Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 14: Don't want to wash hands (2)

University life in 2000 was like an old movie.

Under the original splendid lens, the background color of the age was yellowish, and the noise was beating.

Here, you can see the old professor riding 28 big bars and carrying an old briefcase.

I could see male students wearing white shirts, suits and trousers, but wearing rubber-soled sneakers and sweating on the court.

I can see the girl facing the sky under the white dress, but she exudes youthful charm all the time.

Seeing the little lovers holding hands among the flowers, they twisted and dared.

When Ma Chenyu saw these, he was very angry, "Go! Come on, fast!"

"What can you do if you go up there in person? Can he still call you a hooligan?"

"Depend on!!"

He slammed his hand, anxious to death.

Over there, Minister of Propaganda Wang Xuan is one of the two protagonists who have been complained about. The corner of his mouth was pulled out, and he smiled shyly at the big boy in front of him, "Wait for me."

The boy is very reasonable, "Yeah."

With her approval, Wang Xuan turned around very ladylike, and immediately changed into a fierce and hideous look.

He walked to Ma Chenyu's side in small steps and smiled, "Is it free?"

Ma Chenyu stared at the bull's eyes, "!"

It's two o'clock in the afternoon. There is no need to check the cafeteria or the people at the door of the dormitory, and there are no classes yet.

He is the Minister of Discipline Inspection, of course he is idle!

"Kiss him! Take the initiative!"

Wang Xuan: "..."

Staring at Ma Chenyu, he suddenly lifted his leg to hit the shin bone.


With a scream, Ma Chenyu embraced his calf and jumped.

It hurts.... It hurts!

"Wang Xuan, you are a man! You can't get married in this life!"

It hurts too much!

But Wang Xuan held her head high, turned her head and left, like an old hen fighting against each other.

It's too inappropriate to let my old lady take the initiative to cheat a boy?


The aggrieved Ma Chenyu returned to the student union. Chairman Zhang Xianlong was using the only valuable computer in the student union to scan the forum.

This is also one of the few benefits of the Student Union, with computers available for use.

You know, this year, there are not many students with computers, and there can be two or three out of ten.

Like 418, there are absolutely very few four computers in a dormitory (Qi Lei, Dong Li, Xu Peng, Chen Wenjie).

"What are you looking at?"

Ma Chenyu sat down and pulled up his trousers to look at his calves, they were all blue.

Zhang Xianlong closed the forum, "I didn't watch anything."

Watching him rub his calf, "What's the matter?"

Ma Chenyu, "Don't mention it! Man Wang Xuan, hand in hand with people in the Cultural Square. I help her especially, and she kicks me."

He glanced at the screen that was already the desktop, "and comment on Qi Lei's mess?"

Zhang Xianlong glared, "What am I commenting on? So would you like to ignore him?

Ma Chenyu smiled contemptuously, "Don't pretend, I have seen it all."

Yelled, "[Evil Dragon] is your trumpet, right? You wrote the hottest post!"

Zhang Xianlong was shocked, and subconsciously looked around, "Be quiet!"

After finishing speaking, he was puzzled, "Ma Chenyu, Ma Chenyu, Wang Xuan has to kick you, Tet is so cheap!"

As a result, Ma Chenyu did not show weakness, "Are you not cheap?"

"The grandson looks like a bear, do you still speak for him?"

Zhang Xianlong's face was even redder, "I'm not helping him, I'm just stating objective facts!"

"What facts?"

Zhang Xianlong, "Do you think that the grandson's urine can't see through these things?"

Ma Chenyu thought for a while, "It is indeed a bit evil."

Zhang Xianlong, "Right? With his IQ and ability, would he not handle the relationship with Zhao Guohua?"

"Don't forget, he drove away the luxury car in front of the girl building. Looking back, he drove the luxury car by himself? Such a stupid thing, do you think he can do it?"

"I always feel a little bit wrong, a bit too abnormal."

"Those who scold him now may all be unlucky."

Ma Chenyu was stunned, and suddenly he said, "You care about him doing so much fart!? I'm free?"

Zhang Xianlong didn't answer the call, looked at the computer screen, and pondered for a long time.

"I actually want to scold him a few words, it's fun!"

"But, don't forget, we learn journalism and we must have journalistic ethics."

"If you have not figured out the incident and have doubts, you should be suspicious, you should stand up and speak up."

Ma Chenyu....

Okay, the silly dragon started preaching honestly again.

