Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Youkai advancement

Looking at the door, Jin Yongmin, who is humiliated, unwilling, and powerless, Qi Lei is completely unwilling to ask for the situation.

What's the mess?

Did Tang Yi hurt Actoz?

What is the relationship between Xu Xiaoqian and Nord?

As for Wu Ning, what's the matter?

Okay, how did Qi Lei know that, just last night, at the same time when he got the big Internet guys on 17 East Street., Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian, Yang Xiao, these little friends are really The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their abilities.

A set of combo punches completely stunned Actoz.

It's not about not talking about martial ethics, but these rogue routines. Actoz has never seen anything like this.

Jin Yongmin has a long experience.


The cause of the incident actually didn't start with the little friends. The cause was Wang Yong and Zhang Jian.

Since the joining of Netease and Sina, the negotiations between Three Stones have been frustrated, and these two "elderly people" as technical teams have not been idle.

Yes, Qi Lei is pretending, Qi Guodong and Zhou Tao are at a loss.

However, Wang Yong and Zhang Jian are very sober.

The two people are already considering, if the negotiation is unsuccessful, then at the technical level, how much accumulation can Three Stones gain in this negotiation?

Therefore, Wang Yong and Zhang Jian have been doing one thing all this time.

That is, to decipher the presentation client provided by Actoz to Three Stones, which is the data package of the game.

As mentioned before, actoz provides each negotiation company with a stand-alone legendary display client, which can be regarded as an inspection.

However, this client is encrypted, and the security level is not low.

Originally, this thing was of little value if it was deciphered, because it was not a complete game data package, but only a small part of the legend. Even if you hold it in your hand, you can't turn it into a complete game.

However, Wang Yong doesn't think so!

Wang Yong is more than 40 years old and belongs to the first group of people in China who have been exposed to computer technology.

In their era, the development of computer technology was actually similar to the current game industry, and most areas were blank.

How to develop?

That really means dismantling the imported machine, thinking about each part one by one.

In terms of software, it is more slowly learning line by line of code.

Therefore, Wang Yong has a lot of energy, even if it is a little useful thing, he can't let it go.

Although this display client is incomplete, if the basic code is obtained, it is at least a reference. This will be beneficial for Three Stones to make its own games in the future.

Therefore, in the past few days, Wang Yong, Zhang Jian, and two software masters borrowed from Nan Lao Na.

Well, it's actually a hacker.

Through Cai Wuming, Qi Lei dug up two people from Gigabyte, one of them is Chen Yinghao and the other is Weng Shitong.

Four people, four laptops, staying in the hotel for several days, wanted to break the Actoz encryption program and get the basic code.

However, the progress is not very smooth, the actoz wall is very high, and several different encryption algorithms are used together, so it's really hard to get in!

However, no one thought that when Weng Shitong had almost given up, an inadvertent discovery opened the door to a new world.

He discovered a loophole in the legendary login port.

This loophole is a bit nonsense, so nonsense that he can't believe it.

how to say?

For example, they are thieves. There is a high wall in front of them. They want to climb over the high wall and steal the wealth protected by the high wall.

However, they couldn't get over the wall no matter how they turned it, and only after they were tired and half-dead did they discover that...the door was not locked, and they could go in through the front door swaggeringly, and emptied the contents without going over the high wall.

This is very nonsense. After Weng Shitong discovered this loophole, the whole person was dumbfounded.

What is actoz doing? ill?

Such a tight encryption procedure has left such a big hole?

The only possibility is that even Actoz does not know that the login port has such a big loophole.

Well, Weng Shitong didn't know, he actually discovered the fate of the "Legend" series of games accidentally.

In the later generations, because of the loopholes in the login port, the legend suddenly fell into a deadlock in the case of the fire in China and South Korea, and even the grand beginning of the legend and the aade entered into endless legal disputes.

