Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 6: Where is the fairy? (3)

   Yao Guoyuan seems to have no weaknesses. In fact, his weaknesses are the most obvious. He is about to retire. This is not only his excuse, but also his bondage.

   And Li Changfa, as the only one who can serve in the three deputy positions, he wants to become a regular employee, and he naturally thinks that he should become a regular employee.

   A leader suddenly parachuted over. Naturally, he was emotional, and he naturally had to confront the new leader, breaking his wrists.

   These are all normal workplace struggles, which can be seen everywhere.

   Actually, the stupidest person in the Procurement and Trial Office is Zhao Lan.

   And don’t be surprised. Almost every team has such a role, with soft ears and long tongue, and he has no opinion. The most important thing is that there is no importance in the hands.

   means that you can't grasp it well, let alone think of a clever way of fighting, and it has the most flaws.

   But, don't use people like her as a breakthrough, and don't use any methods of killing chickens and monkeys on such people.

  First, not necessarily effective;

  Secondly, sometimes, it's really stupid to be impolite. If you get anxious, she will desperately fight with you and make a fuss. Belonging to hurt the enemy one thousand, self-defeating eight hundred.

   Just like just now, if Zhao Lan was called out to chat for a few words and threatened her with a trick against Yao Guoyuan, Zhao Lan really dared to turn his head and go to Dong Beiguo for the theory, and there was a lot of trouble.

   Although Qi Lei is not afraid of her making trouble, Dong Beiguo will definitely stand on Qi Lei's side after weighing the pros and cons.

   But it's not a loss.

   The most important thing is that it will make Dong Beiguo think that your little leader may be capable, but that's the case, and it's still a little too small.

   Therefore, for a stupid person like Zhao Lan, it is best to beat and guide. As long as she does her work decently, don't ask too much. If she uses it well, she can have a little positive effect.

   Therefore, Qi Lei is not only "controlling" this afternoon, but also "installing".

   Dong Beiguo listened to it all afternoon, besides being relieved, he was relieved.

   I don’t need you to help, I will drive you out when I go in.

  Moreover, where is Qi Lei's work yardstick, where is the measure, and his performance is clear and clear, so that the leadership has a bottom line, then there is no need to shy away from the work of the procurement office in the future.

   Otherwise, three purchasing managers died in front, and Qi Lei will be the fourth one?

   I'll give you a confinement curse today, and tomorrow I will have an ankle, with 800 pairs of eyes staring at you, and you will have to be beaten insinuatingly from time to time during meetings, and that day will not be able to pass.

   Now, Dong Beiguo is completely relieved.

   and Liao Fanyi quietly left with his hands behind his back. During the period, he yelled at the melon-eating people who came and took a look from time to time, "What are you looking at? Why should I go?"

   "Tell you, Manager Xiao Qi was invited by my old Dong with great effort, and you all show me respect!"

   The people who eat melons are not doing well, so Liao Fanyi is shocked, unable to say a word.


   The face of the principal is still deep.

   As everyone knows, Dong Beiguo's heart is full of joy.

  Take a trial, that is definitely a piece of his heart disease, now it seems that he is expected to be healed!

  Back to his office, he couldn't wait to call the boss.

   "Leader! I lost! This Qi Lei is a character!" He was also a bachelor, and lost.

  The big leader is so angry that you Dong Beiguo is getting out of sight, and you don’t have time to make calls? That's it? I'm in a meeting now!

   "Character?" The leader sneered, and said to his heart, people have billions in net worth. If you are a purchasing manager, just enjoy yourself!

   Some people are losing their hair because they want to put him in the office to study strategy, but they haven’t succeeded yet!



   It has been the first time since the Procurement and Examination Office has been operating so efficiently that after it spread, people in the entire administrative complex were chilled.

   Thinking back to that cute and smiling baby face...

   What is this?

   a long time! After half a day did not arrive, the child obediently cleaned up the few pieces of hob meat from the trial office.

   Regardless of whether it is a real service or a fake service, it is taken anyway!

   I'm working, I heard that I have to work overtime.

   This is the hell!

   And in the trial office, it's already busy flying.

   is indeed that sentence, no matter whether you accept it or not, move it first before saying it.

   After half a year of work, Qi Lei said that for three days, Dong Beiguo came in and roared twice and turned into two days.

   Li Changfa's brain heated up, and he set up a military position.

   To be honest, the task is not light, and I can't finish it without even turning the axis.

   But, how should I put it? Asked for it!

   If they don’t want to embarrass the little manager, wouldn’t they be fine?