"Stop, stop, stop!" A white glance at Zhang Xianlong, "This matter, if you really think so, then you can say it openly?"

"Why change to a trumpet and still sneak in and not respond positively to those negative news? Why are you doing such a detour?"

Zhang Xianlong did a little bit twisted.

Recently, [Evil Dragon], who responded more frequently to the Qi Lei incident, never confronted critics directly.

It doesn't matter to me, the posture of hanging up high. He neither opposes criticism, nor speaks for Qi Lei.

Respond to everyone's posts, and their posts are also very popular, and they seem to be a crowd.

But in fact, the opinions that [Evil Dragon] occasionally reveal can often make some people who can maintain their sense think about it.

As a result, the fans and the like under the ID of [Evil Dragon] are more sensible, either do not comment and wait for the truth: or they are biased towards Qi Lei.

After all, hate to hate, but quite a few people still don't believe that the guy who held the concert last year is such a flamboyant and pretentious person.

Regarding Ma Chenyu's question, Zhang Xianlong just smiled indifferently, "Netizens' subjective assumptions are the most difficult to control."

"The Internet is a place where good intentions do not necessarily do good things."

"Positive response? Do you believe it is counterproductive?"

Glancing at Ma Chenyu: "Did you not respond? You also know how to respond to this matter is wrong, right?"

Ma Chenyu shook his hand, "I don't bother to take care of his troubles."

After listening to Zhang Xianlong, he also opened the chatterbox in a rare way.

"I actually..." Hey smiled, "I'm also doing a research for my graduation thesis."

"Now, I think of myself as Qi Lei's crisis public relations, try to differentiate from the traditional media emergency thinking on the Internet, and strive to summarize a paper."


Ma Chenyu looked at Zhang Xianlong in horror, but his eyes didn't come out.

Zhang Xianlong looked a little embarrassed, "What do you think of me like that? For graduation thesis, I didn't want to really help him."

As a result, Ma Chenyu almost didn't jump out, "Silly Dragon, I'm going to your uncle!"

Zhang Xianlong was stunned, "What are you doing with such a big reaction?"

"Fuck you!"

Ma Chenyu was going crazy and turned around and left.

When he walked to the door, he turned his head and cursed, "You are really not a human being, you have a lot of eyes!"

Zhang Xianlong: "..."

I just borrowed this to write a paper? Isn't it a serious sin?

Sun thief, are you crazy?

Here, Ma Chenyu returned to the dormitory angrily.

Sitting in front of the desk, he won’t move. In front of him is his graduation thesis, "Observations and Thoughts on Emergency Response to News in the New Media Era"

His outline was all listed, and he crashed with the silly dragon.

It stands to reason that it doesn't really matter whether an undergraduate thesis crashes or not.

However, the problem is that if you want to come up with a crash paper and then you want to stand out, it is basically impossible.

Unless the paper is against the sky!

And Ma Chenyu wants to come out!

He is also a senior, and others don't know that Ma Chenyu wants to report to Grandpa Chen's graduate student and then enter the new school.

He knew that Zhang Xianlong, under the agitation of Zhao Guohua, also had the willingness to stay on for postgraduate entrance examinations.

Moreover, Zhao Guohua recommended him, and it must be Grandpa Chen.

In other words, he and Zhang Xianlong have to report to the same professor and submit papers on the same subject, which are aimed at the same incident.

The two are also cadres of the student union.

This matter can’t be pondered, in case the opinions and arguments of the two people overlap.

That's not clear!

Just say, can Ma Chenyu not be angry?

"Mom, a silly dragon, destroy me?"

The brothers who slept see Ma Chenyu's luck there. Probe from the upper bunk, "What's wrong? Make the silly dragon cry again?"

Ma Chenyu glared, "He is stupid? He is so smart, I am stupid!"

Ma Chenyu would make herself cry stupidly.

Turn on the computer weakly and log in to the Walnut Forest Forum.

Login ID【Bei Guangda handsome guy】.

Well, if Zhang Xianlong is next to him, he will drop his chin, Ma Chenyu's common ID is not this.

This grandson is also wearing a vest, and it's the same vest as [Evil Dragon].

They are all recently active accounts that guide public opinion from the side, gather rational netizens, and intend to find online public relations methods.

Even the supporters of the two are highly overlapped.

Nonsense, the papers are almost the same, can they not overlap?

It's just that Ma Chenyu is in trouble now. He is thinking, should he write the same paper as Shalong?

