Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 7: Where is the fairy? (4)

   It's too late again, sorry.

   Still did not correct the typo... Look at it, after reading it, Juejue.


   Qi Lei didn't have the time to consume these pieces of hob meat.

   He just worked for a few days, and then a lot of things.

  According to the freshman semester plan, three days of reporting time, after three days are divided into classes to see the instructor, arrange class leaders, and be familiar with the class schedule.

   On the 7th, the freshman year began military training, which lasted for two weeks, and then the freshman course was officially opened, and the classrooms were rushing back and forth.

   According to Qi Lei, university courses are not very important. but....

   Qi Lei is not a foolish person. Since he has gone to this school, the credits and exams that should be taken should not be sloppy.

   There are two main reasons. First, Qi Lei can teach others only if his own professional knowledge is solid enough. In order to better discover the cognition of the afterlife.

   To put it bluntly, Qi Lei not only knows some things, but also knows the essence, but there are some things he is not capable of. He only knows them but does not know why. Only a deeper knowledge reserve can discover those sleeping treasures.

  Second, although the content he studied in Beijing and Guangzhou is also called news communication, it is different from the content he studied in ordinary universities in his previous life.

   The reason why Beiguang is a prestigious school in the field of journalism in China, naturally has its uniqueness. Like Liao Fanyi, Chen Xingfu, including other big professors, the reason why...

  Because they are all self-edited textbooks. He has his own unique ideas and ideas for educating people.

   is not an ordinary school.

   Therefore, in terms of studies, it is more or less worth the effort.

   In addition to his studies, Liao Fanyi has urged him several times for the construction of the new school, and it is time to start work.

   Liao Fanyi and the others are now encountering a lot of problems, and they have mentioned in general terms on the phone with Qi Lei, some Qi Lei can't help it, but some can really help. It also takes effort.

  In other words, if you don't consider the three-stone company, you will find him to solve a little big decision problem from time to time.

   He wants to take into account his studies and focus on subject construction. How can he still have the energy to do Tai Chi with these old fried dough sticks?

   So I can only cut the mess quickly, and solve the problems that can be solved quickly. A deputy manager must also be set up to carry heavy burdens when Qi Lei is away.

   These words just now are indeed heart-to-heart. He has no time to build trust and understanding with them slowly.

   There is not much time for Li Changfa to think about it. If you listen to it, you understand that Qi Lei's position is not to grab his future, and can even delegate power to help him fight for his future.

   That is an opportunity for Li Changfa, a very good opportunity. Qi Lei told him clearly.

   But, if he doesn’t understand, or thinks Qi Lei is trying to make a difference with him, and treats this as a means of struggle in the workplace...

   I'm sorry, Qi Lei has no time to slowly convince people with morality. He will really ask the school to recruit another deputy manager.

   Quickly foster a core member who is both obedient and capable! Then all the old employees are marginalized!

   Don't look at Qi Lei the whole afternoon, although he is tough, it seems that he didn't kill anyone. But if you really think that this little leader is not cruel, you are quite wrong.

   Jinqing, he is a good leader, protects shortcomings and is sympathetic to his subordinates.

   If you don’t appreciate it, I’m sorry, I can’t find a place to cry.

   This night, Li Changfa did not fall asleep all night...

   was finally enlightened and figured it out.

   Whether it is rational or emotional, from any point of view, I don’t want to become an enemy with this little manager.

   Can't do it!

   is really not on one level.



   Qi Lei is separated from Li Changfa here, and it's also a lot of peace of mind.

   Li Changfa is a smart man, he should choose an optimal solution.

   The problem of the acquisition and review process should not be big, so...

   I just don’t know what kind of animals came from the dormitory.

   After leaving the school, Qi Lei didn't rush back to the bedroom, but went to a non-staple food store on Dingfuzhuang West Street.

   is actually a non-staple food supermarket similar to later generations, with both department stores and cooked food.

   took a box of beer, made an order of two kilograms of cooked food, and also got a little snacks such as peanuts and beef tendons.

   When paying, asked the clerk to give a big cardboard box, and all the things went in, hugged and left.

  The employees can't help but sigh, young people are in good health... Beer in this era is still a big plastic box, one box contains 24 bottles.

   Back to the dormitory building, Wu Fengxia sat outside the duty room and shook her head fan. Her eyes were like infrared scanning, staring at everyone's things, and there should be no contraband.

   The old students are okay, but the new students have a headache.

   "Be familiar with the dormitory regulations, what can be used and what can't be used, what can be brought in, and what can't be brought in, remember clearly, don't wait for sister to find out on you!"

   Seeing Qi Lei holding a cardboard box, he didn't care what was inside. After all, when school just started, there are not a few students who pour things back and forth.

   I can see the person from Qi Lei, but there is something wrong, suddenly he pulls out a "hot fast" from the back of the chair.

   The new student who was going back and forth yelled: "This thing is definitely not allowed! The first time I think you don’t know, but let’s not take it as an example!"

   Qi Lei shrank his neck... How do you feel that it was for me?

   It's hotter, he really has it! Because there is no soul without a college dormitory that is ‘hot faster’! So I prepared two!

   But... Seeing Wu Fengxia is a bit speechless, would you like to be so dedicated?

   And you shake that one in your hand, why is it the same as the one I bought? Even the colors are the same?

   However, these things are about the same length. Qi Lei didn't take it seriously. He walked a few steps quickly and ran up the stairs. After all, there was wine in the box, and this one didn't work either.

   From time to time, one or two mad little gentlemen passed by the stairs, as if they had endless energy.

   To say something that makes people enviable, at this age, I have not walked the stairs seriously, and I can’t wait to step over eight steps in one step.

   When I reached the stairs on the fourth floor, I noticed that there were a lot of heads sticking out in the corridor, standing! listen!

   Even the animals on the fifth and third floors gathered on the stairs on the fourth floor, consciously or unconsciously. The scene was more lively than when Cocoon Li and Zhou Xiaohan helped him clean up the dormitory in the morning.

   Okay, after all, in the morning, the dormitory building is actually not crowded, but it's almost nine o'clock in the evening. Basically, it seems crowded in the dormitory.

   Qi Lei was holding a big box and was inconvenient to move. Sometimes he had to make way for the front.

  Xin said, what is this for?

   In the end, I just listened to the two buddies on the fifth floor smashing their mouths and talking, "Hey! 418 doesn't stop sleeping, is this going to heaven?!"


   Qi Lei stagnated, "418 again?"

   Finally, I heard another sentence, "This morning I made Zhou Yaojing and Li Hanhan the housekeeping aunts. This time there is a second foreigner! There is a problem with Feng Shui in this dormitory!"


   Qi Lei was even more curious when he heard it. He tried to squeeze through the crowd, and finally returned to the door of 418's bedroom. Only then did he understand what was going on.

   At this time, there are four people in the dormitory, three woman.

   No wonder so many animals outside smelled their heads.



   The little sense of superiority that Dong Li had just established was shattered again.

   There is malice everywhere in the world!

   Qi Lei didn't show up all afternoon, which originally made Dong Li feel good. I don't see my heart and don't bother me.

   And while helping the registration office to welcome new students in the afternoon, he also successfully established a friendship with a female student in the broadcasting department!

   This makes Dong Li regain a little confidence. Brother is not without charm, but he just hasn't shown his charm yet!

   He is still very eye-catching, the girl he stared at was a bit shy and graceful, not very sociable.

   is the kind who is very well-behaved, very bored, and blushes when she speaks. In Dong Li's opinion, once such a girl is familiar, it is easy to start.

   is all Dong Li's dishes!

   Hmm...Actually, it doesn’t matter whether the girl is well-behaved or not. The key is that this girl looks good! This is the main reason why Dong Li sharpened his head and almost had to fight with seniors.

