Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 2 Chapter 169: wrong

Lao Qin is a stranger, dark and earthy, simple and boring.

But in fact, he is a cultural man in his bones, always saying thought-provoking romantic sentences. A bit sour, but also extremely warm.

Personality is also very complicated, sometimes rational and terrible, and sometimes unreasonable and perceptual.

While not smiling, he can also make some surprising moves from time to time.

"Then grow up quickly, the future is yours!"

These words made Qi Lei startled, and a different emotion arose in his heart.

Yes! The future is ours! ! This is Lao Qin's blessing and expectation.

However, how could Qi Lei hear a sense of responsibility in the words.

The future is ours! ! But what can I do?

Qi Lei knows that in the future, the construction of aircraft carriers, the fifth generation of fighters, and the flying of Shenzhou, etc., young people born in the 1980s will be at the forefront of the times.

Of course, the future of the future is the stage of the post-90s and post-00s.

It's not that the post-80s are so special, but as the post-80s, on the stage of Qi Lei's generation, what can Qi Lei this profiteer do compared with those who can be called the backbone?

It's not that Qi Lei did nothing, in fact, he did!

He supported Nanlao's development system and created No. 17 East Street in his original intention. In fact, he has a bit of sentimentality over profit.

Before today, Qi Lei felt quite proud, at least worthy of his father's teaching and worthy of his conscience.

But when things happened today, Old Qin's sentence "The future is yours", he suddenly realized that it was not enough!

If it is an ordinary person, it may be enough, as long as one thing can be done well.

However, for a reborn person, should we increase our sense of responsibility...

Is this enough? Do you deserve the rest of your life just by pursuing a lifetime of wealth?

This is a question worth pondering, Qi Lei must think about it.

I chewed a big bite of steak, let alone, why didn't I eat it just now? It's so fragrant!

"We try our best!"

When Lao Qin heard this, he nodded and smiled, then bowed his head and started eating.

During the period, Qi Lei suddenly asked, "What do I need to do?"

Old Qin looked up, "You? What can you do? Just take care of your own affairs, and we will take care of the rest."

Qi Lei, "..."

Does this sound uncomfortable?

However, it is a fact. Regardless of how he is now, Sanshi has become a benchmark for high-tech enterprises in Longjiang Province.

However, at the level of country to country, he was just a fart, and disappeared without a trace with a wave of his hand.

It doesn't even need country and country, and the scale of several hundred million may not be enough in Beijing.

Seeing him frowning, Old Qin seemed to be thinking about something, and smiled lightly: "This is a good thing, don't worry about it."

"I'm not frowning" Qi Lei bared his teeth, "I'm just thinking, how much help!"

Da Lai responded, but secretly said in his heart: Not enough to see now, does not mean that not enough to see in the future!

The road is still long, and he gradually desires to be strong.

"By the way, what are you asking me about?"

Old Qin just said that he had two things when he came here, one is to make Qi Lei feel at ease, and the other is to ask a question.

Ask, Lei Qi is afraid to be.

In this regard, Lao Qin thought for a while, "As far as you are fighting with those three companies during this period, I feel that you are quite accurate."

"We want to ask, what is your basic logic? How can you be so sure that when they call Sanshi a comprador company, more and more people will support you?"

"Also, do you think that with the popularization of the Internet, will the media, public relations and traditional media ages in the information age be different?"

Qi Lei: "..."

When Lao Qin asked, Qi Lei's brows tightened.

After pondering for a long time, "This question... If it is a specific incident, I can answer you in detail."

Lao Qin simply took out a recording pen and turned it on, "Well, what then?"

Qi Lei smiled, "No need to record, I mean, the specific incident is easy to tell, but obviously what you asked is already on the theoretical level, and I can't answer you systematically."

"Theory?" Old Qin was stagnant.

Then Qi Lei was also stagnated, because he discovered that he had also discovered the nature of the problem inadvertently.

He realized something.

"Yes! Theory!!" Qi Lei said excitedly, "Lao Bei, I think that these questions you mentioned can create a discipline."

Old Qin: "..."

"Yes!" Qi Lei's eyes suddenly lit up, "It's a discipline!"

"Don't be surprised! Lao Bei, imagine if the Internet becomes nearly 100% popular in the future, if a few years pass, everyone can go online anytime, anywhere!"

"Then the world at that time and the present will be two completely different concepts."

Lao Qin simply put down the knife and fork, handed the recorder forward, obviously interested, "Go on!"

Qi Lei also put down his half-eaten steak, "Imagine that information explodes. Everyone is a disseminator and maker of information, and even everyone can become a popular celebrity."

"Every event can become a hot event at a very low cost."

"For example, if one of the zf staff members improperly handled public incidents and happened to be recorded and broadcasted on the Internet, what would be the effect?"

"What if someone who has the intention to take it out of context?"