   Qi Lei watched everyone busy here and didn't say anything. He looked at his watch. It was four o'clock in the afternoon.

   It was five ten ten and when he was off work in twenty minutes, Qi Lei quietly called the Finance Department and asked them to send a cashier.

   This time it was a real fight. Five minutes later, a young female cashier knocked on the door and came in.

   At first, Zhao Lan was a little dazed. Is the cashier really here?

   It was Qi Lei who took the lead, pointing at Zhao Lan and their binding bills, "Take them all, don't pile up this kind of thing in our procuratorate in the future, there is no time for you to reduce the workload!"

  The little teller was aggrieved, blame us? It was you who picked up the moths from the trial office, and did not send them to the financial office.

   Blame us?

  Looking at Qi Lei's young age, he was not so polite, "Then can I trouble you to deliver some more later? Don't save for half a year, we are still in a hurry over there, and we can't pay the bill."

   The words were shouted at Qi Lei, but it was Zhao Lan's heart that struck him.

   I blame her for this, she didn't know her mind and kept the bill for half a year.

   The cashier yelled like this, which is tantamount to putting eye drops on Zhao Lan.

   answered immediately, "I'm also to blame, Xiao Chen, don't have any emotions, you will definitely send it frequently in the future."

   After listening to the teller surnamed Chen, he raised his chin slightly, and said to his heart, it was like what he heard in the sentence.

   However, what he didn't expect is that Qi Lei said, "You go back and let the chief of you come and fetch it."

  Chen cashier: "???"

   Qi Lei grinned, "I'm arguing with him. Bill management is a matter of the Finance Department or an audit."

  Chen the cashier's face turned pale, "Yes.. It's our business, but you won't send it."

   Qi Lei didn't wait for her to finish, "Since it's your business, do you have to wait for us to send it over? If you lose it, your responsibility or our responsibility?"


   Qi Lei shook his hand irritably, "Okay, take it all! Next time you come to pick it up regularly, don't wait here to send it, the Procurement Office is not responsible for sending the bills."

   Isn't he just a purchasing manager who makes Chen the cashier? What's so great? Just bully people?

   Holding the bill, he went back and found out the complaint.

   When the cashier supervisor heard this, he felt that he was too bullying. You used the trial office to press the bills and blame us?

   But, he is not good enough, and he doesn't have the guts to go to the purchasing manager for theory. Otherwise, auditing and costing can kill you.

   can only continue to file a complaint, and then went to the Director of Finance.

   As a result, the Chief of Finance laughed when he heard it.

   "Okay, I see, I have a chance to talk to the other side, I can't bully people like this."

   "But..." The conversation turned, "I would like to ask myself to think about it, and to pick it up regularly, it doesn't cost much."

   The cashier supervisor was relieved when he heard it, but he still had to be the boss.

   "Okay! I'm thinking about this, don't give them a handle!"

   The chief of finance nodded, "That's right."

   As for whether to look for the theory of acquisition, trial and administration after the fact... I went to look for it, then the chief of finance was a fool.

   The true and false control technique, if you don’t understand this, then it’s nothing.


   As for the trial office, he sent away the cashier Chen, Zhao Lan felt very uncomfortable.

   "Look at this thing, Manager Xiao Qi, the head of the Finance Department Shen has a bad temper, because of this, if you and him make a little unpleasantness, I will lose face!"

   Qi Lei smiled, "It's okay, don't think too much! It's wrong in this room, and no outsider makes irresponsible remarks."

  The implication is that if you did it right or did it wrong, I said yes, but outsiders can’t.


   Zhao Lan, in this heart...

   blame yourself! Xiao Qi is a good manager!

   You said, why am I muddled?

   At the moment, the bills are all good, and Zhao Lan is dead.

   It's time to get off work, but Zhao Lan is embarrassed to leave? Greet the two auditors.

   "Come and come, all move! Old Yao, divide the report in your hand and let's do it together!"

  Lao Yao is old after all, Zhao Lan is fine by himself, and wants to help him share some of the burden.

   Yao Guoyuan was also relieved.

   Although his task is not as many as Li Changfa, he is alone, and Li Changfa still has four buyers!

   So in theory, if his work were all redone, it would be the most tiring and heaviest.

   However, Yao Guoyuan did not expect that at this time, Qi Lei spoke, "Sister Zhao, you can help Brother Li to do it!"

   Zhao Lan: "......"

   did not dare to disobey, and took someone to help Li Changfa.

   Yao Guoyuan frowned, and he aimed at me again?

   As everyone knows, Qi Lei has other plans.

