Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 137: Full dispatch


Park Zhenghao never expected that this three-stone company, which opened an Internet cafe, would be so wronged... so big... so heady?

He didn't take it too seriously in the first place, so he firmly let the hook that Uncle Geng had put on him.

As a person who is not a member of the operation and sales department, there are not many methods available.

The next day, he took the initiative to call Zhang Jian and asked about the specific situation of Sanshi Company, in order to obtain more information and breakthroughs.

And Zhang Jian has been a good student this time. If it were put before, it would definitely be Park Zhenghao who asked him what he would say.

This time I just said a few words perfunctorily, saying that he was busy, and asked him to call back later.

After returning, I went to the future group to inquire about the plan.

Qi Lei was still in class at this time, and Uncle Geng and Zhang Nan were not online either. But it doesn't matter, Xiao Ma can still handle this matter.

Zhang Jian, "What can you say, what can't you say?"

Brother Xiao Ma, "You can't say anything! The less the other party understands you, the more hole cards you have in future negotiations."

Zhang Jian took a look, "Brother Xiao Ma, don't cheat me! Isn't Park Zhenghao helping us now? The more he understands, the better he can do things, right?"

As a result, Xiao Ma just said, "The money is in place, and he has to do things if he doesn't know him."

Zhang Jian: "..."

These words...this words are very demeanor, they are already seven-pointed.

As a result, at noon, Uncle Geng and Qi Lei went online.

The uncle flipped through the chat records, and came up with a sentence, "Little Ma is the material for big things!"

Qi Lei also took the opportunity to fool Brother Xiao Ma, "Brother! In the future, don't forget brother!"

Brother Xiao Ma originally made Uncle Geng very happy, but Qi Lei came up with such a sentence, how do you look at it seems like a mockery!

"Stone, I suspect you are hitting me in the face!"

Xiao Ma said in his heart, what's special, I'm still waiting for you to give me a hand!


Men in science and engineering have no say in this matter. Zhang Jian will do whatever the leader says.

When Park Zhenghao called again, Zhang Jian was also vague, saying nothing that should or shouldn't be said.

In the end, Park Zhenghao knew that this was an Internet cafe chain company.

"Oh Seeba!"

Park Zhenghao just put down the phone and wanted to scold his mother. How can I do this?

Nothing is worth it, nothing is worth blowing!

However, Xiao Ma was right. For the sake of money, Park Zhenghao couldn't let it go.

There are no bright spots for Three Stones Company? It's not over if we edit it!

Therefore, Park Zhenghao stayed up all night and compiled a background and a scale for Sanshi Company.

What is the largest chain of Internet cafes in Longjiang Province, with more than 200 stores! What kind of boss has a deep background, big capital, big fortunes behind it, etc., etc.

At first, Actoz executives were not too cold, "It's just a province of China, and we are looking at the Chinese market!"

As a result, Park Zhenghao said, "President, you may not have any idea about a province in China."

"Is it big?"

Park Jung Ho, "It's close to the size of 5 South Korea!"


All right! No wonder there are more than two hundred franchise stores, almost catching up with the number of Internet cafes in South Korea.

"Then we can get in touch and take it into consideration."

So, on September 17, Sanshi Company officially received a business contact letter from Actoz Company.

Invite Sanshi Company to attend Actoz's China Game Industry Exhibition on September 27th of this month at the Huarui Hotel in Beijing.

In terms of being tall, it is actually calling several companies together and letting them pinch each other.

This trick, Koreans and Little Japan can't do it.....Anyway, it's pretty slippery.

After receiving the official notice, the others were not doing anything, Qi Guodong was a little panicked, "Here, can I handle this stuff?"

You ask the third uncle to contact the relationship in the northeast, and he will be fine to meet a small boss.

However, the Korean company has to go to the capital, and the third uncle is a bit imaginary.

"I definitely can't! Or let Uncle Geng go!"

As soon as Uncle Geng heard it, what was it, "After you finish the stuff, how much do you pay for me!?"

But it's useless to scold him. Qi Guodong really can't. He didn't graduate from junior high school, and he still negotiated across the border? Are you kidding me?

What's more, Park Jeong-ho has revealed three of the three stone company's competitors.

One is three returnees from Stanford, Chinaren.

One is Yitang, whose back is very deep.

How has Qi Guodong seen this battle?

