Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Sense of mission

Be a platform!

A shared technology, shared experience. Create a comprehensive platform from R&D, anti-plugin, operation, to game integration.

For the people of Yi Tang and Chen Fangzhou of the Tang Hai Dynasty, the attraction at this time is not great.

After all, the volume is still not big enough. If one is dedicated to a community, and the other has not yet opened, how can you have the ability to develop your own games?

Including Wang Zhendong, playing games is just doing it with the mentality of trying and exploring.

The agency game hasn't started yet, let alone what platform.

However, Ding Lei is different.

NetEase has been trying to go on the road of game development since the establishment of the site, so Ding Lei at this time is the most important.

"Tell me!"

I saw Qi Lei smile indifferently, "Now playing games is nothing more than several aspects, server technology, overall integration experience, and 2d3d game engine, including optimization level!"

"What's left is the hard work of subject matter, stickers, etc."

"I won't talk about the server. Actoz's broom cherishes itself, and the solution of holding a logical server is nostril to the sky."

"If we don't have these two sets of three-stone solutions, we will all have to catch the blind. Even if we form our own team to find a solution, how much time and energy will it take? Moreover, each company makes its own, one solution for each company, not to mention waste of resources, repeat research and development. It's not worth it, right?"

"The initial server research and development is only one aspect. What about the actual problems encountered in the later operation? Fault repairs, etc., bug fixes, including security issues, this is not a matter of cost. How much manpower and material resources need to be invested? How many detours?"

Ding Lei nodded, this is indeed the most practical question.

Not only Ding Lei, but Wang Zhendong and Tang Haichao also nodded one after another.

Everyone wants to get these things, otherwise they wouldn't bother to take the mature plan of Three Stones Company.

Tang Haichao said, "The main reason is that we have no experience!"

Qi Lei, "That's why we have to share experience!"

"Our current situation is that we are crossing the river by feeling the stones! Why don't you hold your hands and run over together?"

As soon as this remark came out, Ding Lei's expression needless to say, the other people also agreed a little and became interested.

Qi Lei continued: "This is just the difficulty of the server. What if you develop your own game? It will be even more troublesome!"

"Let's not talk about anything else, Ding Ge, has NetEase ever planned to build a 3D engine by itself?"

When Ding Lei heard it, "3d? We just got the 2d engine!"

As I said before, in this era, it is not so easy to make games in China, and it is completely blank from scratch.

Netease wants to make games, not to mention the 3d engine, the 2d engine has to go out by itself.

It's not that there are none in China. There are a group of manufacturers in mainland China and Treasure Island who have previously made stand-alone games and have accumulated some experience. The most famous ones are Daewoo and Xishanju.

But those are all core technologies, and no one will give it to you.

What's more terrible is that there is still a market for stand-alone games in this era, and it is a bigger market than online games.

These game makers are not bad for money, not to mention the capital fall, they can't dig people.

Ding Lei seems to have found a place to pour his bitter water. "To tell the truth, I wanted to make games when NetEase was founded in 1997! But two years have passed, and the foundation has not yet been laid. The project's "Western Journey" is also progressing slowly. ."

"It's still a 2d turn-based game. It's hard! It's hard!"

In the original history, Journey to the West will take another two years to come out.

Speaking of the 3d engine...

"This aspect is basically a foreign monopoly. Good engines are not used for you, and the general licensing costs are also scary. Who doesn't want to make a set of their own?"

"However, the cost is too high, and the risk is too great, so dare not!"

Qi Lei spread his hands, "What should I do? This thing will be used sooner or later!"

"If you dare not do it, you have to do it! What's more, NetEase will make a set, and Sanshi will make a set of games in the future?"

Ding Lei, "I understand!"

At this time, Ding Lei was very excited, "You mean, let's gather all our efforts and help each other?"

Qi Lei, "It's not really helping each other, to put it bluntly, just use each other!"

"If you have the ability to contribute technology, if you are unable to contribute money, you can share the risk!"

As soon as this remark came out, this time Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou were also interested, "What is the method of sharing? Tell me about it!"

Qi Lei, "Take the 3D engine for example!"

"Netease and Sina are big companies. You have sufficient talent reserves and the ability to develop your own engines. However, Yitang and Sanshi do not have this ability."

