Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 120: The year of great controversy

Xu Wenliang, darling, screwed together.

Ordinarily, the wife brought in the sponsorship, which solved the urgent need. Of course he should be happy, but he can't be happy!

"More than eight million...?"

Well, it's better for Zhang Nan to forget Wei Guangming. It's actually over 900.

Can you spend so much money in a middle school?

When the food was served, Xu Wenliang was a little bit unaware of the taste, and the gap was too great.

There was silence for a long time, "Who donated it? So rich!"

Zhang Nan was a little bit dumbfounded, and took a look at him, "When do you have a prudent eye? It's really rare!"

In exchange for Xu Wenliang's honest smile, "Eyes!"

Zhang Nan shook his head and told the truth, "It was organized by a company in Harbin, and it was donated by several big bosses."

Xu Wenliang stared at it, "Is there so much energy?"

"Uh!" Zhang Nan was embarrassed, is it big? That's the case, right?

Perfunctorily: "Mainly I have a good relationship with the investors of that company."

Xu Wenliang, "How good is it? Can you give us Shangbei also a fortune?"

Zhang Nan was speechless, "Are you still eating?"

"Eat, eat! Why don't you eat?" Xu Wenliang laughed and took two bites of rice.

It's a pity that I haven't eaten a few bites, and raised my head again, "Which company?"

Zhang Nan, "Three Stone Company."

"Three rocks... Three rocks...?" Xu Wenliang muttered, "I seem to have heard of this company. Is there any national-level laboratory?"

Zhang Nan was startled, "Lao Nan's laboratory is still national?"

Xu Wenliang, "No, I have settled in the provincial capital. If we settled in Shangbei, it would be great."

Okay, Xu Wenliang is hysteria and wants to go to Shangbei for everything.

However, after finishing speaking, I realized, "Who is Lao Nan?"

Zhang Nan, "Nan Guanghong, the person in charge of the system research and development center, has come to the second high school today."

Xu Wenliang was stunned, "What's the matter? Come to Shangbei?" He threw his chopsticks, "Why don't you call me? I'll see you too!"

Zhang Nan couldn't laugh or cry, "What's the use of seeing you?"

Xu Wenliang, "That's a big academician, and there is also a national-level laboratory. I can't get Shangbei to make a good relationship. It is good to give a lecture to our officials and entrepreneurs and change their thinking. !"

Zhang Nan: "..."

Xu Wenliang was indeed hysteria, and shook his head vigorously, "What a pity! What a pity!"

"You call me, maybe you can have a relationship with Sanshi Company. What if someone else is willing to invest in Shangbei?"

Zhang Nan spoke with puns, "Wait, wait for two years to give you a big surprise!"

Xu Wenliang didn't know that the surprise of his wife was more terrifying than shock.

Eat taste: "That's not sure, who knows if he will come to Shangbei?"

Seeing Xu Wenliang's regretful expression, as if he had missed a one-million-dollar look, Zhang Nan wanted to laugh again, and suddenly found it interesting.

I couldn't imagine how Xu Wenliang would look when he knew the truth.

He smiled and warned her husband, "Anyway, you are not allowed to use the idea of ​​Three Stones Company. People are just starting out now, and it is a very difficult time!"

Xu Wenliang curled his lips, "You can get one million dollars with one donation. Is it still difficult?"

I'm still wondering, how good is this relationship? The other side is willing to spend a lot of money, Zhang Nan is still at home to speak for others, this...doesn't it have any purpose?

Xu Wenliang suddenly became a little jealous, and said to his heart, this boss should not be a good person!

Silently remembered the name of Three Stone Company and Nan Guanghong.

Three Stones Company...has to be vigilant; and Nan Guanghong, let's just say, I really have to come over and brainwash these old antiques in Shangbei, one by one, sitting in the well, not thinking about making progress.


In fact, Xu Wenliang's hysteria is not to blame. There are still voices of opposition in the city, and the agricultural experiment has been launched for almost a year, but Shang Bei still has not made any results, which makes Xu Wenliang also very anxious.

Finally got the idea of ​​building a supermarket in a big city and developing the express delivery industry, but got stuck in the neck by money again. As the head of Xu Wenliang, can you say he can't be in a hurry?

Moreover, it's quite special to say, they are all in a hurry.

The current barrier is not only a challenge for Xu Wenliang, it is actually a barrier for many people around Xu Wenliang.

First of all, the pharmaceutical factory under the Lotus Group, Shangbei's largest private enterprise, will be officially put into operation in early August after a year of preparation and reconstruction.

Qi Lei's three fathers almost went bankrupt and set up a factory, finally meeting people.

For Zhang Nan, this year's college entrance examination results have made a breakthrough, combined with experimental high schools to start a new mode of education, this year is actually very important.

Whether it is a short-lived or innovative idea, there is a lot to do. This year is not just a problem for graduates, but also for other academic years to achieve some results in order to completely straighten the waist.

The reason why Xu Wenliang supports Zhangnan Reform No. 2 Middle School 100% is not because of the relationship between husband and wife, but Zhang Nan is calculating the education account, while Xu Wenliang is calculating the economic account.

If Shangbei has a well-known middle school in the whole province, then you don't have to think about it, and graduates from junior high schools in the seven districts and twelve counties of Harbin will definitely flock to it.

If not, students from other cities in the province will also come here.

