Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 3: youth! The next stop is fleeting (4).

Before you have time to correct the typo, post it first and then correct it.


Dong Beiguo pierced his arms and rushed out sideways.

Okay, Lao Dong, a man from the northwest, usually doesn't laugh at all, but the school leaders who are familiar with him know that Dong Peiguo is not for nothing, he is a man of good temperament, and has a bit of an old **** character.

Seeing him wanting to see Qi Lei like eating people, Liao Fanyi didn't stop him, but instead led him.

The heart even laughed. This year, President Dong Da was tossed because of Qi Lei, but he finally had a catharsis.

At this time, Qi Lei was walking around the school with Xu Xiaoqian, just walking along the main road in the school, and it was not difficult to find.

Seeing the appearance of two students from a distance, Liao Fanyi pointed, "That's Qi Lei! The little girl next to me is also good, with excellent grades. It's a pity that people want to go abroad and look down on us."

Dong Beiguo became angry as soon as he saw it, Xiao Liao, are you deliberately arrogant?

He couldn't see that his source of good school was not his own... He once personally went to the NPC dormitory to dig for graduate students, and he really made him dig, and he didn't laugh at the president of the NPC.

Do you think, capable students must be admitted to the National People's University for postgraduates, or they will be recommended. Who can see you in Beiguang? Those who have no bottom in their hearts and have poor grades can go to Beiguang for your guarantee and preferential policies!

The National People's Congress does not feel distressed at all, and it also raises the postgraduate entrance examination rate of others.

At this time, Dong Beiguo stared at the two children...

Well, good match!


"Then what..." waved his hand to Liao Fanyi, "Little Liao, what should I do?"

After listening, Liao Fanyi raised his eyebrows to know what was going on, "The principal, I'm busy!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Dong Beiguo fell not far behind Qi Lei and "observed in secret."

Look at this "purchasing manager", "one of the founders of the university department," and a "freshman" kid, how many heads have grown.

Well, President Dong Da "counseled"! The murderous spirit is gone.

Don't look at his temperament, it seems like he is going to deal with Qi Lei, but how is it that he can really compare with an 18-year-old young man?

I am really afraid that if the child jumps, he will not be able to let go of his hands and feet in school in the future.

I am mainly curious, wanting to see what this "Little Fortune General" looks like.

That's right, Fu Jiang!

It is true that the pot is not less backed, but it is not less expensive.

With the addition of an additional university department and the expansion of science and engineering majors, Beijing and Guangzhou can apply for comprehensive universities this year, which is equivalent to a big step up.

Therefore, this is Dong Beiguo's true thoughts. There can be more pots like this kind of pot, he can bear it!

Qi Lei soon discovered that there was a thin old man behind him, and he wondered, what did this old man do? What do you do with me?



It was a holiday at this time, and there were not many people in the school.

On the football field, as well as the south gate, you can see the shadows of many students, and they seem to be busy.

However, Qi Lei was just taking a walk with Xu Xiaoqian to enjoy the time that was about to be parted, so he didn't go to join in the fun, just watched from a distance and then withdrew.

It's just that he didn't care about others, they could notice him.

Zhou Xiaohan has been fainted recently, and he is organizing the backbone of literature and art to prepare for the "Second University Student Music Festival".

The first college student music festival was a bit magical. It was prepared for half an hour, but it was not unprecedented.

Although Zhou Xiaohan and the others feel extremely humiliated, they are based on the principle that it is a big fool to have the advantage and not take it! Beiguang also took this opportunity to become popular.

Don’t forget, it was the whole video. The video was sent to the campus forum and then spread to several other universities in Beijing. This novel stage format alone won a lot of praise, saying that this is the new generation of college students. The face it should have.

In addition, the holding of a music festival allows the school to also see an opportunity to provide a comprehensive platform for students of various majors.

Therefore, this year, led by the Academic Affairs Office, the Student Union and Youth League Committee jointly organized the idea of ​​turning this accident into a regular campus event.

What's even more outrageous is that Zhang Xianlong's friend has deep and wide friends, and he is extremely tossing. He contacted the Beijing Normal University, the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing Foreign Studies University, the Second Foreign Language School and other universities to participate...

An intramural music festival has become a big party for colleges and universities in Beijing.

It has become a veritable music festival.

It was held during the National Day holiday of November, and the venue of the second music festival was located in Beiguang. As the chief host and one of the chief planners of the music festival, Zhou Xiaohan was reimbursed for this holiday.

At this time, Zhou Xiaohan tied her long hair that had not been washed for ten days into a ball. The oversized T-shirt always covered her knees. His tired face was not covered with powder. The whole person was depressed, and he was organizing people to make plans on the football field. The stage position of colleges and universities.

Tomorrow, we will have to connect with several other schools to determine the stage specifications. In addition to these, she hasn't seen the male host of Beijing Foreign Studies University and the programs of the schools!

Anyway, I was very annoyed, and my mind was haggard.

While helping the little friend to measure the distance while holding the tape measure, he squinted his eyes and slumbered. She stayed up all night again last night, and if she keeps up like this, people will get old!

As a result, Zhou Xiaohan raised her eyes in a daze, and saw two vague figures from a distance, which made her agitated and her whole body energetic.

There is no way, Qi Lei's undue beating silhouette, she can recognize it in ashes.

It really looks like...Is it him?

Well, even if 80% looks like Lei Reviver, it's still a bit uncertain.

Counting the days, isn't that guy only coming to Beiguang next year? All the animals in the school are ready to make him look good next year!

Anyway, this summer vacation, it is impossible to be here.


Squinted for a long time...

It should be him, right? What is he doing here? Come to see Li Hanhan?

However, Li Hanhan followed Li Chunyan to Hebei, not at school.

She was thinking, but the two figures in the distance didn't give her any chance to think. They only stopped for a moment on the outside of the football field and walked towards the south gate, holding hands. Zhou Xiaohan had disappeared in the corner of the building before he returned to his soul.

Zhou Xiaohan was a little anxious, and wanted to follow up and have a look. He happened to see a little boy next to him, who was in a daze without working.

Immediately he was angry, "You, come here!"

Dong Li was all dumbfounded, call me? Did pretty sister actually notice me?

Pi Dian Pi Dian came over, "Hello Senior Sister!"

Zhou Xiaohan didn't have the time to be polite with him, and handed the tape measure up, "Please, can you be smart? Hold on!"

After finishing speaking, follow Qi Lei's direction to chase.

Dong Li took the ruler blankly, and measured it with a junior high school sister, and said to his heart...I'll just look at the do I get to work?

But... it's okay. Dong Li is a child who has vision and knows how to come.

The seniors of this group of elder sisters are unusual at first sight.

The elder sister who was with him was kind, and had never met Dong Li. "How old is it?"

Dong Li, "Good elder sister, freshman."

"Oh, sophomore year? Which department?"

Dong Li, "First year of school, journalism!"

The elder sister has a dark face, and the freshman year begins. Isn't that something that hasn't been reported yet? He raised his head and scolded Zhou Xiaohan, "Zhou Fairy! What are you doing? People haven't started school yet, what are you doing?"

Zhou Xiaohan had walked out for more than ten meters, and stopped at once. It wasn't because the messenger called the wrong person. She didn't have the time to deal with it at all.

Instead, I saw the student council president Zhang Xianlong and the propaganda minister Wang Xuan jogging towards her.

Still far away, Zhang Xianlong exploded: "Fascinating Zhou, I seem to have a hell!"

Zhou Xiaohan understood immediately, "You can't..."

Wang Xuan also yelled, "It must be him, that's right! Out of the east gate, I went to the boys' dormitory."

The Student Union was hanging banners and colorful flags at the east gate to set up the school atmosphere for the beginning of the school and the new year. As a result, an animal passed by, and Zhang Xianlong was shocked and almost fell.

Hold! Is he here again?

This time Zhou Xiaohan confirmed, gritted his teeth, "He still dare to come to Beiguang? Isn't he looking for death!?"

