Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 2: youth! The next stop is fleeting (3)

If we say that high school life is innocent and pure, then the college age is undoubtedly synonymous with excitement and passion.

Whether it’s a three-year college or four-year undergraduate degree, whether it’s every corner of the campus, every taste in the dormitory, and whether it’s an ordinary university or a prestigious university, it is full of hormones.

Nothing, because the young people in the university are at the age of hormones, and they are swaying passion all the time.

Let’s not talk about other aspects. Let’s just take the love of men and women as an example. In the ivory tower wrapped by a three-foot wall, learning knowledge seems to be just the adjustment of life, but only part of the content. In the other part, the most important thing is the love between men and women.

There seems to be a longing in everyone's eyes...

Here, everyone is a prey, everyone is a hunter.

Feelings are not as reserved and restrained as high school, and exudes unrestrained fragrance everywhere.

The younger brothers and younger sisters will stare at a certain senior elder sister ghostly and awake at night.

From the moment the younger brothers and younger sisters enter the campus, at least in the dormitory night talks, and among the jokes of close friends, every senior and senior sister has two eyes.

Here, the freshman year belongs to the period of adaptation and ignorance.

Experts often quickly jump out of the innocence of middle school and end their single career at a happy moment.

Those who are familiar and slow, also under the instigation of classmates, brothers, sisters, and seniors, quickly release pheromones, looking for goals.

By the sophomore year, it's an outbreak period, and all staff can't help themselves.

Those who are still single will be teased and doubt life.

If you are still a bachelor in the junior year, it is basically judged as abolished.

The title of leftover female and leftover male in junior year is not a joke.


give up! It was a time when passion was diluted by reality and gradually cooled down.

If you are still single, you can give up, and even declare your college life, destined to have regrets.


It's such a tiger and wolf ring feeding, Xu Xiaoqian actually let Qi Lei act alone for a year! ?

very scary!

At this time, Xu Xiaoqian somewhat understood why Cao Xiaoxi had not accepted Guan Xiaobei.

She knew that Cao Xiaoxi was thoughtful, but she didn't understand why she had been refusing to pierce the window paper. Now she understood.

Two people separated by thousands of miles are in such an environment that magnifies the ambiguity of men and women infinitely, and no one can guarantee their loyalty to love.

Cao Xiaoxi didn't accept it, not that he didn't care. On the contrary, he probably cared very much and was serious, but he didn't have confidence in his feelings.

At this moment, even Xu Xiaoqian, who is chic and confident, has a little frustration. He won't be abducted, right?

Well, after all, she is a big silly girl from the Northeast, who never knows to keep in love.

"I regret it a bit."

Qi Lei was startled at Xu Xiaoqian's thoughtless sentence, but he didn't say anything.

And his silence made Xu Xiaoqian even more unhappy.

Are you saying something to comfort me? What do you mean by not saying anything?

When Qi Lei went upstairs to say hello to Guo Lihua, he went down and waved to her, "Go."

Xu Xiaoqian was still a little depressed, a little angry, "What are you going to do? I don't want to move!"

Qi Lei rolled his eyes, "Go to the supermarket!"

"Oh." Tweaked into the car, without saying a word.

Here, when Qi Lei was about to drive away, Tang Xiaoyi couldn't stand it anymore, "I want to go too!"

He hasn't taken a big G yet!

But Yang Xiao dragged him back, "Where are you?"

Tang Xiaoyi was not angry, "Go to the supermarket, me, can't I be a coolie?"

But Wu Xiaojian also rolled his eyes, "Are you really knowing nothing? I really doubt how you seduce the BIT's elder sister? The blind cat ran into a dead mouse?"

Tang Xiaoyi glared, "What do you mean by seduce? It looks right, okay?"

Wu Xiaojian was speechless and didn't want to wrestle with him, "Just stay with you!"

Tang Xiaoyi was still not convinced, "Hey! I'm serious, I was tempted when I saw her, and she called me as soon as she saw her!"

Wu Xiaojian shook his head, and couldn't think of how Tang Xiaoyi, a guy with basically zero affinity for a woman, made a girl call.

A sentence popped out, "Either this girl is blind, or she is attracted by your ability to make money!"

Tang Xiaoyi: "Go away!"



The car started slowly, slid out of the parking space, and drove out of the community.

Sitting under the shade of the tree, the uncle playing chess, and the aunts who are knitting sweaters with wire dustpans, are not cold at all with this luxury car.

Well, they didn't treat this as a luxury car.

Some looked at it a lot, and had to complain, "Hey, these 212 are not small!"

The young man stared at the car logo and looked at it more. The G-Class of Benchi was a product of the early nineties, with the retro look of a classic battlefield jeep.

However, in this era, there are few imported carts running on the road, and not many people I know.

The residential area of ​​the North Campus of Power Construction is facing Chaoyang Road, less than a hundred meters away from the legendary "No. 17 East Street" grilled wing shop, but a little far away from the largest supermarket.

