Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Don't want to wash hands (3)

Zhou Xiaohan often comes to the trial office recently, after all, it is an activity organized by students.

She is not the backbone of the student union like Zhang Xianlong who has a particularly good relationship with the school and can simplify the process.

Therefore, she needs to pull out the list of equipment needed by the music festival and send it to the procurement office for review. It is also necessary to explain to the person that the teacher in charge will sign, and the procurement office will sign it at the end.

Then, she had to take the signature form by herself, ran to the finance department to stamp it, and then took the form back to the audit office to purchase it from the school.

In addition to these, some leased stage equipment and stage construction also have to go through the process.

Anyway, Zhou Xiaohan was tortured and ruined.

However, having said that, the school is so tossing, it is actually quite good.

During the whole festival, there was almost no teacher's participation, and students like Zhou Xiaohan did it by themselves.

At least Zhou Xiaohan has learned a lot, so that the beauty of Zhou Dabei swells in confidence and claims to be the first student model of Beijing and Guangzhou.

Even if she can't be a host after graduation, she will never starve to work on performance planning.

When he arrived at the door of the trial office, Zhou Xiaohan knocked on the door. Inside, there was a greeting from Sister Zhao, "Come in."

After Zhou Xiaohan heard it, he bounced in and saw that there was only Sister Zhao in the office.

"Aunt Zhao!"

Sister Zhao is packing her things and preparing to go to the Finance Office for a meeting.

Seeing a white-faced ghost rushing at the door, he was startled.

"Oh my god!"

It turned out that it was her, immediately speechless, "It's a big girl, she doesn't have the strength to be steady."

Sweep up and down to see Zhou Xiaohan, what's going on with this kid, dressing up like this? It's not like going to school, it's like going to a dance hall.

"Hehe!" Zhou Xiaohan patted a lease contract on the table, "Aunt Zhao, please have a look."

This is a stage lease contract, which has been reviewed a long time ago, and Zhao Lan took it and turned it over. Take out the official seal and stamp it.

"Go to the Finance Department and sign!"

"Well, good!"

Zhou Xiaohan took it and ran away, "Goodbye Aunt Zhao!"

"Come back!" Zhao Lan stopped her, "Come with me!"

Zhou Xiaohan is a pretty girl, and Zhao Lan is also enthusiastic. She followed, at least the Finance Department will not get stuck.

If you don't put it there, come and get it tomorrow, the girl has to run again.

The two went out to the trial office together, and Zhao Lan was rather strange, "What is it doing with such heavy makeup? It's like a ghost!"

Zhou Xiaohan immediately pressed it to his ear, thiefly: "I have dark circles under my eyes, and there will be an interview later."

When Zhao Lan heard, "Interview for the Young Eagle Class?"

This time it was Zhou Xiaohan's turn to be surprised, "Aunt Zhao, do you know that too?"

The young eagle class is very low-key, at least not many of her classmates know about it.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Lan would know something about logistics.

In response to this, Zhao Lan pouted proudly, and said to her heart, I don't know? Our manager Xiaoqi is the leader, don’t I know?

However, Zhao Lan was not stupid enough at this place. There were some things that didn't need to be chewed with a student.

But a few words to remind Zhou Xiaohan, "Have a good interview! The opportunity is rare!"

Zhou Xiaohan blinked his big eyes, "Aunt Zhao, do you know something?"

He took Zhao Lan's arm and said, "Tell me something? For example, do you know what the interview is about?"

Zhao Lan was shocked immediately, "Then how do I know?"

"But..." The front of the conversation turned, "Anyway, you are right for a snack!"

I was afraid that people would hear it, so I leaned in Zhou Xiaohan's ear, "Let's tell you this, do you know how much the education and training funds of each member of the Young Eagle Class are for a year?"

Zhou Xiaohan was bluffed by Zhao Lan, "How much?"

In fact, she didn't even know what this concept was.

This is the economic price the country has to pay for cultivating a university student, master student, or doctoral student.

Do you think that the tuition fee you paid is enough for the country to spend on you? That's far away!

This amount is not fixed, of course, the better the school, the more it will cost.

And the young eagle class...

Zhao Lan, "400,000 undergraduates, 800,000 masters, no cap for doctoral students."

Zhou Xiaohan was scared to death, "Really?"

This was 2000, and Zhou Xiaohan never thought about 400,000 yuan.

"It costs 400,000 to train an undergraduate?"

Zhao Lan curled her lips, "Is it superficial? It's 400,000 yuan a year!"

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

She felt that her imagination seemed insufficient.

Four hundred thousand? Why can you spend four hundred thousand? The textbooks have gold edges?

Zhao Lan, "Although the principal has not approved it yet, it is estimated that it will not last long. The person in charge of the young eagle class is very determined and will be approved sooner or later."

Zhou Xiaohan heard, "Who is in charge? Grandpa Chen?"

