Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 121: Leave without saying goodbye

In the past few days, animals from Class 14 have been calling for Qi Lei through Tang Xiaoyi's paging, and they are talking about the division of liberal arts and science classes.

Everyone didn't want to be separated.

It was already early August when Qi Lei came back from Longfengshan, and he wanted to talk to Old Liu, otherwise, don't divide it into classes.

It is not easy for Class 14 to get here today. Everyone has cultivated revolutionary friendship. If they are separated, it may not be so good.

However, another thing happened first.


The first thing I did when I came back was to go to the Internet cafe to inspect Viagra's work.

Not bad, Viagra is still safe to do things, and I have learned a lot from Yan Ling and Da Ling's obedient teaching.

In this regard, Viagra is quite contented, "Oh, there is no way, the ability lies here!"

Qi Lei is rarely the one who didn't take advantage of Viagra.

Viagra pouted, "Don't mention the money, I'm in a hurry!"

Especially when Yan Ling is next to her, Viagra is very shameless, okay? Just a little bit of black history, why is it endless?

Qi Lei smiled slyly, "Look, why don't people finish the sentence?"

"I mean, it's boring to give money, give you something as a souvenir."

Viagra shook his head, "No need, what's wrong with you?"

Qi Lei, "..."

Viagra, "If you take it with your heart, you don't need anything, just save it!"

Viagra's family conditions are there, and most things don't look good. Viagra feels vulgar for small gifts and the like.

However, after a long silence, pretending to casually flip through the second grade textbook: "What are you going to give me?"

Instinctively telling Viagra, is it a bit sloppy? Qi Lei is very devilish, and he doesn't speak for ordinary things.

Qi Lei, "I planned to send you a computer, since you don't want..."

Gulu, Viagra's Adam's apple rolled and swallowed fiercely.

I'll make a big noise, just call him a demon, right? Is it a computer when you speak? Thousands of things!

"Computer... Isn't it too expensive?"

Qi Lei, "Don't pull it down, it's second-hand anyway, let your dad buy you a new one!"

"Don't!" Viagra is no longer reserved, "Used ones can barely be accepted."

To tell the truth, a computer is used in college, which is not the mainstream in this era, and there is no such concept.

Viagra thought about installing a computer, but the family didn't give him the budget. Qi Lei was sent to his heart.

Hehe giggled, "It's pretty good! Forget it, accept a bribe. But let's not take it as an example!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes and said, nonsense! Brother is also a college student.

What do college students need most?

Two things: girlfriend and computer.

Girlfriend, there is definitely no shortage of Viagra. Even if it is missing, Qi Lei can't help it.

However, computers can really help.

The same as those donated by Nan Lao to No. 2 Middle School, they are all old machines retired from the System R&D Center.

In fact, it is not too old, it took less than half a year.

Because at the beginning, the Internet cafe company was just getting started. Qi Lei really had no money at that time. Old Nan also wanted to save money for Qi Lei, so the computer at the system R&D center simply used the special machine provided by Imagine to Sanshi. Make up the number.

However, the machine is specially equipped for Internet access, so typing codes and running programs is not easy.

So some time ago, Nan Lao used a review to exchange two million in Qi Lei. The first thing was to reconfigure the machine for the R&D center.

Replaced with a hundred special machines and donated 70 machines to the Second Middle School.

It's not that I don't want to donate all, but donate too much, and there is no place to put it in the Second Middle School. With these seventy machines, Zhang Nan was still worried because the original computer classroom was not enough.

However, it is impossible to squeeze it out of the classroom.

The principal's office and the vice-principal's office have to be moved to the experimental middle school, and they have to be changed into classrooms, which may not be enough!

In short, there are more than 20 obsolete machines left.

Qi Lei asked Qi Guodong to send five sets to his three fathers, and he also kept pace with the times.

Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao pulled home one by one. Yang Xiao lives at her second uncle's house without a computer.

Although Xu Xiaoqian has it at home, isn't she not her mother-in-law?

There is still a lot left. Rather than pile up in the warehouse and eat ashes, it will become obsolete next year.

Not only Viagra, who graduated today, played well with Qi Lei and others, Guan Xiaobei, Cao Xiaoxi, Yu Yangyang, and Li Hanhan, one for each.

Highlight a generous.

"When the school starts, I will mail you directly to the school."

"That's right!" Viagra is not polite, taking advantage of Qi Lei, without any psychological burden.

And Qi Lei said: "Go back and ask Xiaobei and Li Hanhan out to have a meal together!"

After the holiday, he has been busy writing novels and dealing with company affairs, and has never been with Li Hanhan and the others.

Unexpectedly, Cai Wei was taken aback, "You don't know?"

Qi Lei was stunned when Cai Wei asked this, "Do you know what?"

Cai Wei shook his head speechlessly, "Coco Lee is gone and has gone to school."

Huh? Qi Lei did not swallow, "Why did she go so early?"

Viagra, "I heard from Yu Yangyang that Coco Coco was able to pass the entrance examination, mainly because of the high scores in cultural courses and too much difference in professional courses."

"So, Coco Coco Lee passed in early. His dad spent money to find a teacher to make up Mandarin and professional courses this summer."

"I left in the afternoon the day before yesterday. I came to the Internet cafe that morning and ran into her at the entrance of your alley. She said to leave in the afternoon."

"Hey!" Qi Lei barked his teeth, "Why don't you say a word, so I can send her off!"

But in exchange for the look of Viagra's contempt, pretend! Then install!

What is Coco Lee's mind, would you not know? Especially in the Second Middle School, almost everyone knows it.