After all, it is 2000, after all, it is outside the 5th ring road. This is the big rural area, and there is a large supermarket near the Ganlu Garden next to the Fourth Ring Road.

However, Qi Lei's destination is not Ganlu Garden.

Driving along Chaoyang Road all the way to the city, the two of them did not speak. Xu Xiaoqian thought about her business, and the car was quiet.

Seeing that there is a supermarket on the roadside, Qi Lei didn't stop, Xu Xiaoqian still pouted not to remind.

Until the red light at the exit of the Fourth Ring Road, there was a traffic policeman directing traffic because it was approaching the end of get off work time.

Qi Lei missed the previous green light and was at the top of the line.

I have to say that the big G is still quite conspicuous, and the traffic police comrades also took a second look.

Then...then found a "child" sitting in the driver's seat.

It is indeed a "child"!

Qi Lei was originally only eighteen, and his face was still tender, and it was impossible not to attract attention.

I saw the traffic police comrades glance at the traffic from time to time, hesitating, and came over.

Qi Lei knew what was going on when he saw it, and he had already taken out his driver's license.

When the traffic police arrived at the car, he saluted, "Come on, take a look at the driver's license."

Qi Lei immediately handed over the prepared driver's license, and added, "Sufficient age, true certificate!"

The traffic police were amused when they heard it, and the child was quite clever.

I didn't say anything. I opened the driver's license and took a good look. It was indeed okay.

"The certificate you just got?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Well, it's not a week!"

The traffic police also nodded, raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Xiaoqian, who was the co-pilot, and said to his heart, "The young and young nowadays are getting more and more boundless. I started to pick up girls at eighteen, so I still have it?

However, these are not things that traffic police should take care of. He glanced at the car body, "G320?"

Qi Lei, "G500."

"Oh!" The traffic police comrade sighed, handed back his driver's license, and said in an uneasy voice, "Be careful."

After that, he stopped talking to Qi Lei.

At this time, the green light has changed, and Qi Lei calmly kicked the accelerator and left.

Xu Xiaoqian watched by the side, poking her lips secretly, and vomiting in her heart: Let you scream! Did you check?

It was said that the car was swaggering, and even the traffic police could see it.

Qi Lei is also mentally active, it's a small one, it depends on when you hold it back!


The most annoying thing about the red light is that if you catch up with one, you won't be able to run the next one.

It's not dead, Qi Lei was the first one at the next intersection, and there was a traffic policeman in front of him, and he stared at Big G Duo twice.

Then, I found a child in the driving seat! ! !

Then, the standard process was over, and I came to salute again, "driver's license, driving license."

Seeing that he was taken care of again, Xu Xiaoqian couldn't hold back, "Oh, that's it! Why are you so happy?"

And Qi Lei was a little rushed.

One is, hell, let's check it again?

Second, he really didn't know where Wang Zhendong put the driving license.

I took the phone call and finally found the driving license from the co-pilot's clasp.

Alert the traffic police, "Kid? Is it your car?"

Qi Lei said with a sullen face, "It's my car!"

When the traffic police heard this, he stretched out his hand, "Come on, take a look at the ID card."

Qi Lei, "..." Patience, and took his ID card.

After passing this intersection, seeing that the red light at the next intersection can't be avoided, and seeing the traffic police at the intersection again, this time Qi Lei has been a good student. I'll stay away from you, right?

With a kick, the tortoise moved forward at a fast speed, deliberately lined up behind, unobtrusive.

There are several cars in front of me. Who is still staring at me?

As a result, I was just catching up with the two traffic policemen, who came from the side and caught the big white G at a glance.

The two still talked.

One: "Hey!! Make it white, what look in your eyes?"

The other nodded, "Chill."

I glanced again and saw Qi Lei in the car, "Hey~! Is the hair all the same? Just drive?"

Another: "I don't have a certificate, right? Take a look."

Yes, turn a corner, rush to the big G and you are here.

Qi Lei didn't stare at him, fuck! Deliberately?

However, it's useless to vomit, you can only prepare your driver's license obediently.


"Pull over! Driver's license, driving permit, ID card!"


Qi Lei was going crazy and moved the car to the side of the road.

After being tossed for a full five minutes, the two police uncles repeatedly confirmed that the child was okay, that it was long and young, and then let him go.

However, after letting go, Qi Lei went away in no hurry, grabbed the phone and called Wang Zhendong again.

When connected, he cursed, "It's so easy, I save your uncle! I crossed the three-way intersection and was stopped by the traffic police three times. I don't want this broken car!"

"What are you going to drive me away, and then complete the eight-handed Xiali, let me see who will stop Lao Tzu!"

I'm so angry, how can it be like this?

The scolding Wang Zhendong is inexplicable, what's the matter? Stop three times at three intersections? Are you hung up?

The two police uncles were also happy to listen.

Stop three times? Then you are really back! But, you can’t blame us, you guys, if you make a big G, it’s still white. The key is that you don’t look like a big G, and you have a honey next to it...

At first glance, it is the second generation ancestor who stole his father's car and came out on the street (not ashamed or swaggering on the street)! Who won't stop you?