As he said, he was about to rush out, "My old lady beat him to death!"

Being stopped by Wang Xuan and Zhang Xianlong, one holding his waist and the other holding his arm, "Calm down! It must be Li Hanhan. Give Hanhan a face!"

"Well, no, yes!" Zhou Xiaohan yelled.

I don't know if it is really angry, or venting the recent pressure: "Beiguang does not welcome him! Give, me, and die!"

Okay, do you know how everyone was tortured by that guy?

Close the school for one month for rectification! !

Trained by the instructor every day, by the instructor, and by the dormitory!

Trained by the principal...

The whole school held a meeting every other time, just like a critique meeting, especially the girls in the broadcasting and hosting department, journalism and art aesthetics! !

There is no way, those luxury car gangs were brought in by them, and they all pointed at them!

What's even more exaggerated is that you still have to write a thesis, and you can't drop your subject at the end of the semester.

Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi vented all their grievances to the students.

Anyway, that semester can only be described as painful and unhappy, living like years.

For Zhou Xiaohan, these can be tolerated...

Isn't it just being criticized? She couldn't be approved here anyway.

The most unbearable is...

These people were turned into scum by a sophomore kid, a shadow for a lifetime!

When Zhou Xiaohan thought of being dominated by Qi Lei that day, and when he handed over a string of words, he didn't understand the look in his contemptuous eyes...

Sophomore...17 years old! !

You can question my IQ! But you can't trample on my profession! !

Every time I think of being a 17-year-old kid who hasn't taken a professional class for a day, Zhou Xiaohan wants to die!

"I'm not over with him!"

"Forget it!" Zhang Xianlong bitterly bitterly, "Isn't it all gone? He didn't dare to come again after measuring it!"

Zhang Xianlong is also bitter...

He is a versatile, organizational talent. It also made a seventeen-year-old kid a second. Who is he looking for?

The key is....

Three sentences...

At that time, it seemed that he had just said three words with Qi Lei. He, the chairman of the student union... just obeyed the command....

What a shame!

The performance of a few people, everyone behind me was stunned, with different expressions!

Don't forget, Zhou Xiaohan and Zhang Xianlong are not the only ones who suffer the humiliation, they are also not less wronged!

Let's put it this way... the most famous name of Beiguang is not Zhang Xianlong, nor Zhou Xiaohan or Coco Lee.

But a Qi Lei who is not from Beiguang!

Just say what everyone hated!

So Dong Li didn't know what was going on, "Sister, this is..."

The senpai who was originally quite amiable, her face was sinking at this time, "Do not ask!"

Dong Li didn't give up, "Who are the seniors and sisters angry with?"

The senior girl frowned and glared at him. At last she saw that the child was pretty good, and she gave an answer, "A public enemy of Beiguang! You have to eat sap animals when you enter school!"


Dong Li shrank, and said to his heart, these seniors and sisters have good tempers, so scary.

As for who? So unlucky, provoked so many people?

Xiao Dongli didn't dare to ask! Too scary.


Qi Lei didn't know he was being watched, so he went to the dormitory to find his parents.

The boys’ dormitory in Beiguang is not on campus, so I left the east gate, walked across the street and crossed the Jingtong Expressway, and there was a row of new dormitory buildings.

One of them is from Beiguang, and the other two are dormitories for boys and girls in second foreign languages.

Qi Lei knew that Mom and Dad would definitely get here to see the environment in the dormitory, so they came with Xu Xiaoqian.

Then, he found that the skinny old man was still following him!

This is a bit confusing.

Stopped altogether, and as a result, the old man also stopped.

Hey! Qi Lei confirmed, originally thought it was the same way, now it seems that this is coming to me!

Passed in a daze, "Uncle, do you know me?"

Dong Beiguo was also quite surprised. Does this kid really don't recognize birth?

Not embarrassed, he smiled, "You know, don't you just call Qi Lei?"

Qi Lei heard, "Then what are you doing with me?"

Dong Beiguo, "Just take a look, I have never seen a student like you."


Qi Lei, "Then you have watched it now!"

It means that you have watched it, so why should you go chanting!

As a result, Dong Beiguo said, "After watching, let's talk about it again?"

Qi Lei, "..."

Dong Beiguo stepped forward with his hands behind his back, and had to follow him with Qi Lei.

"I heard from Liao Fanyi, do you have two sons?"

Qi Lei didn't know what the old man meant, so he could only answer: "It's okay, right?"

Then he asked: "What do you do in Beiguang? Leader?"

Dong Beiguo: "Me? I'm just a teacher."

"What to teach?"

Dong Beiguo, "Information Engineering."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows. Information engineering is a general direction. He knew that Beiguang’s current information engineering major was not so broad and directional.

"Which direction?"

This time it was Dong Beiguo's turn to raise his eyebrows, "I know a lot! Cable TV technology."

"Oh." Qi Lei was short of interest at the moment, and said perfunctorily, "That's pretty good."

But in Dong Beiguo's eyes, Qi Lei's expression didn't seem like "that's pretty good."

"What? Have any opinions on this profession?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "No, it's good!"

Dong Beiguo frowned, "Isn't it real at a young age? Just say, that's a young man! Why is it so smooth?"

"Uh." Qi Lei was embarrassed, "Then I will tell the truth?"

Dong Beiguo, "Say it?"

Qi Lei, "No future!"


He didn't choke Dong Beiguo to death in one sentence, so it's better not to ask!

It’s a bit out of my mind, "Why... no future?"


Qi Lei pondered, a little wondering what should be said.

In the eyes of the current people, cable TV has just started in China. From 1993 to the beginning of research in the technical field, to the current stage of development, the future is bright.

However, in Qi Lei's eyes, this thing is really not good.

First of all, the medium of television has lost its dominance of the media with the development of the Internet and mobile Internet.

Especially in China, the Internet has developed so fast that cable TV was replaced before it reached its peak value.

However, these words cannot be said.

After thinking for a long time, Dong Beiguo was not in a hurry, because he found that this kid didn't seem to be emptying the cannon, he was really thinking.

For a long time, Qi Lei said: "From a technical point of view, your research direction should be the transmission of coaxial cable TV signals?"

Dong Beiguo nodded, "Yes!"

Qi Lei, "Then there are two main directions for your future, one is digital signal transmission; the other is two-way transformation, that is, the realization of terminal interaction."

Dong Beiguo, "Yes, it seems that you really understand a little bit."

Qi Lei grinned, "This is all basic knowledge!"

It's really not new. Although my country's cable television began to develop in the early 1990s, it has only been around for 7 to 8 years.

However, in Europe and the United States, cable television networks have been around since the 1940s. The theory and technology have been quite mature. We have a taste of being late, and the technology is not much worse than abroad.

But here comes the problem.

Qi Lei, "Why do you only want to catch up and follow the development route of Europe and the United States?"

Dong Beiguo was startled and became serious, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei, "Did you ever think about overtaking in a curve?"

Dong Beiguo, "???"

Qi Lei, "Two-way transformation, have you thought about it afterwards? Or, have you considered taking the route of network TV?"

Dong Beiguo: "!!!"


Looking at Qi Lei like a ghost, Internet TV? What is Internet TV? Probably understand the meaning.


"You can be more specific!"

Qi Lei, "Look, traditional media, that is, television media, and network media are two parallel lines that belong to different systems."

"Because of the different media and technical means, the two lines cannot intersect."

"In other words, it is bound to form a competitive relationship in the future."

"Online TV and online video industries should pose a great threat to, or even replace, traditional television media and operations!!"

"Then why not skip the two-way transformation and study network TV technology first?"

"Unify the two parallel lines into one line, from one-way transmission to jump directly to the network for mutual entertainment."


Dong Beiguo... the liver is trembling, Sanguan collapsed!

This is an eighteen-year-old child? Besides, Internet TV! ! online TV! !