   Anyway, I spent a day in the name of the new journal. Dong Li hasn't seen the "world". Among the many new students, this girl can definitely rank in the top five!

   During the **** process, Dong Li learned about many girls. He was 19 years old, a little older than him, but it didn’t matter.

   Putonghua is very good, and the local accent is totally inaudible.

   comes from a small northern town called Shangbei...


   Jiang Yao!

   Well, if Dong Li pays a little attention to details, he should find that this girl and Qi Lei are from the same place.

   It’s just that I hate Qi Lei, how can I remember where he is from?

   Even the bag of Shangbei rice that he gave to his family could not deepen his impression.

   Anyway, the girl is very nice! Dong Li even felt compassion.

   You said, for such a careless, lovely girl, like Sister Lin, the family can rest assured that she can report on her own?

   I can’t hold it at the moment, and vowed to accompany the girl throughout the whole process, patted her chest to make sure: "Don’t worry, I have mine! I will help you with the procedures for the beginning of school."

   The girl blushed immediately and shyly thanked her.

   But turning to an angle that Dong Li can’t see, he gritted his teeth and looked different!

   "Grandma's! Why is my old lady so unlucky? Didn't meet an acquaintance?"

   Originally these jobs, reports, bags, etc. Qi Lei or Li Hanhan couldn't escape. No matter how bad they were, Ms. Jiang would have to take care of those few of the special class of the Second Middle School.

   She originally planned to report with Qi Lei, so she would be more comfortable with a little brother with a bag.

   As a result, the grandson ran away without saying hello a month in advance!

   Make Miss Jiang angry...

no way,

   At this time, I can only do a quail shape, and Chu Chu said pitifully to Dong Li: "Then...thank you classmate...To be honest, if you don't help me, I really don't know what to do!"

   said that Xiao Dong Li's heart has melted...

   Just kidding! How can a girl be so gentle! ?

   decided to observe again...

   If you don’t find other things that don’t fit the shot, it’s her!

Brother    is also a character who dares to fight and fights and can win tough battles!

   will immediately launch an offensive and embrace the beauty!


   is this kind of caution, and saved Dong Li's life!

   Jiang Yao, the girl Qi Lei sees her and hides, can Xiao Dong Li be able to control it?


The quail Jiang Yao was sent to the female dormitory, and she accompanied Dong Li throughout the enrollment procedures...Tossed Dong Li's stinky sweat, but didn't care at all. Instead, she was a little worried that Jiang Yao, who was half a head taller than him, was tired. .

   Before leaving, Jiang Yao was very grateful, "How about...I will invite you to dinner another day? Thank you very much."

   The little boy is not Ms. Jiang’s food, but he has been the little brother of the bag for the whole afternoon, so he still has to take a meal. Of course, if people don't need Miss Jiang, they won't force it.

   Dong Li, how can you let the girls treat?

   "No need, no... If you ask, it's me..."

   hasn't finished the words, "Goodbye classmate!" He doesn't use it... Don't blame me.

   Dong Li was suddenly numb...

   waved back lonely: "Goodbye...bye!"

   When Miss Jiang was gone, Dong Li just remembered...

   Oh shit, contact information!

   I haven’t left any contact information yet!

   However, Dong Li didn't take it seriously, just knowing that it was from the broadcasting department. There will be opportunities in the future.

   "Fixed" the female classmate, Dong Li didn't go to the Orientation Office anymore to help. The key is that seniors like Zhou Xiaohan and Zhang Xianlong all ran away, so what else did he keep doing?

   Besides, Xiao Dongli is not greedy, just grab one.

   As everyone knows, it’s naive again. So, sophomores, juniors, who isn’t it about throwing nets and fishing more?

   Anyway, Dong Li didn't care about school affairs, so he hired a tricycle to go back to the Electric Power Construction North Yard and took the computer to the bedroom.

   Can't live in a new house, the computer must be brought over, he still has to cut "Legend"!

   When I arrived in the bedroom, I met my new roommate.

   Two new roommates who should have arrived in the morning, only came back before dinner, plus a new arrival in the afternoon...

There are three   , plus Dong Li and Qi Lei, and there are five on the first day of school in 418.

  Meet three new roommates...

   Then... Dong Li's mentality collapsed again!

   and it's continuous collapse, collapsed to pieces! Can't fight it!


   Dong Li's height is 1.7 meters, which is quite satisfactory in the area where he is located in the south, even barely tall.

   Qi Lei is one meter eight, which is a lot taller than him!

   This is also one of the reasons why Dong Li doesn't like Qi Lei. He is quite confident in height in his hometown.

   The result was compared with Qi Lei... completely incomparable.

   And these three newcomers...

   There is a Uyghur nationality called Ahemat, a broadcasting system.

   You know it is from Xinjiang by the name. Three-dimensional features, so handsome! The visual inspection is a little higher than Qi Lei.

   Another is Feng Chuang, from Yunnan, from the Department of Information Engineering.

   is not handsome, but dark enough and strong enough! This grandson is at least one meter nine meters tall, like a black diamond!

   There is another person named Xu Peng who is from the department of journalism and is a native of Beijing.

  It should be...similar to Qi Lei, but also limited in height.

   Dong Li suddenly discovered that he was in this bedroom, how hot and petite...

   there is no sense of existence anymore!

   And this is nothing, it can only be regarded as the first collapse.

   There is a second collapse! The third collapse, continuous collapse...

   Xu Peng first came with a girl. Xu Peng opened his mouth and said, "This is my girlfriend!"

   The girl is also an open-minded "sitto household" in Beijing. She is Xu Peng's junior high school classmate. Although she is not in a high school, she suddenly called during the third year of high school.

  The test was for the Beijing Normal University.

After    came, I saw that the bedroom was quite clean without cleaning, so I chatted with Dong Li for a while. He kept saying that his family Xu Peng is not too sensible, spoiled and spoiled, and everyone takes a lot of care.

   sat for a while and left, and said that when the military training was over, everyone would be invited to dinner.

   Anyway, Dong Li is sour!

   The other one is Ahemat...I don’t know if there is a girlfriend, but his face is worse than Qi Lei!

  When I came, I started to distribute all kinds of Xinjiang specialties, such as raisins, beef jerky, and Dong Li's first time to eat dried amigua...

   Then Feng Chuang...

  Feng Chuang was the one who made Dong Li's collapse the most. This dark and nasty thing came with his girlfriend!

   Dong Li can't figure it out, but Xu Peng is a landlord, and it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend. You come from Yunnan and bring your own family members?

   Is it too much?

   As soon as I chatted, Dong Li was even more sour. Not only was it a matter of bringing his own family members, but people still had no guesses!

   The girl is a second-language freshman and the boys’ dormitory is next to each other. They grew up in a stockade, and they are really childhood sweethearts!

   The girl is very simple and careless. After I arrived, I was not idle, making the bed for Feng Chuang, tidying up things, and collecting all Dong Li's garbage by the way.

   Dong Li's whole person is not good.

   He wants to change the bedroom!

   is so unfriendly to single dogs...

   In fact, so many animals outside look at it intentionally or unintentionally, and they have almost the same mentality.

this day! 418 How many mothers have come?

   I'm afraid that Feng Shui is really a problem, right?

   Either the school deliberately! Put these grandsons together, and always remind us that we don’t have a girlfriend?

   When Qi Lei came in, Dong Li was clinging to the computer.

   didn't know what was going on. He didn't move anything. After disassembly and assembly, he couldn't turn on the machine, and his brain was sweaty.

   Xu Peng was eager to help. He also has a computer, but he hasn’t pulled it over yet, but he doesn’t know much. If you can't help a lot, just help out.

