Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 168: , We are already sailing against the current, why are we afraid of the wind and

Just finished coding...10,000 words.

I haven’t proofread the typos or anything, so I’ll post it first.


Not only are the two North American companies operating secretly and calculating silently, in fact, Lei Jue's Jiang Mingsheng also has a different mind.

"Legend", with an average online rate of 940,000 and a peak online rate of 1.59 million, how can you compete with others?

Not to mention that it has already put more than 47 million in its pocket!

Coupled with the defiance of public opinion, the entire network is scolding the other three by "Legend". Jiang Mingsheng knows very well that he has cancer, is out of help, and has no fighting spirit.

However, Jiang Mingsheng did not panic.

after all....

After all, everyone is Chinese! There is no enmity that can't be resolved, right?

After all, "The King of Kings" is also the first graphics game in the Chinese. For this honor, you shouldn't care too much!

On the afternoon of the second day of the Lunar New Year, when Qi Lei issued an open letter, the whole network criticized the GP Alliance and the three companies.

Without telling the other two companies, Jiang Mingsheng unilaterally issued a statement on the official website: "Withdraw from the GP alliance and issue an apology for all the misunderstandings against Three Stones and "Legend"!"

At the same time, Jiang Mingsheng pretended to be the general manager of Lei Jue and expressed his personal wishes.

"He personally hopes that the Chinese game industry will be better and better, and that it will be bigger and bigger. It is more difficult to move forward with the original intention of loving the game, so he made a contribution to the king of kings while misunderstanding about The rumors of Three Stones and the complicated mood of love and hatred have launched criticisms of Three Stones, which I deeply regret."

"At the same time, he is also willing to work with both sides of the strait to contribute to the development of China's game industry."

As soon as the statement was issued, a considerable number of netizens naturally refused to buy it, and still cursed Lei Jue.

But.... Many die-hard fans of the King of Kings actually don't want to see the two sides fight. Moreover, when the king was facing a difficult situation, he was scolded and beaten by others!

Therefore, many players have also shouted the slogan that knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great, hoping to give the king of kings a chance and not to withdraw from the mainland market because of the boycott of the entire network.

Jiang Mingsheng wanted this effect, and making a statement was only the first step. He didn't even wait until the evening meal.

So I called Sanshi Company!

If you don’t fight, the peak online of King of Kings on the first day is 340,000, and the average online is 180,000.

This data could have been maintained, and even steadily increased.

However, as soon as Sanshi's open letter was sent, Wanwang's online data dropped quickly! !

When he made a statement in the afternoon, he had fallen to an average of 160,000 online, and the peak data was 15% less than the same time yesterday.

And before dinner, it had been reduced to 20% year-on-year! ! The average data has dropped to 150,000.

If it continues like this, it really collapses! !

Calling Sanshi Company for one purpose.

Lei Jue is willing to join No.17 East Street to make a little contribution to the Chinese game industry. Of course, you can also pay royalties. In exchange for the right to use server technology.

Okay, it's useless to serve only softly, and it's useless to just crisis public relations! !

Especially the server technology of Three Stones, as long as you are not blind, you can know how awesome it is! !

No one can compete with them in this one item!

Still the same sentence, "Everyone is Chinese, give me a chance?"

Regarding this...

Three Stone Company did not respond positively, only saying that it should consider it. As for what to consider, Jiang Mingsheng cannot guess.

But here comes the problem...

Jiang Mingsheng can be soft, he can betray the GP alliance, and even this guy is willing to be soft, and he can get the server technology of Three Stones if he handles it well, why not do it?

"Business, not ashamed."


Jin Yongmin is dumbfounded, and the surname Jiang can be shameless...what should I do?

Don't forget, he provoked the matter... and it was also his hatred with Sanshi Company...

It was the first time that he updated the Hanbok's Hongyue and Legend without Three Stones, and was still ridiculing in the interview.

To be fashionable, narrow the road! ! Others Sanshi Company may not accept it yet!