Zhao Lan: "Chen Xingfu only cares about teaching, and there are others."


Seeing the Finance Department, Zhao Lan grinned, "You'll know then, anyway, have a snack!"

Manager Xiao Qi seemed reluctant to let students know his identity, even if he was in the Young Eagle Class, he would definitely know it, but Zhao Lan was not as stupid as that.

The announcement was made by Manager Xiao Qi himself, but it was not her turn.

Finally, he said, "If you ask if you can pass TOEFL or IELTS in half a year in the interview, you can say yes!"

Zhou Xiaohan understood, and gave Zhao Lan a grateful nod, "Hmm!"


It was different with Zhao Lan, who stamped the finances on the spot, not tossing Zhou Xiaohan.

Take the contract and send it back to the procurement review office and hand it over to the purchaser, even if it's over.

Zhao Lan is a good person. "Deputy Manager Yao will be at the warehouse. You can just give him the contract in the past."

"There is no one in the trial office now, so you don't have to go there again in the afternoon."

Zhou Xiaohan sighed with emotion, "Aunt Zhao, I don't know how to thank you. you have a son? Let me promise it by myself!"

"Go!" Zhao Lan was amused, "Not serious!"

There is a girl in her family, Zhou Xiaohan knows, this is the airdrop check.

According to Zhao Lan's instructions, Zhou Xiaohan went to the warehouse, but he did not see Yao Guoyuan. The people in the warehouse said he had returned to the office.

No way, Zhou Xiaohan had to go to the trial again.

On the way, I was still thinking: "Since Aunt Zhao said so, then I really need to pay attention to it. This young eagle class must go in!"

Yes, for nothing else, you have to enter for the 400,000 yuan!

Teaching materials with gilt edges! Definitely Terra style.

When I arrived at the Procurement Office, the door of the office was not locked, indicating that there was someone inside.

Knocked on the door...


Zhou Xiaohan frowned. Although she was not familiar with Uncle Yao, she was 100% sure that this voice was not from Yao Guoyuan.

Pushing the door cautiously, I saw that the office was empty and Uncle Yao was not there.

But there was a back exposed behind the innermost desk, and it was supposed to be looking for something in the desk.

Zhou Xiaohan was a little nervous at the moment, because she knew that it was the desk of the head of the procurement office, the purchasing manager.

This time always comes, but that table is always empty.

I also heard Zhao Lan mentioned that their manager Qi is a very powerful person.

Actually, there is no need to mention Zhao Lan. Now students who only have a little contact with the school have probably heard of it.

The new manager Xiao Qi, who is a werewolf, is a werewolf.

This is no secret among the school staff.

Zhou Xiaohan has heard more than one person, even if it's none of your own, just listen to it.

However, the impression of the purchasing manager who meets the first and the last is quite stereotyped. Anyway, he is a very strict person.

Standing at the door not daring to move, "Excuse me, Yao Deputy Manager Yao there?"

Qi Lei was looking down for something. He made an equipment purchase order for the experimental teaching center the day before yesterday, and forgot which bag he put it in.

This afternoon, I happened to talk to Dong Beiguo about the teaching center, but I couldn't find it anymore.

It should be in this bunch of procurement plans!

I didn't look up, and I didn't even bother to identify who was speaking. I only knew that it was a young voice, it should be a student.

"Lao Yao is out, what's the matter?"

Zhou Xiaohan's brows clenched, why is this movement so familiar?

I didn't think about that: "I'll give him a contract."

Qi Lei, "put it on the table!"

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

More familiar!

Stepping forward cautiously, the expression is "things don't seem to be that simple" pattern.

Put the contract on the table.

"Manager Qi... then I'll put it here."

While speaking, she leaned forward sneakily. She wanted to see what this manager Qi looked like. She had definitely heard this voice.


Okay, it can't be that guy?

Qi Lei is still pouting there. Hearing that people have come close, should he respond politely anyway?

Straighten up and look up.

" put..."



Qi Lei was frightened. When he raised his head, there was a head less than twenty centimeters in front of him. Are you scared?

Moreover, it's still heavy makeup, like a ghost, you say scary is not scary! ?

Take a good look, this is Zhou Xiaohan? ?

The sentence came: "You... is your last name Zhou, right?"

Well, it's not enough to recognize it, it's just habitual ridicule.

And Zhou Xiaohan... screamed, and Petrochemical was on the spot.

Staring at the eyeballs, I'm stuck....

For a long time to return to the soul, "Yeah!!! Yeah!!!"

"you you you you you!"

Qi Lei was anxious for her, "What are you! What are you running around like this?"

I really frightened Qi Lei. In the impression Zhou Xiaohan never wears makeup, the key point is that she does not use makeup.

It was indeed a little shocked to come so suddenly.

Zhou Xiaohan: "You, you, you... are you a manager?"

Qi Lei did not want to let his classmates know too much about him, troublesome.