If you are looking for a paper, where can you find a novel and unique subject that will impress Grandpa Chen?

After thinking hard for a long time, Ma Chenyu said heartily, forget it! Reached out and tore up the completed outline.

The roommate looked at it, "Oh fuck! What are you doing? Can't it?"

Ma Chenyu casually threw the fragmented outline into the trash can, "It's boring, change the topic."

The roommate gave a thumbs up, "You bull!"

Ma Chenyu, "Be strict with me, don't spread the topic of my thesis."

The roommate pouted, "How come you are so rare!"

It means that I am too lazy to pass it.

In the end, Ma Chenyu decided to change the topic.

Silly Dragon came from the countryside. If he can really understand Grandpa Chen in his graduation thesis, it is very important to him.

And Ma Chenyu, there is almost no pressure from the family, not as urgent as the silly dragon.

Just let him!

Besides, Ma Chenyu doesn't think he's a idiot, just looking for a topic. There is still a year left. How big is it?

Just thinking about it, a letter from the station suddenly came.

Ma Chenyu thought it was something like a reminder to upgrade the forum level.

I don’t even bother to click on it for others, but because he has obsessive-compulsive disorder, he still clicked on.

Then, he was quiet for five minutes.

Suddenly there was a loud shout from him in the dormitory, "Oh fuck!!

My roommate was scared, "Are you sick? I'm watching a movie! You're so dry."

As a result, I saw Ma Chenyu suddenly rush to the trash can, picking out the newly shredded essay outline piece by piece, "Oh **** oh **** oh fuck!!"

Everyone gathered around, "What's the matter? Don't scare people, okay?"

But Ma Chenyu didn't reply, still looking for the debris madly.

At this time, someone looked at his computer.

See you, it's a neat letter from the station.

"Student Ma Chenyu, you have been selected as a candidate student by the Department of Digital Communication and Information Engineering [Experimental Teaching Center] [Young Eagle Class] (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.)."

"If you have any intentions, please prepare a news summary with no less than 2000 words on the'Lei Reviver Hot Events' (you can make your own choice of comments on the nature of the news, communication attributes, emergency response, guidance, etc.

"And at one o'clock in the afternoon of September 19, 2000, I went to the Discipline Construction Office of the Graduate School Building for an interview."

The signatures are: [Experimental Teaching Center] Director Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu.

The roommate was a little confused.

"Hina, what class is the Hatchling Class?"

"Why is it a direct connection?"

Means, after entering this class, you just lay flat all the way?

And Ma Chenyu was stunned, "Hahahaha! Brother's luck is here!"

Not to mention the summary of the news, there are still a few days before his entire thesis comes out.

Silly dragon, take your time to get the paper! Brother is going to fly, so I won't play with you!

Wang Xue's little girl, let you carry it? I don’t have a crush on you, I’m going to fly!

Qi Lei this dog fucks.....

Forget it, Brother Lei's feng shui is still good. It brings such a big luck, so stop scolding.

When my brother enters the young eagle class, be nice to you and don't care about previous hatreds.

Isn't it generosity?


At the same time, Zhang Xianlong also received a letter from the forum.

Frozen for a long time, the whole person was stupid.

It just so happened that Wang Xuan took her new boyfriend to visit the student union.

Seeing Zhang Xianlong standing there, "What's wrong? What do you think!?"

Zhang Xianlong returned to his soul and glared at Wang Xuan.

Then, he hugged Wang Xuan firmly, "Ah ah ah ah!!!"

Wow yelling.

Wang Xuan's new boyfriend is stupid.

What's the matter, I just said I didn't find the student union? How can there be a normal person?



Zhang Xianlong let out an angry cry, holding his calf and started jumping.

Wang Xuan broke out completely, "You guys should be normal for my old lady one by one!"

There are indeed no normal people in the student union.

After the roar, he stared at the little boyfriend, "Go! What else to look at!"

Little boyfriend: "..."

Leave it alone...boring.

When Zhang Xianlong came over, he immediately paging to Zhao Guohua.

It took half an hour for Zhao Guohua to return.

He hasn't been in school for the past two days, and he is on duty over the freshman military training side!

It is impossible for the instructors of each class to be there to stare every day.

Because it is a military camp, it is quite inconvenient to call.

Zhao Guohua said in a bad tone when he called back, "What's the matter? Don't you know if I am busy?"

Zhang Xianlong couldn't hide his excitement, "Brother Zhao! Do you know what's going on with the young eagle class?"