"No way, no way, no way! Let Zhou Tao go!"

"Me?" Zhou Tao was also a little dazed, but she was not ashamed, this old lady had that kind of vigor.

However, Zhou Tao was afraid that Qi Lei would screw it up.

"Why don't you come with me the stone?"

It's better to go to Qi Lei, regardless of his age, but he is the boldest and the most minded in Three Stone Company.

However, Qi Lei wants to scold his mother too, a bunch of **** things, you want me to go! Besides, can I go? The mother-in-law just said that she shouldn't skip class.

Moreover, people are in the group, isn't this acting against the trend?

However, what Qi Lei didn't know, Zhang Nan watched the conversation in the group at this time, frowning.

It was not that Zhou Tao encouraged Qi Lei to skip class and made Zhang Nan unhappy, but that she found a problem.

That is, Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao, including Zhao Wei, have the ability, but these three people who have been exposed by Qi Lei have low academic qualifications, and they are all masters who have never finished junior high school.

Even if the acquired social experience makes them not much worse than those with a high degree of education, but in this world, there is no one in this world who can stand against the sky only by talent.

On this occasion, I was shocked.

No way, when I heard Stanford's returnees, I naturally felt weak.

With this kind of leadership, coupled with the restriction of Qi Lei's age, Three Stones Company will definitely not go long.

What Zhang Nan thinks now is that if he has the opportunity to give Qi Lei a suggestion, all the senior executives in the company can go to further study. Not necessarily learning anything, but the psychological hurdle has to be passed.

Regarding the fact that they encouraged Qi Lei to go to the capital, Zhang Nan only said one sentence in the group, "@小国栋, send a social practice invitation to the Second Middle School in the name of Three Stone Company! Five places, I will operate. "

Qi Guodong: "..."

Qi Lei, "..."

Qi Lei almost burst into tears!

Who said I was skipping class? I went to participate in social practice. Where can I find such a good mother-in-law?

It's justified in one fell swoop.

But thinking about it again, isn't it? Five or five places! ?

But Zhang Nan said again, "A rare opportunity, Qianqian, Wu Ning, Tang Yi, Yang Xiao, you all go and increase your knowledge."

atmosphere! ! !

Five thumbs up in the group instantly.

I thought it would be good to let Lei Lei one go, but now it's alright.

Zhang Nan’s idea is actually very simple, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude has always been her educational philosophy.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the life trajectories of these five children are no longer the same as those of ordinary people. While taking into account the achievements in the books, more social experience is also indispensable.

Of course, skipping classes for no reason is absolutely impossible.

But such an opportunity, if you want to experience it, you must experience it. And it's not just Reviver, everyone should make good use of this opportunity.


The next day, the social practice invitation of Three Stone Company was sent to Shangbei No. 2 Middle School by fax.

In the form of a summer camp, five students from No. 2 Middle School were invited to the capital to visit the development of high-tech industries and establish a positive thinking of struggle, patriotism, and progress.

Several principals and directors of the Second Middle School looked at them and they were all dumbfounded.

Isn't this Sanshi company too bad? What students do you invite? Invite the teacher!

Isn't this just a public travel?

Wang Xingye looked at the fax and thought about it for a long time, his eyes rolled, "Principal Zhang, do you need a teacher to lead the team? Or... I'm tired?"

Zhang Nan glared at him as a response, and was also complaining about the fax.

Qi Guodong, he should pay attention to a presidential class and the like.

Too bad, you listed the names of the few people you invited! Does this make it difficult for me to do it unclearly?

Well, Qi Guodong really didn't think well here.

In fact, he directly listed Qi Lei and their names, although they didn't look very good. But no matter how bad it is, that is also a matter for Three Stones Company.

I have a relationship with these students, can you control it?

The result was all right now, and he threw the pot to Zhang Nan. Let Zhang Nan decide, isn't that offending people?

But no way, the fax has already been sent.

Fortunately, Zhang Nan's face became cold, and with a big wave of his hand, he directly reported the names of Qi Lei and the others to Three Stone Company.

The director of the principal and the teachers on the experiment side are quite uncomfortable, but there is no way.

In short, Qi Lei got his "pass" anyway.

I called my parents and said that he had been selected for the school's summer camp. I went to the capital and it would take ten and a half months.

Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua are quite wondering, what summer camp are they doing this time?

I thought Qi Lei was lying, but I called Lao Liu. It was indeed the case, and immediately felt happy.

With only five places, the three little brothers got more than half of it, which is very glorious!

Tang Chenggang also specifically said that he would go home and give some money to the three little rascals.

But Tang Xiaoyi didn't need to, "What is the gift? Rich! By the way, do you want some specialties in Beijing? Bring you some back."

Tang Chenggang is very depressed. My dad only has this function. Why don't you use it?

But after thinking about it, he suddenly asked Guojun Qi and Wu Lianshan, "How long has it been since you asked for money?"

The two were startled immediately, "But is there a day?"

After careful calculation, where are there days? This year, the three brothers did not take the initiative to ask for money!

And the last time they took the initiative to give, it was at the time of the Chinese New Year.

Qi Guojun said, "If you don't tell me, I still can't remember, the money the family left for them seems to have not been moved for a long time."

The couple put two thousand yuan in the hiding place at home and told Qi Lei that he would take it himself if he had no money. After each trip home, the two of them went to the place where the money was put, thinking that if it was gone, they would add something to him.

In the past, the family was not well-off, so he thought of the law to deduct Qi Lei's pocket money.

Now the conditions are better, and there is no time to take care of him, so I am very conniving on the issue of money.


The money hasn't been moved after thinking about it.

"Then what do these three boys spend?"

Wu Lianshan pondered, "Didn't you earn 30,000 yuan last summer? That money was spent?"

When the three fathers thought about it, only this one was possible.

Tang Chenggang resented immediately! "These three **** are playing! They told the left and the right, the big money must be kept. This is just using my words as fart!"

Wu Lianshan shook his head and smiled, "Forget it! Let's spend it! I have been very satisfied with my performance this year, and I have to burn a lot of incense!"

I didn’t care for a year and my grades were pretty good.

This is what Qi Guojun thought, "Well, let's do a good job, let's spend it! Isn't it just for them to make money?"

Brother Three's career is developing well.

At the side of the non-staple food factory, Qi Guojun, a rice processing business, has figured out the doorway. Now he has hired several salesmen to run supermarkets and high-end stores in large southern cities. Profitable at the beginning of the year.

It is estimated that by the end of the year, millions of dollars should not be a big problem. It is expected that when the city government opens two supermarkets in Beijing and Shanghai, which will focus on Shangbei rice, it will attract another climax. Qi Guojun's goal is to double the output value of rice processing next year. It shouldn't be difficult.

Moreover, rice is only a profit point of the non-staple food factory.

In the first half of the year, a large Internet cafe chain in Harbin found a non-staple food factory and wanted them to help prepare quick meals, providing solutions and foreign experience.

Guojun Qi and the other two fathers have been pondering for a long time, and they think this thing can be done!

After all, the order is huge! More than 500 Internet cafes, tens of thousands of simple meal orders every day! Not a small business.

Therefore, the non-staple food factory not only changed the old equipment, but also introduced a batch of equipment for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and is stepping up research and development in accordance with other people's standards.

There have been preliminary results...

Well, it's not really a result. After the dishes are processed into finished products, they are then quick-frozen and packaged. The technology is far less mature than later generations.

The appearance is a little bit worse, but at least the taste remains good. It's already pretty good in this era.

It has been put into production and supply, and the response is not bad. The same is not a small income.

And Qi Guojun saw the business opportunity and felt that this matter could be made bigger!

I'm looking for information everywhere, learning experience...The organizers are in need of better storage solutions that preserve freshness, color and taste.

The pharmaceutical factory has been in production for more than a month. The benefits have greatly exceeded the expectations of the three dads! !

Tang Chenggang originally planned to make the pharmaceutical factory lose money for three years! It is acceptable for him to realize profitability.


When the new medicine was launched, the three fathers adopted the opinion of Qi Lei's aunts and uncles during the Chinese New Year and surrounded the city with the countryside! !

Unlike non-staple food factory salesmen who specialize in big cities, big supermarkets do different things.

Salespersons of pharmaceutical factories, cities above the county seat are not considered! !

Specially selected villages and towns to start, various promotional activities, wall advertisements are overwhelming! At present, the towns and villages in Shangbei are basically occupied.

Going further down is the towns in the Harbin area.

