Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 138: The scenery outside the window


Uncle Geng put out the 5 million, do you think it is shrewd?

Of course shrewd.

As the longer we get along with Qi Lei and the longer we will be in contact with these young people in the future group, Uncle Geng will become more convinced that this group of young people is incredible!

Regardless of the fact that each one is not deeply involved, but apart from Qi Lei, this kid is considered to be the slowest growth.

Look at what Xu Xiaoqian was like at the beginning of the year, and what is it like now?

Including Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Yang Xiao, they were all stunned at the beginning of the year. They didn't know anything except those who listened to Qi Lei.

But now, all of them have their own appearance. When to speak, when to shut up, and when to do something, it is simply not comparable to ordinary people.

Uncle Geng must have a cultural point of view, that is: the future is boundless!

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, he has the current foundation, and Qi Lei is twisted into a rope, the old man dare not think about what they will be like in the future.

Including Brother Xiao Ma, Uncle Geng also determined that this was an incredible young man.

No way, the last thing Uncle Geng regrets in his life is his ignorance.

Precisely because there is no culture, no matter how much money you have, it is a big money, an old hat.

It is precisely because of his ignorance that his achievements in this life have basically come to an end.

In the 1980s and 1990s, it was an era in which ideas and opportunities could be developed.

However, in the coming 21st century, his level is not good enough. It must be an era of young people with culture, courage, and vision.

Therefore, Uncle Geng is investing and can't fly by himself, but Qi Lei, Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Xiao Ma may be able to show him the scenery high up.

But is it just shrewd?

Not at all.

No matter how you invest, you don’t have such an investment. In one word, Qi Lei said that the second middle school needed donations and threw more than 4 million? This time I took out 5 million flowers first?

No matter how rich Uncle Geng is, he is not made like this. He really regards Qi Lei as his child.

Maybe if the deal is negotiated, Uncle Geng will be happier than Qi Lei himself.

To be more emotional, Qi Lei will really fly in the future and achieve something. Uncle Geng will brag to his old brothers who came out of the mountains, "This kid was trained by me!"

As for Uncle Geng, since he values ​​it so much, why not follow along and take the helm?

There are two reasons:

First, as he said, the house sparrow must have the time to fly on its own as soon as possible.

Second, this business seems to be difficult on the surface, but in fact it is not a big problem.

Uncle Geng thinks that as long as those boys are honest and don't make a mess, they are basically safe.

The only difference is the question of how much it will cost.



Qi Lei drove to the capital with a group of small partners and the negotiation team of Three Stone Company.

As a result, everyone decided not to fly, save some money, and have fun after doing business. The plane is too expensive.

Secondly, they are all young people, energetic, and the ten-hour drive is not a problem at all, and they are comfortable.

The third is that there is no foreign vehicle restriction policy in Beijing these years, and it is easier to go anywhere with a car.

To this end, Dad Tang’s Buick business was requisitioned again, Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao switched to driving while Qi Lei and the five of them were sitting in the car.

I have to say that this time not only Qi Lei is eager to learn to drive, but Wu Ning, Yang Xiao, and Xu Xiaoqian are also very anxious.

"Next year, next summer, let's be together!"

The key is that there are several cars in the company. They are all in name, right?

However, no one can open it, so he can only stare at it.

As for Tang Xiaoyi, he won't be able to learn next year, it will be the next year.

Because, in one month, he will only be sixteen years old.

Not only Qi Lei had no idea about Uncle Geng's decision not to follow, but Wu Ning and Xu Xiaoqian were also a little unreliable.

It was the first time for them to enter the capital, not to mention negotiating with a foreign company.

Small places are small places. Don’t look at each of them in Shangbei. They seem to have seen how big the world is. In fact, they can only do it to the point where Harbin is open-minded.

Only Tang Xiaoyi, that is called a relaxed, this guy has never known what is scared.

"It's over! What can you do?"

"It's okay, I'm familiar with the capital, I will take you down these Koreans!"

Everyone is quite speechless, are you still pulling on?

Okay, Tang Xiaoyi also ran away from home! I went to the capital to fight against it!

Even Zhou Tao and Qi Guodong didn't bother to talk to him.

Zhou Tao sat in the co-driver and turned around and said to Qi Lei: "Seriously, since it's a negotiation, there must be a way of thinking, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the friends looked at Qi Lei, even Qi Guodong, who was driving, pricked his ears to listen.

