Rebirth: It’s Like Flowing Water

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Full show operation (1)

   At night, Qi Lei didn't dare to go back to the bedroom. There were reporters over there. The key was to hide from the silly gentlemen in the bedroom.

   If Qi Lei goes back, they dare to bow to Qi Lei himself.

   Master Peng also called Qi Lei, "Don't come back, Dong Li can't stop collecting money, and he will definitely be seen as a zoo when he comes back."

   also brought a sentence at the end, "Grandson, there are really tens of billions?"

   Qi Lei was speechless, "Don't listen to them nonsense, money can't be spent, it's all in the company!"

  Master Peng breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, it's just fried up? I understand."

   Qi Lei pondered, "Or you can come out too! There is no stopping tonight, go to the small barbecue at No.17 East Street, come to my house?"

   Master Peng didn't even hit him, "Okay! Brothers will be here soon!"

   Actually, he also wanted to see Qi Lei quickly and ask to understand, this thing is really magical.

   Hanging up the phone, Qi Lei looked at Zhang Yang, Coco Li, and Zhou Xiao persuading them, "Don't go back to the bedroom."

   Zhang Yang's three heads are okay, they are safe for the time being.

   However, Coco Li and Zhou Xiaohan, as the protagonists at the center of the event, may not be able to stop.

   In case you get blocked by a reporter, ask a dirty question, neither of them knows how to answer.

   Therefore, a large group of people, like a thief, came out of Beiguang from the remote South Gate. They circled the second foreign language side for a long time before avoiding the reporter and returning to the North Campus of the Electric Power Construction.

   Fortunately, there is no exposure here, and there is a rare peace.

   opened the door and entered the house. Coco Lee and Kou Zhongqi patted directly on the sofa. Sister Kou yelled to break off friendship with Qi Lei.

   Being a friend of billionaires is really tiring!

   It's just that when Peng Ye brought 418's brother to arrive, everyone started to eat and drink again, and no one complained.

   The topic of gatherings naturally revolves around Qi Lei.

   Qi Lei is not stingy. In fact, some things can be quite painful to cover up. You don’t need to install them now. Let’s start with the sock stand.

   talk about the little friends hanging out in the night market together, the days are awesome together.

   This is not the same as the confession to parents. That time, it needs a sense of ritual, and it must be solemn and solemn.

   But here, Qi Lei is chewing on the chicken neck, his mouth is full of oil, and he is bragging.

   talk about the magical old man of Uncle Geng, talk about the old mother-in-law Sherlock Holmes generally discovering their secrets, talk about my father, who heard him have so much money, his lips turned purple while holding the corner of the table.

   talked about fighting against Actoz and winning the agency of "Legend".

   talked about at No.17 East Street, bragging to build a Chinese game ecology.

   After listening to everyone, it is not admiration and envy, but regret and indignation.

   "嚓! What a nice one to take me!"

   What they heard was not how much money Qi Lei had made from these experiences, but the stinky sparks and lightning.

   Maybe this is the difference between a teenager and an adult!

   They pay more attention to experience, while adults pay more attention to results.

   Coco Lee looked arrogant, "I was there when I was selling socks! Unfortunately, I was in the third year of high school and couldn't go crazy with them."

In the tone of   , there is no regret.

   And Zhou Xiaohan was suddenly a little ashamed and filthy.

   Starting from last year’s concert, Zhou Xiaohan actually meant a bit of competition. She is the best in Beiguang. She is now and will be in the future.

   However, Qi Lei suddenly appeared like a reckless man, completely subverting Zhou Xiaohan's cognition.

   At last year's concert, Zhou Xiaohan still felt that she was only slightly worse than Qi Lei.

   I enrolled this year, from a little bit at the beginning, to a bit more later, and then to Qi Lei suddenly becoming a purchasing manager and mentor.

   Now, shit! The tail lights are out of sight.

  418's brother...

  Billions of things, this and that, these are not important, it's really unconceptual.

   Dong Li nibble on chicken wings, "Don't say anything. (One sentence in three dialects, just ask who else?

   "One person slays the dragon, or else you can't get through this thing!"

   Qi Lei waved his hand, "This is nothing wrong!"

   Peng Ye and the others immediately burst into joy.

   "This time it's so special, let me see how 409 pretends to be thirteen with us! Hack them to death!"

   After the noise, everyone started to worry about Qi Lei again.

   "I think there is a lot of scolding on the Internet, how do you make it? Do you have to hold a press conference or something?"