But when I think about it, I think this child is pitiful enough.

A middle-aged traffic policeman was quite enthusiastic. He took out his notebook and copied the license plate. "Come on, I will say hello to the team and stop you twice."

Qi Lei froze there while holding the phone, what else did he do?

At noon, the traffic police: "But, you will be safe when you get out of the morning sun!" He frowned and said, "You are not old, don't fix this messy bag, think about business, let's go!"

have to!

Qi Lei arrived in the capital, but Beiguang hasn't gone yet, so he registered with the traffic police team.

No way, these years, even in the capital, there are not many big G... (white!)

The Chinese people are still conservative. The whole car of the old age is good, young people are mostly small sports cars, who drives this stuff?

But, having said that, Wang Zhendong is not to blame. He himself asked for being younger, able to cross-country, and having personality.


Qi Lei had a dark face, left the file, and then dropped a sentence, "I thank you!"


When the window was raised, Xu Xiaoqian's "very restrained" laughter was heard.

In fact, Xu Xiaoqian never stopped since she was stopped for the third time.

It's too coke. What luck?

Put Qi Lei angrily, viciously, "Smiles! Is it funny?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Xu Xiaoqian finally broke out, curled up and trembling all over the vehicle.

Too much relief, "Oh! It depends on whether you are beautiful or not!"

Qi Lei: "..."

But Xu Xiaoqian suddenly pointed forward, panicking: "Traffic police!"

Qi Lei pumped, and subconsciously touched the driver's license to pull over and parked, but he took a closer look, how can there be any traffic police?

"Hahahahaha!!" Xu Xiaoqian couldn't stop smiling.

Making Qi Lei angry, he choked while opening the connection, "Are you comfortable this time?"

Xu Xiaoqian nodded vigorously, "Well, it's so comfortable!"

Qi Lei sighed, "Oh!!!"

Raise the tone, "There is nothing wrong in the world, mediocre people are disturbing themselves!"

Xu Xiaoqian instinctively went on to say, "If you ask about the fragrance of the wine, the troubles and worries will be thrown away!"

After receiving it, it was discovered that Qi Lei was obviously ironicing that she found herself uncomfortable.

Raising his hand was a punch, hitting Qi Lei's arm, pouting angrily and not smiling.

Qi Lei grinned, "What are you doing? Driving!"

Seeing that Xu Xiaoqian was not talking, she got serious and said to herself, "Xu Youzhi, you have to be clear about two points!"

"First, Comrade Qi Lei is a good comrade, and Comrade Qi Lei's revolutionary will is quite firm!"

"He likes a girl. She is the third stunning beauty among Snow and Moonlight. He should not be able to pretend to be someone else."

Xu Xiaoqian: "..." It's so nauseating!

"Second!" Qi Lei became more and more serious, "You have to make full use of your logical ability, and then you will find that my boys are not popular in college."

Xu Xiaoqian: "????? What logic?"

Qi Lei, "You think, everyone else is 19 or 20 years old when they go to college, and I'm only 18 years old. I must be the youngest one!"

"You are young and are not popular in college. Girls like older than themselves and don't like younger ones."

In order to convince Xu Xiaoqian of his fallacies and heresies, "Others are going to college, and I am at best an extension of high school. So, don't worry!"

"Third!" Throwing out the assassin.

Xu Xiaoqian, "You said only two points, no third!"

Qi Lei, "temporarily added."

Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

Qi Lei looked directly at Xu Xiaoqian, "Third! I want to dare to blow with you, my little old lady will break my leg!"

Xu Xiaoqian was stunned immediately, "Is this all right?"

Qi Lei, "???"

"What does this do?"

The donkey's lips don't match the horse's mouth?

Xu Xiaoqian said in horror: "Qilei, don't you want to be ethical? The first time I heard that my mother interrupted her leg to pick up a girl!"

"Oh." Qi Lei understood, this is also okay.

Hehe laughed, "Be in love! Do whatever it takes!"


Xu Xiaoqian can't stand it anymore, Qi Lei has a thick skin, and has yet to find a means of defense.

But when I think about it carefully, what he said makes sense, because he is careful.

Before he recovered, he suddenly pointed forward, "Traffic police!"

Qi Lei originally thought she was joking, but unconsciously swept away, there really was a traffic policeman.

Two traffic policemen stood in the middle of the road, stopping a car, recording something there.

"Hey!! I can't get through this day!" Qi Lei wailed.

Pulled over and parked, took the initiative to lower the window, handed over the driver's license and ID card, "It's eighteen! The car is mine! It's reasonable and legal!"

The traffic police uncle was startled, a little dazed, and looked at Qi Lei for a long time.

"It's you... escaping from the rear? Turn yourself in?"

"I'm poof!" Qi Lei took a mouthful of blood.

Well, the traffic policeman is here to deal with the accident, and suddenly a car pops up, and he also voluntarily handed out his driver's license.

"No, no, no!"

The uncle of the traffic police immediately became angry, "What's the trouble without you? Hurry up, haven't you seen a blockage behind you?"


