Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 141: Jedi Strikes Back

How to break the game?

In Lin Wanxiao's view, this is an extremely complicated puzzle.

On the surface, Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou withdrew from the contention, but they also had private thoughts and wanted to get some benefits from Three Stone Company.

And actoz also covets Three Stone's server technology.

As for the two companies NetEase and Sina, there is a rift with Three Stones, and secondly, it is also an option to obtain Actoz's operating experience and game agency rights.

So, they are very active now.

Especially Ma Xiaocheng, who is in charge of negotiations at NetEase, although his character is not very good and a bit narrow-minded, he still has the ability and is making rapid progress.

In short, the current situation is very unfavorable to Three Stone Company, and it can be said to be extremely passive.

Actoz, who was originally a prey, now appears as a hunter, coveting the technology of Three Stone Company.

Especially that Ma Xiaocheng! !

Well, Lin Wanxiao looks very unpleasant to him now, so why did he come out of such a powerful role?

But if Ma Xiao is like Sina Wang Zhendong, he is not so slow, Qi Lei will not be so passive.

Well, Lawyer Lin just thought about it in his heart, and didn't let Qi Lei hear.

If Qi Lei knew that Lin Wanxiao thought this way, he could only tell him: Uncle, it's the opposite. Everyone in the game has one end and one end, so Ma Xiaocheng is a stupid kid.

The director of game operations is also a technical man, and he is confused.



"You are running out of options now!"

Lin Wanxiao finally became a little uncomfortable, and reminded her aloud.

It stands to reason that as a legal adviser, you should not intervene in business decisions.

However, Qi Lei is indeed very annoying sometimes, but you can feel his sincerity, but you can't hate it.

Moreover, this guy's appearance is also relatively cheap, no matter how irritating, but the aura of a good boy in his facial features, his innate advantage is full.

Well, it belongs to those who rely on their faces to eat!

At this time, Lin Wanxiao really couldn't stand it anymore. With such a small child, how can you do it with a business?

As for why not such a small group of children, such as Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian and the like.

Well, Lin Wanxiao was a little disappointed with those few. Something happened and gave it to him for nothing. At the critical moment, Qi Lei had to be left alone.

"You really don't have many options now."

Very serious analysis for Qi Lei, "Or, withdraw, holding such a leading server technology, I think you should not worry about not having a project."

"Even if you don't act for Legends, there is no problem with other games or your own development."

"Or, just give up! Let Actoz get his wish, license the server technology to him, and get the legendary agency rights."

"However, I personally do not recommend you to choose the latter, because it is easy to have a worst result."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "What's the result?

Lin Wanxiao, "That is, Actoz has obtained server technology, and Netease and Sina will also take the opportunity to threaten your navigation network to make concessions. As for Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou..."

"Since both Netease and Sina can get benefits, as friends, you can't refuse their request."

"The end result is that you only get a dry agency, and everyone else gets a benefit for you."

This is indeed the worst result, if Qi Lei still insists on keeping an eye on the legend, then this is his biggest flaw.

It is easy to be used by opponents, and then eaten by wolves.

Seeing Qi Lei remained silent, Lin Wanxiao guessed that he might be a young boy who was loyal and refused to give up.

He slowed down his tone and said, "Let's give up. With the current situation of Three Stones, even if you do research and development yourself, it is much better than taking a dry legendary agent!"

"Moreover, you also have server technology, which has led many domestic game companies."

Lin Wanxiao's analysis was calm, and his persuasion was logical.

However, Qi Lei was still thinking, and said nothing.

Lin Wanxiao frowned, "Are you... listening?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Listening."

Take a long breath, sit up straight, "First of all, thank you Uncle Lin! I know, it is not easy for you to say this."

When Lin Wanxiao heard it, his brow furrowed deeper, "I'm called Lawyer Lin, I'm not that familiar with you yet."

It was "Uncle Lin Lin" who opened my mouth and shut my mouth, and Lin Wanxiao was panicked.

He always feels that it's not a good thing to be too close to this kid, tired!

He glared at Qi Lei, and said to his heart, why are you so familiar?