   Ahemat has never seen this thing. The school in his hometown doesn't even have a computer, and there are few Internet cafes. Watch the excitement aside too.

   Feng Chuang also wanted to help, but he was not as good as Ahmad, he was playing there with Xu Peng's pager. In his hometown, pagers are rare.

   Girlfriend Shi Yinping is hanging a mosquito net for Feng Chuang.

   Chuangzi looked at each other and wanted to come up to help, but Yinping kept stopping, "No! Chuangzi brother, you can go with them, I can do it myself."

   It’s not the taste of Dong Li who listened to it, so sweet!

   sprinkled his anger on the computer, "Broken computer! I smashed you!"

   is not very standard, but very capital...

   Under such circumstances, Qi Lei came in with the box in his arms.

   first looked at Shi Yinping on the upper bunk, and then immediately understood why it was so lively outside.

   It's nine o'clock, and there are girls wandering in the men's bed.

   grinned and said weirdly: "Is it 418? Didn't you go wrong?"

   A few people looked over immediately, and they were all taken aback.

   Dong Li shook his mind for a while, and immediately continued to work on the computer, only if he didn't see it.

   Feng Chuang was the first to react, and pointed to Qi Lei’s bed, "You are in this shop, right? Roommate?"

   Qi Lei put the box in the middle of the floor and greeted him with a smile, "Qi Lei, came a while earlier than you, and cleaned up. Based on this, can you apply for a dormitory boss?"

   Everyone was stunned again, and then laughed, "Dreaming!"

   Xu Peng laughed, "I want to be the boss if I clean up? I object."

   Ahemat grabbed a handful of raisins from the shop, "please eat raisins, thank you for cleaning, but the boss just forget it."

   Feng Chuang took the box in Qi Lei's hand easily, and saw from the open mouth that there were a lot of food and beer inside. He thought it was Qi Lei's own food, so he placed it next to Qi Lei's bunk.

   Next, everyone will introduce them one by one.

   Overall, it's pretty good, nothing fancy. Moreover, they are all pretty good.

   Feng Chuang is the kind of simple enthusiasm, not mixed with anything else.

   Ahemat is a bit shy, but after seeing it, he is sure to let go of it. The eyes are very pure.

   Not to mention Xu Peng, even Qi Lei was a little surprised.

   To tell the truth, he was really afraid that there would be people living in the capital in the dormitory. It is not the people in the capital, but the indifferent locals who have a sense of superiority and tend not to get together.

   But Xu Peng is obviously not the kind of holding.

   In addition, children in big cities are not bad at making friends, naturally they don’t recognize children.

   Giant can chat, the one who can talk about it most is him!

   "Oh Go Le! I thought I was the second handsome guy, but I didn't expect you to hide well?"

   ridicule makes you comfortable.

   As for Dong Li...

   Little Tsundere, everything will be smoothed out in less than two months.

   Shi Yinping was also kneeling down in Feng Chuang’s bunk and waving Qi Lei, "It’s nice to meet you..."

   Standard Yunnan Mandarin, all with "Karma"...

   Qi Lei heard her surname Shi, "Bai people?"

   Shi Yinping was pleasantly surprised, "Yes."

   Qi Lei, "Shi is the surname of the Bai nationality."

   Shi Yinping giggled, complimenting Qi Lei that he knew so much.

   Then, he rolled out of the bed neatly and put on his shoes, "Brother Chuang, I'm going back, take a rest early... Karma."

   greeted everyone and left.

   As soon as the girl leaves, that is Qi Lei's home court.

   Xu Peng found this dormitory interesting, Qi Lei and him are the same kind of people, they are also giants to chat! He put the two together, and the atmosphere in this room was not inactive.

   It didn't take a while before everyone was familiar, bragging about the mountains, and doing it all in one go.

   Xu Pengxin said, if this is a little bit of alcohol, a little bit of's absolutely amazing!

   As soon as he thought of this, Qi Lei pushed the cardboard box into the middle of the ground, "I announce that the first Hu Chi Hai Tea Party at 418 will officially begin."

   Xu Peng stepped forward and took a look, huh~!

   gave Qi Lei a thumbs up, "I'm angry!"

   Feng Chuang also learned that the things Qi Lei bought were for everyone, and he smiled honestly, "What's the point of this."

   was not polite at all, he was already opening the bottle.

   Ahemaiti is more affordable. Bring the beef jerky and dried fruit that comes with you, and it is more abundant immediately.

  Although Dong Li wanted to participate, there was no way...he had been listening for a long time. Never wait to see Qi Lei and have to admit that this grandson can really talk!

   He has the urge to participate.

   But, for one thing, there are still lumps in his heart, and for the second time, his broken computer hasn't understood it yet.

   refused to participate in group activities on the grounds of repairing the computer...

   Xu Peng couldn't pull it at all.

   In the end, Qi Lei really couldn't stand it anymore.

   Hearing Xu Peng and Feng Chuang both talked about the specific symptoms, they simply stepped forward and unplugged the power socket.

   Anxious Dong Li said loudly, "What are you doing? Don't mess it up!"

   Qi Lei ignored him, unplugged the power, pressed the power button a few times, "plug it in and try it!"

   Dong Li was skeptical, but plugged in the power and it was all right! Powered up!

   The whole person was stunned, "What's the matter?"

   Qi Lei wants to say that the host has static electricity. However, looking at Xiao Dongli's bear-like, deliberately teasing him.


   Dong Li was so anxious.

   But this time, there was no reason to refuse, so I had to sit a little further away, not drinking, and not participating in everyone's topics.

   At this point, the 418th bed was completely released, and the door was opened to eat, drink and talk.

   is a bit unscrupulous, but in fact there is no fear.

   The students have not arrived at the beginning of the school. Wouldn't they come to check the bedtime when the students are studying, so I'm afraid of a fart?

   Besides, opening the door has the purpose of opening the door.

   After a while, the neighbors of 417 and 419 heard the movement, smelled and came.

   Of course, you don’t have to be polite, go back to the house and move the stool yourself, and sit down as a family!

   The dormitory is not a trial office, all of them have a mind and a calculation. But here, everyone is pure white paper...

  Especially in the male dormitories, as long as there is smoking, alcohol, and topics, you will be brothers in the blink of an eye. The friendship between young boys is so simple, even Dong Li feels Qi Lei is less annoying.

that's all....

  418 Qin quickly completed a series of initial construction work, for example, how to do indoor sanitation?

   Anyone who sees it will do it.

   (Actually, it is equivalent to, what kind of hygiene? No one should do it.)

  For example, on seniority and seniority, completing the ceremony of acquaintance between brothers...

   Among them, Feng Chuang is the eldest, 21 years old, and he deserves to be the boss of the dormitory regardless of size or age.

   Then there is Ahemat, 20 years old, commonly known as Mai second, Mai brother.

   Xu Peng 19, the third child.

   Dong Li and Qi Lei are both 18. Dong Li is three months older than Qi Lei.

   Therefore, he is Dong's fourth and Qi Lei is temporarily the fifth.

   Yes, for the time being, because there is still one person missing.

   However, it should not be younger than Qi Lei. In fact, not many people go to university at the age of 18.

   So the youngest's ranking is basically unshakable.

   There is no end to the topic of a bunch of masters.

   From games, hometown, to high school fun, of course the most important thing is girls.

   Half a bottle of Yanjing was down, and many things were talked about.

   For example, Xu Peng’s girlfriend, in Xu Peng’s words, “At the time of junior high school, that’s a firewood girl who didn’t have much attention right away.”

   "Who knows that I haven't seen each other in three years, guess what? Suddenly it's a bit pleasing to the eye?"

   "Look everywhere!"

   bragging composition is high, but it also expresses joy.