Besides, Jin Yongmin is also a faceless person. Let him go and Qi Guodong, go to succumb to those bear children? Might as well kill him!

He would rather not run "Red Moon" in China than accept this softness.

And it's not just reluctant! ! Jin Yongmin wants to fight to the end with Sanshi Company! I'm not good, don't think about it!

Okay... This is something that Koreans can do. They have a lot of self-esteem, and they don't always use the right place.

In short, it was this kind of twisted heart that made Jin Yongmin still resist and tried every means to save the situation.


Central media quoted a special report from Longjiang Province and Taiwan, and Jin Yongmin was completely desperate.

As the only information industry company in Harbin City and even Longjiang Province, Sanshi Company has been attracting attention since the establishment of the system Tuanyin of Nanlao, and it is also a key scientific and technological enterprise supported by the province.

There is such a big noise on the whole network, and it has even radiated to the reality under the network, which has generated great topicality.

Now that it is a complete victory again, how could Longjiangtai not seize the opportunity to publicize it?

And it's all-round key publicity! It was the same time that Jiang Mingsheng issued an apology statement on the afternoon of the second day of the Lunar New Year.

Provincial and Taiwanese reporters went to Sanshi Company, and Qi Guojun personally received them, visited the company, and shot a lot of material. In the meantime, Xu Wenliang and Tang Chenggang also showed off their faces.

Finally, we interviewed the core personnel of Sanshi Company such as Qi Guodong, Zhou Tao and Nan Guanghong.

Even Ding Lei and Xiao Ma have recorded an interview as a brother unit. During the interview, these thick-skinned people also talked a lot about how they “firmly” supported Three Stone's free operation plan.

When it was broadcast, it was accompanied by a detailed introduction by Sanshi Company, the great investment in domestic systems, and the excellent results achieved in the management of the navigation network and Internet cafes in the past year.

The key point is how advanced and leading Sanshi company's server technology is.

It is the first time in official channels to elaborate on the power of the Three Stones server architecture. It also caused a lot of repercussions. After all, in this era, it is really not easy for Chinese people to obtain a technology that is ahead of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

It's so exciting.

However, the audience of provincial and Taiwanese is limited after all, and Sanshi Company made a big appearance in Longjiang Province.

For people who are talking about the recession of the Northeast, a high-tech company can break out of the siege, and more or less people in Longjiang see a little hope.

However, no one expected that after only one day, "DFSK" on February 8 quoted reports from Longjiang Province, and carried out a period of bold attempts on the domestic game industry and Chinese game manufacturers. special report.

Affirmed the efforts of Three Stone Company and No. 17 East Street, and praised the achievements of Chinese enterprises in the server field.

Acknowledged this momentum of breaking out of the siege among Japanese, Korean, European and American manufacturers.

The significance of the report by the central media is completely different. It is tantamount to rectifying the official name of Sanshi Company and defining the nature of the incident.

Online public opinion tends to be more one-sided, Sanshi Company. The company has made a wave of propaganda for Sanshi Company in a solid nationwide.

And the number of legendary online players also directly soared by nearly 300,000 thanks to this east wind! !

The daily average online on the 9th broke the 1.2 million mark! The number of value-added paying players has also reached a high of 600,000. .

To put it bluntly, this is what Lao Qin calls compensation.

In fact, if Qi Lei talked to him earlier and begged for his personal feelings, Lao Qin would definitely help...

Whether it was the incident in May last year or the incident at Monsanto, Qi Lei helped a lot, and the benefits brought by it at the national level are even more immeasurable.

This little thing should help.

However, Qi Lei really did what he said before and didn't negotiate terms with the country.

No matter how difficult it is, people have never thought about it! Lao Qin had to look at this with admiration.

Lao Qin had taken the initiative to help this time, it was the icing on the cake.

These things, in the eyes of Jin Yongmin...

Make him even more angry! Even more distorted! ! The more proud Three Stone Company is, the more uncomfortable he is.