   The rich seem to do that.

   Regarding this, Qi Lei said vaguely, "Leave it alone."

   That night, as last time, the girls all lived in Dong Li's house and the boys in Qi Lei's house.

   The next morning, Peng Ye asked Qi Lei, "Can you still go to class? How about hiding for two days?"

   Qi Lei smiled, "What should I do, why should I hide?"

   And, in the morning, Qi Lei didn't go around the remote South Gate, and entered the school directly from the North Gate.

  The reporters who came to catch the news were all stopped by security guards. Although the number was not as many as last night, Qi Lei and everyone were still surrounded when they first walked outside the north gate.

   The scene is also quite scary.

  The question asked is nothing more than two points: how to evaluate the beating incident on the 21st, and whether the identity of the founder of Three Stone Company is true.

   And Qi Lei's answer...

   How do you say, it's a bit unlike a media player.

   "The thing about beating people, don't make an evaluation, it has already happened, but also make a fart."

   "Identity is true."

   only answered these two questions, Qi Lei said nothing.

   ask again, "I'm going to be late for class, can I let it go?"

   Qi Lei’s attitude also had a big problem, and finally got annoyed. "It’s almost done. If it’s a big deal, it’s not over?"

   Dong Beiguo and Liao Fanyi who rushed over after hearing the news did not stare at them.

  You...that's what PR! ?

  Don't say you are a news reporter, you are just an ordinary person. At this time, you also know to keep a low profile.

   When Qi Lei broke through the reporters and entered the school, Dong Beiguo took him to the office the first time.

   I looked up and down a few times.

   Fierce and evil!

   "Do you have a brain hole? How do you talk to the reporter!?"

   Qi Lei doesn't matter, "It's okay, I have a sense of measure."

   Dong Beiguo, "You have a fart!" Pointing to the school gate, "You just dared to say ‘1’, they dared to add oil and vinegar to describe it as ‘10’!!!"

   "Don't you understand this?"

   Liao Fanyi also said: "You can't stimulate the media now, otherwise they will chase the report and pick out the bad ones."

   "To give you a stereotype, not only will it affect you personally, but it will also harm your company's reputation!"

   Qi Lei still bared his teeth, "Can you believe me once? Let me handle it myself."

   Dong Beiguo frowned, "Such a big pot, do you handle it yourself?"

   sat there, "Okay! Then tell me, how do you deal with it?"

   Qi Lei thought for a while, knowing that Grandpa Dong would not be able to pass this level if he didn't get some dry goods.

   "The first step, framework theory!"

   "Frame..." Dong Beiguo was stuck, his eyes rolled, "Frame theory?"

   looked at Liao Fanyi.

   I saw Liao Fanyi also pondering, but after all he was professional, he immediately reacted, "Do you mean to limit the focus of the public?"

   Qi Lei, "Yes!"

   "I explain or don't explain it now, its practicality is not great, the stereotype has been formed, and it is not formed in my place. The rich bully the poor, this is a social problem."

   "Liu Jixiang's group knows this, they know this topic is sensitive before they start. To put it bluntly, it's not easy to wash."

   "Don't say it was because they were wrong and I hit someone, even if I didn't hit someone or crashed the car, some people would not believe it!"

   "In this case, going to PR is to jump into their trap."

   "If you don't believe me, look at it, there must be a back move, and I may be charged with something."

   "So, what I want to do now is not to explain, nor to be honest, but to reset a framework for the public."

   Liao Fanyi, "Understood! Ideas... if you have new ideas, you can try it!"

   When Dong Beiguo heard that, Liao Fanyi, a professional, agreed? Then...

   is really serious, solemn and solemn: "It turns out that's the way it is:"

   gave Qi Lei a weird look, "Say early!!"

   smashed his mouth, "Hmm..."

   "Framework theory!! I really wanted to come last night, it's just an idea."

   "Then try?"

   Qi Lei nodded, "Don't worry!"

   "But..." Dong Beiguo's conversation turned, "You can relax a little bit! This is the school, don't make me smoky!"

   Qi Lei hurriedly smiled, "Don't worry, the thief will not go empty! This time not only the PR, but also some benefits for you!"

   Dong Beiguo was happy, but he said: "Be humble! Don't cause trouble to me and burn it up."

   "Ahem!" After clearing his throat, the matter was over.

   "Then what..." The old face was a bit distorted, "Billions really?"

  As soon as this remark came out, Liao Fanyi became energetic and listened with his ears upright.