   He sorted it out according to the description of the duties of the four buyers.

   Finally, I went to Li Changfa, "Select these cases."

   Li Changfa didn't know what he was going to do, but he did.

   But Qi Lei took some of his cases and went to Old Yao, "Uncle Yao, put aside the things you have at hand, and do these first."

  Old Yao: "......"

   Old Yao is almost crying, you can't bully the honest people like this! My own hasn’t finished yet, will you give me another bunch?

   However, in the next scene, Yao completely shut up.

   Qi Lei put down the cases and picked up the stack of reports and procurement plans that Yao Guoyuan had just brought back from him.

   Under the incomprehensible gaze of Yao Guoyuan, Li Changfa and others, they returned to the desk and signed one by one.




   I don't know what's going on, Lao Yao suddenly felt that he was very disappointed, and his tears were about to come down.

   Qi Lei’s signature means that all the statements and purchase cases he made have been passed, and there is no need to redo them.

   This is not a taste in my heart!

   roared in his heart: look! have a look! I just said that I did nothing wrong! ? Do you want me to do it again?

   On the other side, I thought: The leader still trusts me, and I'll just pass it without seeing it.

   However, a problem now arises:

   It was a job that I didn't necessarily finish after two all nights. The bill piece was taken away by the financial punishment, and Lao Yao's case was over again. Only Li Changfa's work needs to be sorted out.

   You may work overtime today, but you may not work overtime tomorrow.

   The workload is reduced by more than half, so I feel comfortable.

  You have to admire this little manager, he not only allows you to convince him, but also makes you comfortable.

   Now, in the entire office, Li Changfa still has a knot in his heart.

   After all, the cases that were reworked were all the cases he handled.

   Besides, if you take it or take it or take it, you have to say something else.

   Don’t forget, in his heart, after all, Qi Lei took the position that should belong to him.



   At six o'clock, the two female auditors went to the cafeteria to have a meal and brought them back to the office. Everyone took a bite.

   Until 8:30, Qi Lei looked at his watch, it was almost time, and greeted everyone to get off work.

   Almost one day tomorrow, these backlogs of work will be over.

   Zhao Lan said goodbye to Qi Lei while packing up her finished sweater.

   "Xiao Qi, that sister will leave first, see you tomorrow."

   After finishing talking, he went out cheerfully with two female colleagues.

Um! The steps are light and refreshing.

   Yao Guoyuan really couldn't call Manager Qi, and ashamed to call Xiao Qi, he nodded to Qi Lei. Then, holding his plastic thermos cup full of tea stains, he headed out.

   Li Changfa is also packing things up. He wants to sort out all the work to be done tomorrow, and then arrange them neatly on the table.

   a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

   Because of this problem, Li Changfa is basically the last one to leave the office.

   But today, as soon as he looked up after cleaning up, he found Qi Lei standing beside him, leaning on the table.

   "Brother Li, where do you live?"

   Li Changfa was startled, but still subconsciously answered, "Living in an apartment for young workers."

   Youth Staff Apartment is a dormitory prepared by the school for unmarried teachers and administrative staff. It is located on the campus.

   Qi Lei heard, "That's right, let's go together!"

   Li Changfa naturally couldn't refuse, so he had to leave the complex with Qi Lei.

   The campus around eight o'clock is still lively, and the lights are on in every teaching building.

   Some went to self-study, and some returned from playing.

   There are more men and women in the grove, under the shade of the trees on the school road.

   is not as concealed as in high school, it is very unrestrained here.

   Boys and girls walk hand in hand, or hug each other in the shadow under the tree.

  I even have better eyesight, and I can see the back of the bushes and hug them.

   No, when I left the building, I saw the tree on the other side of the road. The two young people who were gnawing at it were called an investment!

   It's not that Qi Lei and Li Changfa have good eyes, but that the boys wear a Real Madrid uniform and the girls are also white T-shirts. It's strange if you can't see it!

  Because the two of them haven't spoken all the time, Li Changfa had no choice but to look for words in order to ease the embarrassment.

   chuckled and said: "I was not so bold before. After the university was closed for rectification last year, I couldn't go out to the school gate. Instead, I talked more about friends."


   Qi Lei also laughed, "Very good."

   The topic is here.

   Li Changfa couldn't stand it, "Manager Qi... is something wrong?"

   Qi Lei laughed again, "Brother Li, have a few heartfelt words?"

   Li Changfa was startled, I don’t know what Qi Lei means, and my heart said, right? Are you in a hurry to do ideological work?

