Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Explosive results in the high school entrance examination

What a fairy place is this! ?

Hu Zhengxun is weird, why does anyone have it?

To be honest, before coming, he wanted to have a detailed understanding of the monarch and the personnel involved.

However, he can't understand!

The cadre inspection room has great powers, accepting reports, verifying and filing a case, all in his mind Hu Zhengxun.

But because of this, his power is not that great.

After all, it is the most sensitive department of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Hu Zhengxun is only a verification link. He has no power and cannot understand everything clearly.

Otherwise, you will not be able to start work in the investigative room that you take over.

But here comes the question. I don’t investigate, so you can’t bully people like this, right? Such a big thunder scared a person to death.

I scolded in my heart and reported the person, I'm going to your uncle, what a grandson, you should verify it before you report it!

At this time, I felt quite a bit unable to come to Taiwan.

Think about it, can it be done? He was still aloof before, and his attitude of business affairs suddenly caused this old brother three to smash him, and Beidu couldn't find it anymore.

This made Hu Zhengxun suddenly aware of a problem, he seemed to be led by Zhang Nan!

Lao Hu is also a veteran investigator. Being decent is the most basic quality.

Think about it when he first met Zhang Nan, even though he had determined that it was difficult for the elementary school in the small place to have no problems, he still smiled at Zhang Nan and had a good attitude.

Later, if you notice something wrong, and deliberately delay, it is actually a kind of decent life, staying on the line, and meeting each other in the future.

It is not easy to make mistakes if it is stable.

However, this trip to Shangbei, Lao Hu seemed to have changed himself.

In fact, since the last time he came to Shangbei to investigate the problems of No. 2 Middle School, from the time he entered Zhang Nan's home and started his first conversation, Hu Zhengxun seemed to be less decent, and he seemed to be irritated by Zhang Nan.

Then he came all the way, getting more and more biased, so that he has begun to dominate the three businessmen?

Especially there are three extraordinary businessmen.

Hu Zhengxun was very embarrassed and couldn't carry out his work.

Tang Chenggang took a look and guessed Hu Zhengxun's dilemma.

Haha smiled, "Chief Hu, please don't get me wrong, I say this, I really don't mean to have a relationship, and I don't mean to use your father to suppress you."

"Speaking of this, I just want to tell you that we have lived for half of our life, and we have never borrowed from our father, so how can we cheat on a secretary? The old man knows that we will break our leg."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Tang Chenggang continued: "We all understand normal procedures, what you should do is what you do!"

"The door of our financial room, any corner of the factory, can be opened to Chief Hu."

"To tell you the truth, you are here with great fanfare. You can't do it without checking. We have to return our people's innocence."

After Hu Zhengxun listened, although he was still embarrassed, he was a lot easier.

Nodded again and again, and said, "It's because our work is not in place!"

This is not an acknowledgment, but an exclamation.

On the one hand, the investigation still needs to be investigated.

Because a few words are not checked, then Hu Zhengxun is just a idiot.

On the other hand, it also expressed his personal emotions, but it was a vague apology.

There is a problem with attitude.

Hu Zhengxun is also upright, wrong is wrong, he brought his emotions to work.

Regarding this, Tang Chenggang naturally understood the meaning of his words and accepted it frankly, "We can understand the needs of work."

It is also two levels of meaning:

First, you can check whatever you want.

Second, the apology was accepted.

This is the confidence!

Sincerely reiterate, "I really didn't mean to embarrass you."

At this point, a rather awkward interview has set the tone.

Although there is still a need to investigate, the atmosphere and Hu Zhengxun's attitude are completely different.

It's just that Hu Zhengxun hasn't realized that Tang Chenggang dug two pits, and the two pits are not small.


Next, is the normal inquiry process.

Guojun Qi was outside the door, but he didn't actually leave. He just handed this matter to Tang Chenggang.

He wasn't incapable of speaking, but it was not as powerful and effective as Tang Chenggang's speaking.

The atmosphere on both sides became harmonious, and he came back naturally.

Moreover, Qi Guojun was very cooperative this time, so he didn't need to ask more about Hu Zhengxun to explain why he could get the right to contract the non-staple food factory.

The reason is that, just in time for the deputy Chen of the Central Committee to come down to investigate, Xu Wenliang won the quota for agricultural pilots, and this opportunity to develop local grain enterprises.

Also, I have only met with Xu Wenliang once, and I also talked to Hu Zhengxun in detail.

Including that at the Fulin Hotel that day, the two people drank a drink as parents and said something, Qi Guojun did not hide it.

It's all clear without falling a word.

This gave Hu Zhengxun a step down and completed his work.