  The story of Brother Chuang is even more legendary. Brother Chuang is a Han nationality and his father is a rural teacher on the side. He married a girl from the mountain and made a home in the mountain.

   Shi Yinping has been playing with Brother Chuang since he was a child.

   Later, Brother Chuang went to the provincial capital to study in middle school, while Shi Yinping stayed in the ordinary middle school in the town...

   Junior high school, high school for six years, except for winter and summer vacations, the two are not together.

   Actually, it is seven years...

   Because Brother Chuang deliberately stayed at the first level in order to wait for Yinping to go to university together.

  According to what he said, his father was almost killed, and he chased him all over the village...Kneeling in the "main temple" of the village for three days before it was settled.

   In the end, the ending is satisfactory.

   Yinping was admitted to the second foreign language, and she is the group of students with the best grades in the town this year.

   And Chuang elder brother wrote a big topic, and gave up the key university of the magic city, and chose Beiguang, which is the closest to Yinping.

   "Your uncle! Fairy love!?"

   After Xu Peng listened, he felt that he was nothing, and it was incomparable to Brother Chuang!

   The next step is to buy brother. Dong Li was still a little looking forward to it. It would be comfortable for him to open his mouth and say "I'm single".

   did not expect that Brother Mai was very embarrassed and said:

   "She is in her hometown in Xinjiang! Didn't get into university, waiting for me!"

   After listening, Dong Li rolled his eyes.

   He didn't move forward, grabbed a bottle of Yanjing and poured it out, "I want to change the bedroom!"

   Only Qi Lei found a bit of pain in the eyes of Brother Mai, and guessed that Brother Mai is also a person with a story.

   Finally, it was Lei Qi's turn to explode his love history. Qi Lei didn't hide anything about this, and he had to add some oil and vinegar if he was going to explain it truthfully.

   University, dormitory!

   If you don’t brag, then you need college?

   It's a pity, [the stereotype]...

   Dong Li asked first, Dong Li honestly said he didn't, and added a sentence, I am too young to think about it.

   So everyone naturally thinks Qi Lei is a purer boy than Dong Li. After all, he is a few months younger than Dong Li.

to this end...

   A few people came over, and they are starting to be big guys...

   Xu Peng embraced Qi Lei’s shoulders and hugged the wine bottle to comfort him: "Don’t worry, don’t worry, you haven’t opened it yet! What kind of friend is it?"

   "When the time comes, brother will help you! Which one do you like, 418 is all dispatched, and I will get 100%."

   Xiao Dongli wants to scold his mother, he just looks honest, but he is actually full of intestines!

   But, I don't bother to take Qi Lei's topic.

   And Qi Lei... Since everyone said that, I shouldn’t be disappointed, right?

   nodded and bowed to deal with, "That's right!"

   At this time, Brother Chuang was also ‘black’ and said with a face: "Watching Beiguang and the Second Foreign Studies University, are you afraid that you can’t find true love? Don’t worry! At that time, our brother will teach you hand in hand!"

   "Including Xiao Dong Li!" Well, even the honest and honest Chuang brother is a "comeer" in the area of ​​the elephant.

  Buy brother is more realistic, "Is it okay for a Xinjiang girl? I have a lot of classmates...I can introduce you to it, and it’s good to be a pen pal."

   Dong Li heard, "Don't..."

   Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, and said to his heart that this stupid boy would not think that Xinjiang girls are dirty?

   kindly reminded, "Dong Laosi... don't rush to conclusions... at least look at the photos."

   But he didn't want the four thief Dong to be firm: "No! I have a goal!"




   Qi Lei was not surprised, did Dong Li discover the target so quickly?

   And the others, Peng Ye, Mai Ge, Chuang Ge, listen to...

  In the first time, it was not to ask who the target was, but to come to Qi Lei to preach, "The youngest, you have to hurry up!"

   "You can't have a boss, you can only do it!"

   Qi Lei, "Heh...hehe..."

   Is it special? You think I am single!


   Next, Brother Chuang and Brother Mai looked at the BB machine on Xu Peng's waist again. Nokia's elite four generations.

   In 2000, although mobile phones were still very expensive, bb machines were already very common in big cities, and there were many young people.

  The main thing is that the price has begun to go down. In the first few years, Motorola's Elite series cost several thousand yuan.

   Recently, brands from various small manufacturers have gradually emerged. You can buy trendy Chinese character display pagers for a few hundred dollars.

   However, for remote areas, it is still relatively new.

   Xu Peng was also very generous, so he simply took it off and gave them to play.

   BB machine Dongli also has three generations of elite, old style, which was eliminated by Dong Dad and given to him.

   also took it out and dried it at this time. It was a bit old, but it was a good thing after all.

When    first took it out, Dong Li was a little bit nervous.

how to say? He himself was willing to compare, and felt that it was not as good as Xu Peng's new machine. I am also afraid of Xu Peng's comparison.

   But he did not expect that Xu Peng's words made Dong Li very comfortable.

   "Okay, boy, a bit of taste!"

"The three generations are the most classic, unlike the two images that are too square and old-fashioned. The four generations are too small, and the women are okay, so the masters have to match the three generations. My mother bought this one for me, which is a bit out of touch. ."

   Qi Lei was still standing next to him, "Knowing the goods! Have eyesight!"

   Xu Peng laughed, "Right?"

   Then, Qi Lei's **** cell phone rang...

   is very out of season!

   Motorola’s exclusive electronic sound is so harsh.

   All the brothers in a room looked at him immediately, and Xu Peng was stunned and slowly.

   "嚓! So you have it too?"

   "Heh...hehe..." Qi Lei laughed dryly, without refuting, he went down the donkey: "It's probably my mother who is nagging again, don't answer!"

   reached into his pocket and fumbled, hung up directly. Then, to be on the safe side, I shut down the machine again.

  Well, it would be too embarrassing to take it out, people are talking about BB machine, you still have taste and vision...

   As a result, you took out a cell phone?

   Qi Lei doesn't want to pretend to be such a force.

   Dong Li saw that Qi Lei was playing tricks in his pocket, and muttered contemptuously, "Is it still hiding?"

   is not loud, only he can hear it.

   And Xu Peng also discovered Qi Lei's small actions, and thought of two possibilities:

   One is, too baby, I don’t want to take it out for fun.

   The second is that the copycat machine is not consciously taken out.

   These years, there are a lot of cheap off-brand machines. Both he and Dong Li are brand-name goods. I am sorry and normal.

   broke the topic immediately, "Come here, drink and drink! Another day I will take you to Tiananmen Square, to Wangfujing! The capital city, brother!"

   Even if the matter passed, Qi Lei was relieved. My colleague also took a high look at Xu Peng, this guy is going to happen...


   But, Qi Lei never expected, this missed call...

   actually said something.

   If it was Guo Lihua who called, it would be nice to say that he would not be able to get it back when he let it go, and he would dare to hang up his wife's phone. This is crazy for fun!

   However, I called...

   Xu Xiaoqian is calling!

   At this time, Xu Xiaoqian was just studying in the evening, and she was clenching her small brows, facing Li Hanhan's message on qq, she couldn't figure out the situation there!

   [Girl surnamed Li]: "Xu Xiaoqian! Are you stupid? Why did you let him out?"

   That's the sentence that is unclear or unclear.

   Xu Xiaoqian can’t understand at all, okay?

   Next to it is Yang Xiao who is not afraid to watch the excitement!

   Xu Xiaoqian can't figure out how clever, what does Li Hanhan mean?

   Demonstration? The emperor Tiangao can't control you guys and dogs anymore? ?

   tentative? What kind of mentality am I? She is so easy to enter, near the water platform?

   But, Li Hanhan is not such a person! ?