   Qi Lei didn't care what he thought, and went straight to the subject, "I'll come, Brother Li is very emotional, right?"

   Li Changfa was silent.

   lowered his head and pondered, he was thinking, what is Qi Lei's intention, and whether he should really have a crush on him.

   However, Qi Lei didn't speak when he saw him, "Actually, this is all normal. If I were to change my position, it would not feel good in my heart."

   Li Changfa: "......"

   Qi Lei, "The first time I enter the office and see you, I know that you are the most difficult to deal with."

   Li Changfa, "???"

  嚓, isn’t it a heart-to-heart? Isn't it ideological work? Why are you staring at this thing?

   "No! Don't worry, Manager Qi."

   Qi Lei, "Am I worried? Isn't Li Ge not interested in the manager position?"


   was surprised for a short time and smiled immediately, "Manager Qi always makes fun of me."

   With a sincere attitude, "To be honest, I am self-aware, and the position of manager is not yet competent."

   "Especially today, compared with Manager Qi, I really see the gap!"

  'S answer can be described as not leaking, not at all breathtaking.


   "Tsk tsk." Qi Lei smashed his mouth, "That's...very disappointing."


   Li Changfa is stagnant, what a pity? What's so pity?

   Qi Lei, "I think you are an ambitious and courageous person. Unexpectedly, you are not?"


   almost didn't choke to death, know that you are excited?

   The point is that Li Changfa can't justify making an 18-year-old child agitate without opening his mouth.

  The voice became colder: "What the **** is Manager Qi going to say?"

   Qi Lei laughed back, "Don't mind, it's not a provocation."

   took a long breath and looked at the young figures hurriedly passing by under the street light in front, "Then...I will assume that Brother Li has this ambition."

   "Brother Li, have you ever thought about it, maybe it sent me instead of promoting you, just because your fire is not enough?"

   Li Changfa: "!!!"

   I saw Qi Lei again showing his signature and awkward smile, looking at him, "So, if I were you, I should take the opportunity to settle down and reflect on it."

   "After all, Brother Li is only in his early thirties? Even if he is a 35-year-old deputy, it is not too late."

   Li Changfa: "......"

   His brows furrowed tighter, Qi Lei said that he hit his sore spot.

   A smart person like Li Changfa, he also knows where his weaknesses are.

   "What are you going to say? I don't need you to teach."

   Qi Lei heard, "Don't worry! Didn't you say it? Heart-to-heart!"

   Li Changfa: "......"

   Qi Lei, "Let's put it this way, I haven't been in the trial office for long."

   Li Changfa: "???"

   Qi Lei, "It's just over a year."

   Li Changfa: "......"

   Qi Lei, "If you can be uncomfortable, we are not a stage. This manager is just an excuse, a rescue, not even a springboard."

   "So, I am not your competitor."

   This is a bit hurtful. It means that the manager you like is just a fart to me, not even a fart.

   Li Changfa: "......"

   Qi Lei, "Furthermore, after the freshman military training, my focus is not on procurement and auditing. I still need a deputy manager who can carry the burden."

   "Don't expect me to do the work for you like today, I'm only responsible for signing, don't come to me for trivial things."

   Li Changfa: "......"

   At this time, Qi Lei stood still and looked directly at Li Changfa, "You can think about it. If you think you are competent, then show it to me and the school leaders."

   "It's a statement."

   "If you feel that you can't do it, then behave like Sister Zhao and Uncle Yao."


   Well, Li Changfa couldn't even dream of it. Qi Lei's so-called heart-to-heart is such a method that he has no power to parry him.

   Yes, can Li Changfa say no? Of course not!

   Why is he so emotional and working so hard? Isn’t it just to climb this step?

   Then, Qi Lei told him that the above was for him to take the opportunity to reflection...

  He stayed for a year...

   also asked him to carry the banner of the trial office.

   What's so special, what do you want Li Changfa to answer?

   There is only one answer left!

   "I...try my best!"

   Yes, Li Changfa finally took it.

   This time, I'm convinced even if I take it orally!

   Just as Qi Lei said, he and Qi Lei are not of the same order of magnitude, and they are not on the same level.

   "I will try my best to cooperate with you!"

   So, he got the wrong answer.

   I only heard Qi Lei sneer, "I can't do my best!"

   Li Changfa: "???"

   Qi Lei, "What I want is... you must cooperate with me!"


   Domineering until Li Changfa was there, he didn't move a step for a long time.

   After he returned to his soul, he found that Qi Lei had already gone far.



   Today is less, take a break.

  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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