And Qi Lei pondered for a long while, this is not the first time this matter has been mentioned, but after a long time of discussion, no agreement was reached.

Zhou Tao and Qi Guodong didn't have a plan at all, and they had no ideas. They were surprisingly consistent and acted accordingly.

Didn’t they all come here before?

Besides, before leaving, Uncle Geng went through the bottom in private, "The problem is not big, just hold on to the air, and it will basically be done."

And a few of the little friends are lively, especially Zhang Nanming tells them to exercise, and even before Qi Lei has expressed his opinion, he has any ideas.

Tang Xiaoyi argued that it would be done with the money! Isn't it just the base price of 2 to 3 million? I gave him 400, what look on his face?

Of course, this proposal was condemned by everyone, spraying Tang Xiaoyi's doubts about life.

Wu Ning did his homework for a few days in a row, which was a bit reliable, but the **** made a trick.

"Do Chinaren and Yitang have business crossovers with us?"

Well, Wu Xiaojian is studying two competitors.

"Don't you win if you win these two? As long as the two of them quit, we will win!"

Well, to be honest, Wu Ning's way of thinking is not wrong, and it is infinitely close to the correct answer.

The main reason why Uncle Geng is so relieved is that the two companies that actoz looked for had problems and major problems.

If Netease and Sohu appeared on the negotiation table in Beijing, it would be tragic.

But Chinaren and Yitang, the two probably won't compete with Three Stones for this business.

Why do you say that?

Because Three Stones seemed to have nothing to do with these websites, but the situation changed immediately when the website of Daquan was launched in July.

Currently, Sanshi is at odds with the top domestic portals such as Netease, Sohu, Sina, and Tom.

And other websites, in the words of later generations, must be called Dad's existence!

Chinaren is an online community. To put it bluntly, it is an upgraded version of the forum.

At present, a lot of this is done in China, such as Tianya, Netease community and so on.

Including r under the tree, it actually has a taste of literary community, and Xiao Ma is also doing it.

Xiao Ma originally wanted to be a portal website, but considering that it conflicts with Qi Lei's website and search engines, so currently only has an internal community of oicq users.

The train of thought Qi Lei gave him was the development route of QQ space and Weibo for later generations.

It's just that the current version of IE is not up to the requirements, let alone the interactivity of the future blogging era. It can only be a preparatory community website for the time being.

And Sanshi's web site, to put it bluntly, is the IE navigation page for later generations.

Search engines, and then classify various types of websites.

The homepage, that is, the first-level page has a limited layout. Of course, it is impossible to display all the websites in all categories. Only some representative websites can be displayed in abbreviated form.

Take the community website as an example. There are three display positions on the main page.

Of course, the first place must be given to the penguin community of Brother Xiaoma. There is nothing to say, the fertilizer does not flow out of the field of outsiders!

This is also the only related household.

The remaining two, let Qi Lei give ty and mp.

It stands to reason that they should not be these two websites. After all, the most popular ones are undoubtedly the Netease community, and then the Sina community, which are more influential than ty and mp.

However, because NetEase and Sina already existed in the classification of portals, they were replaced by ty and mp following the principle of non-repetitive promotion.

Then... I stabbed the hornet's nest.

Even Qi Lei didn't expect that it was just an unfair result out of fairness considerations.

The web site is online in July, and the naming is simple and straightforward—navigation.

Through the Internet cafe management system, you can directly connect to all Internet cafes under Sanshi and become the homepage of ie.

Young people in later generations may have no idea, don’t they think that opening IE is the navigation page or hao123?

But it was not in that era. If you don't set the home page, the IE opens a blank page. You have to enter the website address yourself to browse the website.

Therefore, in this age, friends who don’t have a computer at home and go to Internet cafes even need to record the URLs of some websites in their phone books.

Only the ie page with the homepage is set to open the default website.

For example, if you set the starting point as the homepage, then the starting point will be the starting point.

For this homepage setting, portals such as Netease, Sohu, and Sina have to go to Internet cafes and cities with densely installed home computers to specialize in public relations.

The meaning of the so-called portal website lies in this, opening ie is it, and this is called a portal.