Do you know why Dong Beiguo reacted so much?

Because he is one of the founders of domestic cable television, and he is the main research member of the digital signal transmission technology currently used.

In addition, Dong Beiguo is also responsible for broadband network research academically.

In other words, he is an expert in the two fields of television media technology and broadband technology.

Before, he thought about how to connect the traditional coaxial cable and cable TV with the Internet era, but he suffered from no inspiration.

As a result, today an eighteen-year-old child broke the secret.

"You..." staring, "Do you know this?"

Qi Lei struck his neck, "I don't understand, I'm just talking nonsense."

Well, he knows what a fart! At most when I was studying journalism, I knew the terms of two interdisciplinary subjects. It was purely based on the perspective of later generations.

However, the same sentence, sometimes inadvertently, is an inspiration for people in this era.

Moreover, it may be priceless.

In the later generations of traditional media transformation, most of them were unsuccessful. Many people said that it was a problem of concepts. In fact, there are technical reasons for this.

It's not that traditional TV media doesn't want to transform, but technology doesn't allow it, theory doesn't allow it, and it's stuck.

How many years has Yang Ma’s website, content, and delivery been, why not succeed? Because the production logic of TV content and network content are completely different concepts.

To put it bluntly, the knowledge of when to insert an advertisement is different.

At this time, Dong Beiguo looked at Qi Lei in a daze, and said to his heart that Liao Fanyi really picked up a treasure.

But, having said that, the baby is very precious, but you can't give him a purchasing manager?

It was originally a business that made sure to make a profit without losing it, but now it's fine, it's really hard to tell whether it is a loss or a profit.

Suddenly the conversation changed, "I heard that you are still the purchasing manager of Beiguang?"


I saw Qi Lei pull his face, with a very unhappy attitude, "Do you know everything about this?"

About this matter, Liao Fanyi and Lao Qin had already greeted Qi Lei, saying that it was convenient for him to start work in the new school.

But actually...

Qi Lei complained, "I have to say, this thing is really not something to do!"

"Huh?" Dong Beiguo raised his eyebrows, "What? You don't like this position?"

It's right to think about it, an eighteen-year-old kid, it's strange to like it.

Suddenly it seemed to see the light, "If you feel that you are not competent, can you bring it up? How can you force you to do this job?"

Qi Lei felt that this old man should be quite willing to talk, and he simply said something psychological.

"It's really hard to talk about what you like or not, the main thing is..."

"what is this else?"

Qi Lei pulled his face and suddenly exploded, "What's this is to catch a toad and make a shit! It's really not polite, use it to death!"

"Gah!?" Dong Beiguo choked, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei had constipation on his face, "You tell me, I'll admit it if you let me skip a grade. It's okay to help them set up a new department. Who let me pick up the matter?"

"However, throwing such a bad-hearted manager to me is a bit unnatural."

"I'm almost in the firefighting squad. Where can I stop the smoke?"

Dong Beiguo: "......"

I didn't understand, what do you mean?

Listening to the voice, Qi Lei meant that he didn't want to do this job because he was forced to do it.

Is he reluctant?

"Can you be a good logistics purchasing manager?"

Qi Lei curled his lips irritably, "That's it, simple."

Dong Beiguo: "......"

See what you can!

Originally, Qi Lei had a good impression, but as soon as the cowhide was blown out, it felt like that was the case again.

Still too young and impetuous!

Suddenly I wanted to read Qi Lei's jokes, and laughed, "When will you go to the logistics service? I will accompany you."

The old dough sticks at the Logistics Support Center are not as easy to talk as Dong Beiguo.



On August 16, Guo Lihua and Qi Guojun took Tang Yi and Wu Ning back to Shangbei.

School will start on the 20th of the Second Middle School.

And Guo Lihua still regrets that he didn't have dinner with the one on the third floor.

Qi Lei took them to the airport and agreed to visit them in October.

In just over a month, even though Xu Xiaoqian said that he should stop tossing, judging from the crescent eyebrows, she was still quite happy.

Back from the airport, Qi Lei has been busy decorating things.

It was also from this moment that he truly entered the college age.

The biggest difference between college and high school is that everything depends on yourself.

Arrange food, clothing, housing and transportation by yourself, and manage your own life.

This state will unknowingly let people begin to become independent and begin to become more and more compatible with society.

Liao Fanyi knew that Qi Lei had bought a house next to the school. He teased that he was too extravagant and settled just after he came to Beijing.

However, I also expressed my understanding that it was not too short of a few days to make him feel at ease about the house, and the school can wait until the beginning of school.

As for the logistics side, Qi Lei meant to wait for the pretend to start after school. It's not in a hurry now.

However, Liao Fanyi asked him, do you need to arrange staff dormitories?

The purchasing manager's level is not low, and a two-bedroom apartment can be arranged in the school. Even if he does not live by himself, it is okay to rent it to students.

In recent years, the inspections were lax, and many houses in the staff building were rented to students.

But Qi Lei refused.

He owns a house, he doesn't need to take up this resource, he doesn't need that little money, and he may be made irresponsible. Sometimes it's not a good thing to take advantage.

Besides, even if he has a room, he still wants to live in the dormitory, which is lively.

On the evening of the 21st, Qi Lei received a call from Yang Xiao.

Qi Lei was very strange when he called on the IC phone of the school, "Where is Xu Xiaoqian?"

Xiaoer yelled, "Are you really something? You have the opposite **** and are inhuman, right?"

Qi Lei was too lazy to quarrel with her and changed the subject, "What's going on? Is it your wish? Are you at the same table with Xu Xiaoqian?"

Xiaoer, "That is."

"Okay! I won't tease you anymore." It seems to have moved the microphone a little further.

Then, various voices came from the phone:

"Your uncle!"

This is Lu Xiaoshuai.

"What are you doing? Did you miss us?"

This is Fang Bing.

"Banbanbanbanban! Are there any pretty girls in Beibei and Beiguang?"

This is a big orange.

Class 14, you say a word to me, the phone is messy.

Listening to the familiar voice, Qi Lei smiled unconsciously.

Suddenly he said, "Stupid guys!! Happy senior year!"




There was a momentary silence on the other side, followed by a verbal condemnation like a mountain whistling and a tsunami, "It's too human!"

After laughing and making trouble for a long time, it was Xu Xiaoqian's turn to pick up the phone, and the noise around her gradually disappeared, as if she was running away.

Xu Xiaoqian doesn't talk nonsense, "All are good, and I miss you a lot, don't worry about it."

Qi Lei, "Hmm."

Xu Xiaoqian, "When will school start?"

Qi Lei, "September 1st."

Xu Xiaoqian, "Has the house been decorated?"

Qi Lei, "It will take two days before you can enter the furniture."

Xu Xiaoqian pondered for a while, "Then I want a room too!"

Qi Lei, "No."

Xu Xiaoqian, "???"

Qi Lei, "I will give you half a bed at most."


After a while, "Go to **** you!"

Snap, the phone broke.

Qi Lei was smirking with his phone for a long while, and he was almost familiar with it... he had to instill it gradually.


On the 23rd, the house was renovated, cleaned for one day, and let it taste for two more days

On the 26th, Qi Lei drove to Peking University and picked up Viagra.

When Big G stopped at the west gate of Peking University, it attracted many people's attention.

After all, this kind of luxury car pick-up scene is not common in Peking University, and is not proud of it, but ashamed. This is the style of a prestigious school.

Regardless of whether it is done well in some respects, but this kind of low-level mistake will still not be made.

The students of Peking University are kind of weird, who? Is the run to Beijing University swaggering?

As a result, a shaggy "uncle" got into the car and walked away.

All passers-by were immediately disappointed and waved their hands, "Cut~~!"

Might as well take away a talented woman from Peking University! At least it is acceptable, what the **** is it to seduce a sloppy king?

Then, as soon as the car left Peking University, Viagra couldn't stretch it anymore, "pull over and stop, let me come!"