Xu Wenliang has thought about it. If the results of the second middle school this year still explode, it will be a hard life. Whether it is to put pressure on Cheng Jianguo or squeeze steel from the financial teeth to directly allocate funds, he will also have to give the second. Several teaching buildings will be built in China, and a group of teachers will be recruited.

At present, the size of the second middle school is 8,000, and Xu Wenliang will at least double it.

Can't build a super high school with more than 20,000 people?

At that time, in addition to local students, you will also give me some exciting tricks.

That's all money, all business opportunities!

The high school third accompany, student consumption, etc., should not be underestimated!

Moreover, if the second middle school succeeds, Xu Wenliang intends to make the first middle school a high-quality junior high school.

Tsk tsk, if it really becomes...the picture is so beautiful, Xu Wenliang dare not think about it.

In short, 1999, the turn of the century, was also a particularly critical year for the small Shang Beicheng.

Xu Wenliang has a feeling that after the year has passed and the few things he wanted to do have been done, then maybe Shangbei's continued weakness and the momentum of receding year after year will be able to stop.

Shangbei will also enter a new era, an era of development.

But for Zhang Nan, why not?

The Second Middle School held on this year, and once again achieved results, it is considered to have completely established its reputation. On the contrary, it is still a small middle school, and no one will take a second look.

The same is true for Tang Chenggang, Qi Guojun, and Wu Lianshan. If the pharmaceutical factory survives, they will survive, and the future is boundless.

If the pharmaceutical factory is still lifeless, the three dads can consider going home to "grab their little ones".

In this unusual year, unusual summer, opportunities and challenges are the main theme of the times.

Qi Lei, Nan Lao, Xiao Ma, the three fathers, mother-in-law, and old husband, it seems that everyone is seizing the opportunity and facing the challenge.

No matter how great the difficulties are, no one is willing to be a blind follower who has been tamed by the times, but to face the huge waves and strive to be a waver.

Among them, Zhang Nan is the most stressed.

Ranked 11th in the province, this ranking is a bit embarrassing.

Ordinarily, it is quite good. It is not easy for a county-level city high school to overwhelm the high schools in Harbin and other prefecture-level cities in the province.

However, if you want to achieve the effect of rushing outsiders, it is not enough to use at least the top ten level.

In other words, the second high school will not only maintain this result, but also make breakthroughs.

However, at this point, every improvement is extremely difficult, how can it be that simple?

Although Zhang Nan is not short of money now, with the improvement of the quality of teachers and the merger of the two schools, the complicated relationship between students and students, students and teachers, teachers and students is still a problem facing Zhang Nan.

Just think about it, people’s experimental middle school hasn't been in the second middle school for so many years, eating hot pot and singing, dreaming of the dream of annexing the second middle school, suddenly one day, Zhang Nan came and annexed the experimental middle school.

This is...

Although Wang Xingye and Lao Ma have now nodded their heads in recognition, the teachers are still somewhat psychologically imbalanced.

Moreover, when the school starts, there is the problem of relocating and dividing classes, which is also troublesome.

First, high school students are promoted to second grades, and liberal arts and sciences must be divided into classes. This is a problem that must be faced.

Moreover, in this age, it is still not possible to listen to all students. If you want to go to the literary course, just go to the literary course, if you want to go to the science course, go to the science course?

The scorer!

Some students can choose liberal arts according to their own preferences.

However, some students are confused and don't like to memorize English words, so they are first in science. As a result, there is no outstanding achievement in science.

It's not a physical chemistry question, so I choose a liberal arts.

Because I am a girl, I choose the text.

Because science is easy to find a job, I choose a manager.

Various reasons are endless.

In this era, the head teacher and teachers of various subjects can come in handy, and it is necessary to help students make a suitable choice according to the actual situation.

Then, you have to do parent work.

Therefore, this summer, Liu Zhuofu and the head teachers did not have time to make up classes. Zhang Nan arranged tasks and all visited my home.

It is not only responsible for your students, but also a comprehensive understanding of the students' families.

Even the villages and towns below Shangbei City must be walked to me.

People in Harbin have to talk on the phone at least.

In this regard, people like Liu Zhuofu and Wang Guochen have no complaints.

They are the closest to Zhang Nan's educational philosophy. To say something inappropriate, they are all Zhang Nan's direct descendants. It is clear that Zhang Nan's ultimate goal is not just to question the sea tactics.

As a class teacher, you can teach students in accordance with their aptitude only if they have a comprehensive understanding of your students.

Therefore, even if there is no assignment by Zhang Nan, Liu Zhuofu and the others have to make time for home visits.

However, for the other head teachers, they complained incessantly.

Especially the teachers of the experimental middle school, who originally resisted the joint school, now...

Isn't this a player? How can anyone visit all of them? If there is a problem, if the problem is relatively big, just go to the house and file a complaint? Have you used them all?

Therefore, UU reading www. uukanshu. Although Zhang Nan personally did the work at the com Experimental Middle School, the original principal and vice principals Wang Xingye and Lao Ma also made repeated orders to put them in place, but there are still few obedient.

Moreover, they are clamoring one by one, "Don’t you get results in one grade of high school? I heard that the best teachers from the second middle school were gathered in the third grade before they were piled up. You will see the next grade. See? By the time we see the real chapter on the results, won't we get it?"

Even with the joint school, the teachers of the Experimental Middle School still had a comparison mentality and did not pay attention to the second middle school.

Before school started, it was full of gunpowder.

However, to implement Qi Lei, including Class 14, is to face a very realistic problem:

"The strongest class 14"... the team is going to break up!


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