However, the appearance of the three-stone company's web site, the navigation page, is tantamount to dismantling the ‘door’ of these portals.

With such a convenient navigation page, who would set your Netease and Sohu as the homepage!

The word "portal" that has just emerged has become a second-level page.

The degree of convenience brought to netizens is not much to say, it is that this saves the process of entering the URL one letter by letter, which is enough to make some websites awake.

And the emergence of the navigation page, the rise momentum is really too strong, the first day of going online, the number of clicks exceeded one million.

You know, in 1999, there were only more than 20 million Internet users across the country, and there were only a few million home computers installed. A million clicks are already quite scary.

Directly into the top ten clicks on the entire network website.

What’s more dramatic is that the NetEase community, the largest online community in China, was originally the number one click on the community day, but after only three days, it was overtaken by ty, and it was all drained from the navigation page. ,

For a week, MP and Penguin also ranked ahead of NetEase.

For Penguin, a newly established community website, Xiao Ma felt that he was in the top three without doing anything.

This is the power of the navigation page, which not only provides convenience, but more importantly, changes the way Internet users use the Internet.

After that, it only took a month. In August, the daily hits of the website Daquan had risen to the second place in the entire network, second only to NetEase.

At this time, not only Internet cafes owned by Three Stones are in use, but the navigation page has gradually become the home page setting for home computer users. It is expected that by the end of the year, the navigation page will occupy more than 80% of the market share.

No way, just stand as the name suggests—navigation!

It's so convenient. It's easy to see what website you want to find and what type of website you are looking for, and it comes with a search engine.

For portals, it is a dimensionality reduction blow.

As a result, in the past two months, the Three Stone Company has been lively, and countless websites call for consultation every day.

For one purpose, I hope that Sanshi can add them, or rank first.

Still only talking about the classification of communities, all the Netease communities, Sina communities, etc. are looking for Three Stones, hoping to replace the previous community websites with theirs, and even willing to pay a certain fee.

However, Qi Lei refused all of them.

It's not that you can't make money if you have money, but that you can't make money.

If the bidding is ranked, wouldn't it be Du Niang?

Just start smashing the brand, and I will play a fart in the future!


Then I offended those portals and robbed them of the installed capacity of their portals. This is the law of the market and no one can help.

However, they can't tolerate it, and the Three Stone Company is in control of their own fate!

Although Three Stone Company stated that it is ranked according to actual traffic (with the exception of community websites), everyone can see that it is not just who he wants to attract traffic?

Therefore, during this period of time, Netease, Sohu, Sina, and Tom’s influential domestic portals have almost formed a tacit understanding. From time to time, they published two posts criticizing Sanshi’s website as a cancer of the Internet, and even encouraged all netizens to boycott the navigation network.

No way, the **** decides the head!

The portal website and the Three Stone Company are becoming more and more incompatible.

Other websites have a different attitude.

Small size, no voice channels, and no courage to fight against Three Stones, so you can only go along with it.

To be honest, Wu Ning’s proposal is the most direct and effective.

Chinaren and Yitang need to know that the third company is Sanshi. As long as Sanshi agrees to provide certain benefits on the navigation page, the two will not fail to praise.

After all, there are so many games, why have to be legendary?

However, Qi Lei said no.

What's the difference between using the profit exchange of the navigation network and publicly selling recommended places? This opening cannot be opened.

So, in the end, only Qi Lei's own plan is left-swapping with Actoz.

That's right, Three Stones is not without everything, a lot of core technology, take out a little to share with Actoz, mutual benefit and reciprocity.

"I think that Actoz should be interested in our server installation plan, and can come up with a plan in exchange for it!"

Over the past month, Zhang Jian and Wang Yong have achieved results. Under Qi Lei's advice, they have come up with two game server solutions.

One set is similar to the architecture of the three-stone Internet cafe server solution, and the scientific name is: the load sharing solution of the logical server.

It is to divide multiple server processes according to functions, split a game into several categories, and each category runs a separate server.

An analogy is: the game's props, skills, trading system, friend system, etc. run independently, reducing the burden on the main server, that is, the scene server.

Then the interaction and linkage of each server is completed through Sanshi's unique technology.

This has two benefits:

The first is safety.

Logical server, scene server, interactive server, plus a special data monitoring server can realize real-time scanning and analysis of player data.