"Okay, Uncle Lin!" Qi Lei nodded and agreed, "Then I will tell Uncle Lin what I want!"

"First of all." Qi Lei said solemnly, "I never thought of giving up!"

Lin Wanxiao, "???"

Qi Lei: "Don't worry, listen to me."

"The purpose of my acting for Legend is to find an immediate profit point for the company and solve the hidden danger of single profitability."

Seeing Lin Wanxiao nodded and listened, Qi Lei continued, "This is my core purpose and the basic aspiration of Three Stones."

"If you make your own games and develop your own games, you can certainly do something in the game industry without being so angry. But that requires a cycle! This is not a profit point, but an investment item."

"The problem of profitability has not been solved yet, and I have added a burden to myself. This is not in the interests of Sanshi."

"Even if self-developed games have advantages for Three Stones, it is easier, but that is all for the future. At least for now, it is not within my scope of consideration."

Lin Wanxiao, "..."

Qi Lei at this time was calm and terrifying, and clearly organized.

Lin Wanxiao looked at him blankly. To be honest, many adults don't have the firm will that Qi Lei has now.

He knows what he wants and his purpose is clear.

"Secondly!" Qi Lei continued, "Who said I have no chance?"

Lin Wanxiao stagnated, "You...have a countermeasure?"

Qi Lei, "There are countermeasures, but there is a premise."

Lin Wanxiao, "What premise?"

Qi Lei barked his teeth: "I still don't know what the relationship between NetEase and Sina and Actoz is, whether it has reached some kind of agreement and completed the exchange of benefits, or is it...not that stable."

"This will affect my next judgment!"

Lin Wanxiao knew it well, "So, you have been thinking about this issue these days?"

But not wanting, Qi Lei shook his head, he actually shook his head!

"No! It's OK if Park Jung-ho finds out this matter, what should I worry about? Wait for the news."

"Wait, wait for the news!?" Lin Wanxiao was not calm, "Wait for the news, what are you doing?"

In the past few days, Qi Lei's performance is not as easy as he said.

The main source of everyone's arrogance is Qi Lei's frown.

He was at the core of Three Stone Company's decision. He was uneasy, and he was in chaos. Even the two adults, Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao, were obviously in chaos.

Xin said, aren't you self-confident army?

Lin Wanxiao felt that it was necessary to preach.

"As a decision maker, you can't stand still, and your soldiers won't have combat effectiveness. I suggest that you still have to converge."

As soon as he said this, he did not expect that Qi Lei grinned and said another sentence that made Lin Wanxiao crazy.

"I did it on purpose."


Only Wen Qi Lei said: "Uncle Lin, you are wrong, I am a decision maker, but each of them is not a soldier, but a general!"

With a buzz, Lin Wanxiao's head was about to explode, he seemed to understand the deep meaning of Qi Lei's words.

I saw Qi Lei continued earnestly: "If this company only relies on myself, there will only be two results."

"First, I'm exhausted."

"Secondly, being branded with a strong Qi Lei brand, the development of the company will fluctuate with my personal ups and downs."

Lin Wanxiao, "..."

Qi Lei, "They can't just serve as soldiers, they must become generals!"

"In the future, when I can't do it, they will go up. Even if I can't go up now, at least they need to be psychologically prepared."

"If I can't help this time, I'm in a hurry, what about next time? If I can't help next time, do you still count on me alone?"

"So..." The smile was a little treacherous, "I'm just scaring them, but the actual situation is quite optimistic."

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

What kind of logic is this? Are you still a seventeen-year-old child?

It's terrible!

Somewhat speechless, "Who did you learn this from?"

I didn't expect Qi Lei to answer, but Qi Lei really answered.

"My old mother-in-law! She instilled these things in me when I was in the first year of high school. Before coming this time, she also asked this specifically."

Before coming, Zhang Nan did find Qi Lei alone, and the meaning of the words was to hone as much as possible, otherwise even if the development of Three Stones Company gets better and better, Qi Lei will live and get tired.

In the past few days, Qi Lei has been pushing the boat along the river. The old mother-in-law tortured me, then I will torture you!