Yes, Zhang Xianlong called Zhao Guohua to spy on intelligence.

Book, Master, and Bo pass through.....

What is pass-through?

And Zhao Guohua heard, "Young Eagle Class? What young Eagle Class? What are you talking about?"

This time it was Zhang Xianlong's turn to be stunned, "You don't know? Grandpa Chen is the director, you don't know?"

He thought that because of the relationship between Zhao Guohua and Grandpa Chen, there must be some inside information!

Now it seems that I think too much.

However, Zhang Xianlong was not in a hurry to unload the mill and kill the donkey, so he hanged up if he didn't know?

That's an idiot!

The key news that he was selected for the young eagle class, the undergraduate, master, and Ph.D., and the experimental teaching center, director Chen Xingfu directly interviewed, told Zhao Guohua again.

Zhao Guohua was silly.

Is there such an operation? Direct?

Grandpa Chen's participation seems to be the dominant one, but I don't even know?

I'm Grandpa Chen's son!

Okay, it's a bit exaggerated, but the proud disciple is almost the same as his son, there is nothing wrong with it!

With a sullen face, "Wait for my news!"

Putting down the phone, Zhao Guohua called Chen Xingfu.

At this time, Chen Xingfu was struggling with Liao Fanyi and Zhang Luchen, and there was no quarrel.

Answering the phone, Chen Xingfu said in a bad tone, "Who?"

Zhao Guohua crouched on the phone, "Teacher, me!"


Zhao Guohua was holding the microphone, and the whole person was not good, and the father hung him up.

I froze there for a long time, and then he fought again.

Grandpa Chen was so noisy, he didn't look at the number, so he picked up the microphone. But Naguina was still there to argue with Liao Fanyi and the others.

"I am also the director of the Experimental Teaching Center. What's wrong with your deputy minister? What is the deputy minister doing well with your administrative work and reaching out so long?"

"The young eagle class, it should be mine! What to grab!?"

Over there, Zhang Luchen also spoke, "Old Chen, I agree with this, Xiao Liao don't interfere!"

"But, Old Chen, let's talk about it. I think it's more appropriate for me to take this class. I'm a psychology student, so I can better guide them."

Besides, most of them are undergraduates. Old Chen, how many years have you not taken an undergraduate? "

Grandpa Chen was angry, "Did you care if I brought it?"

"Anyway, I have to bring this class. I am optimistic about the two special tricks. I can't bring Xiaoqi, I can still bring these two."

"That's it, this is my closed disciple!"

Staring at the eyeballs, "Old man, I have taught all my life and gave me a bunch of straw bags. It's hard to have two good seedlings. Wouldn't it make me enjoyable?"

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Guohua's face was green.

Am I a straw bag? Didn’t you say that before?

"Hey! Who!? Are you busy!"

Zhao Guohua is smarter in learning this time, don't let the teacher be me, and get straight to the subject.

First set up an agenda for Grandpa Chen, "I want to be the instructor of the young eagle class!"

Don't tell me, it really worked, Chen Xingfu didn't hang up the phone directly. He took a contemptuous breath, "You?"

Zhao Guohua was humiliated, suffocating his neck, "Yes! What happened to me?"

Chen Xingfu, "Not qualified!"

The thief directly.

Zhao Guohua couldn't find the North all the way, and his liver exploded.

"I...I...I!" I spent a long time, "Then I will be a student, right?"

Don’t you have a doctor?

He just heard about it. Most of them are undergraduates, that is, they have a master's degree!

"Big deal, I am studying for a master's degree! Don't forget, you haven't graduated for me yet!"

Chen Xingfu squinted his eyes, the kid is quite persistent?


"here I am..."

"Do you know who the young eagle class recruits?"

"Don't I know what you said?"

Chen Xingfu, "I can't tell you. Just remember, be your mentor down-to-earth, and make academic progress step by step."

"The young eagle class is not suitable for you to think about. Don't think about it, be obedient."


Toot toot....

Zhao Guohua thought for a long time, what does this mean? Why don't you know too much?

Is it ironic to me...not enough? Still not talented enough?

no! If you say you don't want me, you don't want me? When the duty is over, he has to go back and fight for it.

Zhao Guohua is still very confident. If he doesn't believe it, even if he doesn't become an instructor, he won't be a student?

Immediately took the phone call to Zhang Xianlong.