But he can do nothing! The report by the Chinese official media is tantamount to a platform for the Three Stone Company, and it also understands the official attitude.

What strength can you have as a small foreign businessman?

This caused Jin Yongmin to become frustrated again and fell into despair.

I don't even want to care about the Chinese subsidiary.

What do you love? Isn't it just a mainland market? No more!

With this feeling, Jin Yongmin returned home sadly on February 10 and took the opportunity to return to Seoul.

However, what Jin Yongmin didn't expect was...

The nightmare has just begun!

He didn't expect that he just got off the plane! ! I was surrounded by reporters with guns and guns! !

"President Kim, please talk about your feelings after being defeated by the Chinese with Korean games?"

Jin Yongmin: "....."

"President Kim, everyone at Gu Bentai understands that Actoz has sold almost everything on the legendary agency! Don't you feel humiliated by the successive fiascos?"


"Why are there more playable elements of legends operated by Chinese companies than those of South Korea? Are these sold to Chinese people by Actoz? Is it because Actoz is more biased towards the Chinese market and intends to snub Korean players?"


"Did Actoz sell the top server technology of the Chinese? Shouldn't you be extra cautious about this kind of national-level superb technology?"


Numerous microphones and recording equipment almost hit Jin Yongmin's face! !

The indifferent faces seemed to be filled with contempt and disdain! Even naked mockery!

No one sympathized with him...and no one wanted to save some face for him.

As I said before, this is a country with extremely distorted self-esteem.

When Actoz entered the Chinese market, netizens and people were enthusiastic, praising Actoz for winning glory for the Republic of Korea, but also mocking China's backward network construction.

But as soon as Actoz came back from the ground and was brutally slapped in the face by the Chinese, and the news spread back to China, they immediately became another face.

Everyone thinks that Actoz is the fault! This is a useless company! Shameful enterprise! Shouldn't be left in the world!

It is even possible that even server technology and a legend that is more fun than South Korea are Actoz betraying these important technologies!

There is no mercy or tolerance for Jin Yongmin.

Kim Yongmin now...

Panic and foolish! There was a blank in my mind.

It's over...

He Jin Yongmin is over...Actoz is over! !

This is not China, let alone Europe and the United States! There is no tolerance at all!

If public opinion collapses, it is collapsed! There is only one dead end for his small company without any backers!

But... Kim Yongmin is not reconciled!

The losers were stunned, but the losers were suffocated!

Still have to bear such pressure from public opinion when returning home?

Finally, Jin Yongmin collapsed.

A pair of bloodshot eyes stared like cow bells! ! Blue veins violent on the pale face! The facial features have been distorted to the point of hideousness.


"You **** are all nonsense!!"

The reporters are stuck! While staring at each other in amazement, it was also difficult to conceal the surprise.

The interviewee lost his temper!

They don't care about someone's abuse and accusation! ! The more irrational the interviewees behave, the more exciting the news reported on behalf of them! The more people pay attention!

Compared to a non-committal, well-behaved interviewee.

They are more willing to report on a failed madman!

He immediately moved the microphone forward, almost sticking it to Jin Yongmin's face!

Some people even smiled maliciously and jokingly induced, "What does President Kim want to express? Let's talk! Audiences all over the country are eagerly watching the development of the situation."

Jin Yongmin: "!!!"

"What did I say!? I said you were talking nonsense!!"

He roared hysterically! ! "Why attribute the mistake to Actoz! We didn't do anything wrong!?"

"It's the Chinese company...they shamelessly stole our games!! It's even more that they used despicable behavior to make Actoz hit a wall everywhere!"

"Do not!!"

Jin Yongmin was shocked! Seems to have seized the key excuse!

"It's not just Three Stones! Netease! Sina!!! The Chinese are despicable to work together to suppress foreign companies!"

"They even... even used national power!" Jin Yongmin thought of the media report: "The official supports this monopoly!"