"For another example, if everyone is a disseminator of information, then our culture, our philosophy of dealing with things, and Western culture are intertwined, what will be the consequences?"

"For another example, the West has been instilling liberal thinking in us. In the era of traditional media dominance, it would be difficult to enter it only by blocking it a little bit. But, in the information age, can you prevent it? If we spread ours Culture, change direction to resist foreign culture?"

"For another example, now foreign forces can only hire celebrities to engage in sensitive propaganda and activities. However, in the information age, any ordinary netizen may become the target of their use."

Old Qin: "..."

Lao Qin was a little confused. He just wanted to ask how the guidance of public opinion in the new era would be different. Why did Qi Lei talk about so many things?

Subject? Old Qin is stupid, your kid doesn't know how to eat, so you can make me a subject out of thin air?

Ha ha....

It's not out of thin air, but it's true that later generations have this discipline!

It's a pity that Qi Lei is not thorough!

No way, Qi Lei can only analyze the social psychology and news orientation from the surface.

He knows how to manipulate the public's psychology, but it would be a bit laborious to translate it into a theoretical level!

After all, the master's degree he took for later generations was very ordinary, and it was okay to learn traditional and conventional journalism theories, but...being at the forefront of academics, and even doing interdisciplinary research, don't even think about it.

Moreover, Qi Lei has only completed his master's degree in 2008. At that time, the theory and application of the digital media era, including the theory of technical aesthetics, was just starting, and I didn't have to learn it.

And the founder of this discipline...

Qi Lei’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, "I can only think of something about this matter. After all, I have not learned it. But I really want to learn it, because if there is such a subject, its application is almost impossible. limited."

"Whoever masters the truths and techniques first will be able to master the next era!"

"This is a comprehensive discipline that integrates sociology, psychology, journalism, and network information technology!"

"I'm far from enough, and I learn this very well!"


Old Qin, "So what?"

Qi Lei, "So... if you want to be at the forefront of the world in the information age, in journalism, and create this subject for in-depth research..."

"I can recommend someone to you!"

Old Qin, "Who?"

Qi Lei, "Professor Liao Fanyi from Beiguang!"

Old Qin Wenzhi frowned, "This person? Is there anything special?"

Qi Lei almost didn't call out, of course it was special! In particular, he is the founder of the discipline of later generations!

Qi Lei wanted to go to Beiguang with all his heart!

"Okay..." Old Qin nodded, "When I return to the capital, I will have a good chat with this person."

When Qi Lei heard, "What are you talking about!"

"Lao Bei! No kidding, this subject is really important! Even more than ten or twenty years later, our zf work and public relations activities will inevitably revolve around this subject!"

Old Qin was speechless, "Is it as evil as you say? Just the 100% popularity of this network, I think it will take 20 to 30 years!"

Qi Lei stared, "I bet you! Up to ten years! It will be too late to do it after ten years!"

"Trust me once, don't just talk, just give Professor Liao funding! Let him do research! Establish a digital media research institute!"

"Forget it!" Qi Lei said simply, "You only need to give him approval, I will donate money!"

Old Qin laughed. He had never seen Qi Lei catching up like this before, saying, "It's not necessary to discuss it, but...according to what you said, it is indeed necessary to prepare in advance."

Upon hearing that Old Qin let go, Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What...When you look for Professor Liao, please mention me to him by the way."

Old Qin, "Why..."

Qi Lei, "When I go to Beiguang, let him get me directly to him. If I can get a name in the academy, that would be even better."

Old Qin: "!!!"

What a special thing! what are you thinking? I haven't finished high school yet! Did you arrange everything for college directly?

Little did he know that Qi Lei's heart was far more wild than Old Qin thought.

This is a subject that is bound to be hot and important in the future. If it can be named as one of the founders...

Even if the signature is at the end?

Gee, beautiful.

I have to say that Qi Lei has enough eyes, just those seniors and elder sisters in Beiguang...

Like the great student council president Zhang Xianlong...

Wise Minister of Propaganda, classmate...

Zhou Xiaohan, the goddess of Beiguang, admired by thousands of people...

The freshman new idol, Rukawa Kaede's realistic version of Wang Mo...

They are still gnashing their teeth, gambling and vowing to wait for two years later how to deal with the little boy who has lost their face, wrote essays and wanted to die, and even changed the North Gate!

Classmate Qi Lei has gone through the back door and booked himself a seat in Liao Fanyi's academic research group.

As for Liao Fanyi...

People are studying the cross-teaching of international politics and journalism. I never expected it, because of a passage from the Northeast kid.

He pushed him into a completely unfamiliar field, and what new discipline was created?


This meal has given Lei Lei enough! It's a bit too much.

Finally, it was packed as expected...

After the meal, Qi Lei wiped his mouth, "You said it was to give me peace of mind, so you won't order this bottle of wine!"