Because of this loophole, the source code of the legend was leaked, and then overwhelming private servers and perverted plug-ins turned out to be a huge loss for Shanda.

And Weng Shitong discovered this huge loophole at the same time when Qi Lei contacted Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong to explain the details to Lin Wanxiao, which was the day before the establishment of No.17 East Street.

At that time, Tang Yi came out of Qi Lei's room depressed with his arms, Wu Ning, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao also followed him.

There was nowhere for a few people to go, so they wandered around and ran to Zhang Jian's room.

Then, Zhang Jian and the others were excitedly discussing this loophole.

Too professional, these little ones can't understand, Tang Yi just casually asked, "The loopholes are loopholes, what's the use of this stuff?"

As a result, Zhang Jian glanced at him contemptuously, "What's the use?"

Pushing a laptop computer in front of Tang Xiaoyi, pointing to the screen, "Do you know what this is?"

Everyone leaned in, "What?"

Zhang Jian, "Legendary Source Code."

Everyone was overjoyed, "Have you deciphered the presentation client?"

And Zhang Jian looked even more stunned, "Look clearly, this is not the source code of the client, but the source code of the legendary complete client!"

As soon as these words came out, several people were shocked, "Where did it come from!?"

It's impossible!

But it was Wang Yong who spoke up, "Over the wall, log in to the complete client downloaded from the South Korean website, and get this through the vulnerabilities in the login device."




Everyone was immediately stunned, and Zhang Jian was still excited, "With this source code, anyone can run a legend by themselves!"

"For us, we can save most of our energy by playing games ourselves."

"Understood? What's the use?" Zhang Jian scorned, "It's more useful!"

However, Zhang Jian was talking about the shoulders, but the bear kids were thinking about the crotch axis, and the two sides were not on the same channel.

The key point of Zhang Jian is that with this source code, it can save a lot of time and effort for the follow-up research and development of Sanshi Company.

However, what Xiongzi thinks is "With this source code, anyone can run the legend!"

Why use this thing to help Qi Lei solve the problem in front of him?

This is determined by the way of thinking, Zhang Jian is a normal person's thinking, and these bear stuff have begun to think about problems like a boss.

Finally, Wu Ning took Zhang Jian's laptop and said that he would go back and study it.

Tang Yi's eyes rolled randomly, and no one knew what he was thinking.

However, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao have different thoughts.

Secondly, Wu Qi Lei went to have dinner with Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong, and the friends unanimously chose not to go there for various reasons.

While Qi Lei was talking and fooling a lot of Internet tycoons, the Huarui Hotel was 10,000 times more exciting than No.17 East Street.

First of all, Wu Ning was the first to find Lin Wanxiao, who was waiting for him in Qi Lei's room, and asked a question thief.

"Lawyer Lin, ask you something!"

Of course Lin Wanxiao is fine, just wondering what happened to this child? How come you are doing underground work?

As a result, Wu Ning didn't scare Lawyer Lin to death when he spoke.

"You said, if I hold the source code of Actoz, I threaten them to cooperate with Three Stone Company, and publish the source code on the Internet if I don't cooperate. Is this considered fz?"

Lin Wanxiao's eyes didn't come out, "Forget it! It must be counted!"

"What are you doing!?"

"This is a criminal offence, extortion, and commercial espionage, and it must be sentenced!"

Lin Wanxiao panicked, "Smelly boy, you can't be foolish!"

"Huh?" Wu Ning was startled, "Is it so serious?"

Lin Wanxiao said, "Nonsense! Stop it, don't go wrong."

Wu Ning was a little bit sly, "Forget it."

Turned around to leave the house, but walked to the door, and turned back, "Uncle Lin, let me ask you something! Then you say, if I accuse Actoz of plagiarizing Chinese culture, of course, the plagiarism is open to question. Does this count as fz? ?"

Lin Wanxiao breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what you do, you can't blackmail.

Slowly said: "It's defamatory, not serious."