"Stupefied you didn't look at the attitude of the Chinese official media?"

"Obviously they did too much, why count the mistakes on Actoz and on mine?"



Jin Yongmin has completely collapsed! She burst into tears in front of the camera and reporters.

This is the only way he can think of to save the situation and win sympathy at this moment...

He really didn't want Actoz, who had put his hard work, to fall like this...


Afterwards, Jin Yong fell into endless annoyance again.

He regretted it, and regret shouldn't be so open-hearted and gaffeful.

To put it bluntly, he himself knew that the words he said at the airport were untenable.

It can even be said to be a lie! !

The Korean media are not fools, and netizens and audiences will not turn to sympathy just because he cried!

To be precise, they have no sympathy! !

And on the contrary, once the media was asked to find out the truth, it was exposed in the news that he was lying!

He will be greeted by even more violent abuse and criticism.

Jin Yongmin doesn't know if he can bear it...

He is done! It's completely over.

that's all....

Jin Yongmin shut himself at home, did not dare to answer the phone, did not dare to turn on the computer, and did not dare to turn on the TV!

I'm afraid that the bad news that sentenced him to be completely ruined will be passed into the ears from any channel...

Fear at home all day and night! !

Not even the curtains have opened any gaps!

However, what should come is still coming.

On the night of February 11, a sudden knock on the door finally broke Jin Yongmin's illusion.

Outside the door, there are two young faces with cool faces and black suits, revealing a daunting aura.

In an almost commanding tone, "Mr. King, please come with us."

"Where to go?" Jin Yongmin asked sullenly, finally squeezing a trace of doubt on his haggard face.

The man in black did not answer, but urged him to wear shoes and get in the car...

The black car pierced the city of Seoul and went straight to the south of the Yangtze River. And stopped in front of a luxurious private house.

At this time, Jin Yongmin was taken into the mansion by the man in black like a puppet, and stuffed into a room that was not too bright.

It wasn't until this time that Jin Yongmin looked back at the situation in the house.

He was not alone in the room. Under the dim sofa lamp, six or seven men with indifferent expressions were sitting around him.

Most of Jin Yongmin couldn't see his appearance, and the light was too dark.

But just one of the illuminated side faces was enough to make him wince and fight a cold war!

Bow fiercely at ninety degrees! "Professor Park!" Then he dared not get up!

The man called Mr. Park smiled faintly, "President Kim, don't be nervous...we just want to hear about your experience in China."

Then, with an understatement, "You can start."

Looking at Jin Yongmin again, sweat has slipped off his forehead, which is still facing the carpet, and his eyes are changing from angles that are invisible to everyone!

He was thinking...why come to him! ?

It's a pity that those people didn't seem to want to give him too much time to think. After all, their time is much more precious than a small boss.

Afterwards, Kim Yongmin decided to tell the truth. After all, he was facing such a situation when he was the most powerful congressman in South Korea, who had financial and even American power behind him. He didn't have the courage to talk nonsense like the airport.

One-fifth and tenth, I told the story of Actoz's entry into the Chinese game market.

What Jin Yongmin didn't expect was that Mr. Park had already lost his kind patience before he finished speaking!

Suddenly whispered coldly, "No one wants to hear your lies..."

Jin Yongmin: "??!"

"I didn't lie!"

I saw Mr. Park ignored his explanation, "Play with the cigar in his hand..."

"What we want to listen to is your heartfelt words at the airport..."

"How did you... get suppressed by Chinese officials?"

"!!!" Jin Yongmin was even more at a loss...


Half an hour later, Jin Yongmin was taken out of the luxurious villa by the man in black.

Until he stepped out of the door, Mr. Park's parting instructions still echoed in his ears, "Be the same as what you said... Remember what you just said."

From beginning to end, it was so inexplicable!

Jin Yongmin seems to understand but does not understand, what do you remember? Remember those fabricated words that slander the Chinese market? Does it make any sense?