At least in this era, the level of plug-ins is far from keeping up, and it is impossible to escape server monitoring.

Anti-plug ability can be said to be the strongest.

The second advantage is that the carrying capacity of a single server has been greatly improved, and the capacity of each game server has soared.

According to the current server level, a regional server can accommodate 500 to 800 players, which is already the limit.

The three-stone company's server architecture can reach 4,000 people, and even if the server capacity is increased, it can be served by 10,000 people.

At the moment, this can be regarded as the biggest gimmick.

This solution is a dream of any game operating company, and it is impossible for Actoz not to be tempted.

The second set of plans is even more powerful. On the basis of the first set of plans, Qi Lei proposed a game idea that Zhang Jian called a genius idea.

That is-cross-server gameplay, including cross-server rankings, cross-server city battles, and so on.

This idea itself is advanced, let alone someone trying to solve this problem from the server level.

And Zhang Jian and the others successfully found a solution because of Qi Lei's foresight.

That is to add a relational server on top of each scene server (zone server) on the basis of Scheme 1. Through a special algorithm, real-time interaction of different zone server leaderboards and fixed-point interaction of city battles can be realized.

Of course, it is not without difficulties. The biggest problem lies not in Three Stones, but in network problems.

In this era, telecommunications and Netcom, as well as campus networks, can be said to be very clear. The rankings are okay, and cross-server fighting is not a problem.

But it doesn't matter, cross-server combat in the same network environment can still be achieved.

For example, the cross-server war between Northeast Netcom Zone 1 and Northeast Netcom Zone 2 will definitely be fine.

You know, this is already amazing.

In terms of server technology, Three Stones is already an absolute leader.

Again, what the server industry lacks is ideas, not technology, and Qi Lei just makes up for this.

At present, Qi Lei means to come up with a plan to change the game of Actoz.

Qi Lei felt that Actoz should not be able to refuse this condition.


Huarui Hotel, a five-star hotel that has just been completed and is still in trial operation, is located in a very forward-looking location.

It's just that Qi Lei was a bit speechless, and he settled in front of the window without putting down his luggage.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, I can see the Jingtong Expressway just a few steps downstairs, as well as the construction fences of the Metro Line 1 and Batong Lines that are being expanded. ? Why did you pick this remote place?

The point is, it's on the wrong side...

Qi Lei only needs to turn his head slightly and look to the left. It is to the east, and you can see that the high-rise family building of the Beijing Gear Factory in Zhabei Li Huayuan has taken shape.

In the distance, people came and went on the overpass of Dingfuzhuang West Street.

The bright red building in the distance is particularly eye-catching. It is the main teaching building of Beiguang.

From here, you can even see the linoleum roof of Studio One, and the girls’ dormitory hanging on the balcony, leaving only pixel-sized clothes swaying in the wind.

When shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Tang Xiaoyi rushed in.

Qi Lei retracted his thoughts and saw Tang Yi, jokingly: "Which bed do you sleep?"

Tang Xiaoyi curled his lips, "Who sleeps in the same room with you? I'm with Xiao Jian."

Well, he shares a room with Wu Ning.

Qi Lei didn't care. At this time, Zhao Wei and Xu Xiaoqian also came in.

Qi Lei habitually asked Zhao Wei again, "Which bed do you sleep?"

Zhao Wei was startled, "I sleep in the same room with my brother-in-law."

Qi Lei, "..."

So who am I sleeping with?

Subconsciously looked at Xu Xiaoqian, hehehe.

As a result, Xu Xiaoqian rolled her eyes, and shot his forehead all at once, "Wake up, you!"

She and Yang Xiao are in a big bed room, so comfortable!

Take a pat on the bed, "When will the Actoz people arrive?"

At this time, Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao came in, "Let’s come early, and Actoz will arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Qi Lei, "That's right, first solve two things, translators, and lawyers!"

Neither the interpreter nor the lawyer was found in the Northeast. It wasn't that I didn't prepare in advance, but it was unnecessary.

In Beijing, Korean translation is easy to find, and the price is not expensive, and the money is calculated by the day.

As for the lawyer, Qi Yujin, Qi Lei's old aunt, was originally in the capital.

For this reason, Qi Guodong contacted in advance. Although Qi Yujin is rather strange, his own little brother knows what company he is working for, but he didn't expect it to be like that. Why is he still exposed to multinational business?