Wu Ning, "isn't it serious?"

Lin Wanxiao, "It's about losing money."

"Oh~~?" Wu Ning raised an eyebrow, "Thank you!"

Turn around and leave.

Wu Ning made such a fuss and made Lin Wanxiao feel a little uneasy. What the **** is this kid doing?

As everyone knows, Wu Ning came out of Lin Wanxiao, directly killed Jin Yongmin's room and knocked on the door.

"Introduce myself, my name is Wu Ning, one of the investors of Three Stone Company."

Jin Yongmin was a little confused, it was the first time I saw such a young investor.

"Mr. Wu, what's the matter?"

But I saw Wu Ning's righteous awe, "I came to officially inform Mr. Jin. Our company carefully studied your company's display client and found that there are many Chinese elements in it, and your company has been labeled as South Korea."

"Three Stones strongly protested, and will use all means, including the influence of the website under the r tree, to boycott legendary games and boycott your company! And call on all Chinese netizens to protest together."

Wu Ning smiled coldly, "Mr. Jin, I don't think you can start your business in China."

After that, Wu Ning turned around and left without giving Jin Yongmin time to react.

Jin Yongmin almost never gave up his breath. What's more, does the legend have Chinese elements? I do not know how?

But no? He really didn't dare to pack tickets!

Hurry up to the company’s negotiating team to discuss countermeasures.

First, find out if there are any Chinese elements that have been tampered with.

Second, how to deal with this serious problem.

Yes, this problem is extremely serious, and Three Stones is capable of raising public opinion.

They have a website writer, who are all writers who do not pay for their lives. It really made them instigate, and Jin Yongmin didn't dare to think about the consequences of a small composition by one person.

Regardless of whether what Wu Ning said is true or false, Actoz basically said goodbye to the Chinese market. Which Chinese company would dare to represent their games?

Extorting Jin Yong people! Complete blackmail! I want to sue you!

And when Jin Yongmin was completely angered, that is, Wu Ning went out from Lin Wanxiao for less than half an hour, Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao came to look for Lin Wanxiao again.

The first sentence that came up was, "Uncle Lin, if they use Actoz's source code to threaten them to cooperate with Three Stones, if they don't cooperate, they will publish the source code. Is this considered fz!?"

Lin Wanxiao rolled her eyes and said to her heart, you are really together, huh?

Staring, "No way!"

Xu Xiaoqian frowned, "I'm asking, is it fz? Isn't it okay?"

Lin Wanxiao said, "Forget it! Forget it! Forget it! You have to squat in the fence (in prison)!"

Well, another Cantonese was assimilated, and the Northeastern dialect emerged.

Xu Xiaoqian frowned immediately, "Is it so serious?"

Lin Wanxiao was angry, "This is blackmail, this is a commercial crime, not desirable! Young people, can you go the right way?"

"Oh." Xu Xiaoqian was a little sad.

Turning around and asking again, "So, if I reveal the news of the source code deciphering to Nord, is it a crime?"

Lin Wanxiao was taken aback, " doesn't count."

Nord is an investor in Actoz, and in this case, it is a non-profit individual. Disclosure to NORD is at best a whistleblower, which is a moral issue, not a legal issue.

"What did you tell Nord to do?

Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao looked at each other without saying what they were going to do, "Thank you Uncle Lin, we understand."

After speaking, he turned around and went straight to Jin Yongmin's room.

Facing Jin Yongmin with an extremely ugly face, Xu Xiaoqian smiled innocently, "Hello, Mr. Jin, introduce myself. My name is Xu Qian, one of the founders of Sanshi Company."

"My name is Yang Xiao, and I am also one of the founders of Three Stone Company."

Jin Yongmin: "..."

The young one just didn't work, but it must be a young woman? You Sanshi company know how to play?

Xu Xiaoqian: "I formally inform you that we are deeply suspicious of your company's game production level and decided to temporarily terminate the negotiation."