However, these are not issues that he, a game company owner, should consider.

And...what's the point, it will actually be clear soon.

The next day, February 12th.

Jin Yongmin woke up immediately. It was discovered that his nearly collapsed airport was crying and was not reported by major media until today.

Almost all mainstream media, large-scale websites, and headlines in South Korea are re-enactments of Kim Yong-min’s interview.

The tearful image of Kim Yongmin also reflected in the minds of every Korean...

But what is different from what Jin Yongmin fears is that no one of the media digs deep, and no one cares if it is a lie!

The entry point for all media news is a South Korean businessman with lofty ambitions to enter the Chinese market.

Then he was exhausted physically and mentally by the Chinese monopoly thinking and bureaucratic operation, and finally returned to the country in despair.

All the media expressed their dissatisfaction and anger towards Kim Yongmin's transnational experience in a sympathetic tone.

It seems that those indifferent faces in the flying field have nothing to do with them!

In short, the impression of Chinese people monopolizing the market and malicious competition is born from this! The image of Kim Yongmin's victim is also very vivid!

For a time, the whole country was in an uproar! National resentment!

Finally February 14.....

After two days of public opinion fermentation, the South Korean official finally made an official comment on the Actoz incident.

Condemned China's unfair competition behavior and expressed deep concern about China's trade protection behavior.

And is preparing relevant materials, and will soon submit anti-monopoly arbitration to the WTO.

To be honest, this worry....

It doesn't make sense! !

Just the question of competition in the game market, well, so this is not a problem! !

You can also do it for free, and Three Stones has proven the feasibility of free operation.

No one stopped you from entering the Chinese market, right?

It is simply absurd! !

Moreover, antitrust arbitration...

Let's not say that this matter constitutes a monopoly!

The key is can you get arbitration?

It has nothing to do with the WTO! !

Because my rabbit has not formally signed the WTO accession agreement yet!

In other words, you are not yet a member of the WTO, you arbitrate a shit! ?

It's totally unreasonable to make trouble!


The rules of this world sometimes really don’t need to be reasonable!

Everything depends on strength! In addition to strength, there are opportunities and occasions! !

The time is right, South Korea can also overwhelm China to become a powerful country!

The occasion is right, robbers can also be world police!

Of course, Jin Yongmin does not have such a big face, which can make the South Korean government complain about him.

Not even capable of turning black into white...

But...the timing of his incident was so good.

It was when my rabbit entered the world!

Although South Korea does not necessarily prevent my rabbit from entering the WTO, don’t forget that it has a father!

His fathers have pro-Chinese and anti-Chinese.

Of course the anti-China would like to see this situation!

As for whether it is a monopoly, no one cares!

No one even cares whether the WTO accepts this absurd arbitration! They just need a reason.

This is like a United States that has never recognized the international maritime conventions, and it can also make a fuss about the maritime conventions and help a neighboring country go to the international arbitration court to arbitrate our rabbit’s maritime territories.

It doesn't matter if it is reasonable or not, they will take care of whatever the end result is.

What is important is what crucial role it can play at a critical moment.

At present, the biggest controversy against China's entry into the WTO is protectionism and monopoly of the market.

Such a mess is enough to make you uncomfortable, right? Of course, if it's just uncomfortable, no one has exerted such a great effort.

More purpose is to profit from it.



South Korea is very lively.

The domestic media did not report on the uproar in South Korea.

But Qi Lei knew it early.

On the afternoon of the 12th, the day when the Jin Yongmin Airport incident was reported, the news was received.

It was Li Chunyan who specifically called and informed.

The news sent back by CCTV reporters in South Korea as soon as possible.

When Li Chunyan called, she was very relaxed, and she was still teasing Qi Lei, "You see you bullied others and cried in front of all the Korean people!"

In this regard, Qi Lei did not take it seriously.

As soon as the legend continues to rise, the mood is very beautiful.

Secondly, Ding Lei's few goods can't go away! !