However, even if Zhou Xiaohan didn't care, he had to know about the young eagle squad anyway, and he immediately smiled: "No way?"

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

Sanguan collapsed!

Suddenly discovered that Beiguang is so magical, Qi Lei is actually the purchasing manager! ? Is Grandpa Dong blind?

But this is an irrefutable fact.

Zhou Xiaohan is not stupid. Recalling some time ago, the sound of the door was heard on the first day of the procuration office, when the manager was changed.

There is also the school pass on Qi Lei G.

There is also the fact that he parked the car in front of the girl's building and no one was in charge.

There is also, other people go to military training, he is special.

All the facts verify another fact. The guy in front of him is really the purchasing manager and deputy director-level cadre of Beiguang.

It's so unreasonable!

Sit down on the chair, "No, you have to slow me down."

Qi Lei shook his head and simply continued to look for his purchase order.

After two minutes, Zhou Xiaohan finally accepted the reality, no longer so abnormal, but still a little dazed.

Suddenly realized that now this Qi Lei didn't know how to face it.

In her heart, Qi Lei is a little talented, very irritating, very naive, very second-generation ancestor, very scumbag and scumbag!

Suddenly becoming the deputy director-level school leader, or the ronin who obeyed the adjudication, prosecution and governance, was very subversive.

At this time, Qi Lei finally found the purchase order, relieved.

Looking up at Zhou Xiaohan, he smiled helplessly.

At this time, she couldn't get entangled in this issue. The more entangled, the more abnormal she became.

Simply deliberately change the subject, "Student Zhou Xiaohan, can you tell me what is going on with your makeup? You have a tendency to self-harm!"

Zhou Xiaohan instinctively wanted to scold him back, but...

Suddenly I couldn't swear, and I replied depressed, "I didn't sleep well...Dark circles under the eyes...There will be an interview later."


Qi Lei understood, stood up, and teased: "Then you... sit down for a while, I'll go first, and remember to lock the door when you look back."

Zhou Xiaohan flicked, "Stop sitting."

The two went out of the Procurement and Trial Office together, and then walked together on the trail inside the school.

After walking side by side for a long time, it was almost at the destination. Zhou Xiaohan reacted, "Where are you going?"

Shout in my heart, don't follow me, it's embarrassing.

Qi Lei said: "Discipline Construction Office."

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

Suddenly he was shocked again, "You also go to the interview!?"

After yelling, I regretted it, and there is no need to ask.

He should have an interview, don't forget, Qi Lei reminded her of the letter in the station.

"Oh, you also interview."

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Zhou Xiaohan anxiously asked, "Is there any internal news?"

There was a look of hope in his eyes.

Okay, Zhao Lan knows a little bit of internal news. Qi Lei and Zhao Lan are in the same office, surely they don’t know it, right?

Although Zhao Lan had already told her what she knew, Zhou Xiaohan was prepared to act stupid.

If Qi Lei had said the same as Zhao Lan, she also planned to put on a surprised expression.

In this way, everyone will not be embarrassed.

Ugh! !

The old lady is too witty.

When Qi Lei heard her asking for internal information, he remembered something.

He asked nonchalantly, "Zhou Xiaohan, ask you a question."

"what is the problem?"

Qi Lei: "If... twenty years later, you will be in your forties, right?"

Zhou Xiaohan was anxious when he heard that, "What does it mean to be'over forty'? It's only forty-one!?"

Qi Lei, "Okay, it's forty-one! If there was a war and you were required to go to the battlefield, would you go?"

Zhou Xiaohan frowned immediately, what kind of problem is this?

Eyeballs stared, "Sure! Who do you want to beat? My old lady 80 is also desperate with them!"

Qi Lei was serious, "seriously?"

Zhou Xiaohan: "Seriously!"

Qi Lei immediately smiled, "Then it's okay."

After that, he said nothing, Zhou Xiaohan curled his lips secretly, "Cut! Just know that he can't say anything 1"

"Why not as good as Aunt Zhao, at least tell her so much inside information."



As I said before, the Discipline Construction Office is in the Graduate School Building.

At this time, although there is still more than an hour away from one point.

But downstairs for graduate students, in addition to the researchers who came in and out, many students from various faculties have gathered.

The selection of the young eagle class this time covers more than 8,000 undergraduates and more than 4,000 graduate students in the school.

More than 70 people were selected as candidates. As for how many people are left after the interview.

Maybe no one knows except for the leaders of a few experimental teaching centers.

That’s why Dong Beiguo said in the cafeteria yesterday, "Some people say thank God that there are only one out of ten."

"But I don't think it is so pessimistic. It's okay to have 20 or 30 left."

President Dong still has confidence in his students.

At this time, the students for the interview came early.

It's not that I pay much attention to it, no matter how important it is, it won't come so early. The main thing is... mystery!

To be honest, if it weren't for the signature of the forum's station letter, it was Liao Fanyi and Chen Xingfu.

