Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 91: Back carbine

   Nan Lao is a relatively old-school scholar, with the rigidity and meticulousness of that era.

   Therefore, seeing a bunch of young people talking about not doing business, I can't bear it.

   "Stop chatting, this is a technology group!"




   He finished, the ellipsis in the row below.

   "Zhang Jian, come out and come to me in the afternoon. The issue I mentioned last time has not been discussed yet!"

  【Xiao Jianjian】:......

   [Xiao Jianjian]: Mr. Nan, the PhD supervisor has a topic in the afternoon, how about another day?

   Zhang Jian is looking for a reason to hide.

   Nan Guanghong is very motivated now. Last time the public relations team had a meeting, Zhang Jian had to join him, saying that his hardware expertise might be able to help.

   As a result, in the conference room, I sat down from nine o'clock in the morning to nine o'clock in the evening. I only ate lunch at the conference room. A bunch of young people couldn't stand it.

   Since then, when Fan Nan always went to Zhang Jian, Zhang Jian had to ask what he did in the past.

   If it’s technical support, it’s okay. If Nan Lao asks him to discuss the problem, then I can hide it. I really can’t do this old man.

   At the system laboratory, he secretly called Nan Guanghong "Devil's Perpetual Motion Machine", he didn't know he was tired.

   "Lao Nan, another day, I will be busy this afternoon."

   As a result, Zhang Jian’s message was sent, and Nan Lao did not reply for a long time.

   Zhang Jian is still wondering, this is busy, haven't you seen it?

   Secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If you didn't see it, you didn't see it. Anyway, I said, it's your business if you didn't see it.

   Two minutes later, Old Nan jumped out again.

   [Nan Guanghong]: Come here, I called Old Dong, so I don’t need to go this afternoon.

  【Xiao Jianjian】: "!!!"

  Old Dong is Zhang Jian’s PhD supervisor.

   [Little Rock]: Ha! Is it so arrogant?

   [Little Crazy]: Uncle Nan is mighty!

   [Xiao Xiaoxiao]: Uncle Nan is domineering!

   [Nan Guanghong]: Quiet and quiet, don't make noise.




   [Nan Guanghong]: Xiao Ma, are you the programmer of this oicq?

  【Little Ma】: Mr. Nan, I am the boss.

   [Nan Guanghong]: Boss? Not developed by you? So what are you doing in the technology group?

  【Little Ma】:...

   There was an internal injury in Shenzhen.

   He understands a little bit now, why Liu Jixiang and Nan Guanghong can't do it together.

   held back for a long time, "Lao Nan, I am the boss and the developer."

   Old Nan, "Oh, do you know Linus?"

   Xiao Ma: "I know!"

   Old Nan, "Then ask you a question, if we want to develop a system similar to linus, or simply an improved system based on linus, what functions do you think are needed, and what areas of linus need to be improved?"

   Xiao Ma second replied, "Is the structure similar to linus, or is it similar in concept?"

   Old Nan, "Let’s have both!"

The    laboratory was decided to be established only a year later, after which Nan Guanghong recruited the team, built the R&D center, and so on.

   Until recently, Nan Guanghong's system R&D team has just formed and started to work officially.

   Lao Nan continued: "Little Qi Lei wants an open source public system. Of course, it is better to do it based on Linus."

   Xiao Ma frowned and thought about it, just about to reply.

   However, Qi Lei suddenly intervened in the conversation between the two people, "No show! No future!"

   Lao Nan was unhappy immediately, "You don't know technology, so what's your opinion?"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   [Little Stone]: @小马哥, come and persuade you, I can't tell this old man.

   [Little Ma]: "?????"

  【Small Stone】: Lao Nan wants to make another linus, or research and develop on the basis of linus. I mean, neither of these options is feasible, and Linus has no future for the market.

   [Nan Guanghong]: If you want to open source, of course, the first-generation linus model is the most accepted in the industry.

   Here, Qi Lei looked at the screen but also helpless. This is the current disagreement between him and Nan Lao.

  Nanlao means that since we want to open source, we must give developers and application vendors a certain amount of personality.

   is like linus at the beginning, the main focus is simplicity, safety, and easy rewriting.

   But in Qi Lei's view, this is just looking for death.


   Yes, in 1999, it was not that there was no open source PC operating system. Linus came out in 1991.

  After eight years, after generations of authors have updated and improved versions, it now has a certain degree of popularity and recognition in the industry.

   But the problem is, only in the industry!