A posture that I can't do it, put a little pressure on everyone. Even if they can't think of a way now, at least they have a psychological preparation.

This is even more of a motivation, everyone has to cheer, not just rely on Reviver.

"Otherwise, what do you think Wu Ning and Tang Yi are doing here?"

"..." Lin Wanxiao was shocked and had a long experience!

The kids in high school teach these things? What is this to teach?

Asked curiously, "Then where are you now?"



commit a sin...

Is this the old fairy who taught a little fairy? And it only took a year.

I don't want to be entangled in this issue.

Turning back to the topic, "That said, as long as you figure out the internal relationship between Netease, Sina and Actoz, you will be sure to crack this game?"

Qi Lei nodded, "It's almost what it means! I can tell if Netease and Sina can be shaken."

Then he said, "Unfortunately, I didn't expect Park Zhenghao to be such a waste. I still don't understand this matter."

Lin Wanxiao shook his head speechlessly. He had met Park Zhenghao, and he didn't look like a man doing errands.

"never mind!"

Looking at Qi Lei's pretty good-looking face, how can he look like the face of an obedient wife, he let out a long sigh, "Uncle help you ask!"

"You?" Qi Lei was taken aback, "Do you have a way?"

Lin Wanxiao did not speak, grabbed the phone in the room and called his law firm in Guangzhou.

"Secretary Dong, give me the number of Li Guoying."

Qi Lei frowned and watched. When Lin Wanxiao put down the phone and was about to make the next call, "You are..."

Lin Wanxiao dialed the number and said, "NetEase and I have a legal contract. We handle the legal affairs of their company, and Li Guoying is the resident lawyer."

Qi Lei: "!!!"

Hey, don't you say it earlier! Wouldn't Park Jeongho provide information if he said no? Special money is needed!

But it was Lin Wanxiao holding the phone and glaring at Qi Lei, "You have to pay a consultation fee for this matter!"

When Qi Lei heard it, well, it's all money fans!

Patting his chest generously: "No problem, isn't it just one thousand yuan an hour!"


Lin Wanxiao wants to hang up the phone, one thousand? What do you think?



To find out the internal connection between NetEase and Actoz, there is no difficulty for a company's legal affairs.

So, it matters everywhere!

"What are you going to do next?"

Regarding Lin Wanxiao's question, Qi Lei smiled, "As long as you know what's going on, you will know it in your heart."

"Next..." pondered for a moment, "don't care about Actoz, at least NetEase and Sina can let them out first!"

Speaking of this, "Uncle Lin, it is inconvenient for you to come forward, I can do it myself!"

Lin Wanxiao frowned, Qi Lei's thinking was right, to get the two spoilers of Netease and Sina out, at least he and Actoz could get back to the original point.

"Do you come by yourself? How come?"

He is really curious. After all, the current situation is still too complicated. NetEase and Sina are not so easy to get out of the game. NetEase has almost signed a contract.

He doesn't quite believe that Qi Lei has the ability to change NetEase's decision-making, especially when Three Stones and NetEase still have an antagonistic relationship.

But Qi Lei smiled indifferently, "Uncle Lin, as it was, there are no eternal friends or enemies in the market, only eternal interests!"

This is the truth he realized from Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou.

While speaking, Qi Lei also picked up the phone, first dialed 114, and checked the number of the Guangzhou NetEase headquarters.

Then he dialed it without hesitation.

When the phone is connected, Qi Lei doesn't care if the opposite is the front desk, customer service, or business contact.

"Hello, my name is Qi Lei, the actual controlling shareholder of Sanshi Information Technology Co., Ltd..."

"Please help me tell you Mr. Ding, just say that I have something to do with him, and ask him to call him back."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin Wanxiao looked stupid on the sidelines, "You just... just look for someone like this? Will they take care of you?"

However, Qi Lei had a big deal, "Don't worry! At this time, let alone ask him to call back, just go downstairs and shout at him, President Ding will have to run out to meet him."

Lin Wanxiao couldn't see Qi Lei's sore-hearted look, just blow it up!

If you have a grudge, you are still a competitor, so how can you communicate with you so easily?