Just now, many alumni have forced the grid to be filled with Viagra, must be enjoyable!

To coax Qi Lei out of the driving position, Viagra kicked the accelerator and walked away unhurriedly.

Regrettably, the co-pilot took a seated wife, not a big fan.

On the way: "Li Hanhan hasn't come back yet?"

Qi Lei, "I talked on the phone this morning and just came back last night."

Viagra, "Then you didn't call her?"

Qi Lei, "No, let's talk about it when school starts! She's a girl who can't help much."

Viagra pouted, "Hey! Then I don't know if you're a pass!"

Qi Lei immediately became happy, "I don't know, but also taught me the experience of senior high school for a long time!"

Viagra is speechless, Li Hanhan will always be Li Hanhan.


Calling Viagra is a coolie. The two spent the morning in the furniture store and chose a bunch of furniture.

In the afternoon, I went to China Netcom to set up an online home-based business.

Then he went to Zhongguancun and took over a computer.

After three o'clock, he returned to the North Campus of Power Construction, just in time for the moving company to deliver the furniture.

Moved upstairs, and simply put it down, it was already past nine o'clock.

Tired Viagra like a dead dog, it won't get up when lying on a mattress with plastic wrap.

Two people in one room (Huh? Why do you want to emphasize this?), so it will be one night without even a quilt.

The next day, I ran to the supermarket three more times, pulling back the bedding, curtains, tableware, pots and pans.

Back home again...

"I'm going to your uncle!"

Viagra was completely paralyzed and went on strike.

Qi Lei didn't forgive him, "Get up quickly, the furniture hasn't been laid out yet!"

"Don't do it, go to whomever you like!"

Qi Lei, "Leave a room for you."

Viagra didn't move, "You think I'm stupid, right? I'm in Haidian! Do you leave a fart room in Chaoyang?"

Qi Lei, "Just drive the car!"

As a result, Viagra flicked, "Move! Move! Hurry up! Why are you lazy to steal?"


So... a man doesn't care about loyalty, it's just that the bargaining chip for betrayal is too low!

Very suitable for Viagra.

It wasn't until the 29th that the new home was cleaned up and barely able to live in.

Qi Lei and Viagra are spreading out on the sofa, turning on the TV and holding a beer bottle. Whoever moves first will lose....

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when the phone rang.

Coco Li called, "Hey, have you studied yourself?"

Qi Lei was half asleep and half awake, "It's down!"

Li Hanhan, "Why are you weak? You are tired from the third year of high school?"

Qi Lei, "Tired, exhausted."

As a result, he said that he was tired, and when he said that Viagra hurts, he screamed, "I'm exhausted!"

On the other side, Coco Lee was startled, "Who is around you?"

Qi Lei has been hiding it for half a month, how can he show his stuff at this time, "Wu Xiaojian!"

Coco Lee, "Oh, his voice has changed? It sounds like Caiwei."

All right....

Da silly girl doubts without doubt.

"That's right!!" Sister Hanhan said in a mess: "You said you should post red sausage to my old lady, where did the post go? It's been more than half a month, right?"

Before, Coco Li and Qi Lei talked on the phone when he was not in the capital. Qi Lei said to get him some Harbin sausage or something.

Coco Lee is not polite, just post it.

As a result, half a month has passed, and there is still no movement.

Qi Lei, "Probably...September 1st and 2nd can be there, right?! Not sure, it depends on fate, just wait!"

"Oh." Coco Lee hadn't figured it out yet, "That's all right, go on your knees!"

Putting down the phone, Qi Lei didn't say anything to continue walking around the corpse, but Viagra took a sip of beer and looked at the ceiling.

"Hey, sometimes I think it's good to be like Li Hanhan, heartless and more at ease."

Qi Lei cast a glance at him to see his image and state, "Then how heartless do you want to be?"

After listening to Viagra, "I actually think a lot."

These words made Qi Lei suddenly think of something. When he first moved to the old dormitory building, he thought about one thing.

At that time, he was still immersed in the identity of the owner of the Three Stone Company, and he couldn't turn around. He remembered how Viagra turned from three to seven minutes to a sloppy boy.

Suddenly asked, "Viagra, ask you something."

Cai Wei looked up, "What's the matter?"

Qi Lei, "At the beginning, you changed so much, was it because of me that I was fooled, or was you already thinking about it, but you just lacked an opportunity?"

Cai Wei was stunned, "I... of course I was mentally prepared, I can really make you fool you with a few words? Who do you look down on?"

Qi Lei, "..."

Well, you can't tell whether this stuff is true or false.

And Viagra suddenly said, "Can I ask you something?"

Qi Lei, "What's the matter?"

"Do you really mean nothing to Coco Lee?"


Qi Lei was stunned for a while, "Thief Sun! You don't really want to tell the truth, can you not change the subject of me?"

Viagra chuckled, "I didn't joke with you, I was just curious."

"So, are you really interesting to Cocoon Lee?"

Qi Lei, "..."

Gradually serious, pondering for a long time.

Until... Viagra kept looking at him straightforwardly and couldn't hide away.

Then suddenly he pointed to the advertisement of a certain female star on TV and asked, "Do you like it?"

Viagra looked over and smiled sly, "I like it."

The ad is switched, and another actress, "Do you like this?"

Viagra, "I like it."

Qi Lei, "Marry one, which one do you choose?"

Viagra, "???"

I was stunned for a short time, and then I thought about it as if I was really choosing which one to marry the two.

Qi Lei looked at him tired, and gave a scornful look: "Don't think about it, you won't choose any one, because you have someone in your heart."


Viagra's face turned pale, "What are you talking about? Who am I?"

He paused for a moment, "I have given up on Xu Xiaoqian, don't think about it!"

Qi Lei sneered, "If you have thoughts about Xu Xiaoqian, then the two of us won't be buddies. You have someone else in your heart."

When I heard Viagra, my eyes turned again, "I'm not interested in Li Hanhan! I just asked for fun!"

Qi Lei, "It's not Coco Lee..."

Viagra: "No! Don't talk about it."

"Do you love it!" Qi Lei was too lazy to argue with him, "There is someone in my heart, so you won't choose no matter how good you are."

"The same is true for me." "There are so many good women, and I like a lot of them. Men, they are all **** by the same dog! The **** is not dead!"


Speaking loudly: "But it's one thing to like, it's another thing to be together. Because..."

Viagra sits upright, "because of what?"

Qi Lei, "Because this is called responsibility."


Qi Lei, "Yeah... Don't understand? Really don't understand or pretend not to understand?"

He also sat upright and leaned towards Viagra: "Just like you..."

"You like it, but you can't say it now!!!"

"It is an animal, this is also a responsibility!"

Responsibility is not innate, but it is a group obligation that people live in this society, culture and law give us.

After speaking, Qi Lei stood up, "Sleep!"

"Eh eh eh!!"

Viagra is still in the mist, "Do you really make it clear?"

what does it mean? Are you interested in Li Hanhan, or are you boring?

Besides, how do you know someone in my heart! ?

Oh fuck! He doesn't know who that person is yet, does he?

Viagra's face turned pale and his hairs exploded. It was so scary!

But after pondering...

its not right?

I asked him, why did he beat me?


I am more awake than you! Do I use you to beat it?

Real grandson!



The deadline for Beiguang’s report is September 3.

Of course, this is the deadline, that is to say, it is more troublesome if you arrive late than the 3rd.

From the 1st to the 3rd, you can go through the enrollment procedures normally in 3 days, and it is very comfortable...

It is definitely the best day for you from the four-year college seniors. And only this one day!

On the morning of the 1st, Qi Lei had everything available, and Viagra drove him to report.

Well, it is said that Viagra as a senior, Peking University also has an orientation task, but...

Didn't Viagra transfer to engineering department? The assessment failed, so I had to start again from the freshman year. So strictly speaking, Viagra is also a freshman. It's just that there is no need to report.

Just stay here to help Qi Lei, because there are too many things.