Everyone thought this was a prank!

It's so terrible...

Isn’t that the same as the Tsinghua’s Yao class? Beiguang also wants to build its own star class?

And the temptation of direct communication between students and doctors is really big enough...

But here comes the problem.

Such a big matter, such an important notice, there is only one letter from the station!

No matter how bad it is, can the department send a notice, right? I'm really too lazy to make it, you can post a notice on the front door publicity board?

No! Nothing at all....

Only the station letter! If you accidentally forget to read the letter in the station, you may have missed it.

In fact, there are many people like Zhou Xiaohan who are too lazy to watch! There are also plenty of people who stayed up overnight!

I really don't know what kind of plane the new school is doing.

So everyone came early, no way! There is only one piece of information "Benevolence, Master and Ph.D. Direct Link"...

In addition, what does the Young Eagles class do, what they learn, what teachers are there, in addition to the advantages of academic qualifications, what other conveniences are there.

Including, interview...what is the interview? Look at the image or the oral exam?

totally no idea!

Come early, one is to piece together some information from other interviewers.

two is....

The young eagle class belongs to the Experimental Teaching Center of the New Faculty, right? That is to say, those old professors in the Office of Discipline Construction must know what's going on, right?

Everyone is not without a path, some know and have heard of lectures, and some are students led by professors in the office. I can inquire more or less.


When Qi Lei and Zhou Xiaohan arrived, at least half of the candidates were already hovering downstairs.

Some buildings are snarling around, just want to find a professor to cover up.

Some gathered in twos and threes, calling for "grass news" inquired from various channels.

Among them are Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu...

When the two brothers met, they said in unison, "Why are you here!?"

Zhang Xianlong, "I interview..."

Ma Chenyu, "I also interview."

Zhang Xianlong, "Why do you interview?"

Ma Chenyu, "I also participated in Qi Lei."

Zhang Xianlong, "Oh fuck! Are you plagiarizing my paper? You are in vain as a brother! You stole my paper!?"

Ma Chenyu, "Let me go to your uncle! Zhang Xianlong, if I take care of you again, I am not a human being!"

The two brothers almost didn't fight.

Matuo was among them, walking back and forth without talking to people, but no one present should have more comprehensive information than him.

Because Master Tuo had been here for a long time, he had listened to some chats and gossips, and probably pieced together a complete fact.

Jiang Yao and Chen Wenjie are also there.

It's just that the two of them are a bit embarrassed! I was walking in the queue this morning, and I was tortured to death by the instructor!

The results come and go!

The instructor asked them to get in the car, but I don't know what's going on yet, so here it is.

At present, I only know what the interview of the young eagle class is, and I don't know anything else.

Jiang Yao was quite reluctant to do this. The old lady was doing a good job in the broadcasting department. What kind of young eagle class would be taken to subdue a group of younger brothers?

Zhao Guohua is here too!

He was the one who brought Jiang Yao and Chen Wenjie back.

He didn't leave after the delivery, he just wandered downstairs, he still didn't give up...

What a special thing, Ma Tuo's old people have been taken in, so why don't you want me! ?

In addition to these familiar faces, there are more raw faces, adding up to thirty or forty people.

In the meantime, there are two other incompatible figures-Zong Baobao and Kou Zhongqi...

The two of them have already reported...the divided dormitory. Be regarded as a formal Beiguang student.

Saying that they are incompatible, it is not a bunch of sophomores, juniors, or even masters and doctors. The two children are a little bit timid...

But... the two stood on the steps, condescending, their eyes were like picking animals.


You let Zong Baobao and Kou elder sister show their timidity? Are you kidding me? In these two eyes, these are the children underneath, and they are not enough to spray.

Zong Baobao was even cheaper, and said to Kou Zhongqi, "Why are they so anxious?"

Kou Zhongqi, "I don't know... Maybe it's because I'm afraid I can't enter the Young Eagle Class, right?"

The senior elder sisters under the steps all looked at the two little kids, they looked like freshmen. The tone of speech is not small.

Someone provokes, "Do you also test the young eagle class?"

Baby Zong blinked, "No!"

The man immediately scorned, "Aren't you messing up here? While playing?"

Zong Baobao smiled, pointed at the old student, and yelled at Kou Zhongqi, "He is still in a hurry..."

Kou Zhongqi, "Don't pay attention to him, we are not a straw boat, and it is not our turn to "sell arrows" here."

The boy: "....."

It's going to explode, just about to go up to the line.

But Zong Baobao still didn't have him in his eyes, and said to Kou Zhongqi, "Is the young eagle class going to take the exam?"

Kou Zhongqi, "I don't know, anyway, my old lady didn't take the exam, so she entered in a daze."

The boy almost staggered up the steps and looked at Kou Zhongqi like a ghost, "You, you, you, are you in the young eagle class?"