Of course, Lao Qi was also damaged, and then Tang Chenggang dug the hole deeper.

During the whole process, Hu Zhengxun was quite satisfied, these three are rare real people! If he changed ordinary people, the moment Tang Chenggang blew himself up, he would basically froze.

Being able to continue shows that there is really nothing wrong with them.

As Tang Chenggang wanted, Hu Zhengxun finally made a request to send two people to the Lotus Group for a few days.

The main thing is to verify the accounts, including the ins and outs of their personal property. After all, if it involves the top leader, it still needs to be investigated.

However, the attitude is completely different. "The three also know that this is an offensive job. Please understand."

Of course, the three brothers understand this. You can’t do it unless you check it. After checking it, I have to find someone to promote it!


Then Hu Zhengxun came out of the old brother three and fell into the pit.

Of the two pits that Tang Chenggang dug, one was an open pit and the other was a hidden pit.

Mingkeng is the attitude of Hu Zhengxun, the section chief in charge of the investigation.

Now it seems that if the situation is true, then King Qi is okay, and Xu Wenliang is also okay.

That is false accusation!

At this time, Hu Zhengxun's perception of the whole thing had changed drastically.

Before coming, he wasn't sure if Xu Wenliang had any problems, but Zhang Nan had already had problems, and he was inclined to have problems.

Coupled with Zhang Nan's non-cooperation, it made him even more emotional.

But after he came, his instinct told him that Xu Wenliang might be fine, and Zhang Nan's problem might not be a problem either.

Don't underestimate this subtle change, which will greatly affect his investigation orientation and even the final result.

The second pit.

In order to prove his innocence, Tang Chenggang mentioned a person-Provincial JW Secretary Meng Zhonghan, who is also the chief leader of Hu Zhengxun.

It is impossible for Hu Zhengxun to fail to remember this key information because of his emotions and reason, and his common interests.

Hu Zhengxun was thinking about this when he came out of the old brother three. After thinking about it, I felt that since Tang Chenggang mentioned it, then anyway, I should make an affair with Secretary Meng.

Back at the temporary office of the Shangbei Commission for Discipline Inspection, Hu Zhengxun finally made the phone call to the province.

Find Secretary Meng!

After the call was connected, "Secretary Meng, I am Xiao Hu from the Cadre Supervision Office!"

The Meng Zhonghan on the phone naturally knew him, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

"That's it." Hu Zhengxun organized the language, "Recently we received a report..."

I told Meng Zhonghan about the general situation.

Meng Zhonghan knew that Hu Zhengxun had gone to Shangbei, but he didn't know that Qi Guojun was involved in Xu Wenliang's issue.

Now that Hu Zhengxun mentioned it, Meng Zhonghan was completely aware of it.

I was surprised on the phone, "Did Guojun Qi mention me?"

The tone was a little strange and surprised, Hu Zhengxun stagnated.

What's the meaning? Secretary Meng and Qi Guojun are unfamiliar? Or don’t know each other at all? Otherwise... can't it be this tone?

A little uncertain again, he quickly said: "It wasn't he mentioned it, it was said by a person named Tang Chenggang."

"Tang Chenggang?" Meng Zhong's Chinese is even more playful.

Hu Zhengxun's heart and soul are all screwed together, so what's the point, won't let the three profiteers fool you?

But I didn't want to. There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, and Meng Zhonghan couldn't hold back it. Suddenly, he said, "When you two are useful to me, ha!"

Hu Zhengxun's face turned dark, well, not unfamiliar, but too familiar.

The opposite Meng Zhonghan also realized that he had lost his mind, and cleared his throat to cover up.

In fact, it is not to blame Meng Zhonghan for his gaffe, it is really unexpected.

Over the phone, he said to Hu Zhengxun: "Little Hu, let me tell you this, none of the eleven children of Comrade Qi Haiting entered the system through his father."

"Qi Guojun was a temporary worker in Shangbei Liangku a year ago. If he wants to leave the relationship, he doesn't have to wait until now."

Hu Zhengxun: "..."

Meng Zhonghan, "Of course, you can check what you want. Don't let this affect your judgment."

"It's just..." As he said, Meng Zhonghan laughed himself, "Who? Can report to Qi Guojun? That's an honest man!"

Who else does Hu Zhengxun want to ask, what's special, isn't this for me to sit on the wax?

Immediately said, "This time it is an anonymous report. We don't know who it is. But..."

"but what?"

Hu Zhengxun pondered for a moment, "During the visit, Guojun Qi mentioned such a situation."