Zhang Xianlong is still waiting there, "Brother Zhao, what's the matter? What is the situation with this young eagle class?"

"Ahem..." Zhao Guohua cleared his throat and said, "Cherish the opportunity!"

Then... there is nothing left to say.

Zhang Xianlong was overjoyed, "So, this class is very good?"

Zhao Guohua, cough cough cough! !

"Finally...Hi! That's the case." Pretending to be relaxed, "Anyway, I don't have much interest, you. It's an opportunity!"

Zhang Xianlong, "!!!"

"Understood! Thank you Brother Zhao."

Excited, Zhang Xianlong went to the playground and ran a big circle.

This is undoubtedly a turning point in Shalong's life, and it is too important for a rural child.

During the period, I also saw Qi Lei.

The silly dragon raised his chin at Qi Lei arrogantly, and said to his heart, this is what a good person is rewarded for, right?

Brother helped you once, but also got this opportunity.

So, don't thank you, let's play!

Qi Lei is still wondering what the silly dragon looks like. Is this the letter from the station? Otherwise, the silly dragon wouldn't be so happy to be like this?

But you are too much, right?

It's just a young eagle class, and I'm still a student, and the instructor, Lao Tzu, isn't excited yet!



Ma Tuo, he is twenty-nine years old this year, and he is considered a demon.

It's the kind of invincible academic performance, and it's not rigid. A student with a very active mind and excellent in every aspect.

Moreover, I will never learn enough, and I will always challenge myself.

He studied at the National People's University, undergraduate art and Chinese studies, double degrees.

The professor at the Junior College of Art found him, and he followed him.

However, Ma Tuo felt that his brother had learned enough art and Chinese studies, so the graduate student switched to law.

As soon as the graduate thesis was handed in for the third year, the law firms in Shenzhen were all found, and suddenly I felt that I didn’t study enough.

Shall I study for a few more years?

Thus, Pang Qingfang became Ma Tuo's PhD supervisor again.

Study international relations.

This year, Pang Qingfang transferred to Beiguang and asked him, will you follow me?

Ma Tuo thought, huh? Beiguang? Can I get involved in a bit of news?

So he went to Beiguang with Pang Qingfang.

As soon as the young eagle class's plan came out, Pang Qingfang's first thought was Ma Tuo.

However, because the young eagle class designs an invisible test, direct recruits are not accepted. Therefore, Pang Qingfang could only force Ma Tuo, who was nearly 30 years old, to participate in a bunch of young gossip topics.

Ma Tuo was almost crazy!

He was originally unwilling to participate in this so-called gossip news, not interested, too naive. How many books can I read at that time?

However, the instructor had spoken, and he had to participate.

So, Master Tuo did something that surprised Qi Lei.

It can also be regarded as a classic case of topic shifting and news public relations in this era.

Very advanced.

Those quarrels, whether Qi Lei is the second generation ancestor or not, Tuo Ye will not participate.

He is not interested in the hidden public relations such as [Evil Dragon] and [Bei Guangman Handsome Guy].

What he did was very simple. In his spare time, Tuo Ye translated all the posts on the forum about Qi Lei into ancient text.

And it is the kind of humorous, very ornamental ancient prose.

Don't forget, Tuo Ye has studied Chinese Studies, and there are related concepts of political guidance in International Relations.

No matter who posted it, and no matter what the post said, Mr. Tuo, whoever it is, alas.

The atmosphere is full of eloquence.

Others said, "Lei Qi, go to the special, go to play the egg!"

He said, "Lei mother gave birth to an egg, jerk."

Others said, "People nowadays are so temperamental and unreasonable."

He said, "Nowadays, humans are dry and don't try to conspiracy."

So that all posts, you must see Tuoye within the tenth floor.

How have you seen such an awesome man this year?

At the beginning, everyone was just looking for oddities. Then, Master Tuo responded more and got used to it. No matter what your post says, how sharp and high the quality, the first floor will always be @拓爷.

I want to see his translation of ancient Chinese.

Later, in addition to translating ancient texts, Tuoye also replied from time to time to the pursuit and doubts of his friends.

For example, some ancient Chinese words and characters are too difficult to use, so I need to explain.

After talking and chatting, everyone found out that this is a god!

He not only understands ancient Chinese, but also from Chinese and foreign art, aesthetics to law, from Chinese studies to history. From history to politics, to view the present from the past, to refute the past with the present, Tuoye is omnipotent!