Kou Zhongqi, "Is it strange?"

Baby Zong, "Is it strange?"

Add another sentence, "Brother went well in high school, suddenly someone came and brought me here."

"Isn't it difficult?"

Kou Zhongqi, "'s not difficult."





A group of people wanted to kill these two unlucky children.

It's a pity... the valuable and angry boy leaned in immediately, barking his big teeth, "brother, old girl...come, give me some dry goods."

But Kou Zhongqi gradually raised her eyebrows, "Senior Sister Cry, listen."

He is indeed Senior Sister, the first student in the Young Eagle Class.

The boy listened! Excessive! Shi can be killed but not insulted!

"Senior Sister!"

A crowd of cattle behind them wanted to scold their mother! What about morals? Don't be disciplined?

Kou Zhongqi, "That's right, Little Baozi, come...tell them."

Then... everyone gathered around.

The elder sister and the second elder brother began to flicker.

For the interview, it's not shabby...

After passing on the "cheat book" for joining the class for a while, Qi Lei led a "half-year milf" over. Far from Xu Xiaoqian!

The two immediately ended their show off and leaned towards Qi Lei.

When Zong Baobao saw Zhou Xiaohan, eh! I'm a little old, and my makeup is a little bit brighter, but the foundation should be good...

Stepped forward to say hello, "Hello, sister...I'm Zong Baobao."

"Just call me baby..."

The thief is well-behaved.

Zhou Xiaohan couldn't hold back his joy, the name was curious, "Baby?"

Zong Baobao: "Oh!"

Kou Zhongqi is speechless, Zong Baobao's shameless Dafa has a very low success rate!

He glared at Baby Zong, not as fierce as usual, nodded to Zhou Xiaohan, and said, "Cover acne? Or dark circles?"

Zhou Xiaohan was startled! "how do you know?"

Kou Zhongqi stretched her hands, "What kind of makeup do you wear with her neck paler than her face? Isn't that thick makeup just that useful?"

Zhou Xiaohan immediately gave a thumbs up, "My eyes are so good!"

The two chatted like this, Kou Zhongqi intentionally took it, and Zhou Xiaohan was quite able to chat.

Qi Lei glanced at his watch and said to Kou Zhongqi, "Stare at it. If you arrive after 12:30, write it down."

Kou Zhongqi waved his hand, "Go away."

Qi Lei didn't care, and went upstairs alone.

Zhou Xiaohan wants to stop him! Others are waiting outside, why are you going in?

But think again...

Well, people are purchasing managers, so they should have privileges?

I feel a little angry when I think about it! Are you privileged? It's really good without saying a word!

Asked Kou Zhongqi, "Are you classmates?"

She was referring to the relationship between Qi Lei and these two people.

I'm mainly curious, isn't the freshman military training? Why are these two people here?

And Kou Zhongqi's answer made Zhou Xiaohan puzzled, "He...My uncle (Bai) brother."

Tohoku dialect means "husband's brother"

Zhou Xiaohan is a little confused, she knows what the relationship is, but she doesn't know how this girl is so old are you? Called her husband so generously?

I couldn't catch Kou Zhongqi's words, so I turned around and asked Bao Bao Zong, "What about you? Are you classmates with him?"

As a result, Zong Baobao's answer made Zhou Xiaohan scratch his head.

Baby Zong pondered for a while, called brother? Too ordinary, does not agree with brother's temperament.

Called classmate, Taishengfen...

Then... one pointed to the building, "He is my teacher!"

Zhou Xiaohan: "..."

Rolling his eyes, secretly cursing that the kid is not serious, teacher? What did he teach you? Teach you how to irritate people?

Not far away, Zhao Guohua also saw Qi Lei! This is not a taste in my heart...

Did the special grandfather Chen really give up on me?

Why? why is that?

Can Qi Lei come for an interview? I do not deserve! ? Why?

Decided to find an opportunity to go upstairs and ask Chen Xingfu in person! Too bully!

As for Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu...

The two quarrelsome brothers put their heads together, "Here is this grandson too?"

"Should this grandson come?"

"Then why is this grandson's face so big?"

"Who said no? Others are waiting, why should he go in?"

"Forget it... this grandson is good in feng shui, or... stop scolding?"

"I think it will work! How about... let's burn a stick of incense for him, right?"

"Burning one pillar, burning one pillar, and it doesn't cost much."


On the other hand, Qi Lei didn't know that the silly dragon had already confessed him. If he knew what was wrong, he would disqualify them now!

Go upstairs and come to the Discipline Construction Office. Dong Beiguo is also there.

Seeing him here is not salty nor light, "Come here...Don't talk about funding!"

"Your plan won't work with me!"

Qi Lei has spent several days with Dong Bei about the funding of the young eagle class.

As Zhao Lan revealed to Zhou Xiaohan, the training funds for the Young Eagle Class... is an astronomical figure!