I've been with him since the first day of the Chinese New Year, this has been "broken five", so why don't you leave!

But on the 14th, when Li Chunyan called again to report the news, her attitude changed...

Very solemn! I told Qi Lei about the attitude of the Korean official and reminded him, "This is a big deal, you have to be mentally prepared!"

And Qi Lei sank suddenly! !

The keen nerve made him know that this is not just a problem with a big background! !

He never expected that it was just the competition in the industry that would be made out of nothing! Involved in such a big thing.

The problem is serious! ! very serious! !

Joining the WTO is the top priority now! Without joining the WTO, China will always be outside the mainstream economic system!

To put it bluntly, the motherland must be prosperous and strong, and China must be rejuvenated. Joining WTO is the only way!

For this moment, the Chinese do not know how many years of preparation and how many hardships they have gone through!

Let’s talk country by country, and go across levels one by one! !

More than 140 member countries of the WTO...every one is a stumbling block!

If someone made an article because of something like Sanshi Company....

Qi Lei can still tell which is lighter and heavier, and the people above can also tell.

If the situation continues to develop, there are people in the land and the country taking advantage of it, and it is impossible not to report the matter in the country.

It's all going to the point of arbitration, and sooner or later it will be known to the world.

By the time....

How to do?

The greatest probability is "taking care of the overall situation"...

The legend is probably gone!

Maybe the three stones are gone! !

Putting down Li Chunyan's phone, everyone looked at him, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei returned to his soul and shook his head...

"It's okay!"

It's no use telling them! It's no use talking to anyone! No one can help him now.

Brother Xiao Ma and Ding Lei gave him a suspicious look, always feeling that Lei Qi was weird...

But he didn't take it seriously.


The so-called Fu Wushuang causes misfortunes never come singly...

The 14th is definitely Qi Lei's worst day! !

I stayed up until the afternoon worryingly, but...there was bad news from the technical department.

The legendary server was breached.

A plug-in team successfully cracked the security module of the server and found a way to block security detection and made the legendary first plug-in.

Fortunately, there is no external communication plug-in, and directly contacted the three stone company.

Don't forget, Three Stones has a reward order, a cash reward of 100,000 yuan, plus an annual salary of 100,000 jobs.

In fact, it's not a bad thing, Qi Lei thought about it before setting up this rule.

No one cracks it, just use it as an advertisement. If someone cracks it, he will join in!

A server that can crack Three Stones is definitely not a mortal person, and such talents cannot be sought after.

To put it bluntly, only this matter is not called misfortune.


At the same time he learned that the server was compromised, Qi Lei received a call.

On the phone, there was a familiar voice that Qi Lei didn't want to hear at the moment! !

"I'm Old North...Madeer's Restaurant...I'm waiting for you."

A simple sentence makes Qi Lei like falling into an ice cave!

It is by no means a good thing for Lao Bei to come to Harbin at this time! Even Qi Lei has guessed the purpose of his trip! !

Feeling uneasy, let the third uncle deal with the hackers. Qi Lei and Ding Lei said that they had something to go out, and they hurried to the appointment without explaining.

Before leaving, he suddenly yelled at Xiao Ma and the others with a bit of disgust, "What are you doing here with me!? You have no business, are you!? Fuck! Fuck me tomorrow!"




The guy who got it was inexplicable, what happened to this grandson? Why are you so "mournful"!

Talking is really terrible!

Ding Lei was a little upset, and he was going to leave tomorrow!

In this regard, Qi Lei can only apologize!

If you really take care of the overall situation, then one death stone will suffice.

Don't involve others.


When Qi Lei got downstairs, Zhao Wei and a few friends chased it out.

They could tell at a glance that Qi Lei had something in his heart.

"You guys don't follow."

Ignoring their worried gaze, they stopped everyone.

Zhao Wei didn't give up, "I will drive you."

"No need!" Qi Lei said with a sullen face, and while talking, he pulled the car key in Zhao Wei's hand over. "Go all up! I just need to deal with it myself."