However, Lin Wanxiao did not expect that after only five minutes, without waiting for one more second, the phone in the room rang.

Qi Lei picked up, and there was a full-blooded male voice on the other end of the phone, "Hello, I'm Ding Lei!"

Under Qi Lei's provocative look at Lin Wanxiao, Lin Wanxiao was speechless, and said to his heart, Ding Lei, Ding Lei, are you so worthless? He asks you to call back, you just call back! ?

"I'm Ding Lei."

Here, Qi Lei heard Ding Lei's voice, not to be outdone, and his tone was steady, "Hello, I am Qi Lei."

"Your company will soon receive an official fax from Three Stones to confirm my identity."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then, "No, I think Mr. Qi Guodong and Mr. Qi Lei should have some kind of relationship!"

Qi Lei, "Mr Ding knows a lot about Sanshi Company."

Ding Lei, "It should be, after all, your company is not good at coming, and as soon as he came up, he hit us by a wrong hand."

Straight to the subject, "What is wrong with Mr. Qi's sudden call? I'm very busy."

Qi Lei, "President Ding's words are not sincere. I think Mr. Ding has been waiting for my call for a long time? Otherwise, Director Ma's contract may have been signed."

The other side fell silent again, and then came a faint smile, "Mr. Qi may have misunderstood, the game operation department has its own decision-making power, I have never interfered very much."

Qi Lei was too lazy to say something to the other person, "Well, you intervene without interfering. Tomorrow I will invite Mr. Ding to dinner. Let's meet and talk?"

"Tomorrow?" The other side was puzzled, "Is it too hurry? I'm in Guangzhou, and the latest schedule has already been booked."

Ding Lei also served it.

When Qi Lei listens, let's not talk nonsense, I will let you take it!

The words were stern, "If Mr. Ding doesn't come, I can only come to have this meal with Mr. Wang from Sina, Mr. Chen from Etang, and Mr. Tang from Yitang."

If you are talking, you must hang up the phone.

But as soon as the voice fell, laughter rang out from the other side, "Hahaha!! Well, since President Qi is so sincere, let's see you in the capital tomorrow!"

It can't cure you anymore! ?

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei was very contemptuous, and his heart was quite beautiful.

Ding Lei, the existence that future generations can only look up to! The first clash, victory!

Well, at this time, Qi Lei automatically ignored a question, so can the future and the present be the same?

In this world, Brother Xiao Ma still speaks Mandarin with the flavor of Northeast China, playing big green sticks with him on the street!

Following the same procedure, Wang Zhendong of Sina was contacted, and the appointment time was also tomorrow to have dinner together.

Wang Zhendong didn't hold it like Ding Lei, but he said meaningfully to Qi Lei on the phone, "I look forward to this dinner with Mr. Qi very much."

This made Lin Wanxiao very puzzled, "Are you going to make the two of them together?"

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei would not only date the two people together, but then also called Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou.

"Have a meal tomorrow?"

"Okay!" Tang Haichao promised, "It's just a matter of discussing it. In this situation, how do you deal with the stone? You can't just let others bully you!"

Qi Lei nodded, "Indeed!"

After arranging everything, Qi Lei explained to Lin Wanxiao: "It's nothing more than that, I want to cut a piece of meat from Sanshi Company. Give it to them, it's all trivial!"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Well, what Qi Lei's so-called countermeasure is, it turns out to be a compromise?

However, it is normal to think about it, and those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Compromise is not necessarily a bad thing now. It is nothing more than authorizing a bit of technology or opening a hole in the navigation network, which is not too big a loss.

It's just that Lin Wanxiao was a little surprised, why is Qi Lei so sure that Netease and Sina will come to his appointment?


Qi Lei was originally uncertain, so he was waiting for the news of Park Zhenghao.

Because he didn't know whether NetEase, Sina and Actoz had any hard connection, or whether there was any kind of exchange of interests.

If it exists, then he is completely hopeless.

As Lin Wanxiao said, withdraw early and don't waste time.

However, when he learned from Lin Wanxiao that it was only the investor's relationship, Qi Lei was more relieved.

Although the investor's favor is indeed to be given, but also how to give the score.