There are four gates in the north, south, north, and south of Guangdong. Except for the east gate, even if the new students can find it by themselves, the three gates in the north and south have welcome points.

Viagra drove the car to the west gate on Dingfuzhuang East Street and pulled over and parked.

Qi Lei asked him to drive to the dormitory to wait, and he entered the school with a small schoolbag on his back.

As soon as I walked in, there were seniors of various faculties carrying the flags of their faculties and standing in a row on the side of the road, very "dazzling".

It’s clear at a glance what broadcasting and hosting art department, journalism department, humanities department, art aesthetics and so on.

Of course, in addition to these picking up people with tasks, there are also a lot of idle personnel.

Most of them are boys, some are really enthusiastic, some are purely looking for prey here...

See which school girl is of high quality, in line with the principle of first-hands-first, she used to act as a "good-hearted senior" to carry a bag or something, and then act as a tour guide.

Of course, "Big Sister Intimate" is not without it, but it has to be a handsome boy out of the sky...

Anyway, Qi Lei's level is not up to the point where the senior sister can't take care of herself.

As I said before, here are basically sophomores and juniors who are looking for a goal to get away from the singles.

The seniors will not come because they have already given up.

This situation is especially the most serious in the broadcast host. In addition to the new students under the flagpole, there are also piles of old students...

The second is journalism and fine arts, music aesthetics, and art aesthetics.

The quality of girls in these departments is not bad.

Qi Lei's student status is from the Department of Journalism, so just look for the flag and go there.

At this time, under the banner of the Department of Journalism, a group of new students have gathered, with large bags and small bags still following their parents. There are very few lonely people like Qi Lei, or he can be said to be the only one!

As a result, it is true that Qi Lei is a sophomore of a freshman in the journalism department, and he is confused. Why did this guy come without bringing anything?


Why do you look so familiar? Have you seen it somewhere? The senior looked at him for a long time, and he realized he had seen him.

Qi Lei didn't care either. On the day of the concert, few people could see his face clearly under the dark lights.

Besides, I can't remember clearly, he is not from Beiguang.

Standing there quietly, waiting for the group to take away...

The general process for new students' reporting is as follows: pick up from the school gate, and then old students bring them to the registration office, register for registration, and receive the registration card.

Then the old students will lead them to the dormitory, and the old students will take them to pay the tuition, apply for various certificates and cards, including the registration of residence.

How about it is the best day for old students to new students? Full escort, one-stop service.

This is also the reason why the animals squatted guarding. From carrying the luggage to entering the dormitory, and then going through the formalities with the escort, they couldn't get off every day.

It's really one to two things, to make some sparks, so...don't think this is coolie, the best time to get out of college! none of them!

Of course, even if the normal process is sent downstairs to the dormitory, it is over. The latter are all expansion projects. Whether they can be expanded depends on your vision and ability.

When I pick someone with a parent to **** my head, it basically exposes...most of them are nothing.

However, there are also masters who have exposed and exposed schemes. It is not impossible to fix the parent curve to save the country, but the technical content is a bit high.

(I can only teach you to get here.)

Qi Lei also saw acquaintances in the team.

Dong Li is also on the team, but... Dong Li is 10,000 times better than Qi Lei!

People are not being picked up, but “accepting new staff”

Well, after Zhou Xiaohan caught the coolie that day, Dong Li was at the pinnacle of his life...

Mixed with the student union and the backbone of literature and art. School has not yet started, and has become a non-staff member of the Student Union, participating in labor.

At this time, Dong Li, let alone the report, the beds in the dormitory are all made up, and the meal card and library card are in their pockets!

In this regard, Dong's father and mother, who have not left the capital, are quite satisfied. Take a look at my little Dongli, how good at doing things?

This university is four years, don't be too comfortable.

Dong Li also saw Qi Lei, knowing why he didn't take anything, pretending not to see it.

Seeing that there are almost people gathered, remind the senior, "Brother Li, shouldn't we take it?"

The senior surnamed Li is still thinking about it! "I must have seen this freshman! I just can't remember it!"

Reminded by Dong Li, "Oh oh..."

Throw the flag into Dong Li's hand, "You are staring here, and I will lead people over."

Dong Li was startled! He brought the first two batches, and the seniors were too lazy to move, so why are they so enthusiastic this time?

I swept around in the team, but I didn’t see any girl worthy of fascination...

As everyone knows, the senior is not going to the girls this time, but is working hard at an uncle.

"New students in the journalism department, look here and look here...follow me."

The senior led the team in front, followed by a series of freshmen carrying bags and luggage.

In everyone’s eyes, there is a yearning and novelty for a new life...

The beginning of college life is often accompanied by anxiety and longing.

Only Qi Lei was like a second-rate son, with both hands in his pockets and leisurely following.

In the meantime, he was still looking around, why didn't he see Jiang Yao and the others? Maybe you didn't go to the west gate, or missed the time?


Freshmen received from the three school gates will be taken to the freshmen reception desk. One contact point for each department.

Get the report card and register here.

The scene was spectacular. Freshmen party at the front, and old students line up at the back.

Because after registration, the old student has to take the dormitory to go through the accommodation procedures.

At this time, the sun is scorching... it's not easy to register this alive.

Theoretically, the teachers of the academic work offices of each department should preside over the registration. However, the teachers of the general departments make a sample at the beginning, and then leave it to the sophomore and junior students to handle it.

Sit in the shade by yourself and drink some tea. Doesn't he fragrant?

When Qi Lei got to the place, he still scanned around, but he still didn't see Jiang Yao, not even the one who came out of the second middle school.

But at the registration point, I saw many "acquaintances", which made Qi Lei smile knowingly.

at this time...

Chen Li, the instructor of the Broadcasting and Hosting Department, Xia Qiang of the Humanities Department, and Chen Guangfu, who teaches Communication in the Journalism Department, all stood under the shade of a tree.

Chen Li personally opened a bottle of mineral water for Chen Xingfu and handed it over.

"Old Chen... Why did you bother you because you said this. Just let young people do it."

The registration of new students is generally the job of young tutors and counselors, and professors like Chen Guangfu dare not support it.

But Chen Xingfu smiled and said, "I haven't welcomed the new for many years, please review it."

not far away...

Zhou Xiaohan was in the big sun, with fine and crystal beads of sweat on the tip of his nose, and his face was so delicate that it was not human-like, but it was full of bitterness and hatred...

She complained in a low voice to Coco Coco Lee who was registering new students, "Chen Li is becoming less and less of a person! Is it okay to change my wife to drink saliva?"

Coco Lee is no longer the youthful appearance of last year, tight-fitting military green vest, denim shorts, those two long white feet, the new students didn't even bother to sign up.

If it weren't for the old students to know that this girl is difficult to deal with and can't hold it, it's probably because of God's disobedience.

I don’t know the situation in front of me, and I’m still close to it. I want to know what class Li Hanhan is a little boy in the broadcasting department and which sleeping room he lives. Check in, and then follow this senior sister. Be good..."

After speaking, he smiled and added: "Classmate... Sister likes mature, you are too tender."

The scared little boy blushed at once and fled.

Regarding Zhou Xiaohan’s complaint, I also glanced at Chen Li and whispered BB: "I heard that I’m broken in love... understand Long live!"

Zhou Xiaohan's spirit of gossip rises immediately? "The logistics teacher Ma dumped her?"

"Good job!"

Coco Lee gave Tong Xiaohan a look that everyone knows: It's really beautiful!

Even if this topic is over.

At this time, Wang Mo brought a team of freshmen over and yelled from afar: "Seventeen heads! It's a good deal."

He also took two bottles of water intimately. Zhou Xiaohan was not polite at all. He snatched it and raised his head and poured it in disregard of the image. After the filling, he remembered to praise Wang Mo: "You have a conscience!"

Wang Mo smiled, no shyness in his eyes, "How is it? Or is your brother hurting you?"