Then those who posted the posts found that no one under the posts discussed the content of the posts themselves, and they all became the stage for Tuo Ye.

Let’s put it this way, if the Lei Qi incident first came out, the popularity was 10, and the topicality was 10.

Only Ma Tuo beat down the popularity of the whole news hot spot by 5.

The topicality has dropped by at least 3.

In this way, Ma Tuo also received the invitation of the young eagle class and became one of the candidates...

Master Tuo is still wondering, "The young eagle class? Is the 30-year-old still a young eagle?"

However, the teacher spoke and asked him to take it seriously.

What positive content do I prepare?

Um! Tuo Ye was still not interested in those gossips.

After thinking about it for a long time, or else, let me start with that big G!

Let me talk about the application of white in Chinese colors and the matching of Chinese style colors.

Matuo has seen that car, and he also likes the big G.

However, from his aesthetic point of view, white exterior, black interior...

That's how the Germans' aesthetic color schemes are! If it is my car, what should I change the interior to?

Tuo Ye was fascinated again. That afternoon, he squatted in front of the girl's building and watched the big G for an afternoon.

The girl who got it was panicked and almost reported to the security office to arrest him.

However, there were results in the afternoon. Tuo Ye combined the Chinese color scheme with the appearance of the big G. After returning, he even completed a small essay of more than 20,000 words, including the sketches and pictures.

Master Tuo thinks this is almost done, and he should be able to fool around.

To be honest, Master Tuo is looking forward to this young eagle class.

According to Pang Qingfang, the instructor of the young eagle class is a werewolf!

A little more than ruthless people!

Takuya wants to see, who is it?



Zhou Xiaohan is also paying attention to the school forum.

Although the festival is very busy, there is always free time to step on gossip, otherwise how boring is life?

Although Sister Xiaohan doesn't have a computer, there is a girl who sleeps in the same bed. Sister Xiaohan dominates for a long time.

As the saying goes, it makes sense to offend no one against a woman.

Zhou Xiaohan did not speak for Qi Lei like Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu.

Not as idle as Tuo Ye, and he still engages in the ancient prose movement.

I've hated that guy for a year, and I finally fell into the Pingyang. If sister Xiaohan doesn't step on her feet, how can she afford the crimes she suffered last year?

However, Zhou Xiaohan is not as low-level as the clubs in the forum. Swearing directly, it seems rude and not persuasive.

Sister Xiaohan used a journalism technique called...hidden inaccuracy.

Translation into the vernacular is that nine sentences are true and one sentence is false. Moreover, the false sentence was hidden after packaging.

For example, the news fact is: Xiao Ming went downstairs to buy a bun, lost the money, and went home to complain to his brother.

The hidden inaccuracy is: Xiao Ming went downstairs and touched a bun. After the money was gone, he returned home and showed off with his brother.

Isn't it ridiculous? Just an example.


In fact, even the common sense that everyone who studies journalism understands is that the life of journalism is truth!

However, it is precisely the people who understand the importance of news authenticity, who will consciously or unconsciously write some invisible and inaccurate news.

This is determined by human subjective will.

Even the most objective and fair journalists must bring in subjective judgments in the process of reporting news, so as to hide the truth that contradicts subjective judgments, and even tamper with them.

The most intuitive manifestation of this phenomenon is the prejudice of Western media on China-related reports.

Many people say that this is controlled by the Western media.

In fact, it's not all. Manipulation can cover key events, but it can't cover everything.

So how did the news blockade on China be completed? It is the indoctrination of ideology.

When all journalists have prejudice against China, then the barrier of hidden inaccuracy opens up.

In this regard, we are not doing well in the West. There are many factors that prevent us from being able to completely shield it, causing some ghosts and monsters to jump out.

What they destroy is not only our view of the West, they have cultivated a number of exquisite days, and there is also a layer of destructive power that ordinary people can't see, that is, they have broken the news barrier.

Well, far away.

In short, Zhou Xiaohan had a great time playing.

Using a trumpet on the forums hacked Qi Lei, scolded him well, and was not noticeable.

Zhou Xiaohan felt that he was really clever.

On the afternoon of the 18th, Coco Coco Lee was out for the event again, and Zhou Xiaohan was about the music festival. He had to go to the University for Nationalities and the organizer to get something.

Two people just dropped in.

As soon as he got downstairs, Qi Lei was driving the door, and he was about to leave.

Seeing the two, he immediately smiled, "Where to go?"

Coco Lee said it was Haidian again.