Of course Dong Beiguo would not agree to this, he is a very stingy principal!

When I saw Qi Lei, he didn't give him a chance.

But having said that, why did you take the initiative to raise this matter?

You mentioned it, isn't it just to give him a chance to speak?


It's not like the words of the president of a media school...

Qi Lei smiled lightly at this, saying that this is also an old fox!

He said: "This matter is not in a hurry, let's break it slowly."

Turning his head to Liao Fanyi said, "At half past twelve, the interview will start on time. Those who arrive late will be disqualified."

You mentioned it, but I won't mention it!

"!!!" Dong Beiguo was startled: "Isn't it one point!? You haven't arrived at half past twelve!"

Qi Lei smiled, "Principal, this is also part of the test..."

Dong Beiguo: "..."

Well, it's really part of the test!

In fact, it is not just the hot news event of Qi Lei that is the content of the exam, there are also many hidden exams underway.

To put it bluntly, the Young Eagle Class requires more than just journalistic talent, as well as unique perspectives and abilities.

Because of the future needs in teaching and other areas, some personalities are still needed.

For example, rigorous! keen! There is also an insight that does not miss any detail.

For example, people who are usually careless and too conceited are the most likely to miss the messages on the site, and they feel that those messages are **** and have no value in reading.

But not in the young eagle class! What he did was picking up gold in the garbage dump.

Therefore, the letter notice on the site is a test.

And half an hour earlier than one o'clock in the notice is also a test!

It's just a few short sentences of the site letter, plus a false and unreal qualification such as "Benevolence, Master, and Ph.D.".

Enough to evoke people's doubts and desires.

As long as you are a normal person, you must find ways to understand and verify.

However, all relevant professors and leaders, even if they were found, were very limited in revealing the situation of the young eagle class.

This requires some skills, some ability, and even some perseverance.

From the 13th to receive the station letter, to the 19th interview. It seems that you only need to prepare a 2000-word report, which is not difficult.

But in fact, there are not many lucky stars like Zhang Xianlong and Ma Chenyu who have blind cats and dead mice.

Most people have to confirm the authenticity first, or simply ignore the letter from the station like Zhou Xiaohan.

As a result, most of these six days were wasted.

Preparations are in a hurry, and I can come early today...

It is also a quality.

You know, these people can be said to be the teaching template of the new department! It is the city wall and cannon that will collide with culture in the future!

They must be keenly aware of problems in the Internet environment like a sea of ​​garbage, and they must also find breakthroughs in the airtight cultural barriers of the West that even the Western media have ignored!


Requirements for people! Extremely demanding.

Tell Dong Beiguo about this...

Principal Dong couldn't even close his mouth! "You are...too harsh, right?"

However, Qi Lei and Liao Fanyi are all together, "Then there is no way...we only need the elite!"

Principal Dong was not convinced, so he changed his mind, not right...

Pointing to Qi Lei, "You said it nicely, so why are you still acting favoritism?"

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows, "What am I doing personally?"

Dong Beiguo, "What's the matter with Jiang Yao, Chen Wenjie, and Zhou Xiaohan?"

The freshman military training has not yet come back, so the freshman selection will be postponed, but Jiang Yao and Chen Wenjie are already on their way back to school.

attend job interview.

As for Zhou Xiaohan...

Last night Qi Lei personally said that if he didn't remind him, Zhou Xiaohan wouldn't read the letters in the station!

What is unfavorable?

Jiang Yao is a classmate of Qi Lei Middle School, and Chen Wenjie is his roommate. As for Zhou keep saying that the station letter is also a test, then you still tell her?

Doesn’t it mean missing questions?

Regarding this, Qi Lei smiled, "You said these three people..."

"The three of them don't need a hidden test, they only need an interview."

Dong Beiguo: "Why?"

Qi Lei, "Because it looks good."

I puff!

Dong Beiguo wants to kick him! Be ridiculous! ?

And Qi Lei's answer is, "Don't be surprised, sometimes... the appearance is justice."

"The reasons for the selection of these three people are actually very simple. The three of them are most in line with Chinese and Western aesthetics."

Dong Beiguo, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lei, "Even in the eyes of Chinese people or foreigners, they are all beautiful and handsome guys."

Needless to say, Chen Wenjie, the fake foreign devils are mixed blood again.

Jiang Yao's facial features are very three-dimensional, his eye sockets are a bit deep, his mouth is slightly larger, and he has a standard face with melon seeds and a high nose.

When her facial features were taken out, they all felt flawed, but when combined together, they were very comfortable.

In this era, it is called "foreign".

On the contrary, Zhou Xiaohan is a standard oriental classical beauty. To put it bluntly, if Zhou Xiaohan was put on a Hanfu, she would be like walking out of a history book.

Zhou Xiaohan didn't even notice this, but Qi Lei had seen the era when Hanfu became popular in later generations, so he could have a little association.