"But, we have the funds! If either of you two share a set of 3D engines, then the other companies will pay a little bit to reduce NetEase's R&D risks and reduce costs. Isn't it difficult?"

"And with Yitang, there are three stones, they have paid out but got the technology, and they have the confidence to do high-end games."

"Everyone cooperates for a win-win situation!"

When everyone heard it, their eyes were bright, "This plan is feasible!"

NetEase is indeed capable, but the risk is too great, Ding Lei dare not take it rashly.

But if several other companies helped to share the risk, it would be a different story.

"Hi!!" Qi Lei waved his hand, "In fact, we don't need to worry about the 3D engine."

"Bring in Xishanju, they developed this technology, Sanshi gave him the server solution, and Netease and Sina gave him traffic! Old Tang and Old Chen, if you give a little money, this matter will not be solved?"


Ding Lei's eyes are all popping up this time, fuck, that's a good idea!

Qi Lei, "For another example, sharing on the technical level has solved some of the problems, so we can also make a fuss about operations."

"For example, let's put the game on the same platform, no matter whose game it is, several players can drain traffic together. Isn't it much better to drain traffic to the platform than you alone?"

"The game market is huge. It is impossible for our family to make all types of games. Every public company has a field that every company is good at, and there will not be too much conflict between everyone."

"This..." Several people look at me, and I look at you.

Of course Tang Haichao and Chen Fangzhou have no objection. In terms of traffic, who has the big traffic on the navigation network? Who is famous for Netease and Sina? They are taking advantage.

But Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong...

I didn't feel that I was at a disadvantage, but looked at Qi Lei weirdly, and said to my heart, "You really become Santa Claus?"

Regarding traffic, who can't do the navigation network? Qi Lei is like a family supporting a few families, why is he so selfless?

No matter from which point of view, Sanshi Company is the most disadvantaged!

After taking out server technology, but also sharing traffic, with such a platform, it would be fine for Three Stones to do it on its own.

Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong became solemn, and this result was a bit far beyond expectations.

Qi Lei is not cutting meat, he is selling himself! The bone scum was crushed to give everyone a drink.

However, there is a law in shopping malls, the more you take advantage, the more you have to be careful.

This little devil is not a good stubborn, he is willing to give such a big advantage, the picture must be not small.

Ding Lei simply got to the point, "Let's talk about it, what conditions does Sanshi Company have?"

Wang Zhendong was also looking forward to it, "Mr. Qi, don't go around the corners, please have a good time."

But he didn't want to, Qi Lei frowned, "What's so happy? I'm so sincere, what do you think?"

"Don't worry, there are no twists and turns this time. Three Stones will unconditionally support the establishment of the platform!"





The four of you are dumbfounded again, isn't it possible? Really? Why are you so unbelieving?

However, if this is true, then Qi Lei is really generous, and the fool will not do it!

Resource sharing, technology collaboration, money to contribute, and force to contribute, while also avoiding infighting caused by foreign companies like Actoz.

"This idea...not bad!"

Wang Zhendong nodded repeatedly, "Count me Sina!"

Qi Lei was also outspoken, "I lead this head. I will set an example first. The server solution will be placed in the association. As long as you are an internal member of the association, you can use it for free and authorize it free of charge."

Generously said: "What's the advantage? I'm...bloodletting! You can figure it out. If you don't believe me, you don't need to join!"

After saying this, Qi Lei smiled slyly.

Whoever thinks like this will fall into the pit of Qi Lei.

But can you not join?

No matter what Qi Lei's mind is, it would be silly not to join.

In fact, they are not stupid and can't figure out where Lei Qi Lei digs. It's that they couldn't think of breaking their heads, and the benefits Qi Lei got were they couldn't understand right now.

Because that pit is in the future!

Yes, in this situation completely separated from the trajectory of later generations, Qi Lei finally used the advantages of rebirth again.

That is, no one knows better than Qi Lei, which game is the most profitable!



Until the last moment, no one knows who is the final winner.

Everyone is coveting the technology of Sanshi Company and want to carve up this piece of fat.

In the end, they all got what they wanted, and Qi Lei took out the technology. It's just that no one thought it would be presented in this form.

An all-round platform for resource sharing and technology sharing. This is not simply the steam of later generations, but a comprehensive platform that integrates R&D resource sharing.

So the question is, why on earth does Qi Lei want to build such a platform?