   I saw Qi Lei nodding his head, "Really."

   Even though Dong Beiguo has tried to accept the whole night, seeing Qi Lei nodding his head, he still feels dazed.

  心 said, what kind of breed is this? Billions!

   Finally, he sighed and stretched out his hand, "Get it!"

   Just when Liao Fanyi didn't quite understand what the headmaster meant and what to take.

   Without a word, Qi Lei took out the rough textbook from his schoolbag and offered the cheque held in it with both hands.

   Liao Fanyi's eyes twitched.

   special! Turtle! Five million is in the gross?

   Dong Beiguo glanced at his mouth and picked up the check, his mental arithmetic fell to the ground completely.

   still come back, right? I just said you can get the money!

   looked down, his old eyes stared, and suddenly shouted:



   "Good job!"

   slapped the table, "I am optimistic about you! Frame theory, just deal with it yourself!"

   "Something happened, the school will give it to you!"

   Liao Fanyi looked silly, and said to his heart, this change is too fast? Didn’t you just make Qi Lei humble and relax?

   glance down, okay, that’s a check for ten million!

   He just said, what's the matter? It turned out to be doubled!

   Waiting for Qi Lei to go to class.

   Dong Beiguo was still holding the check there, hehe silly, "Little Liao, just bring this kid back!"

  He refers to the thing of a escort.

   Liao Fanyi: "……"

   Dong Beiguo, "That's right!" I remembered something, "What is called [Framework Theory]?"

   "I puff!"

   Liao Fanyi sprayed, staring at his eyes, "You don't know if it's together?"

   Dong Beiguo's face was stern, "What do I know? I'm a communications engineer, how can I know this?"

   "Talk about it, talk about it!"

   Liao Fanyi is also convinced, and the principal is becoming more and more unreliable.

   Standard term explanation, just open your mouth, "[Framework Theory] is an important evidence for people to transform social reality into subjective thinking, that is, people’s subjective interpretation and thinking structure of events."

   Dong Beiguo pulled his old face, "Be more popular!"

   He didn't understand.

   Liao Fanyi pondered for a moment, "Let’s put it this way, in ancient times, a man could have several women with multiple concubines. Do you think this is normal?"

   Dong Beiguo didn't even think about it, "How normal!"

   Liao Fanyi asked again: "Nowadays, a man, the red flag at home is not down, but the colorful flags are fluttering outside. Is it normal?"

   Dong Beiguo's eyes widened, "Of course it's not normal! It's a new society! It's a bad idea!"

   Liao Fanyi spread his hands, "This is [Frame]."

   Dong Beiguo, "..." I still don't know much.

to be honest.

   People’s subjective judgments, if you put aside their wrong judgments, are actually not permanent.

   The conclusion of subjective thinking cannot be determined by oneself, although we think it is our independent thinking and independent personality.

   But, for most people, it really isn't.

   What you think and the result you come up with depends on external factors.

  This includes the influence of law, morality, one's own social experience, as well as the objective environment and the behavior of social groups.

   In ancient times, polygamy and multiple concubines were normal, because the thought of the ancient two words automatically applied ancient marriage customs and values. Therefore, it is normal for a man to marry several women.

   But nowadays, the values ​​and moral standards of today are applied. That's the mistress, the third child, and it's vulgarity.

   However, some people, because of their own experience, for example, there are many things around him to raise a third child, so within his thinking framework, this kind of thing is normal nowadays.

   If you are in Uruguay, polygamy is normal. If you don’t marry, you won’t be able to do so. This is caused by the different collective perceptions of social groups.

   This is the framework. When a man has several women’s information into our brain, before thinking, we will automatically fit into the framework of our own experience, legal ethics, and objective environment.

   Draw conclusions within the framework.

   If you are in ancient times, then this is correct, even a symbol of success.

  If you are in the contemporary era, you are a scumbag!

   Such as novels.

   You use traditional literary thinking within the framework of online novels to break out of the reader's framework, that is, inertial thinking, that is, "literary youth", and the author is sick.

   Is the author really sick?

   According to this line of thinking, all those who write traditional literature and all the literary awards are sick.

   It's not that the author is sick, but that your thinking frame does not agree with it.

   For example, for a protagonist, why some authors write vividly and some are boring, but it has nothing to do with writing.

   is that the author's framework for the protagonist's character, appearance, and behavioral inertia is obviously not obvious, and after being brought into the plot, it does not conform to the set framework.