   You lend her a heart, she can't pull out so many flowery intestines?

That is......

   What happened?

  Which little goblin was staring at as soon as he arrived in Beiguang?

   Still the kind that is quite threatening?

  Don't say it! It's possible!

   Qi Lei’s constant and shameless vigor is really possible. He is so fond of girls.

   And, don’t forget, there is also last year’s concert blessing!

   Xu Xiaoqian guessed that something might have happened, otherwise Li Hanhan would not say such scary words.

   Okay, originally she was just guessing and didn't think much.

   But don't forget that there is a Xiaoer next to him.

   "It's over!" Yang Xiao said as soon as he read Li Hanhan's message, "This time is over!"

   despised Xu Xiaoqian, "Say you are stupid? You shouldn't let him go! Then which little girl is staring at him with his uncertain face."

   "It's over, this time it's all over."

   Xu Xiaoqian, who is mumbling, has a brain pain. She didn't have much trouble at first, but she was a little annoyed.

   So, after thinking about it, she still called Qi Lei and asked what was going on?

  Why did Coco Lee say such a sentence, do I want to go back to her?

   As a result, Qi Lei did not answer. Call it again and shut it down!

   Oh go!

   This makes Xu Xiaoqian not calm at all!

   It's not that she doesn't believe Qi Lei, it's mainly that Coco Lee didn't say clearly, Qi Lei didn't answer the phone, she was afraid that something else would happen.

   Like when the second middle school just started, which two hundred and five boys had a conflict with? Fight again!

   Qi Lei can do this too.

   But that is the capital! Not Shangbei!

   There is no right hand like Wu Xiaojian and Tang Xiaoyi beside him. Will you suffer...

   Caring is messy, and coupled with the inability to get in touch, Xu Xiaoqian really can't sit still.

   immediately left a message to Coco Lee, "What's wrong? Did something happen to him?"

   Sister-in-law is going to take a bath, of course I can't see the message.

   Xu Xiaoqian saw that Coco Lee did not return, so she simply called Coco Lee to paging.

   Then, I haven't returned for a long time... Nonsense, how can I hang the BB machine naked?

   Such a situation made Xu Xiaoqian even more speculation about the bad side. After thinking about it, he finally called Jiang Yao...

   Now she can only contact Jiang Yao, hoping to get some useful information from her.

   Jiang Yao returned quickly, and took a picture on the phone within two minutes, "What's the matter? Missing sister?"

   Xu Xiaoqian has no time to joke with her, "Xiao Yao, have you seen Qi Lei?"

   Jiang Yao is playing palace battles with the little girls who are sleeping together. How can I care about Qi Lei?

   "No! I just reported today and didn't see him yet?"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "Then can you find him for me? I can't get through with my mobile phone."

  Jiang Yao suddenly became energetic, "What's the matter?"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "I don't know! In the afternoon, Coco Li left me a QQ message, it seems that something is wrong."

   Jiang Yao said nothing, "Wait!"

   hung up the phone and went out immediately.

   She also reported on the first day, and she couldn't find it anywhere. However, Jiang Yao thought, at least I can go to the men's dormitory, right?

   So, just after ten o'clock, less than an hour before turning off the lights, Miss Jiang rushed to the boys' bedroom.

   Not long after Miss Jiang went out, Li Hanhan took a bath and finally returned to the computer.

   The hair is still wet, and the whole body is shiny.

   Looking down at the computer, Xu Xiaoqian replies to her.

  [Qianqian]: "What's wrong? Did something happen to him?"

   Coco Lee pursed her lower lip, cursing secretly, this silly girl, still asking what's wrong?

   snapped back, "What can happen to him? I'll just say you, your heart is too big!"

  【Qianqian】:? ? ?

[Girl surnamed Li]: "Let’s tell you this, don’t even look at Beiguang who hates him, but it’s all superficial. After the concert last year, many girls talked about him for a long time, and there are many I asked him about it."

   "You don't want to think about how famous you were that time? You were fascinated without seeing your face. How can you get better this time when people arrive?"

   "Why are you so stupid? You dare to let him come alone?"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

   Looking at Xu Xiaoqian on the computer screen, the whole person is not good.

   looked at Li Coun-cow making this long series, and was stunned for a long time before returning to his soul, "In other words...he has nothing to do?"

   [Girl surnamed Li]: "It's okay, it's alright!"

All right...

   Xu Xiaoqian confirmed...

   This is so pure and simple!

   She doesn't have any motives for messing up, just worrying.

   Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoqian was a little bit dumbfounded, even Yang Xiao was speechless, "This girl is definitely a rare breed!"

   Xu Xiaoqian deeply agreed, gritted his teeth and replied to Li Cowen, "Li Hanhan, why are you so cute?"

   Coco Li replied in seconds, "Don't be called silly! Sister is smart!"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "Okay, Sister Xiaowen is really smart."

   Coco Lee, "Hey!"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "Then help me watch him!"

   Coco Lee, "Okay..."

  Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

   She didn't realize that I was joking!

   said helplessly: "You made me mindless by sending such a sentence, which shocked me, I thought something happened to him!"

   Cocoon Lee, "Is there no head or brain? It's quite clear? I still don't understand what the sister said? What is your ability to understand?"

  Xu Xiaoqian, "..."

   "By the way, did he report today?"

   Coco Lee, "I've reported it!"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "That's weird, how did the phone turn off?"

   Coco Lee, "Is it out of power?"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "No, I got through the first time, but I didn't answer."


   Cocoon Lee got anxious when she heard that, she got through but didn't answer, and then she turned it off?

   "Don't worry, it must be okay, there must be other reasons. I will help you to see it, I know his bedroom!"

   Xu Xiaoqian wanted to say no, Jiang Yao went to look for it.

   What a pity, why did Coco Lee give her this opportunity?

   After saying this, I went offline and shut down the whole set of procedures, and then went straight to the man's bed!


   Jiang Yao came first.

   It's almost ten o'clock, even if there are not so many obstacles for girls to enter the men's bed, but at this point, Wu Fengxia shouldn't let her in.

   But Jiang Yao is quite good at saying, "Eldest sister, would you let me go up and have a look? He can't find him at home, so I'm very anxious."

   Wu Fengxia heard it, forget it, and let Jiang Yao go up, "Go, go to bed 418!"

   "I just watched him go up, so it's okay?"

   Seeing Jiang Yao running up, "Hey, come down and tell me, don't really have anything wrong!"

   Then there is Coco Lee, as a sophomore, but there are not so many worries.

   Li Hanhan just rushed in as if he hadn't seen Wu Fengxia.

   If it wasn't for Wu Fengxia to know that she had sent Qi Lei during the day, and also to know that Qi Lei was looking for him at home, she would have to run away.

   Even so, he yelled at Coco Lee's back: "How about such a big living person! Didn't you see it?"

   In fact, girls can get in and out of the boys’ dormitory so easily, but boys can’t get through to the girls’ dormitory, except for reasons of gender. There is also the issue of infrastructure.

  The women’s bed is in the old building. The toilets, washrooms and bathrooms are shared. You can really see all the scenery in the corridor...

   And the male bedroom is a new building, just completed, the facilities are better than the women’s bedroom, the bathroom and everything are in the bedroom. In the corridor, except for the shabby, shirtless, there is basically nothing unusual.

   If it was changed before, when the new building was not repaired, the men’s bed was tighter than the women’s bed, because the men’s bed didn’t even have a door! A girl who comes in is like a joke.

   But then again, even if men’s sleeping rooms are not so strict for girls now, it’s rare for girls to come to the boys’ dormitory so late to stroll around.

   So Ms. Jiang rushed up to the fourth floor under the dumbfounded gaze of the big masters, like a heroine, as if she was in a no-man's land.