The chief has two reasons:

First, as I said before, Sanshi is currently unable to engage in game research and development.

Acting Legend is a last resort, but no one knows the future development of the game industry better than Qi Lei.

Once Three Stone Company broke into the game industry and didn't make a few games on its own, I was sorry for the business opportunities of the times, and also for Qi Lei's perception of Chinese people's taste in games in the next two decades.

then what should we do?

Can only borrow arrows from the grass boat!

Borrow the hands of others to reduce the difficulty of your own research and development.

Making games and acting games are two completely different concepts. Not to mention technical problems, the game industry is in China, let alone online games, and the production level of stand-alone games is not as good as that of Treasure Island.

Starting from scratch, algorithms, engines, market research, content settings, etc., this series of problems is not something that can be solved by solving them.

If Three Stones wants to complete this series of things on its own, it will be troublesome.

You know, this era is not for later generations, just a few people can play games.

A Ghost Valley Zhang San can make "Ghost Valley Bahuang", and a small team of a few people can develop a mobile game or something.

Game engine, world structure, etc., can't wait to find a professional forum to download, even the texture materials are readily available.

Everyone, modeling software and tutorials are overwhelming.

You know, for future generations to play games, the foundation has been laid by the predecessors, just build blocks on it.

But 1999 was still a barbaric era. Don't talk about foundations, even people who can lay foundations are rare.

There is no discipline on game production in universities, and many programmers don't even have a basic foundation in this area.

Regardless of capital or technology, most of them have yet to realize the huge potential of this industry!

Not to mention the endless professional software that no one develops.

For a leading company like NetEase, it took three or four years to make a big story on the Westward Journey.

Xishanju has accumulated so much experience in stand-alone games, and the online version of Jianxia Qingyuan did not come out until 2002.

In 1999, you made a text online game in China, but it was also the source code from foreign forums.

Starting from scratch, it really means literally, there is nothing, just hold it back!

This is like letting a mason take a look at a skyscraper, and then let him design the blueprints and recreate a skyscraper by himself.

So, you let Qi Lei take Three Stones to overcome these problems bit by bit? He really doesn't have this energy.

Now that such a platform is set up, on the surface, Three Stones Company is a bit at a loss, after all, it has come up with the real thing first.

But is it really a loss?

The problem with Qi Lei is that he knows what games to make money, but he has no time to develop custom game technology.


Before Ding Lei made a big story about Journey to the West, he never thought that this game would be so popular and so profitable.

However, Qi Lei knows!

Before Ice Frog took over Dota, he never thought that an rpg map of Warcraft could become the most popular game method.

However, Qi Lei knows!

He also knows that in addition to cs, shooting games also have a mode of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

The spring of martial arts games was started by "Jianwang", with high hopes in "Jiuyin Zhenjing", and finally evergreen in "Jianwang III",

No one knows better than him, what games will catch fire and what games are huge pits.

No one is like him, knowing that there are countless golden mountains in front of them, but they just don't have the energy and time to dig.

No one can maximize the benefits of this shared platform better than him.

Now Qi Lei only needs to take the lead, share a server technology, take out a little traffic, and other technical problems can be solved by other companies.

At that time, no matter who made the technology, Three Stones will be the winner.

Because, whether you are Netease or Sina, making a game has to be tested by the market. It is not popular, whether you can make money or not, God knows.

However, Qi Lei can guarantee that if he makes one, he can fire one.

This is only the first, to maximize the benefits of the platform.

And second, it has a more far-reaching significance.

That is the future of the game industry, and he wants to be at the helm.



The meal did not last long. The Beijing night in October was very cold. After nine o'clock, everyone withdrew.

However, these short hours have also determined the future of China's game industry.

Netease, Sina, Penguin, Sanshi, Etang, and the current Internet industry giants have joined forces to create game development and operation platforms.

Under Qi Lei's proposal, the platform initially drafted a construction framework.

Each of the six companies contributed 1 million RMB, and Penguin was responsible for the production. First, an industry website-"East Street 17" was established.

Why is it called such a name? It is also a bad taste for everyone.

At this moment, the address of the grilled wings shop where everyone is sitting is No. 17, Dingfuzhuang East Road, Chaoyang District.

When deciding the name of the website, Xiao Ma looked up and saw the number of the grilled wings shop.