She and Jiang Yao were able to enter the young eagle squad, relying on that face, and the others could be appropriately lowered and demanded.

Dong Beiguo: "..."

Squinting at Qi Lei, he said he was sure!

This kid is indeed cultivating a group of warmongers who use pens and faces to engage in aggression!

What kind of teaching? Pure nonsense!

But having said that, it is indeed teaching...

Imagine if the young eagle class could really figure out a whole set of logic and route for the cultural expedition.

Then...Liao Fanyi and the others can use the methods used by these young eagles to reversely deduce where we need to deploy defenses!

Isn't this the meaning of the new department, new discipline, and the future layout?

Thinking of here...

Dong Beiguo waved his hand, "I don't care! Go ahead!"

Old eyes glared, "But the ugly words are on the front! I don't have that much money!"

Okay, Dong Beiguo mentioned it again!

"The training fund for undergraduates is 400,000 a year! Is the doctoral student still capped?"

Not only did he mention it, but he kept mentioning it!

Qi Lei frowned and thought about it.

Forget it, I won't go peek-a-boo with Principal Dong. Actually... Dong Beiguo didn't give me money, he has other big deal to grind Qi Lei here.

And Qi Lei, idle is also idle, playing with the principal?

At this time Dong Beiguo screamed again, "What are you going to do? If any doctor's brain gets hot and opens his mouth and asks for a research fund of 10 million, you also give it?"

I saw Qi Lei think for a while, "If the money is valuable, it's not that you can't give it."

Dong Beiguo: "..."

Turning his eyes, he continued to scold, "Making a fool!"

"The new department has a total of 300 million yuan, and there are still so many colleges to be built! You only use this method for a young eagle class... three hundred million is enough? Where can I get the money for you?"

When Qi Lei heard this, he took the initiative to jump out of the pit, "Isn't it enough to get a little sponsorship? Isn't it all that way?"

Dong Beiguo was overjoyed, but he was hooked. You are waiting for this sentence!

"If you say pull it, pull it...or else, your sponsorship point?"

But he didn't want Thieves Qi Lei to be happy, "Yes."


This time, Dong Beiguo is not used to it. is it so happy?

If I knew you were so happy, I wouldn't go around this bend.

Well, since the day when I saw Lei Qi open a big G! Old man Dong was worried about it. He is the big G who has been staring at Qi Lei for a long time.

"Really...can really sponsor points?"

Qi Lei nodded, "Really, can you tell me the number?"

Can Qi Lei not know Dong Beiguo's mind? The presidents and professors of universities are like this. In order to fund the project, they really use all means.

Moreover, humanities and social sciences are not like science and engineering. The achievements of science and engineering can see economic value, so sponsorship is better.

Humanities and social sciences are really basic concept research, and it is thankless. Conduct surveys, statistics, and summary of phenomena in various places. Finally came out...

What use is it! No one wants to spend this wronged money.

Therefore, it is really not easy for Lao Dong to pull some sponsorships.

Qi Lei didn't bother to grind his teeth with the old man, so the sponsorship point was the sponsorship point.

He makes so much money, it's so cool! And it doesn’t hurt to spend on education at all.

When Dong Beiguo heard the step of "saying a few", his eyes became rounder!

After thinking hard for a long time, I gritted my teeth and stomped my feet! Stretch out three fingers!

"If you let the family support so much, I will approve the note! 400,000 undergraduates, 800,000 masters, doctors are not capped! Here you are!"

Qi Lei looked stupid. He looked at the three fingers: he didn't react for a long time, and he pulled his face: "Principal..."

"Although I know you are waiting for me here, I just want me to pay, but you are too...too cruel, right?"

Dong Beiguo's old face immediately blushed, "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

But I said in my heart, too much? How about... Wipe one? It really doesn't work, just wipe two sticks! !

And Qi Lei was a little dumbfounded!

Are you a little bit dark?

Just open your mouth to 30 million?

Yes, yes, Qi Lei is rich and rich now!

Can he be included in the Hurun Rich List by 30 million? Besides, he also recognized that education spends money. Qi Lei always felt that the goal of businessmen should not be Bill Gates, let alone Musk, Soros or the like.

It should be Mr. Cao, Mr. Huo, who has the responsibility of the family and the country, and has the righteousness...

That's an entrepreneur.

Otherwise, all the money is just a businessman.

So if it is normal, 30 million is 30 million.

But just throwing out 100 million for Pony's life extension, 30 million in this period? Then Uncle Geng might have to scold him as a prodigal.

After pondering for a while: "No...too much."

Dong Beiguo squinted, too much?'s really dark.

I can drop it for you...but it can't be so easy. Have to stick to it.

A stubborn neck said, "It won't work if you don't have a big boy!"

Qi Lei, "Fewer points!"

Dong Beiguo, "No!"

Qi Lei, "Can I make up for you later?"