   "Who is this? What time is it? So fierce?"

   Then, before returning to his soul, the second figure passed by.




   Collectively petrified, thinking that he had gone to the wrong bedroom.

   Is the boys’ bedroom so unlicensed? When did Sister Wu talk so well?

   When Jiang Yao stood outside Gate 418, he recognized Qi Lei's back at a glance.

   This anger, it jumped up!

   You see Xu Xiaoqian is anxious, but you are drinking here? Talk about Dashan?

   At this time, Qi Lei was chatting with his roommates, and Xu Peng was promoting his high school classmates.

   "I have an iron porcelain, and I have a girly spirit, and I went to Beiguang. I will introduce you to Kanminger. I know her too well, so I like being younger and good-natured."

   "Definitely it!"

   Qi Lei is also perfunctory, "No problem!"

   Peng Ye immediately sent a relieved expression, meaning that I was there!

   Brother Chuang and Brother Mai are also assured that we will give you the righteousness...

   And Lord Peng finished blowing a cowhide, and immediately moved on to the next one, yelling at Dong Li.

   "Fourth old, don't worry! Even though the conditions are pretty close, but if I give you a solution, there is nothing that can't be solved!"

   In normal times, Xiao Dong Li dared to break up with Peng Ye!

   special! Who do you look down on? What's wrong with my condition?

   But now...

  Because Dong Li was sitting facing the bedroom door, he happened to see Jiang Yao at the door.



   Xiaojiu is dizzy and a little bit up...

   Looking at the person at the door, his silly expression immediately covered his facial features...

  Xin said, brother, why use you to introduce it?

  Brother spring is here!

   stood up in a daze, still shaking a little!

   walked towards Jiang Yao at the door, opening her mouth with extreme ambiguousness: "Why are you looking for this? It's so late..."

   Okay, he didn't drink much!

   I still know it's so late.

   At this time, the 418 people and the few people who came to eat and drink in the next bedroom also saw Jiang Yao, and their eyes were a little straight.

   The girl is very beautiful.

   Then look at Dong Li who is welcoming out, then look at Jiang Yao...

   realized something again immediately, my heart said yes! Xiao Dong Lite is not honest!

   Was it hidden? Did you hide such a Peugeot girl?

   Looking at it now, except for the one who bought brother, I don’t know what it looks like. Jiang Yao’s model should be the highest quality among the 418 family members!

   Xiao Dongli has one hand!

   Seeing Dong Li's straight past, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't move his hands and feet, and said to Jiang Yao, "I have something, come and come... come and sit down!"

   As a result, Jiang Yao slowly marched towards 418 murderously, but he didn't see Dong Li's hospitality, and even raised his hand!

   "One, side, play, go!"

   swept Dong Li a stagger.

   "???" I didn't want to understand, isn't it so gentle? Why is there so much energy?

   Qi Lei also turned around at this time, facing Shang Jiang Yao.

   Jiang Yao greeted him with a shocking roar: "Qi, Lei! You bastard!"


   Qi Lei was a joke, and saw the person who came: "Oh go! Why are you here!?"

  418 all, petrified on the spot!

   Brother Chuang, Brother Mai, and Ye Peng opened their mouths wide, unclear about the situation.

   Didn't you find Dong Li? So what did Dong Liying go out for?

   is a little complicated.

   And Dong Li: "......"

   The mentality collapsed again...

   Let’s not talk about why this girl has such a big contrast!

   What a special, how did you meet Qi Lei! ?

Who can tell me what's going on?

   "Why am I here!?" Jiang Yao stared at this time, her teeth and claws: "Why did you say I came!?"

  418, everyone, even more dazed, listening to these words, the relationship is not ordinary...

   Qi Lei doesn't have a girlfriend?

   Dong Li collapsed again, and could no longer collapse.

   Jiangyao, there is still no one else: facing Qi Lei, "Why is the phone turned off!?"

  418 all: "???"

cell phone? What phone?

  Although Qi Lei was baffled by Jiang Yao, he still accepts it. This is Miss Jiang's personality. What's so strange?

   On the contrary, the horror was suddenly helpless, "Isn't it, Miss Jiang? You killed him without answering your call?"

  418 people...

   Don’t blame us for thinking too much, this is indeed a couple script...

   Jiang Yao's anger is not light, "My phone, why am I so rare for you..."

   Just finished speaking, Coco Lee killed him, "Lei Qi! You are dying! Why is the phone turned off!?"

have to!

  418 people almost didn't plant on the ground. One is not done, then another?

   What does it matter?

   and Qi Lei...what's the relationship?

   Coco Lee didn’t expect Jiang Yao to be there, but she couldn’t control so much, she rushed to the posture of cannibalism, “Do you know that Xu Xiaoqian can’t find you? You are all anxious to death!”

  418 people: "?"

   Xu, Xu Xiaoqian... which one?

   And Qi Lei suddenly realized...

   Okay, maybe it was Xu Xiaoqian's call that just hung up...

   didn't hide it anymore, and took out his hand.

  418 people: "......"

Hold! He has a cell phone!

   At a moment, everyone's mentality collapsed.

   watched him turn on.

   Qi Lei glanced at it. It was a call from an Internet cafe, which was really made by Xu Xiaoqian.

   just pulled it back.

   It was Yang Xiao who answered the phone, and when he saw it was Qi Lei's cell phone, he came up with yin and yang weird, "Roar! Roar! Who did you fool with?"

   "College life is very moist, isn't it?"

   "It's going to be rebelled, isn't it?"

   The biggest problem with Qi Lei’s mobile phone is that it’s not very moving, plus the scary silence in the house now, which is equivalent to using hands-free.

   At the same time the mentality of the 418 people collapsed, they had broken their jars and turned on the melon-eating mode.

   Peng Ye whispered to Brother Chuang, "This sounds like a genuine girlfriend..."

Brother    Chuang, "They all look like! Not pure!"

   Dong Li, "This is not!"

   Everyone, "How do you know?"

   Dong Li, "The genuine one is not a voice!"

   Everyone, "..."

   I changed people on the other side of the phone as soon as I talked about it, "Hello?"

   This time it was finally Xu Xiaoqian's voice, Qi Lei, "It was you just calling? I hung up without seeing me. I was eating with my roommate."

   "Oh..." When Xu Xiaoqian heard that she was eating with her roommate, she knew she was a little nervous.

   changed the subject, "What are you eating?"

   Qi Lei, "Peanut cooked food, right in the bedroom."

"Oh, that..."

   When Xu Xiaoqian on the phone heard that she was in the dormitory and was with her roommate, she knew she was oolong and couldn’t make up anymore, so she immediately accepted: "Sorry! I was wrong!"

   "I should believe in the determination of the organization..."

  418 people: "..."

   This is genuine, right!

   Qi Lei briefly said a few words to Xu Xiaoqian. The scene here is still messed up. He said that he would call her tomorrow and then hang up.

   Then he looked at Jiang Yao and Coco Li. Thumbs up silently, " are real cows! My Xu Xiaoqian is also a cow!"

   "Can you remotely control it over a thousand miles away?"

   reluctantly introduced to everyone, "CoCo Lee, my buddy."

   "This is Jiang Yao... I used to be a master of the school! A hero in girls' middle school!"

   As soon as Dong Li listens, his whole body is one...what are you doing? So gentle?

   As a result, Jiang Yaoyi has calmed down, and Xu Xiaoqian didn’t say anything. What is it that he is so anxious and pale?

   Now that I have introduced it, I’ll change my face. Immediately resemble a quail, "Hello everyone...just call me Xiaoyao."

   Seeing wine on the ground, I was a little thirsty even after running all the way...

   The next second came a refreshing three views...