Several giants decided a major event that shakes the game industry in the big gear, and named the website after the door number of the big gear.

Hey, it's so cool!

Okay, Qi Lei thinks it's a little second, but Ding Lei and the others think it's good. This name is a bit like everyone is drunk and I am alone.

So it was so settled.

In the future, at the beginning of the establishment of "East Street No.17", it will realize a three-level omni-directional structure.

The first level is the decision-making level, which is composed of the founders of several companies.

The main function is, as Qi Lei said, resource sharing and technology sharing.

The second level is the R&D level.

Set up a separate professional section, similar to the forum format, open to the technical personnel of member companies, so that the technical personnel of each company have a platform for discussion and joint research.

The third level is the flea market.

This is proposed by Qi Lei to create a professional section for independent game producers and small studios.

On the one hand, discover talents. On the other hand, give these independent producers and studios without channels a platform to display their works.

This is an opportunity for small companies and a distribution center for large companies to tap potential projects.

Everyone is still discussing that in the future, a fourth dimension will be opened, which is the unified operating platform when the games of these companies start to go online.


It was almost ten o'clock when I returned to the hotel, and Lin Wanxiao hadn't left yet.

Yes, it is not convenient for him to participate, which does not mean that he does not care.

In fact, Lin Wanxiao didn't know what was going on, and was a little too concerned about Qi Lei's case.

He hoped that Qi Lei could win.

Maybe he wants to witness a miracle too much!

The 17-year-old entrepreneur created a legend in a cross-border negotiation, not to mention domestic, and can be passed down as a classic case internationally.

"How?" Seeing Qi Lei, Lin Wanxiao couldn't wait to know the result.

And Qi Lei’s answer even made Lin Wanxiao secretly cool, "Fix it!!!"

"Netease and Sina completely withdrew from the negotiation, now only the actoz level is left, and they are finally back on the same starting line!"


Lin Wanxiao let out a sigh of relief and continued to ask, "How did you get it done?"

He is too curious.

And Qi Lei didn't conceal anything, and told the story in detail from beginning to end.

Including many things that could not be said to Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong and others, it did not reserve.

"Although Sanshi has contributed the most, Sanshi will benefit the most in the future."

Lin Wanxiao listened quietly, her heart inevitably shocked.

I have to sigh, this kid is too demon, this kind of game can make him come back! ?

However, when Qi Lei expressed his heart that his main purpose was to be the leader of the game industry, Lin Wanxiao couldn't help but frown.

"Isn't it necessary? I don't think you need to talk about it."

It's over if you make a fortune by muffled voice, what are you in the early days?

But I didn't want to, when Qi Lei heard this, his eyes suddenly became strange, and he slowly shook his head! "No, I must be the boss of this industry!"

Lin Wanxiao was puzzled, "Why? I want to be the first?"

This is the first time he misunderstood Qi Lei. This guy was reborn until now. No matter what he did, he never said he wanted to be the boss. This was the first time.

Only Wen Qi Lei said: "Only in this way, I can grasp the direction of this industry, so that it will not poison a generation."


You are... a bit alarmist, right?

There is indeed an argument about crusade games and poisoning young people, but for a reasonable person, Lin Wanxiao feels that it is unnecessary.

This is like fighting with the mud every day when the post-60s were young, and the post-70s and 80s indulging in the billiards room of the game hall are the same.

At that time, it was also said that it was a plaything, and the mud could not support the wall, but it was just a label of an era.

In his view, games are the same, and are the welfare of young people in this era.

Lin Wanxiao also played games. He thought it was fun, not to mention any poison.

Regarding this, Qi Lei asked a question, "Uncle Lin, take your lawyer as an example. A lawyer with a sense of justice is the same as a lawyer who only values ​​attorney fees and reverses right and wrong?"

Lin Wanxiao despised, "Who are you running on? I tell you, the lawyer fees I care for you are very cheap!"

He thought Qi Lei would use the lawyer's fees to tease him when he caught the opportunity!

However, Qi Lei really didn't mean that, "Uncle Lin, I'm serious!"

Lin Wanxiao didn't seem to be joking when he saw him, "This... of course there is a difference, it's about professional ethics!"

Qi Lei, "So good! If there are no justice lawyers in this world, all lawyers will only reverse right and wrong. Do you think there is still legal justice?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

"What are you going to say?"