Qi Lei drank a little wine, but Old Qin didn't move and said he was driving.

And... Latour is the same thing. For Qi Lei, who doesn't understand red wine at all, the taste is not good, so it's not as enjoyable as the big green stick...

"Hey..." He slapped his mouth and sighed for a long time: "It's wasted."

Old Qin Bai glanced at him, "How about you say something?"

Raised his chin, "Go to the checkout!"

"Gah!?" Qi Lei paused, "I, should I check out?"

Didn't you please?

Old Qin was immediately happy, "What? I'll give you An Xin, shouldn't you invite me to dinner?"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Hey!! It's a big loss..."

Take out the bank card from the wallet and hand it to the waiter. Weakly asked, "Can you get a discount?"

The waiter who asked was very happy, the little brother was not so imaginary when he first ordered.

But I can't blame Qi Lei, a bottle of wine is more than 10,000!

After paying the bill, Qi Lei called Zhao Wei to pick him up again. He just lost control of his emotions and drove without a license. Of course he didn't dare now, and he drank alcohol.

Say goodbye to Lao Qin in front of Madiel, and agreed to call in a few days.

Lao Qin is still in Harbin a few days ago, and it is also related to Three Stone Company.

The beta version of Nanlao's system research and development is coming out soon.

When Old Qin left, Qi Lei stood at the door and waited for a while. Suddenly find that the streetscape of Central Avenue is beautiful again, isn't it as disgusting as before?

Until Zhao Wei took a taxi, Qi Lei, who was far away, threw the car key over.

Two people got in the car, Zhao Wei didn't rush to start, but pondered for a long time, "What the **** is going on? What can't you say to us."

Qi Lei rubbed his face speechlessly, and was a little ashamed that he slapped his own oolong from beginning to end.

Said, "Go back and talk together."

Otherwise, Zhao Wei would ask again, Tang Yi, Wu Ning and the others would have to ask again, and when they got to Xiao Ma, they would have to ask again.

Zhao Wei saw that he was willing to say that he immediately smiled. To be honest, Qi Lei is the backbone of everyone, he is unstable, everyone is faint!

Started the car and drove towards Sanshi headquarters.

On the way, Zhao Wei didn't forget to remind him, "You just seemed to offend Ding Ge and Ma Ge and the others....They were very angry."

"Cut!!" Qi Lei pouted, he was in a good mood anyway.

As the saying goes, there is a photo before and there is a lean on the back!

There is a backing behind! It feels more energetic to breathe!

And this patron... is called the motherland!

For Zhao Wei’s reminder, Qi Lei was a little bit furious: "Are you angry!? Why are there so many small belly chicken intestines? I'm still angry!"

Staring at the eyes, "Don't pay attention to them, give them hypocrisy!"

Zhao Wei is stunned secretly, Qi Lei is still domineering...

But I still persuade, "It's all friends, just say it clearly, it's not good if you don't affect the relationship."

Qi Lei, "Don't worry..."

"Believe it or not, when we go back, nothing will happen? No one cares!"

Zhao Wei, "Anyway, if you have a snack, if they are still in the mood for a while, be polite, don't talk to their necks."

"Hey!" Qi Lei was speechless, "I said Weizi... Among our brothers, you seem to be the most acidic! You still have the face to say me."

"Ha!!" Zhao Wei smiled, "It seems...that's the case."

Don't forget, Zhao Wei was still a **** more than a year ago.

Suddenly he asked, "Stone, I've been troubled, why did you find me at that time?"

Qi Lei grinned, "It's rare for you."

Zhao Wei, "Get out!"

Seeing that it is almost here, I reminded again, "Speak well! Several of them... are all good people."

Qi Lei, "....."

Maybe someone believes this now, but twenty years one will not be scolded.

The lips were perfunctory, "Leave it alone, I will treat them!"

The car slowly drove into the three-stone headquarters.

It was also a coincidence that Ding Lei and Wang Zhendong came out in front of the main office building before stopping.

Going to the gate with a sullen face.

Qi Guodong, Wu Ning and the others were still chasing by, looking at the posture, it seemed that they were going to drive, but those heads got stuck in their necks and didn't use them.

As Zhao Wei stopped, Qi Lei said worriedly, "Look at it, it hasn't gotten over yet!"

Qi Lei is still carrying it!

"A three-year-old kid? You still care about this!?"

Zhao Wei, "Your words are really hurtful..."

However, Qi Lei jumped out of the car with a bump and slammed the door, "Damn! Can't cure you? Look at me!"

Murderous, rushed forward a few steps...

Ding Lei and the others also saw Qi Lei sitting back in the car, and now they saw him rushing up aggressively.

All of them frowned, standing there without speaking.

In fact, not only was Lei Qi's words hurting people before he left, everyone also felt boring!