   Linus is open source, but to be honest, this system was not born for business since its inception.

   Linus Torvalds spent half a year writing Linus, and the original version was only more than 10,000 lines of code. It's more like a system that enthusiasts in a technical forum have collected bit by bit, with the stubborn and paranoid attributes of a technical house like Nan Lao.

   A little bit of image is the feeling of floating in the clouds and not coming.

   is really awesome. It has many advantages, but you can’t see or touch it. The requirements for developers and users are very high. It’s not grounded, and it doesn’t have commercial attributes.

   However, Elder Nan thinks that since you want to open source, then of course it is Linus's route? The code is simpler, leaving room for subsequent developers to change and personalize.

   As for the re-development plan based on linus, the concept is the same as the previous set of plans, leaving room for developers.

   Well, the truth is that in this era, including the next 20 years, everyone who engages in programs has an inexplicable preference for Linus, and some even worship.

   In this regard, Qi Lei’s thoughts are exactly the opposite of Nan Lao.

  Commercialization and programmer self-interest are completely different things.

  The open source system he wants is that users feel personalized and are willing to pay for it, rather than programmers feel personalized and change it very well.

   In fact, writing code is a lot like writing novels. Some people write beautiful language, outstanding literary talent, and wonderful stories, but what is special is that he writes classical Chinese.

   is saying hi, and it shows the level, but most people don’t understand this stuff!

  Some people wrote vernacular, but the story is also wonderful.

   Then you say, which of the two is better?

   If it is a literary award, it must be the first one to win.

   However, if ordinary people are allowed to spend money to read books, it must be the second more marketable one.

   In fact, Linus and Windows are the difference.

   One is more pleasing to the technicians, and the other is more pleasing to the public.

   This is the difference between commercialization.

   The open source system in Qi Lei’s imagination, if used as a metaphor by humans, it should be an image that has a skeleton, flesh, body proportions, and even skin color.

   The so-called personalization is just to let others squeeze a face. In the final DNA test, they must all be one person.

   This is the perfect open source. It doesn't look like a person, but it's actually a person.

   It is enough for ordinary users to think that they are not alone. As for programmers, they are at most a plastic surgeon. Who will let you be your father and provide tadpoles?

   But Nan Lao didn't listen.

   In his words, Qi Lei doesn't understand technology. If he does so comprehensively, then what is the source of open source? Why don't we just squeeze our faces?

   Actually, the main reason for pulling Nan Lao into the group today is to let a few other people persuade him.

   After a few words with Xiao Ma in private chat, Xiao Ma immediately understood the meaning of Qi Lei.

   organized the language, "Lao Nan, I also think your two plans have no commercial value."

   Xiao Ma is naturally on the same line as Qi Lei.

   Old Nan: "???"

   Brother Xiao Ma, "Nan Lao is like this. Take my OICQ as an example. The ultimate purpose of my software is to make it convenient for users."

   "Users think the simpler the better! They think OICQ is simple, download and register, you can use it immediately, without learning and familiarization, then I will win."

   "In fact, for us who do programs, it is not simple at all. In order to keep users simple, our software code has surpassed any other counterparts."

   Old Nan thoughtfully, "Go on."

   Xiao Ma, "Stone has given us advice and is also ready to provide personalized services to customers."

   "However, this kind of personalization is limited. At most, you can change the color of the client to allow individual users to dress up the client and the chat box, and nothing more."

   "Think about it, if I ask the client to change everything, what do I need to do?"

   Old Nan: "It makes sense."

   At this time, Station Master Ning, who had been diving, spoke.

   [Small Villager]: Old Nan, can I make some comments?

   Old Nan, "What do you do?"

  【Xiaocunfu】: The stationmaster under the banyan tree.

   Old Nan, "Oh, then you say it."

  Ning webmaster did not directly make suggestions, but posted two websites.

   is the largest professional technical forum in China. After entering, the black and red colors are matched, only black and red.

   Then the secret Ma Ma is full of words, and the posts are mixed together one by one.

   The other is Xinxing Xiaozhan, which teaches ordinary netizens to make personal homepages.

   The homepage is very warm, with background music, the entrance to the male homepage, and the entrance to the female homepage.

   How to open your own personal profile, every step has text and pictures.

   The font is large, the layout is very clean, and it looks comfortable.

   In fact, there is no content depth. The so-called personal homepage only allows netizens to build their own secondary page on the basis of the website. The templates are all given by the website, just arrange the textures.