Qi Lei, "Then you imagine, if in this world, the game is no longer a programmer, but a capitalist, what would the game be like?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Silence again, he hadn't thought about this issue, so he had to consider it carefully.

Doubt: "Capitalist? What happened to the capitalist?"

Qi Lei, "Capitalists are all about profit, and they only care about profit!"

"What will the game they make?"

Of course it is also a game of profiteering and greed!

This is by no means alarmist, but a real occurrence in later generations.

The game is no longer a game, but a spiritual yp!

For people born in the 80s and 90s, gaming is a topic that cannot be avoided in the teenage years, and it is also a good memory of this generation.

From the perspective of games alone, those born in the 80s and 90s are undoubtedly lucky, because they live in the best era of games.

Sad and sad for the sadness of the Legend of Sword and Fairy, and happy for the pleasure in the computer room.

Even after the transition to the era of online games, whether it is the original memory of the legend, or the pure enjoyment brought by the Stone Age, Magic Baby, Jianwang, and Wow, it will be endless aftertaste.

I believe that for many people, the enthusiasm for attacking the sand, the hardships and endless joy of the wasteland team instance are also memories of that generation.

"For the tribe!!"


"No brother, no dota!!"


"No second price, do you want? The richer people in this area are..."


"Profit Merchant!!"


"Looking for a husband..."


"The group has a nanny, drive right away!! The speed of coming..."

These familiar languages ​​are also fortunately retained in the memories of every 80. and 90.

At that time, the game was by no means a "spiritual yp", it was a place to make friends and a place to sway imagination.

Let countless inferior, cowardly children find a place to be confident.

However, I don't know when it started, and the game slowly changed its flavor, becoming the birthplace of krypton gold, local tyrants... these internet terms.

At the end of its development, it is only for a rich person to be happy. Ordinary players are just products of commodity desires.

But, to be honest, the game is not like this!

Many young people in later generations do not understand why so many years have passed, and there are so many people playing wow, and even things like "Legend" that should have been eliminated are still popular.

In fact, the reason is very simple: in these old games, there is the original appearance of the game.

The children of later generations did not know that these games had no complicated ways to play, and they were even so simple that they couldn't be simpler.

However, when these games first came out, no one cared about how they were played, whether there were rankings, or whether they could be awesome with money. Everyone played socially.

In a virtual background, the social relationships that are formed in opposition or fighting side by side, gangs, friends, and other forms of interaction have taught that generation of loyalty and trust.

At that time, it was really two silly old men who met in the wild and could chat for a night.

The best equipment can be generously given to good brothers who don't know what the company looks like.

Let alone meet a little girl...

Cough! ! ! The degree of the hormone soaring depends entirely on the photos sent by the other party...or cheating! !

For the collective honor in the game, you can fight till dawn without sleep.

Outsiders can't understand, the moment when the dungeon boss that has been scouting for a week crashes down, how passionate the members will be.

I don't even understand what it's like when pk explodes the opponent's equipment or is exploded by the opponent in "Legend", "China", and "Jian Wang Yi".

However, these were gradually faded in later online and mobile games.

The reason is simple, these social elements cannot bring profit.

Only by arousing the player's bloodthirsty instinct, cultivating the player's original animality, and stimulating the growth of desire, can the player continue to spend money! Spend money! Keep spending money!

Looking at the games of all countries in the world, only China's game industry has become this disgusting face.


Many people say that the Chinese game has become what it was later. The instigator was Shi Mouzhu, who brought the Chinese game into the abyss of abomination.

How do you say this?

Qi Lei thought about this question carefully, and the conclusion was that it was right! But also, it's not right!

The degeneration of Chinese games really started with "Zhengtu", and the "rmb warrior" did bring a bad start.

However, the fundamental reason is not that the "Zhengtu" game opened the krypton gold mode, but that Shi Mouzhu, who played the capital, started to play the game.

Taking the journey as the boundary, before the journey, who was playing the game?

It's just a group of programmers who have devoted themselves to it because of their passion.

Programmers don't understand any market, let alone the bloodthirsty and greed of capital. They are romantic and idealistic.

So, look at the games before the journey, no matter which one, whether it is stand-alone or online, the games made by the Chinese have strong Chinese characteristics and high quality.