The traffic police uncle only noticed at this time, "Oh!! Big G?"

Eyeballs stared, "Break the eyes of'L 212' here!?"

Qi Lei fled in embarrassment.

When Xu Xiaoqian was provoked, she couldn't hold it anymore, "Hahahahaha!"

A tooth for a tooth, "Oh, there is nothing wrong in the world... mediocre people are disturbing themselves!"

Qi Lei, "..."

Driving with a straight face, cursing in my heart, breaking a big G, it's really bad!

Bored for a while, "Bah!"

Xu Xiaoqian frowned and looked, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei, "The first one is a bit nauseous and makes myself sick."


Xu Xiaoqian raised her hand again, "Repeat the first one to me ten times!"

Qi Lei, "Forgot."

Xu Xiaoqian, "No! I ask you, am I the third type of stunning!?"

Qi Lei, "What's so beautiful? I'm tired of seeing it early."

"Looking for a fight, right?"

Qi Lei, "To hit is to curse or to love."

"So annoying?"

Qi Lei, "Don't pretend! Just like annoying, admit it."

Xu Xiaoqian, "!!!"

After the rain, the weather will be fine, and everything will be business as usual.



After the laughter, Xu Xiaoqian finally stood up and asked a question that a normal person should ask.

"Where are we going?"

This is fast entering the third ring road, and several supermarkets have also been missed.

Qi Lei said: "Go to our own supermarket!"

Xu Xiaoqian knew that he was talking about the [Northern Supermarket] opened by Shangbei.

On the edge of the East Third Ring Road, Guanghua Road is close to the direction of China World Trade Center. It has not officially opened yet, but it is not a big problem.

Qi Lei has the approval slip from Shangbei City Government and the approval slip from Lianhua Non-staple Food Factory. I came here today to get some rice and some specialties in Harbin.

At this time, the supermarket has entered the countdown to opening, the goods are basically on the shelf, and the final staff training is in progress.

The manager of the Jingcheng store is the manager of the former Shangbei No. 2 store, and his business organization. I don't know Qi Lei, but I know Xu Xiaoqian.

Prior to this, Qi Guojun had also called and passed the communication.

If you adjust some local products from the supermarket, you don't need to travel from Shangbei to the other side, and just check out with the Lianhua Group.

Therefore, Qi Lei parked the car in the parking lot, found the manager and was taken directly to the warehouse.

The manager also called two staff members to help move the goods, "15 bags of finely processed Shangbei rice, and 30 catties of red sausage."

Qi Lei originally wanted to get some Northeast vegetables for the homeowner uncle, but unfortunately, half a month after leaving the business, seasonal vegetables have not come in yet, and he didn't want it.

In the end, Qi Lei only took two bottles of Beidacang wine, which can be regarded as the taste of hometown.

When I returned to the North Campus of the Electric Power Construction, it was almost evening, and the residents in the community were also getting off work one after another.

When Qi Lei drove into the community, he happened to see the homeowner's uncle also entering the community with the lunch box.

Power Construction has a canteen, and the company and the family courtyard are separated by a road, so many employees like to prepare meals in the canteen and come home to eat.

In the summer, save the smoke and fire.

When Qi Lei saw him, he quickly stopped the car on the side of the road and called the house owner uncle.

Take out two bags of rice, red sausage and wine from the trunk.

The homeowner didn't expect that the family was so happy, and the things that were only said in the afternoon were fulfilled.

Very happy, in his opinion, things are not valuable things, but they are full of heart.

When Qi Lei drove away, the neighbors were also curious, "Relatives?"

The uncle of the homeowner grinned, "My fellow villager, I will be a neighbor in the future. Everyone should take care of me."

When everyone listened, they couldn't help it.

After all, the uncle of the host is a competent leader, and his words are still useful.

Parked the car downstairs, Qi Lei called Qi Guojun on his cell phone and said he was back.

After a while, Qi Guojun, Guo Lihua, and a few friends all came down.

Everyone unloaded the things and let Yang Xiao and Xu Xiaoqian look at things downstairs, while Guo Lihua led Qi Lei and the others and started knocking on the door from door to door in the unit building.

A bag of rice and a bit of red sausage in a family can be considered as heartfelt.

Of course, it's not about worshipping the dock, but saying hello to the neighbors in a unit and acknowledging the door.

By the way, let the neighbors know that it may be a bit noisy to renovate on the sixth floor.

The so-called not hitting smiley people, especially in this era, who live in alleys, this is especially noticeable.

The neighbors on the left and right see you being polite, and holding things, even if it really disturbs the people, it's hard to say anything.

Comparing your heart to your heart, who can't decorate it?

Sometimes, the difference between conflict and understanding is often only a few words.

Regardless of Guo Lihua being great at home, Qi Guojun also looks like an honest person, but the human relationship and the world are really not bad at all.

Only on the third floor, a little episode happened.

Knock on the house on the left on the third floor, the couple who opened the door and a boy who looked at him older than Qi Lei.

Both sides were startled.