If you invest, I will make money for you and it will be over, but it is not for you to point out.

On the surface, NetEase and Sina emerged because of the matchmaking of investors.

But, why not use this relationship from the beginning?

Explain that Actoz did not intend to cooperate with Netease and Sina at the beginning.

Even though Yitanghe was considered, these two were not considered.

And Netease and Sina are not giving it for nothing, and there is no rival in the market for giving it for nothing.

Knowing that Actoz does not regard them as the first cooperation partner, why do they still come to the platform?

There may be factors on the investor side, but they are definitely not the main reason.

Then the problem is simple, they also want to gain a little benefit through this participation.

In the worst case, get an agency.

The good result is that, as it is now, Three Stones "compromised" and reached an internal agreement through the exchange of interests.

I still responded to that sentence, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits.

Compared with the agency of a game, the main business of the two portals is still traffic.

The traffic is in the hands of Three Stones. At first they spent money to buy traffic. Three Stones disagreed. Of course, it was a life-and-death and desperate attempt to make Three Stones bad.

But now, if there is a chance to regain balance, then there is no need to die or die.

After all, the cost of hatred is the highest in this world.

This is the logic of business. Everyone has a double-skinned face. Yesterday they pointed their noses and scolded their mothers, and today they can hook up their shoulders and call them brothers and sisters. As for tomorrow...

Let's talk about the situation tomorrow!

This is why NetEase and Actoz have reached a consensus but have not yet signed the contract.

Because Netease was waiting, when Three Stone Company couldn't calm down, it took the initiative to find them.

Of course, Wang Zhendong of Sina also had the same idea, and he was a bit more clever than NetEase. He just came to shine, and then he didn't move.

He did not show any gestures in a hurry, nor did he have too much contact with Three Stones Company.

As long as the person is there, he must have his share when the cake is finally divided. This is the same logic as Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou's reliance on not leaving.

In the end, regardless of whether Actoz or Sanshi is a hunter or which one is a prey, they can share a piece of the pie.

In the whole game, there is only one real person, and that is Ma Xiaocheng, the director of game operations at NetEase.

Only Ma Xiaocheng, who is so stupid, can't figure out the situation, is still in that desperate negotiation!

As everyone knows, in this game, he is a normal person, and the others are ghosts.

A ghost who eats people without spitting out bones!



Well, there is another normal person, that is Lin Wanxiao.

It is really the first time that he has learned so deeply about a business negotiation. The starting point is to watch the excitement and see how the group of children negotiate.


As a result, he found that Qi Lei, who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals, was actually the least thing.

Even if he is not just an evil ghost, he is also a difficult ghost.

It's just that Lin Wanxiao still doesn't understand, is it worth it?

Although Qi Lei had been sober, he had a clear mind in the confrontation with these monsters and maintained a high level.

But, after all, you still lost, right?

What's the use of seeing clearly? In the end, Three Stones Company still has to pay the price, or feed the other ghosts.

In Lin Wanxiao's view, Qi Lei's insights are actually not very efficient.

After all, Three Stone Company is passive. Even if he can get NetEase and Sina out, he still has to pay a price, and the result is only to return to the original starting line with Actoz.

does it worth?

In this regard, Qi Lei's answer particularly surprised Lin Wanxiao.

"Uncle Lin may not have heard such a sentence, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Savvy hunters often appear in the form of prey."

Bare his white teeth, "Now that the hunter has picked up the gun, and the prey has gathered, it's time to do it."


As soon as this remark came out, Lin Wanxiao only felt his scalp numb, and at this moment his always calm expression management finally lost control.

Looking at Qi Lei in horror, he couldn't say a word.

What does it mean? Qi Lei is the hunter? Netease and Sina are the prey?

However, he really couldn't figure out, if Qi Lei was a hunter, how would he go to harvest the prey?

Even more can't figure out, Netease, Sina, Etang and these companies have no profit transfer, that is, there is nothing that Three Stones can value.

On the contrary, Sanshi has something that they can admire. How does Qi Lei harvest prey?