   Picking up a bottle of beer, there is no need to let it go, "This meeting was a bit sudden, I'm sorry! I'll punish myself."

   raised his more!

   Cocoon Lee looked faceless, you are looking for someone, not running into the boys' bedroom and drinking alcohol!

   Pulled her up and left, talked to Qi Lei, and said embarrassedly to 418 people, "It's not early, let's go first, you continue, continue..."

   Jiang Yao refused to leave, and yelled at Li Cowen, "You let me quench my thirst! Let me have another one! Just eat some food!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

  418 people, "..."

   Dong Li: "!!!"

  Hey, why do you want to say Dong Li alone?

   Anyway, until the two disappeared, 418 did not relax.

   For a long time, Brother Chuang returned to his soul first, looked at Qi Lei with a smile, and said, "Hehe..."

   "It's messy."

   is very messy, you have to stroke it.

   Qi Lei smiled awkwardly, this time he didn't need to hide anything, and threw the phone on the shop!

   "No mess! Just one!"

   "Believe it?"

   Everyone shook their heads: "I don't believe it..."

And then....

   A crowd of animals filled Qi Lei with three bottles of beer and tortured to extract a confession.

   Finally, Qi Lei’s emotional life has been put to the full...

   Xu Peng slapped his mouth, "Bull? You got it right after you graduated from junior high school?"

   Qi Lei retorted, "It is wrong for you to judge this way. According to what you said, Brother Chuang locked the target with open crotch pants!"

   Xu Peng, "Chuangzi doesn't count, he is a beast."

   In the end, everyone forced Qi Lei to take out the photos to observe.

   was shocked by Xu Xiaoqian's appearance...

   Master Peng pointed to a group photo with Xu Xiaoqian and Yang Xiao on it, drooling: "Who is this girl?"

   Qi Lei, "Brother!"

   Peng Ye, "..."

   "Then...what about the long legs just now?"

   Qi Lei, "Brother!"

   Peng Ye, "???"

   "Then...what about the female high school hero who arrived first?"

   Qi Lei's face changed, "That is the ancestor, the ancestor that can't be offended!"

   Master Peng smashed his mouth, really a little unpleasant, too fierce...

   jumped out, "Admit it, it's really messy."

   suddenly found out, this is such a master...

   Qi Lei: "..."

   everyone also said, "Okay, Qi Lei...hidden..."

   "You are the boss!"

   "No!" After thinking about it, "Chuangzi is the boss, so he wore open pants so he was worried about it."

   So, 418 has a new order of seniority.

   Feng Chuang is still the boss, and the big guy with open pants can't afford it.

   The second child is Qi Lei.

  Buy brother is the third child. It is said that Brother Buy is similar to Qi Lei, he is a freshman.

   But Brother Mai is older, equal to 17 years old and get through Ren Du's second line.

  The fourth child is Xu Peng. He graduated from high school.

   Dong Li became the youngest child with great reluctance, and is still single.

   Qi Lei couldn't explain how to explain it. Everyone believed that, except for the fierce one, the remaining relationships were somewhat unclear.

  Especially that Coco Coco Lee just now, Dong Li opened his mouth wide, telling everyone that Coco Coco Lee led someone to clean the sanitation in the afternoon.

   makes everyone more convinced, chaos! What a mess!

   lights out at eleven.

   is not to cut off the power, but to turn off the lights. Originally, the freshmen were not well prepared, and they should be gone without the lights.

   But, as a person who has been to university, Qi Lei, how can he not prepare "emergency lighting equipment"?

   rechargeable bedside lamps and candles!

   Everyone lighted the lamp and boiled the oil and continued to cheer. They didn't get into bed until late at night.

   At the same time, Coco Lee returned to the bedroom and reported the situation to Xu Xiaoqian in detail. The two chatted for a long time, and no one knew what they were talking about.


   After turning off the computer, Coco Lee did not sleep all night! Thinking about it all night.

   Early the next morning, no one got up for breakfast at bed 418, but was stunned by 417 next door.

   "Qi Lei is looking for someone downstairs!"

   Who is Qi Lei wondering? Take a look on the balcony, Coco Coco!

   quickly put on clothes and went downstairs, and the two stood downstairs in the dormitory: "Why didn't you go up?"

   Coco Lee stared, "When am I stupid?"

   You can’t get into the men’s bed in the’s easy to get embarrassed.

   Qi Lei: "What's the matter?"

   saw Li Cowen a little twitchy, "Then what... tell you something!"

   Qi Lei stared immediately, come again?

   I was going to talk about something yesterday, but I didn’t say, "What the **** is it?"

   Coco Lee lowered his head and suddenly said: "I used to like you."

   "I'm poof!" Qi Lei burst out with a mouthful of old blood, and the whole person was energetic!

Hold! Did you tell me this in the morning?

   I'm not ready yet!


   "Do you want to go back and think again?"

   To tell the truth, Qi Lei thinks it's good not to break.

  Unexpectedly, Coco Lee would come here suddenly?

   There are countless thoughts flashing in his mind, how to deal with this crisis!


   The so-called harem bridge in the online novel!

   okay...I did think about it for a moment, it seems pretty cool...

  Men, it is inevitable to be dirty.

   Anyone is greedy.

   But it only took a moment to regain his senses. That's not realistic...

   Then, Qi Lei suddenly felt a little scared...

   If Coco Lee is really desperate to point out, then each other may not even have a friend to do.

   Thinking of these, Qi Lei's heart is not empty and loss, but...horrified fear!

   He would lose his friend Cocoon Lee, and from then on he had to alienate him, just like a stranger.

   This thought shocked him!

   gradually became serious, he suddenly realized that Li Hanhan was making a fool again, doing the most stupid stupid thing!

   "Coco Lee..." Qi Lei became gloomy, "Can you talk about it another day?"

   Coco Lee did not hear Qi Lei's scary at all, and waved his hands, "What's next? Just today! Just now! Is the old lady such a procrastinator?"

   Qi Lei, "..." Is it really irretrievable?

   somewhat uncomfortable.

   But...the one that should come will come, if you are destined to not be friends, it is useless to force it.

   Then face it.

   took a deep breath, and the voice became colder: " say it!"

at this time...

   Coco Lee is standing in the shade of a sun-dappled tree...

   From serious to a little cold, to a bright smile that gradually melted away.

  The voice is soothing: "Really...I used to like you very much."

   bulging cheeks: "I like it very much, the kind I like very much!"

   "But..." Turning around, he lowered his face, "But I don't like it anymore!"


   Qi Lei almost didn't flash his old waist! This crooked one is a bit big!

   I saw Coco Coco Li very seriously, "Xu Xiaoqian is right. The more you can't forget, the more you can't let go, the more torture! It's not good for anyone."

   "It's better to let go and let the flow take its course!"

   Qi Lei, "???"

   Qi Lei was shocked! The mentality collapsed!

   Xu Xiaoqian taught you this special? She will tell you this?

   Why are you so unbelieving?

   Coco Lee still took care of himself, "I thought about it all night last night. Actually... I wanted to talk to you yesterday, so I want to say these things."

   looked at Qi Lei and smiled, "I don't like you anymore! Let's be buddies!"

   Qi Lei, "???"

   is another big bend!

   Coco Lee, "Xu Xiaoqian asked me to help her look at you! Then she must not be guarding and stealing? Otherwise, who is the old lady?"

   "So! I must tell you clearly! So I don't have anything to worry about!"

   "Be a buddy!"

   "Be a buddy like Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   To be honest, he was a little bit confused by CoCo! Did not keep up with her brain circuit!

   You will never think of how simple Coco Coco Lee’s brain circuit is and how complicated it is...

  Never use dirty ordinary people's thinking to guess her...

   If you don’t understand, she is not an earthling!