   "I don't look at the content, but only talk about the senses. Which one does Nan Lao think is better?"

   Old Nan: "..."

   Is this still necessary! ? Of course it is the second one.

  Ning station, "Lao Nan, this is the difference between linus and windows!"

   "One is the programmer's aesthetic, and the other is the commercial aesthetic."

   Well, this is a bit hurtful, but it's true.

   Old Nan understands a little bit. It seems that Xiao Shitou made sense, but he didn't listen to it.

   At this moment, Uncle Geng was completely ignorant of technology.

   "Lao Nan, do you think it's better to boiled water, or are the pigmented drinks better?"

   Old Nan, "Of course it's boiled water."

   Uncle Geng, "Why then, drinks are more expensive than plain water?"


   Old Nan suddenly realized that he was wrong and made a big mistake.

   Before he started, he only wanted to engage in technology and didn't care about business matters, but he ignored that his technology must be tested by the market.

   Of course, it is not to ignore. When thinking about it, Liu Jixiang or others reminded him of this problem.

   But, just like Qi Lei advising him, Mr. Nan couldn't listen to it. I thought it was your business. I knew technology and only engaged in technology.

   This may be the commonality of Nan Lao's generation.

   Now it seems that he wants to be simple.

   Someone has to use the things he makes, and it is for people who don’t understand technology to use it!

  Linus is really good, open source, reliable, safe, and stable, and is regarded as a classic by all programmers.

   However, its commercial attributes are insufficient.

   And this is not the Computer Research Institute, this is Sanshi Company, it's business.

   Thinking of this, Old Nan said in the group, "Little Rock, it seems that I was wrong this time! You are the boss and should listen to you."

   Lao Nan is also upright, wrong is wrong, there is nothing to say.

   [Little Stone]: Old Nan! This sentence makes me feel uncomfortable. I asked you not to hire an employee, I hired hope!




All rise.

   [Little Ma]: There is depth!

   [Little Village Man]: I learned it!

   [Xiao Jianjian]: I learned it!

   [Xiao Xiao Xiao]: I'm a waste of school!

   [Xiao Guodong]: Oh, the elders teach well!

   [little old man]: Oh, the elders teach well!

   [Nan Guanghong]: Oh, the elders teach well!




   A row of question marks, doesn’t it mean that this is a technology group that is not allowed to chat?

   Then, one suddenly popped out.

   [Xiao Jianjian]: What are you talking about?

   This is a pure technical house, and I will die if I don’t understand anything.

   Talking and laughing changed Nan Lao's research and development thinking.

  At this time, Qi Lei looked at the following table and said in the group: "Go, you guys talk."

   Brother Xiao Ma took a look, "Don’t, the group is finished, do you have any private goods? Is there? Is there?"

   Qi Lei, "I'll talk about it another day, it's too late."

   Xiao Ma: "What are you doing?"

   Old Nan, "What are you going to do?"

   Little old man, "What are you going to do?"

   Qi Lei, "The first part of the afternoon is the class teacher's class, so I dare not escape!"




   suddenly felt that this group was so boring, it hurt a bit.

   looked at Qi Lei's off-line, the heads were all black.

   Uncle Geng exclaimed, "Old man!"

   "Lao Nan, can you drink something tonight?"

   Old Nan, "Come and pick me up."


   Qi Lei came out of the Sanshi Internet Cafe, and the noon sun was a bit dazzling.

   The five people stretched together on the dusty loess road, and then dangling towards the school.

   Tang Xiaoyi asked suddenly: "By the way, Xu Xiaoqian, is your mother back?"

   Xu Qian walked next to Qi Lei and glanced at Tang Yi, "It's been a few days since I came back, did you know?"

   Tang Yi raised his eyebrows, "Hey, such an important matter, I will tell you in advance in the future."

   Whether Zhang Nan is in school or not is two states for students.

   When she was there, she had to tuck her crotch in the school. The lilac bushes behind the main building and the roots of the chimney behind the boiler house were afraid to go. Those smokers could only concentrate on the "gun building" to smoke.

   I don't know what's wrong. It is said that Zhang Nan has never been angry with students, and he doesn't usually care about things. But after a year, no one in the second middle school was not afraid of her.

   On the contrary, they are the dean and principal Dong who look fierce and vicious, everyone is not so afraid.

   When Zhang Nan was away, he was very relaxed. When she came back, the atmosphere was different.

   Before get out of class, Tang Xiaoyi and a group of smokers in his class bragged behind the main building, but Zhang Nan blocked him.