  A good author will set a role frame for the reader, so that the reader will automatically fit into the frame in the plot, and generate associations outside of the text.

  If Qi Lei starts to be selfish, if Wu Xiaojian becomes crazy, and Tang Xiaoyi becomes an old coin, he will be destroyed.

  This theory is also applicable to all. It is a practical theory. Sometimes it is necessary to set the framework, and sometimes it is necessary to jump out of the framework.

   You read a lot of history books, so if you look at things and look at people, you will not consciously turn your thinking towards historical thinking.

  You are exposed to more Western cultures, and your judgment is closer to that of the West.

   Old man, that silly old man pays 10,000, or even 17,000, if it becomes a frame, then it is a sin for him to increase it by 8,000 a day.

   This is [Setting Frame].

When chasing a girl, don’t nail yourself within the framework of a suitor. If a girl recognizes that you are a suitor, she naturally thinks that you should do what the suitor should do. If you don’t do it, then you The success rate is low.

   Therefore, clever hunters often appear in the form of prey, the root of which lies in [out of the frame].

   However, there is a very interesting phenomenon.

   That is, a person who understands the framework theory is not easy to jump into the framework.

   If you know that you may jump into the framework set by others, it is easier to avoid the influence of [framework].

   This is the source of rational thinking, empathy.

  Let's take the case of Qi Lei now!

   In Liao Fanyi's view, the incident of Qi Lei's beating and the exposure of his identity have naturally brought the concept of the rich into the public.

   thus unconsciously began to carry on group cognitions and personal judgments of "being rich and unkind, using money to oppress others, and being dumb", thus forming the "stereotype" of Qi Lei.

   What Qi Lei is doing now is not explaining. The efficiency of explanation is very low. He wants to open up another [framework].

   For example, in addition to being a company boss and a rich man, he is also a college student, so that the public accepts the concept that he is a college student.

   What is a college student like?

   young, energetic, and impulsive!

   A fight, is it still a problem?

   If the public realizes that Qi Lei is a student, then...

   A young man, a college student, will start to jump out of the frame of being unkind and redefine the stereotype.


   Dong Beiguo raised his eyebrows, "That's what it is! That's almost the same as I thought last night."

   Liao Fanyi is about to throw up, Principal, just pretend! Think of a fart! What do you know! ?

   I saw Dong Beiguo not blushing at all, "I understand this theory. If it's bluntly..."

   There is a half-drinking bottle of mineral water on the table.

   Principal Dong pointed, "In the eyes of people who are dying of thirst, this is life-saving water. But in the eyes of waste collection, this is an empty bottle that can sell money."

   "Different people have different perspectives and standpoints!"

   Liao Fanyi, "..."

   was speechless.

   had no choice but to bite the bullet, "The principal is good at it."

   "Little meaning!" Dong Beiguo waved his hand lightly.

   frowned, thinking about something, and then said for a long time, "Will it work?"

   Liao Fanyi stopped complaining, and said cautiously, "It's an idea,'s not easy to say."

"how to say?"

   Liao Fanyi, "It's still a stereotype. The public's stereotype has been formed. It's not so easy to reverse."


   "What to add?"

   "The process of his shaping the image of students is not difficult, mainly because there should be no interference."

   Looking at Dong Beiguo, Liao Fan said righteously, I don’t talk about professional terms.

   "Let's put it this way, if he has been a student for this period of time, plus some biased reports, he can establish a framework."

   "However, if those people break out any other negative news during this process, which solidifies the impression of the rich and diverts the public's minds, then all the efforts will be lost."

   Dong Beiguo became solemn, "He... will not have any more negatives, right?"

   Liao Fanyi thinks, too, only eighteen, what else can be negative? At best, it's just the past that the child made a fool of. It's not a big problem.

   However, they were wrong.

  Imagine's press conference is just an introduction.

   The next day, only the Internet and print media began to report on the school gate interview. Qi Lei appeared as a student, and even spoke a little bit cruelly!

   However, before these reports started to guide the public in the direction of "college students", another big thunder broke out.

   The boss of a well-known domestic food and agriculture company accepted an interview with the Beijing News, telling him an unpleasant experience in Shangbei more than a year ago.

   To put it simply, the boss surnamed Dong is determined to support the reconstruction and construction of the Northeast, investing 1 billion in Shangbei and donating 200 million to the Shangbei government for local construction.

   As a result, it was strongly obstructed by local companies and individuals.