Open the door and shoot out with a kick of the accelerator.

Everyone stared at him for a long time, and Tang Yi suddenly returned to his soul. "Fuck! When did he learn to drive!?"

Well, I learned it from a previous life...

Driving without a license.


The Madiel restaurant was on the first floor of Madiel. When Qi Lei arrived, it was almost four o'clock and the sky was already dark.

The Central Street in the first month is still snowy and full of lights.

Quite a bit of grace with interlaced Chinese and Western culture...

However, in Qi Lei's eyes, there is no sense of beauty.

Fuck the Chinese and Western blends, how can there be any blending? Not a good thing! !

Throwing the car in the parking lot, Qi Lei stood in front of the hotel for a long time...

In the end, I took a long sip, the cold wind in my intestines, and then... it was a stab at stretching your head and shrinking your head!

Who made you catch up?

Stride in!

It depends on whether Lao Qin wants to sacrifice the legend or the entire Three Stones.

Lao Qin sat alone in the dining room...

Ordered a Russian western food and was eating with relish.

Seeing Qi Lei coming in, he beckoned to him, "Order what you want to eat."

Qi Lei took off his coat and gave it to the waiter, and sat down with a wry smile.

This meal is not cheap!

Maybe I have to use the entire Three Stone Company to check out!

However, if you come, you will be at ease.

What's more, if you really lost the company, you still can't get back to it?

But a lot of expensive...

"Flame Steak!"

"Russian-style grilled mandarin fish with milk sauce!"

"Red cabbage soup!!"

"Moscow Salad!"

"Shrimp in a tin!"

"Smoked Pork Ribs"

"and also....."

Old Qin looked at him speechlessly, both funny and helpless...

Stopped: "Okay...can you finish eating?"

As a result, Qi Lei glared, "I can't finish eating, I will pack!" yelled to the waiter: "Give me another 90-year-old Latour!"

Damn it, I didn't taste anything at Xiaoer's last time!

Lao Qin: "..." This terrapin...

Waiting for the time to be served, Lao Qin ate by himself...

Between the knives and forks, he bowed his head and said, "You all know?"

Qi Lei stagnated, knowing that this was going straight to the subject.

Put your elbow on the table and rub your palms back and forth

"Got it... Real grandson! It's more overcast than Lao Tzu playing!"

The movement was not small, leading several tables of guests in the distance to look sideways. The wild boy who doesn't know where he came from has no rules at all!

But...what are the rules I'm talking about at this very moment?

Lao Qin came to show that the above had paid attention to it. For the sake of the overall situation, he also knew what the result was.

And Lao Qin sighed after hearing Qi Lei's scolding...

"we are very sorry...."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Lei interrupted him, "Okay...Don't say it."

Suddenly, Qi Lei returned to normal, and his distorted facial features gradually calmed down...

Looking at Old Qin's gaze, he was awe-inspiring: "Let me express my opinion first."

"My Qi Lei is not very old..."

"But there is still some bosom and boldness."

With a sorrowful laugh: "Our family is well educated, and I understand the principles of giving up the little family to take care of everyone!"

"My father is a hero in the war years, and his grandson must also be a hero in the new era!"

"All for the motherland, all for the people! One for..."

"Puff..." Lao Qin couldn't hold back, "Can you not brag about it? My goose bumps are all up..."

Qi Lei is a little irritable, heck! Lao Tzu made such a big sacrifice, why don't you let me boast?

Raised his chin: "Anyway, what do you guys love?"

"Let's see how we can calm this wave of international public opinion... If it's a big deal, I will kill my company. It's okay!"

"I support it unconditionally!"

Old Qin raised his eyebrows when he looked at him, "Is it all right?"

Qi Lei looked out the window, "I still understand this account."

Old Qin: "Don't you think the sacrifice is too great?"

I saw Qi Lei shook his head silently, there can be no difference in joining the WTO, let alone a legend, a three-stone company to join in... also worth it!