However, after I asked, I realized that business negotiations can't be done by just a lawyer. Qi Yujin specializes in the field of art. Qi Yujin is good at civil law, especially marriage law, and specializes in divorce lawsuits.

To draft a contract, to finalize terms or something, you have to find a lawyer who specializes in commercial law and contract law.

Moreover, this is a multinational business, not to mention Qi Yujin's ability.

For this reason, she introduced a person, a famous lawyer in the south, a dictionary of domestic and foreign business law, and her teacher, who happened to be in Beijing.

However, expensive!

In 1999, the consulting fee was thousands of one hour, and the drafting contract had at least six figures.

Qi Guodong was speechless, "It's so easy for you litigators to make money!"

Qi Yujin knew what his younger brother’s virtues were, and the three sentences weren’t straightforward, "Do you need it or not? You don't need it, there are cheap ones."

Qi Guodong said: "Wait for me to ask!"

When Qi Yujin heard this, she frowned, "Aren't you the boss? Who do you ask?"


Qi Guodong stopped and said that he had missed his mouth, "Anyway, let's discuss it first and call you back."

When he said that he was about to hang up, Qi Yujin became anxious, "Eh eh eh! Where do you sign the contract? Are you coming to the capital?"

Qi Guodong said, "I don't have time to see you when I come, see you in the New Year!"

Qi Yujin was angry, "You are a white-eyed wolf and hurt you for nothing!"

Qi Guodong didn't want to eat this set, put down the phone and asked Qi Lei, "A contract starts with 100,000 yuan? Isn't this stealing money?"

But Qi Lei doesn't think so, it's expensive, there is a reason for it, the more expensive, the more practical.

Although it hurts a bit, but after gritting his teeth, "It's used!"

He wants to see what a barrister of 100,000 looks like!


In the evening, Xiao Ma also arrived in the capital.

He is here to provide technical support, by the way, to meet Lei Qi.

Zhao Wei drove the car and took Qi Lei to the airport to meet people.

When we met, Xiao Ma looked at Qi Lei for a long time, like a monster. It seemed to confirm whether the little kid in front of him was the stone on the Internet.

After watching for two minutes, Qi Lei straightened his hair, "Brother Ma, have you seen enough?"

As a result, Brother Xiao Ma came back to his senses and said, "Fuck your mother! It's irrational!"

Brother Xiao Ma is a little jealous, so he is so young and handsome.

For supper, I went to the secret roasted wing restaurant recommended by Li Chunyan on Chaoyang Road.

Taste? Anyway, others feel pretty good, but Zhang Jian and Wang Yong, as well as a few other technicians, haven't found it.


"Damn it, it's irrational! I see a lot of young programmers with hair, young and golden, and so handsome, and a programmer with dense hair is really seeing you for the first time."

Zhang Jian and the others' reaction allowed Brother Xiao Ma to find a place. I am also young and promising!

Everyone was sitting on the side of the road, drinking beer and bragging, watching the people coming and going between Beiguang and the little girl next door, and looking forward to the future.

In the meantime, Xiao Ma also sang a song to add to the fun.

In such a simple atmosphere, a group of online netizens slowly became brothers.

The friendship of young people is as simple as that.

The next morning, Qi Guodong drove to pick up the expensive barrister to Hua Rui Hotel.

Before contacting Actoz, professional lawyers are required to guide some details. What can be discussed and what can not be discussed. This is the value of one hundred thousand!

However, when such an expensive barrister arrived at Huarui, he almost didn't break his merits.


Lin Wanxiao came to Beijing this time to plan the establishment of the Northern Office, and he did not intend to accept the case.

This time I really came here with an attitude of reluctantly helping.

My student called for help, saying that his younger brother wanted to contact Korean business and begged him to check.

Although Lin Wanxiao didn't like this kind of favoritism, but, after all, he was his own student, and it was the first time to ask for help. It would be really bad not to help.

Therefore, it was only a symbolic collection of one hundred thousand.

The man who came to pick him up in the morning was a very young man from the Northeast, white and clean, but with inexplicable wildness in his eyes. How he looked at him, he didn't look like a businessman.

It's too young!