Yang Xiao: "And will contact Mr. Nord, let him as an investor see a real actoz. I think he will make a reasonable judgment."

Xu Xiaoqian: "Whether to continue investing in a failing company that shows nothing, or optimistic about the more promising Three Stones company, Mr. Nord should make a wise choice."

Yang Xiao: "Goodbye!"

Jin Yongmin is going crazy, what are you talking about? What's the mess? I didn't understand it at all.

But although I didn't understand it, the message conveyed was very important.

What's the meaning? Three Stones intends to let NORD invest? Listening to that, it is possible for Nord to give up actoz?

No way? No way? No way! ?

Logically speaking, Jin Yongmin had to chase Xu Xiaoqian back immediately anyway, and ask him to understand.

Why do you brazenly say that Nord will give up actoz?

Who are you scaring?

However, before he could chase after him, Tang Yi came.

Before Tang Yi came, of course, he also went to Lin Wanxiao to consult on a routine routine.

Entering the room, he yelled: "Uncle Lin! If they have the source code of Actoz, they will be forced to cooperate with Three Stones. If they don't cooperate, they will publish the source code. Does it count as fz!?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Lin Wanxiao doesn't bother to talk to him, can you change a set of words? Is it a repeater?

I didn’t say anything about fz or fz, I just got anxious, "what are you going to do?"

Lin Wanxiao is really anxious. What a bunch of kids, why don't you go the right way?

He reprimanded Tang Xiaoyi like his own children.

If you change someone else, you will immediately have to persuade him, but just like Tang Xiaoyi, who is stunned, Lin Wanxiao is so angry, he still has energy.

The neck was stubborn, and his eyes stared: "Fuck them! How dare you make flowers work? Netize those bells and whistles, then don't make him?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

He really didn't understand, how did you bunch of weird flowers get together?

Rubbing his eyebrows weakly, he organized the language.

"First of all, it's definitely impossible for you to threaten so bluntly."

Tang Yi grinned, "I know! When I am nothing?"

"Be tactful! It's okay to get what you mean, and you can't let people catch it. Otherwise, the contract is not signed, I went in first, right?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

You know a lot about it.

With a long sigh, "Give up! I won't teach you fz."

Tang Xiaoyi didn't mean to be embarrassed at all when he heard it. On the contrary, he relaxed, "Good Le! I'll do it myself."

"Come back!" Lin Wanxiao was about to explode, no wonder this guy was called a lunatic by Qi Lei and the others.

"Why are you going!?"

Tang Yi, "Let's talk to Jin Yongmin?"

Lin Wanxiao: "..."

Finally, Lin Wanxiao compromised, and he found that this kid was different from the previous two waves. The first two waves can be persuaded, this...there is a problem with the persuasion.


Tang Yi glared fiercely, "How are you going to go?"

Tang Yi is also a real person, "I took the legendary data packet and patted Jin's face in the past. Then he told him, your client has such a big loophole, when we are blind? Why don't you give it to the agent? "If you don't give it to me, I will announce it to you!"

Lin Wanxiao's head hurts a little, don't you say it is euphemistic? This is called euphemism?

Pulling Tang Yi, I'm really afraid that this kid will just send people away like this.

Slowly said, "You should pat his face with the data packet showing the client, not the complete client."

Tang Xiaoyi was stunned, "The complete one is more lethal, right?"

Lin Wanxiao, "Listen to uncle, be good."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Okay!"

Lin Wanxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Then tell him that the encryption effect is too bad, and I can't talk about the vulnerability of the login port."

Tang Xiaoyi, "Oh, what about then?"

Lin Wanxiao, "Then, kindly remind him that Actoz is not allowed to be so careless."

"In case someone signs the agency right, the source code leaked due to your actoz's mistake in the end, and the loss is small. If it causes a legal dispute, it will be troublesome!"