   Although Tang Yi doesn't smoke, Zhang Nan just glanced at him like that, leaving a psychological shadow.

   As long as Zhang Nan is in school in the future, Tang Yi thief is honest.

   At this time, Tang Yi screamed, "What's the matter, today I raised a drunk fist, otherwise I don't know that your mother is back."

   Wu Xiaojian teased immediately, and said disgustedly: "Is there anything you are afraid of when you look at your talents?"

   was talking, a bicycle passed behind him, and a light sentence passed by the five people, "Go faster, don't be late."

   Wu Xiaojian looked at her, but she twitched her whole body, shrank her neck, and weakened her voice: "Hello, principal..."

   Several other people also hurriedly stood at attention and said hello.

   Until Headmaster Zhang rode away, Tang Xiaoyi stared at her, "See it!? See it!? You don't know where she came from, it's terrifying!"

   Even Xu Xiaoqian nodded in agreement with these words, which is indeed a little fascinating.

   At that moment, everyone lost the interest in chatting, quietly speeding up, and then watching Zhang Nan ride further and further away.

   As the distance increases, the hearts of the little friends are getting looser.

   It's just that you can't find it without staring at Zhang Nan's back. From a distance, you can see Zhang Nan making an obvious slowing down at the school gate, and his gaze floats to a newly opened shop opposite the school gate.

   Everyone naturally followed Zhang Nan's gaze, but because they were too far away, they couldn't see clearly.

   Tang Xiaoyi's eyes were good, he squinted, but he became more and more puzzled, "Isn't that...Isn't that your black widow!?"





   Qi Lei, Wu Ning, Xu Qian, and Yang Xiao suddenly had a question mark in their forehead.

  Black Widow? Liu Yanbo? The head teacher who asked Qi Lei to go?

   took a few steps tightly, and in the end, the mouse face, a little frustrated, it was not who Liu Yanbo was! ?

   "Why does she still have the face to run here?"

   Yang Xiao's most annoying thing is this stupid fork, and he is not polite.

   "They were all expelled, and still have the face to come to the second high school?"

   Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi agreed with this, "Indeed, the skin is really thick!"

   But they didn't expect it to be even more terrifying.

   When everyone walked to the gate of the school and looked at Liu Yanbo, they finally knew why a person like Headmaster Zhang would slow down and behave abnormally.

  On the glass door of the shop behind Liu Yanbo, a few bright characters were pasted:



   Wu Xiaojian couldn't hold back, and cursed, "She can also help? Who goes to who is sick!"

   As everyone knows, some people go there.

   In fact, after Liu Yanbo's expulsion, not only did he not decline, but his life was pretty beautiful!

   Generally speaking, the teachers who have been removed from the key middle schools are lucky and have access. They can still find a general high school in Shangbei City to continue teaching.

   If there is no way out, then go to the township middle school and go to the middle school, the income will naturally plummet.

   Liu Yanbo belongs to the related kind.

   Think about it, Zhang Nan came to Shangbei as soon as she was transferred to Shangbei. Could there be fewer people who had been neglected by her before?

   Logically speaking, I still have jobs in general middle schools and vocational high schools.

   But Liu Yanbo did not go, and set up a cram school with the other teachers who had retired.

   No, to be precise, it is a private educational institution.

  Returning cram school, the kind with a license.

   No matter what era, there is no shortage of prospects for Jackie Chan. Parents who always feel that their children are not learning enough, even Xu Xiaoqian can not help but vulgar.

   And in this era, the general tuition classes are opened in the dark, or the teachers at school use the winter and summer vacations to earn some extra money. U U Reading

   is not as common as in later life, and it will not be taught well in school as reported in later life.

   But, how can those who work privately compare to this kind of licensed returning army?

   This year, Liu Yanbo not only did not feel miserable, but he was very good.

   Let's put it this way, now she has four admissions stores like the gate of No. 2 Middle School.

   One cultural palace square, one second middle school, one experimental middle school, one private middle school.

   In the Shangbei cram school, she has no opponents anymore.

   At the rented venue at the Cultural Palace, there are currently four night classes in junior high school and six weekend classes.

   The summer vacation is only a month away, but the summer classes in middle and high schools have already recruited more than a hundred people.

   Qi Lei looked at the black widow standing at the door chatting with a teacher from the junior high school, and said to his heart, what did she do when she came back?

   Back to the carbine?

   hit the place?



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