The head of the household was stunned because he didn't know him, and he didn't know what the couple at the door were doing with their children.

But Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua are: they found that this family is just like theirs, the house is a rough house, obviously there is no one inhabited.

After chatting with each other, I found out that the situation in this house is similar to that of Qi's family, not in the capital, and not even an employee of the power construction company.

The family came from a small county in the south. It was also a child who came to the capital to go to school. It seemed that the score was a little bit worse, but he came in after accepting a pre-training program.

Therefore, it is also to buy a house for the child.

In fact, this kind of situation is quite a lot in the capital. If the conditions at home are better when you come out of a small place, you don't plan to let your children go back, and try to stay in the big city.

This family had no plans to go back to their hometown when they came to Beijing, so they bought the house first.

What do you say?

If I did this before 2008, I could wake up with a smile when I dreamed.

After 2008, if the family is not so strong, it can be exhausted.

This one is obviously far-sighted.

Then talk again, the boy in this family is also in Beijing and Guangzhou, and the two have a common language.

After chatting with each other politely for a long time, the adults repeatedly encouraged Qi Lei and the little boy named Dong Li to take care of each other and keep in touch.

After a while, Guo Lihua left a bag of rice and red sausage and left, and there were still several places that did not arrive.

Agreed to have a meal together another day.

The man in that family seems to have a small factory in the south, and he is also engaged in the packaging goods business.

However, as soon as the Qi family left, this house on the third floor closed the door and immediately slammed his face.

The hostess's face was dark and scary, and her mouth was unkind.

"Old Dong, do you think there is something wrong with this house? If you install it, you can decorate it! Who doesn't decorate it? Obviously you know how to do it!"

Spread their hands, "Now it's great, what should we do if they decorate and give something?"

The host smiled bitterly and persuaded: "Forget it, maybe this is the custom in their hometown."

"Go back and buy some small gifts and say hello to your neighbors. It won't cost much."

He said so, but he told Dong Li: "You have to pay attention to the roar, stay away from that little Qi Lei's roar! It's not a good habit to roar when you do things lavishly!"

The hostess looked at the bag of rice and red sausage, and began to pick the fault again, "Look, look at howl, don’t pay attention to delivery, get something rustic, what's up!"

"Housewarming, give me some apples and toffee! It's safe, sweet, and how nice it is to ask for it!"

The host swept his hand, "Oh, say a few words, say a few words! The rustic is rustic, and it has nothing to do with us!"

However, I took a look at the exquisitely packaged rice, and the time came to a halt, "Shangbei rice? Wouldn't it be fake? The provincial capital sells it so expensive!"

When the hostess heard this, "You can figure it out, it's rustic, and you still have rice in the north?"

When I saw that it was really Shangbei rice, he immediately changed his face, "It's really a roar! The last time I bought it for Chief Ma, it was this kind of roar."

A handful stuffed it to Dong Li, "This one can be eaten, remember to cook by yourself, it's better than the outside stuff."

Dong Li was holding the rice bag and felt an urge to cry.

Finally, I finally went to college, and I don’t have to listen to the two old guys chanting scriptures, it’s so annoying!

However, having said that, although I am very dissatisfied with the two old guys in the family, but they agree with the evaluation of the Qi family three.

A local leopard!

Especially that Qi Lei, that face...





In the following days, Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua moved quickly. After all, they couldn't stay in the capital for a few days, and the family was still pushing a lot of things, and they had to hurry up and decorate.

From morning to night, I found the decoration team from the transfer and arranged the construction in one go.

In fact, there is no need to install it, scrape a big white, hang a ceiling, lay a floor tile or something.

Kitchens and bathrooms, as well as indoor water and electricity lines, are all ready-made, that is, changing to good bathroom and kitchen utensils, switching chandeliers and the like.

Just pack the door and heating.

One-piece cabinets are popular in this era, but apart from the kitchen, Qi Lei is determined not to have one-piece wardrobes that are soiled and scumbags, threatening to equip them by himself.

Guo Lihua thought, too, that things are quite expensive, and this house will go to school to live in. Maybe it will be sold in a few years, so he will leave it to him.

In short, according to this amount of work, the decoration will not take long, about 20 days, and it will be completed before Qi Lei starts school.

Tang Xiaoyi, Wu Xiaojian and Yang Xiao have gone crazy these days, and the broken car Reviver has left a psychological shadow. They basically won't move if they don't travel long distances, so they made a few of them cheaper.

In the past few days, I drove across the city and wandered all over the capital.

Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian accompany their parents to decorate.

Guo Lihua said he didn't need to worry about it, but Qi Lei was really afraid... afraid that she would come up with the aesthetics of twenty or thirty years ago, such as the tiles of the dragon and the phoenix.

The house on the third floor has not seen anyone recently and it is under renovation.

But one day when I came back at noon, the decorator handed a few apples and a small bag of sugar, which they said were brought up on the third floor.

Guo Lihua kind of sighed, "You said this eldest brother and sister-in-law, you're polite, why don't you wait for a while, and also say we have a meal together!"