With that said, Hu Zhengxun contacted Fulin Hotel and Dong Zhanlin that day, and then talked to Meng Zhonghan about the two Xu Wenliang, borrowing the children's dining table.

"I think that if at this time, someone wants to mess with Xu Wenliang through Zhang Nan, then this Dong is always the most motivated!"

When Meng Zhonghan heard this, he pondered for a long time, "Xiao Hu, you happen to be in Shangbei, so you can investigate by the way! Our cadres have problems, so we have to deal with it strictly!"

"However, if someone uses our cadres to achieve ulterior motives, that is never allowed. Regardless of his background, it won't work!"

After listening to Hu Zhengxun, he immediately became energetic, "Understood!!"

He was waiting for Secretary Meng's words.

Grandma's, emotional, right? Then I will be in the end!

In today's dilemma, in all likelihood, Dong Zhanlin is doing a ghost. I want to see what the situation is! ?

So far, Hu Zhengxun went from investigating Zhang Nan to investigating Xu Wenliang, and finally became a superficial investigation of Xu Wenliang, and secretly it was the source of the investigation of the whole matter.

This serial pit dug by Tang Chenggang and Qi Guojun was finally buried in it.



Zhang Nan still didn't know that Qi Guojun's three old brothers were so uncomfortable and dug such a big hole.

No matter how wise she was, she didn't intend to reach this point.

In fact, Zhang Nan deliberately reminded Hu Zhengxun not to investigate Qi Guojun.

First, it was to give Hu Zhengxun a step down.

She is too uncooperative. This is a very inappropriate point. Even if there is no problem, Hu Zhengxun will not have a good impression of Zhang Nan or Xu Wenliang.

In officialdom, this is a taboo thing.

So sell it well, don't go to Qi Guojun to find it uncomfortable.

As for whether you listen or not, that is your own business. Anyway, I reminded it and showed it.

Of course, if he does, then it is just right, Qi Guojun is fine, and he has a background. Let Hu Zhengxun know that he can at least change his basic attitude towards Xu Wenliang.

It's just that she really didn't expect that the old brother San'er reacted so quickly, so he dug a hole and pulled Dong Zhanlin out.

In fact, Zhang Nan is now the first to secure the second high school, and the couple’s problems will be resolved after the college entrance examination.

At that time, she dragged Dong Zhanlin out to expose it.

As a result, I really didn't expect the two companies to cooperate so tacitly?

Even more unexpectedly, the more tacit understanding is yet to come!


Hu Zhengxun's investigation into his brother three's factory is already going through a process.

Now if Hu Zhengxun still thinks that there is a problem with Qi Guojun and Xu Wenliang, it is a problem with his own brain.

Moreover, Hu Zhengxun is very apologetic for the process. He has to come here every day to take a look and remind the staff not to disturb the normal operation of the factory.

Three brothers are also visionaries. If you treat me well, then I will treat you well.

Gifts are not appropriate, but you can still take care of the issue of eating.

After going back and forth, the relationship with Hu Zhengxun improved.

To be honest, Hu Zhengxun was very interested in the three older brothers, admiring their friendship for decades, and admiring their character even more.

To be honest, in this era, no one seems to care about the movements of the older generation.

There will also be the Internet in later generations, so that ordinary people will know Zhang Fuqing, and know the voices and smiles of the old Red Army and veteran soldiers who are full of military medals but hide their merits and fame.

However, in this era, information is blocked, and people seem to be more willing to see news about a certain third-generation celebrity and a second-generation official, domineering and domineering.

It's like it's all so general.

But in fact, the second generation of red, like Qi Guojun, is everywhere, and more of them inherited the good qualities of their fathers.

Occasionally, Hu Zhengxun also said a few heartfelt words to them, but as a result, he said something wrong.

In fact, it wasn't a wrong statement, it was because I met the old brother three's inverse scales.

On this day, Hu Zhengxun and Tang Chenggang were smoking cigarettes at the entrance of the office building. Qi Guojun and Wu Lianshan rarely took time off and chatted on the sidelines.

Hu Zhengxun said, "Actually, from the very beginning of investigating Zhang Nan, I felt something was wrong."

"It looks like it's really wrong now!"

The three older brothers were stagnant, "Have you investigated President Zhang?"

Hu Zhengxun said regretfully: "Isn't it? Now think about it, I am responsible for President Zhang's dismissal in my hands!"


The three fathers stared, "What is it? Principal Zhang has been dismissed?"

Hu Zhengxun was also stuck, "What? You don't know yet?"

Tang Chenggang said, "The pharmaceutical factory will start operations soon, how can I know?"

Guojun Qi frowned, "Section Chief Hu, Principal Zhang...really dismissed?"