Qi Lei groaned, "Get in the car, I will send you over."

He was actually going to Xicheng, but he wasn't too in a hurry, he could send Li Hanhan there.

CoCo Lee naturally didn't have any comments.

However, Zhou Xiaohan secretly pouted his lips, what's the point of breaking a big G? It’s better for my old lady to make the subway more expensive than yours!

"Then what!" Raised his chin to Coco Coco Lee, "Let's take his car and go, I'll take the subway more conveniently."

Qi Lei smiled, "What? I have been scolding me for so many days, and I haven't calmed down yet? It's almost done."

Zhou Xiaohan, "!!!"


Suddenly panicked, "You, you, you, don't slander people! I haven't scolded you, have you been bloody?"

No one knows Zhou Xiaohan's trumpet, so she is not afraid at all, Qi Lei sees through it.

In response, Qi Lei just shook his head, "Counsel and love to play."

Pull the car door and get into the cab, "Would you like to go? Don't go?

Zhou Xiaohan was agitated, "Afraid of you!?"

Talking, got into the car.

First send Coco Li to the place, and then take Zhou Xiaohan to the University of Nationalities.

Stopped at the school gate, Qi Lei looked at his watch, "Is fifteen minutes enough?"

Zhou Xiaohan pouted again, cut? Have you waited? I won't go back by myself?

Fifteen enough?

"ten minutes!"

Get out of the car after talking and run away.

The cowhide is getting bigger, and the University of Nationalities is also quite big. It's a bit rushed in ten minutes.

Qi Lei lowered the car window and stuck his head out, "You don't need to run, twenty minutes will do."

Zhou Xiaohan didn't speak, he was gone.

Well, the special car back and forth, and the air conditioner is blowing, the ghost wants to squeeze the subway!

Ten minutes later, Zhou Xiaohan climbed onto the co-pilot, feeling that the whole person was useless.

Qi Lei started the car, merged into the main road, glanced at Zhou Xiaohan, took out a bottle of water from the armrest box and handed it over.

In fact, if you change Cocoon Li or someone else, Qi Lei will definitely remind you that you should exercise more.

However, Zhou Xiaohan didn't care about it, and the two were still unfamiliar after all.

Zhou Xiaohan is not polite, just unscrew it and drink it.

This time Qi Lei had to remind, "Drink after panting!"


Zhou Xiaohan was so thirsty and frustrated, "Then what are you doing for me now?"

Qi Lei shook his head and stopped talking to her.

After a while, suddenly came the sentence, "Has the news report been written?"

Zhou Xiaohan frowned, but did not answer, staring at the mineral water, panting hard.

I finally calmed my breathing at the fastest speed, and I felt that there was no problem. I quickly started to drink and took a big sip before I felt that I was alive.

Then Qi Lei answered, "What report? Who do you hear that my old lady wants to write a report?"

Qi Lei frowned, glanced at her suddenly, and thought of a possibility, " the forum, don't you never read messages from the station?"

When Zhou Xiaohan heard him mention the forum, "Huh? Huh!?"

"Qi Shitou, don't be insinuating! My old lady really never said bad things about you on the forum!"

Qi Lei, "Who asked you to say that you didn't say anything bad, I asked you not to read the letter in the station."

Zhou Xiaohan, "What am I doing with that thing?"

Qi Lei, "....."

For a long time, "Go back and have a look, I guess you don't want to sleep tonight."

Zhou Xiaohan immediately pouted his lips and talked utterly, why should I listen to you?

Leaning on the seat, let alone, the front row of the big G is quite comfortable, no wonder Coco Lee likes to ride in Qi Lei's car.



Qi Lei's destination was Yuetan South Street. The car stopped at the gate of a compound. Zhou Xiaohan leaned forward, stretched his neck, and couldn't close his mouth. "What are you doing here?"

Qi Lei said, "Don't worry about what you are doing, do a favor."

Zhou Xiaohan was immediately alert, "What are you doing?"

Qi Lei handed her a bag of papers, "Take this, and tell the door guard it's for Chang Lanfang."

"Then go into the main building, go up to the fourth floor, the office on the far left, and hand it over to an old grandmother."

Zhou Xiaohan frowned and suddenly realized that the incident was not that simple, "Why didn't you go?"

Of course Qi Lei would not say that if he went in, Grandma Chang would not let him go for a while.

Eyeballs rolled, "The old lady wants me to be her grandson-in-law, I am unhappy, and it is embarrassing to meet."