In the evening of the next day, it was still the grilled wing shop on Chaoyang Road, and it was still the traffic coming and going at dusk.

The difference is that today only Qi Lei attended the meeting alone.

Lin Wanxiao is not easy to come forward because of the cooperative relationship with Netease.

And Tang Yi, Wu Ning and the others, Qi Lei was originally going to bring them here, but these guys seemed depressed and reluctant to move.

It was either a headache or a pain in my butt, and refused to go with me for various reasons.

In the end, only Qi Lei and Xiao Ma were left.

Qi Lei didn't know that he was deliberately scaring these few days, and those little friends really scared him, and they also played a role in alertness.

However, those few are not good stubborn mistakes, so it's over if you are scared? It's not the style of our little friend!

The excuse not to go is because there are other things to do.

It's just that these Qi Lei still don't know, his current mind is on fixing these people.

At this time, Wang Zhendong and Ding Lei had eased from the issue of Qi Lei's age.

Yes, at first sight of Qi Lei, the two inevitably got a little out of control, too young, really too young!

But after the mood calms down, there is a bit of ecstasy. Being young means less experience, and less experience means having opportunities.

It's just that Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou on the side don't think so. Whoever treats Qi Lei as a young man is a fool, this kid is very demon!

For such a simple environment, Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong did not have much discomfort.

Everyone is here to talk about things. As for the level of dining, it doesn't really matter.

Ding Lei first offered a cup, "Thank Mr. Xiao Qi for his hospitality!"

Everyone drank it, Ding Lei also opened the chattering box.

"In fact, President Xiao Qi was really too real before. Everyone is the pioneer of China's Internet. To be honest, this road is not easy! You should support each other, right?"

"But your navigation network doesn't say anything to open this hole!"

Ding Lei was joking for a long time, half complaining, "It's not that the old man said you, it's a bit unsatisfactory! It's time to be punished!"

Qi Lei smiled indifferently, and directly sealed the opening, "Mr. Ding, I really don't want to repeat the navigation network thing. This opening really cannot be opened."

Ding Lei was stagnant, but he didn't expect Qi Lei to be so direct. He couldn't hold back his face immediately. He put down his wine glass and bowed his head without saying a word.

And Qi Lei naturally saw it, and the conversation turned, "However, I can make two promises to a few people here."

Everyone looked up, and there was a little hope, "What promise?"

Qi Lei, "First, the navigation network will definitely not take the route of bidding ranking! Don't go now, not in the future. Fair competition, never favoritism."

"Including the opening for Xiao Ma, regarding the ranking of community websites, I will withdraw it when I look back, and re-ranking strictly according to the appreciable criteria!"

While speaking, Qi Lei looked at Brother Xiao Ma, "Well, are you okay?"

Little Ma grinned, "I don't care!"

At this time, Brother Xiao Ma could still handle it clearly, he was different from these few, these few are ghosts calculating, but he and Qi Lei are brothers who can really deliver their backs.

Take the initiative to take the responsibility, "I blamed me for the community website. He couldn't refuse to agree to the stone I asked for, so he made an exception. Correct it right away, no need to say, everyone don't embarrass him."

Everyone really couldn't say anything when they heard it.

Tang and Chen had already understood the relationship between Three Stones Company and Penguin, and Ding and Wang had already understood when they saw Qi Lei and Xiao Ma today.

This kind of relationship is not open, and they mention that they are ignorant.

And Qi Lei hasn't finished speaking yet, "Second!!"

"I'm here to make a promise to everyone that is a purely convenient website. No matter it is now or in the future, there is no commercial operation!"

"Including advertising business!"

Looking at Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong, "The two brothers can rest assured that I will only make a pure web page and will not have any competitive relationship with the two, at least not on the navigation network."



The two are a little confused, dare to make such a promise? You don’t bid, and you don’t receive ads? So what do you expect to make money? Santa?

Forgive me, Qi Lei's development of the navigation network is not the same as what they think.

What they think is monetization and how to use the website model in exchange for profit.

But Qi Lei thought about another matter.

To change the existing countless channels, there is no need to stop the navigation network, this is just a pure drainage platform.