Tang Xiaoyi raised his eyebrows, squinted at the ceiling, thinking, "This...would be better?"

Lin Wanxiao nodded, "It will be much better!"

Tang Xiaoyi said, "But, it's so uncomfortable! I think it's cool even if I slapped my face."

Lin Wanxiao wanted to kick him.

"It's okay if the purpose is achieved, what do you want? How do you want to do it!?"

This bear stuff, why don't you know how to live or die?

"Oh." Tang Xiaoyi wilted down like a bear kid, "Then I'm going!"

Lin Wanxiao knew that he couldn't stop him, so he closed his eyes, "Go! Remember, just do what I said!"

"Good Le!"

Tang Xiaoyi took off and ran away.

He changed his face as soon as he left the house and curled his lips in the direction of the room door, "Cut~~! Can't I get you? Can't I obediently teach you? My father made us fool around!"

Well, this stuff is all packed.

If Lin Duowan Xiao knew, I don't know how she would feel.

Then Tang Xiaoyi went.

According to Lin Wanxiao's instruction, he held the notebook with incomplete clients in Jin Yongmin's arms.

"What's the broken thing? It was cracked in two clicks! You just fool us with this thing?"

Jin Yongmin: "..."

"Remind you, we don't want this shit!"

One eyeball picks up, yin and yang weird, but also implicitly pointed out, "I guess, others dare not want it! As soon as the special equipment is listed, this encryption technology will be cracked by the programmer's dog? Piracy will not fly!? "

"Wait for you to go to court!"

After speaking, Tang Xiaoyi left unrestrainedly, leaving Jin Yongminlei's outer focus and the inside tenderly stunned for a long time without returning to his soul.

He feels threatened, but there seems to be no evidence?

Show that the client is given to others by yourself, and it is normal for them to test security. I found the problem and didn't use it to make a profit, let alone extortion, and returned directly.

However, Jin Yongmin just felt threatened.

And, tell me, who is the programmer’s dog? What variety is it? What about this cow?

Well, he didn't understand, are the technicians of Three Stones company so good? Deciphered?

When he returned to his soul, his face was no longer pleasing, and he finally knew what the female doll who came in front of Tang Yi meant.

It's over, it's over!

If NORD knew that actoz has such a big safety hazard, and it is likely to cause huge losses in the future...

Nord is an investment, he doesn't talk about emotions.

Once he finds that the investment risk has increased, the product has major hidden dangers, and is squeezed out by public opinion in the Chinese market, he will turn around without hesitation.

Then actoz is completely finished, and return to the Chinese market? Still a legendary agent? What makes this trick and that trick! ?

Quante is a joke!

From a psychological point of view, if the three bear children come alone, Jin Yongmin may not take it seriously, at most it will cause a little trouble, and there is no room for change.

However, this combination of punches directly stunned Jin Yongmin.

He found that the situation is very serious. This is no longer a problem with the server technology of Hunting Three Stones, but is related to the life and death of Actoz.

In particular, when he learned through special channels that the bosses of Netease and Sina had already started to withdraw from negotiations that night, Jin Yongmin realized that he had no chance of turning defeat into victory.

Three-Stone Company was able to conceal its ears and steal the bells overnight, and not only managed NetEase and Sina overnight, but also gave Actoz an incomprehensible trick.

As a result, Jin Yongmin stopped struggling, and ran out of Qi Lei's room early in the morning and informed Three Stones that Actoz agreed to all the negotiation requirements of Three Stones.

He is also a bachelor, isn't he just wanting legendary agency rights, copyright, and adaptation rights?


If you don't give it at this time, it's dead.

However, Qi Lei has suffered, a forehead question mark, I haven't started to exert my strength yet, why is it over?

And, is it so generous? Have the mainland copyright and adaptation rights been given?

However, this is the case, and Qi Lei can't help but believe it.