And that evening, Qi Lei found that Wu Xiaojian and Yang Xiao, who had returned from a crazy day, had a weird expression, but Tang Xiaoyi was lighthearted and couldn't help but care.

"What's wrong?"

As a result, Wu Xiaojian and Yang Xiao's faces were distorted, pulling Qi Lei aside, "I went to Beijing Polytechnic today, and I saw the senior sister Tang Xiaoyi said."

"Huh?" Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian came to their spirits immediately.

And it was a little gloating, "What? Is it blind, or is it the ability to focus on money?"

Wu Xiaojian pondered for a while, "It should be considered... blind, right?"

"Besides, I'm so blind!"

Qi Lei was at a loss, "What the **** is going on?"

I saw Yang Xiao shook his head irritably, "I can't tell, I just feel..."

Asked Wu Xiaojian, "A natural couple?"

Wu Xiaojian slapped her mouth, "Yes, I'm a couple!"



Qi Lei was dumbfounded, "Is it so mysterious?"

"Yes!" Wu Xiaojian definitely nodded, and Qi Lei pointed to himself, "You should believe in my aesthetics?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "I don't believe it."

"Don't make trouble!" Wu Ning frowned, "That elder sister, looks a bit old-fashioned, anyway, she is quite mature, not the kind of charming maturity."

"Anyway, it can't be said to be mature!"

"Then it's very quiet, no matter whether it's speaking or demeanor, it has the charm of a Jiangnan girl."

"By the way, it's kind of like a little dragon girl!"

"It's also very cold, and it's immortal."

Qi Lei was silly, "How can this be a natural couple!?"

"This is exactly the opposite of Tang Xiaoyi, okay?"

"Right!" Wu Xiaojian and Yang Xiao stared, and did not deny Qi Lei's judgment at all.


"But what?"

"However, if they go so far as to stand together, they are a natural pair!"

"You just feel that if they are not a pair, then there will be ghosts, and the law of heaven cannot tolerate it!"

Wu Xiaojian described that Yang Xiao also nodded vigorously from the side, "Right, right! Anyway, there is a husband and wife!"

"What's the name on the constellation? The aura is very good!"

Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian looked at each other, still don't believe it was so evil.

This... I have to find a chance to meet and see if there is such a **** as they say.

Unfortunately, this holiday is no chance.

Next, Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian went with that sister to play for two more days.

Just asked Tang Xiaoyi’s best friend Qi Lei to invite her to dinner. Thank you for your help last year, but your sister ran out of time. She has to go back to her hometown in Henan, and can go to the appointment after returning.

However, within a few days of my sister’s departure, in mid-August, Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua were ready to return to Shangbei before the renovation was completed.

There are two reasons:

First, it has been out for more than ten days, and the work at home can't be delayed.

The second is that Xu Xiaoqian and Wu Ning are about to start school.

The third year of high school starts early, and the report will be made on the 20th of the eighth middle school, and then the **** high school officially opens.

The day before leaving, the couple had time to visit Qi Lei's school, which is Beiguang.

Look at where your son will study and live in the future, so that you can be completely relieved.

Unfortunately, I was stopped at the entrance of the building. Non-school staff and students were not allowed to enter.

This made Guo Lihua a little speechless, and he talked to the security guard of Goemon for a long time, "We are the parents of the students, so let's go in and have a look."

The security guard did not say anything about it, "Sorry, no one can enter without a student ID or work permit."

Qi Lei was speechless when he heard it. Isn't this deliberately making things difficult? He came in casually when he came last year!

In the end, I couldn’t help but call Liao Fanyi, "Come and pick me up at the North Gate!"

Liao Fanyi almost yelled at Qi Lei on the phone, "You are here! Wait!"

So, a family of four stood at the door and waited. Liao Fanyi didn't wait to come, but waited for three acquaintances to come.

Dong Li and his parents also wanted to visit the school, but they were stopped and refused to let them in.

In the end, Guo Lihua replied, "Wait a while, my stone is called, and I will pick us up in a while!"

The Dong family were surprised, "Does your family have friends in Beiguang?"

Guo Lihua, "If you don't count as a friend, you know."


The Dong family didn't take it seriously either, the local leopards in a small place don't have any strong connections to come!

After a while, Liao Fanyi's figure appeared at the north gate and came to pick him up in person.

The image is not very good, the clothes are unkempt, and the clothes look like the ones that haven't been changed for several days, wrinkled.

Qi Lei took a look and said to his heart that this is something busy Beidu can't find.

Isn't it just that the North can't find it?

It might be better if you want to establish a department. After all, academically speaking, the scope is relatively concentrated, and the preparatory work to be done is concentrated on one point, and one year is more than enough.

But, a school! ? There is still a university department with eight colleges, one research institute, and one teaching research institute.

That year was not a terrible thing, and I didn't dare to relax every minute.

After returning to the capital, Liao Fanyi was busy flying.

To put it bluntly, his wife was about to divorce him, and he didn't know how long he hadn't been home.