Zhou Xiaohan gave Wang Mo a speechless look, "It's over...this kid has also failed to learn."

"Oh... what a pure child in his freshman year."

Regarding this, both Wang Mo and Coco Lee smiled silently...


How pure the freshman year is, but with my ears and eyes, plus a year of hard work, it's what it is today.

Unconsciously, they have also become old fritters...

More and more open.

Coco Lee also took the water, drank a half bottle, and reached out and handed it to Wang Xue, who was registering in the news department next door.

He gave a sympathetic look, "Baby... have a drink."

Wang Xue was more saddened than them, at least Chen Li stared at it for a while at first. And also can imagine Chen Lilai to change classes.

Wang Xue and the other girl in 226 are miserable...

Their news department is led by Grandpa Chen, and that is the big buddha of the news department. Who dares to support him? Grandpa Chen's dedication to be able to accompany him by the side.

Wait, when will it be noon and when will it be done!

After receiving the gift from Coco Coco Li, Wang Xue slammed it and gestured to a boy behind him to take away the new student in front of him!

Boys are quite unhappy, do you guys take a fart? Not to mention sending a girl!

Wang Xue didn't care, complaining, "Mother! It's over!"

She didn't even know how many new students had been registered, and the long brigade finally wiped out her.

Unfortunately, before he had time to catch his breath, he complained to Li Cowen and the others, and Li Ming brought a large team over again.

Stomped Wang Xue angrily, "Li Ming, can you not be so diligent!?"

Li Ming was also very sorry, "Why don't you... pick up the new student, I will do it for you for a while!"

"Forget it!" Wang Xue muffled. Grandpa Chen was watching there. Li Ming didn't get the registration form. If something went wrong, he would be scolded.

He was talking, and he was not idle, he continued to lower his head to register.

After several registrations in a row, everyone was dead.

On the next one, a series of mechanical reports were issued, "Identification card, admission notice, admission ticket, and your own files, bring up the files."

As a result, an ID card and a piece of paper were handed over to the other side....

Wang Xue saw that this is enough? "Say one more..."

"Bian" hadn't said it, immediately turned a hundred and eighty degrees, "Oh... it's a pass."

"Haha..." Without looking up, "Sorry, I didn't see clearly..."

The boy in front of him seemed to smile in understanding, and said, "It's okay."

The sound is pretty good, and...a bit familiar.

But Wang Xue didn't care. My old lady's underwear was soaked, so there was no time to worry about it.

Now Andy Lau is standing in front of her, and she doesn't bother to look up.

"Wait a minute, register for you."

Take the ID card and start copying on the registration form...

Qi Lei, Shangbei City, Heilong Province...


"Lei Qi?"

I saw Wang Xue horrified!

Suddenly looked up! See the person in front of you...

Huh! Andy Lau would not have such a big reaction!

Just jump up!

"Lei Qi!?"

Howling throat! Throughout the registration office, the registration points of more than 20 departments heard her scream!

"You, you, you, you, you! You really are you!?"

The nib that Cocoon Lee was registering next to him!

The eyes staring at the registration form suddenly lost their focus! My lips are shaking...

Finally.... After several changes...

look up!

Then the pupils are dilated...


Zhou Xiaohan bulged his cheeks and held the mineral water bottle, with water stains still hanging on the corners of his mouth, looking for sound...

Click! !

The water bottle slipped!

"I puff!!!"

A big mouthful of water was sprayed directly on the coat of the registered new student! !

Li Ming, who led the team, never left...

Just waiting to reveal the answer!

Listen to the word Qi Lei! Hell, the whole person is not good!

The sophomores and juniors who were waiting in line to send the freshmen to the dormitory were staring at first.


"Oh fuck!!"


"Where! Where!!?"

A head popped up from the international politics side, and it was Zhang Xianlong who was right.....

"Really?" Propaganda Minister Wang Xuan rushed over from the Humanities Department! !

Seeing the person Wang Xue was pointing at, she immediately covered her little mouth in horror...

"Illusion, right?"

The scene was out of control for a while.

The freshmen in each department look stupid...





Are you... crazy?

Isn't it just a Reviver? As for making you like this?


Who is Qi Lei? Where did Qi Lei pop out?



at this time...

Qi Lei, who has become the focus of the audience, has the heart to die!

Staring at Wang Xue, trying to strangle her to death! What are you howling? As for the response?


It's too late to say anything...Everyone stared at him!

Giant pandas don't have this attention!

In the end, I can only squeeze the big teeth in embarrassment... and squeeze out a bright and amiable smile...

Stiffening his body, he waved towards Wang Xue, Chao Li Cowen, Zhou Xiaohan, Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xuan...



I admit that the thief has affinity.

I'm hi your sister! !

Zhou Xiaohan is the first to return to his soul! "Why are you here!?"

Wang Xue was also awakened by her voice, "Why are you here!?"

Wang Xianlong and Wang Xuan were right! This is a big problem!

"Why are you here!?"

"Why are you here!?"

A group of senior elder sisters from behind said in unison...

"Why are you here!"

Li Hanhan is still dumb...

The reflex arc was running a long distance, and when everyone asked, she also asked...

" are here."

After speaking, I realized that it was wrong, "Bah!"

"Why are you here!?"

"You don't have to next year..."

Freshmen: "..."



Can we ask too?

"Why are we here?"

"Why are we here?"

"Why do you ask, why is he here?"

Qi Lei was scared to death...

Why are you so fierce? Are you old acquaintances?

Shouldn't it?

Carefully picked up the certificate of delivery on the table and shook it in front of everyone, "I'll deliver it..."

"How about it?"

"Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Still friendly...

Zhou Xiaohan doesn't feel friendly, is it annoying? ?

Screaming: "Who gave it to you!? Blind!?"

Chen Xingfu over there: "..."

Prodigal girl, who do you scold?

As soon as Coco Lee heard that he was a escort? I immediately understood...

This **** never told him! I gritted my teeth and didn't know what to say...


"A year in advance...hehe...hehe...really awesome!"

Zhou Xiaohan couldn't stand it, she yanked Li Cowen's arm, and snarled, "Could you be a little prosperous!?"

Li Hanhan looked back, looking at Zhou Xiaohan's encouraging eyes, then rolled his eyes and nodded, "Yes!"

Qi Lei was really embarrassed to be the focus of the audience, so he chuckled, "Then what...Let's register... I'll wait later!"

Wang Xue glanced at him, cursing in his heart, you still know embarrassment? Do you know how miserable we are?

About to go up to register for him, but Li Hanhan stepped up, "I'm coming!"

It makes Wang Xue angry...

As soon as you broadcast and host the Art Department, what record do you post to the Journalism Department?

Zhou Xiaohan was also speechless, so he said it for nothing... can you sister.

Seeing Hanhan sister is very courteous, and a little arrogant: "Sister, register for you!"

Quickly register Qi Lei to remember, then put his student ID and registration card into Qi Lei's hand, "Go! I will take you to the dormitory to report."



A senior sister who led the news department was immediately angry!

Cry in my heart: This is mine! ! It's my turn! ! People from our journalism department!

Although Qi Lei is very irritating, but he looks good? I'm seductive, right? What are you grabbing?

It's a pity it's too late! Li Hanhan has pulled Qi Lei away.

When Zhou Xiaohan looked at it, he looked ashamed and cursed Li Wenwen for being unpromising!

Instinctively followed! I have to stare at Li Hanhan, what should I do if I suffer again? .

Here Wang Xue saw that I was her best friend? I have to stare! It's good to lose again.... It seems that it's good to lose.

Anyway, I followed...

226 When the girl who sleeps with Wang Xue sees, I am the one who slept with her?


Zhang Xianlong and Wang Xuan took a look....wipe! Just a freshman, are you going to so many people? He is still empty-handed!

"Wait for me!"

have to...

The two also ran away.

But Chen Li and Chen Xingfu were so angry! !

"Come back! Come back to me!"