Actoz was very cooperative next, and there were no small moves. The negotiation entered the final stage, and only Lin Wanxiao had drawn up a rigorous and feasible contract, and the contract could be formally signed.

But before Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong left the Huarui Hotel, they heard the news that the Three Stones Company had settled the actoz, and they were also secretly stunned.

Although they don't know the specific details, but that kid is too fast, right?

To be honest, if they were changed to the position of Qi Lei, they knew they would not be able to do so quickly.

For this reason, Ding Lei, Wang Zhendong, and Tang Haichao gave Qi Lei a nickname in private, called the Stone Demon King!

What a monster!

Everyone is a demon, and they all have a glorious history, but compared with the seventeen-year-old Qi Lei, he is the great demon.

Demon King! Can't compare.

And this nickname gradually spread in the Internet circles. After all, it was a minority who knew the inside story, and they all knew that the Stone Demon King was referring to Qi Lei.

However, I don't know anything, I only know the rumors, but most of them.

People only know that the boss behind the three-stone company has great energy and vicious methods.

According to the nickname, he should be named Shi, and he is not too young.

Do you think, let Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong be willing to call the Demon King, are they ordinary people? Can I be younger?

At least in the battle of Huarui, a little detail came out. It can be called a classic business matchup.

But Qi Lei was so wronged. I used arrogant tricks, and I didn't make those detrimental tricks.


Back to the Huarui Hotel, the signing of the contract with Actoz can be done by Lawyer Lin and Qi Guodong. Qi Lei and the others are completely free.

Speaking of it, Zhang Jian’s technical team contributed the most to get Actoz.

In this regard, Qi Lei is not stingy at all, "Bonus or anything, it is after returning to the company, now, immediately! Five thousand yuan per person, three days off!"

"Give it to me to buy from the capital! Have fun!"

Zhang Jian and the others are naturally jubilant, and they can only follow such a boss.

They no longer kept them immediately, and Zhao Wei drove them with them, and Xidan and Wangfujing began to sell tickets.

Then, they went to Badaling to climb the Great Wall. Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian also relaxed and followed them to the Great Wall to be "heroes".

This time, although the two of them felt a little bit of a collision, they definitely played a big role in building confidence.

At least if you encounter this kind of thing again, the brothers can calmly brag, "What's the matter? Actoz was killed by Lao Tzu differently?"

Qi Lei wanted to rest in the hotel for two days, but in fact he was very tired during this time, and he was a bit over-exerted.

However, it is obviously more important to spend a little bit of time with Xu Xiaoqian than to sleep in a hotel.

But I didn't expect that he was still dragging an electric light bulb—Yang Xiao.

Originally, Yang Xiao didn't want to follow Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian, but she didn't want to go to the Great Wall with a bunch of silly masters.

Xu Xiaoqian could not see Xiaoer throwing herself in the hotel alone, "You follow us!"

Yang Xiao heard, "You? Forget it! I really don't want to see you two get tired and crooked, I'll play by myself!"

Xu Xiaoqian heard, "That's fine! Don't take him, let's chant together!"

Of course it is impossible not to bring Qi Lei, but since Xu Xiaoqian said so, Yang Xiao couldn't refuse, so the three of them went on the road together.

Take the bus to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City.

Stopped in front of the Monument to the People's Heroes, looking at the sonorous words.

Under the guidance of Uncle Hutong, he ran to Gulou Front Street and had a meal of braised pork. It feels so-so, not as good as the haggis soup in Shangbei Xiaoshizijie.

Finally, under the white pagoda in Beihai Park, I took another photo for ten yuan.

Qi Lei felt bad, but Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao felt it was worth it.

Because when they were in Tiananmen Square, they wanted to take photos, but the price there was 20 yuan, which was really expensive...

Well, even if Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao are both heroes of female high school in Shangbei, when they come to the capital, it's like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. Everything is still novel.

There is a saying in this era that you don’t know how much money you don’t know if you don’t arrive in Guangzhou, and you don’t know if you don’t know how to make money if you don’t arrive in Beijing.

