joined the group.

  Nanlao, no matter what your formation is or not, the nickname is simple and clear-[Nan Guanghong].

  The status is also detached, and as soon as he appeared, he greeted him all together.

   [Small Stone]: Good morning, old man!

   [Little Crazy]: Nan Lao Auspicious!

  [Xiaojianjian]: Old Nan has no boundaries!

   [Xiao Qian]: Uncle Nan, it’s good noon!

   [Xiao Xiao Xiao]: Master Nan!

   [Little Ma]: Long Yangnan boss name!

   [little old man]: Lao Nan, something to drink at night?

   [Your third uncle]: Nan Lao is mighty!

   [Nan Guanghong]: Qi Guodong, changed your name, what the hell! !

   [Xiao Guodong]: Obedient...humble.

   Nan always looked around.

   [Nan Guanghong]: What does this group do? You don't need to take me for small talk.

   I'm going to leave the group while talking.

   He is the older generation of technology, and he is rather rigid. He can't win the things these young people play.

   Qi Lei took a look and quickly said: "Old Nan, don't go!"

   quickly explained, "My little Ma is a communication software. I have had experience in a pager application before."

   "Ningcunfu runs the website."

   "Zhao Na and Zhang Jian are programming and working as servers."

   "And we are direct Everyone can help you come up with ideas, even if you have some suggestions!"

   Old Nan: "Oh, that's it. Say it early!"

   "Then stop chatting, this is a technology group."

   Qi Lei: "..." Does it become a technology group?

   His original intention was to bring together those who do business, those who do technology, and those who come up with ideas, to facilitate communication.

  When the time is right in the future, he will also bring in Zhang Nan, Xu Wenliang, and Tang Dad.

   No matter who has any problems, they can discuss collectively and solve them together.

   This is the future composed of a group of young people, entrepreneurs, and doers. In this era of changing times, they support each other and move forward together.

   How did Nan Lao turn into a technical group?

   But, at least for now, being a technology group is also a good choice.

  Moreover, it was the people in this group who really provided Nan Guanghong with a lot of valuable advice.



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