Lin Wanxiao was even more surprised when the man from the Northeast introduced himself with a strong Northeast accent, saying that he was Qi Yujin's younger brother.

too young…

Lin Wanxiao really couldn't associate such an image with things like transnational negotiations.

However, Qi Yujin's younger brother still has to give this face.

In the car, Lin Wanxiao maintained his basic politeness and demeanor, but when he arrived at the Huarui Hotel, how did he feel less and less reliable?

First he entered a room, which made him seriously suspect that it was a family tour group, not a business talk.

Six children, a baby-faced custard boy with glasses, and a small room crowded with nine people.

What are you doing?

Especially those children, the look in his eyes was quite strange.

Lin Wanxiao couldn't help it, sneered Qi Guodong and said, "Take a family trip by the way?"

After that, he looked at the boy with the weirdest eyes, "Kid, what are you looking at?"

The implication is that your eyes are offensive!

Qi Lei blinked his big eyes, and said to his heart, "Look at how expensive it is!"

But he said: "I haven't seen a barrister, so curious!"

Lin Wanxiao was also speechless, only as if the child had never seen the world.

Looking at Qi Guodong, "Where shall we talk?"

The implication is definitely not to be talked about here, it is noisy.

As a result, Qi Guodong really wants to talk here, and first introduce Brother Xiao Ma to Lin Wanxiao.

"Let me introduce to you, this is the founder of Shenzhen Penguin, and it is the technical support we have invited."

Lin Wanxiao, "..."

Okay, so Baby Face is the founder of Penguin? Take a look!

Handshake bitterly, "Look up for a long time!"

Penguin is now a relatively well-known Internet startup in China, and their oicq Lin Wanxiao is also used.

"I like your group function very much, it is very helpful in daily office."

Xiao Ma also replied with a smile, "Lawyer Lin likes it, which shows that what we do is meaningful."

After finishing politely with Xiao Ma, Qi Guodong pointed at Qi Lei and the little ones around him, "This is my nephew, the actual controlling shareholder of Three Stones Company."

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Instantly stiff, the whole person is not good!

The room was silent for a long time, when Lin Wanxiao frowned and looked at Qi Guodong, "Are you kidding me?"

It doesn't matter if the baby face of a penguin is fixed, this group of children...holding? Make me play! ?

Regarding Lin Wanxiao's doubts, Qi Guodong and Qi Lei were actually quite speechless.

The most scared thing is to introduce Qi Lei, but no one believes in embarrassment.

However, it's fine for others to fool the past, especially the lawyer hired by 100,000 Dayang can't hide it. He must have a comprehensive understanding of the Three Stone Company in order to issue the most valuable legal advice.

Five minutes later, when Lin Wanxiao finally believed that the children in front of him were really the founders of Three Stones Company, he couldn't help but asked Qi Lei, "How old are you?"

Qi Lei, "Seventeen."

Well, Lin Wanxiao thinks it's better not to ask, why didn't he even arrive at the age of eighteen?

As a result, Tang Xiaoyi yelled from behind, "I am fifteen, sixteen a month away!"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Looking at this room, no matter how unreliable people look at, Lin Wanxiao really can't connect it with a serious, business-rich cross-border negotiation.

He couldn't even imagine how the other person would look when they saw a group of children. He didn't even dare to think about how this negotiation would proceed.

However, because he couldn't imagine it, Lin Wanxiao was rather curious. This was definitely the most interesting negotiation he had ever experienced.

"Well, I can participate in your negotiations and provide legal support throughout the process."

He was really curious.

Take a loss, help others to the end!

However, such an expensive barrister took the initiative to provide services, but in return Qi Lei said, "Can't please!"


Lin Wanxiao almost didn't hold his face, what kind of brain circuit is this kid? Did I ask for your money? You should say thank you!

After sorting out the mood, happiness and anger are invisible, UU reading showed Qi Lei a gentle smile, "Mr. Qi, don't worry, I don't need to charge."

When Qi Lei heard this, he raised his eyebrows immediately, "Can you get a discount on the contract money?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

It's really broken.

Whose hapless kid! ? It's an inch!



This period of foreshadowing is a bit long, and the big plot needs it.

In addition, it seems that there are only more than 8,000, but not 10,000?


Forget it, let's get ten thousand tomorrow, what we have said, we have to count!

This wave has lost again...

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