Zhou Xiaohan, "Really?"


"Help you once!" After all, taking Qi Lei's car was used as the fare.

Holding the file bag, went to the guard and explained what she was coming for. After logging in, she really let her in.

During the period, Zhou Xiaohan was curious, and quietly opened a corner of the portfolio and glanced at what the "Insight Model Phase 5 Report" was inside.

Zhou Xiaohan didn't understand, so he didn't watch it again.

There was indeed an old lady on the fourth floor. When she saw a baby girl, she frowned, "Where is Qi Lei?"

Zhou Xiaohan saw that the old lady was very aura, and to be honest, "It's at the door!"

The old lady Chang was so angry that she muttered to herself, "Good boy, dare to hide from me? Wait for another day to catch you in Beiguang!"

When I heard Zhou Xiaohan's ears, it was all different things. My heart said, this old grandma is really ignorant. Where did you see Qi Lei?

Before leaving, he didn't hold back, and he kindly jumped out, "Grandma, there are actually many good boys. That kid may not be suitable for your granddaughter."

"Goodbye grandma."

Chang Lanfang: "..."

I'm a little dazed, what's the matter? What did Qi Lei say to this little girl?

Back at school, Zhou Xiaohan sent the materials he had retrieved from the University of Nationalities back to the music festival preparation team. He was busy for a while and went back to the bedroom after having dinner.

Turn on the roommate's computer, and what you see is the overwhelming news.

"Beijing Goddess Zhou Xiaohan became the second goal of Sao Bao Da G"

Looking at this title, Zhou Xiaohan almost didn't jump in.

It does not make sense! ?

Click in and take a look, well, she got on the Qi Lei car and it became a hot spot.

This is not the same as Coco Lee.

Although Coco Coco Lee has received a lot of attention since entering school, many people know that she has an inexplicable relationship with one of her primary school brothers in her hometown, that is, Qi Lei, and this matter slowly spread.

Even if they don't talk much, most people know it well.

So, it's not a surprise that she got into Reviver's car.

However, Zhou Xiaohan was different. He was a long-established figure in Beiguang, the dream lover of countless boys, and the most popular hostess in Beiguang.

She is also a cheesy woman who worships gold, which is really unbearable.


Zhou Xiaohan was almost crazy.

"Let's say that you are greedy for petty and cheap, and you will suffer a lot, right? My old lady's reputation!"

"Qilei, my old lady and you are at odds with each other!"

After venting for a while, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the icon of the letter in the station.

The ghost almost clicked in.


"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

The girls building almost exploded.

"It's over, my old lady is over!"

That was the station letter inviting her to participate in the interview of the young eagle class on the 19th. It has been sent out for five days.

News reports with more than 2000 She didn't move a word.

"It's over! It's too late to stay up all night tonight, right?"

Zhou Xiaohan is in a hurry. As for why Qi Lei knows this, why does she know that she is on the forum...

Well, Zhou Xiaohan has no time to think at all.

It can only be simply attributed to that Qi Lei is also one of the invited students.

Um! It must be so!

Grandpa Chen and Professor Liao were blind, so they invited him?

In this way, Zhou Xiaohan stayed up all night, plus one morning, only after ten o'clock in the morning did he piece together a 2000-word news report.

Tired and slept on the bed for an hour, then he was forcibly pulled up by his roommate.

Because at half past eleven, I have to go to the Procurement Office to get the approval letter for the final sum of funds, and then I have to prepare for the interview.

And then...

Lady Zhou looked in the mirror and found that dark circles under her eyes were a bit heavy and she couldn't see people.

No way, Zhou Xiaohan is like this. You can't stay up all night, stay up all night, and you will definitely become a panda the next day.

In the end, I put on a thick foundation, and smiled straight away.

Anyway, the makeup is very thick and gorgeous.

Only then did he reluctantly look a little bit more energetic, and head towards the procuratorate.



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So much for today.

Make adjustments as you write. I'm going to the supermarket tomorrow. It should be very late for the update. It should be about 10,000 words. It will be fine the day after tomorrow.

I can’t go anymore. On the 30th, it was almost eleven o’clock after I finished writing and sending it. I haven’t eaten yet and there is nothing to eat at home! Takeaways from the village are not delivered, and small supermarkets are closed.

My wife and I have only one pack of instant noodles left...

If you like rebirth, please collect it: () Rebirth is the fastest update.

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