There is only one thing he wants to do on Navigator-word of mouth! Word of mouth! Only word of mouth!

In this chaotic Internet era, with word of mouth, there are users. With users, there is traffic.

And the 21st century that follows closely is an era where traffic is king!

At least before the rise of the mobile Internet, the PC-side traffic could not reach the navigation network, even the penguin of Xiao Ma.

And obtaining data through traffic and search engines, big data, this is the most valuable asset of the navigation network.

With big data, Qi Lei will be able to master the next era.

In a word, Qi Lei has now completely entered the role of a businessman, he can talk about anything, but the navigation network is one of the core interests of Three Stones, so there is no need to talk about it!

If anyone still wants to make a fuss on the navigation network, that means having trouble with Three Stones.

After Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong understood this, they were a little relieved.

As long as the navigation network can achieve the two points mentioned by Qi Lei, then...

In fact, it doesn't matter anymore. Without competition and pricing, the threat to them is not that great.

However, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, and the navigation network is not good, then why did you ask us to come here?

Of course, this was the idea of ​​Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong. Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou knew that Qi Lei had other dry goods in their hands.

Now, Tang and Chen don’t care about the navigation network, the server! server! That special is the most valuable.

As long as Qi Lei is willing to authorize the server plan, even if it is to spend money to get the authorization.

With this technology, whether you are a legend or another game, it is half the battle.

Who cares about the navigation network?

And Qi Lei didn't let everyone wait too long, and handed a folder to Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong.

"Two look at this."

Ding Lei opened his doubts, and saw a line of words on the cover come into view-online game server architecture solution (brief introduction).

Suddenly, he stared at Wang Zhendong, eyes full of puzzlement.

What are you doing with this stuff? Is there anything special?

But, what are your expressions, Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou?

The eyes of the two of them...that is...the green light?

Moreover, what hand did Tang Hai rub under the table with you?

What's more, Chen Fangzhou can't help it anymore. He laughed and joked with Qi Lei: "Stone, stone! You said you have such a great technology, what kind of game do you run? Just specialize in servers. Brother, I will do everything. Give it to your agent!"

Tang Haichao also said: "That's right, I think you can do it exclusively as a server. In this field, you are already the only one in the world!"

Ding Lei: "......"

Wang Zhendong: "......"

The two of them haven't watched it yet, and they are speechless in their hearts. Is there such a god?

With doubts, opened the file.

Then, the two were stupid.

What a silly!

I'm not shocked at how good this server solution of Three Stones Company is. There is no doubt about it.

But shocked: Qi Lei, you are a real prodigal! Can this thing be traded? ?


They are beginning to see that the reason why the plan is not too serious is here. What kind of good technology can be used for trading? Haven't you seen how tightly actoz is covering server technology?

But after reading it, I realized, "This...this...this is true!?"

Ding Lei looked at Qi Lei in astonishment. Doesn't it only exist on the document?

But Wen Qilei, "has applied for a patent."

Ding Lei couldn't believe it, "The conflicts between calculations, algorithms, and coordination servers have also been resolved?"

Qi Lei, "It's solved."

"That..." Ding Lei was a little discouraged, that's really amazing! !

In particular, this server solution is called a solution! What is actoz called! ? In front of this thing, garbage is not considered!

Ding Lei looked at Qi Lei, still not sure, "This... is this the technology of your Three Stone Company?"

It is no exaggeration to say that the two server solutions of Three Stones, placed in this era, are properly black technology, and it is not an exaggeration to be ten years ahead of the average.

Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong thought about switching their minds, and immediately realized that this thing is far more useful than opening a backdoor on the navigation network. It's so useful. No wonder Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou had such expressions just now!

Ding Lei rolled his eyes and patted the plan on the table, "Oh go! Brother, you have this stuff, do you go to the server? I also give you the operation of NetEase!!"

Wang Zhendong also nodded again and again, "Count my Sina!"

Qi Lei heard, "Don't!!"

Looking at the two with a faint smile, "I have to remind them of what I said to Brother Tang and Brother Chen."

Two people, "What?"

Qi Lei, "They are all foxes for thousands of years, so don't play any chattering! Really, do you want to use it or not?"