Especially all ran away, who registered.

But it's gone! Who cares whether you register or not now? If you want to recruit yourself!

He yelled at Chen Xingfu in anger, "This bear boy, don't stop anywhere!"

Chen Li and Xia Qiang, who had originally planned to chase them out and called people back, paused...

Okay, are there any rules? Can't you do that even if you know you?

But when I heard Grandpa Chen's tone...

The two had to turn back and tentatively said, "Old Chen, you...Do you know this Qi Lei??"

Chen Xingfu irritably went to the registration office to fill in the hole, and finally came the sentence, "I will know each other when he gives you a meeting!!"




The two did not understand too much.

I heard every word, and understood the literal meaning of every word.

I just don't understand it at all.



For Zhou Xiaohan and others, Qi Lei's fall from the sky was a shock. I haven't gotten my soul back yet.

What are you doing here? Will you help us remember our bitterness or continue to harm people?

But for Coco Lee, Qi Lei's sudden appearance was a pleasant surprise.

"Why don't you tell me?"

The boys’ dormitory got out of the school gate and crossed the flyover, until the south gate, Coco Li was still complaining.

"You said earlier, I'll pick you up? I came here by myself, let's look for a long time..."

Li Ming is not here, otherwise he will die unjustly! I brought it here! Blind!

In response, Qi Lei smiled, "Surprise! Wouldn't it be fun to tell you earlier?"

"By the way... have you seen Jiang Yao and the others?"

Coco Lee, "Hehe...hehe."

It was really shocking. As for Jiang Yao and Jiang Yao, neither did he see nor hear Qi Lei ask.

Only then did he find a bunch of people behind him, and Coco Lee immediately said, "You can go back... I'll just send him there."

When those people heard that, especially Zhou Xiaohan, they wanted to scratch people again, but it was a pity that they wanted to scratch Cocoon! !

You are like this, who can rest assured?

But Coco Coco Lee said so, and they are not easy to follow.

But I don't want Qi Lei to jump out, "Use it! Use it all!"

He grinned, "Come on all! Save trouble."

Coco Lee is puzzled, what does it mean to save trouble? But since Qi Lei said so, Coco Lee had no choice but to...

"Follow up! Don't fall down!"




The group of people just crossed the overpass, and then they knew why Qi Lei said it was useful!

This grandson is so thick-skinned! You are not welcome at all!

I saw Jingtongfu Road, in front of Beiguangnan’s bedroom, with a large 212 parked...

At this time, Viagra saw Coco Lee lead Qi Lei over, got out of the driving position and opened the trunk...

Everyone didn't want to appreciate luxury cars. Besides, Viagra opened the door, thinking it was Viagra.

But looking at the trunk, "Woo!!"

There are so many people!

Qi Lei is in place in one step...

Sheets and bedding, thermos washbasins, towels and rags, mosquito net pillows.

Shampoo, shower gel, mosquito perfume cup, small mirror... wooden toilet paper, special slippers!

Only what you can't think of, not what he didn't bring.

Zhang Xianlong stared at the bull's eyes, and suddenly discovered that his three years of university was in vain!

Live like a pig! !

Even a careless girl like Wang Xuan is a little bit ashamed and filthy, do you want to make it so complete?

"Start moving!"

With an order from Qi Lei, Coco Li and Viagra acted as porters, unloading things from the car and stuffing them in their hands when they saw people.

Make Zhou Xiaohan angry! It's not bad if the old lady didn't scratch him, and will be a porter for him?

It's irrational?

But...No way, Coco Coco Lee is really...crambling!


The most influential people in Beiguang...

Become a follower for Qi Lei under the situation of hateful teeth itching.

Massively rushed into the boys' dormitory.

On the first floor is the registration point of the dormitory office. Show the report card and you can divide the dormitory.

At this time, the high-grade cattle gate and the new students lined up around the dormitory office.

Looking at it together, what's the situation?

This new student is so awesome...

Well, the old students look at their names, and the new ones look at their looks.

Both new and old can see the name hall.

Zhou Xiaohan, Zhang Xianlong, Coco Lee and his like are all household names in Beiguang.

And the freshmen... well... Senior Sister Zhou is like a fairy.

Senior Sister Li is also so pure that people can't bear to look straight.

Wang Xue is not bad...

Well, Zhang Xianlong and Viagra are actually not bad, but this is not their home court, and a group of big men can't appreciate the charm of this kind of man.

Anyway, the lineup is quite luxurious.

Even Wu Fengxia, the elder sister of the male dormitory, frowned and wondered, is this new student very special?

Let these people send it?

As a dormitory, she still knows which student has a high reputation in the school.

When registering Qi Lei's dormitory, he was also very cautious...

Bed 418, bed 18 on the fourth floor, handed the key to Qi Lei, and kindly gave Qi Lei instructions on how to go.

Qi Lei pretended to be cute and thanked the eldest sister, and was about to go upstairs...

Seeing everyone hate it...

When was the frightening [Su Guan Li Mochou] in Beiguang ever so polite? How come you have become gentle?


Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xuan were not angry, and finally winked at Zhang Xianlong!

What are you waiting for? Get him for me!

Zhang Xianlong was naturally aware, and when Qi Lei took everyone upstairs, he deliberately fell behind.

Throw the bedding he was holding on the ground!

At Wu Fengxia, she wailed: "Sister~~~!"

The sweetness of four pluses....

Posting it flatteringly: "Aren't you tired... Give you a hammer?"

Wu Fengxia is too young, otherwise Zhang Xianlong would dare to call her mother!

I saw Wu Fengxia in a posture of not advancing in oil and salt, staring at her eyes: "Silly dragon, give me a little, and you will try again later? See if I will open the door for you!"

Zhang Xianlong was doing a shoulder massage for Wu Fengxia...while getting tired.

"That can't... Sister loves me the most. She keeps the door for me many nights..."

The freshmen who watched were stunned. Isn't this too shameless? Too low-pitched, right?

But old students are accustomed to it, this is called no morals? You haven't seen it before, even less ethical!

Not much! Two months! After two months of guaranteeing, you will be so unscrupulous.

The old students even gave Zhang Xianlong's praise. "What are you talking about? Sister loves me the most! Silly dragon, go play!"

Zhang Xianlong snorted, "Shallow, right? You just said that my sister doesn't hurt anyone!?"

"The younger brother on this floor, who is not my sister's heart!?"

"Yes, sister..."

Wu Fengxia was a little bit dumbfounded, "Are you endless? I'll tell you, I can't say anything! Come home late, if you don't come home at night, you see if I can take care of you!"

"[It's hot, fast] It won't work! Who dares to use it! You see if I can beat people!"

A irritability: "I have something to say!? It's okay to get out of here!"

Zhang Xianlong smiled cheaply, this is just letting go...

"Sister, don't worry... In order to support our sister's work, we can't stay up all night?"

"This time..." The prototype was exposed, and he glanced upstairs, "This new kid..."

When Wu Fengxia heard this, she intercepted her words and whispered, "Eh? I still want to ask..."

"What's the situation? Why do you send a bunch of people? It's very special?"

Zhang Xianlong heard, "Sister! Don't treat each other differently! This grandson is not a good person!"

Wu Fengxia, "What's wrong? I snatched Zhou Xiaohan from you?"


A group of old students raised their voice immediately, Zhang Xianlong still has such a thought?

He flushed Zhang Xianlong's embarrassed face, "Sister...what are you doing?"

Attached to the ear, "You have to help anyway, this kid is very hateful!"

"All of us came to see him lively, but we didn't come to see him off."

Wu Fengxia was displeased when she heard it, "Oh! You guys don't like others, just let your sister clean them up?"

"Silly Dragon, aren't you such a person?"

Zhang Xianlong doesn't know what to say, he is indeed not such a person, but this is different!

Anxious, "Sister... you look at it."

Suddenly shouted to all the old students, "The one who went up just now is called Qi Lei!"