Hu Zhengxun nodded, "Yes!"

The three fathers looked at each other, and then looked at Hu Zhengxun together.

"That's really sorry, this is a big deal, let's talk about it!"

Hu Zhengxun stared at the three people blankly, what's the situation? When I checked the three of you, I didn't react so much. Why did you turn your face and deny you when you mentioned Zhang Nan? Is it so popular?


Nonsense, it’s okay how you check the old brother three, work, understand and support.

However, if Zhang Nan was dismissed from his post, he would not be able to understand and support him.

The child’s problem is a matter of greatness, not to mention you, Hu Zhengxun, the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, it’s not easy to work, and there is no reason for this matter.

I don’t know what other people’s children are like, but what is the younger brother three in junior high school, and what is it like now?

Qi Lei was in the tenth year of the stable school, and he was still on the end of the semester. He was the last player in junior high school.

Wu Ning was in the top 20 stable, and Tang Xiaoyi, who was least concerned, started to work hard.

In the eyes of the three fathers, this is inseparable from Zhang Nan as the principal.

If you remove Zhang Nan, isn't that ruining the future of the child? This is really hard to get through!

The performance of the old brother three made Hu Zhengxun suddenly realize a problem, a big problem.

These an example?

It must be an example, right? There won’t be some parents who have the same idea, right?

No way? No way? Surely not! ?

If this is what some of the parents and the old brothers think it is, it will be broken.

Regarding Hu Zhengxun’s question, Tang Chenggang smiled slightly, "What do you mean?"

"I don't know about other classes, anyway, Class 14 is enough for you to drink a pot!"

What about enrollment in class 14? What is it now?

Change Zhang Nan, can these parents not blow up their nests?


"Old Hu, say hello to you in advance, the parents of Class 14 are traditional!"

Hu Zhengxun Khan came down, "What, what tradition?"

"The tradition of collective petitioning!"

puff! !

Hu Zhengxun sprayed, "You, you, you, you, you, don't scare me!"

"It's not really scaring you." Qi Guojun said, "You wait, there are still two days for the college entrance examination. Except for Class 14, there may not be many parents who want to bomb the camp!"



In fact, there is no need to wait for the college entrance examination.

Today is July 3rd, five or six days have passed since the senior high school entrance examination. Although the scores have not been officially announced, the general situation has been spread among parents.

In the second and junior high school year, there were more than 600 candidates, more than 280 candidates who exceeded the previous year's key admission score, that is, the 500 mark.

It is twice as high as last year, and it is also twice the admission rate of City No. 1 High School.

This key admission rate, not to mention Shangbei's arrogance, ranks first among all junior high schools in the twelve county-level units in Harbin.

Even if the middle schools in Harbin are included, the line passing rate of the second middle school can be ranked in the top ten.

What concept?

It is the enrollment rate of a county-level junior high school, which is even higher than the better middle schools in Biha!

As soon as the news came out, outsiders couldn't understand the mood of junior high school seniors.

The senior high school entrance examination is the first watershed in life. In poor places, how many families can afford bargaining fees of tens of thousands?

If you fail to pass the exam, you can only give up, even if it is your child's life.

But there is no way, no money!

And now, what are their moods? How grateful to the school?

Many parents don't even think about it, high school must be the second middle school!

But the question came, Zhang Nan went down, and the second middle school was relieved of the burden. What was their mood? What can you do?

Moreover, it was not the third year that really bombed the camp. After all, the third year has already passed the exam, and you can still go to experimental middle school if you don't go to the second middle school.

But what about the first and second grades?

Zhang Nan is gone, the school has reduced the burden, oh, it's so cheap for the third year of junior high school?

What did you say before? Don't suffer from lack and unevenness!

The child’s business is a big deal. In China Land, children are the only center of a family. If you block my children's future, then I will fight you hard.

Starting in July, parents have come to the school to reflect, and this trend is getting stronger and stronger.

Acting principal Li Wancai is also dying. Why is it so fierce in the third year of the second middle school? The gap with No. 1 Middle School is a bit big.

This made him very passive and intentional to appease the parents, but there was no effective means.

Don't forget, he came up because of the burden reduction. This is his foundation and cannot be changed!

I still think about it. Fortunately, the experimental middle school is fighting for the third year of high school. If the second middle school’s grades are as good as the third year, and there is no other school to suppress it, the parents of the first and second year of high school may not be able to sit still. .

It's just that Li Wancai was never expected, in the third year of high school, he was even more bombed than the third year of middle school!

Shangbei No. 2 Middle School's senior year is destined to shock everyone's jaws.



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