When Ding Lei heard this, he burst into laughter immediately, "I'll call Ma Xiaocheng in a while and ask him to withdraw!!"

Wang Zhendong spread his hands. "It didn't have much to do with Actoz. I just came to help. If Brother Qi insists on this business, he still has to give him this favor."

Isn't this nonsense? Of course I want to use it! Moreover, if you want to use it, you have to withdraw from the negotiation with Actoz, which is not said.

But it's worth it! Give up a broken agent and get such awesome technology, it's worth it! !

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains. I just want to get some benefits from the navigation network, but I didn't expect to eat meat. This is an absolute good thing!

The two almost unanimously said, "Don't worry, we will cover the Three Stones this time and we will definitely win the actoz!"

"Good!" Qi Lei exclaimed, "Then I will appreciate it!"

Ding Lei, "Have fun! Come on, my brother, make a price!"

Three Stone Company only needs to authorize it, it is impossible to give it to it for nothing.

However, the price will not be too high, whether Ding Lei or Wang Zhendong, including Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou are all like a mirror.

At this time, all four of them looked at Qi Lei eagerly, only waiting for Qi Lei to speak.

What they didn't expect was that Qi Lei's answer was-"Free!"







All four of them thought they had heard it wrong.


Qi Lei, "Yes! It's free."

Don’t you all covet something like Sanshi Company? Are you stupid now?

Looking at the four, "However, there is a premise."

The four also looked at Qi Lei, "What premise?"

Qi Lei, "I'll sell it first. Let me ask everyone first, another day, other foreign companies will come to us to sell games. At that time, or today's game, will you also come up with valuable technology to bribe the competition? opponent?"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of all four of them were a little bit uncomfortable.

Ding Lei said in embarrassment, "Brother, don't mind, it's all for business, all for survival."

Qi Lei, "Don't think about it, Mr. Ding. I don't mean to ask the teacher. I just say a possibility. Will today's scene happen again in the future? If it happens, what should you do?"

No one said anything this time.

This time it happened that Sanshi had dry goods in his hands, but next's ugly, no one can withstand this kind of hunting situation.

Sanshi holds such an amazing technology, shouldn't it be compromised or compromised?

Seeing everyone's silence, Qi Lei became serious, "So, today's matter starts with me and ends with me!"

"We can't be like a silly boy, let a gang of foreigners go around, let alone continue fighting for an agency! You say, don't you?"

However, Tang Haichao gave a wry smile, "This is unavoidable. If there is an interest, there will be a fight."

Qi Lei, "I think it can be avoided!"

Seeing everyone looking over, "I said, it starts with me and ends with me! If we eat a little and grow a wise, we can't be fooled all the time, right?"

Ding Lei, "Stone, just say it straight, what are your thoughts?"

Qi Lei, "My idea is that we have to make our own games, and we can't rely on importing them from outside. We have to hug together! You can't always let people defeat them from the inside, right?"

Ding Lei immediately became solemn after listening.

Self-developed games have always been the main development direction of NetEase, and Qi Lei's words are said to his heart.

Asked urgently, "How to hold a group?"

Qi Lei pointed to everyone sitting, "On this table, there are Penguins, NetEase, Sina, Sanshi, and Yitang, which will be born soon."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that it is half of the domestic Internet?"

Everyone nodded, really not at all, most of them are not too much.

Qi Qi looked at Qi Lei, waiting for his next words.

And Qi Lei had almost laid the groundwork, and finally figured out.

"What I mean is that we form a game development association to share technology and experience to create a comprehensive mutual assistance platform from R&D, anti-plugin, operation, and game integration."

After saying this, Qi Lei looked at everyone with piercing eyes, "How about it? Are you interested in doing things with Three Stone Company?"

Small, want to count on me to bleed and feed you hungry ghosts?

No one wants to run now!

Ding Lei didn't stare at this moment, what is it? platform?

The mind turns, and quickly analyzes all possibilities.


"Go嚓., 106...


Nine thousand nine! !

tomorrow! It must be tomorrow!

Primitive Tianzun is not easy to come, I said!

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