But it was Yan Ling who suddenly remembered something, "I forgot Viagra, Sister Xiaowen came to see you at home the day before yesterday. She stayed for a while and left after you were away."

Qi Lei was even more speechless, "Can't call?"

I used to know Tang Yi's paging, what happened this time?



Coco Lee just left, walking silently, not like her at all.

You know, this eldest sister has to make some noise before doing anything. But this time, he didn't say goodbye to everyone, and went on the road quietly.

In Qi Lei's imagination, Sister Hanhan should have announced to everyone in a carefree manner, "Sister has gone out to be cool, you can continue to boil!" That is in line with Li Hanhan's image.

Walking so quietly made Qi Lei a little uncomfortable, even a little sad.

It is true that, just as he had thought before, he knew Coco Coco's thoughts, but he left everything to the time.

Under the merciless baptism of time, no one, no emotion is irreplaceable.

Coco Lee will finally let go.

However, Qi Lei also knows that because of his ignorance and ignorance when he was young, the misses between people are often caught off guard.

At this time, I feel nothing, life is still long, there are always reunions. But no one knows whether this parting will last forever.

If Sister Hanhan exits in this way and disappears since then, Qi Lei will feel sorry.

When he got home at night, Qi Lei was still thinking about it. Damn it, you just said to leave! The computer can't be sent out.

Back in the room, turned on the light, and sat down in front of the desk, but was stunned.

Qi Lei went to Longfengshan for a whole week, that is to say, he didn't go home for a week.

On the English textbook at the corner of the table, there was a pink envelope uprightly placed on the envelope with a large and crooked line, "Qilei is not allowed to read it!...Sister Wen!"

"Ha!" Qi Lei laughed out loud, this is the style of Coco Lee.

He picked up the envelope and looked at it from the front for a while before opening it with a smile.

The same ugly word came into view:

"My old lady has thought about it, and I won't say goodbye. You are so devilish. How shameful is it to send me crying?"

"I can't give you this opportunity, so you all hold back!"

"Furthermore, my old lady is not in good shape now, and she is so thin and fierce that she is not easy to show her ugliness."

"Anyway, my old lady is gone, and I'm going out to be chic, let's stay on it!"

Qi Lei smiled knowingly, look, this is Sister Hanhan!

Keep watching.

"Actually, the letter shouldn't be kept, how good is it to make you regret?"

"However, there are a few words that must be said, not to say that I feel unhappy."

"Why do you say that when you get out of the circle when you are eighteen?"

"My old lady refuses! Whenever my old lady wants to get out of the circle, she will get out of the circle whenever she wants!"

"If you want to be a 28-year-old baby, can't you?"

"Anyway, it doesn't count if you say it, the old lady is a fool for life, and death is a ghost for fools."

"I haven't stayed enough yet, don't drive me away!"


"I'm serious, I want to guard my youth, at least ten years, otherwise...not reconciled!"


"Little kid..."

Qi Lei closed the letter from sister Han Han, smiled heartily, and noticed that a colored paintbrush was placed abruptly on the table. Qi Lei remembered that this pen was originally in the pen holder.

The ghost looked at the black and white work of graffiti on the wall.

Sure enough, Coco Coco Lee added two small numbers-28 next to the meteor she drew earlier.

This guy really added ten years to his youth?

Go to the living room and ask Yan Ling and Da Ling who are watching TV, "How long did Coco Lee come to stay that day?"

Yan Ling didn't know why he asked this, she thought for a while and said, "It's not long, right? A dozen minutes?"

Qi Lei bitterly, "This guy tore up my chemistry notes and left a letter."

Well, the front of the letter is the ugly word of Hanhan Sister, and the quilt is the chemical equation.

Qi Lei is speechless, so there is letter paper in the drawer. Why are you tearing up my notes?

As a result, when Yan Ling heard it, she suddenly realized, "No wonder Sister Xiaowen even asked me for an envelope!"

Qi Lei: "..."

I knew that she was on a temporary basis.

Sitting on the sofa, pick up the phone. Called Cao Xiaoxi.

"Which university did Hanhan take the exam?"

On the other end of the phone, Cao Xiaoxi has always had a bad tone, "I don't know, it's like a state secret to report a volunteer!"

Qi Lei narrowed his eyes, "You really don't know?"

Cao Xiaoxi: "You, can't you still believe me? I really don't know!"

Qi Lei, "Then I ask Yu Yangyang to go."

Cao Xiaoxi, "Oh, you don't know if you ask her, what did you ask for?"

"Really! At that time, the naive newspaper volunteer didn't tell anyone about it, and it was directly handed over to her head teacher."

When she said that, she seemed to pretend to regret, "I knew she could get such a high score in the exam, so I reported it to Beijing and Guangzhou, and I lost a lot of money!"

"We don't know anyway, you can only ask her yourself."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei sat awkwardly with his arms folded.

In fact, you don't need to ask Yu Yangyang, just call Li Gang and you will know everything.


A bunch of silly girls, leave them alone!

Finally made a call to Yu Yangyang.

Without mentioning Coco Coco Lee, she told her directly, "I have been admitted to the university, and I have nothing to say. I will send you a second-hand computer, and I will mail you to the school when the school starts."

"By the way, Li Hanhan ran away, and her station will also be mailed to you. You can pass it on!"

He hung up the phone after speaking, and Yu Yangyang was stupid.

Who is this person? Why is this generous? The first time I heard that I opened my mouth, I gave it to the computer.

Besides, sister is in Hainan, you mail me the copy of Li Hanhan?

Play with me! ?



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