Immortal sword, Xuanyuan sword, Gu Jian Qi Tan, Jian Xia Qing Yuan and so on, the classics are endless. It makes players extremely happy, but also moved by its rich content.

But after the journey, once this extraordinary capital intervenes, it would be very hopeless.

Capital does not matter whether you love it or not, whether you love it or not.

Capital has one purpose: profit! Never know the profit! !

Capital has only one characteristic, greed! Use all the weaknesses of human nature to achieve the purpose of plunder.

Before the journey, capital also plundered developers, played a dozen programmers' ideas, the game was finished, and I took it to make money.

But after the journey, the capital found that this is a really good thing! The games made by programmers make too little.

As a result, capital became a developer and began to manipulate programmers.

The method is very simple, take the money!

To give programmers a lot of money, there is only one requirement, and that is: make the game a monster of predation.

Every detail of the game, all the logic, all the scenes, and all the settings are all for trying every means to make players' money, make you addicted, and let you indulge in it.

This is the "spiritual yp"! !

So since the journey, there are fewer and fewer programmers sincerely making games, and more and more routines to cheat money and arouse desires.

In this regard, we are definitely leading the world...

Not only the details of the game's production have been so exquisite, but also the game nursery.

Let the players disappointed again and again, thus becoming the appearance of later generations.

This is why, China's good games are all in the 90s.

Later generations of European and American 3a masterpieces are exquisite, but compared to the content, they are simply incomparable with the classics of the 90s.

But after the journey, the domestic games are also exquisite, but the content...

Hehe, China simply can't make a 3a masterpiece.


Because of a 3a, how can a Three Kingdoms mobile game make money?

How can I replace Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang with female images to make money?

Who does 3a?

It's not that Chinese gamers don't have this ability, but that capital doesn't have this demand.

In the end, looking at the entire network, it is all rubbish!

Those old players can only look for feelings and some comfort in the old legends and wows.

Qi Lei, a reborn person, has the opportunity to control the future, so why can't he help the children of future generations and their generation to leave a piece of pure land?

"Uncle Lin, this platform has already covered half of the current Internet industry. If I can control it, I will be able to build a wall between capital and developers!"

"The game should be the original game, and it must not be a malignant tumor that poisons young people!"

This is the real purpose of Qi Lei!

As for how to build this wall...

As a result, he can pass 17 East Street to regulate some industry standards.

Secondly, the expansion of No. 17 East Street and becoming the leader will definitely affect the national level of the game industry's regulations.

Thirdly, it can provide a platform for independent producers and small studios, that is, the group of people who have not been attacked by capital.

Qi Lei couldn't prevent the appearance of "Journey", let alone influence the nature of capital to move by the wind.

However, he can provide a living space for those who have been abandoned by capital.

At the very least, we cannot let the capital dominate and drag China's game industry into the abyss.

After hearing Qi Lei's statement, Lin Wanxiao looked at him blankly.

Well, Lin Wanxiao admitted once again that he underestimated this child again.

This bear child not only has wisdom, but also has feelings and a sense of responsibility.

It's rare!

Nodded, "I personally look forward to you becoming this leader!"

Qi Lei grinned, "Hehe! Are you very touched? Do you want to reduce or exempt the lawyer's fee? Just use actual actions to support it!"


Lin Wanxiao glared and scolded, this hapless kid, it's endless, right?

With a shake of his hand, he was not calm at all, "The lawyer's fee can't be less, and I'm still considering adding more money!"

Talking, not wanting to hear Qi Lei grind his teeth, turned his head and left, "See you tomorrow!"

Before Qi Lei could respond, the person was gone.

It's a bit of an escape.

It's just that when Lin Wanxiao got down to the hotel lobby, Lin Wanxiao remembered, "It's broken, just watch and listen to him bragging, and forgot to tell the truth!"

Lin Wanxiao forgot to say that Qi Lei was not idle this evening, Lin Wanxiao himself was not idle, and the few friends of Qi Lei...neither did it.

The reason why I said that I had to add money just now was because he provided legal advice for one night.

Turn around and want to go upstairs and explain the situation with Qi Lei, but think again, forget it, it has happened, let's talk about it tomorrow!

Thinking of this, Lin Wanxiao left leisurely, quite beautiful.

Small, how can you thank me if you know the situation tomorrow?

However, in retrospect...

Lin Wanxiao confessed again that he underestimated these children...