Stunned and said, "It's not easy for you...Who let me catch up."

Old Qin nodded in satisfaction...

At this time, the waiter came to serve the food, and Old Qin personally pushed the steak in front of Qi Lei, and poured him a glass of wine by himself.

"Just for you... I won't be here in vain."

"Hi!" Qi Lei was fake and generous, with a somewhat unnatural expression: "With my old man, you have a high level of consciousness! What can I do?"

I cut the steak with my head, the knife scratched the plate, making a harsh squeak...

Then... Then the tears fell, dripping on the dinner plate... the steak.

Ordinarily, the 40-year-old soul has forgotten how to cry... However, the 17-year-old body can't help it!

Fuck his uncle!

Where are you going to make sense? Calculate and calculate! Especially, I lost two words in the end-the general trend!

Muttered, "Damn it! I'm still too weak..."

"Waiting! Waiting for Lao Tzu to come back again!!"

"Put all those grandsons under their feet! I think who would dare to take the knife with Lao Tzu?"

"His uncle... I have been busy this year for nothing."

Suddenly looked up, "I said Uncle Bei... won't it really make me busy? How much do you keep?"


Old Qin couldn't hold it anymore, his fist pressed against his mouth, his shoulders were shaking....

He also cried... laughed and cried!

He wanted to look again to see if he was showing his true feelings, or was he pretending to be a fool?

Unfortunately, it failed. There are too many bear games. You can't tell whether he is real or fake.

After laughing for a long time, he barely calmed down.

Jokingly, "Don't cry..."

"Keep it for you.... Can't you keep it for you, don't cry."

Qi Lei was startled, his tears suffocated immediately and went back: "???"

Seeing Lao Qin, he cleared his throat vigorously, and finally stopped dragging.

"You said it yourself, don't negotiate terms with the country..."

"Then why do you have so little confidence in your country?!"

"Your country... will not buy its people in exchange for anything!"

"What!?" Qi Lei thought he had heard it wrong! "But...."

Take care of the overall situation?

Do you want to give up your home?

Lao Qin didn't give him a chance, and continued, "This time, there are only two things."

"First, ask you something. Second, let you rest assured, don't think about it!"

"But..." Qi Lei was still puzzled, but frowned, "But it's not that simple! Selling me is the most efficient way!"

As a result, Old Qin asked, "What then?"

Qi Lei, "What then?"

Old Qin said, "This is not worth it or not!"

Seriously said, "Actually, it has nothing to do with you at all!"

"There is no such thing as Three Stone Company, they will find other excuses and use other things to hinder us."

"Even if we abandon the Three Stones, what then? They find other excuses and give up? That's not our Chinese style of doing things."


"In the past few years...isn't such an unnecessary thing rare?"

"Which one do you see, we used our own people to offer flags to outsiders!?"

Qi Lei, "!!!"

"Remember!" Lao Qin suddenly looked upright, "In this world...there is only ourselves! I hope we will have a good time!!"

"Out of the national border, no one wants to see our revival. We are sailing against the current! Why are we afraid of the wind and waves!?"

Qi Lei was sluggish for a long time, and finally nodded deeply...

There are even more mixed flavors in my heart! !

There is excitement and relief.

There is sadness, and anger is getting more and more raging!

After a long silence, he suddenly said, "In the final analysis, we are not strong enough."

"Wait for us to become stronger! Who cares if they are willing or unwilling!?"

This sentence shocked Old Qin, staring at Qi Lei in a daze...

Seeing the blaze in his, I was already trying to burst into the sky!

"Huh..." Long sighed, "Yeah...just...I don't know how long we will fight for?"

Qi Lei, "Alright!"

Old Qin, "How fast?"

Qi Lei, "We will desperately make her faster and faster, won't we?"


Lao Qin sighed, squeezing out a smile, and Qi Lei said hopefully:


"Grow up quickly, the future depends on you!"



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