Dong Beiguo, "How to make it up? You'd better buy and sell with one hammer!"

Qi Lei, "My father... won't! Wipe a little bit, okay?"

Liao Fanyi's eyes were straightened. What are the young and old doing? Bargaining at the vegetable market?

Dong Beiguo still held his finger over there, "That's all! Don't talk nonsense!"

But I said in my heart, you beg me again! If you ask me again, I'll wipe it for you!

Qi Lei is about to cry! Don’t you see that Dong Beiguo is so greedy?

A little speechless: "But I really can't bring out so many at once, it's very troublesome."

Dong Beiguo decided to let go, "Listen! Listen! No! No! It's not without... It means there is still..."


Long sigh, forget it, don’t you give me a little bit?

Qi Lei listened to what he said, and answered the same sentence: "To be honest, there are some..."

"But you can't open your mouth for thirty million when you are old? How much money?"

"Gah!" I just felt a flower in front of my eyes! !

Three three three three three three, thirty million?

Qi Lei continued to speak hard, "This way, five million! This is less!"

"Just do it, can't you pull it down."

Qi Lei is still in a hurry!

As a result, President Dong didn't even knock, "Deal! Ha!"

"Ha ha!"


Qi Lei reacted at once! Look at Old Man Dong's expression...

How does it feel like a big deal?

Suddenly found a problem! Did I understand it wrong?

Staring at his eyes, "You said three million, not thirty million?"

Dong Beiguo was almost out of anger!

What does the heart say? What is thirty million and three million?

I made a gesture of 300,000 yuan! You look down on me too much, right?

Three hundred thousand is quite a lot... In 2000, three hundred thousand, or a research fund for the humanities, how much can it cost?

Just wondering, can you be the master of thirty million? Your family runs a gold mine? Isn't it like opening a gold mine?

Does your dad know he won't kill you?

Suddenly remembered a sentence he himself said before, "My dad is a capitalist."

Suddenly his old face was straightened, but unfortunately the pair of old eyes were still crescent-shaped, and they wouldn't be able to break back.

"What three million? Your Grandpa Dong is so worthless for me?"

He muttered, "Five hundred... just five hundred! I can barely make it, I won't make it difficult for you."

"Oh!!" sighed regretfully, "I'm dignified principal of North Guangda, and I dig out five million when I turn my mouth back?"

"This is going to be spread, how can my old Dong mess with it?"

"It's a shame!"

Qi Lei, "..."

"Grandpa Dong...can you open your eyes when you always talk? It's easy to give me the illusion of being fooled."

Qi Lei also suffered from not understanding the situation.

He wondered, the mother-in-law raised more than 8 million donations...

The president of this university can't go to heaven? I really thought he had signed thirty million!

Huh! Unexpectedly, three million can be passed.

Dong Beiguo gave Qi Lei a white look, and now he feels that the more he looks, the more pleasing to the eye...

His big G is also more and more pleasing to the eye...

Anyway, everything is pleasing to the eye!

"What are you talking about? Is your grandfather Dong that kind of person? Five million...that is, our relationship is in place. Do you understand the price of friendship?"

"Last year, your grandfather Dong had a meal with the big boss, and two bottles of beef were eaten. That was how much you wanted."

Shaking his hand towards the room, "Go!"

I walked out in all directions.

As a result, after Dong Beiguo left, Liao Fanyi said something, and almost didn't let Qi Lei carry a The Dong School could sign 300,000..."

"Gah?" Qi Lei is even more depressed? "Three hundred thousand? He is embarrassed too? The structure is too small, right?"

But Grandpa Chen smiled, "Last year, the board of directors raised a research funding of 15,000, and I think his pattern should be less than 3 million."

Qi Lei, "..."

Surprised for a long while, suddenly calm,

"Tsk tusk... the old man is also pitiful. Two bottles of Niu Er are worth a little over 100,000?"

"never mind...."

"It's time to drive him back to the old man."

Cang Dang!

Dong Beiguo, who broke the key to the 28th bicycle, just walked to the door and almost fell into the corridor, "Little bunny, who do you look down on?"

Was that two bottles of Niu Er drinking it?

That is where the feelings are in place, and they took the initiative to give it!

But then I think about five million...

How many bottles of Niu have to drink?

Worth it!



【Monthly Pass Coin Slot】

[Recommended ticket coin slot]

Let's go for a monthly pass. Although it hasn't reached the climax yet, you still have to beg for it cheeky.

In addition, everyone really don't give rewards, except for the leader...

If you really can’t help it, give a small reward to the character...

I have never done anything about the role, so much so that people say that we do it because the book circle is not active.

Because the character's star value is low... the data is not good.

I'm just wondering, is this a crime too?

In addition, thanks to the leaders of [Lonely Lonely Widow] and [Lazy Fatty Cancer Late] for their rewards! !

The boss is big, the boss gets rich, the boss has a long life. 68 leaders, happy!

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