   That experience not only disappointed Mr. Dong himself, but also made major international companies such as Desheng and Monsanto completely disappointed in Northeast Investment, and even suffered huge losses.

   Dong Zong said in an exclusive interview: "We are determined to be the brand of Dashang Bei Rice and promote it to the world."

"But, how do you say? Qianglong don't suppress the snake! Just the opinion of a small grain and rice processing factory made Shangbei officials resolutely reject the more than one billion yuan of funds regardless of such a large investment. ."

   "For this reason, we finally invited Monsanto in the past, and we also suffered a huge loss. The scientific research team in the Greater China region was lost in confusion."

   "Oh...not to mention it, I can't bear to look back!"

   Dong Zong’s interview, the section about Shang Bei is only a small part.

   is normal, but the top talk shows a little bit about Shangbei officialdom.

   However, those who have good things quickly dig out a lot of hard materials.

   For example, the local processing plant that blocked more than one billion investment was the business of Qi Lei's father, the owner of the Three Stone Company.

   For example, Qi Lei himself was the key person who disappointed Mr. Dong and caused Monsanto and Desheng to suffer losses.

   In the blink of an eye, this ordinary interview is no longer ordinary. The key figure Qi Lei has once again become the cusp of the storm.

  What student? This is a sinister villain! Beware of the dark, no family is a good thing!

   Then, Qi Lei's mother's identity was also revealed, the vice president of the grain company.

   News that the Qi family and Shangbei secretary Xu Wenliang had a close exchange also spread.

  Mother is a senior in the grain company, and his father is in the grain business. Coupled with the close relationship with the top leader of the monk North, you can think of what happened to Dong Zhanlin.

   This string of information is linked together, what do you think the public will think? How to evaluate?


   A certain media went deep into Shangbei, followed up the report, interviewed many teachers and students of the second middle school, and even found Qi Lei’s former head teacher, Liu Yanbo.

   Liu Yanbo told the reporter, tears down, and told her miserable experience.

   was targeted by the principal and bullied by the students.

   It was Qi Lei who led the students to go on strike and made troubles and encouraged their parents to petition, which caused her to lose her job and leave her passionate teaching position.

   In front of the camera, the students interviewed were even more innocent.

   "Lei Qi... Well, Brother Shishi, the number one **** in the second middle school!"

   The screen cut, "He is amazing, and the fourteenth class he brought is well-known throughout the school."

   Cut again, "During the first year of high school, the leader of the fourteenth class was fighting."

   cut again, "Sing rock and roll at the radio station! Lock the door and sing, no one can get in!"

   cut again, "Sports meet, I cried for the whole school year...Really! Haven't you seen it? All 13 classes cried."

   Cut again, "He was taken away in his sophomore year."


   "The whole school sang him a farewell song..."


   "You can't sing without singing..."


   "The principal and teacher are kind to him."

   Successive reports, let the public see a...really bad Qi Lei.

  Many people can't understand at all. How do such people have billions of net worth?

   Discussed in the workshop, I can't believe it.

   "You said, such a mischievous kid, the grown-ups in his family are crazy? Why did you push him to the stage?"


   "I'm not sure! Rich people are playing foolishly, it's not what we common people think of."


   "How can you be a boss?"

   The public felt that this was a joke.

  So that, this wave of operation feels a bit too hard.

   Everyone ignores that he is the owner of Sanshi, he is wrong with his beating, and there is a problem with his character...

   but, as a joke!

   It's a joke, but it doesn't take it so seriously.

   Until, Wang Chen of Imagine Group jumped out again for an interview.

   "As for Qi Lei, he still has personal abilities. He can establish a three-stone company with one hand. He does have his own uniqueness. The style of doing things is too extreme and difficult to get along with."

   "We imagined that originally we were only in the attitude of doing business with Sanshi, and did not interfere with the personal lives of our partners."

   "It's all his own business, outsiders have no right to interfere."

   "But, he really went too far this time and beat our sales manager."

   "There is no other way but to terminate the cooperation with Three Stone Company."

   "Here, I also want to tell Mr. Qi Lei, do things, be a human first!"

   "If you can't be a good person, no matter how great the achievements of Three Stones Company are, it will be short-lived and will not go long."

   This interview with Wang Chen is pertinent and objective.

  He plays two roles:

   First, people who took this as a joke and didn't believe it brought it back.

   affirmed Qi Lei's personal ability, and hit the pain points of the people. Be a man beforehand! This is so special for Three Stones Company... !