However, in the eyes of the Dong family:

No wonder Guo Lihua is humble. I'm afraid this is not a cleaner, right?

At thirty years old, his age is not like a powerful one!

It's still sloppy, but anyone who sits in an office must also pay attention to the image!

Fortunately, at least it works.

Obviously, I knew the security, and when I arrived at the guard, I let it go in one sentence.

For the three of Dong's family, after listening to Qi Lei's introduction, he didn't say much, raised his eyes to the security guard, and the solution was resolved.

As for Dong Li...

Dong Li didn't have the time to think about it so much! Ever since, I have been looking at Xu Xiaoqian from time to time, and I feel even more uncomfortable.

Everyone can tell that Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian are a pair.

Xin said, Qi Lei has a good life, and his girlfriend is very refreshing!

He hasn't talked about his friend Le, which is a bit unpleasant.

As for Liao Fanyi...

Dong Li is a little bit obsessed with cleanliness, and he really dislikes this kind of sloppy and hides far away.

When I entered the campus, I didn't even say thank you, but yelled to my parents: "I'll go around and act separately!" There was no sign in the blink of an eye.

Everyone didn't care. Besides, Qi's parents and Qi's mom had no time to care about other people's children, and they were greeting Liao Fanyi at this time.

It was also the first time for Liao Fanyi to see Qi Guojun and Guo Lihua, and he kept thanking them for sending Qi Lei to Beiguang.

Later, Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun were very interesting, and went to visit the campus with the Dong family and his wife, leaving room for Qi Lei and Liao Fanyi.

In Guo Lihua's view, this is Qi Lei's nobleman, and no one strongly recommends Qi Lei.

As soon as the adults left, Qi Lei was completely relieved, complaining to Liao Fanyi, "What kind of plane, why should the security guard not let in?"

Liao Fanyi also changed his previous look and smiled playfully, "Who is to blame? You didn't make it out?"

Qi Lei, "..."

"What do you mean? It's my shit?"

Liao Fanyi, "Do you feel satisfied that the gate of Beiguang has been repaired?"


Qi Lei was immediately embarrassed, he was just playing hi, didn't hesitate to shut up, okay? Why are you serious?

Hehe, can you take it seriously?

They were all ridiculed to repair the gate, and they were all interviewed by the leaders above. Comrade Dong Beiguo, the principal of Beijing Guangxi University, almost didn't crush him to death.

If you don't take it seriously, it's really cold.

Therefore, it is impossible to really repair the gate, but it is essential to rectify the school atmosphere and strengthen the awareness of gatekeepers.

The current situation is that, let alone the second generation of luxury cars, apart from the school's faculty and staff and vehicles, no one person or a tire outside the school can fit in.

Thanks to Qi Lei!


Qi Lei was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry now, is it too late?"

"Haha." Liao Fan became funny, "Go talk to Principal Dong, he is looking forward to your arrival now!"

Qi Lei, "..." I suddenly wanted to go back to the third year of high school.


Dong Beiguo is really looking forward to... looking forward to strangling Reviver! !

Moreover, Dong Beiguo is talking about Lei Qi at this moment.

In the principal's office, Dong Beiguo is crouching and holding the phone respectfully, "Han Bu, this Qi Lei participates in the construction of the new school, I have no opinion!"

"Even on behalf of Beijing and Guangzhou, he is welcome to join! There is no young or old to learn, the talent is the first, there is nothing to say. As long as we have the ability, we welcome it!"

"But, you can't give him such a position!!"

"You know the situation of logistics support. An 18-year-old kid is coming to be a purchasing manager? I have reservations!"

After listening, the opposite leader smiled indifferently, "Then you tell me, what position should be assigned to him?"

"I..." Dong Beiguo choked.

I scolded in my heart, you guys don’t understand the arrangement, ask me! ?

Don't tell me, it's really not easy to arrange for Qi Lei an on-campus position.

First of all, Qi Lei wants to participate in the construction of the department. He does have to have an on-campus identity. This is an administrative requirement, and it is also easier for the faculty and staff of the new department to accept this too young discipline founder.

Otherwise, can you imagine that people in such a big college will listen to an 18-year-old child?


However, this is a reality when the position arrives. If it is a person with real power, no matter how young he is, he must say otherwise.

However, Qi Lei is still a student, so he has to get a degree first. You can't arrange teaching posts for him right now. It can only be an administrative post in the school.

Then the question comes again, which position in the logistics center can enable him to command the work of the new department? Is it a tie?

Beiguang is a bureau-level unit, and the department is generally in charge of the vice president, which is the deputy bureau level. The subordinate colleges are all units at the departmental level, that is to say, the deans of the colleges are all at the departmental level.

You let Qi Lei have the power to command them. This is not a job title, but the job must at least match.

Well, the deputy bureau level is a bit too exaggerated.

Looking at the logistics office again, there are only purchasing managers and general office directors left.

However, Dong Beiguo couldn't figure it out. You can ask him to do anything, even if you give him the head of the property and environmental greening office, why should he be a purchasing manager?