   But at this moment, Qi Lei was suddenly calm, and the big rock in his heart seemed to fall to the ground...


   just as he said to Viagra...

   He likes... but... is responsible!

  Subconsciously, he didn't want Coco Coco Lee to be a stranger.

   It is even more unimaginable that a girl like Coco Lee will become someone else’s wife and lover. But what is the ending.


   Qi Lei once thought about this problem.

   If you talk about rebirth, you have to say something you regret most, then it must not be that Qi Lei didn't know the lottery numbers of later generations, and it was not that he had forgotten a certain important time node. his previous life, he didn't know more about Coco Lee from Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Jian.

   He didn’t know if Coco Lee chose a right boy to marry as she said at first...

   I don’t know if she is happy or miserable after marriage.

   It seems that in his previous life, he would not care about the past of a female friend who was not very familiar.

   But in this world... Qi Lei wants to know.

   It's not that he is eating the bowl and looking at the pot. I don't dare to own it, and don't want to give Coco Coco Lee to others.


   Coco Lee’s character flaws make it difficult for her to meet a man who can give her happiness...

   She is a person who is fully committed and does not know how to keep, and her silly innocence makes her completely unable to guard against any malice from human nature.

   Such a personality is the luck of the husband, but it is also the misfortune of the wife!

   Too easy to get injured, too easy to get lost.

   Unless you are a peerless good person who loves her wholeheartedly and stays the same throughout his life, otherwise... the simple one must be the one who was hurt in the feelings.


   Qi Lei didn't even realize that one of the reasons he insisted on coming to Beiguang was Coco Lee.

   He hoped that Coco Coco Lee could forget the ignorance with him, but Qi Lei was unreasonably worried that she would be unfair in her relationship.



   At this moment!

   Cocoon Lee said to be a buddy, I don’t like it anymore...

   Qi Lei showed a faint smile and let out a long breath!

   This result is good, at least it is not an irreversible choice!

   If you really accept her likes, or become a passerby. Qi Lei will choose the latter without hesitation. Because he already has Xu Xiaoqian...

   This is okay, at least it can be a check for her.

   And Coco Lee, seeing Qi Lei's relieved expression, he knew he accepted it!

   Suddenly, the smile is like a flower!

   "You agreed, right?"

   Gradually magnified the smile into that kind of very simple look...

   "If you don't speak, you will treat it as if you agree!"

   Qi Lei nodded, "Yeah."


   suddenly wrapped Qi Lei's neck, just like Tang Xiaoyi and the others usually hook their shoulders and back....

   The entire arm reached in front of him, half of his body pressed against his back.

   "From then on we will be buddies! There are no such messy thoughts!"

   is extremely proud, "This is the best state! Hmm! The best..."

   Qi Lei, "..."

   took a deep breath, there was not much fresh air in it, it was all the faint scent with warmth on Cocoon Lee's body.

   Xin said: It is indeed the best state, even the last bit of estrangement is gone.

   Qi Lei felt that he should say something to commemorate this important moment.

   One more to commemorate him... "brother"! ?


   Take a deep breath again, don't say it, it smells good!

   looked at Coco Lee, "Brother..."

   Coco Lee raised her chin proudly, "What are you doing!?"

   Qi Lei, "Can you discuss something?"

   Cocoon Lee, "Isn't it a surprise? Still discuss it? Say! My buddy must do it for you!"

   Qi Lei "hiss..."

   took another breath...

   Then he said solemnly: "Can you not rub against me with the things that you have but I don't have?"

   "If it goes on like this, it's easy for the brothers to turn against the goal!"

   Coco Lee frowned immediately, what is it? What purpose? What are you talking about?

   lowered his head, oh... so it was it? Get in the way!

   blushed, and secretly stuck out his tongue... I lost my mind!

   hasn't waited to shrink back, Qi Lei is already roaring!

"and also!"

   "Please don't be at the door of the boys' dormitory and recognize your brother?"

   "I still want to live!"

   Coco Lee looked up...

   Akira... unexpectedly paused for a few seconds before the spring retracted!

All right.....

   is not only triumphant, but also unreliable!

   At this time, the boys downstairs are all stupid...

   Where is the fairy? Is it too blatant?

  Show affection, can you carry someone on your back? Carry a little bit, and it doesn't cost much.

   You are hugging here, don’t you treat us as human?

   Zhang Xian wore big pants and put his head against the henhouse, seeing this scene was not good.

   cattle...what a special cattle!

   This is only one day, right? Take Li Hanhan down?

   "Then what..." Coco Lee finally became a little bit normal, her face flushed: "That's it, let's go."


   with his hands behind his back, bounced and ran away. Qi Lei threw it here alone, facing all the knife-like gazes...

   Waiting for Coco Li to run away, Qi Lei's first reaction was to call Xu Xiaoqian!

   At this time, Xu Xiaoqian should be studying on her own. The phone calls to the IC phone of the old dormitory building, and the students on the first floor go upstairs to call.

   Two or three minutes passed before Xu Xiaoqian picked up the phone, "Hello? Who?"

   Qi Lei asked with a beating, "Did you talk to Li Hanhan last night?"

   Xu Xiaoqian was taken aback, "Me? I didn't say anything?"

   Qi Lei, "No, yes, yes! You didn't say anything about her?"

   Xu Xiaoqian, "Which is it?"

Qi Lei, "Run downstairs to me early in the morning and said you want to be a brother with me! You said that you are right! The more you can't forget, the more you can't let go, the more torturing people. Don't worry, let the flow go. "


   Xu Xiaoqian also sprayed on her head, "She, what did she say?"

   Qi Lei, "Yes!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

   Xu Xiaoqian can't hold back...


   " make me laugh for a while first."


   Time went back to last night, and Coco Lee, who returned to the dorm after the man walked from bed, turned on the computer to report the situation to Xu Xiaoqian.

   Then, Coco Li committed the second crime again, and asked Xu Xiaoqian why she was so relieved.


   there is Xu Xiaoqian's words.

   The original words are: "That's how feelings are, especially for him..."

   "Don't you think he is too good? I seem to be his foil..."

   "So the more you can't forget, the more you can't let go, the more torture you... let it be."

   "I should get used to it."

  Xu Xiaoqian is talking about herself! Her own mentality!

   means it’s useless if you can’t let go! After all, Qi Lei has his own stage, which should not be an obstacle to him.

   It's better to go with the flow.

   The result is how can Li Hanhan realize such a profound truth?

   automatically brings into your own personal settings and situation.

   understood it as Xu Xiaoqian's advice to her.

   Let go, let the flow go...

   After thinking about it all night, I came up with such a result!

   Be a buddy!

   The old lady is so witty!

   After listening to Xu Xiaoqian's words, Qi Lei's whole person is not good.

   Talent. What an individual talent!


   Hang up the phone and go back upstairs.

   As soon as I entered 418, I saw the other four in the bedroom, standing all on the balcony, staring at Qi Lei dumbfounded.

   Qi Lei stared, "What do you see me doing?"

   is Chuang Ge with a serious face, "From now on, you are the boss! Qi Dalai! Be worshipped by the younger brother!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

  Master Peng, "Boss...Let's keep a little bit...otherwise brothers will feel inferior!"

   Qi Lei, "..."

   Brother Mai made a long sigh, "Chaos! It's too chaotic... and Boss Qi can handle it."

   How can you stand this?

   Dong Li, "..."

   curse in my heart, promiscuity!

   Am I right about him?

  He is the big carrot!

   Qi Lei, "..."

   I'm bothered?

   I have two years of high school, brilliant...

   contains countless titles...The only thing that is not touched is Huaxin.

   Why is university only one day...

   can't be washed white?

   Where is the author?

   Author, get out of here!



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  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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