What a special thing! None of them are fuel-efficient lamps!

Cruel and black....

What a special work! !



Lin Wanxiao didn't go up to see Qi Lei again, and Qi Lei didn't know what happened in the hotel.

It was not early, and I didn't go to Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

Because I drank some wine, I took a bath and fell asleep early.


Early the next morning, Lin Wanxiao hadn't come yet, and it was less than nine o'clock.

Qi Lei got up to wash, cleaned up, and was about to call Qi Guodong and ask him to come over and explain how to negotiate with Actoz next...

Now Netease and Sina have resolved...

The only thing left is actoz!

As long as he wins Actoz, then this trip to the capital is completely complete.

Qi Da is still confident...

As long as the two companies return to the same starting line and negotiate fairly and fairly, then there is nothing more than a question of more money and less money.

It is estimated that the price of 250,000 actoz is unlikely to be accepted now, but it does not matter if you spend more money.

As for the copyrights other than the agency rights, they can come if they want, or if they don’t!

Qi Lei is very open now.

The purpose is also very clear.

He does not intend to expend too much energy on the legend. Just help Three Stones to tide over the difficulties temporarily. Even if it only acts for a few two or three years, it is enough!

If you do your own games in the future, the legendary ip will be dispensable.

In short, Qi Lei has made a plan to release a little blood, just take it!

But at this moment...

The door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Qi Lei thought it was Wu Ning and the others coming, but he couldn't help but start to open the door!

Standing at the door is a person who shouldn't be here-Chairman of Actoz, Jin Yongmin.

Qi Lei has not been in contact with Jin Yongmin, and has no idea that he is the actual boss of Three Stones Company.

Mainly not necessary! He wants to confess with Netease and Sina, and there is no need to come forward to a Korean company.

Qi Lei was very surprised by the appearance of Jin Yongmin, and asked politely in English: "Who are you looking for?"

Jin Yongmin obviously did not expect that the strange young face opened the door, and he smiled politely, "Excuse me, does Mr. Tang Yi, the founder of Sanshi Company believe in this room?"

puff! !

Qi Lei almost stopped spraying!

Looking for Tang Yi, the founder?

What's the situation, how did you know?

The mind is running fast, but I haven't figured out what's going on!

Finally, "Excuse me, what can you do with Tang Yi?"

Jin Yongmin didn't say anything specific, but since the young man in front of him said so, it means that he didn't make a mistake, "Is he not there? Then I will visit again later."

"and many more!"

How could Qi Lei let him go like this?

When Jin Yongmin turned around, Qi Lei said, "I am a friend of Tang Yi and one of the founders of Three Stone Company. If there is anything, it is related to the company, and it is the same as I said."

After Jin Yongmin listened, he took a good look at Qi Lei.

Well, this is definitely the most calm one to hear of Lei Qi's identity. There is no one.

"Are you also the founder of Three Stone Company?"

Qi Lei, "Yes!"

Jin Yongmin, "Well then, I'll come here...just with your company..."

"Actoz agrees to the terms of cooperation of Three Stones and decided not to modify it. Please draw up the contract as soon as possible."

"At the same time..." Jin Yongmin paused, his expression turned weird...humiliating!

Suddenly bowed to Qi Lei, "At the same time, I hope that your company will act in a righteous and friendly manner and refrain from harming Actoz!"

"I hope Ms. Xu Qian...Stop immediately! Now!!"

Speaking of this, Jin Yongmin almost gritted his teeth.

Hate it! Hate itchy teeth! !

But the tone was calm, "Stop contact with Mr. Von Nord immediately, and please don't disclose the information you have to Mr. Von Nord!!!"

"More!" Jin Yongmin finally got a little emotional out of control.

"Please tell Mr. Wu Ning that our company has no intention of plagiarizing Chinese culture, let alone offending the minds of Chinese netizens! Please those writers in your company do not incite public opinion, we... very much hope to cooperate with China..., no! Cooperate with your company!"

Qi looked at Jin Yongmin with a distorted expression and a big bow that was almost 90 degrees. Thinking back to his inexplicable words just now, there was a special thought in his heart:

Can anyone tell me what the **** is going on! ?




Couldn't the original Tianzun save me?

Tomorrow.... Tomorrow!

This time, please come out of Pangu Great God and make a breakthrough! !

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