Tang Chenggang couldn't believe the order volume! A pharmaceutical factory that has been dead for more than ten years will survive if it is alive?

Not surprisingly, only the two products of Weikangling and Liver-protecting tablets will not lose money this year, but can also make a profit!

As for the profit, Tang Chenggang doesn't know! OK! He didn't believe the number Wu Lianshan had calculated!

As for the packaging plant...

A bit exceeded expectations! !

Originally, the positioning of the packaging factory was just an internally digested functional department. It is enough to provide fine packaging for non-staple food factories and pharmaceutical factories.

But even the three fathers did not expect that the situation was a bit out of control...

First of all, non-staple food factories, orders for simple meals, need custom packaging! It is a plastic lunch box, and the specific plan given by the customer is a disposable tableware similar to the nature of a dinner plate.

Is there no such thing on the market! Need packaging factory self-research....

Tang Chenggang had to introduce a piece of equipment for stamping plastic tableware, and... he also had to set up a testing and R&D department for food-grade plastic products.

And this department has just been established, and the city's order has come again!

And it's the kind that won't work if you don't answer it! !

Shouldn’t the city be a supermarket? Don’t you want to express it?

Xu Wenliang personally found Tang Chenggang and Qi Guojun, hoping that the packaging factory could provide high-end packaging products, including some foam packaging needed in express delivery...special cartons...etc.

The requirements are very demanding! Many of them have never heard of it before, and they have never seen it before! I don't know where Xu Wenliang came from!

Anyway, I made a request, so let's watch and do it!

Difficult Tang Chenggang wants to scold his mother! "Who has such a bad idea!? Packing gold bricks? Still so elaborate?"

Express parcels in this era...

The sacks fall down as soon as they are loaded! A more delicate package is just a carton, stuffed with newspapers in it, and it's done?

How can I use this and that as Xu Wenliang said?

All right....

Tang Chenggang didn't know that this was all a bad idea from Qi Lei!

He taught Xu Wenliang all the packaging technology of the express delivery industry in later generations.

Then Xu Wenliang sounds good, but what if there is no physical object these years? After thinking about it, your son is embarrassed for me, then I can’t be for you!

So...the pharmaceutical factory and rice have not yet begun to attract gold...

The three fathers have gone forever in the country's largest packaging product industry.



Everything is unimpeded!

Qi Lei also began to prepare to enter Beijing.

Although the situation is not optimistic, and even if Actoz agrees to take Three Stones into consideration, the intention is still not obvious.

But even so. Qi Lei also makes the lion attack the rabbit!

Take out the Three Stone Company...and Penguin's strongest lineup! !

All right...

Three stone company's elites here do everything...

The hardware server is a combination of Zhang Jianjia and Wang Yong.

In terms of software, in addition to the two top masters in the technical department, three masters were seconded from Nan Lao's R&D center.

And not only the Three Stone Company, Xiao Ma also personally went to the capital to help out this time.

For one thing, Lei Qi is not at ease. Penguin is still better than Sanshi in software technology.

Secondly, Brother Xiao Ma and Qi Lei have been communicating online, and it's time for them to face each other.

Originally, Qi Lei wanted to ask Uncle Geng to follow along. With the uncle by his side, Qi Lei can be a lot more practical.

Before leaving for this reason, Qi Lei went to Harbin to find Uncle Geng.


Uncle Geng gave Qi Lei a check...

"5 million, first use it. It is estimated that the money on your account will not be left even if you take the agency right, and you will have to catch the blind in subsequent operations."

"Go, I won't accompany you. Jia Qiao'er (Sparrow) has to have time to fly on her own. Uncle, I can't always help you! Go on your own."

Qi Lei, "..."

To be honest, his eyes are a bit sore, at least on his way to Geng taught him too much...

My father didn't have time to talk to him!

Gritting his teeth, "Okay! I'll take the money and count you as a share!"

Uncle Geng waved his hand, "Don't! What kind of trouble do you get into?"

"Wait! Wait two years..."

"When you start to do big things, I will use this favor again, uncle! Get a big one!"



The weather is nice today, it's windy and sunny! !

It should have been more, and I am in a good mood! !

But it's the Mid-Year Festival, I went to worship the ancestors...

Tomorrow more, try to fight him for ten thousand per chapter, and reduce the anger of some people.

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