You said that we accompany you as a little kid. After tossing for almost two months, we finally got the job done and killed the donkey?

Quite boring!

Besides, these seventeen or eighteen children have an acid temper! You said that you turned your face?


Well, relying on not leaving, in fact, there is also selfishness, and has his own small ninety-nine.

I just thought that the hiding was pretty good, but was dismantled by Qi Lei? Also started to rush people.

This makes them even more embarrassed.

At this moment, Tang Haichao gritted his teeth and watched Qi Lei approach.

Xin said, there is no good thing to come here, he is not used to preparing, no one owes you! Scolding? Who can't?


What everyone didn't expect was that Qi Lei charged up with murderous aura! A few steps to the front!

Then... the hands were folded fiercely, raised to the top, a big 90-degree bow, and screamed: "Wrong!"




The people in the courtyard of the Three Stone Company are all dumbfounded! !


"Oh go!"

Tang Haichao, Xiao Ma, and even Zhao Wei all sprayed!

Zhao Wei looked at Qi Lei in disbelief, heck! Where is the momentum in the car?

Is it so sincere?

And Tang Haichao is also speechless, you really deserve to be a dog! !

What a real dog! ? It's a quick change of face!

"Wrong!" Thief Qi Lei stiffened, bowed, and shook his hands, "Is it wrong!?"

"Get out!" Tang Haichao laughed and cursed speechlessly, is there such a shameless you?

After a while...

Qi Guodong's office.

A group of people stared at Qi Lei with big eyes and small eyes. It's not enough to admit the mistake with domineering...You have to be clear. What is the reason for that sour temper?

And Qi Lei, there is nothing to hide, "South Korea is making a big deal."


Everyone was startled! The movements slowed down, all looking at Qi Lei, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei explained the cause and effect to everyone in detail. But for the time being, only half of it was said, and there was no mention of Lao Bei coming over to give him peace of mind.

Tang Hai didn't stare at them when he heard it. Such a thing was really like he had never seen before!

Now it fell on his own head.

And Lei Qi slapped the table!

"It's good for you to let you go!"

"Fuck me, it's better to be implicated than the big guys."

"If the Three Stones are gone like this, I still count on my brothers to help me make a comeback!"




Tang Haichao was a little moved, it turned out to be such a reason, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Qi Lei stared at the bull's eyes, confidently, "Why did I say it earlier!? I said it earlier, will you still want to go to your urinary spirit!?"

"One by one, they're so crazy! Isn't it okay to get rid of the cunning of a businessman?"

"What is the righteousness? One piece of death?"

Hi! !

Wang Zhendong slapped his thigh, "What you are righteous and we can't help but righteous!?"

"That's it!" Tang Hai said to Yuanchang, "We have been here for such a long time. We have already become brothers. If you are in trouble, we will leave? What's the matter? Then we must not leave!"

Qi Lei, "Look at it...just you guys! Can I still tell you?"

"It can only be a hard-headed chase..."

"Fine!" Tang Haichao soothed, "We wronged you, right!?"

Qi Lei pouted, "It's pretty much the same."

Everyone is also speechless, looking childish.


Brother Xiao Ma switched to thinking about it wrong! !

"Why did you provoke us and end up with us?"


Xiao Ma suddenly sweated down!

Want to cry...

A sentence popped out: "Then what are you telling us now?"

Let's leave without saying?

Don't you just feel at ease and leave with confidence?

it's good now...

What should you do? Let's go...not righteous.

Don't's really scary.

When I was struggling, I laughed at how cheap and cheap Qi Lei was, "Now it's because it's okay again."



Everyone looked at it in doubt, why is it all right?

I saw Qi Lei say to Tang Yi and Wu Ning, "Lao Bei is here."

Brother Xiao Ma, they don't know who Lao Bei is, "Who?"

Qi Lei, "I specially came to tell us what to do, don't think too much. It won't affect us."


Wu Xiaojian and other friends rolled their eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Tang Xiaoyi said silently, "Hey! I was so scared, I thought I had to go home and bite the old!"

Yang Xiao was also helpless. "Next time, let me talk about the main point. Do you know how easy it is for you to have no friends?"

Several people know what Lao Bei means, so naturally they are relieved.


The so-so little Ma, they don’t know anything!

One by one became even more confused: "Who is Lao Bei? It's okay because he comes?"

What's this guy coming from? Unfathomable?

Wu Xiaojian deliberately loses his Shouldn't ask, don't ask. "

Everyone, "..."

Tang Xiaoyi said, "Anyway, just let it go!"

The few people in Brother Xiao Ma are even more confused, squinting at the three brothers Qi Lei, "It won't be...what's the relationship above, right?"

"Uh..." Qi Lei was a little at a loss, to be precise, it was indeed the relationship above...

And it's a relationship that no one can escape, can't avoid, anyone can use it.



That's all for today, and it's not in good shape.


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