Purchasing manager! Don’t the big leaders know how big this authority is?

"Let's put it this way!" Dong Beiguo decided to make the final effort, "Leader, I will report to you the composition of Beiguang logistics."

The leader on the phone had already guessed what Dong Beiguo was going to say, but he was not in a hurry and let him speak first.

"Okay, then you can give me science!"

Dong Beiguo....

"The logistics office of Beiguang, that is, the logistics support center, is a big stall in charge of the deputy principal!"

Leader: "How old is it?"

Dong Beiguo: "The Logistics Center has three major departments, the Supervision Department, the Operation Department and the Public Service Department, with 14 offices under its jurisdiction."

"In addition to the general management office, the procurement and financial supervision office has the most authority."

"And the purchasing manager is the biggest boss in this office!"

"Don't think that the purchasing manager just buys some chalk pointers and A4 paper ink cartridges. It's that simple!"

"In fact, the purchase and purchase of commercial outlets such as school restaurants and supermarkets are all under his control."

"In addition to these, the property management of teaching buildings and dormitories, the greening of the campus, the renovation and overhaul of all school buildings, buildings, and facilities, the maintenance of roads in the school, the procurement of school hospitals, and employee kindergartens!"

"Also, the supply of water, electricity, natural gas and other energy sources in the school, including heating in winter, is all under the management of the purchasing manager."

"Everything needed for food, materials, water, electricity, coal, etc., must be managed by the procurement office."

"Including the procurement of teaching aids and equipment for each department and department, we must also go to the procurement office."

"The expenditure of props and materials for grassroots student activities has to go to the purchasing office."

"Even the financial supervision of the entire logistics is under the supervision of the purchasing manager."

"Although it is not Beiguang's purse, it is an outlet for Beiguang to spend money."

"This position is too important to be a trifling matter!"

To put it ugly, from the students to the employees, from the principal to the security guard of Beijing Guangxi University, everything is held in the hands of the purchasing manager.

Are you making trouble?

As the principal, Dong Beiguo spoke with great pains, how could he dare to give such an important position to an 18-year-old child?

"Han Bu, he is too young to withstand this pressure, nor can he resist this temptation."

When the opposing leader heard this, he smiled slightly, and a single sentence made Dong Beiguo lose his temper.

"Since it's so important, and you, as the principal, pay so much attention to it, how did the last purchasing manager make the mistake?"

"I..." Dong Beiguo didn't choke to death.

Well, the head of the last purchasing office was the purchasing manager. Corruption... went in.

In fact, Beiguang has sent three purchasing managers in the past few years.

No way, this is an errand that can no longer be fat, eat rebates, wipe the price difference, receive gifts, etc. Too many places can be greedy.

A set of large-scale teaching aids is hundreds of thousands and millions, and a video studio is several millions.

Changing the uniforms of the security guards is all money, and it is impossible to guard against.

Every year, tens of millions of logistical procurement expenses of Beiguang have to be passed on by this person, which is prone to problems.

Otherwise, Dong Beiguo would not be so trivial, and he would not worry about Qi Lei.

If it hadn't been vacant all the time, the above would not arrange such a position for Qi Lei.

Dong Beiguo had nothing to say, "It's because my job is not in place, which disappoints the leader."

The leader sneered and said to his heart, I'm helping you, you don't appreciate it anymore.

The leaders know much more than Dong Beiguo.

Dong Beiguo thinks Qi Lei is not competent?

But the leader knows that there should be no more competent person than Qi Lei, and it would be a bad idea to be a purchasing manager for you.

Do you think that is a little genius who knows communication and can fool you? People are also good at doing business and managing money bags!

Regardless of the size of the country, all Internet companies, the only company that does not accept financing and can be responsible for its own profits and losses, is joking with you?

You Dong Beiguo still think that Qi Lei can't resist the temptation?

Hehe, the little money you purchased from Beiguang is not necessarily worthy of others, but it is a monster who has been on the rich list!

The most important thing is that there will be no problems, so you can go for fun!

So, when he was in Shangbei No. 2 Middle School, the leaders arranged Qi Lei to be the purchasing manager for the seemingly random and understatement. It really wasn't simply giving him an identity.

The above is profound, well thought out, and full of wisdom.

How can it be so casual?

The leader is not nonsense, and there is no doubt: "The matter is settled, don't have any ideas, I think he is very suitable!"

"I don't believe it..." The leader laughed, "I don't believe it, Dong Beiguo, dare you walk with me?"

Dong Beiguo, "..."

Is the leader crazy? Well, it must be crazy!

Hanging up the phone, thinking about it for a long This hapless kid is not so worrying! "

While complaining, Liao Fanyi knocked on the door and came in.

"President Dong, Qi Lei is here."

With a sudden sound, Dong Beiguo jumped up, staring at his eyes, "Where!"

Liao Fanyi was taken aback, what are you going to do, principal? How can it be like eating people?

"Yes, I'm visiting in school!"

Dong Beiguo wailed his throat and stared at the bull's eyes, "Take me to look at him to see what this kid looks like!?"



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