A few old students exploded as soon as they heard it!

The eyeballs rolled, swarming up, thumping the legs and rubbing the shoulders, "Sister!! Fuck him!! Get to death!"

You said he was called Qi Lei?

"Look at..."

Zhang Xianlong stretched his hands, "It's not that I have a bad character, but this grandson is too special to hate!"

Wu Fengxia was shocked! What's wrong? Robbed your girlfriends?


"That won't work either!" Wu Fengxia was principled.

Zhang Xianlong has no choice but to zoom in on his tricks, "He is getting hot soon!"


This trick worked best, Wu Fengxia exploded in one fell swoop, "He returned it if it turned against the sky!?"

What you are waiting for!

See how I clean up this bear kid!

Zhang Xianlong's heart is so comfortable...the mission is accomplished! It won't make him comfortable.


When Zhang Xianlong went up, Qi Lei had already opened the door of bed 418, and everyone was going inside.

I raised my eyebrows at Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue, meaning it was done!

Zhou Xiaohan was in a good mood immediately, and waited to see how "Li Mochou" cleaned up Qi Lei.

And Qi Lei didn't know this. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he choked on his nose...

Think about it.... I don’t know which animals have been "cooked" in it for three or four years...

Finally moved away, and closed the doors and windows for another summer.

It's strange that it can be better inside! Although it can be seen that it was cleaned up before leaving.

However, the ash and the taste are not small.

It was the first time that Li Hanhan entered a man's bed. Although he frowned, he entered.

Zhou Xiaohan and Wang Xue didn't even enter!

Zhou Xiaohan even complained about Zhang Xianlong, "Why do you boys' dormitories have the same taste as pig nests!"

Zhang Xianlong's old face blushed again, "Is there? I don't smell it? Is it okay?"

He really didn't smell it.

Qi Lei looked at the situation in the bedroom...

Six high and low beds, top bunk and bottom table.

The male dormitory is a newly built building, so the facilities are okay, but it's a bit dirty.

And... there is luggage on the rightmost bed. The bed is already packed, but it is covered with a sheet to prevent dust.

Obviously he was not the first to go to bed, and the roommates who had arrived before had already cleaned up, just waiting for everyone to come together to do sanitation.

Qi Lei didn't take it seriously either. There was a bed next to the window inside, which was the best position, next to the window. But.... He expects that there may not be many dormitories in the future, so don't occupy a good position and don't shit.

Just pick the one on the right side of the door and let them put things on it.

But... after putting things away, Li Hanhan couldn't stand it anymore.

"Clean's still early anyway."

Zhou Xiaohan: "???"

Before she could object, Sister Hanhan had already found tools such as rags and brooms.

Handed Zhang Xianlong a basin... "Go fetch water."


Zhang Xianlong is going crazy! I haven't touched my dormitory for half a year. Clean him up?

But Coco Lee frowned: "Go!"

Zhang Xianlong is defeated, I'm so cheap! Why do you want to come up?

In this way, everyone was dominated by Li Hanhan again and began to clean up Qi Lei's bedroom.

how to say? Hate to hate, but Qi Lei's grandson has a good life, and there is a shield Li Hanhan.

Everyone still has to give the silly face.

Qi Lei was embarrassed and repeatedly said no, but Li Hanhan didn't follow him, "I can't really believe that you guys work! Let's just go!"

At last Qi Lei blushed and couldn't help but, "Then I will treat you at noon!"

Zhou Xiaohan was angry when he heard that, "What meal is for you!"

But thinking about it again is wrong! Give him work, but don't kill him? Why?

"Good meal!"

There are many people and great power, and girls are indeed much more careful than boys in terms of hygiene.

Zhou Xiaohan even poured a whole bottle of Qi Lei's toilet water into the water that was thrown into the rag, the water that mopped the floor... and spread it all over every corner of 418...

As a result, the next two rough men, who were assigned 418, came up and did not dare to enter! !

Still whispering in my heart, is 418 right?

What is this situation? Beiguang...Can you still sleep in mixed sex? Haven't heard of it?

And... those senior sisters are really...

Regardless of the face or the expression, there is an aura that no stranger should approach. The two buddies finally put their luggage in the 417 bed, wait for it. Let's go through the admission procedures first.


Dong Li helped all morning, tired and sweaty...

The roommate who was thinking about the dormitory was almost there, so he took leave with the senior and went back to the dormitory to clean up...

He was the first to arrive, but he really didn't care about helping others with hygiene.

The dormitory is shared by the collective, and everyone must do it together.

In fact, Dong Li didn't plan to live in the dormitory, otherwise he wouldn't worry about letting his family buy a house.

However, it became known after the report that freshman students are not allowed to live off campus and must live in the dormitory.

After getting sophomore year, I gradually relax, where love is going. So I can only be wronged in the dormitory for a year...

On the fourth floor, Dong Li first smelled a strong smell of toilet water. It's like who broke the toilet water bottle.

Then I found the stairs... a lot of heads surrounded by the corridor. Dong Li was kind of strange, "What the hell."

"What's so nice!?"

I asked afterwards, because they were all freshmen, they were still cautious and didn't understand what they said.

It seems that there are several seniors and elder sisters who are helping 418 new students to clean up, but they are careful.

It seems that he is still the chairman of the student union, and two other well-known girls, one surnamed Zhou and the other surnamed Li...

When Dong Li heard it, he almost didn't sit on the ground!

What's the special situation? He lives in 418! ?

Zhang Xianlong and Zhou Xiaohan came to clean him up?

I'm a good boy!

Squeeze in quickly!

Rush to the door of 418 to take a look.

really! !

I was seeing Zhou Xiaohan pulling his shirt sleeves, showing his two white arms, and entering the house with a basin of water.

Dong Li couldn't afford it, so he hurried forward to take it, "Senior Sister, I'll come, so how can I trouble Sister Sister!"

Zhou Xiaohan frowned and saw that he...

"Why are you back? Can't you pick up the new one?"

Dong Li was stunned, "I'll go back to the dormitory to clean up... and say hello to Senior Li Ming!"

Zhang Xianlong, Zhou Xiaohan, and Wang Xue are all stagnant!

Indulge for a moment...

Zhou Xiaohan suddenly asked, "Do you live...418?"

Xiao Dongli nodded fiercely, "Yes, yes..."

Otherwise, who do you help to clean?

I'm so embarrassed!


Just a few people...

It jumped up with an irritation!

Zhang Xianlong stared at his eyes, wishing to eat Dong Li!

"You live at 418!?"

"Then what did you eat!?"

"Why don't you clean it!?"

"I..." Dong Li, "I'm waiting for my roommate..."

Wang Xue was also angry, "Waiting for my roommate!? Pay it back!?"

"You can't work without a roommate!!?"

"First come, first do! You still suffer!?!"

"The child is not big! Why is the mental consciousness so bad!?"


Zhou Xiaohan also hates iron but not steel! "You, you! I'm so optimistic about you in vain!"

"Too disappointed!"


Dong Li: "..."

Dong Li is being trained...

Almost crying.

I... what's wrong with me?

That's it! ?

I'm just waiting for my roommate. What's wrong?

Are you ass?

That's it! ?

As everyone knows, this group of people is not angry with him waiting for his roommate, but waiting for his roommate to wait for them!

Do you not vent all your grievances on him?

Blame.... of me!

Just as Dong Li was helpless and aggrieved, he saw a slender senior woman stepping on a ladder, tilting her toes, and making a bed on the bunk...

Very carefully.

Dong Li is a little silly...

What a beautiful elder sister....

I forgot my grievances.

As a result, I looked up again.... I saw the long hair of the slender-senpai next to...that is, the shop that was being laid.

Showing half of his head...

Laughing at him! !


Dong Li's face is Oh fuck! "

The lingering soul! !

Upstairs and downstairs is not enough, I need a bedroom! ?

What a monster! ?

It's all because of you! ?

Not Reviver....

Who is that again?



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