   Then, public opinion returned to the original criticism.

   Gradually, someone started to follow Wang Chen and Imagine's footsteps, advocating boycott of Three Stone Company.

   This can be serious. The most direct consequence is that under the R tree is once again occupied by unrelated netizens, and all kinds of swearing sounds one after another.

   The online number of "Legend" declined slightly, and some players were brought to the rhythm and resisted the three-stone game.

On the official website of   , the information about the release of Pangu 2.0 was also impacted. Countless people left a message below, "Be a human being in advance!"

   Even Qi Lei's parents and Xu Wenliang's couple have been greatly affected.

   Taking the opportunity of Xu Wenliang to report on his work, the province brought up the old things again, dug up Dong Zhanlin's investment, and investigated in detail.

   Zhang Nan is also under considerable pressure. The above even suggested that she give up her position as the principal of the second middle school and transfer back to Harbin.

   It is said that the above is also discussing the feasibility of transferring Xu Wenliang from Shangbei.

   Guo Lihua was even worse. The head office sent a job and didn't say what the purpose was, but there was a vague meaning of investigating the appointment of the organization.

   A grain procurement contract between Qi Guojun and the grain company was also urgently suspended.

   Various signs indicate that there is a strong tendency for the rain to come.

   This is a set of combo boxing, step by step, all kinds of information overlap one another

   As for Sanshi Company, it is more serious.

  Qi Guodong and Uncle Geng could barely support them, and called Qi Lei eight times a day, "Or...speak to Lao Qin? Don't hold on!"

   Old Nan was also anxious, and complained in the future group, "Little stone! Can you do it?"

   "Give you two more days, if I can't figure it out, I will return to the capital!"

   Lao Nan’s ideas are simple and rude, he is also an academician of the Academy of Engineering, and he still has contacts.

   can't just stand up like that, the big deal is that Nan Lao is looking for relationships, looking for channels, and seeking to break through.

   "The system will be live in four days. You can't play with me at this time!"

   As a result, Qi Lei replied, "It's safe! I have a good idea."

   Old Nan: "..." You are going to die in a hurry, do you still know it?

   On Qi Lei's side, the phone has never been disconnected.

   First of all, Lao Qin, "Really don't need us?"

   Qi Lei, "No need."

   Old Qin, "Well then! The thing you said before has already been arranged."

   "But..." hesitated, "This show has always been recorded, so there is no need to broadcast it live, right?"

   Qi Lei, "No!! Just broadcast it live, otherwise the effect will not come out."

  Old Qin frowned, the effect? What effect? I always feel that this kid is not at ease.

"you sure?"

   Qi Lei, "OK!"

   "Okay!" Old Qin was heartbroken, leaving you willful for a while.

   Then Wang Zhendong, Ding Lei and the others.

   "We have all prepared the manuscript, just say it, we will send it out!"

   "We have so many channels, can we still be bullied?"

   Qi Lei, "No need."

   Then, Xiao Ma, "The wind direction is a bit wrong! Can't you carry it?"

   Qi Lei, "Can resist."

   In the end, Dong Beiguo, Qi Lei did not go to school at all because of the violent disturbances in the past two days.

   At this time, Old Dong roared to the phone: "You can handle it yourself, you can handle it!"

   "Listen to me this time! Come to the studio tomorrow morning and record the CCTV "Dialogue" column. At the same time, I have found several major national newspapers and local channels!"

   "Let’s cover financial programs first, then news and newspapers!"

   Dong Beiguo is finally about to make a And, one move is a big move!

   The old man is right, Beijing and Guangzhou are full of contacts, and all of them are engaged in news, but they can’t help them?

   As a result, Qi Lei said, "I went to CCTV at noon and broadcast live, don’t you need that?"


   Dong Beiguo was taken aback, "You, you, have you found it yourself?"

   Qi Lei, "Yes!"

   Dong Beiguo breathed a sigh of relief, you can be considered as doing something right!

   thought for a while, "That's okay! You will be on this tonight, and you will record "Dialogue" tomorrow. Both shows are on, and the effect is better!"

   Qi Lei thought, yes, this is not too much.

"okay then!"

   Dong Beiguo listened to him and agreed, "It's okay, you can go and record the show!"

   "Oh, by the way, what column?"

   Qi Lei, ""Today's Statement"."

   I poof! !

   Dong Beiguo took a mouthful of old blood and was stunned for a long time.



  【Monthly pass coin slot】

  【Recommended ticket coin slot】

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