Only by walking on Chang'an Avenue, watching the ministries and commissions building next to each other, watching the sentries in Zhongnanhai, watching the flying five-star red flag, can we truly feel the aura of the heart of the country.

Xu Xiaoqian walked on the trail and stroked the red wall of the Forbidden City, suddenly feeling emotional.

As she walked down the road, I don't know how many founders of the Republic passed by.

The wall she touched, I don't know how many historical vicissitudes and changes have precipitated.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoqian suddenly had some enlightenment:

She had originally said that she went to the best university and took the smoothest path of life, but she still looked down upon how naive and narrow the loess road Qi Lei went was.

True youth without regrets should be as all-encompassing as before.

Just like the Chang'an Avenue in front of me, it bears the great martyrs, and also tolerates her ignorant little girl.

And Qi Lei, not as literary as Xu Xiaoqian, suddenly thought of Lao Bei, and wanted to bring Lao Bei out for a meal.

There is also Viagra. That guy doesn't know how he is doing in Peking University.

Suddenly said: "Let's go see Viagra tomorrow!"

Yang Xiao heard, "He? What's so good? He is in the group every day!"

People like Viagra, Guan Xiaobei, and Cao Xiaoxi have a separate group, and they can chat together when they are free.

And Viagra is free every day, and sometimes you can see him screaming in the crowd in the middle of the night.

Yang Xiao glanced at Qi Lei. In fact, she wanted to say that she would also go to see Li Hanhan if she wanted to. The big silly girl left and there was no news.

But Xu Xiaoqian said: "Then, since you are watching Viagra, go and see Coco Li!"

Qi Lei thought for a while, "Forget it, she likes to play and disappear, just let her play! I'll talk about it later when I'm looking for it. Now look for it, she can die in embarrassment!"

I think it’s good to hide her, but everyone knows where she is, just the character of Coco Li, and she has the heart to die.

Yang Xiao thought, yes, "Then let her fend for herself!"

The tone was full of ridicule.

As for Xu Xiaoqian...for no reason, he secretly twisted a hand on Qi Lei's arm, and shouted in his ear, "It's all your fault!"

Qi Lei is so innocent, you suddenly came to such a sentence, it is very horrible, you know?

I am embarrassed!

However, what Qi Lei didn't expect was that more embarrassment was still to come.

When I walked outside for a whole day and took the bus back, all three of them were exhausted.

Xu Xiaoqian leaned on Qi Lei and was about to go to sleep, and Yang Xiao sat an aisle away from the two of them. This silly girl was also speechless, and she was also confused when she tilted her head back.

Qi Lei said, this is so crowded, you dare to sleep like this?

Pulling Yang Xiao over and holding it in his place, he stood and helped them isolate the crowd.

"Go to sleep!"

Xu Xiaoqian gave a thumbs up, "Man!"

Yang Xiao learned everything, "Really man!"

Then, without being polite at all, snuggled up and went over in a daze.

But after suffering Qi Lei, stood all the way.

Until the East Third Ring Road, the number of people in the car became less and less. In the end, there were only seven or eight people in the car. He didn't need to stand guard there before getting his **** on the chair.

However, there are only two stations left.

I wanted to hold on for a while and I got there. Unexpectedly, after sitting down for a minute, Qi Lei was also confused.

When I opened my eyes again, I had already passed the station.

Call them up quickly and get out of the car nearby.

Yang Xiao looked around at the bus station in a daze, UU reading www.uukanshu. com "Where is this?"

Xu Xiaoqian also looked at Qi Lei speechlessly, "Pig! Where is this?"

Qi Lei looked at the stop sign silently, and the red building on the opposite side of the Jingtong Expressway...

"Beijing Broadcasting Academy Station."


There are more than eight thousand today, not 9900 anymore.



It should be ten thousand tomorrow... right?

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